Strip or dare mha part 1

Kirishima woke to his alarm and excitedly bounced out of bed, pulling on his jeans before bounding out the door, they were going hiking today!

It was almost the end of spring break and he and his housemates had all returned a few days ago, excited to go on their annual camping trip. He smiled at the thought of just how lucky they were. After graduating UA, they'd all continued their pro hero studies in college and the core squad had all been accepted into the same one. Instead of living on campus, because they'd all had more than enough of that at UA, they had managed to rent a big house together and Jirou was also more often than not invited on their trips. Since there were so many of them, it didn't cost all that much per week.

Kirishima crossed the hallway and his face fell when he saw Mina holding the front door open and looking forlornly into the pouring rain. "I guess we're not going hiking, huh?" Sero said from close behind. The rest of the group came to stand in front of the door, the six of them looking with distaste at the weather.

"Well, let's do something, what board games do we have?" Mina asked as everyone turned toward her.

"Monopoly?" Kaminari suggested to a chorus of groans. Bakugou always won monopoly even though he claimed to hate it.

"I have a poker set. We could play cards," Sero proposed instead.

They all nodded their assent and Sero went to retrieve his set.

"What are we going to bet though? It's boring when there's no stakes and we're too poor to bet real money," Kaminari asked.

Mina had a devilish smirk on her face when she spoke, "We could play strip poker."

Jirou turned wide eyed toward her friend, "You're not serious are you?"

"Oh come on, we've all probably seen at least one of us naked before anyway. Just play until you're comfortable," Mina giggled as she encouraged her.

Kirishima shrugged and huffed a laugh, "I don't have a better idea and it's not like my costume covers my top half anyway." He went to sit on the floor in their living room, pushing back some of the couches as he did before abruptly jumping back up to retrieve snacks for everyone.

Sero returned and put down his set of cards in the middle of their makeshift circle, "Did you guys decide how we're playing?"

"Strip poker apparently," Bakugou huffed.

He turned his dark eyes toward the explosive blonde, "And you're okay with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be!? I've got a great body!" Bakugou fired back.

Kirishima returned with an arm full of food and threw a chocolate bar at Bakugou, "Cool your blasters, man. We haven't even started yet."

In truth, Kirishima was a little nervous. He'd had a crush on Bakugou for as long as he could remember but he'd never seen any sign that his feelings were reciprocated so he'd never acted on them. The potential for seeing him naked though was an enticing idea.

The problem was that Kirishima was terrible at cards. He'd end up being the naked one before anyone else lost more than their socks. Well, maybe except for Denki. He looked around the group and smiled when he saw that only he and Sero were even wearing socks. Good, he needed all the help he could get.

He plopped down between Jiro and Bakugou and threw a bag of chips at Kaminari and Sero.

"I think I'm gonna need some liquid courage to get through this," Sero laughed. "Anyone else want a drink?" he asked as he got to his feet.

Everyone shrugged and there was a general answer of, "Might as well." Mina got up to help him. "Woo let's break out the alcohol then," she called excitedly as she skipped into the kitchen.

Kirishima settled in on Bakugou's right with a can of pringles, next to Jirou. Mina's empty spot waited on Bakugou's left with Sero's on her other side, next to Kaminari.

Sero returned and handed out beers while Mina poured cups of coke and added whatever liquor she had found.

"Alright, so how do we play?" Kirishima asked.

Sero started to explain, "So there's two versions that could work. Texas Hold'em or Five Card Draw."

"Which one's easiest?" Kirishima interrupted him to a chorus of giggles.

"We know you're gonna lose anyway, Kiri so what does it matter?" Mina teased.

Kirishima poked his tongue out at her and laughed good naturedly along with the rest of his friends.

"Well five card draw is probably the easiest. Everyone gets five cards and can exchange as many of the cards as they want for new ones from the deck. You would usually bet or fold after that and the person with the best hand wins. But if we stick to the loser taking off an item of clothing and not betting or folding, that might work best."

"Yeah that sounds easy. If you were able to fold, then you could just do that every round and never lose. That's not fair," Kaminari spoke up then laughed as he continued, "I wanna see some skin!"

They all laughed as Sero shuffled the cards and dealt. The first hand went slowly, having to consult the rule book several times about which hands were worth more than others. By the time Kirishima and Sero had lost their socks and Mina had lost her jumper, they had a better understanding of how it all went.

Bakugou looked down at his cards, he had a pair of nines, not great but he probably wouldn't lose. "So what does the winner get?" he asked smugly.

"To keep their clothes on," Kirishima huffed wiggling his bare toes.

"Wait, what happens if all your clothes are gone? Are you out?" Kaminari asked.

Mina hummed, she hadn't thought that far ahead yet but an idea was taking shape at the very real possibility of being naked in front of them all. "How about the loser can choose if they take something off or do a truth or dare type thing instead," she suggested before any of them had lost any important items of clothing.

"Oh yeah, I like that. But let's say you can't do a truth or dare twice in a row," Kaminari added.

"Is this gonna end up like naked truth or dare?" Jirou inquired, laughing a little, feeling a light buzz from her finished beer.

"Exactly!" Mina laughed jokingly, "Although, I doubt it'll get that far."

Kaminari looked at his cards and groaned. He had nothing. He looked around as everyone revealed their hands, a pair and three of a kind were in the mix. His hand was by far the worst and he groaned again as he looked down at what he was wearing: white tee-shirt and jeans.

He hadn't finished getting dressed when he'd heard the rain so his feet were already bare. He grimaced as he realised he could only lose three items of clothing before he'd be naked, which meant six losses and he'd be naked after doing three truth or dares in between. Shit, he cursed his lack of clothing and lack of poker skill.

He also didn't want to be the first one to chicken out of taking their clothes off, so five losses then.

Sero laughed as he realised Kaminari's dilemma, "The shirt or the pants, big boy?"

"Oh shut up," he called as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it at Sero to a chorus of laughs and whistles from everyone else.

Jirou grimaced at her cards and peeked around the circle, seeing that no one else was looking at their cards like she was, she realised that she was probably the loser this time. She had already decided that she would pick truth and save the clothing for the next loss. When everyone revealed their hands, sure enough she had the worst.

Kirishima grinned a toothy smile and turned to her, "Are you stripping or playing?"

"Ah, I'll do a truth, Kiri," she replied.

The red head seemed to contemplate his question before asking, "If you had to make out with someone in the room, who would it be?"

She stopped her cheeks from reddening and gave a shy smile. "Denki," she replied simply and the blond snapped his head toward her.

Jirou wants to make out with me? Kaminari thought. Or am I just the best option? Surely that's not it, there's some pretty good options in the room. He smiled at the revelation.

The next round was dealt and Kirishima heard Bakugou swear under his breath as he exchanged his hand, "Fuckin shitty cards."

Kiri smirked and leaned in toward him, knowing he wouldn't choose a truth or dare until later and seeing that he also already had bare feet, "Too bad you weren't dressed already. Socks could have been very handy right about now."

Bakugou glared back at him, "Shut it, Shitty Hair." He watched as everyone revealed their hands and didn't enjoy the fact that he'd lost.

Mina leaned into him. "Come on, Blasty, take it off," she cooed cheerily as everyone laughed.

He ripped his shirt off and tossed it behind him. "Whatever. Soak it up because that's the last thing that's coming off," he declared.

Kirishima swallowed as he looked out the counter of his eye and saw Bakugou's bare chest as the next cards were dealt. His body was the perfect balance of lean and muscular, graceful and powerful. He shook his head, trying to focus on the cards. It wasn't like he was shy, he'd slept with a few guys but there was just something about seeing Bakugou that really did it for him.

He looked back down at his cards again and realised he hadn't been paying enough attention and his cards were rubbish "Shit," he whispered to himself but Bakugou caught it and the side of his mouth ticked up as he turned to him.

"Not so funny when you're on the receiving end is it, Hair for Brains?" Bakugou smirked at him.

Kirishima turned and smirked right back, "Oh I wouldn't know what being on the receiving end is like." He pulled his shirt off and dropped it to his side. He felt a wave of satisfaction as he caught the slight look of shock on Bakugou's face.

The rest of the group had missed this interaction though, all caught up in laughing at Kaminari who was busy complaining and quickly turned to Mina who had won. "Give me a truth, girl," he called.

Mina smiled back as she asked, "What's your favourite sex position?"

"Uh with a girl or a guy?" Kaminari asked, just to be clear.

"Tell us both," she decided.

"Well it's the same either way, I like doggy style."

"Giving or taking?" Sero asked.

Kaminari turned to him with a teasing smirk and shrugged, "Maybe you can ask that if I lose again."

Mina picked up her cards and huffed, she couldn't make anything with them so she discarded three hoping it would save her. She ended up with a pair of twos but it wasn't enough against everyone else. She contemplated taking off her singlet but decided against it. "Alright, Blasty, ask away."

Bakugou thought quickly and looked around the circle, being as competitive as he was, he wanted a better question than what had been asked so far so the side of his mouth pulled up in a smirk when he turned to face her, "If you had a threesome with two people in the room, who would it be?"

"Jesus, Bakugou," she admonished, laughing. "Ok, umm maybe Sero and Kami or Kiri and Kami. Eh either one," she shrugged.

All three boys' faces looked at her with wide eyes, never really having considered the possibility of something like that actually happening.

Sero quickly dealt the cards to move the game on and Mina was surprised to see that she'd lost again. She quickly peeled her tight singlet off and threw it on the couch. Her sports bra didn't show off much but her boobs weren't small and she realised that all eyes were on her.

Sero lost his shorts in the next round, not wanting to break the streak of the boys doing a clothing item first and everyone was feeling more giggly by the minute.

Jirou stared down at her hand in dismay. "Aww come on," she complained. The dark haired girl felt her face heat as she discarded three cards, really hoping the deck would be kind to her but she had no such luck.

"Oh Kyouka, time to show some skin!" She heard Mina tease across the circle as they all looked at her miserable hand.

"Yeah, I don't think so. Not yet anyway," she said as her hands slipped up the back of her black tee-shirt and unclasped her bra. She slipped the straps down her shoulders and pulled it out the front of her shirt, quickly stuffing it behind her.

Kaminari's eyes went round as he took a not so subtle look where her shirt was raised into peaks from her nipples. He swallowed hard and looked away. He would have a hard time hiding his excitement if he lost another round.

The thought had seemed to jinx him and he found himself losing the next hand. His complaint about taking off his pants caught everyone's attention and they all turned to watch in mild amusement as he stood and quickly hopped out of his jeans. He sat back on the floor and crossed his legs as best he could, giving Bakugou an unwelcome view of his crotch, now covered only in his grey briefs.

"Really man, close your fucking legs! I don't need to see that," Bakugou spat across the circle.

"Whatever, dude, aren't you gay anyway?" Kaminari shot back.

"Doesn't mean I want anything to do with that!" He vaguely gestured toward Kaminari's lower half.

They all laughed and Mina stood to refill drinks, everyone enjoying the buzz they were on, as the cards were dealt.

Kirishima knew he was bad at cards and drinking while doing something you were bad at was probably a ticket for disaster but he seemed to be doing okay so far. His okayness was about to get him a dare though as he realised too late that he'd traded a card that could have been good with what he got back.

He looked up to see who would be delivering his dare, Sero, "I'll take a dare, man."

Sero thought about it for a minute before coming up with something good. "I take it you know how to give a blowjob," he teased, voice lilting at the end.

"What!? Of course I do! But, I'm not doing that!" His eyes went wide as he spoke quickly.

Sero burst out laughing and Kaminari joined him at the shock on Kiri's face. "No, I'm not daring you to suck a dick! I want you to pretend to, just show us your technique."

"How do I do that? On my fingers!?" Kirishima asked.

"Well you could use Bakugou's fingers," Kaminari jokingly said.

Bakugou held up his hand in a very blast-like manner and glared at Kaminari before he was too surprised to move when Kirishima grasped his hand and pushed his first two fingers together into a sort of gun shape.

Kirishima knew they were only joking but he was a little excited about the idea so he moved onto his knees at Bakugou's side and grabbed his fingers. Before he could be blasted to pieces, he wrapped his lips around the tips of them, hardening his arms as a precaution.

Bakugou was too shocked to pull away. Kirishima had his lips around his fingers and flicked his tongue over the tips. He lowered his head and took the entire length of them into his mouth and sucked. He felt his tongue swirl around them before he pulled back and started bobbing his head quickly. He felt himself getting hard, the fucker was really good at this and he wondered how good it would feel if it wasn't just his fingers getting sucked.

Kirishima had never known Bakugou to be so still or silent without a glare on his face. He opened his eyes to find Bakugou's closed. He sucked hard and flicked his tongue over his finger tips and was sure Bakugou was breathing a lot quicker than he was before. He would never use teeth during an actual blowjob but since these were only his fingers he scrapped them over his calloused skin and watched him ever so subtly tremble. He wondered if the others had noticed and pulled his lips off him.

Bakugou's eyes snapped open at the loss of contact and he saw Kirishima smirking at him teasingly.

Mina fanned her face, "Wow, Kiri. That was hot!"

"Yeah." Agreed Sero and Kaminari at the same time. "I think I got my money's worth with that dare. What was it like, Bakugou?" Sero asked.

Kaminari laughed even though he was feeling a little flustered himself. "Do you really have to ask, bro?" he said as he gestured toward Bakugou's shorts.

Five sets of eyes trained on the bulge in Bakugou's pants. "STOP FUCKING STARING, YOU EXTRAS!" he screeched. But followed it up with a more subdued, "It was good, alright!?"

Kirishima sat back with a surprised look on his face. He never expected Bakugou to admit that.

Sero had almost forgotten that they were playing cards, still a little distracted by Kirishima's display and wondering what he himself might have to do. He didn't have long to wonder though when his hand came up empty in the next round. He looked at everyone else's cards to see who would be giving him a dare.

Kirishima looked across at him and laughed as he said, "Payback's a bitch, man. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to leave your hand on the inner thigh of Kami and Mina for the entire next round. You won't be able to move your hands so you have to sit the next round out."

Bakugou snorted a laugh at the dare, that was actually a pretty good one, especially since the thought of a threesome with those two in it was probably still in Sero's head.

Sero shrugged while Mina and Kaminari both shuffled closer to him and he rested his hands on the inside of their legs, closer to their knee than anything.

"Put your hands higher, you bastard! Kirishima gave my fucking hand a blowjob and you think you just get to rest your hand on their knees?" Bakugou spoke up before Kirishima had the chance to.

Kirishima nodded and smiled devilishly, "He's right, move your hands up."

Sero moved his hands a little further back, "Better?"

Kirishima was about to say yes before he was cut off by Jirou, "No, higher."

Bakugou raised his eyebrows at the girl, impressed that they were all getting into the game.

Sero huffed but moved his hands as high as they could go while still being classed as thigh.

"That's better, now don't move until the round is over," Kirishima chuckled.

"I'm gonna get you back for this, Kiri. I didn't even lose and I feel like I'm the one doing a dare!" Mina told him.

"Do you think I wanted my fingers sucked off, Pinky?!" Bakugou shot back.

Everyone released a laugh at that as the next lot of cards were dealt.

Mina couldn't concentrate with Sero's strong hand resting against her like that. She looked over at Kaminari and saw that he was having just as much trouble as she was. He leaned forward to exchange two of his cards for new ones and noticed Sero's hand brush the outline of Kaminari's dick which was a little more prominent than it had been a few moments ago.

Sero was almost holding his breath. One move from either of his hands and one of his fantasies would be coming true. He fought the urge to rub either of their thighs as he waited for the round to come to an end.

Mina moved forward to get a new card and the side of his hand put a firm pressure against the outside of her pussy. She ground her teeth hoping to stifle the tingling sensation his hand was sending through her as she sat back. It was luck that she didn't lose the round.

Bakugou had lost again. He didn't like the idea of taking his pants off just yet so he turned Kirishima who had won again, "Ask me something, Shitty Hair."

Kirishima replied almost instantly, having wanted to know this for a while now, "Got any kinks?"

Kaminari inhaled a sip of his drink and coughed loudly while Bakugou looked back at Kirishima with a taunting smile, "Why do you wanna know?"

Kirishima shrugged, "I'm curious."

Bakugou contemplated what to tell them but decided to ask, "How many do you wanna know?"

Kaminari had wisely sat his drink down because he was sure he would end up choking on it again. That proved to be a wise move when he heard Bakugou say that. "How many are there!?" he shrieked.

Bakugou lazily shrugged back at him, "I like what I like."

Kirishima thought it over, "You have to tell us at least three."

Bakugou answered without hesitation, "I have a pretty big hair pulling kink which is probably because I like a little bit of pain so there's two and I've never tried it but I think I'd be pretty into bondage," he finished and looked around. No one seemed overly surprised at his admissions.

Kirishima was only imagining pulling his hair as he sucked his dick. He tried very hard to keep the thoughts off his face but he was having a hard time keeping the evidence from showing elsewhere. He just hoped no one noticed.

The attention was directed back to the cards again so Kirishima had time to get himself under control and wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed when he ended up with a full house, surely not a losing hand.

Kaminari had a pair of tens but it still wasn't enough to keep him safe with everyone ending up with really good cards. He looked up to see who had won before he chose a truth or a dare. He saw Jirou doing a subtle fist pump and was curious to see what she would have him do so he chose dare.

"I dare you to make out with two people of your choosing and then tell us which one was better. For at least a minute each," Jirou gave him a teasing smirk as she said it.

"You're on," he replied with a smile that didn't make her feel as confident as she first had at her dare.

It didn't take long for the smile to slip completely as he smirked back and made his way over, stopping right in front of her.

"But you're up first. You said your self that you wanted to make out with me," he whispered to her.

He leant down toward her and softly brushed his lips over hers, tentative, teasing. He lifted his hand and brought it up to cup her face as he ran his tongue softly along her bottom lip, seeking permission. Her hands fisted at his sides as she made a noise low in her throat. He had wanted Jiro for as long as he could remember and this was pretty damn good for a first kiss.

His kiss was electrifying and she thought somewhere in the back of her mind that it was an odd choice of word considering his quirk but all thought left her as she felt his tongue brush her lips. She opened to him immediately as she kissed him back, their kiss quickly turning passionate as their lips moved together.

"Time," Sero called and Kaminari reluctantly pulled away. He quickly pressed a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth that had her blushing before he pulled away.

He turned away from her toward her left where Kirishima sat. "Kiri, you're up! Gimme some love."

Kirishima snorted at his words but didn't have a problem with kissing Denki, they'd had a few drunken make out sessions before anyway so it wouldn't be that bad. "It's gonna have to be pretty good to beat that," he teased.

He sat up on his knees and reached for Kaminari. He ran one hand into his hair while the other snaked around his lower back.

Kaminari rested one hand on the back of Kiri's neck and the other on his hip as their lips connected. This kiss didn't have the same sparks as he'd had when he kissed Kyouka but they put on a show anyway. He flicked his tongue over Kirishima's lips and he responded quickly. Opening and drawing his tongue into his mouth as he massaged it with his own.

Kirishima pulled back and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth biting down softly with his pointy teeth.

Kaminari pulled back as Sero called time.

"So who was better?" Mina asked, a little flustered from their display.

"Both were pretty great but I've kissed Kiri before so I knew what that was gonna be like so I have to go with Jirou," Kaminari said rather diplomatically.

"Jealous?" Kirishima winked at Bakugou before he downed the rest of his beer.

Bakugou growled an unintelligible response but got up to refill everyone's drinks as a new set of cards were dealt.

"Aww man! Twice in a row!? That's not fair!" Kaminari grumbled. He only had his underwear left and he'd just done his dare so he had to take them off.

"Aww Kami, do you wanna stop playing?" Mina asked in a motherly tone.

"No it's fine. Just, just promise not to laugh and I won't laugh when it's your turn," Kaminari returned, his face heating with a blush while everyone nodded their agreement. Everyone was a little nervous now that the first private body part was about to be exposed, it was getting serious. He lifted his butt and slipped his underwear off and sat with his hands in his lap. All eyes were on him and he realised it was his turn to deal. He took his hands away and shuffled the cards.

As Kaminari dealt, Jirou's eyes couldn't help but take a quick peek at his package. It was just there. It's hard not to look when something's just on display right next to you.

She lost the next round to Mina's flush thanks to her lapse in concentration and heard the pink girl ask, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Jirou answered, not sure what she would be dared to do.

Mina thought for a moment before asking, "What's the most overrated part of sex?"

Jirou didn't take long to answer, "Oral."

Sero looked at her questioningly as Mina asked, "Giving or getting?"

"Giving is fine but I've never really been into receiving," Jirou clarified.

Mina looked back at her dumbfounded, "Really!? Maybe you haven't had someone who's good at it. How many times have you tried it?"

"A couple but with the same person," Jirou answered wondering if maybe Mina had a point.

"Well there's your problem! It must have been them and not you! You need to get with someone with a better tongue."

Mina's words brought the feeling of Kaminari's tongue on her's back and she blushed slightly. "Maybe you're right," she replied.

"The night is still young, girl," Mina laughed and Jiro shook her head in reply as she scoffed. That would not be happening.

Mina cackled when Bakugou looked furiously down at his cards after the next round and tossed them into the middle. "Guess my fuckin shorts are coming off too," he stood up and went to undo his button but paused when he heard a groan from Kirishima.

"I traded the wrong card! I have nothing left," Kirishima whined.

"Looks like you're both shucking your pants, boys!" Mina laughed. "Wait! I have an idea, you two should help each other!"

"Why would I do that, Pinky!?" Bakugou asked as he swung his murderous gaze toward her.

"You two are the first to lose clothes at the same time, it's only fair that you have to put on a show," Mina answered sweetly.

Kirishima stood up and faced Bakugou, laughing as he did. The couple of beers he'd downed had given him a little bit of tipsy courage.

"I'll undo his pants but I ain't taking them down!" Bakugou yelled to Mina.

She shrugged happily in reply, "Good enough for me."

He gripped Kirishima's belt loops and yanked him closer. Kiri was so surprised that he stumbled and caught himself on Bakugou's shoulders as his hands made quick work of his button and zipper.

Feeling Bakugou's hands so close to where he'd always wanted them was like torture but he quickly remembered he had a job to do and unzipped Bakugou's shorts. He slipped his hands inside the waist band and slid them around to his back to push them down teasingly over his ass. He wondered how long it would be before he got see what was underneath.

Bakugou stood frozen. Kirishima's hands on his ass was a key piece of his fantasies and he was really enjoying this.

"Whew, that was intense," Jirou interrupted his thoughts and Kirishima blushed lightly as he sat back down after removing his own pants.

Mina had given up trying to win, the game was too much fun and she wasn't unhappy when she lost the next round wondering what she would have to do.

"I won! I actually won," Kaminari almost shouted. He looked up to see who had lost and smiled at Mina, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare me, Kami."

"I dare you to let Jirou give you a hickey."

Mina shrugged, "Get over here, girl!"

Jirou blushed but crawled over. "Where abouts?" she asked as her head flicked back and forth between Mina and Denki.

"Where ever Mina wants," Kaminari confirmed.

Mina gestured to her neck, right above her collarbone, "Just here."

Jirou bent her head and placed a soft kiss against her neck before opening her mouth and flicking her tongue over the skin. She licked a couple of times before drawing her skin into her mouth and sucking.

Mina gasped at the feel of Kyouka's delicate lips on her neck, sucking her skin. Her neck was finally released and she licked the spot a couple more times before leaning back.

"Ohh that's a good one," Kirishima teased when he saw the reddened skin on Mina's neck as Jirou returned to her place at his side and collected her cards for the next round.

Jirou had lost again and briefly wondered if her shirt was long enough to cover her ass as she remembered what underwear she was wearing.

She rose up on her knees to slide her shorts down with a slight blush on her face. She pulled her black shirt low over her butt but not before Kirishima caught a glimpse of her ass covered only by a thin black thong.

Kaminari's eyes travelled up her long lean legs and he shifted uncomfortably, trying to keep his dick from showing how much he liked the sight.

Mina whistled as Jirou tossed her shorts beside her but her teasing was cut short when her cards lost her the next round, she thought she was safe with a pair of threes but everyone had a lucky hand and she reached around for the clasp of her purple sports bra, not able to take her leggings off just yet.

Kirishima spoke up, confused, "Uh, Mina? You know you've still got leggings on right?"

"Yep," she replied, popping the p at the end but continued to unclasp her bra. She dropped it behind her as her boobs spilled free and she sat back. Resting on her hands back behind her, on full display.

Sero looked to his right and bit into his lip, he'd always thought Mina had an amazing body but seeing it in person was so much better than his fantasies now that she was just so comfortable and confident showing it off like that. He kinda wished his hand was still on her thigh for this round too. He had to adjust his shirt over his lap to hide his growing erection.

He tried to turn his mind to other things when he lost the next hand and lost the security of his shirt when he did. He quickly pulled off his shirt and dropped it to the floor, revealing his blue boxers stretched tightly over the length of him, not quite hard but not far from it now.

He was now left in his underwear like Bakugou and Kirishima while Kami was fully naked and Mina had her leggings left. Jirou seemed the luckiest with her shirt and underwear still on.

Somehow, Sero had won the round and turned toward Kaminari, "What's it gonna be, truth or dare?"


"Ever jacked off to someone here?" Sero asked.

Kaminari nodded his head but Sero held up his hand and continued, "This was a two part question. If so then how many?"

"How many times have I jerked it to one of you?" Kaminari asked, confused.

Sero laughed, "No, how many of us have you jacked it to?"

Kaminari looked around the circle with a twitch of his lips, "Five."

Mina groaned, "Shit, Kami, I didn't realise your tastes were so varied."

Bakugou looked at him and blinked too, wondering what the hell kind of fantasy he'd been in. He didn't have long to consider it though when Kirishima's soft groan penetrated his thoughts, indicating that his cards were useless after the next hand.

Bakugou looked at the other's hands as they revealed their cards and grinned triumphantly. He turned to Kirishima with a wicked look in his eye, "Truth or dare?"

Kirishima's hand came up to scratch at the back of his neck. "Truth," he asked tentatively.

"Coward," Bakugou muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Kiri to hear it. But the question rolled quickly off his tongue, "Are you a top or bottom?" He wanted to know what the hell he'd meant earlier when he said he wouldn't know what it's like to receive.

Kirishima smirked at him a little, "Top. But I'd bottom for the right guy." He'd always assumed Bakugou would be a top, he was just so manly and he tried to hide his smile when his words had the desired effect on him.

That sentence had Bakugou's dick hardening at the thought and Mina rolled her eyes at them. The tension between these two had been palpable for years but both of them refused to acknowledge it. Maybe this game could get them to actually act on it further. Hopefully she'd win a hand against one of them later.

She looked across the circle to see Jiro's face scrunched in concentration and tried not to laugh at her cute expression when she dropped her dead hand to the floor. Mina realised she had the winning cards. "Truth or dare?" Mina asked as she wiggled her eyebrows, making them all laugh.

"Give me a dare," Jirou replied simply.

"Ok, I dare you to demonstrate your best orgasm face," Mina giggled.

Jirou blushed but giggled too as she leaned back against the base of the couch. She bit into her lip as her brow creased and her eyelids drooped. She panted a few short breaths and raised her hips slightly off the floor.

"I think we need the noise to go with it," Sero teasingly encouraged.

Jiro slit one eye open and looked at him before smirking and letting out a long low keening noise. "Mmm, yeah, right there." She tilted her head back and held her breath, "Oh fuck, yeah, just like that." She took a deep breath and moaned again, "Ohh fuuuuuck." She finished with a low soft moan as her hips settled back on the floor. Her eyes popped open as she laughingly said, "And done."

Her words broke the spell cast over them and they all started laughing. Kirishima was the first to speak, "Please tell me you actually say 'and done'."

Jirou laughed as she playfully punched him in the arm and collected her cards for the next round.

Bakugou's lousy hand ended up with him losing and choosing truth from Jirou. "I'm a little curious, are you top or bottom?" she asked.

Bakugou turned to look at her to answer but his gaze never quite made it there, instead catching on Kirishima. The red head was looking back at him with a badly concealed burning curiosity. He met his eyes as he said, "Bottom." He grinned before he added with a wink, "But I'd top for the right guy." He used Kirishima's words from earlier, teasing him with them.

Kirishima's heart nearly beat right out of his chest at Bakugou's admission. His dick was hard and straining through his underwear now and he didn't miss Bakugou look down at it. God, they would fit so well together, he'd never thought of him as a bottom, being submissive just wasn't in his nature; a power bottom then. That was really fucking hot.

"You bottom!?" Kaminari burst out. "What?"

Bakugou broke away from Kirishima's burning gaze and saw four shocked expressions looking back at him "What? You don't think I can take a dick up my ass?" he yelled at their looks.

Jiro was the first to crack and dissolved into a fit of giggles which had the whole room cracking up.

"Not that you couldn't, Bakugou. Just that you would. Willingly," Jirou managed to say after she wiped tears from her eyes from laughing.

The dark haired girl cursed her luck when her terrible cards couldn't save her against a flush, full house and pair of threes, in the next round though. She took a deep breath before her hands went to the hem of her shirt and dragged it slowly up. She dropped the shirt in a heap, crossed her arms over her chest and laughed derisively, "At least there's not much to cover. I feel so boyish, I wish I had boobs like yours, Mina."

"Oh I think they're plenty good enough," Mina winked and tilted her head toward Kaminari who was having a difficult time trying to conceal the fact that he was hard. Even with his knees pulled up and his arms wrapped loosely around them.

Jirou looked to her right and blushed as she looked down at Kaminari's dick. It was long and straight and standing up between his legs.

Kaminari was still preoccupied by the sight of Jirou and the way her small, pert boobs sat out proudly from her chest. He'd given up trying to hide his erection but he couldn't focus on his hand very well but it seemed everyone else was having a hard time too and he chuckled at Bakugou's outburst.

"THESE CARDS ARE FUCKING RIGGED!" He'd just done a truth so now he would have to join in the nakedness.

"Oh shut up and show us what you're packin," Mina called back through her laughter.

"Shut it, Raccoon Eyes!" He shot her a glare before he gulped the rest of his drink and slipped his black briefs down.

Kirishima couldn't help but stare as Bakugou's dick was revealed to the group. He wasn't only long but he was thick too. The sight of Bakugou naked next to him was mouthwatering and he struggled to keep his own dick dormant at the sight.

"Quit staring and deal the cards, Sparky," Bakugou growled at the blond across the circle.

Kaminari dealt the cards and they heard a barely concealed whoop of excitement come from Sero. He wondered if his pair of fours was enough to save him from a dare when he realised it was.


Sero looked over at him but Bakugou, still fuming, didn't even give him a chance to ask, "Just dare me to do something, Soy Sauce Face!"

Kirishima couldn't help his laugh, apparently Bakugou only got more insulting when he was naked and drinking.

Sero grinned, "Ok, I dare you to make out with Kiri." He grinned even harder at the look on the blond's face, "For three minutes, sitting on his lap."

Mina excitedly clapped her hands and Kaminari had a smug looking grin on his face.

If looks could kill, Sero would have been incinerated on the spot. "You better believe I'll get you back for this," Bakugou said dangerously low as he turned toward a lightly blushing Kirishima.

The red head had thought about protesting at first, he wasn't the one who had lost, but was making out with Bakugou while he sat naked on his lap really a loss?

He didn't think so, so he choked his words down and shut up.

Bakugou made his way toward him slowly. He knelt with one knee on either side of Kirishima's legs and lowered himself into his lap. He could feel the ridge of his dick through his red briefs against his own bare length.

His eyes flicked down to where they pressed together and he dragged his gaze upward, over his taught stomach and chest to his face and finally looked into his eyes.

Kirishima moved toward him slowly and stopped a couple of inches away from his lips. He could hear his heart beating out of control and wondered if Bakugou could hear it too. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and bit into it nervously.

Bakugou's eyes were drawn to Kiri's lip as he bit it. He reached out with his right hand and settled it against his cheek. His thumb stroked along his lip and he released it with a small sigh. Bakugou couldn't take it any longer, he had to know what it was like to kiss him.

Kirishima's eyes fluttered closed as Bakugou closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to his.

A tingling sensation started where their lips met and spread though Kirishima's body. He ran his right hand up his chest and neck and twined it into his hair. He deepened the kiss by stroking his tongue along Bakugou's lip, coaxing his own to join him.

The moment Bakugou felt Kirishima's tongue on his, his gentle kiss turned so much more heated. His hands ran over his back and shoulders and pulled him closer with a desperate urgency as his tongue explored Kirishima's mouth.

This was exactly what Kirishima had imagined kissing Bakugou would be like. The intensity that drew him to him in the first place was so clear in the way he kissed. It was explosive and fucking hot. Now that he'd been given a taste, he didn't think he'd ever get enough of it. Of him.

Remembering Bakugou's kink, he fisted his hand in his hair and tugged as he fought for dominance with his tongue. He felt Bakugou groan into his mouth so he flexed his hips up toward him, creating a little friction where they both needed it most.

Bakugou groaned again, the sound vibrating in his chest and pushed back against him.

Kirishima pulled back and tugged Bakugou's head to the side, exposing his neck to him and raked his sharp teeth over the sensitive skin. He felt Bakugou shudder in his lap and smirked against his skin.

Sero cleared his throat, "If you two are quite done, the timer finished a while ago." A tone of amusement was clear in his voice when he spoke.

Kirishima leaned back and looked up at Bakugou. He was flushed and breathing heavily and he was sure the look on his face mirrored his own.

"I'm pretty sure they were both just getting started," Kaminari teased and Bakugou shot him a glare before he rolled off Kirishima and sat back down with his knees up, not even bothering to hide how aroused he was.

Mina's cards weren't even that bad so she was surprised she had lost. Surprised, but not upset. Things were starting to get exciting. Jirou had won again and looked to her with a little smile on her fac,. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to let Sero motorboat you," She cracker up at her own dare.

Sero's head snapped up at his name and he protested, "I didn't lose!"

Kaminari elbowed him, "Are you seriously complaining, dude!?"

He properly realised what the dare was then and shook his head vigorously to laughs from the rest of the group, Mina included.

He crawled over to her and knelt just in front of her while she continued to lean back "Are you sure about this?" he asked.

She looked back at him with a cheeky smile, "Yeah, it's good. Besides, it's probably pretty tame compared to some other stuff and I wanna keep playing."

Sero crawled over her legs and almost sat on her thighs, he lifted his hands to the outside of her boobs and pushed them together. He squeezed a little and felt her shiver when one thumb casually ran over her nipple before he lowered his face between her boobs and made an obscenely loud motor boating sound.

The entire group cracked up and Mina threw her head back and laughed which only pressed her chest further into Sero's face.

When he sat back, his boxers were straining against his erection and Mina bit her lip at the sight. Her nipples still hard from his touch.

Kaminari stood to retrieve more drinks, his dick swinging freely out in front of him since he'd stopped caring about his nakedness a while ago. He sat back down and picked up the deck to deal everyone their cards.

Kirishima wondered if he would be comfortable walking around the room naked like that too. He didn't have long to wonder though as new cards were dealt and he looked uncomfortably at his shitty hand. He tossed his cards down and laughed a little when Bakugou did the same.

"I won! Truth or dare, Splodey?" Kaminari excitedly asked.

"Dare," he huffed back.

"You both keep losing at the same time and I can't say I'm disappointed. Dares then strips," Mina chuckled. "What do you want Blasty to do, Kami?"

Kaminari smiled across the circle at him, "I quite liked you two helping each other out of your clothes earlier so I want you to help Kiri with his last item of clothing."

Sparks popped from Bakugou's hands but he didn't say anything more. He was actually enjoying this stupid game. Probably because of the whiskey he'd consumed. Probably because he'd been able to make out with Kirishima. "Fine."

Kaminari held his hands up, "Hold on. I want you to help him with your teeth."


Kaminari shrugged and appealing to his competitive side, suggested, "Or you could forfeit and stop playing."

Bakugou glared at him but turned to see a red faced Kirishima stand up and step in front of him. "Let's get this over with," he said.

"Fuck it," Bakugou muttered, giving in to what he wanted as he kneeled up and went to grip Kirishima's hips.

"No hands," Kaminari chastised, a teasing lilt to his voice to the giggles of the other three onlookers.

Bakugou stuck his finger up at him then dropped his hands to his sides. Using his teeth, he gripped the elastic of Kiri's underwear at his left hip and pulled back and down.

His dick was still hard under the thin fabric of his briefs and as he moved from one hip to the other, he grazed it with his face and heard Kirishima's breath hitch at the contact.

He moved to his other hip and leaned in to bite the waistband again, his nose brushed Kirishima's skin and he saw his hands tense at his sides. He pulled the fabric away from his skin and down.

Kirishima's dick sprang free, still hard from their makeout session and how close Bakugou's lips were to it. He squeezed his eyes shut against the embarrassment but he opened them quickly and looked down to see Bakugou's reaction. He slowly smirked up at him, only a few inches away from his dick and licked his lips.

Kirishima gulped and quickly sat down, trying and failing to keep his dick under control.

Mina fanned herself, "That was hot. You two need to get it on already."

Bakugou's own dick had twitched back to life as he appreciated the sight of Kirishima and his dick only inches from his mouth. Mina was right, they needed to fuck. Hopefully they would soon.

Mina had lost the next round, everyone playing quickly to see what would happen next. She looked down at her tight yoga pants and smiled shyly, "Okay, you're about to see why I took my shirt off first, guys."

Bakugou smirked at her teasingly, "What? No show? We had to and you're far from the first naked one now."

Mina looked at him nervously and he shot her a challenging look, "Coward."

"Oh alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." She stood up and stepped into the middle of the circle, facing Jiro and slowly, teasingly peeled her tight pink yoga pants down. As they were halfway down her ass, Bakugou realised she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"So I uh, don't wear panties with these," Mina said as she bent at the hips and rolled them down her thighs and claves, finally stepping out of them.

"Fuck, Mina. You never wear underwear with leggings?" Kaminari asked.

Mina shook her head, "It's more comfortable not to."

"Fuck that's hot," Sero whispered from behind her looking at her toned, round ass.

"I'm never going to be able to look at you the same in leggings again," Jirou murmured, "But yeah, that's hot."

Kaminari's eyes ran over her body appreciatively. She had a toned muscular physique, with thick thighs and abs, she was probably the strongest girl he knew and one of the hottest.

Mina sat back down, pushing her legs to one side and grabbed the deck and shuffled before dealing out the cards.

Kaminari had given up concentrating on the cards. When there were so many components to his fantasies sitting right in front of him, how was he supposed to think about cards? That's how he ended up losing the next round and Mina had won.

"Truth or dare, Kami?" Mina asked.

"Truth this time," Kaminari replied.

She couldn't think of a good question so she asked one she wanted to know. A thinly veiled question that would show whether he liked giving or taking. "Have you ever came without touching your dick? Just from your prostate?"

"Uhh yeah, a few times. It's a different feeling orgasm but it's so good."

Sero had figured Kami was versatile and his answer confirmed at least some of that.

Mina had no sooner picked up her cards than realised she was going to lose again. "Really, me again," she laughed. "Alright, Kami, give me a dare."

Kaminari was glad she picked dare, he'd had this one in his head for a few minutes now, "I was a little jealous of Sero before, so I dare you to let each of us find out what it's like to see your boobs up close and personal for 30 seconds each."

Mina shrugged, "Alright."

She turned to her right and kneeled in front of Bakugou, pushing her chest out a little.

He lifted his hands and gave them a squeeze. "Huh, they're soft. I thought they'd be harder," he said and pulled his hands away, seemingly done.

Mina laughed a little, "First time touching a pair of tits, Bakugou?"

He snorted, "Obvious, is it?"

They all laughed before Mina moved on to Kirishima. He reached up with both hands and squeezed in a similar way to Bakugou but he rolled her nipples between his fingers and thumbs, eliciting a little moan from her. He pulled his hands away when the timer went off.

Mina straddled Jirou's thighs and leaned her chest into her. The dark haired girl ran her hands over the pink flesh and hummed, "They're so different to mine, soft but heavy." She used her hands to squeeze and massage and surprised everyone when she leaned forward and ran her tongue over her nipple. Mina gasped and moaned softly as the timer went off.

She crawled her way over to Kaminari and straddled his lap, pressing his dick between their bodies as he cupped her boobs and took one nipple in his mouth. She moaned as he swirled his tongue over it, sucking lightly and pinched the nipple that wasn't in his mouth.

Kirishima could see her moving her hips, subtly grinding herself against his dick.

The timer went off and she made her way over to Sero. She sat down on his lap, his dick straining against his boxers underneath her, poking out from under her ass and he took both boobs in his hands, kneading and playing while his head bent and he licked over her other nipple. She reluctantly pulled away after what was probably way more than 30 seconds and retook her seat next to him, a lot closer than she had been before.

"Deal the cards," she said and passed the deck to Bakugou. None of them even knew who's turn it was to deal anymore. She collected her cards and tried to scrape together a good hand.

Jirou tossed her cards aside and turned to Bakugou as he asked, "You want a question or a dare?"

Jiro shrugged, "Ask me something."

He thought for a minute for something good, "Have you got any sex toys? If you do, you have to show them to us."

"Ok, give me a second. I'll be right back," Jirou said as she jumped up and ran to her room.

She returned carrying a small shiny black bag with a drawstring holding it closed. She sat and placed it on her lap. She reached into the bag and pulled out a toy "Alright, I have this one," she placed a see-through purple dildo on the floor in front of her before reaching back in the bag, "And this one." This time a small blue vibrating bullet. "And this," this one was a black butt plug. She tipped the bag up and a bottle of lube fell to the floor too.

"You use all of these?" Kaminari asked.

Jirou shrugged and smiled a little at him "Yeah. They're not as good as the real thing but they get the job done," she replied as she packed the toys away again.

"At the same time?" Kaminari asked, wide eyed and a little in awe.

She gave him a little smile and a shrug. He wasn't sure what that meant but it sure as hell wasn't a no.

Sero wasn't even mad when he lost and looked over at Kirishima who had won. This game was getting out of hand but they were all having too much fun and he was considering the possibilities when he asked Kirishima for a dare.

"I dare you to whisper in Denki's ear the dirtiest things you can think of for a minute," Kirishima dared.

So Sero knelt next to Kaminari, leaned toward his ear and spoke quietly, "Remember how Mina said she would choose us for a threesome? Well I'd be up for that, but first I'd wanna make you nice and hard. I'd take you into my mouth real slow, mm you'd like that wouldn't you? I'd slowly sink all the way down on your cock, getting you nice and wet so you could fuck her while I got you ready to be fucked too. Then I'd use my fingers to make sure you're nice and ready, thrusting them into you while you fucked Mina. After a while I'd replace them with my cock. I'd tease you until you begged me to fuck you. You'd beg wouldn't you, Kami? I'd push into you real slow and just stay there, letting you fuck yourself on my cock each time you pulled out of Mina. Then I'd..."

"Time's up," Kirishima declared. Whatever he'd said to Kaminari must have been hot as hell because the blonde had his eyes almost closed and seemed to be fisting his hands at his sides to keep them away from his dick.

Jirou swiped the deck and dealt a new round, still feeling flushed from the look of lust on Kaminari's face. Wanting that same look to be directed at her.

Kirishima looked at his cards, if he threw out the ten, ace and three he might get something to go with his six and seven. He tried this but got back a jack, two and three. He huffed, he really was terrible at cards.

Sero had the best hand and looked across at him, "Truth or dare?"

"Let's go dare." Out of all of them he trusted Sero the most to give him a reasonably tame dare, considering what he'd just given him.

But it seemed like his hope was misplaced when Sero smirked at him. "I dare you to show us how you jack off, for two minutes, while telling us about the best sex you've ever had."

Mina laughed and turned to him, "What is it with you and masturbation today?"

"I haven't got any in a while okay?" Sero joked back. "It's just me and Mr. Right," he said as he wiggled the fingers on his right hand.

Everyone laughed at Sero's terrible joke while Kirishima groaned, "Really? You wanna see that?"

"Come on, Kiri, give us a show," Kaminari teased but he was very interested to hear about this.

Kirishima snuck a quick look to his left and saw a mix of something on Bakugou's face. Jealously maybe? Surely not.

After a second of hesitation just decided to go with it. "Fuck it," he sighed as he leaned back on his left hand. He wrapped his hand around his length and closed his eyes as he stroked himself slowly a few times before he began to speak.

"I'd known him for a while and had always admired his strength. He was just so manly. We were pretty similar and he'd finally told me he was interested in guys. We went to a club to see if he could pick up but ended up dancing together instead. He had a great body and I couldn't help but be turned on by it. When he started grinding against me, I just gave in." His hand had started moving more quickly now, caught up in the memory and everyone was quiet, focused on what he was doing and saying.

"The anticipation was probably what made it so good, we'd been dancing around each other for weeks and now I finally had the opportunity to fuck him." His hand increased his pace again as he spoke. "The second we got to his house, we were all over each other. Well I like it rough and this guy could handle it. His quirk made it hard to hurt him and he basically begged me to fuck him through the bed. It was hard and fast but so fucking good. I've never been able to fuck someone that hard. He used his..."