
Little Sister Fubuki



Tatsumaki is tired of people thinking she's younger than Fubuki. And after some heavy drinking, she comes up with a way to make sure no one ever makes that mistake again.

It just comes at the expense of her poor sister's reputation.

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Her big sister liked to drink.

Fubuki wasn't going to go as far as to say Tatsumaki was an alcoholic or anything like that, but it was getting more difficult to deny as time went on. Whenever she got into a surly mood, she'd turn to beer or sake for a quick and easy pick-me-up. And that would be fine… if it wasn't so easy to get her in said surly moods. Really, it was rare that she was in a good mood. And even when she was, you'd be hard pressed to know considering how bossy, stuck up, and condescending she could be in either state.

It didn't take much to send her into those kinds of moods either. Like, for example, earlier today.

The two sisters rarely got to spend time together thanks to their hero duties, but at least once a month they set aside time to have dinner. Fubuki may not have been an amazing cook or anything, but throwing a bunch of food together for a hot pot was easy enough. Unfortunately, as a famous hero and a substantially more famous hero, they'd been recognized when they went out to shop for food.

It had gone well enough at first. Fubuki signed a few autographs and Tatsumaki had refused to sign any in her usual stuck up way. But then one fan made the worst kind of comment he could make.

"Must be tough," he'd said to Fubuki. "Having your little sister be a Class S hero and all when you're stuck down in B."

Oh dear, Fubuki had thought. Though Tatsumaki was shorter than Fubuki, she was the oldest of the two. Her stature meant it was far from people's first assumptions, though. Having the two side-by-side to compare didn't help. The top of her head hardly reached Fubuki's chest. It was only natural to assume she was a teenager, instead of the twenty-eight year old woman she actually was.

Naturally Tatsumaki had gone off. While she hadn't used her powers to bend the man in two like Fubuki had feared she might, what she did to him verbally was no better. Her insult assault had made a bigger scene than their gathering of fans had already been. When Fubuki had finally calmed her down and dragged her away, the poor fellow had been reduced to tears for his mistake.

"Unbelievable!" her sister had growled. She'd been huffy and snarly all the way back to Fubuki's apartment. After nearly kicking down the door, she'd flumped onto the sofa and levitated all the alcohol in the kitchen over to her. There she'd stayed, wallowing in her own contempt.

That had left Fubuki to sigh and get to work on dinner by herself. There was nothing much she could do while Tatsumaki was nursing a can of beer.

She can be such a brat sometimes, Fubuki thought to herself as she chopped vegetables for the hot pot. And she wonders why some people treat her like a little kid.

There was no way she could relay those kinds of sentiments to her sister and have them get through, though. Drunk or sober, it was always other people's fault. Other people were the problem. Everyone was the asshole except her. Fubuki sighed.

By the time dinner was ready, her sister was still in a sour mood. She nursed a bottle of beer the entire time they ate, face wrinkled in a grumpy pout. It was still bothering her. Fubuki could hardly enjoy her meal with the negative energy radiating out from across the table. There wasn't even any meaningless small talk she could use to fill the void. It was just awkward.

And it was getting on her nerves.

"Are you really going to be like this for the rest of the night?" Fubuki asked as she picked up their dishes. She made it all the way over to the sink and dumped them in before getting a response.

"You just don' geddit," Tatsumaki slurred her words as she growled. She took another swig of her… fourth bottle? Fifth? It was hard to keep track. Her face was flushed and her eyelids droopy.

"Right, I can never understand your pain," Fubuki grumbled. Her sister's bad attitude was rubbing off on her. Tatsumaki had everything! Fame, nigh unlimited psychic power, a spot in S-Rank. Fubuki was the one who should really be complaining. Heck, the guy from earlier that had gotten Tatsumaki so wound up had said something more belittling to her, all things considered. And now she was being forced to deal with her sister's bad attitude on top of that?

"You never get mistaken for a little—hic!—kid!" Tatsumaki pointed out. As if that was truly the most grievous injustice of all time. Fubuki turned and started scrubbing the dishes.

"Maybe because I don't act like one," she muttered under breath.

"Wha' was that?" Tatsumaki stamped her feet as she stood up.

Fubuki rolled her eyes. "Nothing. I didn't say anything."

"Nu-uh!" Tatsumaki wobbled as she pointed. "You said I—hic!—act like a little kid!"

Fubuki didn't say anything. She should've shut up a while ago. She knew better than to antagonize a drunk Tatsumaki. Her sister could fly off the handle when she was like this, like the time she'd impaled Zombie Man. Fubuki didn't need to deal with that, especially when she wasn't immortal like him. Just let it go.

"Oh, whassa matter? Too scared to—hic!—call me a liar, too?" Still, Fubuki didn't say anything. "You're my little sister, so don't go actin' all high 'n mighty." Tatsumaki paused. "You're my baby sister."

"You've made your point, you're the oldest." Fubuki dropped the last plate on the drying rack. Wiping her hands, she turned to face her sister. "Can we drop this now? I'm tired, and—"

Hand raised, Tatsumaki clenched her fist. Her whole body swarmed with a green glow. Before Fubuki knew it, her body was frozen. Arms locked up, bent and pressed against her chest. Her knees were brought together and held there. Even her neck felt tight. She was lifted up into the air, shock gagging her for just a second.

"T-Tatsu!" Fubuki exclaimed. Was her sister serious? They never used their psychic powers on each other.

"I'm thinkin'…" Tatsumaki stumbled over her words, taking a swig from her bottle before she continued. "…People jus' need ta see you as the baby sister. Then no one's ever gonna mistake me for the younger one again."

"L-Let me go!" Fubuki exclaimed. She tried to spark her powers to life, but her own green glow dimmed as soon as it lit up. Or rather, it was overpowered by her sister's hold on her. She wasn't going to be able to fend off Tatsumaki's telekinesis, it would be like an ant challenging a bear. "What do you think you're doing? Stop!"

Tatsumaki raised her other hand, booze spilling on the floor. As it glowed green, Fubuki could sense what was happening. Tatsumaki was sending out tendrils of psychic power into the city. They snaked and spiraled, searching for… something. Fubuki had no earthly idea what. Her stomach dropped, and she felt she was going to find out soon, anyway. One by one, those tendrils seemed to find what they were looking for.

The kitchen window burst open. Glass shattered onto the floor. Fubuki cried out, squeezing her eyes shut. Her sister had just crashed whatever she'd found through the window. She knew very well she could've just used the door!

When Fubuki opened her eyes, she felt her jaw fall open. Displayed before her—the thing Tatsumaki had felt fit to shatter a window for its entrance—was a diaper.

It was pale pink, decorated with purple and white unicorns and arched rainbows. It was about the prissiest pamper Tatsumaki could've possibly dug up. It was also the biggest.

Fubuki balked at how large it was. Not only was it incredibly poofy, it was sized up for an adult. And that realization helped to click in place what Tatsumaki had meant when she called Fubuki her 'baby' sister.

"No…" she breathed. Then she started squirming in her sister's telekinetic hold. "No! Tatsumaki, are you serious?!"

"Oh yeah," she grinned. She made a snipping motion with her fingers. Fubuki's dark green dress ripped at her waist. She gasped as Tatsumaki tossed the fabric aside, exposing her sister's panties to the chilly air. "I think this might be—hic!—my best idea ever, Fu."

"I'm pretty sure it's your worst!" Fubuki shrieked. She couldn't even cover her exposed underwear, her hands still bound. Not that doing so would matter; Tatsumaki was about to expose her even more.

Fubuki's black panties glowed, slipping down her legs. Tatsumaki was far more gentle with them than her sister's dress. They dropped to the ground, and she forced her sister's legs to spread wide.

"W-Wait!" Fubuki cried out. The pink diaper unfolded, floating closer to her. Tatsumaki was going slow just to drag this part out. "We can talk about this! Sis, we can—EEEP!"

Tatsumaki pushed the pamper into Fubuki's crotch. The fluffy assault made her gasp and shiver. Her nethers weren't used to something this soft and plush. They tingled a little, almost by instinct. That was humiliating to admit.

Despite limp squirming, Fubuki couldn't stop the diaper from wrapping around her hips. She even tried using her powers to push it away, despite knowing that was a fool's errand. Tatsumaki was chuckling to herself as the tapes smoothed themselves down.

It was so bulky that Fubuki's legs could no longer be forced together. Her gait was wide now, stuck that way thanks to her new underwear. The pamper was thicker than it looked, and it already looked pretty thick. Tatsumaki switched to holding her sister by her ankles, allowing Fubuki to whine and try to bring her knees together. That made the snug-fitting diaper bunch up into her, and she grimaced at the feeling.

Tatsumaki doubled over laughing. She laughed so long and so loud Fubuki was sure the neighbors would be woken up. She fought down pink cheeks unsuccessfully, before stuttering out, "O-Okay, you've had your f-fun. Now get this… th-this stupid thing off me!"

Her sister calmed down, only to smirk at her. "Oh, my fun is only—hic!—beginnin'."

"W-What do you mean by that?" Fubuki asked. Her sister turned to look at the shattered window. "Hey, Tatsumaki! What do you mean by that?" Something new flew in through the opening, and it was then Fubuki realized the diaper wasn't the only thing Tatsumaki had been searching for.

A new outfit hovered before her, one that had more and more pieces floating in, revealing new layers of humiliation with each one. Fubuki's brain short-circuited as she tried to take it all in. She decided to process them one at a time.

The dress was first.

It was seafoam green, a layer of translucent, glittery silk sitting over top its way-too-short skirt. Fluffy petticoats said hello from just below the hem. They were an even lighter shade of green, and stacked on top of each other into more layers and necessary. But even with how many there were, Fubuki knew if that thing was put on her it would never cover the diaper.

Yellow bows dotted the thing. They ran along the outskirts of the skirt, connected by hammocks of fabric. One large one sat at the front of the waist, Another sat in the center of the white pilgrim collar at the top. Two more were sewn into the sides of poofy bubble sleeves.

All told, it was a hideous thing. Fubuki was cringing after just a few seconds of looking at it. But nothing else her sister had produced made her feel much better.

Tatsumaki had found matching mittens. The puffy things had yellow bows of their own at the wrists. They were far more infantile than her footwear. What must've been six inch green heels were staring back at Fubuki. They didn't fit the baby theme at all, but they certainly looked painful to wear. No doubt why Tatsumaki had picked them.

They were complimented by white pantyhose. The thin fabric almost tricked Fubuki into thinking they were a pair of pants at first. But no, she couldn't get anything that would actually hide the pamper at her hips. These things would bulge so much they'd make it obvious what she was wearing.

A yellow headband with a big bow laying flatly on the top completed the ensemble. Or, it would have, if one last thing hadn't floated through the broken window to prove Fubuki wrong. A pacifier arrived fashionably late. Bright pink with a yellow center, the guard looked like some kind of plastic flower at first. But the rubber bulb in the back revealed what it truly was. Fubuki's toes curled.

"K-Keep that stuff away from me!" she squirmed, padding crinkling. As if she needed the reminder that it was there. "Tatsu, I'm serious! P-Please!"

But her sister was too lost in her drunken stupor to care what Fubuki wanted. She was giggling to herself as she flicked a finger forward. Everything started floating towards Fubuki. Her squirming meant nothing; she was playing dress up no matter what.

The rest of her dress was ripped in two. Fubuki didn't even get the dignity of keeping her bra on. Tatsumaki did away with it as roughly as the rest. She was stuffed into the dress, crying out and wiggling the entire time. Her cheeks were pinker than ever before by the time her head popped out the top. The petticoats ruffled as she tried to twist free of the telekinesis.

No sooner did her hands make it through the sleeves than the mittens flew in to capture them. They were fastened tightly onto her. Fubuki found her fingers forced into a sort of half-fist. They refused to extend all the way, and with how puffy the mittens were she doubted she would be doing much with her hands from now on.

"No! Grrr!" The pantyhose snaked their way up her legs. They swallowed her diaper, but didn't hide it. It wasn't just the size of the bulge, it was the way the fabric stretched, too. The pantyhose were stretched so thin that they were practically see through. The pink padding with its unicorns and rainbows was easy to see, with only a white tint to try and obscure them.

The heels were next, and Tatsumaki must've guessed her size. They were just a smidge too small. Once buckled down, they squeezed Fubuki's feet. If she had to keep them on for very long she'd get blisters. At best.

"This isn't funny!" she complained as the headband snapped into place. She could feel the ears of the bow resting on her head. Tatsumaki sniggered at her. "I'm serious! You let me go right this instant and put all this stuff back, Sis!"

"Geeze, you're still so mouthy," Tatsumaki grumbled. "Hello, baby brain! I'm the big sister. You listen to me, I don't–hic!–listen to you." The pacifier hovered nearby, and it made the tiny psychic smirk. "Not that you'll be saying much in a second."

"Uh-uh!" Fubuki shook her head. She tried to keep her face constantly moving, hoping to somehow stop the pacifier from pushing past her lips. "No! Tatsu!"

"And let's jus' make extra sure this–hic!–shuts you up." Tatsumaki grinned.

The pacifier halted just inches from Fubuki's lips. She was about to breathe a sigh of relief, that is until she caught sight of what her sister was talking about.

The panties Tatsumaki had oh-so-carefully removed from her earlier hovered back into view. They levitated above a pointed finger of her sister's for just a moment, before balling themselves up. Fubuki's pupils shrank as she saw her underwear fly towards her mouth.

"Don't you da–MMMPH!" Her panties pushed passed her lips, filling her mouth. As her cheeks swelled to accommodate them, tears threatened in her eyes. "Taffu! Don' do diff! Pweef!"

"Sorry, baby! But all I can–hic!–hear is 'goo goo ga ga'." With a flick of her finger the pacifier sailed into Fubuki's mouth.

Its guard pressed into her lips. The sparkly bulb sat between her tongue and her panty gag. Fubuki flailed as much as the psychic hold would allow her. All she accomplished was swishing her skirt and crinkling her diaper.

She didn't need a mirror to know she looked ridiculous. Tatsumaki doubling over with laughter told her everything she needed to know. The woman fell so far back her powers had to catch her before she hit the ground. "Ah, aren'tcha just–hic!–precious, Fu?" she snickered.

"Mmmph! Mrrph frrm!" From ear to ear Fubuki's face was red as she demanded to be released. Tatsumaki had certainly had her fun now, right? What more was there to gain from this?

"Aww, ya don' sound like you're havin' fun, Fu." Tatsumaki got back on her feet, but wobbled. Her speech was slurring more now. She could pass out soon at this rate.

Good, Fubuki decided. Once her sister was unconscious she could escape this stuff. Then douse her with cold water and… I don't know… Give her a stern talking to? There wasn't much she could do to get back at her for this.

"Wha's wrong? Don' wuv your wittle outfit?" The baby talk mixing with her drunken speech patterns was too much. Annoyed, Fubuki 'harumph'ed and turned her head to the side.

"Hehe, oh dear." Tatsumaki held up a hand. "You sure sound… pissy."

"Hrrmph?" Fubuki didn't like the way she said that. It got worse when Tatsumaki clenched her fist.

Suddenly, Fubuki felt a pressure in her hips. It wasn't a normal bodily function. This was like a tight squeeze all of a sudden. It was forceful, and invasive. And it put a severe strain on her bladder.

Fubuki's eyes widened. She cried out into her paci-panty gag, but it was no good. Tatsumaki was giving her bladder a terrible squeeze. The padded woman cringed the worse it got. She couldn't cross her legs or bring her hands in. So it just got worse and worse until…


Fubuki peed herself.

There was no choice. The urine in her bladder had to go somewhere. It fled out of her, leaping headfirst into the waiting pamper. The inner walls of the padding accepted the stream with open arms. It absorbed and swelled on contact.

Fubuki's forced accident happened so fast that her pamper couldn't keep up at first. Urine puddled at the bottom of her diaper, eventually sloshing upward onto the crotch and backside of the diaper. Warm, squishy padding squeezed her hips, her butt. She shivered with how disgusting it felt. Her eyes narrowed and she whimpered into her pacifier, even biting down on the bulb. Every inch of her face was red hot with a blush.

Tatsumaki laughed the entire time, thoroughly entertained by her own antics. "Tha's watcha get!" she exclaimed. "Piddle-Pants Fubuki!"

"MMMMRPH!" she screamed. As her accident finished up, last of the pee tinkling out of her, she felt rage flare. Tatsumaki never should've gone this far! It was indecent! It was humiliating!

It wasn't even over yet.

"Now then." Eyes half-lidded, Tatsumaki waved her sister over. Telekinesis ensured she was at the woman's beck and call. "All we gotta do–hic!–is make sure as many people as possible see ya like dis. Then–hic!–I won' be seen as da little sister ever again!"

"Mmhh?!" As many people as… no no no! Fubuki had misread the situation entirely. Tatsumaki hadn't been kidding this whole time. This wasn't some drunken prank gone too far, this was a drunken scheme! And a cruel one at that. Her sister was so inebriated that she could only think of herself right now, and not what she was doing to her poor sibling.

Tatsumaki hit her with a blast of psychic energy. It wasn't an attack. Instead, all the power seeped into Fubuki's outfit. She felt it inhabit the dress, the pacifier, the heels, and even the diaper. Tatsumaki had poured enough energy into these clothes that they couldn't be taken off! Not even by Fubuki's own powers! She was trapped.

Tatsumaki dropped Fubuki then, the girl landing on her squishy padded rear. Cringing, Fubuki could hardly concern herself with how gross it was–or that terrible tingle that insisted on returning! Instead, she tried to spit out the pacifier.

No good.

She tried to rip off her mittens.

No good.

She fought her heels, wrestled her dress, tore at the pantyhose. She even went for the diaper, pawing at it with mitted hands and psychic power alike.

No good. No good. No good!

She was completely and utterly trapped like this. An infantilizing outfit, a panty gag, a wet diaper… All of it stuck on her and all of it reputation-ruining. As Fubuki clamored to all fours and then her feet, wobbling thanks to her wide stance, she tried to yell at her sister.

"Frrrm hrrrm ghghgrrrph!" she growled, flailing. She even stomped her heeled foot. "MMFF MRR GRPHPH!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a total–hic!–genius." Telekinesis opened the front door and Fubuki was shoved through it.

"GRRRPH!" she cried, ending up on all fours like a crawling baby. The cool evening air was like needles against her skin. She whirled around to face her sister again, nothing but fear in her eyes. "STTTRPH!"

A lone diaper was chucked in front of her. "Don't come back until you've convinced someone to give you a change," Tatsumaki said.

"NNNRRR!" Fubuki tried to scramble to the door, still on all fours. But Tatsumaki slammed it shut, and held it that way with her powers.

Fubuki clawed at the doorknob for a few moments, but her mittens were useless. Shaking, curling up, she rocked herself while sitting on her squishy butt. She couldn't believe this was happening. It was so horrible that it was making her brain shut down.

She glanced down at the clean pamper on her welcome mat. Until someone put that stupid thing on her, she was stuck outside. It was a condition that guaranteed poor Fubuki would have to run around the city, pleading with anyone and everyone possible, hoping just a single one was enough of a freak to want to handle her soggy pamper.

And if she couldn't manage that impossible task… well, who knew what her sister would do to her then?

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

Fubuki pounded her fist against her front door. The padded mitten meant she wasn't making much noise, but her banging was so frantic and forceful that it made up for it.

"Dassumaki! Wet me in!" She'd figured out how to talk around her panty and pacifier gag. She sounded way too infantile for her liking, but that didn't matter right now. All she could do was knock and beg and plead and hope she managed to change her sister's mind. Because if not…

Fubuki shook her head, refusing to think about that. The soggy diaper, ever tightening against her hips, was constantly on her mind. She didn't need more to worry about. She kept knocking.

And knocking.

And knocking.

As the sun started to sink lower in the sky, Fubuki had to reckon with the fact that Tatsumaki wasn't giving up on this. She hadn't even said anything the whole time Fubuki had pounded on the door. Her fist stopped swinging, defeat settling in.

She opted instead to grip the short skirt of her dress and try to hide her bulky padding. She didn't even know if anyone could see her right now, but if she wasn't getting back inside it was better safe than sorry. Her eyes darted to the doors right and left of her apartment. Had her neighbors heard all that racket? Surely they must've. She prayed no one was annoyed enough to come to the door and start shouting at her to be quiet.

What do I do? She thought hopelessly. She couldn't turn the doorknob with her mittens, and it was probably locked anyway. Her powers were no good either, Tatsumaki held the door shut with a fraction of her telekinetic power.

Taking a moment, Fubuki tried once again to free herself of her outfit. She hoped now that some time had past her sister's hold on the ensemble would've lessened. But it felt like the opposite of that. Her power had leached into every last thread, keeping them locked down no matter what Fubuki did. And her smothered hands would've made it a challenge to get all this crap off even without the psychic powers coming into play. No, she was well and truly trapped.

So what do I do?

She couldn't let anyone see her like this. But unless she could prove to Tatsumaki that she'd gotten a diaper change, she wasn't going to be allowed back inside. She wasn't even sure how someone was supposed to be able to change her with the psychic hold on her clothes, but that was a problem for later.

If she went out in public it would be a travesty. What random stranger would help her? But did she have anyone she could try to sneak her way to in order to get help? There was no way she could let the members of the Blizzard Group see her like this. Was there anyone else she called 'friend' who'd be willing to help her with something like… this?

Sitting back, squishing her diaper, Fubuki curled up and hugged her knees. Her heart beat faster and faster as she realized the awful truth. There was no one she could go to for help with this. No one she trusted enough to keep their mouth shut about it, no one she was close enough with that she wouldn't mind them seeing her like this. Curse the introversion that had led her to this point!

Just what the hell am I supposed to do?

One thing was obvious: she couldn't stay here. There was no shelter to hide her ridiculous outfit and no chance she'd escape her soggy diaper either. Fubuki had to move to somewhere better, safer than her front door. And ideally without being seen. Fubuki scooped up the one fresh diaper Tatsumaki had left her with, and steeled herself.

She moved down the hall and to the staircase, her footfalls wide and awkward to keep from squishing her pamper. Her apartment was on the second floor, and she was hyper aware of the windows across the street that she was currently eye level with. The steps would take her down to street level, which wasn't much better, but at least there she could duck into the alleyway between her apartment complex and the hardware store beside it.

But when she hit the last step, she froze. There was a little corner of wall to hide herself behind so people out and about the street couldn't see her, but that wall also blocked off the alleyway too. If she wanted to hide in it, she'd have to go around and out into the street before running into it from the sidewalk. Heart racing, she tucked herself into the corner to try and calm down. She squeezed her spare diaper against her chest, flattening the material and hearing it crinkle.

This was bad, and she actually considered going back up the stairs for a second. But she was already worried someone would see her from across the street. At least here she had two walls worth of cover.

At least until someone needs to use the stairs. She gulped. This was not a safe place to stay and cower.

She poked ever so slight around the side of the wall, not letting more than one eye make it past the bricks. With just a sliver of her face visible she wouldn't be recognized. And the hairbow on her head was the least embarrassing part of her outfit; she didn't mind if it was clocked by random passersby.

Though it was close to night time, the streets still seemed to be bustling. Cars were stopped at the intersection not too far ahead. A handful of people milled about on the sidewalks on both sides.

Fubuki ducked back in. It was no good. Even if she ran as fast as she could she'd still be seen. At least one person would notice the diapered woman in bright green and yellow clothes scampering around the corner. And if they got curious and checked…

Her iron hug on the diaper only tightened. She bit down on the pacifier's bulb, and practically chewed her panties from sheer anxiety. This was no good. She looked up to the second floor, silently cursing her sister. She was about to give up, when she noticed something.

The wall hugging the staircase didn't connect to the ceiling. There was a gap, one big enough for her to squeeze through. "Mmph!" A hand came up and clamped over her pacifier. No noise, just move!

Fubuki crept back up the stairs, looking through the gap to see the salvation of the back alley. Gripping the handrail tightly, she pulled one leg over and started sticking it out to reach the top of the wall.

She was straddling the rail to do this, however. And she really wasn't used to the size of her diaper yet. As Fubuki reached with her leg, her soggy, padded crotch pressed into the bar. Her piss-soaked pamper bunched up into her crotch, earning a squeak from the poor woman. Her whole body jolted.

This… This just felt wrong. She tried to ignore the way her nethers were tingling again, the tip of her heel finally poking at the top of the wall.

Fubuki had to lean over, driving her crotch even deeper into the handrail. It was like she was trying to hump it. Wincing, she forced herself to keep going. Reaching out one hand, the mitten slipped and slipped but eventually grabbed the edge. With two limbs secure she was able to pull herself over and keep her spare pamper pressed beneath her underarm while she did it.

Swinging herself over the wall, she dropped down, completely forgetting she was wearing high heels.



She tried to land on her feet, tripped up, and ended up on her soaked rear end instead. Fubuki shuddered, disgusted by the feeling of her wet padding compressing under her butt. That tingly sensation between her legs hadn't had a chance to disappear either, so she was forced to contend with both at once. Whimpering, she pushed herself to shaky feet. She did not want an association forming between those two things.

Now in the shadows of the alleyway, she was finally shielded from stray eyes. People didn't casually glance down here, but between night falling and pressing up against the side of her apartment building, Fubuki felt decent about her chances. She was still no closer to a clean diaper or the safety of her home, but this was something to give her racing heart a rest.

She scooted down the length of the alley, still wanting to get further away from where it opened out onto the sidewalk. She eventually reached her building's dumpster, the smell cluing her in before her butt bumped into it. It was almost a relief, and she scurried around to the other side of it, squatting and curling up to avoid the street's view. Despite wrinkling her nose every five seconds, it brought her some security.

Fubuki stayed there for a moment, mulling over her options. Though it wasn't ideal, she could hide here until morning. Tatsumaki would be sober then, and over her drunken plan to humiliate her. But that meant staying out in a wet pamper all night. While the last thing she wanted was to be spotted wearing stuff like this, the second to last thing Fubuki wanted was a diaper rash. She could already feel her padding growing clammy against her skin. Before too long there'd be an itch. That she was desperate to avoid at all costs.

If I could just get back inside, she thought, tapping her foot. Then I could—

Something bounced off her head, interrupting her thoughts. It was small, landing directly on her bow before hopping down and clinking onto the ground next to her. Brows furrowing she turned and squinted at it. Shiny and clear, with sharp jagged edges. Broken glass?

Suddenly her eyes widened. Fubuki looked up, directly above, and saw it. A broken window, chips of glass dangling and threatening to fall down just like the one that had landed on her. The sight filled her with relief.

Tatsumaki had shattered a window in order to give the diaper a grand entrance. Her window. That meant there was an opening to her apartment that Tatsumaki couldn't seal up. There was a way to get home without humiliating herself!

Fubuki leapt upright, nearly cheering. She was so enthusiastic that she forgot all about her high heels and her spread gait. She nearly fell backwards, arms spinning madly to keep her balance. She plopped on the ground anyway, squishing her soggy butt. But it didn't matter, she had hope!

Still, this wasn't going to be easy. As Fubuki stood back up and dusted herself off, she chewed the bulb of her pacifier. Looking up, her window was well out of reach. She had to find a way to reach the second floor from the outside if she wanted to take advantage of this.

Her first thought was to climb up and stand on the dumpster. It was no small feat thanks to the heels, but she managed. Still, even with her tall stature the windowsill was out of reach. She gave a tentative hop, hoping that would be enough to close the gap. She missed, tripped over her heels on the way down, and tumbled off of the dumpster. Fubuki made all sorts of loud clanging noises on her way down. She landed on her back with a thud, and groaned into her paci-panty gag. So much for that.

It was hard not to be jealous of her sister right now, whose psychic powers granted her the gift of flight. Fubuki could hover a little bit, with effort, but that was only on a good day. She'd wasted a ton of energy trying to break her sister's hold on these clothes. She could jump higher than she could lift herself right now. Crap.

She felt sick to her stomach, brow furrowing as she sat up. Unless she could find a ladder in that dumpster, she didn't think she'd have a chance of reaching her window.

Inspiration struck. She looked across the alleyway to the hardware store. That dumpster probably didn't have a ladder in it, but that place definitely would!

The embers of Fubuki's hope sparked back to life. She wouldn't even have to risk going in the front of the store either, there was a back door right here in the alley!

But there was one catch. As she race-waddled over to it, Fubuki found it was locked. Even cupping the knob with both padded hands, she couldn't make it turn. Granted, this made sense. Not only was this a back door, they were definitely closed at this point. And while that meant she wouldn't be in danger of being seen by customers or employees, it did mean she'd have to break in.

The how of that was easy. Forcing the tumblers of this lock to turn was a cinch for her psychic powers. The real question was… should she? Was Fubuki really so desperate, so scared, that she'd stoop to the level of a common criminal?

YES! It wasn't much of a moral quandary.

She raised her hand to the doorknob, a soft blue glow enveloping it. She jostled the lock to try and unlock it. A little overzealous, she felt her powers full on break it. That made her wince. Oops.

She could pay to replace it later. Right now was an emergency. She double gripped the knob again, her mind put at ease when it turned all the way. Fubuki threw the door open and toddled inside.

One ladder. She thought as she looked around. It was too dark, so she fumbled for a light. Just one crummy ladder. All she was going to do was borrow it. She wouldn't even take it that far from the store. She definitely wasn't behaving like some common thief.

She found a switch and flicked it. Her eyes slammed shut as harsh fluorescence activated. When she next opened them, the backroom of the hardware store greeted her.

There was a lot of clutter. Unopened boxes and assorted inventory was piled on the floor and stacked on shelves. There was a box-like cubicle that could charitably be called an office for the store's manager, and a lot of dust. Fubuki coughed into her pacifier.

There was not, however, a ladder anywhere in sight. It made her heart race—she really didn't think she'd have to look all that hard for one—but she forced herself to calm down. Skirting her heels around the junk on the ground, Fubuki waddled her way to the front of the store. She tried not to think about the way her wet padding raked its claws against her skin. All she focused on was looking for a ladder.

When she toddled into the store proper, it didn't take long to find. Fubuki's heart sighed upon finding one mounted on the wall up near the front. A shiny steel ladder, long enough to reach her window and then some, stared back at her. It was perfect, though she didn't like the big display windows right next to it. Even as it grew darker outside, someone passing by would spot her easily if she walked all the way up there.

Luckily, she had her powers to rely on.

Holding out her padded mittens, Fubuki's brow furrowed as she concentrated. A blue glow flickered to life around the ladder. With a grunt, she lifted it off the wall. It wobbled.

C'mon you heavy bastard, she growled internally. The psychic aura surrounding it started to dim. This should've been easy, but Fubuki's energy had just been whittled away tonight. Between the tussle with her sister, the lock, and now this she didn't have her usual control. The ladder seemed to shake, and she realized one rung was still caught on a hook in the wall. Stupid little—

Frustrated, she ripped the ladder free from it…

…and sent it crashing right through the window of the store.

The loud clang and clatter was followed swiftly by the ring of an alarm. Fubuki squeaked, knees bending and shoulders tightening. If Tatsumaki hadn't squeezed everything out of her earlier, she would've peed herself in shock. No! No, no, no, no, NO!

An alarm meant the police would come. Or worse, a hero! People on the sidewalk had already jumped in surprise. Now they were looking in to see what had happened. Fubuki cowered behind the nearest display shelf. She had to get out of here before she drew even more attention to herself!

Not willing to leave the ladder behind, Fubuki wrapped it in her telekinesis again. She didn't bother being subtle, dragging it on the ground and knocking over merchandise left and right. She crawled back to the back room, where she was certain no one from the outside could see her. The alarm was only ringing louder back here. It was like it was trying to shake her brain loose. Fubuki's heart was racing as she cut off her powers, staggered to her feet, and hooked her arms around the ladder to drag it the rest of the way.

She wasn't thinking properly. She couldn't think properly. All that was flashing through her mind were what the headlines would be if she got caught: Class-B Hero Blizzard, arrested while dressed like a giant baby! Her life would be over!

Fubuki stumbled out back into the alleyway, grunting into her gag as she dragged the ladder with her. She could see people gathering at the front of the store, some asking what had happened and others trying to explain the bizarreness of the floating ladder they'd witnessed. Thankfully no one was looking in the alley way yet.

She stood the ladder up and against the wall of her apartment building. It reached to her broken window, and Fubuki's brain cheered with relief in the midst of all this freaking out. She didn't care how this would look when cops arrived on scene. A missing ladder found mere feet away from the store, and leading right to her home? She'd be suspect number one for sure. But at least she might be able to get Tatsumaki to take this stuff offer before the police came knocking at her door. Being a thief was fine. Being a diaper-wearing sissy thief was decidedly not!

The ladder made plenty of noise as she got it into place. Scraping and clanging and thudding, she was certain it was going to attract some of the people from the front of the store. In the end none came to the mouth of the alley though. The blaring alarm was probably a blessing in disguise, covering up all her shoddy mistakes. That, or no one was brave enough to go check on the spooky noises coming from a dark alleyway at night time.

With the ladder in place, Fubuki grabbed the rungs and was about to climb. At the last moment though, she looked down and saw the spare diaper. She'd left it discarded by the dumpster when she broke into the store. Now it was just sitting there, ready to expose her padded secret even if she did make it home. The thought of the police or someone else finding this and putting two and two together with the ladder made her heart skip a beat. Even though it cost precious seconds that she didn't have, Fubuki bent down to pick it up, trying to pull her skirt down over her wet diaper as she exposed it.

Move, move! Her brain ordered. She shoved the pamper against her neck and held it there with her chin. Fubuki bit down on her pacifier as she tried gripping the ladder with her mittens. It was a weak hold at best, and her high heels were going to make this even more of a challenge, but she had to make it work.

Fubuki did not play it slow and steady. She nearly ripped the ladder in two with how frantically she climbed it. One rung after another whizzed past her eyes. Looking up, she could see the broken window getting closer and closer. Yes! I'm going to make it!

Then her foot slipped. It was bound to happen with everything going on. Her heel completely missed the next step it was supposed to hit, falling into the space between rungs. Fubuki gasped into her paci-panty gag, headbutting the side of the ladder as she fell. Luckily, she was able to catch herself. Unluckily, it was with her crotch.

Her wet padding fell against the next rung down the ladder. The metal bar squished the soggy mass right up into Fubuki's privates. The tingling sensation she'd tried so hard to ignore came back with a vengeance. The pressure from all her weight being concentrated on this one point was too much. Fubuki's slit grew wet, buzzing from the attention her wet diaper gave it.

No! she cried out in her head. "Mmrrph! Mrr!" She squirmed, trying to get her foot back on one of the rungs. All her effort amount to was her basically grinding against the rung of the ladder. It did wonders for her itching pussy. "Urrrrrffff~"

No, NO! she thought furiously. You can't enjoy this! Not here! Not now! Not ever!

But as she continued to squirm and find her footing, her privates only got to enjoy more of her wet pamps pushed up into them. She almost threw her head back as she moaned.

It was insane! She was supposed to be escaping the police and here she was basically… masturbating ! In a diaper! A used diaper! Fubuki must've truly lost her mind if she was enjoying this. If not for the fact that her foot needed to find something to stand on, she would've stopped moving a long time ago.

squish squish

"Mmmrrrph! Gggph!"

squish squish

"Errrrph!" Finally, after more than enough kicking, her heel managed to get a handle on the rung again. Fubuki lifted her crotch off of the ladder, feeling her nethers cry out after all that teasing. They'd actually been kind of close to... Don't think about it, she begged. Please don't think about it. Ever. But it was hard with the way her privates were tingling.

"What's going on here?" a voice called out suddenly. It was so loud that it cut through the ringing alarm. It was the kind of booming, authoritative voice that belonged to an experienced hero. One who'd probably been nearby enough to hear the commotion of the robbery.

"Mmmph!" Fubuki panicked, thinking it was addressing her. Her hands let go of the ladder and she slipped right off, falling down to Earth.

She managed to twist her body, so she fell against the lid of the dumpster instead of the ground. It was a much shorter drop, but still hurt when she landed.

As Fubuki struggled to recover, panicked nerves sending so many signals that her limbs didn't know what to do, she heard the people at the hardware store explain the shattered window and the floating ladder. It really was only a matter of time before she was discovered. Fubuki finally managed to roll off the dumpster, grunting as she hit the ground.

"I think I heard something coming from over there!" Though Fubuki couldn't see it, she knew the speaker had to be pointing to the alleyway. It was a little too much to hope that all her noise had gone unnoticed. Fubuki managed to get back on her heels, turning and grabbing onto the ladder. If she could just get up into her apartment…

"Stop right there, thief!"

She winced. Fubuki turned to look, using her bonnet to shield as much of her face as possible. It was a hero who had responded, not the police. It wasn't some Class C chump she could scare off with a show of her powers either.

Captain Mizuki, a woman who had worked her way up to the upper-middle range of Class B, stood at the mouth of the alleyway. Her high-tied ponytail let wavy orange hair fall over the side of her face. She wore short workout clothes in place of a typical hero costume, which showed off her muscular arms and abs. Purple eyes glared at the scene before her. It looked pretty incriminating for Fubuki, who grabbed the back of her skirt and dragged it down over her pamper. Not only had she stolen the ladder, but to this hero it probably looked like she was trying to use it to sneak in and rob the apartments. Even the broken window would probably be pinned on her!

The people who'd gathered at the hardware store now crowded around behind her. Great… Fubuki thought. Now we have an audience. Mizuki pointed at her, making her flinch.

"Give yourself up now and it won't get any worse for you," Captain Mizuki said. "Seriously, who steals a ladder? And… dressed like that to boot…" Her heroic persona faltered a moment as she took in what Fubuki was wearing. Even as the woman tried to hide her pamper, the bulge was plain as day. Top that off with the dress and her bonnet, and she hardly looked like some common thief. It was understandable that the people behind Mizuki started to laugh.

Fubuki's face burned, and she bit down on her pacifier. She did not need to be dealing with this musclehead right now. There was no way her slurred speech could explain this situation. Even trying would get her recognized, and she couldn't have that. Her heart bruised her ribcage with how hard it was beating. She had to get away. There was no other option for her.

Her fists clenched inside their mittens.

"Seriously, do we have to add exhibitionism to your list of crimes?" Mizuki asked. She was playing it up a bit for the crowd. The mask of seriousness slipped back on. "Alright, hands off the ladder and where I can see them."

Fubuki obeyed. Her mittens left the ladder and her skirt. The laughter from the crowd only grew as it became undeniable that she had a big pink diaper around her butt. Her only solace was there was no way they could know she'd wet it as well. She raised her arms into the air. Fubuki side-stepped until she was clear of the ladder. Just a little further…

"Now we're going to wait right here until the police arrive," Captain Mizuki told her. "Then it's time out for you, missy. Got it?"

Fubuki's eyes glanced down to her spare diaper. She knew she could leave any evidence behind. Even though she'd been spotted, all this would just be hearsay without proof. Swallowing nervously, she made her move.

Fubuki whipped her arms down and back. Her psychic powers activated, supercharged by her frazzled state. The adrenaline coursing through her veins seemed to work for them too, because they grabbed hold of the dumpster and threw it back at Captain Mizuki.

"Whoa-whoa!" People screamed, but she caught it. Her wide arms and buff stature tanked it, her feet dragged a mere few inches across the ground before stopping. It was enough, Fubuki made her move.

She grabbed the spare pamper and ran. It was not easy; her waddle and her heels made this the slowest getaway possible. But she had been getting used to them, so at least she wasn't a slouch. She rounded the corner behind the hardware store, disappearing into the network of alleys along this block leaving behind a trail of squishy crinkles.

"Oh no you don't!" Fubuki heard Captain Mizuki drop the dumpster and start running after her. Her head start wasn't worth much, but at least she could keep taking turns and hopefully lose the woman. She lived in this neighborhood and was more familiar with it. That home field advantage was the only saving grace she had.

Still, her heart fell as she heard pounding footsteps chasing after her. She could only hope that she'd get away. And that using her telekinesis back there hadn't just exposed her identity. There were other espers in the world besides just her and her sister, right?

She couldn't worry about that now. Not with a hero on her tail. Fubuki toddled for all she was worth, chewing her pacifier and making erratic, desperate turns through the alleyways. If she could just get away, if she could just make it back to her apartment undiscovered, if she could just get her sister to take this stuff off of her…

Then maybe, maybe, maybe she'd escape this night with her reputation unscathed. But Fubuki didn't have high hopes.