Deku slave

Not wanting to raise a quirkless kid, Inko sold Izuku to a sex slave trafficker. This is the story of each of his owners over the years

Chapter 1: Masaru

Chapter Text

Masaru loved his wife. Not in the normal way men love their wives. He didn't care for her body, though, objectively he knew she was very attractive. He didn't feel his heart racing or palms sweating when she wore more revealing clothes. There was no longing to kiss and cuddle her and he never wanted to wax poetic about her personality.

No, he loved his wife because she was the only person in the world who could have given him the perfect life he had. She'd decided what she wanted her life to be like and went out and found a man that fit her ideal. His…tastes were just a minor bump on the road to her happiness where for other women they would have been a wall they had no intention of climbing.

Mitsuki had figured out early on in their relationship there was something off about him and the woman was smart enough to investigate her suspicions herself instead of asking him about it. When she figured out exactly what was wrong with the man she'd chosen, she'd decided she could use it to her benefit.

So she had sat him down and presented the proof she'd gathered about him, proof that would get him locked up if she'd shown it to a cop instead of him. Mitsuki informed him that she had originally picked him because he seemed mild mannered, easily manipulated, a pushover. She had every intention of steamrolling over him for as long as they were together because he had the ideal personality and career goals for her. Now, she knew the reason he was so quiet and calm was to avoid unwanted attention.

Then she explained that this was not something she would let stand in the way of her perfect life. She was going to dominate the fashion industry with her boyfriend, turned husband after an appropriate amount of time, by her side. They would be the it couple of the industry, people would look at them with envy one minute and try to win their favor the next. Then, after she'd proven she could model as well as run a label, they would have one or two kids. They would have the life everyone dreamed of. A perfect marriage, successful careers, money, and a happy family.

In exchange for doing what she wanted, giving her all the power in the relationship, she would give him what he needed to be happy. She promised to ensure his desires were met and would stay secret so long as he followed any and all rules she gave him. He'd seen enough of her skill at managing people and image to know she was capable of making good on her promise so he accepted.

They moved in together before they graduated college and were married a year later. They lived in a very nice apartment until they had their dream home built and Mitsuki had never once seemed uncomfortable with their arrangement. She provided him with what he needed to be happy and he did the same with her. It really was the perfect marriage.

Katsuki had been born and Mitsuki decided one child was enough. She and Masaru both saw the perfect little boy they had made and loved him. She wasn't stupid, she saw how twisted the love for their child from her husband was as the boy grew, but they'd already covered this. Masaru had sworn to never touch their son long before he'd even been conceived and he would keep that promise, she would see to that.

Which is why Masaru often found himself slipping through the hidden door in his locked office to the soundproof basement apartment no one but the couple and a well paid contractor knew existed. He came down here at least once a day, after Katsuki went to bed, and sometimes more if the boy had an outing or was with his mother for the day. Sometimes he'd spend the night, waking up before Katsuki and slipping upstairs to pretend he'd slept in his bed with his wife. Other times he'd play with his toy for a few hours before leaving it alone again until his son was distracted enough for him to have more play time.

Part of the agreement between him and his wife was that each boy she provided would only be outside of the basement while in their house twice in total. Once upon entry and once upon exit. The remainder of their time as Masaru's property was spent locked away in the basement. Thankfully, she had conceded that he could play with them outside of the basement once, the very first time he played with them.

So each time he got a new boy, Mitsuki would pick them up from her seller and leave them on their bed, tied and drugged, and go on an overnight trip that she now would be taking Katsuki on as well. Masaru would come into the room after his new toy was delivered and he would break them in on the bed he shared with his wife before taking them down to the basement.

Of course, Katsuki had been at the age Masaru preferred when he'd gotten his current toy. The perfect age, and he found himself having to look away from his son constantly so he could tamp down the urge to touch. So when he'd gotten the newest boy who was the same age as his son, he'd changed the routine. He'd taken cute little Izuku from his bed where Mitsuki had left him to his son's room and he'd fucked the crying four year old on Katsuki's bed.

Just thinking about the adorable whimpering and drug addled protests Izuku had filled his son's room with got Masaru hard as a rock to this day. The drugs kept his toy quiet enough the neighbors wouldn't hear but didn't dull any sensation or memory. So they always felt every bit of pain or pleasure he'd give them and remembered every second of it afterward.

Izuku had laid there on Katsuki's bed, hands tied together at the wrist and held above his head with one of Masaru's hands, green curls wild as they spread across the All Might themed sheets while Masaru fingered open his ass for the first time. The boy had cried and slurred out questions about what was happening while he sucked at Izuku's neck.

Masaru was the first person to own him after his mother had sold him off to the supplier Mitsuki purchases his toys from. The boy's mother hadn't wanted him after his quirkless diagnosis so Masaru was lucky enough to be the one to break in his cute little ass. He was the first person to hear those cries and feel his warm, wet walls wrapped around him.

He'd fingered the boy until he was loose enough to take him without breaking but still so tight it would hurt. Masaru would never do permanent bodily damage but he loved seeing the pained look on his toys faces as he broke them in. He wasn't disappointed when Izuku screamed weakly as he pushed his cock inside his virgin ass and immediately began pounding him.

Izuku had cried and begged and whined, whimpered about how badly it hurt without realizing that every noise spurred the man on more. He'd cry out that it was too big and Masaru would fuck him harder, a scream about it breaking him would have the man moving his hips faster and taking one of those cute little nipples into his mouth.

Some pills he was rather fond of had allowed him to take Izuku over and over until well after the boy's stomach had swollen with the amount of come Masaru had filled him with and Izuku had given up on begging, turning his head away to sob quietly while the grown up used his little body as a cocksleeve.

Katsuki's bed was soaked in sweat and come as well as the piss from when Izuku had been so fucked out he'd lost control of his bladder. It was so hot seeing the little boy laying in such a disgusting mess as he cried and writhed while he was used. Masaru couldn't help covering the boy's mouth with his own, slipping his tongue inside to play with Izuku's while he worked his hips, listening to the wet squelching noises the previously pure boy's ass was making.

By the time he'd finished, Izuku had passed out. He carried the boy's limp body to his new home in the basement where he'd left him on the bed they would spend countless hours in over the next few years before going back upstairs to clean up any evidence of his perversions. Katsuki and Mitsuki had returned from their trip the next day to find a happy, relaxed Masaru greeting them with a smile and ready to listen to Katsuki prattle on about the fun things his mom had let him do on their trip.

Meanwhile Izuku was downstairs, under the automatic lights that would ensure he didn't get a vitamin deficiency from not being in the sun, his ass so sore he couldn't stand or move from where Masaru had left him on the floor after using him that morning. While his first owner was upstairs playing at being the perfect family man, Izuku was laying on the cold floor feeling come drip out of his gaping ass while he examined all the intimidating things that made up his new home.

The apartment had a child sized kitchen Masaru kept stocked so that his toys had three meals a day ready to eat. The food was all nutritious and over the first few weeks of their time with him, his toys were taught that not eating a meal would result in a punishment. There was a bathroom with an extra large tub and separate shower. A living room with a TV set up so they could watch whatever children's programs they wished while he was elsewhere and toys to occupy them as well. And a bedroom with a large bed, a closet stocked with all kinds of sinful clothes, and his favorite BDSM equipment.

Over the next few years Izuku was used in every way Masaru could come up with. He strapped the boy into a breeding bench with a sex machine pounding away at his tight little ass first thing in the morning and left him there all day while Masaru spent time with his family or working. He could come back downstairs after putting his son to bed to find Izuku basically brain dead from the number of orgasms the machine had forced out of him. Piss would cover the floor below him because he was a child and couldn't be expected to hold it all day while he was being fucked. Turning off the machine and fucking that worn out hole at the end of the day while Izuku begged for some rest was basically heaven.

He'd fuck the boy in the bath, holding the boy's head underwater while Izuku thrashed so that he could fuck the kid's face while he struggled with holding his breath. Then when Izuku was weak from being constantly on the verge of passing out before getting air, Masaru would lean him against the edge of the tub and fuck him while he drooled onto the porcelain.

Tying Izuku to the bed and flogging every inch of his tiny body while the child screamed and begged him to stop was a great way to get him rock hard. It always ended with the boy bright red, covered in bruises while Masaru folded him into extremely uncomfortable positions so he could fuck that tight little hole.

Sometimes he'd eat meals with the boy, Izuku warming his cock in his small mouth as Masaru had dinner or breakfast. Izuku's meal would be his come once he finished eating and fucked his face so roughly the kid wouldn't be able to speak for days after.

He liked to leave plugs in the boy, large enough that they hurt going in. They all synced to his phone and he could control them from anywhere in the city. So throughout the day, he'd turn on the vibrations or the small shocks and leave them on for anywhere from an hour to four hours at at time. Izuku took the plug out only once before he found out about the cameras and was punished. Now he just suffered through the painful pleasure Masaru could force on him when he wasn't even there.

Izuku really hated the shower. Masaru loved having the kid on all fours and shoving the handheld showerhead in his ass as the boy sobbed. He'd watch his small little stomach expand as water filled him, jerking his cock to the show that never grew old. Sometimes he'd leave it in until the water had nowhere else to go and Izuku would have water gushing out of his mouth and nose as he beat his little fists on the floor and cried. That always made Masaru come across the child's back at least once.

It was all recorded and at least once a week Masaru took him to the apartment's living room and Izuku was forced to ride his cock while they watched Masaru's movies. Most of the time the movies they watched were of the two of them, but sometimes Masaru enjoyed having the boy watch movies of his previous toys.

He liked hearing the boy cry knowing he wasn't the only one who'd gone through everything Masaru did to him. Izuku was a bleeding heart, he was sad the other boys had been in pain. Now, several years in, Masaru had broken him in and he was used to being fucked so that was really the only way to get him crying that hard.

Of course, sometimes Izuku cried because Masaru made him enjoy it. The now nine year old would cry when Masaru took his tiny kid cock into his mouth and sucked until he got a mouth full of watery spunk. He'd sob when the man taped vibrators to his dick and left him tied up on the bed while he watched him come over and over until he passed out.

He cried the hardest when Masaru made him enjoy having his cock inside him though. When he stretched him out properly and played with his cock as he fucked him. Sucked on those small little nipples and had the kid coming while his rapist was inside him. It always made Izuku cry those sweet, beautiful tears.

Of course, all good things must come to an end and eventually Izuku turned ten. Masaru lost interest after they hit the double digits so that's when his wonderful wife would set up a drop off with her contact. She would send Masaru out for the morning with Katsuki so she could take a set of cheap kid's clothes down into the basement and drag him through the house after he was dressed.

Like with every boy before him, Izuku would be stuffed into the backseat of the car so Mitsuki could drive him back to where she'd bought him and trade him in like a used vehicle. Now that he wasn't a virgin, he wasn't worth top dollar anymore, but she always got a good discount on the boy she'd pick out to replace the last since the boys never had any permanent physical damage.

Izuku would watch through the bars of a cage as the blonde woman examined the younger boys and picked out his replacement. Her husband would never go a day without what he needed to be happy. Her perfect life depended on it.