futa miruko

Miruko sat looking outside her office window and down at the city streets below her.

Purchasing a high-rise building like this wasn't hard. A hero like her had more than enough money in the bank to supply her.

Still, in just a few moments, word would go out that she, the ever illusive number 5 hero of Japan, someone who spent almost the entirety of her hero career working alone, was starting her very own hero agency.

She had to admit that even someone as bold as her couldn't help but feel anxious about what was going to happen next.

Rumi always preferred to work alone. The general feeling she had toward others was that they would only get in the way. But now, she was opening herself up as someone willing to do just that, a slightly nerve-racking process, to say the least.

Suddenly, however, the sound of a notification popping up on her computer caused her to turn around and face. And, sure enough....


The article coming from one of, if not Japan's most famous news agency. She couldn't exactly go back now, could she?

Not even a few minutes later, though, the bunny-themed hero's phone rang, leading her to reach over and pick it up.

"Hello, Nemuri." Miruko smiled into the phone, knowing full well who it was before she even picked it up.

"How'd you know it was me?" The X-rated hero responds slyly.

"Cause I know you've been waiting for this day for a VERY long time."

"And who wouldn't be? Anyone who's anyone is always dying at the chance to work with you. And now that you've opened the floodgates," Midnight chuckles. "Honey, you've got your work cut out for you."

"I know that. I'm not exactly new to this scene. Besides, I've got it all planned out."

"Oh, do you now?"

"Yes. I-"

"How about we talk about this over drinks? We should celebrate such a monumental occasion." Midnight interrupts Miruko with an offer.

Drinks didn't sound all that bad. After going through the stress of getting everything ready, the number 5 hero deserved a chance to wind down.

"That.... Doesn't sound half bad." Miruko responds.

"Great! We'll meet at Shinobi's at 8. I'll see if I can bring Takeyama also." Midnight says before quickly hanging up.

Midnight, Mt. Lady, AND alchole? Oh, this was going to shape up to be quite the night.


"Gah! Get off my you pervy old hag!"

"Oh, Yuyee, Relax! We're celebrating."

Miruko watched the show before her. Not even a few minutes after they got their drinks, and Midnight was already getting touchy-feely.

Along with that, she was pulling Mt. Lady in for a very close and intimate hug from the side, pressing the sides of their faces together in the process, much to Ms. Takeyama's displeasure.

Rumi knew it was all good fun. If Yu wanted Nemuri off of her, she was more than capable of doing so.

Still, it was all quite entertaining for Miruko to see. Two busty and attractive women pressed up against each other, not a half-bad sight if she had anything to say about it.

They were lucky the place they were in offered private rooms, however. She had a feeling her announcement wouldn't even last a minute if a single picture of THE Midnight and Mt. lady in such an intimate position got out there.

Finally shoving Midnight off of her, Yu Takeyama turns toward Miruko. "So, you really set on doing this, huh?"

"Doing what?"

"Starting a hero agency! I mean, we all heard the stories, the interviews, what have you. Miruko works alone. So I really have to ask, why the change?"

"Eh, it's not really all that deep if that's what you're looking for." Miruko responds. "I just see the newest generation of wannabe heroes out there and figure they could use a guiding hand." Miruko explains.

"Really?" Mt. Lady asks, looking unsure if she believes her fellow hero.

"Really." Miruko emphasizes, wanting to make it clear.

"I thought it was because you wanted to fuck 'em?" Midnight chirps up in what's felt like ages.

"Nemuri!" Mt. Lady shouts, turning toward her friend while at the same time, Miruko nearly busts a gut from laughing.

"What? You got to admit, the newest generation out there has been looking quite good, all things considered." Midnight defends herself.

"I knew you were a pervert, but this is ridiculous." Mt. Lady shakes her head, face-palming as she hears her friend go on.

"Well, she isn't exactly wrong." Miruko admits after managing to calm down her laughter, this time causing Yu to turn toward her while Midnight herself laughs up a storm.

"Are you kidding me?! That whole thing about wanting to train the newer generation, and you just want to end up screwing them?!" Mt. Lady exclaims.

But before Miruko could respond, Mt. Lady's quickly swept up into another sideways hug from Midnight, who presses her flush face up against her co-workers. "C'mon, Yuyee, don't be such a prude. Everyone fucks everyone in this industry. And those sidekicks aren't different." Midnight says. "Besides, you say you've heard stories about Miruko here, but you can't tell me you haven't heard of those OTHER stories."

"N-No, n-not really." Mt. Lady responds, even though her face begins to slowly grow red.

"Well, to put things lightly, our friend here," Midnight gestures over toward Miruko. "Is a certified fucking stud." Nemuri says, causing Yu's face to grow an even hotter shade of red.

"Please, Nemuri, you don't have to flatter me." Miruko chuckles, holding up a hand to stop her but making it more than evident that she didn't mind if she went on.

"It's true, it's totally true, though. Every slut who has had the fortune of finding themselves in such a close position to her has only had good things to say." Midnight explains before adding, "Myself included."

"Oh, Yuyee." Nemuri smiles into the side of Yu's face while glancing an eye over at Miruko. "Don't tell me you aren't, at the very least, curious."

Slightly overwhelmed by it all. Mt. Lady shifts her gaze downwards as she struggles to find the right words before finally saying, "I might be." Obviously a little embarrassed to say such words.

"Then, in that case, why not give her a show?" Midnight asks before turning Mt. Lady's face toward her and pulling her in for a kiss.

It was slow. Yu was clearly taken off guard by the turn of events that had presented themselves. However, as the X-rated hero continued to kiss her, she soon found herself falling into the rhythm. Their lips soon working together in a fluid motion of intimacy before Midnight found herself growing so bold as to stick her tongue into Mt. Lady's mouth, causing the latter of the two to let out a small chirp, but still, she didn't pull away.

Miruko was enjoying every second of this. Seeing two honestly attractive women mack on each other like there was no tomorrow sent shivers of pleasure throughout her body, all leading eventually to her crotch, which strained tightly in the confines of her pants.

Finally, when the both of them seemed to have enough, they parted, revealing a strand of saliva still connecting their lips before they both turned toward the only other person in the room. "How was that, darling? Good enough of a show for you?" Midnight asks, while Mt. Lady huffs and pants exhaustedly next to her, hearts clearly able to be seen in both of their eyes.

In response to her question, a sly grin begins to grow across Miruko's face.


Rumi sat back, letting out a groan of pleasure as her gaze fixated itself on the two women between her legs. Working on the shaft, Midnight eagerly bobbed her head up and down Rumi's cock, savoring every single part of it as the head of the massive member teased the entrance of her throat. Simultaneously, with an albeit more cautious expression, Mt. Lady sucks on one of Miruko's thick balls, slurping on the orb and causing the cum inside it to churn warmly.

"Damn, of all ways to get you two to work together for once." Miruko smiles, biting her lower lip to stifle another groan from leaving her lips. It was honestly quite the sight to see the two heroine rivals working together, and it all came down to them sucking her thick cock. Rumi would've laughed if she wasn't already dealing with pleasure currently coursing through her veins.

Pulling out one of Miruko's balls from her mouth with a satisfying pop, Mt. Lady says, "I always told her that she'd be a great cocksucker." Turning Midnight's once lustful expression into one of slight annoyance before her gaze turns toward her fellow hero.

"In that case," Midnight starts, pulling Miruko's member out from her mouth as her hand suddenly seizes Yu's back the back of her hair. "I'm always happy to give you a few pointers!" Nemuri says prior to slamming Mt. Lady's mouth over Rumi's cock, spearing her cock all the way down her throat, leading to her letting out a gargled cry in response while her nose is pressed up against Miruko's toned waist.

"First things first, the little enemy that is your gag reflex." Midnight starts, still maintaining her iron grip on Mt. Lady's head, as she transitions over to slamming her head up and down Miruko's cock. Causing the blonde heroine to gag and retch up a storm, obviously struggling to take such a big cock down her throat like how Nemuri was forcing her to.

"I'm sorry to say, darling, but the only real way to get past is with plenty of practice." Midnight says, not missing a beat while using Mt. Lady's throat like a sex toy around Miruko's cock. "Luckily, however, it seems we have a stud right here to help us. Don't we?" Nemuri continues, glancing up at Rumi.

"Keep me out of this." Miruko chuckles under her breath, content to let the X-rated heroine do her work. Getting in the middle of the rivalry between those two would be far more dangerous than dealing with any villain out there. And besides, she fully trusted Nemuri not to push things too far. Yu wasn't all that far off from the truth when she said that Midnight would be a great cocksucker. In reality, she was one of the best.

For a while, they just keep going like that. Midnight's hand firmly placed on the back of Mt. Lady's head as she slam fucked her face over Miruko's member. All the while, Yu struggles endlessly as her throat is penetrated by Rumi's overwhelming big cock, continuing to gag and retch loudly while also coating her member with a healthy layering of spit and flem.

Once enough time had passed, however, Midnight finally pulled Mt. Lady's head off of Rumi's cock. "Hmmmm, not bad, but not exactly great either." Nemuri comments while looking at the gigantification hero's nearly dazed expression.

"You fucking bitch...." Mt. Lady slurs as her mind slowly starts to come back to her from the dizzy mess that it was after having it slammed up and down so vigorously.

But before Yu can catch a break, Midnight slams her head back down onto Miruko's crotch. "Next lesson, then!" Nemuri chirps, but instead of yanking Mt. Lady's head up and down, she, instead opts to keep her face firmly pressed up against Rumi's toned waist. Allowing the number 5 hero to really feel Yu's warm and wet throat wrapped around her cock like a tight vice.

"One thing I learned early on is that you can have a nearly non-existent gag reflex and still suck cock like a 500 yen whore if you don't know how to properly breathe." Midnight explains, continuing not to let up for a single second even as Mt. Lady's slightly panicked, gurgled cries find themselves crawling out from her throat while her face and eyes begin to grow red from the lack of oxygen.

"A small tip, darling, breathe through your nose." Midnight whispers into Mt. Lady's ear, and, funnily enough, she begins to do just that. While quite clearly a more than difficult thing to do, given how big Miruko's cock was, with enough effort, Yu begins to sharply exhale and inhale out of her nose while Rumi's member was still lodged down her throat. "Humming also really ENHANSES the experience." Nemuri comments, however, the only movement coming from Mt. Lady's throat was sharp and short spasms as she struggled to maintain her maw around such a big cock.

"See? Not so hard, right? Now let's see you put everything I taught you together." Midnight chirps before her grip on Yu's tightens tenfold, and she begins to slowly drag her head up and off Miruko's cock. But then, right as only the head remained stuck in her maw, Nemuri slammed her head back down, spearing Rumi's cock right back down her throat once again.

From there, the X-rated heroine showed no mercy, even less so than before. She practically worked Yu's head into a blur due to how fast she was pulling and pushing her head up and down Miruko's member, going at a dizzying speed that seemed to be extreme even by Midnight's own dominant nature.

Throughout it all, though, Miruko loved every single second of it. Mt. Lady's throat fit around her cock like a glove, squeezing and squirming around it in all the best ways the number 5 hero of Japan could ever possibly dream of. It was well and truly a delight, getting to such a point that eventually, Rumi was unable to take much more.

"You might want to get her ready...." Miruko groans, smiling and biting her bottom lip as her peak soon approaches.

"Ah! You hear that, Yuyee? Our stud here is about to shoot all that hot and sticky spunk down your throat. Are you ready?" Midnight asks Mt. Lady in a mocking tone, with the only response she manages to get being a particularly loud cough and a middle finger from the throat-filled heroine.

"Ah! Here it comes." Miruko groans before her cock finally unleashes a title wave of cum, something which happens just as Midnight slams Mt. Lady's head down one more time, pressing her head down as far as it could go, leaving Yu's eyes to suddenly go wide as she feels load after load of cum shoot directly down her throat and into her stomach.

Slowly, though, Nemuri begins to ease Mt. Lady's head upwards, allowing Rumi's cock to blast off waves of thick cum across the heroine's tongue before eventually pulling her head off her cock entirely, letting a few final blasts spray across her face. At the same time, with her throat now free of the thing clogging it, almost immediately Yu takes in greedy gasps of air before she's finally fully released from Midnight's grasp, letting her fall into a deep coughing fit.

"Now, would you look at that? It seems you aren't a half-bad cock sucker yourself, Yuyee." Midnight mocks Mt. Lady, who, with red and watery eyes, only glares back at Nemuri with a mixture of hatred and that usual bitter rivalry that had grown so much in their relationship.

And yet, the X-rated heroine seemed unperturbed by such a look, choosing to let out a sly chuckle before rising to her feet and straddling Miruko's waist. "Well then, while you sit there and catch your breath," Nemuri starts. "You can watch me give this stud here the ride of her life." She finishes as she presses the head of Rumi's cock up against the entrance to her now exposed soaking wet pussy. "That is, if your up to it?" Midnight asks, turning to look down at the bunny-themed heroine.

Almost instantly, Miruko seizes Midnight by the back of her hair with one hand, pulling her head back while she uses the other to grab hold of the heroine by her plump hips. "That a question you even need to ask?" Miruko smirks.

"Big cock AND a big personality, what's not to love about you?" Midnight remarks before pushing her hips down, pressing the head of Miruko's cock into her folds until they finally part, allowing entrance as she sinks her hips down further and further, eliciting a sharp moan out past her lips. At the same time, Rumi herself pulled her down faster via the grip she had on her hips. Only stopping until their bodies finally met.

"You ready?" Miruko asks.

"Oh, darling, the moment I first heard about you, I was- OH MY!" Midnight's words are lost as Rumi begins to viciously thrust her hips upwards, quickly spearing her cock deep inside the X-rated heroine in a brutal, aroused fashion. Not that Nemuri seemed to mind. Moans and all sorts of sounds soon begin to come out of her as Miruko uses her muscled thighs to power fuck her cock into the deepest parts of her pussy.

Miruko's quirk was that she had attributes like a rabbit. So, suffice it to say that the number 5 hero of Japan was able to fuck like one too. Pumping her body in such a way that completely reshaped the inside of Midnight's pussy to fit the mold of her cock as it repeatedly bashed up against the entrance to her womb.

Her body was nearly like a machine. Ruthless, no signs of slowing down in the least. It was like Miruko was made for fucking just as much as she was meant to be a hero. Both things she enjoyed endlessly and all the enjoyable perks that came alongside them.

Ironically enough, both avenues of her life allowed her to get into the pants of plenty of women out there.

However, with someone like Midnight, there was just something so honed and trained about it. Nemuri Kayama didn't get the nick of the X-rated hero for nothing. And even though she didn't jump into the bed of anyone who was willing, those she did have fun with only had good things to say, and Miruko was no different.

Her pussy was so tight, and yet, it also allowed Rumi to go as hard as she wanted. Pounding upwards into her snatch in such a fast manner, causing her thick full balls to pound up against her while her fat tits danced in her face. Most, if not everything, about Midnight was perfect by Miruko's own description. She was just an ideal lay in all the circumstances out there.

And it seemed, for the most part, that Midnight felt the same way about Rumi. Nothing but constant screams and moans left her lips every time the bunny-themed hero swung her hips upwards to meet the X-rated ones. Her thick, fat member pressing all the right buttons and going to all the perfect places inside Nemuri's body. Leading to her pussy being nothing but a sopping wet mess of nectar and fluids as orgasm after orgasm flew out of her.

But, unbeknownst to the duo, as they went at it, Mt. Lady watched everything. Her face was a hot shade of burning red from how Midnight had treated her and the sight currently presented to her. Mainly, her gaze found itself locked on Miruko's fat member as it pounded up into Nemuri's pussy. She had grown quite intimate with it when Midnight used to batter around the inside of her throat, but seeing it actually penetrate a pussy, her own crotch couldn't help but find itself growing more and more wet.

However, stronger than her feeling of arousal was the bitter hatred she had for the dark-haired heroine. The previous actions that she had committed were something Yu knew could not go unpunished, or, at the very least, respond to in kind in a way that would leave the X-rated heroine just as much of a mess as she was when her mouth was finally free of Miruko's fat cock.

And as she continued to observe the duo, an idea came to form inside of her mind.

Back with Miruko and Midnight, they both seemed like they could go at it forever. Not even caring if the sounds they were making managed to reach the area outside. "Give it to me! Give it to me harder!" Midnight moans while bucking her hips back down against Rumi's.

"If you insist." Miruko says through gritted teeth before her body goes into overdrive, moving even faster than before as she pounds up into Nemuri's pussy, making the latter of the two's moaning reach an even higher pitch before it suddenly goes beyond that as Mt. Lady, in attempt to throw her off, begins to rim viciously and vigorously rim her winking asshole with a fiery passion.

It was unexpected, to both of them, especially to Midnight, who was already grappling with an insane world of pleasure via Miruko's thick, rock-hard cock pounding her pussy like there was no tomorrow. But now, having her rear being teased by Mt. Lady's tongue, which was far above anything she was looking for. In the end, Yu's efforts caused an orgasm that practically threw itself out of her.

"Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Nemuri screams, her eyes nearly rolling into the back of her head. And yet, through it all, the bunny-themed hero still continued to thrust up into her. Even though she herself had been pushed over that edge, Rumi herself and yet to cum herself, and so, along with Mt. Lady, they both continued what they were doing, much to the loose and few hanging threads of mental stability Midnight had left.

It only seemed to get worse for the X-rated heroine as Miruko's pounding sped up even further, going far and beyond anything any average human could possibly do and leading straight into the superhuman territory of things, turning an already pleasurable experience into an almost brain melting activity.

But, Rumi's thrusting all had to least somewhere, and it did, as with one final thrust up, deep into Midnight's pussy, Miruko's cock began to unload. Shooting hot loads of spunk deep inside Nemruri's pussy, coating her interior walls with the fluid and nearly filling her up entirely to the point that it almost began to leak out past her sensitive folds.

Rumi soon released the sexually broken hero from her grasp, letting her fall to the ground with a glazed yet also pleasured look on her face. The sign of another conquest in her book.

Scrambling to look over her fallen friend, however, Mt. Lady looks down smugly at her and says, "How's that for a lesson!?" Obviously proud of her successful attempt to get back at Midnight. However, the only thing she gets in response is a happy gurgling sound as Nemuri's tongue hangs out the side of her mouth.

But once her adrenaline begins to come down, she lets out a huff before wiping some of her spit off of her face. "Guess that's that, then."

"Not exactly." Miruko responds, causing Yu to turn toward her and see the number 5 pro hero of Japan standing over her with a raging erection and a lustful smile still on her face.


"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Mt. Lady screams out as she's held in a full nelson, tightly trapped in Rumi's arms while she swings her cock up into her asshole. Spearing and skewering it deep inside her with each and every repeated thrust aimed up into her. Showing just as much mercy as she did to Midnight a few moments prior, which wasn't all that much.

The muscular heroine's body flexed as her muscles worked with such utter power fucking Yu's more plump and tender one. Moving at an insanely fast and brutal pace, quickly overwhelmed the heroine in her arms, who was only left to scream and howl up a storm as the pleasure stemming from her fat cock tore through her body like a bolt of lightning.

Some might've considered it extreme. Bursting two times prior and then going at it again. But Miruko was more than capable of going for as long as she wanted. And she only thought it would be fair considering the treatment she gave to Nemuri.

Rumi could feel Yu's nails digging into her back while she moaned. The pleasure, already more than enough for any average person, melted her brain into a wet sludge. Not that the gigantification hero really seemed to mind.

"Oh, fuck me! Fuck me just like that!"

She seemed to be enjoying herself quite a lot. The pure wetness from her pussy more than attested to that as Miruko plugged her cock deep into her rear. The number 5 hero's cum filled balls clapped over Mt. Lady's pussy, stimulating her more than she already was. And yet, she kept going, fucking the plump, beautiful woman in her arms like there was nothing else going on in her life. If more stuff like this happened after her announcement got further into the public space, then she should've opened her own hero agency sooner.

This was the first time Miruko had ever really gotten a chance to go at it with Mt. Lady. Midnight was someone she was accustomed to and more than welcomed, but Yu, she was meaning to have a go at her tightly spandex-covered ass from the moment she first appeared on the scene, showing it off to the public for show. Rumi was sure that countless people out there would KILL to be in the position she was in right now, or even to just be in the room to watch her fuck such a fantastic feeling butt and watch how it wrapped around her cock like a vice and how it almost tried to milk her member with each animalistic thrust she threw up into it. Something which only emboldened her to go even harder than before.

"FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! You're going to break me in half!" Mt. Lady screams while her eyes begin to slowly roll into the back of her head. But throughout it all, Miruko didn't back down. She continued to power through, going past her limit in all the ways that she ever could. In a way, she went, 'plus ultra.'

And then, with one final thrust up, deep into Mt. Lady's ass, Miruko begins to unload, shooting hot loads of spunk deep inside the heroine in her arms. All the while, a veritable tide of fluids shoots out of Yu's pussy, spraying down onto the floor below as Rumi's balls twitch in pleasure.

Resting her face up against Mt. Lady's hair, Miruko inhaled the calming scent before slowly lowering Yu down to the floor, placing her directly next to Midnight, who herself still seemed utterly wiped out.

For a moment, Rumi gazes upon her work before letting out a satisfied sigh. This day went a whole lot better than she had ever expected. She thought it was going to be almost entirely full of endless amounts of stress regarding her announcement, but after her time with Midnight and Mt. Lady, things didn't seem to be all bad.

Sitting back down, Rumi reaches over and grabs a bottle of saki before proceeding to drink half of its contents down in one fell gulp.

Once done, she shifted and turned to look out a nearby window at the night sky. Things were going to change. That much was certain to her. It'd be a lot of work also, countless amounts of paperwork, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized she wouldn't have to do it alone.

However, pulling her from her thoughts, a waitress in her mid-20s suddenly enters the room carrying another bottle of saki. "Hello! I hope I'm not intruding on anything. I just bought refills if anyones.... Interested...." Her voice trails off as she gets a look at the scene before her.

Three half-naked heroines, both filled to the brim with cum, while one sported the cock that most likely filled them in the first place, the sight alone causing her face to burn a hot shade of red. "Omigosh! I'm so sorry, I'll-"

"Wait!" Miruko cuts through her words just before she can leave. "Why don't you join us?" Rumi asks as a sly smile grows across her face.

Chapter 2: Getting Started


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Miruko had faced down some of the worst villains out there.

AFO, Shigiraki, a guy who ate souls, those kinds of freaks. And throughout it all, she had never batted a single eye. That is until she met a foe that pushed her to her absolute limits.


"Is that all of it?" Miruko asks as she hands her accountant what must've been the 1000th forum she had filled out that day.

"I believe so, Ma'am." Her accountant responds, swiping up the paper and putting it into her briefcase.

"Fantastic." Rumi sighs as she leans back in her chair, watching as her employee strolls out of her office.

She had been afraid of it ever since she first thought about making her own hero agency. It was something that made her reconsider the idea on multiple occasions. But, ultimately, she knew it wouldn't last forever. Once she had enough people working for her, all that boring stuff would end up getting filtered through by people who were able to fill in all those pieces of information that she now had to write.

But in the meantime, with her limited staff, she had to make do with both the paperwork and the headache she felt slowly oozing its way into her head.

She could use an angel, and she meant any angel at that very moment to come to save her from what was going on.

Funnily enough, the moment she wishes for something like that, a knock on her office window draws her attention over toward it, and she sees none other than Hawks holding a bag of takeout.


"Mind if I'm honest for a sec?"


"The moment you said you wanted to start your hero agency, I thought you were full of shit."

"Fair enough." Miruko remarks, taking a sip out of her drink as both she and Hawks sit on the roof of her office building and eat the takeout he had bought.

"I mean, you, of all people, starting your own hero agency. To me, that's downright unbelievable. And that's coming from me, the so-called laziest hero in Japan." Hawks exclaims with faux shock, managing to get a chuckle out of Rumi before he takes another bite out of his food.

"Do you even have a theme yet?"

"A what?" Miruko responds, turning toward the avian-based hero with a look of confusion.

"A theme. What feeling your trying to go for with your hero agency." Hawks explains, only receiving an even more confused look from Rumi in response. "You don't even have a theme?!"

"What? I thought it was just hiring the most powerful people out there." Miruko defends herself.

"Aw, c'mon, Rumi! Only the generic hero agencies do that. That's why they barely ever get noticed. Look at Endeavor, for example. He strolls around with sidekicks good with fire quirks, and you know what happens? He corners the entire fire market. Or even look at me. I might only have one sidekick, but when people need a hero who's strong and knows to fly, they know to call." Hawks explains to his friend.

Despite being a snarky prick, he made a point. Everyone describes their hero agency as having the best of the best, so working with just that wouldn't turn all that many heads. But what would she choose?

Bunny themed? Nah, she didn't know any real powerful bunny-based heroes out there. Loud? Too broad and would probably come off as a little annoying.

It took her a second, but eventually, an idea formed inside her mind.

"Alright, I got it." Miruko says, turning toward Hawks and putting down her food. "Women."

"Women?" Hawks responds, this time his turn to look confused at the vague statement Rumi just made as he nearly chokes on his food.

"Yeah! I get the best female heroes out there. It would turn a lot of heads, AND it would mean working with a lot of good heroes out there." Miruko explains, leaving Hawks to think about the idea.

"Not half bad. But do you know where you're even going to start?" Hawks inquires.

"Easy. I'll go to the place everyone goes."


Mina Ashido couldn't really complain about her circumstances. She was in one of the best hero schools in the country, learning in the top class, and was slated to be one of the best heroes out there. But if there was one thing she hated, it would have to be the homework.

She wasn't necessarily the most brilliant student out there. Her grades were, sadly enough for her pride, at the same level as Kaminari's, a strange point of bonding between the two of them. But with the type of work they were given, who could blame them?

Japanese, science, math, biology, chemistry, medicine, English, and who knows what else? It was all so much! Combine that with trying to maintain a social life and hone her quirk so that it could become more powerful, and it all just added up to an entire mess that she always ended up having to wade through.

Feeling her eyes begin to strain after staring at her textbook for too long, Mina sighs and leans back in her chair. When she first came to U.A., she naively thought that it would mainly be about heroing stuff. Only to remember that U.A. Academy is still, as a matter of fact, an academy. And deep down, she knew it made sense. Can't really have heroes running out there with below-average intelligence.

Maybe she just needed to de-stress.

Yeah, that could work. The thought alone sent small tremors of excitement through her before she glanced over at her dorm room's door. She made it clear to her friends that she was going to focus on studying and wasn't really looking to be disturbed for a while, so she had all the time in the world for what she wanted to do.

Reaching across her desk, Mina drags over her laptop and opens it. By no means was she some sort of pervert. That was Mineta's shtick, not her's. But a girl had her needs, and as she began clicking through various websites, she looked to satisfy some of those desires. Something that was relatively easy all things considered, when she lived in a world full of fit, attractive people running around in tight spandex outfits.

She had some favorites: Hawks, Gun Head, Midnight, and Mt. Lady. And with the internet being the internet, there were plenty of websites out there hosting endless images of the heroes for people to 'look at.' Places she often looked through whenever she was feeling the way she was now. But out of all of them, there was a particular hero she had her eyes on the most. That being the number 5 hero of Japan, Miruko.

It was just the way she was. Loud, spunky, raring to go at any moment, she always managed to get Mina hyped up whenever she looked back on recordings of her outings, along with making her feel other things. Feelings that she began to call upon when she finally found her favorite photo of the hero.

It was taken from a rooftop as the bunny-themed hero leaped above, offering a perfect view of the hero's thick, muscled thighs, her toned, powerful-looking body, just everything that ran Mina the right way as she finally began shifting her hands downward, slowly pulling off her pants and panties before her digits move toward her slightly wet folds.

It was perfectly normal to have certain fantasies. Who didn't? And for Mina, those fantasies just so happened to involve Miruko. She could only imagine how powerful she would be as a partner in bed, easily dominating whoever she was with until they were nothing but a used mess.

When she first heard that she was opening her own hero agency, Mina was honestly ecstatic. Getting to work with such a strong and powerful woman is something she could only dream of. And while she knew it would most likely never happen, a part of her fantasized about the possibility of getting close to the bunny-themed hero as a result and becoming more 'intimate' with her.

"Nnnh." A soft moan left Mina's lips as she felt a sudden twinge of pleasure shoot through her body at that thought alone. Her pussy grew more and more wet by the second as her fingers teased herself, easing deeper and deeper inside her. All the while, she made sure to keep things slow and steady, not wanting to go all out just yet while she was still able to have some fun with herself.

Fuck, she was so jealous. She could only imagine the privilege of working with someone like Miruko. Being so close to all that awesomeness on such a regular basis, Mina wouldn't even know what to do. Perhaps she'd only be able to do what she was doing now and simply fantasize what might be. It was a sad prospect but a realistic one for someone like her. Maybe there'd come a day they'd be able to collaborate, and then from there, there would be a slight off chance that they'd....

A moan leaves Mina's lips as her pussy spasms, and she cums, sending a wave of much-needed relief through her body, which in turn slowly begins to relax. Fuck, she needed that. Not to sound too much like a perv, but a personal fun session with herself always set her right when she most needed it. However, that did leave her having to clean up the mess she just made.

Exhaling an annoyed breath out from her lips, Mina stands up from her desk, pulling her pants back up. But just as she was about to head into her bathroom to grab some supplies, a knock on her dorm room door roused her from any such plans.

"Y-Yeah!" Mina calls out, not wanting to sound like she was up to anything.

"Mina?" A voice she soon recognizes as belonging to Uraraka says. "Um.... Miruko is here to see you."

Holy fuck, really? Mina had to process her friend's words for a second. Her? Here? Of all possible times? No way, this had to be some sort of prank. But the possibility of something like that actually occurring quickly caused her to forget what she was originally planning on doing and made her make her way over to her door and open it, sticking only her head out. "Your joking, right?"

"No, I'm serious! She's downstairs waiting for you now." Uraraka explains, with Mina still not entirely believing her.


"I don't know. She just showed up and said she wanted to talk to you."

Still absolutely befuddled, Mina looked deep into Uraraka's eyes, trying to see if she would break, but after seeing her friend not flinch for a single second in return, she actually began to believe what she was saying. Miruko was here, at U.A., to see her of all people.


"Then he was all like, 'You just kicked my brother!' And then I was like, 'Then you'll have something to bond over with him, then!' Before I sent him flying through a brick wall." Miruko had the entirety of class 1-A enraptured. It wasn't every day they got special visitors, let alone someone of the number 5 hero of Japan's caliber, so they were all eager to what she had to say.

"Wow! And that was on your off day?" Kirishima asks.

"Eh, yeah. But I might've been also looking for trouble." Rumi says, sounding slightly sheepish before her attention is quickly turned toward Mina as she approaches alongside Uraraka. "There you are!" Miruko exclaims before bonding over.

"H-Hello, M-Ms. Miruko, Ma'am." Mina stutters, leading the pink heroine in training to mentally kick herself for doing that in front of her hero idols. Still, she gave herself some leeway when it came to talking to someone like Miruko.

"Relax, I'm not here to bust ya or anything. Just wanna talk to you about something. There somewhere private we can hash it out?" Miruko explains before asking.

"Y-Yeah! My room." Mina responds.

"Great! Lead the way." And like that, the two of them were off.

"The fuck was that about?" Bakugo remarks, vocalizing what the entirety of class 1-a was thinking at that moment.


"Nice digs." Miruko says, stepping into Mina's room. "Reminds me of mine when I lived in a dorm."

"Really?" Mina asks, following in behind her, the prospect of sharing something in common with Rumi slightly exciting her.

"Yeah, albeit it had a lot more exercise equipment." Miruko chuckles.

"You should check out my friend Kirishima's then. He almost has an entire gym in his room." Mina jokes slightly, raising a laugh out of the two of them before their conversation ultimately falls quiet in an awkward silence. "So, um, what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh! Right." Miruko clears her throat before turning to face the pink heroine in training. "I wanted to talk to you about possibly joining my hero agency." Rumi starts.

What? Mina had to take a moment to digest what Miruko had just said. SHE wanted HER to join her hero agency? Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. There was no way she just said that. This had to be some sort of prank or joke being played on her. It was almost too much for her to handle.

"Why?" Is the first thing that comes out of Mina's mouth, a reasonable amount of doubt flowing out alongside it as she looks across the room at Rumi.

"Easy, potential, along with another thing. But what's important is that the hero agency that I'm currently building is going to be made up of the strongest female quirk users out there. And I feel like you'd fit right in." Miruko explains.

Strongest female quirk users? Her? Really? Miruko did know she only sprayed out acid from her body, right? But if the number 5 hero of Japan saw potential in her, maybe there was something that she missed. In any case, Mina had to suppress a scream of excitement from erupting out of her mouth. Being one of the first heroes to join Miruko's hero agency would probably make her one of the most famous heroes out there, but more importantly, she'd be able to learn from one of the best out there in the field.

"That.... Makes sense." Mina finally responded, trying to play things cool as she sat down on the edge of her bed due to her legs feeling like jelly at that very moment.

"I know, right?" Miruko says, smirking as she reaches behind herself and pulls out Mina's desk chair to sit on. Only then did the pink heroine in training suddenly remember what she had intended to do beforehand.

"Wait! Don't sit there!" Mina calls out, managing to stop Miruko just as she begins to lower herself downward, sending a wave of relief through her, only to lose that feeling as Miruko then turns to look down at the seat, quickly seeing the small puddle of the pink heroine's fluids. "Would you believe me if I told you that was sweat?" Mina offers awkwardly.

"Hmmmm, let's see then." Miruko says, confusing Mina before causing her heart to leap into her throat as she lowers a finger down into the fluid before bringing it up to her mouth and licking it. A sight that may or may not have kick-started a few feelings inside the pink heroine if the confusion she was feeling hadn't taken center stage inside her mind.

After sampling the liquid, Miruko pulls her finger out from her mouth with a pop of her lips. "Nah, I don't think it's that." Miruko comments before noticing the befuddled expression on Mina's face, along with the thick blush that turned her pink skin a noticeable shade of red. Realizing now, though, that she had to reveal the other reason why she was there, Rumi approaches the pink heroine and places a hand on her shoulder. "Remember that other reason I mentioned earlier about why I want you to join my hero agency?"

"Y-Yeah?" Mina stutters as things slowly start to click together for her.

"Truth is, I'm looking to fuck as much as I'm looking to guide. If that makes sense. And it's safe to say that I want that to apply to you." Miruko explains simply and plainly.

Mina thought it was going to be an average day. She'd get up, go to her classes, head back, study, hang out with friends, have some fun, go to bed, rinse and repeat. One thing she wasn't expecting was the literal cavalcade of unexpected events that followed one after another. First, she finds out Miruko wants to talk to her. Next, she finds out that she wants her to join her hero agency, and NOW she learns that she also wants to have sex with her. Honestly? Not a half-bad turn of events if Mina was being honest.

"I'm down." The pink heroine comes out and says. The choice of having the chance to get down and dirty with Miruko wasn't exactly a tough choice for her to make. It was simple. Plain and simple, nothing else other than that.

"Sweet!" Miruko before using the hand she had on Mina's shoulder to throw her suddenly onto the bed. "You don't mind if we get started now, do you?"

"Not at all."

"Perfect." Miruko smiled, her eyes becoming a lot more seductive while she still carried her smirk as she began to slowly crawl her way across the bed toward her.

Even though her quirk gave her the abilities of a rabbit, Rumi looked more like a predator as she approached Mina. Confidently striding and moving until she was overtop her prey, who could only look back up at her with a mixture of excitement and astonishment at what was happening.

"So.... Um.... What do you want to do-"

Before Mina could finish her sentence, Miruko pushed a finger to her lips, shushing her. "Relax, rookie, just let me take it from here." Rumi says before pressing her lips against the woman beneath her's own. Quickly dominating Mina's mouth as her tongue quickly snakes in past the barrier of her lips, something Mina herself reciprocates as she sends out her tongue to meet Miruko's.

It was fierce, close, and intimate, but throughout it all, Miruko led the kiss, not backing away from anything until the both of them needed air. Something that Mina gladly took, leaving a strand of saliva between their lips while Rumi looked like she could go in for seconds.

But needing to breathe wasn't the only reason why Mina pulled back. More than anything else, she was simply overwhelmed. Even though what was happening was something she could only dream of, it was still a lot for her to take in. Even more so when the reality of it all continued sinking in for her. She, Mina Ashido, was going to be in a relationship with Miruko, the number 5 hero of Japan.

"Holy shit." Mina vocalizes, panting slightly while looking up at Rumi as she gazes back down at her. She was actually making out with Miruko, the number 5 hero of Japan. It should've been some sort of dream, and yet here she was, towering over her.

"I know, right?" Miruko chuckles. "But wait till you get a load of this." Rumi goes on to say before leaning back down, this time moving her lips to the side of Mina's neck while she used one of her hands to grope at her plump, tender breasts, causing the pink heroine to let out a small moan from the stimulation as she practically melted into a puddle of pleasure under Miruko's strong yet also sensual grasp.

Then, all the while still macking on her neck, Rumi slowly reached down and grabbed the bottom hem of Mina's shirt before proceeding to slowly pull it up and over her head, revealing more of her supple, beautiful body and cleavage to the bunny-themed hero, arousing the pink heroine enough to the point that her erect nipples were noticeable through her bra.

"Glad to see that you're enjoying yourself." Miruko comments, her eyes glancing up toward Mina's face, watching as she pants slightly while her gold and black eyes beg for more of Rumi's attention. "Don't worry, I tend to have this effect on people. Just sit back and relax, and let me work my magic." Miruko explains before returning her lips to Mina's neck, this time tracing a series of kisses down her neck, past her chest, and onto her stomach, leading herself down directly to the pink heroine's still-covered crotch.

Something that Rumi quickly takes care of as she begins to unbutton her jeans before pulling them off, leaving Mina only in her underwear. "Fuck, M-Ms. Miruko, keep going." Mina bites her lips as she looks down at Miruko.

"Call me Rumi. And don't worry, I'll be getting right to you." Miruko responds before pulling Mina's legs apart, spreading them softly, and giving herself a full view of the pink heroine's underwear-covered lower half before Rumi removes them also, revealing the wet mess that was Mina's crotch.

Then, without wasting another second, Miruko presses her face into Mina's cunny and dives her tongue deep inside her, causing the pink heroine to let out a short yet loud moan which she quickly covers with her mouth. While the dorm rooms were reasonably soundproofed, Mina didn't want to push things and have the entirety of her class hear her as Rumi went down on her soaking wet, aroused cunt.

However, that was easier said than done when Miruko was proving to be quite vigorous with her tonguing. Opting to go with a more direct approach to things rather than working her way up to them, Rumi's tongue explored the vast interior of Mina's folds, pressing firmly into all the right places that inevitably drove the pink heroine wild with pleasure, leading her to squirm in place under Miruko's grip as she kept her there, making sure she felt everything she did to her below.

Almost instantly, Mina began to feel an orgasm creeping up inside her, a strong one at that. One that she usually never would have been able to get with either her fingers or even some toy. But only with someone as skilled as Miruko. All of this led to a small layer of sweat building across her skin and moaning slightly louder and louder with every movement of Rumi's tongue inside her as she felt herself getting closer to the edge.

Then, with Miruko pushing in her tongue as deep as it could go one last time, Mina finally released. Her pussy twitching slightly on Rumi's tongue before a squirt of fluid shoots itself directly into Miruko's mouth. A liquid that she happily licks and laps up, continuing to work her tongue in and around Mina's folds and pushing her far past any point that she was usually used to.

"Heh, how was that?" Rumi asks, pulling her face back from Mina's crotch and turning to get a good look at her reaction. Something she was quickly able to determine by the almost dazed expression the pink heroine had on her face as she lay limply on her bed. She didn't even seem entirely conscious of Miruko's question before she slowly flashed a thumbs up, leading the bunny-themed hero to chuckle slightly under her breath.

"Figured as much, but...." Miruko's words trail off as she leans up and reaches a hand down toward her own crotch, quickly working with her costume to get her massive cock free from their confines. "I think this is the thing that you're looking for." Rumi remarks as Mina's eyes go wide, her mind rushing back to her once she sees the member that she's soon going to have tearing through her pussy.

By absolutely no means was Mina a virgin or even slightly unfamiliar with sex. There had been boys in the past that she had 'interacted' with. But none of them were packing as big of heat as Miruko. Her massive rigid member, seemingly just as muscled as the rest of the bunny-themed hero's body, along with carrying a thick pair of balls underneath them, packed to the brim with thick gooey loads of cum. That thought alone sparked feelings of arousal throughout Mina's body, enough to the point that she was more than eager to receive the fucking of a lifetime from the hero before her.

"Speechless, huh?" Miruko asks as she leans back over Mina, this time pressing down on the back of the pink heroine's knees as she lines up her cock with the entrance of her thoroughly sexually exhausted cunny. "Usually happens to all the horny sluts out there once they get to see what I'm working with." Rumi goes on to say before pushing the head of cock forward slightly, splitting Mina's pussy as she got ready to dive inside her. But before jumping inside her without a moment's notice, Miruko's eyes flash toward Mina's face. "Any second thoughts?"

"Nope. Go for it!" Mina worked up the courage to say, giving Rumi to then rear back her hips slightly before plunging them forward, causing Mina to let out a moan that quickly filled the room as Miruko speared her cock deep inside of the pink heroine's excruciatingly tight pink pussy all the way to the point that her thick bulbous head slammed up against the entrance to Mina's womb.

From there, Miruko wasted no effort laying waste to Mina's body. Surging her body back and forth as she brutally fucked the woman beneath her across her bed. Causing the metal frame of the mattress to nearly split and break due to how rough Rumi was being. But neither of them seemed to really care. As along with the sound of Mina's whorish moaning, the wet sounds of sex also loudly sounded out.

At such a thing coming from her room of all places, Mina usually would've been embarrassed. But her mind at that point was so focused on the pleasure that the only thing she really cared about was Miruko's cock as it pumped in and out of her pussy, pushing her to have orgasm after orgasm as her toes and fingers curled into tight balls from the arousal traveling to every part of her body. Nearly overwhelming her on multiple occasions, enough to the point that her eyes almost rolled into the back of her head. Forcing her to have to put actual effort into keeping her mind focused on what was going on if she wanted to enjoy more of the pleasure that she was feeling.

It was obvious at that point that even though this was the first time they were doing this, Mina was addicted to Miruko's cock. She knew she couldn't go back after having her pussy nearly reshaped to perfectly fit the grooves and different aspects of Rumi's member. Making the pink heroine all more happy with the fact that she would most likely continue to get this type of treatment once she was a fully-fledged member of Miruko's hero agency.

And for the most part, Rumi seemed to be enjoying herself also. Whether it'd be due to Mina's quirk or if she was able to really force herself in there, Miruko was nearly able to glide her cock in and out of Mina's pussy, and all the while, she felt her cock as it was tightly squeezed and massaged by the inside of her cunny.

Even though Miruko had intended on taking Mina into her hero agency for her abilities alone, her beautiful body and how it felt wrapped around her cock only solidified that fact to the point that she knew that it would be no mistake taking Mina on as one of her first sidekicks. Getting to work with such a beautiful and spunky woman with a body that was this good for fucking was something she would never regret.

Then, slamming her hips forward in one final thrust, Miruko begins to cum, spraying the inside of Mina's pussy with a hot gooey layer of spunk that coats the interior walls of her cunny.

"GOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Mina screams out as a result of Rumi's orgasm, pushing the pink heroine over the edge far enough that her folds spasm and twitch, clearly overwhelmed with pleasure, before spraying out one last orgasm that coats Miruko's thick member with her honey.

Even though she had cum, Rumi still continued to grind her hips up against Mina's, making sure that her balls were drained completely before she let out a huff and began to slowly pull back, allowing a few spurts of her hot sticky cum to shoot out from the pink heroine's pussy.

"Not bad, as first times go." Miruko pants, wiping some sweat off her forehead before climbing off of the bed. "Well, I guess I'll see at work, sidekick." Rumi comments with a sly smile, getting only a thumbs up from Mina in response, telling the rabbit-themed hero all she needed to know about how she was feeling.

Nevertheless, Miruko cleaned herself up, tucking her member back into her costume before finally departing out the door, not before getting one last look at the pink heroine still lying exhausted on her bed; a small smile crept across her face as she looked upon her very first sidekick. Then, without further notice, she left.

Making her way back down the hallway toward the elevator, however, Miruko's hero picked up the bated breath of someone watching her. But instead of turning to see who it was, Rumi only smiled, curious about who it was, but was more than content with waiting for the time being.

If things turned out exactly as she hoped they would, the person watching her would approach her soon enough.


Another chapter down!~ I hope I can keep this train going long enough for all of you to be happy with it! Also, if you have any thoughts or girls you might want to see, feel free to let me know!~

Chapter 3: Testing Things Out


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mina stood nervously, albeit determined, outside of Miruko's hero agency, the car from UA driving her away and leaving her to go into the building where she would soon begin her internship with the one and only number 5 hero of Japan herself. Something that Mina herself couldn't quite comprehend, even now. The events that had gotten her to this point were almost like a dream for her at this point as she thought back on them.

But rather than stand outside the building awkwardly and think about what happened, Mina took a steady breath before making her way forward, readying herself for anything the bunny-themed heroine might have in store for her. "It's gonna be ok. Just act like you usually do." Mina tells herself.

It was obvious that the bunny-themed hero wasn't going for the most tight-collar type of hero agency, the kind of place where you had to always act like a professional. It was a relief for sure for Mina, given the fact that she doubted she would've been able to handle something like that. Still, it was hard not to be nervous, even after everything she did with Miruko.

Walking past the front desk to the elevator, Mina entered the lift and began her journey to the floor where she would be working for the foreseeable future, the same floor as Miruko's. This was it. She was a sidekick to Miruko. Mina had to stop an excited scream from exploding past her lips as the thought passed through her mind.

The circumstances, while strange, weren't anything the pink heroine was going to complain about. She got to score with Miruko of all people, a feat that people across the world wished they were able to say they'd done, and Mina actually had.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Mina jumps with excitement, unable to stop a happy scream from leaving her lips before she quickly covers her mouth with her hand, quieting herself down even though she feels like screaming again.

Once the elevator had come to a stop, Mina Stepped out of the elevator only to marvel at the size of the operation Rumi was working with. It was grand, full to the brim with female employees, making the pink heroine in training wonder if Miruko ever got freaky with any of them the same way that she brought with her. That thought alone sparked waves of arousal through her core, but for now, she stuffed those thoughts to the side for the time being as she made her way forward, walking past the strangely empty front desk before looking to find where her mentor's office was.

It took her a second, but once she was there, she steadied herself once again before extending out her hand and knocking. "M-Ms. Miruko?" Mina calls out, pausing for a second to listen for anything behind the door. "It's me, Mina."

"Yeah! Come in!" Miruko calls out, giving Mina the go-ahead to enter and come to the sight of the one and only Miruko sitting behind a desk, wearing her hero uniform. "Ah, finally. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show." Rumi smiles with her usual smug look, leaning back in her chair and letting her chest move forward, sparking more embers of arousal throughout the pink heroine.

"Ehe, yeah, I may or may not have overslept." Mina smiles sheepishly. It was true, although the pink heroine did leave out the reason why she overslept in the first place.

"Hmmmm." Miruko hums, her eyes falling over Mina's form, almost like she was looking at a piece of prey, although it didn't seem all that serious. "So, I'm guessing your hero outfit's in there?" Miruko points a finger toward the briefcase Mina held, causing her to jump slightly.

"Oh! Yeah! I bought everything, just like you told me to." Mina smiles, feeling happy that she would be able to act so confidently around Miruko, of all people.

"Good girl." Miruko remarks, her comment causing Mina's face to flush slightly red. "How about you head on over to the gym, and I'll meet you over there. Just gotta handle a few things real quick, and then we can get started."

"Ok!" Mina shouts happily back before quickly departing out the door she just entered.

"Heh, this is going to be fun." Rumi mutters under her breath, leaning back in her chair to take everything in. Despite a rough and boring start, things were slowly coming together. People were joining her hero agency, more doors were opening for her, everything seemed to be looking good. Inko Midoriya sucking her cock under her desk was also pretty cool.

"Alright, slut, let's try to wrap this up quickly, I gotta go train my new recruit." Miruko remarks before reaching out and grabbing a handful of the green-haired woman's hair. The milf's dark green eyes nearly hearts as she gazes up at Rumi with nothing but pure and utter love.

Rumi knew that sooner or later, she'd have to find a more personal secretary, someone to work almost directly alongside her as she tried to figure out this whole hero agency thing. So when she found Inko Midoriya, she thought she was a good fit. Seemed to handle the workload effectively and interact with her co-workers fairly well. It wasn't until the smaller woman approached her with a proposition to help her destress that Rumi knew she had a keeper on her hands.

Someone who would prove themselves to be quite vital also to Miruko's more personal plans as she began to throat fuck the Inko's face, pulling her head up and down her cock, causing her balls to slap the underside of her chin with every repeated movement of her head downward.

"GLKGLK! GLKGLK! GLKGK! GLKGK!" Inko gurgles. At that point, her hand was between her legs, fingering herself happily and leaving a small puddle underneath her. Something that Miruko didn't mind in the least, the fact that Ms. Midoriya found herself doing something like that while she fucked her mouth only seemed to enhance the experience for Rumi, causing her to buck her toned and muscled body even harder into her face.

However, just like she had said, Miruko had to finish things up quickly; while she was more than happy to receive a long and stretched-out blow job, blowing countless loads down Inko's throat, she didn't want to leave her new sidekick waiting for too long. However, after their first meeting, Rumi had a feeling that the pink heroine would be able to understand. Still, speeding up her hips as fast as she could make them go, ravaging Inko's throat the same way that she would fuck a pussy sending one final thrust and finally bursting, spraying the inside of Inko's throat with cum.

"Ah, perfect as always." Miruko remarks, slowly retracting her cock from Inko's mouth until only around half her cock remained past her lips; only then did she suddenly pull her hips back, getting that pop of her lips that the bunny-themed hero loved to hear.

"Thank you, Ms. Miruko. I'm always happy to ease some of that stress off your shoulders." Inko says slightly in-between coughs as she catches her breath; while she might've been fairly experienced, or at least from what Rumi could tell, even she had her limits as she wiped her face up. Making sure to clean up her face as best as she could while Miruko made her way toward the door.


At the last second, Mina dodged as a robotic foe flew itself toward her, aiming to knock her to the ground, only for the pink heroine to suddenly spin on her heel and fire off a volley of acid toward it, melting it down to nothing but scrap. However, before she could even rest, another robot, this time taking up a vantage point above her, fires down a blast. Causing her to leap forward just in time.

While Mina might've not been the smartest person in the world, she was still quite the capable hero, enough so that she knew what to do at that very moment was to suddenly press her hands together, creating a more concentrated blast of acid that easily cut through the pillar the robot was standing on, causing to collapse and fall on top of another robot that had tried to sneak up on her, something that the pink heroine totally predicted and totally didn't NOT see it sneaking up behind her.

"Not bad, Mina." Miruko congratulates her sidekick, observing her work with the robotic training dummies. It was obvious that Mina had potential. "Some might think having an acid quirk could be limiting, at least in the whole heroing sense, but for you, you make it work." Rumi explains. It honestly Rumi of herself when she first started as a hero and the skepticism surrounding her quirk when she first described it as her basically having the same abilities as a rabbit.

"R-Really?" Mina smiles, face slightly glowing red from the praise given to her by her mentor, let alone one of the most powerful heroes in the country.

"Eh, can't say that I'm all that surprised about that, though. There's a reason why I felt you'd be a perfect fit for my hero agency." Miruko says, shrugging her shoulders.

"Are you sure there aren't any OTHER reasons?" Mina chirps, flashing a cheeky smile toward Rumi, making her chuckle under her breath while rolling her eyes.

"Don't push it." Miruko says, feeling slightly weird for the bunny-themed hero that she would have to be the mature one this time around, at least somewhat. "You might be good, but you still got a ways to go until your top ten worthy." Rumi goes on to scold softly, making Mina groan.

"So," Miruko starts, grabbing Mina's attention before asking, "Ready for some training?" Causing Mina's eyes to light up with excitement and a wide, toothy grin to grow across her face.

"I'm up for anything." Mina smiled, confident in her ability to take whatever Rumi threw at her, the kind of mood that the bunny-themed hero was looking for.

"Alright, then," Miruko says, placing a hand on Mina's shoulder and pushing her down to her knees in front of her. "Consider this a lesson on endurance." Miruko asks as Mina looks between her legs, already seeing her member hard and ready to go through her hero outfit, causing her heart to thrum hard in her chest. "You might have the skills, but none of that will matter if you can't keep it up." Miruko explains, her hand finally slipping down to fish her cock out from the confines from the confines of her costume. "So let's get started with some breathing exercises." Rumi explains, placing a hand on Mina's head, not pulling or moving it, but leaving it there for the simple way of giving her sidekick the message of what she wanted her to do.

This a message that Mina quickly understood as she opened her mouth and took the head of Miruko's cock into her mouth, sucking and slurping on it and tasting the remnants of cum and spit, making her wonder who it was, but for the time being, she didn't mind in any case. It even went so far as to embolden her to go even further.

"Heh, not bad." Miruko chuckles, enjoying herself with Mina's initial efforts. "I'm guessing this isn't the first time you've done this?" Rumi asks, sounding almost like a joke if only a little bit actually curious.

"Mmmhmm." Mina gurgles, unable to answer for obvious reasons, but still confirms that Miruko isn't entirely wrong. Mina was a party girl and was more than happy to have more intimate experiences with people. Although a part of her doubted she had anyone as big as this before. Someone so virile and ready to fuck in all the right ways that led her to slurp loudly, trying her hardest to show how far she was willing to go for her, who, in return, continued to almost seem to be impressed with her efforts.

But she knew what she was doing was only the surface of how far she was able to take things. And so, with a quick breath, Mina goes for it and takes the rest of Miruko's cock into her mouth, allowing it to slip down her throat, all the while her nose bumps up against the bunny-themed hero's waist.

"Fuck, not half bad." Miruko remarks with a chuckle, causing the pink heroine to feel a shot of pride shoot through her body as she pulls her head back, taking in another quick breath of air through her nose before returning her head back down. Quickly deciding to bob her head up and down Miruko's cock, showing off her own spunk and eagerness up against Rumi's, pleasuring the bunny-themed hero's cock with almost endless devotion.

Reaching out, Mina then went so far as to even grab Miruko by her thick-toned rear, opting to go for a better angle at things as she began to almost throat fuck herself across Rumi's cock. And throughout it all, the pink heroine didn't gag once, even as she plunged the hero's cock down her throat at an increasingly faster and faster pace. At the same time, she maintained complete and total eye contact with the hero above her, her gaze lustful and eager to please the hero standing above her.

Biting her lower lip, Miruko felt like she was on cloud nine as she felt Mina's throat wrapped around her thick cock, showing a level of experience that Rumi had a feeling the pink heroine would have, not that she minded in the least. The first sidekick she takes on, and she's this good at cock sucking, which only told Miruko that things were going to be perfect from here. And to just think that her hero agency was going to be filled to the brim with the best of the best female heroes out there.

"Pretty good for a trainee." Miruko praises her sidekick, still keeping things coy before saying, "But," Perking up Mina's attention in return. "But something tells me you can take a little bit more." Rumi added, causing the pink heroine to smirk up at her as the bunny-themed hero reached out, grabbing hold of Mina's horns, a sensation that caused a shiver to rack up her spine. Even though it was kinda embarrassing to admit out loud, the pink heroine knew her horns were sensitive. Not to a painful degree, but more or less to a point where she struggled to focus on anything besides what was ever making contact with her horns. However, despite all of that, with some of her best efforts, Mina kept trying to give Miruko what she would ever get.

"Make sure you get a good breath in." Miruko says, readying herself. "Cause your gonna need it." Rumi finally finishes before using the grip she had on Mina's horns to suddenly pull her head forward, slamming her cock roughly down Mina's throat, allowing her thick, cum filled balls to slap her chin underneath before she begins to rapidly and harshly fuck her face. Showing no mercy whatsoever to the younger woman beneath her as she brutalized her wet, warm, and tight maw that stretched and compressed around her massive member.

"GLKGLKG! GLKGLK! GLKGLK! GLKGLK! GLKGKLLK!" Mina slurred wetly out from her mouth, gagging and retching, yet not as much as people usually do whenever Miruko fucked their throat, impressing the number 5 hero of Japan even further than ever before as she humped Mina's features, her tight and toned thighs flexing with exertion as she even goes so far as to hunch over Mina's head, making sure the only thing that happened was that Mina took her cock as much as she possibly could as she fucked her face.

For Mina herself, however, it was a perfect experience. Sure, the lack of air going into her lungs made things not exactly the easiest to go through, but that she could handle. She still knew to take in those short breaths of air whenever Miruko dislodged her cock out from her throat for that brief second before thrusting it back down. But throughout it all, she was turned on to no end, her body alight with pleasure flowing through every facet of her even as her eyes grew watery and red from the lack of oxygen she was forced to go through. It was almost euphoric in a sense, getting face fucked in such a way by one of her hero idols, so much so that she couldn't even stop herself from reaching down a hand to begin touching herself, something that Rumi quickly noticed.

"Not yet, Rookie. Keep those hands by your sides." Miruko commands, still not wasting a single beat in fucking Mina's face as Mina herself does exactly what Rumi wants, keeping her hands back down her sides and denying herself the ability to pleasure herself in what was going on. Even though it was slightly frustrating not being able to satiate that lust that plumed and grew throughout her body, but she knew deep down that this was still a learning experience, not just a chance to just get freaky with Rumi.

"With her horns, it was almost like she was meant for this." Miruko thinks to herself, continuing to pound at Mina's face with her hips, pulling out thick waves of throat goo and flem out from her mouth that splattered down across Mina's breasts and her erect nipples, stimulating her even further as she gargled and gagged across Rumi's cock. Completely and totally helpless to the heroine, turning Mina on even further at that sheer thought alone.

Then, without even cumming first, Miruko tears her cock out from Mina's mouth, letting her gasp and take in easier breaths of air into her lungs while Rumi stroked herself off, continuing to keep herself hard. "Don't think you're going to get your prize that easily. This is still training; after all, you gotta work for it." Miruko explains, with Mina understanding perfectly, although that didn't stop her from feeling slightly disappointed about not getting her hot gooey prize.

"Aw, really?" Mina whines, giving her mentor a cheeky smile, who rolls her eyes back down at her before slapping her across the face with her cock before the pink heroine opens her mouth in return and allows Rumi to beat her massive member across her tongue, spurting out a few oozes of pre across it, giving her a nice substitute to what she wanted, at least, for the time being.

"Patience, rookie, you'll get what you want, and then some, just trust me." Miruko explains, amusing her sidekick. "Alright, turn around and bend over." Rumi then commands, something that Mina quickly follows, turning herself around and presenting her plush rear to the bunny-themed hero behind her, nearly making Miruko burst right then and there at the sight of her tightly packed, spandex costumed rear. Oh, yeah, this was going to be fun.

"Oh! Wait, hold on." Mina perks up, reaching back a hand toward her rear, confusing Miruko before she quickly understands what she is doing. The pink heroine then uses her quirk to disintegrate her costume covering her crotch, causing Rumi's cock to strain harder than ever before. "Alright, now you can go."

"Not gonna find it kinda hard to explain when you have to bring it in for repairs?" Miruko comments, giving the pink heroine a momentary pause.

"I'll just say I REALLY had to go to the bathroom." Mina responds, obviously coming up with the excuse on the spot, nearly making Miruko laugh before she lines her cock up with the entrance to the pink heroine's pussy. "Ah, really? Back there, again? Kinda predictable, to be honest." Mina chirps, causing Miruko to grit her teeth slightly at her brattish behavior before she suddenly seizes her via a handful of her fluffy pink hair.

"In that case," Miruko starts shifting her cock to align up with Mina's asshole. "Let's see how you do here." Rumi says before suddenly thrusting her cock forward into Mina's rear, causing the pink heroine to let out a sound that sounded like the air being knocked out of her lungs, instantly causing Miruko to retract. "Oh, shit. You ok?" Rumi asks, wanting to make sure that she didn't actually end up hurting her new sidekick.

"No, no, it's fine. Let me just...." Mina says before once again reaching a hand back toward her rear, this time, however, inserting a finger into her own anus, filling it with the less acidic version she tended to use whenever she was getting intimate with someone. "Alright! All ready to go!" Mina assures her, only deepening the admiration Miruko had for at that point as she goes back to push her cock back into her asshole, this time finding it much easier to enter while still being tight.

"Damn, you even come with your own lube." Miruko groans slightly, getting a feel for Mina's asshole as she eases her hips down further and further, enjoying how the heroine in training's rear twitched and squirmed around her cock.

"Oooooooohhhhhhh.... W-Well, you k-know certain quirks have their uses." Mina moans, her eyes nearly rolling into the back of her head as she's practically stuffed full with cock to her absolute limits, causing her toes to curl and her knuckles to tighten immensely.

Mina was no stranger to anal. At the very least, she was acquainted with it. A part of her even remembered back during her first time trying it; like for others, it was a bit of an awkward experience, but after using her quirk in such a way for the first time, it was a much easier experience to go through. But even then, she never took a member as massive as Miruko's, feeling it press further and further inside her until the number 5 hero of Japan's toned and muscled hips finally met her's, causing one last moan to escape out past her lips as she nearly feels an orgasm throw itself out of her right then and there. But after slowly calming herself back down, she glances back behind herself up toward Miruko, who, from her perspective, seemed to be enjoying herself just as much as Mina was. "Mmmmmm, how is it?" Mina asks, biting her bottom lip to stifle any moans that might've crawled out past her lips.

"Perfect." Miruko simply responds, her body filling with a type of lust that only made her breed the absolute fuck out of Mina's ass. Still, for the time being, at least, she holds herself back, keeping those more carnal senses under check, even as they begged louder and louder to be let out. However, feeling such a tight ass wrapped around her cock like a vice made doing just that quite the difficult task for the bunny-themed hero.

She knew she could go from right then and there and just get started, bombarding her hips back and forth and reaming Mina's ass. But she wanted to enjoy herself, and more importantly, this was still to help train someone like Mina just as much as it was for her to get off. And so, rather than starting to pound Mina's ass, Miruko began to slowly pull her hips back, dragging another moan out from Mina the same way that she was pulling her cock out from her rear, taking all the time that she needed until only the head of her cock remained stuffed deep inside her sidekick.

"Fuck, you ready for this?" Miruko asks, wanting to make sure Mina is all for what is about to happen.

"Yes!" Mina practically shouts. "Fuck me!"

In that case, who was Miruko to deny what her sidekick wanted. And so, using her powerful enhanced strength, Rumi began to sink her hips back down, going down the same route she went in when she first delved into the deepest parts of Mina's ass, although, this time however, moving slightly faster, not by much, but giving the pink heroine more than enough time to get used to what would be coming her way, repeatedly.

Then, as their hips met again, Miruko retracted back, pulling back again, but also like how she initially entered, this time also a little faster before, once again, the head of her thick and massive cock remained inside Mina until she then sinks her hips back forward, again going more quickly before repeating the process again and again, working herself up to a faster and enhanced speed by the second, pushing Mina to her absolute limits as she was filled by such a big cock.

Before long, Miruko built herself up to a fast enough pace that she began to pound at Mina's rear, causing her thick pink cheeks to ripple and shake with every thrust.

Even though the pink heroine was forced to use a fair amount of lube, her ass still felt as tight as ever to the bunny-themed hero as she stretched it to fit around her cock, molding it perfectly to the shape of her member. Each feeling of pleasure she got in return only motivated her to go even harder and faster by the second until she was going at her usual speed, leaving Mina a moaning mess beneath her.

"OOOOOOHHHHHHHH FFUUUUUUUUUCK!" Mina screamed, her moans filling up the gym area as Miruko continued to go at her, satisfied that she was able to really pound that brattish behavior out of her. Breaking her down bit by bit, pulling rough, turbulent orgasms out of her, and completely frying her brain in the process until she was just an overwhelmed, stimulated mess of nerves and pleasure.

"How you doin' rookie! Still think you can keep up?" Miruko asks, only earning herself another long, drawn-out moan from her sidekick in response, emboldening her to go even faster until her hips practically became a blur as she went at fucking Mina's ass with an endless passion.

Even though the pink heroine herself was cumming or in the process of having an orgasm every other second, Miruko still stabilized herself, not cumming herself just yet, even as Mina's ass continued to practically milk her cock, trying its hardest to coax the hot sticky liquid that lied within her cum filled and cum churning testicles as the clapped over Mina's pussy as it spray out another orgasm.

Eventually, though, Miruko begins to slow down, her rough pounding easing up as Mina's body goes almost limp from the brain-frying pleasure, something that was still elicited even as Rumi began to slowly retract her cock out from her ass, taking things nice and slow to get another moan and or groan out from the pink heroine until she finally fully pulls herself out, leaving Mina's rear to gape slightly, allowing a cool breeze to waft against it and make the pink heroine shiver.

"H-Holy s-shit...." Mina moans, amusing Miruko with her reaction while her tongue lulls out of her mouth as she pants, face almost red from the exertion her body just endured. Her legs practically felt numb, only shaking from something that felt like the most exhausting workout Mina had ever put her body through.

Stepping back from her work, Miruko went over some things in her head. It was clear that Mina had potential, from her quirk all the way to her fuck factor. But she still needed training if Rumi was going to turn her into the type of heroine she imagined her to be. Not that either of them minded. Training through fucking, for people like Miruko and Mina, it sounded like the match both of them were hoping for their entire lives.

So, after seeing Mina slowly come back, Miruko approaches her, hard cock in hand. "So, Rookie, ready to go again?"


"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." Mina groans as she walks up the stairs to her dorm room. Of all days for the elevator to stop working, it had to be the one where the pink heroine felt like her entire body was destroyed from the head down. And yet, despite it all, she would still consider it a good day, a rough one, but a good day nonetheless as she finally came to her floor.

However, just as she turns a corner to walk down the hallway to her room, she bumps into someone.

"Oh! Mina." Jirou jumps, startled by the sight of her exhausted-looking friend. Usually, even after the hardest training sessions, Mina still had some energy left inside herself. The pink heroine even went so far as to joke that she always kept some in reserve just in case. But now, looking at her, the pink heroine seemed to lack any and all vitality.

"H-Hey! J-Jirou...." Mina smiles, feeling almost out of breath even after only walking up some stairs. Though she didn't feel like it due to her lack of energy, the pink heroine still kept a smile on her face as she turned to look at her friend, noticing the slightly concerned look on her face.

"Um, are you ok?" Kyoka asks, extending out a hand and placing it on Mina's shoulder to stabilize her since the pink heroine seemed like she could fall over at any second at that point.

"I-I'm fine, j-just a little tired, is all." Mina explains with a huff before turning to see that her explanation didn't do much to deter the look of concern on her friend's face. "Whelp, better get going then...." Mina chuckles awkwardly before turning and walking past her, hoping to just hop into the shower at that point and clean herself up so that none of her other friends see her in her current state.

But as she walks, she feels something slip out of her hand and clatter to the floor beneath her. Her phone. "Oh, come on." Mina sighed annoyedly as she almost painfully reached down to pick it up, giving Jirou the perfect chance behind her to see up her skirt and notice the small line of arousal oozing down the inner side of her leg, causing Jirou's face to flush a hot shade of red at the sight.

However, Kyoka quickly turns her gaze to the side once Mina turns back around to wave to her before finally walking off to her room, leaving Jirou by herself as a huff slowly leaves her lips as she raises a hand up to face palm herself.

She couldn't just let this stand. One of her friends was having sex with a pro hero. Nothing good would end up coming about this. Even though the plan she had at that point was more less rough, she knew she had to go forward with it, not for her own sake, but only for Mina's own. Although, deep down within herself, she couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.