Mina’s training

Miruko's new intern got her actin' up, and she can't keep it in for much longer...


Mina gets absolutely demolished by gigantic bunny dick.

Crazy ground-smashing sex.

Huge Butts.

Work Text:


Rubble flew in all directions, a cloud of smoke kicked up by the sudden entrance. A thick, concrete wall busted open with such force that it sent bits of concrete smashing into the nearest bad guys. There was a general panic, criminals scrambling to grab their weapons and prepare for whatever had busted their operation.

The warehouse was silent, with only the sound of the crumbling wall putting everyone on edge.

Then a few steps, heavy, thumping steps always followed by a rather meaty clap. Guns were cocked, bats were brandished, and fearful looks were on the face of every criminal. From the dust emerged a bunny. A thick , muscular bunny. Her big, floppy ears wobbled about as she got herself pumped up, her leotard hugging tightly to her form in all the right places, her completely exposed thighs so wide and thick that they made even the barrel-chested men among them look skinny in comparison.

"Stop right there, hero! Any step closer and we'll open fire!" Their boss had backed his way deeper into the crowd of criminals, looking around for some sort of escape route.

"Heh…" Miruko smiled confidently, giving her arm a good stretch, before starting to crouch down. Her leotard did her no favors, doing absolutely nothing to encompass those massive, dark cheeks that jutted so far from her body. Her double-door busting hips, her massive, spine-crushing thighs… It made her a constant show for anyone, the eye-candy distracting some of these criminals from the imminent danger they were in. Of course, some of them remained fearful, as they looked between her legs and saw the incredibly fat, distractingly huge bulge between her legs.

"Open fire…!" The boss squealed, already turning tail and running for the exit.

"Oh, good, this is gonna be fun!" Miruko's thighs seemed to inflate in size, her muscles tightening, endless softness turning into steel with a simple flex. The ground cracked under her feet, and a whole host of goons screamed in terror as Miruko shot forward like a bullet, laughing the entire time…

Mina stood outside of the building, leaning against the hole that Miruko had made and watching her work. Her eyes went wide as she was pretty sure a good portion of these goons were coming out of this with a lot of broken bones. But that was just how she was. Miruko was a blunt instrument, a bullet bun that they sent in against impossible odds with a high chance of winning. Her complete and utter disregard for her own safety was admirable in a way.

Though, watching a dude take a roundhouse kick to the sternum and keeling over in agony made Mina wonder if she had chosen right. Miruko was a kickass lady but she could be brutal at times, and she honestly had a weird way of going about things. As her intern, she dealt with her "handlers" more than Miruko, since Miruko was apparently "unfit to chaperone a hero in training". Made sense, given Miruko had to be reminded that Mina wasn't going in with her… Even if she really, really wanted to.

As the goons were incapacitated and their leader had been nearly crushed to death by a flying tackle from Miruko, the cops started marching their way inside and cuffing bad guys. Mina stepped through, pleased to see that hole in the wall was just barely big enough to fit her. Maybe she went to Miruko because of their similar bodytypes… granted, Mina had way bigger boobs, but that butt of Miruko's was so unreasonably massive that Mina couldn't help but feel she was a kindred spirit… and admire it.

Yeah, the more likely answer for why she chose Miruko as her internship? She was bi as hell, and had a massive crush on Miruko. Who wouldn't, honestly? Nothing better than a woman who could kick her ass seventeen different ways with just her legs alone.

"We told you to kick the door down…" The police chief admonished, standing next to Miruko, who was still sitting on top of the crime boss, who looked like he could barely breathe under that mountain of ass.

"Hehehe…" she rubbed the back of her head, "Sorry, I got a little carried away…"

"You always do…" He muttered, already beginning to write down a few notes. "I thought you would be on your best behavior when you have an intern."

Miruko clasped her hands together, with one balled into a fist, smashing into her palm. "I'm showin' her how to kick some ass! I think that's a pretty admirable quality for a hero to have."

"Just remember there's laws against excessive force for normal heroes." The chief shrugged his shoulders, "We've got things handled from here. You can go now."

Miruko nodded her head, an audible crack following as she bounced up to her feet, leaving the crime boss a parting gift of crushed ribs. Lifting her arms above her head, she stretched herself out and yawned a bit. When she made it back to the hole in the wall, she caught sight of Mina and offered her a wide smirk. "How did I do?" She asked, reaching over and giving the pink girl a firm pat that nearly sent her tumbling to the floor. Good thing she was so bottom heavy…

Mina placed her hands on her freakishly wide hips. "That was pretty awesome. You're like a one-woman army…!" She gave a little fist pump, sending her breasts jostling about in her form-fitting hero outfit, causing Miruko's gaze to wander a bit, before the rabbit hero shook her head and chuckled.

"Yep! Those guys didn't stand a chance… What I wouldn't give for a giant monster to fight, or something…" Miruko sighed. An easy about like this was hardly entertaining or satisfying, which was worrying considering how "frustrated" she was right now. A good fight could clear her mind, but this wasn't even enough to take her mind off of it. She was thinking of butts the entire time she was kicking ass out there, barely even paying attention to her opponents.

Miruko had been staring at Mina the entire time while she was thinking, leaving the girl a little confused. She was even waving a hand in front of Miruko's face, which was enough to wake her out of that trance, and cough into her fist. "Come on, let's head back to base, it's break time…"

Mina nodded her head excitedly, running off ahead of Miruko, down the street towards her "HQ". Which was just a converted apartment building that her hero agency worked out of. It was nearby, within walking distance. A fact that Miruko could both appreciate and curse, having to watch Mina jogging away, her tight outfit doing her no favor. The sheer amount of bouncing and clapping from those immense, pink cheeks… Miruko had to take a deep breath as she followed after her, hoping that she could at least make it back to the agency before she went crazy…


Miruko was a bit "off" in some ways. Not just her crazy demeanor, her suicidal charges, but some "other" things. Her eyes tended to wander and she tended to blank out at times. Maybe she just had trouble thinking, or could get lost in thought but Mina didn't take Miruko for the thoughtful type.

Once they were inside of the apartment, Mina settled onto the couch with a contented sigh. It was fun seeing a real hero in action, especially one as spectacular as Miruko. But following her around all day could be exhausting, the excitement, the danger. Even if Miruko was weird in some ways, she wouldn't have picked a different hero for her internship.

Miruko walked into the room with a water bottle in hand, her other hand propped up on one of her expansive hips. She leaned her head back and squeezed the bottle's contents directly into her mouth, chugging it down in seconds and leaving the bottle crumpled up and squeezed flat. She tossed it off to the side, a perfect shot that landed right into the recycle bin.

"Phew… Two bank robberies, a drug sting…" Miruko snorted a bit, "I even had to walk an old lady across the street. Let that be a lesson for ya, kid. Hero work is never done. You might clock out at the end of the day but there's always somethin' bad goin' on." She walked over to the couch, glancing across Mina's splayed out form a bit, her eyes traveling across those lovely thighs, thick and pillow-like, her hips and cheeks taking up two couch cushions on their own.

"Heh… yeah, I always knew it was gonna be hard but you really make it look like a job…" Mina kicked her legs around a bit, which only made her body wobble about more, especially her head-smothering tits, which wobbled around in her lap with the slightest movement.

"Yeah, it definitely works up a sweat…" Miruko bit her lip a bit The bulge in her suit was starting to get a little tighter. The two round, beachball-sized orbs wrapped within seemingly growing just from staring at Mina for a bit too long. Not to mention the wide, thick beast that was curled around them. It was getting tighter now, harder for her to hide it, and the sound of fabric stretching would definitely be too noticeable.

But Miruko was not a shy woman, and if she had a problem, she was going to let everyone know.

It was just her and Mina for now, they were on break after all. Nobody would think of checking up on them, not when most of her agency was scared of making Miruko mad. It had nothing to do with her temper, she was just a naturally scary lady. That would work to her advantage, here.

Taking a few steps forward until she was next to the couch, Miruko rested her hand against the back of it, leaning against it a bit. Her other hand casually reached down, dragging along her white leotard and giving it a few tugs and squeezes, dragging tight fabric back. Mina didn't even notice until she heard a loud fwap against Miruko's thighs, the pink girl turning her head to look at what was going on, and freezing at the intimidating sight in front of her.

Miruko had moved the strap of her leotard aside, letting it sink between one of her thighs, fully exposing the beast that she kept hidden underneath. Well, hidden may have been overstating things, but her bulge was usually kept well under control. Now? It was all hanging open. Thick, dark flesh dangling between her legs, a girth that looked thicker than Mina's waist, a length that had that thick slab of meat dangling past her knees, and a pair of jam-packed balls that dominated her front silhouette. Her thighs cradled them, the lowest point of those massive, firm cumtanks hanging past her knees. Each one was big enough to smother Mina's head in its entirety, and she could hear them from here. The churning, the gurgling, all screaming for a need to breed .

"Ahhh…" Miruko leaned her head back, closing her eyes tight and moaning a bit. "… Seriously, it feels so good to let it hang out a bit…" she muttered, dragging her hand along the top of her shaft, only further emphasizing its size and girth with how her own hand couldn't begin to grasp that monster dick.

Mina chuckled nervously, her pink cheeks a dark shade of red, the poor girl unable to take her eyes off of that delectable meat. It was all just hanging out in front of her, and as much as she tried to play it cool, she was outclassed by Miruko. She jolted a bit when she saw it throb, growing just a bit thicker and only beginning to stand on its own. She could only estimate at the full length, but she knew for a fact that it was something ridiculous.

"You ever done endurance training before? You know, the really intense kind…" Miruko rubbed the back of her head, "Cus I mean… I'm feelin' a little pent up and you're the closest "training partner" I can find…" Miruko smirked a bit, "… I'm not some kind of predator, or nothin'… if you want me to back off, then I'll back off… But once I get started I'm not likely to stop, so you gotta be sure…"

"Endurance training? I mean, I jo—" Mina cut herself off, her mind catching up with her mouth now. Dick hanging out in front of her. Complaining about being pent up. Not likely to stop once she gets going. Yeah, things were all pointing to what Miruko really wanted to do. Don't be stupid, Mina. She may be a lot of woman, but this was a chance to get laid with a pro hero…

Mina clasped her hands in her lap, "I mean, not with someone like you… but I've done it before… and I think I'd like to do it with you too!" Mina smirked a bit, "I'm pretty durable…! I can take a lot of punishment." Her experience in the locker room with Toga proved that; even if Miruko was much bigger than that crazy bitch, she had experience with rough play.

Miruko snorted, "That right? Alrighty…" The bunny hero walked around the couch, swishing her hips in an enticing way that had Mina smiling like an idiot, her heart thumping in her chest and her hands trembling in her lap as the rabbit hero got closer. "You're really cute. Usually it takes some convincing…" and she didn't even make her promise to be gentle. Miruko leaned down, grabbing the girl by the head and pulling her into a kiss. A hungered, domineering kiss, her tongue smashing past her lips and practically throat-fucking the girl.

Mina quivered in her gasp, eyes wide, but melted into Miruko's tight grasp. She shivered, feeling the heat radiating off of her shaft, which was mere inches away from her body now.

But Miruko wasn't a lady who enjoyed a lot of foreplay. No, she was the "get straight down to business" type of bitch. She threw Mina back to the couch, licking the slightly acidic saliva off of her lips. "Your spit tastes like lemonade…" she muttered, a little confused, but mostly amused by that fact.

"Well, all my fluids have a little acid… it shouldn't hurt your skin, or anything…" Mina blushed a bit, almost forgetting about the interesting effects her quirk had on her.

"Uh-huh… well…" Miruko grabbed Mina by the shoulders and dragged her over to the edge of the couch, pushing the girl down, her tits wobbling about from the rough treatment. Eventually, Mina's head was laid out over the edge of the couch, with her legs up in the air and her hands splayed out to either side holding on for dear life.

"You ever heard of a "Lung Capacity Test", hun?" Miruko said with a little sigh, grunting as she hefted up that beastly cock, giving Mina little time to answer before that slab of dark meat schlapped over Mina's face, snaking its way over her tits, and between her spread legs, nestled against her visible mound and the back of the couch.

"… Uhhh… no, but I can think of a few things it might… uh… mean…" Mina muttered, wide-eyed, a little intimidated by it. The weight, the heat… all of it was intoxicating. It was so thick that she wondered if it would even fit down her throat. But Miruko seemed confident that this wasn't going to kill her, so Mina would try to be confident as well.

"Yeah…" Miruko stuck her tongue out a bit, starting to lean forward until she could get a firm grip on Mina's thighs, letting out a pleased coo as her fingers sank into them, groping and squeezing that soft, pink flesh. "Damn you're soft…" she muttered, dragging her monstrous cock back and forth, letting Mina feel that firm shaft dragging across her cheek, growing harder with every passing second. Imagining that thing in her throat made her chest thump, made her feel this tingling sensation. A mixture of fear and arousal.

She was way out of her league, and she knew it, but she was going to endure it anyways.

Miruko started pulling back, giving Mina a good view of her full length. Her cock was already half-erect, so thick that it made her throat hurt just looking at it, and so long that it had to be taller than Mineta at this point. An impossibly huge, impossibly virile cock that could only belong to a breeder bunny like Miruko. One hand left Mina's thighs to rest on her cheek, giving the girl a firm grip to keep her head steady as she took a few steps back, arching her spine in order to line herself up with Mina's mouth.

"Open wide, kid." Miruko said with a small smirk, causing Mina to gulp loudly, before gently parting her lips. She could feel her jaw aching as soon as that thick, bulbous tip pushed against her lips. Even the light amount of compression that happened as she sank past couldn't stop Mina from worrying about this girthy beast. The first few inches were a struggle, her lips spreading so wide as she that was afraid it might start hurting soon.

And that was just the tip and a few inches. Her shaft was so thick that every thrust felt like she was trying to break her in two, and she hadn't even gotten rough yet. Mina was a little overwhelmed. The heat of it in her mouth, the way it throbbed like some kind of destructive beast that was ready to thrash and rampage around inside of her. The taste of it reeked of virility.

"Mmmnh…" Miruko worked her hips and forth, a small gag escaping Mina's lips as she pulled back, plentiful saliva dribbling out of her mouth as she went all the way back to the tip, before she shoved her hips forward with such force that it blindsided Mina. She went from the tip to stretching her throat open in a mere second, causing Mina to gasp and thrash on top of the couch.

"Look at you… barely out of school and you've got a body like this…" Miruko muttered, reaching forward and giving one of Mina's tits a firm squeeze, letting her hand sink into their overwhelming softness, watching her fingers disappear in all of that tight spandex. "Heh, you're gonna be real popular once you hit the scene…" Miruko huffed, giving Mina's tit a small slap that sent both of them jostling around, before she hunched over a bit. "If you wanna join up with me after school, though, you gotta learn how to handle me~"

Miruko breathed heavily, her breath so hot that it steamed in the cool air of the apartment, her eyes focused in on Mina's body. She reached out, mashing a hand between Mina's legs, placing her palm over that fat, puffy mound showing through her spandex, and jamming two fingers over it. Her lips were forced apart, the elastic material stretched around her fingers and forced inside of her. "Gah… come on, let's get started~"

Having quite literally grabbed her by the pussy, Miruko dragged her back. Widening her stance, she shoved herself forward with all she could, her feet thumping against the ground as she forced more and more cock down Mina's overworked gullet. More thick, juicy shaft disappearing past her lips and forced down her throat. Her slim neck bulged with that ridiculous girth, loud GLURKS and GAGS filling the room as Miruko shoved her all the way down, ever pull jamming her fingers deeper into Mina's cunt.

"Hah~" Miruko closed her eyes, starting to pull her hips back, dragging out a good six or seven inches, absolutely coated in slimy saliva, before she shoved it all back in, watching with glee as her slim belly took the shape of her cock, sticking straight off of her, constantly in motion as Miruko pounded her throat like a maniac.

It truly felt like Miruko was going to break the floor with how hard she was thrusting, her feet thumping each time, the wooden floorboards beneath her creaking with increasing strain. The crazed, manic look in her eyes was complimented by a lecherous smile, her fingers shoved so deep into her pussy that it felt like the material was going to snap any second. "God… God… damn it… Nnh…!" Miruko huffed.

Mina's head was spinning. Her throat hurt, her jaw hurt… her throat was being used as an onahole by one of the strongest heroes. Her tits jostled about, constantly jiggling back and forth as Miruko jerked her around like a ragdoll. She burned with need between her legs, Miruko's rough and uncaring fingering dragging all sorts of coos and moans out of her. Moans were that turned into sloppy GLUKS as Miruko pounded away.

Eventually, Mina's face was totally covered underneath those massive balls, those wrecking balls nuts smacking across her face with increasing frequency, adding a meaty plap to all of her horrifically lewd throat noises. Miruko placed her other hand on her hip, her own ass jiggling as she worked her hips back and forth, shallow, but deep thrusts that bashed against the walls of her stomach making it harder and harder for Mina to stay conscious…

"Mnnh…!" Miruko slammed her foot against the ground, smashing one of the floorboards beneath her. Those massive cumtanks draped over her face, tightening up, audibly churning as they worked to push out a massive load directly into her stomach. The first few spurts were red hot, splashing against her stomach in droves, each ridiculously plentiful rope flooding her insides more and more. GLORP was the first sign that Miruko was a little ridiculous, Mina's belly instantly inflating to a ridiculous, nine months pregnant size, and only growing from there. Cum spurted out from her mouth, hot, sticky jizz pouring from her lips and smearing all over her face…

Eventually, Miruko pulled out, wrenching her massive cock free of Mina's throat, causing the girl to gag and cough and sputter cum off to the side like a waterfall. The rabbit hero pointed her cock forward, hosing down Mina's tits, her stomach, her legs with enough cum to fill several buckets. No doubt ruining the couch in the process and leaving her caked in the stuff.

Mina's eyes were cross, cum still pouring from her lips, and small gurgles and moans escaping with each breath. Despite her head being a little scrambled, she managed to stay conscious through the whole ordeal… and she felt pretty proud of herself.

"Hah…~" Miruko let out a satisfied sigh.

She looked up, only to gulp a bit when she saw Miruko standing over her, cock still incredibly hard and looming over her, her balls looking just as full as normal. The bunny hero chuckled. "Well, looks like you passed…" She gave Mina a few pats on the cheek, before lifting her fingers out of her suit, leaving Mina unsatisfied and needy, her legs pressing together for some semblance of stimulation.

"Not done yet, though…" Miruko grabbed Mina by the shoulder, "helping" her off the couch by dragging her to the floor and throwing her onto her hands and knees. Miruko crawled over her, mounting Mina and mashing her hips against that mountainous ass, watching as those cheeks enveloped her, so thick and fat that they could probably smother an entire person… A regular person at least. Miruko groped them greedily, giving them a few playful slaps. She took a position similar to doing pushups, leaning over her, pushing her down. The weight of her massive cock wedged itself between her cheeks…

"Hah… you… you don't quit, do you…?" Mina asked, more concerned about her own survival chances.

"Nooope~" Miruko chuckled, gripping the back of Mina's suit and giving it a firm tug, causing the poor girl to whine and gasp as she ripped the back half of the suit right off, exposing her massive, pink ass and her back in the process.

"Hey…!" Mina gasped.

"I'll pay for a new one…" Miruko huffed, grabbing Mina's hips, her enormously thick cock parting Mina's cheeks, sinking between those meaty globes, its girth completely enveloped thanks to their sheer size. The hero stuck her tongue out as she worked her hips back and forth, grinding her huge, slick cock across Mina's back, eagerly hotdogging her. Mina groaned, her legs spread out, and her arms resting against the ground, forced to arch her back to deal with Miruko's position. That huge cock ran all the way down her back and over her head, her butt only enough to envelope about half of her length.

"Mmph… I don't see many girls around with an ass like this…" Miruko muttered. "I couldn't stand today… just havin' you around was distractin'…" Miruko gave her ass a slap, watching an ocean of pink booty ripple from the rough treatment, and even eliciting a squeal from Mina.

"W-Well, sorry… I took this internship cus you're… hot as… fuck… so, I guess we're even…" Mina knew what was coming next, and she didn't need thick globs of pre oozing onto her face to know that she was (literally) fucked.

"Hah! You know that's not how we get even, kid…" Miruko leaned over, dragging her tongue along Mina's neck and giving her a little nip, causing the poor girl to squeak. Then, she grabbed hold of her suit, spreading it open even more until she was totally exposed. Her lips were moist, slick with juices and still slightly spread from Miruko's rough play earlier. The bunny hero licked her lips, dragging her hips back and nestling that huge cocktip against her tiny lips, that entire, four foot monster one thrust away from demolishing Mina.

"T-Then… uh… come and get even…" Mina groaned, unable to hide the hint of fear in her voice feeling that thing brushing against her pussy. But at the same time, she couldn't help but want it. She wanted to see how far this could go… she wanted Miruko to pound her womb like she just pounded her throat. Over and over again.

Miruko was more than happy to oblige, hands resting on the girl's waist, her arms smooshed into those unbelievably soft cheeks that bounced and wobbled around. She grunted, mashing her slick cocktip against Mina's pussy, a schlorp ing sound filling the air as she was suddenly forced to spread around a much too wide cock, juices oozing out from her overstretched cunt as Miruko easily speared the young girl on her massive dick. "Fuck…!" Miruko shut her eyes tight, her hips moving like mad, pounding Mina down to the floor. Wet shlicks and schlops filled the room as Miruko started hammering away, easily bashing into her womb, her cockbulge dragging against the floor below her.

Mina was on fire, eyes wide, her lips hung open, moans flying freely as Miruko's cock slammed into her deepest reaches. Every thrust brought with it a fiery, burning feeling that she couldn't get enough, the pain of being stretched and used like this only further fueling her desires. Her entire body jerked around, her tits wobbling, her ass clapping and bouncing, nearly smothering Miruko's upper half from sheer size alone.

Miruko's massive balls clapped against Mina's thighs, the rabbit heroes ass clapping in tandem with Mina's, two massive booties wobbling about like mad in this breeding frenzy. As she got deep enough, that satisfying THWAP and PLAP mixed with Miruko's grunting moans was so loud that people several blocks over could probably hear them going at it.

Which is when Mina came, her whole body quivering, her eyes rolling up and that burning pleasure reaching such a height that she nearly went limp as it pulsed through her. But Miruko didn't slow down a bit. Nothing seemed to slow her down. Mina's orgasm, nor her own . Thick spurts of cum caused her massive cock to expand, sending so much jizz into her womb that it seemed impossible, each pump sending cum spewing out of her pussy, and even more bulging her belly.

But that didn't stop her at all. In fact, after a few slower thrusts to let it all out, she kept going. Adding the wet, schlorping and splatting of cum oozing out of Mina's stuffed pussy to the cacophony of lewd noises that filled the room. Miruko's orgasms weren't an end to anything, just another part of Mina's total destruction. Loads came and went without fanfare, gallons of seed pumped into her womb, churning around inside, pushed out by Miruko's savage thrusts. Mina had came several times in the interim, her head spinning, her belly so full it felt like she was going to explode…

Miruko eventually pulled free, her cock flopping to the side, resting against one of Mina's thighs, still leaking cum… or pre-cum. It was hard to tell the difference, she seemed to be leaking constantly. Mina herself was a quivering mess, moaning as her gaping pussy gushed forth an ocean of cum, thick spurts pouring out of her, her belly rapidly shrinking as it was suddenly forced out of her. "G-Gahhhh… hhhhnh…~" She bucked her hips back a bit, moaning as the last bits of it flooded out of her.

At this point, Mina knew that Miruko wasn't done, and she was just waiting for what she would do next. When she felt the pro hero's tight grip on her waist, she did not resist in the slightest, letting Miruko pick her up, twist her around, and bring her close. Mina's legs almost immediately clamped down around Miruko's waist, draped over her massive hips, ankles crossed around the shelf of her fat ass.

Miruko grinned, bringing Mina closer, and dragging her up. Both hands slapped down on her rear, causing Mina to quiver, and grit her teeth, before gasping as Miruko's slick cock parted her cheeks. "Can't believe you're still awake~" Miruko licked her lips, giving Mina a little shove, bouncing her up and down on her cockhead, quite literally knocking against her backdoor. Her overly slick cock was more than enough to part her tight, tight asshole, her body barely even resisting at this point. Mina just held on tighter, eyes going a little cross as her insides were spread wide open, and she was shoved down on Miruko's cock as mercilessly as ever.

"Ahhhn…~" Mina rolled her head back, groaning as Miruko dragged her down, her muscular arms keeping her suspended, letting every last inch of cock sink into her ass, until Miruko's hips were colliding with Mina's fat ass, sending that mattress of an ass rippling like mad. Her tight grip meant that her legs were forced almost all the way up, each thrust bulging her belly to the point that it parted her tits.

Miruko chuckled a bit, leaning over, biting down on her suit and ripping a hole in it with her teeth. Enough that she could feel one of Mina's tits, latching onto it tightly, and roughly slurping on it while mercilessly bouncing Mina up and down. More than a foot of cock surging in and out of her at once, each thrust ending with a satisfying PLAP, Mina's cheeks sent rippling, and Miruko's balls slapping against their underside.

"Mmnnhh…~" Miruko just kept going. Mina's participation was incidental at best, wrapped up in Miruko's grasp, jerked up and down so much that it felt like her brain was rattling around in her skull. Her teeth grit, her eyes watered, and her pussy gushed uncontrollably from almost constant, violent orgasms.

It felt like hours had gone by, every second stretched out into an eternity. The mixture of pain and pleasure so intense that Mina wasn't even sure what to do other than squeal and moan, her whole body tensing up from the strain of keeping together under Miruko's constant assault.

A grunt filled the air, Miruko squeezing her tight, Mina's legs sticking straight up, her toes curling, her lips twisted into a shaky 'o' as moans flew freely. A loud GLORP followed, a massive load filling her stomach within seconds, the sheer volume of cum causing her belly to inflate, squished between them, begging for space to fill. But the pressure grew to be too much, and soon Mina was spewing from both ends. A geyser of cum pouring out of her, gurgling out of her lips and spewing out of her ass around Miruko's constantly moving cock, churning all of that cum around inside of her…

Miruko let out a huff, letting go of Mina and unceremoniously flopping her onto the floor in a heap of thick jizz. Mina rolled onto her side, coughing up even more cum, her asshole gaping obscenely, with more globs of thick, white jizz flowing out of her. She shivered, her eyes half-lidded, her chest heaving up and down… She felt Miruko soften up a bit before she pulled out, which made Mina hopeful that she could have a break. "Hahhh…"

There was a moment of silence between them, with Mina just panting, totally covered in Miruko's jizz, the overwhelming, virile scent of it making her head spin. It only occurred to her now that she might have gotten pregnant from this, but at this rate, she didn't care. Her body was sore, her holes were gaping, and the worst part? She was aching for more.

"Lucky" for her, Miruko wasn't done yet.

"Hahh…" she slapped a hand down on Mina's cheek, keeping the girl on her side while her hands rolled around one of those slick, cum-covered cheeks, groping along the wide expanse of booty while her cock throbbed between Mina's legs. "Sorry, kid… when I'm in heat like this, I can't stop until I pass out…" Miruko was drooling a bit, the look in her eyes a little more crazed than before. "Hope you don't mind but I'm gonna keep fucking you even if you pass out…" Miruko licked her lips, grabbing hold of Mina's leg and dragging her closer, letting her cock slip right back in, stretching her gaping hole open once more and shoving deep into her guts. Mina gasped, squealing as Miruko starting pounding away without a care, destroying her insides once more without more than a few seconds of breaktime.

Mina wasn't even complaining, though. She moaned, cooing in delight as Miruko used her body as her own personal onahole, shoving that monstrous breeder dick into her guts, reshaping her body to fit only her. Spurts of clear fluids gushed from her pussy, landing on the ground beside her, as she shivered through another mindblowing orgasm. She had lost count of them at this point, addicted to the constant, intense pleasure. She was holding onto consciousness through pure horniness at this point, so in love with Miruko's rough treatment that she couldn't get enough of it.

Which is why she just groaned joyfully as Miruko shoved it all in again, her belly bloating once more as her balls pushed out gallons of cum, filling her up within seconds and not even stopping for a second, her bloated belly jiggling like the rest of her body as Miruko fucked her, and fucked her, and fucked her…

And just kept going…


It was about a week or so later. Mina sat with the rest of the 1A girls in the common room, a soda in hand, splayed out lazily across the couch. With how much room her ass took up, Jiro was the only one who could share the couch with her, and even she was pumping against Mina's massive butt every now and then.

"Oh, Mina…" Ochaco was sitting across from her in the loveseat, though it might as well have been a single person seat with how much space her hips and thighs took, pressing against each side of the couch. She leaned forward, interested. "You were with Miruko for a while… I mean, you were still working with them this weekend, right? I thought our internships were only supposed to last for five days…"

Jiro looked curious as well, "How was it?" She asked, twirling her finger around her earphone jacks.

Mina smirked a bit, tugging down on her shirt. Anyone who was observant would have noticed a white, bunny-shaped tattoo right below her belly button, a few inches up from her crotch. But nobody commented on it, or seemed to notice. "They work you really hard… but… you know, it's pretty rewarding…" She rubbed her thighs together a bit, smiling. "I think I'm gonna go back again whenever I get the chance…!"