Belly swap

Belly Swap



Tsuyu and her mother's quirk lets them remove their stomachs. So they swap them out for the day, letting Tsuyu go to school as a chubby queen.

Turns out being fat makes you hot shit at UA.


- This story is very 18+ - Adults Only. DO NOT read it and don't interact if you're a minor.

- All characters are over 18

- This is all fiction/fantasy. I do NOT condone incest or treating people like porno characters IRL. Ew.

WARNING: There is some piss/watersports. It's not the core of the story but there is one scene. Be warned if it's not your thing, and don't force yourself to read if you don't want to.

Work Text:

"You want to what, kero?"

Tsuyu was flabbergasted at her mother's request. Not that is showed on her face; emotions rarely did. Her big, froglike eyes did not sparkle with the same light of expression that other people's did. Even her mother, Beru, who shared the same Frog quirk as her, had softer features that served as a much clearer window to her emotions. Her face stretched a little more than Tsuyu's, but that only gave her mother's features more impact.

'I wish I was as cute as Mom,' Tsuyu often thought. She was jealous of her mother's looks and the confidence she had. Where Tsuyu was scrawny and gangly, always slouching in a froglike slump, her mother was voluptuous and thick, proudly presenting her plump curves with every graceful step she took.

Which made her mother's request all the more baffling.

"It's not that big of a deal, Tsu-chan," Beru said, her tone light and cheerful. "It's your father's and my anniversary tomorrow and we wanted to recreate our first date. And back then I was a lot trimmer," she explained, patting her big belly to draw attention to it. "I wasn't carrying all of this around."

Tsuyu looked at Beru's belly and blinked. She wasn't all that excited about this idea, but it was cute that her parents wanted to relive their first date. She didn't really want to go along with this, but she didn't have it in her to deny the request.

"…Okay, fine."

"Oh, thank you, sweetie!" Beru wrapped her eldest daughter in a tight hug, and with a cute croak, Tsuyu returned it.

"Let's not waste any time, then, Tsu-chan. Hurry up and spit up your stomach!"

Another croak rumbled in the girl's throat. She never enjoyed this aspect of their quirk.

Frog was a versatile and powerful quirk, granting the Asui women many skills that benefited Tsuyu as a hero-in-training. Her long tongue, her ability to stick to walls, camouflage, long jumps…she was grateful and proud of her Quirk.

But it had other aspects to it that were not as helpful. She remembered letting it slip in front of some of her classmates that she could spit up her stomach so she could wash it, an embarrassing trait she quickly begged them to forget.

'It's interesting enough from a biological perspective, I suppose,' Tsuyu could admit. 'But it's not very useful for heroics.'

But apparently it was useful right now. Beru wanted to slim down again for a day, and since both Asui women could remove their stomachs from their body, it allowed them to trade with each other.

Tsuyu watched as Beru expelled her stomach. The change was drastic already; their froggy bodies were very rubbery and pliable. Without the bulging organ inside of her, the woman's gut immediate shrunk to nothing. She still had her big, meaty tits and her fat, jiggly butt, but her stomach was flat as could be.

Tsuyu worked the muscles in her esophagus and triggered her gag response and a moment later she, too, was holding her stomach in her hands.

The two exchanged their prizes between them, swallowing the other's stomach, and the trade was done.

Even with Tsuyu's stomach inside of her, Beru's shape stayed the same. Tsuyu was sleek and slim and her stomach did little to alter her silhouette.

That wasn't true for Tsuyu. Her mother's stomach was so much bigger than hers was, and it stretched and bulged at her torso. Gone was the girl's slender, gawky shape; now a big, round gut hung over her hips, adding curves and roundness to her figure she never could have dreamed of.

"Ooh, you look so cute, Tsu-chan!" Beru cooed over her daughter; it was like playing dress-up to an extreme.

Tsuyu blushed; she always admired her mother. She thought Beru was beautiful. She had been a little put out by her mother's request, but now, seeing the change in her body, she was a little excited to see what life was like with some meat on her bones.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

As she got ready for school the next morning, Tsuyu lamented over how wrong she was. She had only been awake for a short while and things were already falling apart.

Before going to bed, Tsuyu had spent some time admiring her borrowed belly. She caressed and fondled it, squeezed, shook and jiggled it. She had been fascinated by it, fascinated by the feel of so much soft, fleshy extra weight bouncing in front of her.

But she had not thought about getting dressed until now.

"Kero…" she whined as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her uniform was sized to fit the usual Tsuyu, the one who didn't have a huge belly to cover up. So it didn't fit; it didn't come close.

Her shirt wasn't long enough, and the waist of her skirt couldn't wrap around it. She was going to be late and couldn't do anything about it now, so with a heavy sigh she accepted her fate. She went downstairs, waved goodbye to her little siblings, and marched out the door with her belly poking free and naked from under her shirt, hanging heavily over her skirt that just barely managed to wrap underneath.

'This is going to be a disaster…'

Tsuyu's face was aflame the whole way to school. Her neighbors gawked at her bare belly as she walked to the station. A groper on the train tried to plunge a finger into her deep belly button, changing tactics from the usual squeeze of her tight, perky butt. The students in the hall gawked and gossiped as she tried to make herself as small as possible on the way to class.

Finally she made it to 1-A's classroom. After an anxious moment of staring at the large door and digging her toe into the floor, she let her shoulders slump and went in.

As usual before the bell, the classroom was loud with conversations ringing out all around her. Kirishima and Mina were getting on Bakugo's nerves as they tried to tell him about the new romantic comedy they saw. Yaomomo was trying to stifle her decidedly unladylike giggles as she watched Kyoka relentlessly tease Kaminari. Ochaco and Midoriya were together in a corner, him blushing as she whispered something scandalous in his ear.

But when she entered everything went silent.

"G-good morning," she said, her voice shy and quiet.

No one replied. They all stared at her, stared at her big, fat belly, and Tsuyu felt embarrassed. She felt exposed.

'I feel like a freak,'

Thankfully Iida broke the silence, beckoning everyone to their seats before Aizawa arrived. Tsuyu slid into her seat, struggling a bit to fit with a spare tire she wasn't used to, but after some shimmying and shuffling of her chair she squeezed in well enough.

Aizawa entered and took attendance. When he got to her name, he paused and looked at her. Tsuyu slumped low against her desk, trying to hide; even their unflappable teacher was staring? After a moment he nodded and moved on, and Tsuyu was thankful for the small mercy of not being grilled in front of everyone for her sudden weight gain.

Homeroom droned on. Aizawa had things to discuss today, which was unusual for the teacher who usually left them to their devices so he could steal a few more minutes of sleep. But despite having a lesson for them, it was pretty boring and uneventful and she could tell no one was paying attention to him.

'They're paying attention to me,' she groaned inside.

It made Tsuyu feel self-conscious. It made her feel worse than that. It was like her school life before UA all over again, when she and Habuko had been the only mutant-types in class. The stares, the jokes, the isolation and loneliness that their shared fates had burdened them with had given them the opportunity to make friends, but even so it was hard being different.

The weight of 1-A's stares took its toll on her, like the stares of everyone else had before she made it to UA. She had always dreamed of becoming a rescue hero, but she was just as excited for the chance to make friends who wouldn't treat her like an "other" once she joined the hero course.

'Was I wrong?' Tsuyu wondered. She made friends with almost everyone in 1-A; apart from prickly characters like Bakugo, everyone was welcoming and accepting in their own way. No one judged her for her froggy features, for her bluntness or her blank-eyed gaze.

Was being fat a step too far for them? She always though her mother's extra weight made her beautiful, but now Tsuyu wondered if, even in their Quirked society, a pinch of chubbiness stuck out.

'No one else is fat,' she realized. Not in 1-A, not in the whole school! The biggest person she knew was Shoda from 1-B, and his stout shape was a far cry from the blob her mother's belly transformed her into.

As soon as the bell rang, Tsuyu rushed to leave first. She couldn't handle the stares; they were suffocating her! She had to escape; she needed a chance to breathe.

But it was a lot harder to move fast with this extra weight dragging her down. By the time she made it out to the hallways she had been cornered by most of her classmates. She pressed her back against the wall as her friends surrounded her, boxing her in.

She felt scared; what were they going to do to her?

Tsuyu closed her eyes. She anticipated a wave of vicious bullying, of her classmates putting their hands on her, pushing her around, picking on her for her new layer of flab.

And she wasn't too far off. She felt hands on her body; gripping her shoulders, pressing against her belly, trapping her arms.

'This is it,' she thought.

But it wasn't quite what she thought. Everyone was touching her, sure, but not to hurt her.

They didn't want to bully her for her body.

They wanted to celebrate it.

"Tsu-chan!" Mina shouted excitedly as she started to rub some slimy fingers over the frog girl's bare belly. A layer of neutral "acid" ended up feeling like oil being massaged into her skin.

"You look so CUTE today, girl! I'm in love with your new belly!"

'Huh?!' Tsuyu's eyes shot open.

Mina was looking at her, smiling bright. She liked her belly?

Tsuyu looked around and saw similar smiles on the others' faces. They were staring at her, sure, but now that the surprise had worn off she could see they weren't judging her. They were excited!

They were aroused.

Before she could respond to the pink girl, she felt something press against her cheek. She turned her eyes to find Kyoka kissing her cheek, lovingly planting gentle smooches against her. Tsuyu blushed, but the warmth overtaking her face was nothing like the warmth filling her chest.

'How could I have thought my friends would be mean?' she admonished herself. She loved them, and they loved her.

And now they were going to show her how much.

Tokoyami unbuttoned Tsuyu's shirt and Tooru unhooked her bra, releasing the frog girl's tits. At the same time, Sero reached under the girl's skirt to yank down her mint-colored panties before Aoyama slid the whole skirt off her hips, letting it drop around her ankles.

Tsuyu was trapped between her classmates, but she felt none of the fear that weighed on her mind during class. They were all looking at her lustfully, hungrily. They wanted her body.

They wanted her.

"Damn, girl," Kyoka said, taking a moment to pull back from kissing Tsuyu's cheek to take a look at her bared body. "Fat chicks are so fucking hot."

Tsuyu watched and listened as the others all agreed. Happy tears dared to fall from her eyes, but she held them back and flashed a happy smile instead.

"Kero," she said, her tone communicating her thankfulness. But her usual bluntness quickly took over after that.

"Show me how much you love me, kero. Fuck me."

The class didn't waste time obeying. Kyoka grabbed one of Tsuyu's small, perky tits, massaging it in her fingers as she used her earlobes to pull the Rainy Day Hero's chin towards her. She resumed kissing her, still gentle and loving, but on her lips this time. Tsuyu croaked happy sounds into Kyoka's mouth, closing her eyes as she enjoyed the taste of her friend's lips.

As Kyoka was fondling Tsuyu's breast, Kaminari leaned over and snapped his lips over the nipple. He moaned with pleasure as he tasted Tsuyu's tit, sucking and licking the cute, pink nub. Tsuyu's froggy quirk her skin feel extra smooth and slim, and to Kaminari her tit felt amazing in his mouth.

Kyoka, never missing an opportunity to tease her would-be boyfriend, started pulling Tsuyu's boob in different directions, making the electric goofball chase after it like a puppy.

Mina continued to grope Tsuyu's belly, spreading the slimy product of her quirk all over the bulbous shape. Once her stomach was glistening, Tsuyu smiled into Kyoka's kiss. Whatever solution Mina had covered her with was warming her body, just a bit, and that warmth felt incredible.

But 1-A's Alien Queen didn't stop there. Smiling at her handiwork, Mina dropped to her knees then started rubbing her face against Tsuyu's belly. Her hair started to stick in even more erratic directions and her face became slick, too, as she rubbed the slimy surface. Then after she was done cuddling Tsuyu's gut, she leaned forward and stuck her tongue out and started licking her belly button.

"Mmm!" Even muffled against Kyoka's lips, Tsuyu's moans rang out. The group cheered as Mina delved deeper and deeper, exploring the deep pit of Tsuyu's navel with her tongue. Mina wasn't shy about it; loud, messy slurps sounded, as if she were guzzling down a bowl of noodles. Clearly it was doing something for Mina, but not as much as it was doing for Tsu.

The sensation of Mina's tongue squirming around in her belly button was too much for her, and Mina could tell. The pink girl moved aside just as Tsuyu came and with a thundering croak, squirting slimy lust on the crowd as she hit her climax.

Cleaning such messes out of their uniforms was a pain, but no one complained. They cheered at bringing their newly chubby queen to climax and basked in the rain of love she shared with them.

From there things got even crazier. Sato and Sero dropped their pants, revealing engorged, excited cocks. They started rubbing them against Tsuyu's belly, sliding them along the slippery surface Mina had lubed it up with. Still, their cocks pressed so close that their already taut skin dragged against her body; their eyes started rolling back as they were overcome with pleasure as they grinded and humped her soft, plush stomach.

It didn't take long for them to cum, painting Tsuyu's body with their seed. Mina cheered and laughed, then rubbed their semen into her skin, adding its warmth and sliminess to the mix before Aoyama and Tokoyami took their turn, rubbing their cocks against her.

After cumming once already, Tsuyu couldn't hold the wetness back. Love juices ran down her thighs, soaking her discarded clothes at her feet. Tooru noticed and joined Mina in kneeling in front of her, then lowered her neck so she could lick it up from her legs. A faint shimmer in the air was evidence of how hot Tooru felt as she devoured Tsuyu's lust; she lapped up every drop before going direct to the source, sucking more out of Tsuyu's pussy itself.

Tsuyu's other tit had been left unserviced so far, so Todoroki took his turn, leaning in and licking it. He was inexperienced, more than everyone else, and flicked his tongue awkwardly over her sensitive skin.

'You're doing just fine, Todoroki-chan,' Tsuyu thought. His awkwardness was also unpredictable and it brought a thrill she appreciated.

Yaoyorozu had been holding one of Tsuyu's arms the whole time as the group restrained their chubby queen. Watching everyone else have their way with the frog girl was nice, but she was ready for her turn, too. She had slid Tsuyu's arm out of the sleeve of her blazer and now she had a clear view of the girl's armpit, hairless and clean, save for the slimy streams of sweat steaming under her arm.

Momo licked her lips, staring at the messy bit of flesh. Licking a sweaty armpit was so filthy; it wasn't ladylike at all.

And that's was made the idea so intoxicating.

She dove in, pressing her face close against Tsuyu's pit. She breathed in deep, sucking in a heady sniff of her froggy musk. She took a dainty lick, then another, before devolving in a barbaric, animalistic hunger, lapping up all the sweat from her skin, tasting every inch of her friend's flesh that her tongue could reach.

The class kept taking their turns. The boys would cum on her body; the girls would, too. And Tsuyu would return the favor, squirting burst after burst of her own lust at them.

The hallway began to reek of sex; it became a den of debauchery.

Then Aizawa showed up.

"What are you doing?!" His firm tone made them freeze and scramble away from Tsuyu to stand at attention. They were a mess; half dressed, soaked in squirt. But Tsuyu was left in an even more compromising position.

Without the others to hold her up, her legs gave out. Weighed down by her girthy gut, she sunk to the floor, leaning heavily against the wall, chest heaving and eyes dazed.

Aizawa leveled his hard, piercing glare at each one of them before looking down at Tsuyu. He walked before her, his worn out boots splashing in the puddles of lust on the floor, until he loomed over her.

Fear returned to Tsuyu. She tried to hide her gaze from her teacher, but his presence quickly broke her resolve and she looked up.

He stared down at her for a moment, and the shame and fear grew in her heart. Then, finally, Aizawa moved.

He reached in his pants and pulled his cock out, gently prodding it against Tsuyu's lips.

"Don't forget me, Asui," he said. "They're right; you do look fucking hot."

1-A didn't show up to their 2nd period class. Nor their third; to their surprise Aizawa let them skip so they could watch Tsuyu give him the blowjob of a lifetime.

Aizawa's cock was long, but Tsuyu's stretchy cheeks and slimy throat took it with ease. They watched as he sunk his manhood deep down into her throat; the class cheered as they saw a bulge in the girl's neck.

Tsuyu put her long tongue to work, wrapped and weaving it around his cock, sliding and gripping his manhood as her head bobbed up and down.

Aizawa had always seemed so unflappable, so in control of his emotions, but the class watched him melt in Tsuyu's hands. First it was the sweat, then it was the twitch of his eyes, and finally he moaned, a deep, hauntingly happy sound escaping from his chapped lips.

Then he came, feeding her his seed in a direct route to her belly. But when he pulled out, more still spewed from his loins, painting Tsuyu's face with globs of milky white.

That set everyone off anew, and when Aizawa stepped back, the rest jumped in, furiously manipulating themselves until they were all pouring their filthy fluids over the chubby girl, covering her face and transforming it into a mad monstrosity of modern art.

"Okay, everyone," Aizawa said, after he caught his breath. "You've had your fun, now go clean up and don't be late for your next class." The students all scurried away, leaving Tsuyu stewing in the puddle of filth on the floor. Aizawa walked up to her again and patted her head, not even blinking as his the melting pot of his students' cum clung to his hand.

"Well done, Asui," he said in a rare display of pride. "Best blowjob ever."

The day went on fairly normal after that. Tsuyu felt relieved to know her friends cared for her so much, that they worshipped her. Even if it was her mother's fat belly that made the impromptu orgy possible, she could tell their feelings were genuine.

'I love them all,' she thought, smiling as she gathered her things at the end of the day.

Hefting her backpack on her shoulders, she started waddling the halls to leave. It had been a little bumpy at first, but her temporary weight gain had brought her so much joy! After having her self-conscious anxieties quelled by being the center of a class orgy, things had only been looking up the rest of the day.

The only negative was how much the extra weight slowed her down. By the time she made it to the doors the halls were clear; she was the only one left.

…or so she thought.

Standing in her way were Ochaco and Midoriya. Seeing them there made her smile; they were two of her closest friends and she was glad she wouldn't have to walk to the station alone.

"Hey guys!" she called out to them.

Midoriya smiled back warmly. It had taken him a while to get comfortable with her, with girls in general, but once he had he never failed to share a smile with her.

'Ochaco is so good for him,' she thought, noticing the way his arm was linked inside her elbow. Once they confessed to each other and officially became an item, Midoriya's nerves started to ease away.

Ochaco, on the other hand, was giving her a strange look. A small frown was on her cute lips and her eyes were boring into Tsuyu. The intense gaze on her rounded features was still adorable, but something about it started to make Tsuyu nervous.

'What's that about?' she wondered. Tsuyu realized she hadn't spoken to either of them today. As she thought about it, it made sense. Apart from Bakugo, the couple had been the only classmates to not join in on fucking her silly in the hall earlier. While there were other couples in the class who didn't hesitate, none were as devoted to each other as Ochaco and Midoriya were.

'It's sweet that they only have eyes for each other,' Tsuyu thought. Though, underneath her fawning over her friends' relationship, she felt a twinge of disappointment. Sex with the two of them would have been fun.

Finally she made her way up to meet them, sweating a little from the strain of hauling around her spare tire around all day.

"Hey As-, er, Tsu!" Midoriya greeted her. "You…" he blushed as he continued. "You look really cute today!"

Tsuyu blushed and smiled brightly in return. "Thank you, Midoriya-chan."

"Yeah, real cute," Ochaco agreed, though the sarcasm in her tone didn't match her words.

"Hi, Ochaco-chan," Tsuyu greeted, her nerves sneaking into her voice. "How was your day?"

"Oh, it was just peachy," she said, more sarcasm and a hint of venom seeping through. Tsuyu blinked at her sweet friend's harsh tone. She looked at Midoriya, silently asking what was up, but only got an apologetic smile in return.

"Is everything alright, Ochaco-chan? You seem a little upset," she dared to ask.

"Of course I'm upset!" Ochaco exploded, some of her Mie accent slipping through. "One day my best friend, my sweet, slender Tsu is walking around like normal, and the next, out of nowhere, you come to school with all THIS," she said, putting both hands on Tsuyu's belly, shaking it and sloshing it between them.

Tsuyu blinked and an icy hint of fear crept back into her heart.

"You don't like my belly?"

"I LOVE your belly, Tsu! You look so fucking HOT," Tsuyu stepped back at the fire in Ochaco's tone, and noticed as Midoriya wrapped an arm around the inexplicably angry girl. Ochaco leaned into her boyfriend's touch but her heated stare never left Tsuyu.

"I don't understand, Ochaco-chan…"

"Then let me spell it out for you!" Ochaco yelled, once again laying her hands on Tsuyu's bare belly. "Everyone at UA loves chubby chicks. Having some meat on your bones makes you hot stuff around here," she said, again shaking Tsuyu's gut. Then she pulled a hand back and slapped the frog girl's belly, sending ripples of motion rushing across its soft, flabby surface.

"This sexy blob got you all kinds of attention today, for good reason! No one could keep their hands or dicks off of you!"

Tsuyu was scared. Ochaco was yelling at her, louder and louder, and the smack on her belly had been a shock. But more than anything she was confused.

"You still don't get it?" Ochaco shouted. She let go of Tsuyu, letting her belly drop from her hands, then spun around, turning her back to her.

"Until now, I was the chubbiest girl in the class. I may not be big, but I have the roundest cheeks, the softest belly, and…" Ochaco lifted her skirt, and Tsuyu's eyes went wide. Her friend's ass was bared before her, clad only in her black leggings that stretched so thin across her behind that they almost looked like they weren't there at all.

"I have the BIGGEST BUTT!" Ochaco started shaking her hips, sending her cheeks jiggling and bouncing, twerking her ass and making her cheeks clap against her legs. Tsuyu blushed; for all the confusion and anger in the air, she couldn't help but be charmed by her best friend's sexy ass.

Neither could Midoriya. He stepped in and embraced Ochaco, reaching around her body to squeeze her plush, pillowy ass in his hands. Tsuyu wondered how long she would have kept shaking her butt if Midoriya hadn't stopped her.

Ochaco calmed for a moment, returning her boyfriend's hug and letting her skirt drop back down. Then she turned to face Tsuyu again, her expression dangerously calm.

"You're stealing my thunder, Tsu. There's no way I can compete with your sexy belly." Tsuyu shifted awkwardly, unsure how to respond to that.

"So here's what's going to happen," Ochaco continued, stepping forward and placing her hands on Tsuyu's shoulders to hold the girl in place. "Deku-kun and I are going to punish you. We're going to fuck the shit out of you. You came in letting your belly hang out so we're gonna treat you like the slutty little frog you are."

Ochaco's eyes were wild and her tone was full of malice. Tsuyu had never seen her friend behave like this; even in their darkest moments, Ochaco kind, cheerful sparkle had never dimmed.

Tsuyu was in uncharted waters; she should have been afraid at this dangerous side of her friend. And she was. But at the same time she was curious. She was excited.

So after a moment to organize her thoughts, Tsuyu finally replied.

"Use me, kero," she said. "Do your worst."

Ochaco was up for the challenge.

For starters, she yanked Tsuyu's blazer and shirt away, breaking buttons as she freed her lewd body. She made quick work of stripping her bra, too, then her skirt and her still-soiled panties, tossing all of the frog girl's clothes across the hall. Once Tsu was stripped naked, standing with her whole body bare in the empty school, Ochaco gave Izuku a silent nod and together they started getting undressed, too.

After folding her clothes into an organized pile beside them, unlike the careless way she had strewn Tsuyu's clothes about, Ochaco set her sights on Tsu again. She leveled a malicious smile at the girl and reached out for her small tits. Ochaco began teasing Tsuyu's nipples, gently massaging them and squishing them between her soft fingerpads. Tsuyu's face and body quickly relaxed, enjoying the soft touch.

Just long enough to have that moment of contentedness ripped away. Ochaco suddenly latched down, pinching Tsuyu's nipples firmly in her fingers, and Tsuyu squeaked in surprise at the sting. Ochaco continued surprising her, using that tight but tenuous connection to yank Tsuyu closer to her, stretching her tiny tits hard, sending a shock through the girl's system as she was roughly dragged forward.

Then Ochaco let go and quickly trapped Tsuyu in a bear hug. Her fat belly was in the way, but Ochaco squeezed tight, smashing and squishing her stomach between them as she held her tight.

"Kero, too tight…" Tsuyu whined, and Ochaco just giggled meanly at her.

"Don't worry, it's just for a minute." Ochaco tilted her head and looked at her boyfriend who stood behind Tsuyu.

"Get her ready, Deku-kun," she ordered in a much sweeter tone. Izuku smiled and nodded, then went to work.

Tsuyu's hair was very long; she usually let it hang behind her but when she was relaxing in the dorms she often tied her overwhelming mane into a complicated and cute knot around her head. Taking inspiration from that, Ochaco set her boyfriend to work tying Tsuyu's hair in another complicated knot. The biggest difference was that the girl's arms would be tangled in the middle of it.

"You're tying me up…with my own hair?"

"Sure am, you fat slut," Ochaco said, staring at her with another smug, shit-eating grin.

"…Kinky," Tsuyu replied before wincing at the tight hold she found herself in.

"Great job, sweetie," Ochaco said, complementing Izuku's handiwork. He ate it up, smiling as stepped off to the side. With Tsuyu restrained, Ochaco released her from the bear hug, and let her eyes roam wild over Tsuyu's body. She licked her lips and rubbed her hands together, taking in all the sights as she decided what to attack first.

Tsuyu was trying to play it cool, but Ochaco's intensity was starting to intimidate her. Once again she felt anxious under her best friend's glare, somewhat helpless to hold her off.

Then Ochaco made her decision.

She grabbed Tsuyu's belly again, rubbing it gently a couple times before reeling her hand back to slap it. The impact shocked Tsuyu again; it stung, though it wasn't too serious. Ochaco was being rough but not abusive.

Ochaco slapped her belly again and giggled. Each impact sent her heavy gut jiggling and rippling; a meaty thunk sounded as she watched Tsuyu's belly dance before.

She struck again and again until Tsuyu's skin started to redden, then she gave her a break and rubbed her belly again.

"Fuck," Ochaco whispered, staring at her prize. "It's not fair how sexy you are right now."

Tsuyu blushed and a cute little croak escaped her throat. For as mean as Ochaco was being, it felt good to hear her praise her body.

The sound grabbed Ochaco's attention and she looked up at her face again. Tsuyu raised her shoulders, trying to cower away from Ochaco's intense stare, but there was no escape. Ochaco put her hands on Tsuyu's cheeks and pulled her head forward then planted a deep kiss on her lips.

Tsuyu moaned into it, much as she had when Kyoka had kissed her earlier. Before today Tsuyu had never kissed another girl; she had never kissed anyone like this! But she decided she loved kissing; it felt so good!

At least, it did at first. Ochaco's kiss started like Kyoka's had, warm and gentle. But then Ochaco kept pressing more roughly, mashing her lips against hers so hard Tsuyu wondered if they might bruise. Harder and harder she kissed her and the comforting lull of the kiss devolved into panic at being caught in Ochaco's clutches.

Ochaco's tongue reached out, demanding to be let in to Tsuyu's mouth, and she latched onto her tongue. Long and slippery, it was a tempting target for the gravity girl, and she quickly started sucking on it. She slurped more and more of it into her mouth until her cheeks were full, and she started sucking.

"Mmm," Ochaco moaned as she eyes rolled back in delight. "Sho shweet…"

Ochaco leaned her head back as she sucked, pulling more of Tsuyu's tongue from her mouth. Another panicked croak escaped Tsuyu's lips, but Ochaco was too lost in sucking her tongue to notice.

Tsuyu's body felt warmer; Ochaco's lust was starting to affect her. She already felt the urge to spill her own love juices from her pussy; it was taking everything she had to keep from springing a leak.

Just as Tsuyu started to get lost in the thrill of having her tongue stolen from her and swallowed by Ochaco, her captor let go and Tsuyu's tongue snapped back into her mouth. Ochaco panted, blushing as she wiped some saliva from her chin.

"Damn…" she uttered as she resumed leering at Tsuyu's body.

Tsuyu was in a daze, trying to catch her breath, but Ochaco didn't let her. Once again she swung and smacked her belly. She followed that up with another, this time smacking her tits across her chest.

"Eeep!" Tsuyu yelped. There wasn't nearly as much cushion on her breasts as on her big belly, and the slap smarted much more.

"Heh heh heh," Ochaco chuckled. "Your belly's so big but these cute little things are still so small." Ochaco's voice was sickly sweet, teasing her friend.

"I could just eat them up," she said. "In fact, I think I will."

Ochaco grabbed onto Tsuyu's small breasts, squeezing them tight between her fingers. Tsuyu winced; again Ochaco was being too rough! But she soon let go with her hands and craned her neck forward to latch on with her lips.

Ochaco moaned appreciatively as she started slurping Tsuyu's slippery nipple. She started to suck, as if trying to feed, even though Tsuyu's body had nothing to give. That didn't stop Ochaco from trying, and she kept sucking, harder and more hungrily. The vacuum force between her lips was intense; Tsuyu began to whimper at the strain.

As she had done with her tongue, Ochaco leaned her head back, pulling and stretching Tsuyu's slight chest as far as she could. Tsuyu's tits weren't heavy or bouncy like Ochaco or Momo's, but still they usually sat as soft, comfortable cushions on her chest. Now one was stretched taut between her chest and Ochaco's lips and it was unrecognizable.

Tsuyu wrenched her eyes shut and bit her lip, trying to balance out the sting. Then relief finally came as Ochaco let go, throwing her head back with a flourish as she released Tsuyu's nipple with a loud, wet pop.

"Ooh!" Tsuyu sucked in a sharp gasp of air. The cool air touching her now wet and swollen nub was a whole new shot of life into her chest. As her body tried to recover from the rough stretch, Tsuyu could feel the burn under her skin.

"Every part of you tastes so good! I can't get enough!" Ochaco nibbled on Tsuyu's other tit for a moment before letting go and returning to her belly.

"I saw that shameful show earlier, you know. You really seemed to like Mina rubbing her acid onto your skin, didn't you?" Tsuyu shyly nodded in response and Ochaco's smile grew crueler.

"I want to help you out, Tsu-chan, I really do. But I don't have a quirk like Mina's," Ochaco explained. Then her hands stopped moving across Tsuyu's belly and Ochaco drew one back to rub against her crotch, raking her fingers through her hairy pubes before settling on either side of her slit.

"I guess I'll have to make do this way." Realizing what Ochaco was about to do, Tsuyu panicked. She tried to reach out to stop her, only to remember how tightly her arms were bound.

"Ochaco-chan, don't!"

"Too late!"

And it was. Before the words could leave Tsuyu's mouth, Ochaco had begun. She leaned her hips forward and pushed urine out from her body. A powerful stream of piss went flying the short distance from Ochaco's loins to Tsuyu's body, crashing over the enormous curve of her bloated belly. Tsuyu squealed as Ochaco's pee ran down her skin. It warmed her whole body, but where Mina's acid massage comforted her and made her feel relaxed, the urine on her skin made her feel on edge.

It felt like forever, but before long Ochaco finished up. Tsuyu's belly was soaked and piss rolled off her curves to form foamy puddles at her feet.

Then Ochaco, unashamed and unaffected by getting her hands dirty, started to rub it into Tsuyu's skin, kneading her belly. The gesture was similar to Mina's erotic touches earlier but so different.

"There we go," Ochaco said. "Now you're nice and dirty." Ochaco giggled and Tsuyu could only crinkle her nose. Since when was her best friend so twisted?

"You're crazy," Tsuyu breathed. "Something is wrong with you!"

Ochaco's hands stopped rubbing Tsuyu's belly and fell away. Ochaco's smile dropped and her face took on a darker tone.

"Looks like my sweet little Tsu-chan is developing a sharp tongue," she said, her voice ominously calm. " Well fuck that. If you're just going to say nasty things like that to me, you might as well use your tongue for something else!"

Ochaco swatted Tsuyu's belly again, but unlike all the times before, she let all five fingers touch the girl's skin. Tsuyu's gravity vanished and Ochaco pushed her feet out from under her. Tsu lifted into the air, and was about to float away when Ochaco grabbed her by the hair and pulled her weightless body towards her until the frog girl's face was buried in Ochaco's crotch.

"Get that tongue inside me! Make me feel good to make up for calling me crazy!"

Ochaco's pubes tickled Tsuyu's nose. They were still damp and reeked of ammonia after the golden shower she'd given her. She was irritated at Ochaco's attitude; why was she being so mean to her?

'Still,' Tsuyu thought as Ochaco mashed her face closer to her pussy. Even amidst the filth, Ochaco's cunt smelled sweet. For all the harsh treatment, Tsuyu wanted to taste it.

So she did.

Hanging weightless in the hair, held down only by Ochaco's grip on her hair, Tsuyu reached her tongue out and snaked it inside her friend's folds. It was warm and slimy in a way that felt right where the rain of urine had felt wrong. Her tongue was surrounded, swaddled by Ochaco's insides. It felt so good!

"Ohh, fuck yes!" It felt good for Ochaco, too.

Tsuyu kept going, sending her tongue farther and deeper inside of her friend. Ochaco kept moaning loudly, enjoying every minute.

Ochaco's cheer soured the experience for Tsuyu. Normally she would be happy to make Ochaco feel so good; she loved her dearly. But right now she felt bitter; why did Ochaco deserve to feel so good while she was tormenting her?

"Oh, yes, this is what I've been missing. Feels good to have someone eat your pussy, doesn't it?" Ochaco looked down at Tsuyu and frowned at the baleful look in her large eyes.

"Oh? Still copping an attitude, huh? Well, we'll take care of that. Deku-kun!" Ochaco called out to her boyfriend, who had been a patient audience the whole time. He perked up to attention, the rest of his body following the example of his cock, standing tall and eager for duty. Ochaco lured him over by curling a finger until he stood just behind Tsuyu.

"Tsuyu is being really bratty, Deku-kun. Why don't you put that big cock to work and fuck her naughty little ass?" Izuku smiled, his eyes bouncing between Ochaco's face and Tsuyu's cute butt.

"Oh, and sweetie?" Ochaco added, getting Izuku's attention once more. "Don't be gentle."

Izuku sidled up behind Tsuyu. Still deprived of her gravity, and positioned to eat his girlfriend's pussy, the frog girl was hovering at just the right height to give him access to her butt. He spread her slender legs and leaned in close until his hard, excited cock was nuzzled between her perky little cheeks.

'Her belly is so big but her butt is still small,' Izuku noticed, salivating at the sight of his friend's ass. He slowly dug his thumbs between her cheeks and spread them until he was faced with her tight, tiny asshole staring back.

"So cute…" he whispered.

Tsuyu's froggy body was rubbery and stretchy; it was what allowed her to accept the sudden shift in belly girth today, after all. And it was a trait shared by her asshole. She had experimented with many toys, some improvised and outlandishly large. She could take almost anything; her body was very flexible. But her asshole's natural state was tight. It would stretch to fit, but it never got loose. She always felt the surge of sensation of being stretched out, no matter how many times she played with her ass.

So when Izuku began to poke his enormous cock at her dainty little pucker, Tsuyu tensed. Izuku was BIG and she was going to feel it, moreso now that her body tightened up.

'Keep it together, Tsuyu,' she told herself.

Then it came, Izuku's cock. He slowly teased his tip inside of her and even so it was a lot. She was glad that Izuku was so timid; if he really obeyed Ochaco's orders to get rough she didn't know what she would do.

"Deku, darling, no need to be shy. Get in there! Tsu wants to be big girl on campus so she can take it! FUCK HER!"

Izuku was flustered; it wasn't in his nature to be rough. But Ochaco was counting on him and he never wanted to let her down. After pulling back from the shallow dip into Tsuyu's ass, he took a deep breath and nodded with resolve.

Then he went back in, all at once, shoving his entire length inside of his friend.

"MMmmmMMFF!" Tsuyu cried out, the sound muffled in Ochaco's muff as her tongue was still irrigating the gravity girl's pussy. Ochaco laughed and pressed Tsuyu's face closer into her crotch, and started rocking her hips, mashing even closer.

"That's right, Deku-kun! Do it!"

Izuku gave an insecure smile then placed his hands on Tsuyu's hips. His cock alone split and spread her cheeks apart; between his impressive girth and her cute little butt, she was spread wide without any extra effort.

Using his hold on her hips as leverage, Izuku started fucking her, rocking her back and forth on his cock. It felt so good, so TIGHT! Ochaco liked to have Izuku fuck her ass, and he loved the snug feeling of burying himself in his girlfriend's butt, with her soft, fat, cheeks bouncing against his thighs with every thrust. In every way they fit together perfectly and he loved when Ochaco wanted to get frisky.

He decided he loved Tsuyu's ass, too, but it felt so different. It wrapped around him and clung so close. It stretched and molded to fit, if just barely, even though Tsuyu's body was so slight. It felt warm and secure inside her.

Izuku gave it his all; he really tried to fuck Tsuyu hard! But being rough, being harsh, just wasn't in his nature. Tsuyu's muffled cries quickly turned excited and orgasmic as he found a rhythm that made them both feel good.

"Oh, Deku-kun," Ochaco sighed. "What am I going to do with you? I wanted you to put her in her place but she's happy as can be."

Izuku withered a little at her words.

"I'm sorry to be a disappointment," he moped. Then Ochaco pulled back from Tsuyu, taking a few extra steps to escape the girl's long tongue that had been inside of her. She forgot all about Tsu and walked over to Izuku, wrapping him in a hug.

"You're never a disappointment, Deku-kun," she said, her tone absent of all the harshness she had leveled at Tsuyu.

Izuku stopped moving, too, though his cock was still buried in the frog girl's bowels. Ochaco reached for his chin and pulled his face towards hers to give him a kiss. Tsuyu twitched as she felt his cock grow inside of her, but she kept quiet to not ruin the moment.

"I know it's just not in you to be mean, Deku-kun. That's okay; no, it's great! You're so kind and gentle; it's what makes you a good boyfriend. It's what makes you a good boy."

Izuku smiled, sniffling to hold back his happy tears.

"In fact," Ochaco said, looking back at Tsuyu. "Let's shift gears. You're such a good boy you deserve a reward…"

Ochaco untied Tsuyu's arms and returned her gravity to her. Tsuyu was thankful for the break, but kept quiet to not press her luck. Ochaco guided her to lay down on the floor, then started pushing Izuku towards her.

"Sit on her face, Deku-kun. Tsu's tongue is divine so it's your turn to take it for a spin!"

Izuku perked up; he was excited again! He looked down at Tsuyu, giving her questioning look as if asking if it was okay. Tsuyu nodded, offering her timid friend a small smile to invite him down.

'Ochaco is right; he is a nice boy. I don't mind showing him a good time.'

It would be a nice change of pace, anyway. Izuku was gentle and playing with him meant she would be free of Ochaco's rough treatment.

Or so she thought.

Izuku crouched on Tsuyu's face, just enough to touch but keeping most of his weight of her. As he was getting into position, though, Ochaco dug a strapon out of her school bag and started slipping into it.

'Izuku can't treat you like the fat slut you are, so I'll have to handle wrecking your ass myself!'

Tsuyu's tongue was already inside of Izuku's ass before Ochaco could even get between Tsuyu's legs. It felt good to be on this end, rimming one of her best friends. His ass felt so different from Ochaco's insides; still hot, but the way his muscles pulsed was more frantic, more anxious than the gravity girl's. His insides squirmed around her tongue and massaged her in surprising ways.

'Surprising, but really nice,' she thought.

It was also nice to watch him. His balls rested right on top of her nose, and his long cock cast a shadow over her face. Still she could see past it and stare at his face.

'Cute,' she thought as she watched the bright, happy emotions dancing across his features. His anxieties were gone; he was letting loose and enjoying it!

Izuku was naturally sweet; he was timid and submissive, at least when there wasn't hero-ing to be done. Seeing his features melt into the pleasure she was showing him warmed Tsuyu's heart.

Izuku reached up to tug at his nipples, teasing himself as he got lost in the moment. Tsuyu decided to help him out; she wrapped her big hands around his cock and started stroking. Not too fast, just enough to show him she cared, to make him feel good.

'This is so nice,' she thought, closing her eyes. This is how sex should be; loving, comfy, and gen—


Ochaco ruined the moment by plunging her toy deep into Tsuyu's ass. It wasn't as big as Izuku's cock, but the fury behind the thrust was so much worse. Her asshole stung and from a single punch inside of her, Tsuyu lost control.

She squirted, a fountain of her lust gushing from her loins to crash back down against her fat belly. But she also lost control of her tongue, shooting it out and sending so much further inside of Izuku.

Too much, in fact, as it made him lose control, too. He yelled and his body tensed up, trapping her tongue inside of him as he erupted. Cum flew over Tsuyu's head, shooting halfway across the hall.

'And landing on my uniform, of course,' she would realize later, when the heat of the moment calmed down.

Both of them were spent. Tsuyu slowly pulled her tongue out of Izuku's ass, and he collapsed backward, plopping down to be cushioned by her big belly.

Ochaco didn't keep fucking Tsuyu; when presented with her boyfriend's upside-down face before her, she leaned down to kiss him again.

The three soon disentangled. Ochaco and Izuku shared another moment between themselves, giving Tsuyu another moment to relax. Tsuyu thought they looked cute together, like always. Even Ochaco, as villainous as she had been this afternoon. But Ochaco's attention soon turned back to her and the exhausted frog girl wondered what was next.

Ochaco crawled over to her and Tsuyu stared back as defiantly as she could. The moment was tense, but then Ochaco sighed and pulled Tsuyu into a hug.

"Tsu-chan," she began. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being such a bitch." She glanced at Tsuyu's belly again, frowning at the red marks her slaps had left on her skin, before looking back into her eyes.

"I got so jealous of your sexy belly, of the different way you looked all of a sudden. But you're still the same, sweet Tsu. You made Deku-kun feel so good! And all I did was torment you."

Ochaco looked ashamed, biting her lip silently before she finished.

"Can you forgive me?"

Tsuyu stared at Ochaco. As always, her eyes gave little clue of her internal thoughts. Tsuyu was frustrated with Ochaco; she had been so rough, so mean! But still, she was her friend and she loved her, and even if it had been rough…it had been kind of fun, too. She took a deep breath and sighed and then she answered.

"I forgive you, Ochaco," she said. Ochaco relaxed and smiled thankfully.

"Under one condition."

Ochaco tilted her head, curious to her friend's demands. Her response was being pushed on her back by the frog girl, who then mounted Ochaco and pinned her down with her heavy belly on top of her.

"We play some more, kero," Tsuyu said. "But this time, I'm in charge."

Ochaco stared at her, wide-eyed and surprised. Then a giddy smile formed on her face and she craned her neck forward to kiss Tsuyu's lips, gently this time.

"Do your worst."

It was late but finally Tsuyu made it home. She stepped through the door and kicked off her shoes, setting her school bag down by the door.

She was tired; between the relentless sex throughout the day and her burdensome belly, her body was at its limit. She stumbled into the living room, anxious to swap bellies back with her mom.

"It was our anniversary, but you're the one who came home late. Explain yourself, young lady."

Tsuyu glanced up at her mother sitting in one of the armchairs, clearly waiting up for her. Tsuyu sniffed herself; she stunk of sex and piss.

"This big belly was a huge hit. Everyone wanted to fuck me, all day. My friends just finally let me go," she said, her voice blunt and unforgiving, even for her.

Beru didn't say anything for a moment, letting her eyes roam up and down her daughter's body. She hadn't realized it before, but now she understood. Her daughter did look sexy with her spare tire; she couldn't blame her classmates for having their way with her.

"Hmm," she said. "Well, you can make up for being late by giving your father and me our anniversary present."

The usually unflappable Tsuyu panicked. "But you told us not to get you a present!"

Beru chuckled as she stood up and walked towards the stairs.

"No, I meant you could be the present. You look fucking hot, dear. Come upstairs so mommy and daddy can fuck you while you still look so plump and delicious."

Tsuyu sighed. She was tired. But she followed anyway.

"Kinky," she whispered to herself. It did sound like fun.