Doggy deku

So what will it be?" Kacchan asked.

Deku craned his head up and up, so far that his collar dragged against his Adam's apple. Kacchan leered down at him, awaiting his answer, confident he already knew what it would be.

"Are we going back to the doctor?"

It was now or never. Deku had a choice to make: be Kacchan's beloved puppy, or be an outcast and a freak.

He opened his mouth and gave his answer.

"Yes," he croaked, words coming out a harsh bark, as if even by speaking it, he was surrendering that last bit of humanity.

Kacchan leered. His smile was as viscous as a wolf in a henhouse, and all Deku could do was gulp.

2 months later

Frankly, Katsuki considered ignoring the knock. He didn't live on the top floor of an expensive apartment for nothing– the doorman was supposed to keep the extras out of his business. However, there was something to the knock, a sort of sharpness, that made him think ignoring it was a bad idea. So with a grumble and gunshot steps, he went and cracked the door open.

He was greeted by the cheap glint of a police officer badge, two men standing there in blue and looking stern. Bakugou wasn't unfamiliar with police, since he had to work with them for his job. That didn't mean he was fond of them. His lip curled up into a sneer on reflex.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" he asked. Even though he kept his tone mild, the 'fuck you' was implicit.

The two police officers were not the least bit fazed by interacting with him. It didn't matter that he was a widely celebrated hero, that he made more money than both of them combined and his garbage probably sold for higher than their salaries.The officers just stared straight ahead, as unimpressed as automatons. Personally, Katsuki expected people to give him some deference. If his status made people nervous, made them jittery and hesitant to talk to him, that was all the better. He didn't want to talk to most people anyways. But it wasn't working with these dour dopes.

"We're looking for a missing person," one of them said. "A Midoriya Izuku. We've received reports that he was last seen with you."

The two officers studied his face, but if they hoped to see any reaction, they were disappointed. Katsuki's expression did not even waver from its default of mildly pissed off. There was neither shock nor nerves. He just sized them up for a couple of seconds before grumbling and stepping back from the door.

"This is beneath me and a waste of manpower, but I know you fucks won't back off until you've had your way. So come on in, help yourself to how the other half lives. Just try not to get your paws on anything."

The officers did as he suggested, tramping their way into his home. Everything here reeked of money, including the expensive potpourri clogging the air. Having graduated from his cringe middle school goth phase, he now opted to keep most of his furniture white. Queen Victoria was right. There was a certain thrill to being able to afford something that would be sullied by everyday use, a power-play in the pristine. Whereas the normal peon had to worry about staining snowy carpets or smearing fingerprints against glossy end tables, he had people to come by and clean for him.

It also meant that it was immediately obvious that there wasn't a whole lot of suspicious matter in his home. The two officers peered around the minimalist space, but there wasn't much to inspect. There were no nooks or crannies, no hidden away storage spaces or secret passages.

"Do you live alone?" one officer, a man with chestnut hair lighter than sandstone skin, asked him.

Katsuki shrugged, replying, "People come and go. I have friends, house guests. The occasional groupie, and I won't deny it. Permanent residents? Well, I guess it depends on whether or not you count the dog."

There was the furious scratch of one of the officers taking notes, nodding all the while as if he was very interested in what he was saying.

"Can we see this dog?"

Inclining his head, Bakugou motioned them towards the bedroom without actually leading the way himself. He remained leaned against the countertop, arms crossed and scowling. Every inch of him emanated his displeasure at being so interrupted, and he wasn't about to go out of his way to accommodate his intruders.So the two officers charged their way across thick Persian carpets to his bedroom. This space had wide, vacant stretches, a thick corridor separating an enormous bed from a wardrobe, a flat screen TV hanging from one wall. Tucked away in the corner, looking out of place for its lack of opulence, was a dog crate. It had a blanket draped over it, and this too was tatty in comparison to the rest of the decor.

At their approach, a muffled yelp came from within the crate. It was followed by a protracted whine and the clack of something hard against plastic flooring, the creature inside shifting around. One officer squatted in front of the crate, lifting the blanket up by one corner.

"Yeah, that's a dog all right," he confirmed, looking into the shadows. "A weird looking one, but you know rich people and their dog breeds."

He said this softly enough that his voice would not carry to the accused rich person still loitering in the dining room. The other officer stooped, peering over his comrade's shoulder into the cage. There, backed as far as it could go against the distant side of it, was a dog growling lightly under its breath. Both officers were used to getting the brunt suspicions of a protective dog, and neither was eager to provoke the beast, especially since that meant provoking its master. They dropped the blanket and left the bedroom.

A short while later, they concluded that their search was done.

"You're good to go. Sorry for the intrusion," one officer said, not looking apologetic at all. "You know how these things go. We have to investigate every source."

Katsuki shrugged, showing neither annoyance nor forgiveness.

After the intruders were safely gone, Katsuki went back to the bedroom and opened the kennel.

"Congratulations," he said, swinging the door wide, "you didn't get us fucking caught. Shouldn't have barked at them, though."

The dog trotted out of the cage, its ears tucked against its skull. It could hear the displeasure in Katsuki's voice, and responded by trying to pacify him.

Even as a dog, he still had the same distinctive green hair. It was thicker now, covering his entire body. That made all other features indistinct, nestled away under a carpeting of fur. That and the dim light could excuse the officers for not noticing other things. There was a bit of the human in him still, noticeable only to the astute observer. His paws were a bit misshapen, the fingers slightly too long. Perhaps the shape of his snout wasn't quite correct, his cheekbones too wide, betraying his origins. His haunches were heavyset, proclaiming the fact that they had once been differently shaped, allowing him to walk upright. At a glance, he could perhaps pass for a dog, but one that would unsettle the onlooker slightly. Everything was slightly off, not calibrated correctly. He was like a children's cartoon of a dog, the main features like ears and tail exaggerated, but some anatomical details slightly off.

The creature that was Deku whimpered and sniffed Bakugou's hand, wagging his tail as if to apologize. Even though he put on a tough front, it took Bakugou all of fifteen seconds before he caved, rolling his eyes and ruffling the dog's ears. It was hard to stay mad at a pup, especially one as earnestly brainless as Deku.

"Sorry," Deku barked. The words came out of his mouth barely intelligible, a coarse imitation of speech. "Got excited."

That was the most he could say at once. Gone was the over-explaining, the endless chatter that had driven so many people in his life to the brink. Now, if he wanted to talk, he could only do so in truncated phrases. More often than not, he satisfied himself with just earnest yipping and wags of his tail, content with what he could communicate with his body language. In Katsuki's opinion, it was a huge improvement.

"Yeah, yeah, that's always your excuse. 'Sorry I ate your shoes, I got excited.' 'Sorry I peed on the rug, I got excited.'"

This was said with no real venom. Even Katsuki's short temper couldn't fault the dog. It was hard to hold a grudge against Deku, with how eager he was to please and how excited he was for life.

While Katsuki went about his business, his puppy shadowed him everywhere. Deku sat at his feet while he watched television, paced in place while he took a shower, whined beneath him as he ate his breakfast.

"What exactly is it that you want?" Katsuki asked, knowing full well what the answer would be.

Wagging his tail so hard his entire body vibrated, Deku barked. This also happened when he got too excited. His brain short-circuited, and even if he had words to say, he couldn't form them. This left Katsuki to guess exactly what it was he wanted, judging whether his assessment was correct or not by the creature's frantic reaction.

"You want food? A bath?" This last suggestion was met with a whimper and that tail tucking between his legs. "Oh wait, I know what you want. You want to go to the park, don't you?"

At this, Deku bounced on his feet, his eyes alight. Whether or not that was what he had initially wanted, all other thoughts were now driven out of his brain. At the suggestion of the park, his entire being was now focused on that. With a sigh, Katsuki went to go get the leash.

"I really shouldn't give in to your manipulations," he groused, "but it's hard to say no to those puppy dog eyes."

Clipping the metal bit onto Deku's collar, he got him ready to go out. Being able to be seen in public had been an exciting transition for Deku. After so long holed up, everything about the outside world was intense, over-stimulating. The creature could spend an entire afternoon sniffing one bush, lost in the bounty the outside world had to offer. However, it didn't come for free. There were rules. If he wanted to roam the street, he had to do as Katsuki said. This included not trying to stand up on two legs (which was now almost impossible for him anyways), no attempting to talk to anyone (also difficult and not worth the effort), and doing exactly as Katsuki said at all times (this last one was enjoyable to do). Deku would never dream of defying him. Obeying Kacchan made him giddy.

So Deku trotted along at his master's side, eagerly going wherever Katsuki led him. There was a nearby dog park, which Deku had only been allowed to attend once or twice. According to Katsuki, he still needed to work on being a convincing puppy to be around the other dogs. He must have finally met that criteria, because soon he saw dozens of dogs, all frolicking together. It looked like a child's vision of the afterlife, just a bunch of carefree animals spilling over each other, running circles and making endless noise.

"Got a couple of friends I want to introduce you to," Katsuki said. " What's more fun than making friends with other dog people? So behave yourself and we can see if we can arrange other play dates."

At the park, Katsuki was quick to meet up with his friends. Deku didn't even bother with them, other than a cursory sniff that revealed them to be nothing out of the ordinary. He was too fascinated with their companions. A couple of dogs were there, tails wagging and eager to see him. As a person, he never got that sort of enthusiastic greeting.

Something smelled. Deku didn't know if he would describe it as smelling "good" or "revolting" or "tantalizing''." All he knew was that it was powerful, crashing into him like a physical weight and making everything inside himself stand up and pay attention. The smell was coming from one of the other dogs, a tall, woolly-furred thing that looked like it was all bones. It strained against its lead, trying to get close to Deku and making all sorts of grating squeals.

Deku was still not used to being around other dogs as a dog. He wasn't well-socialized, unsure of how to read a lot of the cues of his fellow canines, so normally he stood on the sidelines and just wagged his tail politely and kept his head low. He wasn't sure if he should interpret this dog's behavior as aggressive or… something else.

"Sorry!" her owner said, digging her heels into the earth to prevent the dog from tipping her over entirely. "She always gets a bit unruly around her heats."

The dog was now nose-to-nose with Deku, and immediately she was slobbering all over him, layering his head in long washes from her tongue. It sent a prickle through Deku, terminating in a seething restlessness in his gut. Funny how only now, after being a dog, was he finally getting the full attention of a woman. Or… a female, at least.

"Oh, let her go," Kacchan said. "It's not like Deku would know what to do with her anyways."

At his suggestion, the owner let the leash go slack, and instantly the dog was all over Deku, jumping up on him, practically overpowering him. Not sure what to do with this boisterous body slamming, Deku looked to Kacchan for guidance. Of course the man wasn't giving him any. He just sneered in his usual 'amused at his dog's bewilderment' way and laughed with the other owners.

"Pretty sure he couldn't even figure out how to breed a bitch," Kacchan replied. "He's sort of useless."

The other dog had snaked under him now, was pressing up against Deku in a way that ignited something in his brain. Still there was that overwhelming scent, choking the air. He had never smelled something like that before, but the closest he could compare it to was like walking into a cloud of spice. It was so powerful it almost stung, filling his nostrils, leaching into his blood. At the same time, it was intoxicatingly rich, defying simple categorization and making him want to smell more of it. It was also having other effects on his body.

"I don't know," the dog's owner said cheekily, "maybe your dog is useless, but he still has his instincts. Look at him popping a boner."

Indeed, Deku's dick was doing that thing it did now when he was aroused. That was to say, he could feel it elongating, emerging from its sheath. It was a distinctly uncomfortable feeling, the open air hitting it in a way that made him whine. It wasn't meant to be exposed like this. It was meant to be buried inside something, warm and hidden away.

Meanwhile, the dog continued to rub against him, slipping down underneath his belly and zig-zagging such that he almost fell off his feet. All the while, there was a soft, needy keening from her.

"Go on, Deku," Kacchan sneered. "Get yourself a girlfriend."

All the humans in the circle snickered, a combination of morbid curiosity and derision. It occurred to Deku that now that he was a dog, he could… he could do things in public, and at most be seen as a nuisance. There were no direct consequences if he were to, say, shift his weight back, settling himself onto the eager partner in front of him. Not intending to go all the way or do anything, just to see what happened, how it felt.

It felt awesome, and the bitch beneath him canted herself, shifting to accommodate him. From there, he really had no choice. It didn't matter that he was in public, that he had an audience. He also had roaring instinct and the soft, devouring heat beneath him. He wasn't even really conscious of what he was doing, other than he was pushing in and the body beneath him pushed back. There was no room for shame. There was only bliss.

Even now, with as often as Kacchan indulged him these days, Deku rarely got his dick wet. When he was unattended, it was usually in the custom-built cage. When he was with Kacchan, he was the one getting fucked. The only time his cock saw any action was the rare times his master wanted to see it, and even then it was to mock its strange appearance. So this, right here and right now, was Deku's first experience actually fucking someone, instead of being the one getting fucked. It was, without contest, fabulous. Not without work, though. He had to force himself in, that tight tunnel of heat providing resistance at every inch. It would take a thrust, another bit of movement, a pause, some keening and shifting from the dog beneath him.

"Oh Christ, he's actually doing it!"

There was laughter from everyone surrounding him. Deku was no stranger to being laughed at. Once upon a time, he had been ashamed of it. The first time people had seen him as a dog and cackled in unison, he had felt like he was at the bottom of the world. But now, the laughter felt like adoration. Yes, he understood that these people were having fun at his expense, but for some reason the attention made him feel like part of the pack. It might have something to do with the fact that he had a doggy brain and doggy processing power.

The heat inside him kept increasing. Rather than getting any sense of relief, he felt an increasing need to try harder, to chase after what was just beyond his grasp. He pushed into the dog beneath him, felt those inner walls fluttering and dancing. Each time he rocked, they connected more, deeper. But then on one attempt to pull back, he found that he couldn't. His dick was stuck, and trying to dislodge it only resulted in a miserable whine from the dog beneath him and a pinch right to his most sensitive spot.

It took his muddled brain a bit to work out what was happening.

That's right, he and Kacchan had been commenting on the fact that he'd starting budding knots when he got horny. This is what knots were for. They made it harder to slip out, especially when he had no hands to hold his partner and she kept wiggling underneath him, unable to keep still. This was to keep them together, to prevent the good sensation from escaping. Deku closed his eyes and let his hips do the work, rolling them shallowly, unable to move much.

It was while he was stuck in this position that another dog came sniffing. Deku didn't see much, just felt the moist brush of a nose around his buttox. He gave a reflexive growl, warning them away from his bitch, but at the moment, there wasn't much he could do. He was buried knot-deep inside a dog, unable to fend off queries from another.

"Aw, look, you've got someone who wants to be friends," Kacchan jeered. His group of friends all snickered and laughed.

Maybe it was the smell from the dog beneath him, but the new contender would not leave alone. Despite Deku's growls and doggy protestations, he felt a curious tongue moving across where he and the bitch joined. It felt great, but that didn't change the fact that Deku was not interested in sharing. Forbidden from talking, he had no choice but to snarl and growl.

"Hey," Kacchan said threateningly, "don't start fights. Bad dogs get punished."

Deku could only imagine what sort of punishments Kacchan could think up for him. Thoroughly cowed, Deku held his tongue while the other mutt licked at him. That cold nose was on the move, in search of a hole. It found Deku's, and soon a tongue joined it. This made Deku involuntarily quiver. Kacchan still used that spot regularly, and it was always eager for more. Even if it wasn't his preferred partner, he really wasn't too picky. He was a dog. Anything to get fucked.

So when the dog got tired of sniffing and instead reared up, dark nails scrabbling for purchase on Deku's skin, the man-dog didn't fight too hard. No, as long as he could still have his bitch, he wasn't too bothered about someone else using his hole.

The dog behind pressed in, and the resulting pressure was enough to make Deku see white. He thought he'd had it good before, but this was adding a whole new level to it that he hadn't even considered. The more the dog behind him pressed in, the more he pressed into the bitch beneath him. It was a doggy sandwich, and he was in the middle ascending.

Even at the best of times, his thoughts weren't very eloquent these days. But right now, all he could think was 'Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit.'

Here he was– in public– getting gangbanged. And there were no whispers of repercussions. Mostly the people around him thought it was hilarious, some occasionally asking Kacchan if his dog was okay, to which Kacchan would cackle and assure them Deku was loving this. And he was right. He felt like he'd gone to heaven. After all, that's where all dogs went.

The experience at the park had left him filthy to the bone. Deku didn't particularly mind. It wasn't like he had worldly possessions to ruin, or had to worry about appearances. However, Kacchan was insistent that he needed a bath ASAP. So as soon as they were back in his apartment, that's what they did.

Kacchan was a lot nicer to him now that he was mostly a dog. It was like he no longer had to go out of his way to remind Deku that he was stupid and useless. That was taken as a given, and so they could move on to more important things, like how quickly he could get Deku riled up.

His hands moved over Deku's body, between his legs to gently tease his cock. In a strange reversal, the more dog-like Deku had become, the less hair he had down there. The result was that Kacchan no longer had to shave him, although Deku remembered the touch, and he shuddered and spread his legs wider.

Those palms were smooth, gliding along the soapy surface. It didn't matter that Deku had just gotten fucked silly a couple hours ago. His sex drive was so powerful that already he was dying for more. So he whimpered and pushed into that touch, craving it, hoping for more. None came. To the contrary, Kacchan just chuckled and resumed watching him, content with getting his dog's dick to poke out of its sheath.

"You gotta be patient, boy," he said. Deku knew what he really meant was that he was too much fun to tease.

So the bath ended, and Kacchan went through his normal routine. He cooked dinner, doing pull ups from the door frame while the onions sauteed. Deku sat at the entrance to the kitchen and watched him, his dick throbbing. The sight of Kacchan's muscles rippling had him drooling, a Pavlovian Freudian response. He knew it was coming sooner or later, but later was so hard, felt so far away. He finally understood what waiting in dog years was like: cruelty.

When dinner was served, Kacchan plopped his serving into a bowl and placed it on the ground. With no hesitation, Deku dug right in. Kacchan's cooking was as delicious as always, although his palate was less discerning these days. He just wanted fucking food. The needs of his body were all that consumed his mind. He wanted a full belly and a full night's sleep and a full asshole.

"Yeah, you like that," Kacchan said. His voice was devoid of sneer, which was unusual for him. More and more often these days, he was authentically kind to his dog, which Deku still wasn't sure how to respond to. "Eat up, little guy."

Deku's tail wagged. It was nice to be able to just be happy, to not be worried about how people reacted to him. Everyone loved a dog.

It was finally evening, and Deku couldn't help but whine under his breath slightly as Kacchan got ready for bed. It wouldn't be unheard of for the man to go several days without fucking him, just to twist Deku into a bundle of frustration. So maybe he wouldn't get anything tonight. Maybe he'd go to sleep pent up, rutting into the cushion of his dog bed.

"Hey boy," Kacchan called, patting the bed next to him. "Since you were so good today, why don't you come up and hang out with me?"

Deku's ears raised high. One of the unbreakable rules of the house was that the furniture belonged to Kacchan, and Deku was only allowed on them with explicit invitation. That's what he was getting now. Ever eager, Deku took him up on the offer, bounding onto the bed and into Kacchan's lap, throwing his weight against his master.

Being in Kacchan's arms felt so warm and so safe. It was better than even the fanciest dog bed, more plush than the expensive pillows he was supposed to leave alone.

"Good boy," Kaccha crooned, hands coming up to play with his ears.

It was perfect. It was everything he ever could have wanted. Kacchan loved him just the way he was, even if he was pathetic and annoying. Maybe because he was pathetic and annoying. It was finally okay to just be himself.

Those hands continued to run down his body, making him whine and writhe, energy building inside him. It was impossible to sit still like this. His squirming brought a smile to Kacchan's lips, those white teeth glinting like sunlight off water. Then there was a quick flip, a splash of vertigo as Deku was pushed onto his back, belly in the air. He felt a caress along his ribcage, and his brain melted into that special state of not being able to form coherent thoughts. It was all just a blur of Kacchan's hands up and down his body, setting him alight.

Deku was ready to howl. This was good, bliss, but he needed more. He needed sex. It was something his body always craved, to the exclusion of rational thought. His dick throbbed, begging for attention. By now, he knew better than to expect any. No, if he was getting any action tonight, it was lower down, that space between heavy balls and curly tail.

"You want it, huh, boy?" Kacchan asked.

The response to this was a needy shifting of the hips. Finally, mercifully, Kacchan slipped out of his clothes. Stuck belly-up on the bed, Deku couldn't get a proper look, but he still knew what was coming. He smelled the pina colada of Kacchan's deodorant, the tang of his sweat, the smell of sunlight that still clung to his skin, and then the deep musk as he slid off his pants.

"Hurry," Deku barked. It was rare for him to actually speak up, since he didn't normally have much to say. But he needed this like he needed to chase a ball in a wide, grassy field, like he needed to bury his nose in the piss-soaked side of a fire hydrant, like he needed a collar around his neck to remind him who he was.

Kacchan pressed against him. It was hard, with Deku's tail wagging so ferociously that his master had to actively pin it down with one knee. The more eager the dog was, the less control he had over his body.

"Remember to keep breathing," Kacchan said.

That wasn't a problem for Deku. His mouth went wide, tongue lolling out as his lungs rattled. Every part of him was braced for that sweet sensation, practically dying with the longing for it.

The tight ring of muscle was the first to give, slowly opening up as Kacchan pushed in. Above him, hands wrapped around his legs, manipulating him into a better position. Here Deku wasn't much help. His legs just weren't as flexible as they used to be, and the most useful thing he could do was go limp and pliant, allowing himself to be maneuvered this way and that.

There was the period of easing him into it, where Kacchan was so careful and slow and treated him like he was something wonderful and special. But then as his body adjusted, the man picked up speed, and all gentleness was gone. He fucked hard, almost an animal himself, and Deku felt the impact as air left his lungs.

"Kacchan! Kacchan!" he barked out, his voice hoarse and cracking. The only response he got was a half growl from his partner, his legs forced further back. His new body did not like being bent like this, but when had his body ever gotten what it wanted? Really, it belonged to Kacchan, to bend and use as he pleased.

"That's right, beg for it, you little bitch!"

Deku was begging. His mouth opened, a yowl beyond words coming out of it, just a sort of incoherent plea. He wanted this to never stop. It didn't matter if his body was some sort of abhorrent mess, when he was like this he could barely even feel it. All he felt was a disembodied burning, the too-much of sex.

The only stimulation his dick got was occasionally when some other part of his body grazed against it mid-thrust. It was the unexpected jolt to remind him it was there, but that was it. He couldn't even reach down and touch it with his own hands.

The tempo sped up, and Deku could smell that Kacchan was close. It was so much easier to understand his body chemistry when every chemical shift read like a neon sign to his nose. There was the uptick in his pheromones, and Deku could even hear the blood pounding in his heart.

Deku squeezed down. It didn't matter if he wasn't ready to come himself– he wanted his master to feel pleasure. That was his duty as a dog, and he took it seriously.

Kacchan came inside him, and it was accompanied by a warm, gooey rush of Deku feeling triumphant. Maybe he hadn't gotten an orgasm of his own, but he got the satisfaction of knowing that this man needed him. For all his posturing and bravado, the only time Kacchan was ever relaxed, ever fully himself, was when he was towering over Deku.

The basking was cut short by Deku promptly being booted out of bed. Before he could even comprehend, Deku was on the carpet, stumbling as he tried to remember how his legs worked.

"All right, go to your pillow," Kacchan urged. "I ain't sleeping next to your dog breath all night long."

Well, such was life. Deku wasn't about to make a fuss over it, instead retreating to his pillow where he curled up and settled down. In no time at all, he could hear Kacchan snoring, already fossilized in dreams. He himself was floating along on a contented cloud, ready to drift off to sleep. He was the most satisfied pup in the world, and even if he tried, he could no longer remember what life was like before he had become Kacchan's.