Nudist mha 2

It's only been a day since Class 2-A discovered Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka naked in the common area of the dormitory. It was funny when the couple discovered the following morning half the class wanted to burn the sofas due to them being nude all over it, the other half arguing to "just Febreze it". But it wasn't fun and games when their homeroom teacher learned of it and they were given detention for two whole weeks, forced to do various chores all across the school and campus until nine PM, every day, until next Friday. And on the day they were given detention, just to alleviate any suspicions that the couple may have had sexual relations (they did, but they wouldn't reveal it) the whole class was forced to watch a film called The Miracle of Life .

But their torture soon ended.

Saturday morning...

Izuku and Ochako were both yawning as they exited the elevator and shuffled like zombies (not really) into the kitchen. Some of their classmates noticed that Ochako was wearing pink tablet/artist gloves (fitting gloves that leaves the thumb, index and middle fingers exposed but the ring and pinky fingers are covered).

"Need tea," Izuku mutters.

"And food," Ochako added with a mutter.

The rest of their class noted that Ochako was wearing one of Izuku's pajama pants and buttoned shirt while Izuku did not care that he was only clad in a different-colored pajama pants and is shirtless. The other girls blushed a bit seeing Izuku shirtless and exposing his hard muscles for all to see. It had been ingrained that on the weekends, everybody was responsible for making their own breakfast and lunch while dinner was still a group thing.

Iida stood up from his seat at the dining table and walks up to his two best friends.

"Midoriya, Uraraka, did you two spend the night in one room together?" he asks them.

"Yes," they answer, not looking at Iida as Ochako grabs stuff from the fridge while Izuku was preparing green tea.

They at least kept quiet when they had sex in his bedroom.

Iida didn't know how to respond to their blunt answer.

"Huh... that was very blunt," says Jiro.

"Yes it was, kero," Asui agreed.

After making the tea, Ochako grabs the tall glass and drank half from it before Izuku takes it and takes his own gulp of the flavorful tea. Izuku then makes more.

"Did they indirect kiss?" whispers Hagakure to Ashido.

"Yes they did," the pink-skinned cutie answers.

Ochako and Izuku made a large serving of Omuraisu (Japanese Rice Omelet). Plate in his hand and only a single fork, the couple sat down at the table with the tall glass of green tea and they ate together... off the same plate... sharing the same fork... and sharing the same drink.

Ashido nudged Hagakure in the side, and whispers to her, "I hope we get an invitation to their wedding one day."

"Yup." Hagakure nodded. "We'll all make wonderful bridesmaids."

For five minutes the sleepy couple were stared at as they ate their breakfast, before returning to the kitchen to wash the plate, fork, glass, and the pan they used to make the Omuraisu, and then they disappeared back upstairs. This time they used the side stairwell next to the elevator.

"Wait... are they going back upstairs?" questioned Kaminari.

"Well, at least they weren't naked," said Kirishima with a light shrug.

"Why would you say that?" said Yaoyorozu, blushing.

"Hey, I'm not one to judge, really." Kirishima takes a quick sip of his tea. "Sure it's a bit weird, but if that's what they like to do, fine by me. Besides, Hagakure's naked half the time."

Ashido giggled. "He's right, Toru."

Hagakure would be seen blushing if she wasn't invisible so she settled for exaggerated arm waving.

"Oh c'mon! That was last year! Ever since Togata's suggestion about my hero costume choice, the support course made me a new hero costume that can turn invisible. I'm no longer wearing JUST boots and gloves," she pouted.

Ojiro just smiled softly, sliding an arm around his girlfriend.

"Okay, calm down, Toru..."

"Yet last week you said you were happy to have fellow nudists living in the dorm," said Ashido with another giggle.

"Could we please change topics?" exclaims Iida.

"Yeah, I don't want to hear any of this shit," Bakugo complained, chowing down his spicy breakfast.

Upstairs, the door closed. Izuku and Ochako climbed back into the greenette's bed and they snuggled up. The couple gave a light kiss before they in minutes went back to sleep. Music was playing. From the album WATERISE, the song "しあわせな王子" was currently playing. It was a nice peaceful song. But today was Sunday. And for two particular students of 2-A, they were staying in one particular room.

"Glad you want to stay in my room, Izuku," said Ochako.

"Of course. I love my All Might collection but something tells me you'd not want to get stared at by him everywhere you look."

"Izu. Hehehe..."

Ochako was blushing a bit. She adored Izuku, and she could appreciate his All Might collection. Although she had managed to get him (long before they officially became a couple) to add a couple other things such as a figurine of Thirteen, and one of Sir Nighteye to remember his memory.

Izuku gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Good thing we brought the laptop here."

Izuku's laptop that was decorated with the sticker decal of All Might.

"Glad that we went out yesterday and got some snacks and drinks to enjoy," says Ochako, before sipping from a bottle of melon-flavored Ramuné.

They had five cases of Ramuné – grape, melon, strawberry, blue Hawaii, and peach. The snacks included three bags of Kit Kat Bars that was birthday cake flavor, orange flavor, and matcha green tea, matcha green tea mochi, strawberry Pocky, and a bakers dozen cinnamon buns.

"You do realize, Izuku, that you eating a cinnamon bun counts as cannibalism," Ochako pointed out.

Izuku smirks. "Call the cops." And he takes a bite from a cinnamon bun. Ochako giggles.

They've started enjoying being nude again, but only in the privacy of their rooms. Sometimes alone, but much better together. Izuku being on the girls side was better because his room was sadly next door to Mineta and no one still has no clue what the hell his room looked like, nor did anyone want to tempt peering in in fear it's like opening the Ark of the Covenant. They HAD told their friends they were going to just spend the day being lazy, and that he was going to be with Ochako in her room. Their best friend Iida somewhat argued about that tidbit but Ochako had invited Izuku to be in her room willingly so the small argument was put to rest. And though a certain grape boy had subtly accused of them going to do naughty things, in complete honesty sex was the last thing on their minds. A healthy relationship between lovers doesn't always have to be about sex, after all. They were just two teenagers being lazy... with no clothes on.

The morning they spent playing video games on his laptop, then listened to music. It was an hour past noon and their lunch consisted of the snack foods and drinks they have. Ochako, much like everyone else, loved the mini fridge that she had in her room. It was a pre-furbished item that each classmate in Class A received upon moving into the dorms last year the day before school resumed post summer vacation. One case of melon Ramuné was out and the other cases safely stored in her mini fridge.

"Say... want to watch some anime?"

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" she asks him.

"Something I think you're going to find both disturbing funny and ecchi."

Ochako giggled a bit.

"Really? Okay, I am curious..."

Izuku smiled. "Now, I only recently discovered it but thought I'd share the first episode with you."

"Well bring it up already," she tells him.

After turning off the music player, Izuku accessed the app and is logging on with his account. He brings up the anime he was talking about. Only after the first ten minutes of the anime playing was the two laughing their asses off. It was so lewd without being full-on hentai and the comedy cranked to eleven.

"I can't believe that was said!" Ochako cried out mid-laughter.

It was very hilarious.

"Can you imagine if THIS was our world?" asked a giggling Izuku.

"Oh god!" she shouted, laughter renewed.

They were laughing together. For the next hour, they binge watch anime together.

Downstairs, the doorbell rang, alerting those who weren't out on this nice day. It was Yaoyorozu who answers the door.

"Oh, All Might-sensei, hello."

"Hello, Yaoyorozu." He was invited inside the dorm house. "Tell me, is Midoriya here or is he out?"

"Midoriya is upstairs in Uraraka's room, All Might-sensei," Yaoyorozu answers.

"Thank you, Yaoyorozu."

"Pardon me for asking, but what do you need Midoriya for?"

Toshinori smiled.

"It's nothing much. I just wish to talk to him in regards to his quirk training."

The dark-haired girl nods, understanding. It's not much a secret now that the class knows that their resident cinnamon roll has three quirks to harness ever since the events from last year...

As Toshinori heads upstairs, Kaminari spoke up.

"Hey, uh... should we warn him that Midoriya's a nudist?"

The others in the common area stopped what they we're doing.

"Who cares," said Bakugo. "What's the worst that can happen?"

Apparently, a lot.


That got everyone who still stayed in the dorms today to rush upstairs.

On Uraraka's dorm floor, a minute earlier...

Izuku had Ochako sitting in his lap, both still facing the laptop. An audio splitter was plugged into the laptop and each wore cat earred headphones. So while the room sounded empty, their laughter still erupt when they heard something funny from the anime they're watching. So, they never heard the knocking on the door.

Toshinori was outside the door and knocked again, but got no answer. So when he checked the door knob, it's locked. Though the students have a right to lock their door, every teacher had a universal master key to get into locked students' dorm rooms if they have reason to suspect something foul was unfolding. But Toshinori used his key to unlock the door and opens it. And his eyes are wide when he sees young Midoriya with young Uraraka sitting in his lap, and they were naked.

All Might temporarily buffed up and his voice was as loud as ever when he shouts, "MIDORIYA! URARAKA! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?"

They heard the shout through their headphones, turn and see All Might at the door.

The two teens scream in shock and surprise and fall out of the chair.

The thundering of footsteps is heard before Class 2-A show up. Now, those missing from the group is Shoto Todoroki, Minoru Mineta, and Tsuyu Asui. They had gone home for the day to be with family (in Mineta's case, do something perverted at home).

"All Might, we can explain, kind of," shouted Ashido, as the two embarrassed teens had jumped into bed and threw the blankets to cover their nudity.


"All Might! We can explain!" Izuku cried out, face as red as his girlfriend's.

"We weren't going to do anything perverted! We swear!" Ochako yells.


POOF! All Might deflated with a gag of blood spilling from his mouth. He wiped it away and took out his phone.

"I ought to call your parents and Aizawa about this!"


"What's the worst that could happen, eh, Baku-bro?" questioned Kirishima.

Bakugo just flipped the bird at Kirishima.

The phone clattered.

"Nu… Nudists?"

Well, apparently this was information overload.

"All Might!" Class 2-A cried out.

All Might fainted.

An hour later, All Might came to. He was in the nurse's office.

"What… happened?"

"You fainted, Toshinori," said Recovery Girl. "Lucky for you Iida had help bringing you to me. They didn't go into specifics why you fainted..."

Toshinori shot up from his bed into a sitting position.

"Midoriya and Uraraka were naked in the dorm room!"

The elderly woman's eyebrows were up high hearing that shout out.

"Huh. Youngsters these days. Hopefully they used protection, even though technically sex is forbidden on school grounds."It was dinner time later that Sunday. At the Midoriya house, Inko was sitting in the living room with a healthy meal made just for herself and the TV on tuned to her favorite channel that played her Korean romance drama shows. She missed making meals with her son Izuku, but since he's gone to UA, and after the whole Camino Ward incident from a year ago , he's now living on the campus grounds at their built dormitory buildings with every student that attends the school. But her son will always try to make the time to call her and talk, or even visit on the weekends. She knew Izuku was growing up. He was becoming a responsible young man, able to care for himself. And the fact that five days ago he called her and told her that he was now dating someone made her extremely happy.

" I wonder how Izuku is tonight," she says to herself, smiling.

Yesterday was still vivid in her mind. Izuku came home with Ochako to have dinner with her, and also introduce her to his darling mother. She really loved the girl. Ochako was one of his first true best friends made since starting UA a year ago. And they have been through a lot of stuff together. A nice family dinner, being able to tell embarrassing funny stories about Izuku when he was a little boy, Ochako giggling and loving every minute of the visit, and Izuku a blushing stuttering mess as he gets playfully teased for being such a little cutie pie as a little boy. Inko could definitely tell that Izuku was so in love with Ochako, and she was so in love with Izuku.

Inko made the kids promise to stop by again another time so they could have a wonderful family meal together.

Her house phone starts ringing.

"Oh? Who could that be?"

She gets up to check the caller ID on the phone, and recognized the name.

"All Might?" She answers it. "Moshi moshi?"

"Hello, M r s. Midoriya, it's Toshinori."

"Hello, All Might. Is everything okay? My son's not hurt or anything, is he?"

"No, no, no, nothing bad happened to young Midoriya. I just have some personal questions if it's alright with you."

Inko hums softly. "Okay, what's the question?"

"This may sound crazy, but… are you aware of your son going around nude here at the dorms at school?" the retired Pro Hero asked.

"Oh… I see." Inko sighs. "Well, I'm surprised, but then again, not all that surprised."


"A couple years ago I went to a nudist resort with Izuku when he was seven. One time thing. Never went to one again. But sometimes I'd catch my son naked in the house, mostly in his bedroom. Guess he took to the nudist lifestyle. I don't mind if he does so long as he respects the boundaries of his friends and his own privacy. I'll bean him with a rolling pin if he's doing something he's not supposed to like flashing people… which I highly doubt my darling son would never do devious things like that."

" I see. "

" Of course, yesterday during dinner when I was introduced to his darling girlfriend Ochako, they had admitted to me that they spent a weekend being naked together, as Ochako herself as a child went to a nudist location with her parents. Though it was also a one-time deal like with me. I suspected they may have had sex, too, but I trust my son to not make rash judgments like unprotected sex, if it WAS the case. Good thing I bought him a box of condoms if he ever does have sex on his seventeenth birthday … "

Inko smiles to herself.

"That darling son of mine is becoming a man. And I'm very happy he's able to achieve his dreams. He's got a lovely girlfriend, wonderful friends who'll stick by him no matter what happens, and his teacher Aizawa is a wonderful and caring man despite being rough around the edges. Not to mention Izuku loves being Eri's big brother in her life, and Ochako the big sister." The woman giggles. "As long as Izuku's happy, I'm happy."


"Uh… All Might? Sir? Are you there?"

At U A, in his office, Toshinori Yagi had fainted, again. It was the comment about his successor being nude with Uraraka over the weekend thing that made him feel faint, but the sex comment definitely KO'ed him.

" All Might? Are you there? Answer me. " Inko's voice trailed out from the dropped phone.

Lucky for Toshinori, Nemuri Kayama had entered to check up on the man as it was getting late and the sun was setting, and found the unconscious man on the floor. Toshinori would wake up the next morning in the nurse's office.