
Rumi knew a lot about herself. She knew what she chose when she became a hero, what she expected from it, and what duties that meant she had to do. She never particularly enjoyed patrols just for the sake of patrolling when a fight could be had. Miruko never understood, however, why she had chosen Bakugou Katsuki for his second year internship. He was a firecracker through and through, unpredictable and wild as one could be. Every fuse seemed to set him off. Yet, his eyes shone with determination in every task. Passion that needed to be forged into a weapon. Perhaps it was a different kind of challenge she had been craving.

A howling roar broke her from her thoughts. The mechanical arm she had been given following the raid on Shigiraki's hideout worked well, but it wasn't going to work forever. Rumi… no, Miruko cursed briefly before leaping to the next building, the roof of the one beneath her crushed by the force she exerted running. A high-end nomu, one every bit as capable of mayhem as Endeavour's had been previously. Thankfully, they had managed to get a significant read on the signatures.

She was about to report through into her comms, until she heard the boom behind her, and a streak of orange come through the blue sky. Rumi smirked, giving him a small wave. "So you can keep up! I was wondering if I was supposed to be teaching or babysitting, Dynamite!"

"NOT NOW, EASTER BUNNY!" Dynamite growled into her comms. She could see him now, red faced like a baby. "We're working with a super strength regenerator. One with the ability of 'Gravitation' like floaty from my school and spikey crap shooting from it. Don't let 'im touch you, or he'll send you to the sky!"

A quirk based on touch that nullified close combat options? Not a particularly good fight for her. Yet Miruko just grinned wider. "He needs to activate it consciously?"

"Yeah!! I can probably…."

"Save it."

Bakugou paused his descent to give her an incredulous look as Miruko hit a balcony railing, squatting to bear all the brunt of the impact on her legs. She started to like the times she could impress him. Meant her idea was either stupid or brilliant. It was usually his area of expertise. The radar said the nomu was on his way soon. Fine by her! Miruko grinned wildly, before leaping up high, denting the railing inwards as she soared up. The nomu was in sight now, four limbed and built like a gorilla. It had sharp protrusions like spikes attached to fleshy tendrils to hook itself to the building. The hooded high-end nomu clung to a building with sharp claws on its forearms, then shrieked a deafening wail. 'Not in the description at briefing' Miruko thought. But it was a moot point anyways.


The axe kick demolished the creature's front arm, snapping it like a dry branch. It howled, leaping into the air, soaring like a bird. Miruko suddenly realized that was not quite it. The nomu… it was falling upwards, its gravity shifting as though down was up. Unfortunately, this creature, whatever it was, was not too bright. The streaking orange light got closer and closer until...


Bakugou engulfed the creature in a loud explosion, shattering the glass of the surrounding buildings. Miruko momentarily thought to mention the damages but most of the civilians had been evacuated already. Then, there was a flash of black among the bright orange flames, the nomu had darted sideways. Its gravity shifted so it fell parallel to the streets darting in between the spaces between buildings.

"NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASY!" Miruko roared, then leaped after it. She crushed cars, then lampposts underneath her as she hopped from point to point to face the fleeing high-end nomu. Dynamite grunted in pain at his hurt hands, his ultimate move used early in hopes of crushing the creature before it managed to become a true threat. The high-end saw Miruko approach, sticking tendrils into the sides of the building like a spider hanging from a web. The ends of the tendrils seemed to glow briefly, before the creatures changed its gravity so it fell upwards once more.

She didn't let up. Miruko chased after it by jumping wall to wall, ascending between the buildings rapidly. She tried to do one final leap to the other building only to flail out like a child failing to do a monkey bar. Confused, Miruko looked at her arm, stuck to a small point on the building with a very faint white glow. It must have made it so that any creature that touched the point had its body stuck there. It wasn't just 'Gravitation'! It was some kind of 'Adhesion' too! The creature rose upwards, then dropped down with twice the speed it would naturally. It came towards her, crashing like a meteorite. Miruko pulled on the wall with all her might, tearing the piece off and using it as a shield when this creature slammed into her with the force of a freight train. Some bone inside of her forearm snapped in two, but through the pain she kicked upwards with all her might. The blow aimed not to injure but instead sent debris into the high-end's eyes. The abomination shrieked loudly, dropping Miruko to her knees. She felt disorientated. The shriek, a sonic attack used in a panic. She needed to secure the kill before this thing got loose.

Yet she could hardly stand, the creature's sonic waves shattering her sensitive eardrums. She felt blood trickle from her ears, then she fell to her feet. Faintly, however, she could hear something else. A roar of an engine and the faint sound of firecrackers followed by… die?

"DIE! STUN GRENADE!" Bakugou roared before a flash of light took Miruko's vision from her as well. The blow sent the high-end nomu reeling backwards. It shrieked once more sending spiked tendrils in every direction, falling back as it clutched its head struggling on the ground.

Bakugou grabbed her, throwing her to one side before being pierced by the creature through the shoulder. He seemed lighter, the creature picking him up and hurling him through the side of the building. Durable as Bakugou was, powering through the kickback of his own bombs, the blow must have hurt enough to disorient. But it gave Miruko enough time.


Miruko had fallen like a comet in the moment that Bakugou bought her, bringing both her legs, her weight and might against the creature to disorient it. Like a windstorm, she weaved through the strikes coming her way. A storm of her own making as it was. Miruko avoided a slash to her cheek, letting it cut across her face, blocking a blow to her head with the mechanical hand and kneeing the Nomu in the face. But she was tired and needed reprieve. Her lungs gasped in desperation.

"RrrrrrRRAAAAGGHHHH! DIIEEEE!" A voice screamed beside her. Full power explosions filled Miruko's view, culling the nomu in shockwaves and flames. Like a one man demolition crew, Bakugou erupted into view, blasting the creature again and again. The explosion blew through the building behind it coating the high end in a shade of bright red. But there was only so long he could keep it up too. Veins were popping in his body as he tried to produce more sweat but eventually Bakugou too fell, leaning against the rubble to stay standing. Even the wounds made were nothing, regeneration quirks healing the creature. It was a patchwork monstrosity. But once more Bakugou had bought Miruko time, and that was time not easily wasted. A final axe headed kick cut the creatures head clean off.

"Normally, I'd wanna try and at least keep you alive long enough so the brainy guys can find out your quirks. But since you hurt my pupil, I can't afford you life." Miruko simply took Bakugou's belt full of miniature grenades filled with his sweat. "Say hello to your brethren in hell, will ya?"

She shoved the grenades into the creature's mouth before pulling her pupil from the radius of the explosion. The fiery light splattered the walls red as Miruko grinned with a vicious smile.

"Chin up small fry..." She looked at the now unconscious Bakugou. "You helped out big time."

Bakugou entered his internship quarters that day fuming. NOT ONLY, did he manage to save that botched mission that Miruko put him up to, not only did he manage to save her life, but the moment he was out of her hair she put him on paper-bitch duty next to her? Goddamnit! His life was getting worse and worse ever since he had joined her stupid fucking hero agency.

Just his rotten luck as it were. Meanwhile, Deku was probably working up big leagues overseas. He rubbed his eyes, wiping away the sleep from his gaze. It was getting annoying but at least there was something. He got to see her, despite his screw-up of a confession.

Rumi was waiting for him at her desk, his own small cubicle beside her. Small desk, his computer atop it, and his backpack underneath it. There was no personalization. Some may call it lame but that was practical. Knowing how to write up hero incident reports and whatnot was a usual part of the job and Katsuki didn't need someone to tell him that. Still he had hoped she would spare him this one. He sat down not talking to her, even exchanging greetings. He said all he needed to.

"Oi, firecracker."

Bakugou bit back a smirk. Firecracker? Some lame-o's hero name probably. He waited a good couple minutes but eventually snuck a glance past the door. Only to get flicked with a paperclip to the temple. Bakugou rubbed his forehead groaning.

"Talking to ya, Dynamite."

Rumi walked up to him, leaning over his shoulder. Bakugou began typing faster, scrunching up his nose in annoyance. "What you want, Easter Bunny?" He suddenly was spun around, the spinning chair on wheels putting him face to face with the rabbit hero. His red eyes met her own scarlet eyes as he involuntarily let out a small spark from his hands. His mentor smirked. 'Stop toying with me!' Bakugou growled internally. Rumi moved her face closer to him and Bakugou shyed back away, moving into his seat deeper.

"Ask again."

Bakugou's eyes widened at her request. "What are you talking about!?"

"You know. Ask again."

Bakugou had asked her after the fight or rather demanded it when they were recovering. Bakugou hardly ever asked for anything, asking implied he wasn't worthy. Asking implied deficiency. Perhaps it was simply the adrenaline pumping through his system or her actions saving him constantly. Again, he'd be laughed at and mocked and so he just needed to keep his mouth shut. A shut mouth could never betray him or his feelings. But when she started pulling away he made a split second decision. 'To hell with this.' Bakugou grit his teeth grasping her hand. She smirked at him, the little… it didn't matter.

"Go out with me." Again a demand. It didn't get him what he wanted last time. But it was instinct Bakugou drilled into himself. "Please?" He added more quietly, his eyes shifting past her office for a moment unable to meet her gaze. Damnit, he was a fool twice now. Miruko was a pro hero and he was an intern. What the hell was he doing?

"I can't believe it. You really aren't kidding are you?" There it was again. That damn teasing tone.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR LIES! You STILL haven't answered me last time you just…" He flailed his arms up sparks flying involuntarily. "JUST ANSWER!!"

Rumi gave a smirk. "Alright." It was all she said before she planted her lips on his own.

Bakugou's eyes widened as she coaxed him through the motions of it all. He hated not knowing what he was doing, but almost immediately her hand was on his jaw. The explosive hero almost felt his tension ease as she broke from him. Her red eyes sparked something fierce. A challenge that Bakugou couldn't turn away from. Rumi grinned, running her tongue across her lips.

"Your lips are soft. I was sure they would be chapped with the explosions and all. Answer good enough for you?"

Bakugou paused, heaving heavy breaths. Rumi simply walked over towards her door, her hips swaying as she did so. She locked it, the sound barely louder than a pin dropping. To him, however, it felt louder than any grenade. She turned back to him and flashed a confident smirk. Bakugou swallowed, his mouth suddenly going dry. His face felt hot now and his hands were fidgeting as he tried to calm them down. He managed to stand up as she turned back and walked towards his cubicle.

"Uhhh…" Bakugou suddenly realized he had been asked a question, only now understanding what was happening. " SO WE AGREE ON THIS! GOOD!" Bakugou spoke loudly. Loud meant confident. Loud meant control. He vaguely remembered that hero offices were soundproofed as confidential information was often discussed in them. He rubbed sweaty palms on his jeans suddenly self conscious. So what if it was his first time in a relationship? He got her to say yes! That was the hardest part wasn't it?

Rumi stared at Bakugou eyes contemplative as she leaned in. She put a hand on his shoulder circling him, tracing it along his collar. "I'm guessing you don't have a lot of experience when it comes to this sort of things." She looked up at him for a moment as though trying to gauge him for a second. Bakugou suddenly realized something and a confident grin came on his face. He leaned in forwards to her now, brash as ever.

"Tch, as if I'd let a little inexperience get to me. We can do this at your pace, Easter Bunny. Though I prefer you call me Katsuki in private time"

Rumi's eyes lit up for a moment before she smirked back at him, flashing a pretty smile back to him. "I think you'll find my pace equal to yours Katsuki. But…" She yanked him to her, eyes wild with excitement and anticipation. "Call me Rumi."

Rumi fought to hold back a moan escaping her lips. Faintly, she could see her pants tossed to one side under the desk, now only wearing her business shirt. Damn him, the spikey haired bastard. Who gave that potty mouthed little shit the ability to learn so fast? More importantly who gave him the tongue skills of a god? She may have fallen for the blonde bastard faster if he had opened with this! Spread out on her own chair with Katsuki under her desk, Rumi almost felt her loins ignite with flames. Her pupil looked up at her, pride evident in his eyes before he suckled on her bud gently. She prayed fervently the soundproofing was enough but the way her feet almost slammed against the ground with every motion as she ran her hands through his hair.

" Fuuuu-ck Kat-su-kiiiiii!!"

Katsuki didn't speak, instead responding to the moan by reaching upwards through her shirt. His hands were so warm, every slight movement felt like it was applying a lotion. Despite how rough his hands were, almost like sandpaper normally, now with him all worked up like this, it felt soft and definitely welcome. Katsuki eventually stopped at Rumi's nipples, letting his thumbs move around them gently.

"Tch… must be awful fond of those, hmm?"

Rumi chuckled haughtily, squeezing his head with her legs deeper into her. Bakugou took the challenge, licking her core before pulling free and biting her thigh hard. A slight purple mark on beautiful brown skin. She moaned, tugging on his hair. He never did let her stay superior for long. She both loved and hated it about him.

"Ya may need to grab onto something for this next part. Don't say I didn't warn you."

'Tch… always so damn fast to get arrogant for some small…' Rumi moaned, breaking her thoughts. His left hand trailed down from under her shirt, brushing past her muscular core to her ass. Katsuki squeezed hard, pulling her closer to him and driving Rumi's legs in the air. Her toes curled as he licked her core, focusing on the bud. Small sparks from his hand turned her ass red as he involuntarily let off some small ignitions. It felt AMAZING, the slight pain enhancing the pleasure.


Rumi came hard on his face riding out her orgasm as her eyes rolled upwards. She breathed out a sigh, panting as she looked down to meet Katsuki's eyes. Her pupil looked awfully proud of himself breaking away from the chair with a self-satisfied grin on his face.

"How was that?! Best lay you ever had huh?" Katsuki preened himself like a bird, confident at her expressions.

"I did expect worse. Where the hell did you learn that?"

"Where else? Internet." Rumi nearly did a double take as she brushed her hair back. That was certainly unexpected.

"You seemed the type to call it a waste of time."

"Normally would. I looked through some general stuff to make sure if… we ever… I didn't wanna be useless alright!"

Rumi rolled her eyes at him, gesturing Katsuki to get closer. Katsuki groaned stepping up forward, clearly expecting her to make fun of him more, only to get tugged down and pressed into a liplock on her chair once more. This time, her pupil was prepared, the kiss more active. He wrapped his hands around her legs, lifting her up and breaking the kiss to pepper her neck more, planting another love bite against her collar. She was going to ask more but saw something else that caught her eye. Katsuki's cock strained against his baggy sweatpants. Rumi bit her lower lip. She hadn't expected to bed him so quickly in the office. But Katsuki was a firecracker and unpredictable events just tended to happen around him. Rumi most of all had a tendency to be caught up in his radius as his mentor.

"Got a condom?" She asked suddenly, all too casually.

"Eh? NO! I wasn't planning this?!"

"Hmmm…" She considered the situation briefly. "Doesn't matter then. I'll handle things if it comes to it. For now… pants off."

When Katsuki first actually came to Rumi for training he didn't quite know what to expect from her. She was a hardass and a tough fighter, her actions teaching him a lot more about her than her words. He knew what being a hero meant to her and he knew she didn't have interest in rankings. Being a hero for her, first and foremost was the thrill of combat and the pride of keeping people safe. Combat rankings and the rest fell to the side for her. In some ways, he found clarity being with her. Never, not even in his wildest dreams did he ever assume he would be pinning her to her own wall and driving into her like a man possessed.

Rumi slammed her lips into him, driving any pretense of a gentle fuck to leave his mind. Katsuki always imagined heroes were like stars. They drove away the darkness and were generally beautiful enough unmarred by anything around them. Rumi was definitely fitting the bill. She was beautiful even when wounded, her mechanical arm a symbol of her sacrifice. It didn't detract from her as much as made him want more of her lighting a spark in him. There was a fire in his blood now when he plowed into Rumi, one lit by her.

" God, FUck Rumi… you… SHIT! "

She was squeezing him so tight, like she was trying to drag his soul out alongside her. His balls slapped against her cunt as she squeezed him into her with muscular legs. He broke from the kiss instead giving lovebites on her collarbone. His hands burned red marks on her ass as he drove deeper thrusts into her. Rumi looked like she was on cloud nine, blowing hair from her face as he aimed to break his mentor with his cock.

" Katsuki…. HNNNG! Guh! HARDER! Don't STOOP! "

It was the only encouragement he needed driving himself forwards before an idea came to him. Katsuki pried her legs apart, slowly pulling out his cock from her sopping cunt. Rumi was almost aghast, whimpering at the lack of fullness his cock brought her. At least until he brought it back into her completely, driving her to a shaking orgasm. Rumi mewled in his ears, covering his cock in her cum before he flipped her over so she was facing the wall. She only looked back to see Katsuki grinning towards her, grabbing her arms and pinning her wrists behind her.

"Ready to be fucked senseless?"

Katsuki drove into her, filling her with reckless abandon. Rumi's eyes rolled in the back of her head as with the leverage, and the new angle she could feel him hitting new unclaimed spots every single time. Katsuki grunted with every motion finding his own stamina taking a toll but getting a new idea.


Rumi's ass stung with the pain of his hand as Katsuki smacked it leaving a red imprint on her butt that was just for them. Her normally firm legs were shaking wildly and he felt her squeeze for all she was worth. He guessed she was a slight masochist from the way she fought and the way she enjoyed the light sparks that came from his hands But Katsuki was not done.




Rumi's eyes rolled back into her head as he felt his orgasm nearing. His thrusts became deeper and deeper as the pace declined. Katsuki's final snap of his hips drove his cock forward into her cervix before he released his seed deep inside of her. It came out dribbling and Rumi smirked, brushing her hair back up. How did she look like a goddess even now? He drank in the sight of her, simply staring with a soft smile on his face. A brief pause ensued, before she glanced at him, curious.

"How long do I have you till?"

Katsuki blinked, stunned. "I think the internship lasts till five?"

Rumi's grin widened. "Good, cause you're not leaving till six."

Rumi smirked as Katsuki blinked rapidly, then strained his head upwards. He was cute when he writhed on the floor of the office like this. When Katsuki was desperate to cum underneath her. She ground into her lover's waist hard. He grunted, his hands squeezing her thigh-highs as he thrust into her, not wanting to be outdone but his heaving gasps and pants said otherwise.

"Need a break?" She hummed sweetly, then leaned down to give his neck some open-mouthed kisses. As strong as her lover was, Rumi was confident Katsuki was being worn down. It was going dark in the office now, the sun almost setting for certain. They hadn't bothered much with the time instead rushing to sate their own urges. In the space of her own brief thoughts, Katsuki must have gotten a second wind, sitting up before he yanked hard on her hair forcing her to face the ceiling. His lips were at her breasts, his tongue eager to dance along her nipple before he laid another lovebite. Rumi let out a staggering moan as she found herself on the backfoot of Katsuki's assault. He buried himself to the hilt inside of her finding her walls clamping down on him with his every motion. The angle restricted his movements but Rumi more than made up for it, bouncing on his cock in time with his thrusts. His hand drifted towards her tail, tugging it slightly with every bounce making her see white.

" HA… haaah… mmmh.. harder…! "

" Rumi… fuck… you're beautiful. Ye-AH!"

They were in their costumes now, clothes all but demolished in the rigors of their lovemaking. Hard to find tailors that could make it possible for two pros to fuck proper but the suits meant for combat easily suited their needs. Rumi's white costume had its lower end brushed to one side so she could sink into his hard cock. The skin tight costume hugged her features almost extenuating them as sweat beaded down her body.

That wasn't to say that her partner was slacking. The way Katsuki's tight shirt clung to him made Rumi feel the blood in her veins run hotter. He was muscular too, the clothes driving home his large shoulders and powerful build. How much had they fucked by now? Far more than enough to breed her. Almost as if in response to it, Katsuki sped up his pacing, thrusts becoming more animalistic as he drove himself into her. Every grunt he made was like that of a beast tasting food for the first time, devouring Rumi like she was nothing but prey. She lived for it for a time but it was her turn to play the predator. Her hand clenched on Katsuki's hair yanking him back before bringing his cock out of her.

Rumi tutted slightly before turning around riding him in reverse cowgirl. She turned back to see him panting. Katsuki's forehead covered in a slight sheen of his sweat as he clung to her ass hard. His eyes were wide with lust as he groaned.


Katsuki groaned then spanked her once, hard on the ass. Rumi was forced to bite down on her lip hard when she finally came, body spasming. Her pussy clamped down hard on his cock but still the orange hero didn't finish. She turned her head to the ceiling to ride out her orgasm but Katsuki had other plans. While her legs were still weak from her own orgasm, Rumi felt his hips buck upwards, forcing her on her hands and knees before him! Katsuki, with his finely tuned reflexes, got up before Rumi understood what was happening and pushed her down further. Her ass was raised high in the air, and her eyes widened. Katsuki lined himself up a moment before giving a trademark devilish grin. Rumi knew that grin all too well. Her firecracker got her caught in his explosion once more. She grit her teeth matching his grin with her own. Whatever he brought she could take it. She swayed her hips, shaking her ass at him.

"Come on Katsu~. If you're going to make me yours, best make it worth it." Her tone grew sultry and teasing. A challenge under his skin. " Claim me, breed me, and fuck me like there's no tomorrow " The look he gave her made her grin. She knew how to light her firecracker.

He gripped her chin as he slammed into her once more, his leverage allowing him more power once again. Katsuki was a natural talent, no doubt about it. She grinned as he forced her to turn back and watch him bury himself in her, his cock slick with her cum and his. He pounded her with reckless abandon, Rumi grinned as she bore his lust. His remaining hand clenched the floor beneath them as he bred her like a whore. Katsuki pressed his lips into hers for a brief heartbeat and her eyes rolled back, her pussy aching to be filled once more.

" MMGH!"

His energy was waning and he knew it. Rumi did too, her excitement built in anticipation for victory, the sweet moment she saw him in pure ecstasy. She pushed her hips back into him, putting a muscular body to work, eager to squeeze his cock for all it was worth. Sweat fell from his brow as he buried his head into her collar. 'That's it Katsuki…' Rumi cooed in her mind, her smug face turned back to her pupil. But she didn't see defeat. Instead, Katsuki's face grinned right back at her and it drove her wild. She felt his breath tickle the back of her neck as he leaned down. He slowly kissed the nape of her neck. Anticipation and curiosity burned in her, when he pulled back for more leverage.

Then he yanked her hair back hard , snapping Rumi's own gaze forwards. His free hand went to her tail tugging hard, remembering the sensitive area. Her own moans mixed with Katsuki's as he then buried himself into her with savagery she hadn't felt from him before. Katsuki toyed with the tuft of her tail, probably snickering. Rumi was too lost in her own lust to care. She felt sweat clinging to her costume as his thrusts became wilder.

" Katsu~!!! Don't you DARE FUCKING STOP! I'm GONNA~!!!"

" CAN'T LAST MUCH LONGER!! FUCK RUMI!! " Katsuki roared as he slammed into her cunt hard enough for Rumi to see stars. She moaned cumming again once he found his own release, coating her womb white with his seed. Rumi looked down momentarily to see her cunt leaking his seed, some dripping on the floor beneath them. Katsuki smirked for a heartbeat then buried his head in her back as she smiled.

"Hope you liked it Katsuki, cause I want a lot more of this" Rumi said , surprised by how much she meant it. She got off his dick, groaning slightly as he left her with a pop . She gazed at him briefly before raising her hands, offering to cuddle a moment.

"Your prosthetic is beautiful." He muttered as he threw himself into the hug, head buried in her collar. Rumi felt her face getting redder than it already had blood rushing to her as only one thought came to her mind.

"Excuse me?"

Katsuki fumbled with his words as he raised his hand up, tired and red faced. "I know it's weird but hear me out. I know you're dedicated to being a hero and all that shit! I just… it was cool how you kept fighting. I saw how you lost it to those nomu. I know how bad it must have looked. But you kept fighting and you won. I think I liked you after hearing that, then fell for you when you did it in front of me." He grit his teeth. "GODDAMNIT! Feelings are complicated! You already said you liked me, NO TAKE BACK-"

She cut him off with another kiss. He always knew just how to surprise her. But Rumi wasn't surprised. He was her firecracker. But he would never let her be hurt no matter how bright and brilliant his explosion was.

Chapter 2: Aftermath and Celebration


The effects of Bakugou's firecracker are wide and far reaching. But perhaps for the better. He finds himself gaining a solid victory gaining his full time heroes license earlier than expected. A celebration of heroism between two agencies follows, with a surprising ending.


So this is me writing with minimal editing. I may not like how this chapter turns out but please know your comments are what keep me going! I want to make the next one quicker but here is one monster of a chapter. Let me know what other heroes or heroines you want Katsuki to bang next and I'll look to make it happen!

Chapter Text

Tatooine Hospital after the high-end nomu incident

Katsuki, for the most part, disliked his hometown. Scratch that, his opinion was neutral on his hometown. The skies were bright blue and clouds danced high above the buildings that he normally went into, like the malls and arcades he hung with his… friends? No acquaintances at. He never had friends really. In some ways, he was as isolated as Deku here, few getting his notice and almost none his equal. Katsuki hated the town for what it had made him. Weak, compliant, and incapable of seeing the blatant weakness festering in his core. One that wasn't removed until he saw his idol emaciated trying to save him. If not for the worst days of his life… he assumed he would be a very different man. Yet standing outside Miruko's door, needing to be saved again made his casted hand clench with frustration. Once again, he found himself stuck in his home unable to help someone he respected above all others fight without him. Once again Katsuki found himself weak, compliant with recent successes, and incapable of seeing how much more he could have done.

He fumbled with the door's handle for a moment. His casts and injuries were interfering with possible use of his fingers, so instead he used his elbows to try and open the door. Still, without the best grip he couldn't do it. Katsuki let out a grunt in frustration, his clenched hands attempting to let out sparks before sending searing pain shooting up his arm. Right, quirk overuse. Deep calming breaths were taken. He would not let this overcome him. Katsuki tried once more, only to slip and nearly bang his head on the wall. Damned casts made it impossible to move his arms.

Eventually, he was forced to use the handicap button. An odd feeling of annoyance shot through him like needles jabbing his skin. Helplessness was a curse. Katsuki knew it well. He didn't loathe the nerd for it initially. Just disliked associating with Deki too much. He was a constant reminder to him of what weakness was like. Katsuki just loathed the helpless trying to assist him. A challenge to his own power was simply intolerable. Weakness was intolerable. Yet time and time again he was forced into the role of it. Despite all his strength, he was still forced to play the role of helpless. The same one he mocked others for being.

"If you're going to come visit me with an ugly frown like that, might as well turn around." Rumi was eating some of the food the hospital staff had placed in front of her, face nearly full with katsudon but still giving him a rather aloof glare. Katsuki rolled his eyes but his frown eased into something more neutral. He didn't plan to be here for long. Just a simple payment of debts owed and he probably never needs to speak with her again after the next month or so.

"Yeah whatever, Easter Bunny." He scoffed sitting next to her. "I didn't really come to make your ego sated. I came to just… I know how much ya hate the shit they make in the hospital. Tastes like ass and you probably want something tastier. I made… well I got some bento that Fuyumi made. It should be coming soon."

"Haah? Are you feeling sick or something? I never took you for the type to play schoolgirl." Rumi gave a wide grin before punching him slightly on the chest. She winced almost immediately. Her forearm was snapped like a twig in that fight. Despite her association's best medicine, it would take a while before a blow like that was healed back up.

"Not like that! I just… owe ya for helping me out. Even my best did nothing to that damn creature and you managed to take it out. I don't want to be completely friggin useless!" Katsuki spat to one side, annoyed for a second before turning to the floor. "Shit, this wasn't meant to go this way. Just lemme make sure ya get it and…"

"You helped me too, you know? That sonic screech it did. If it weren't for you going out and blasting it to hell, I don't think I could have taken it on. So does that make me weak? I don't think so." Rumi took another bite out of her katsudon. "So what is the big deal yeah? We help each other. No need to owe me shit. I did what I like to do. Beat up villains, and save people."

"Even if it ends up with people getting hurt for you? Even if you're still weak and need to be saved?" Katsuki scowled, then tugged at the hospital sheets. There was something about it that made him feel sick staying there. Maybe he was coming down with a sickness. He got off the bed, instead sitting down on the chair for visitors. The streaming lights from the windows of a sunny day and the white sheets contrasted with their hero costumes. The hospital was too unerringly quiet, and Bakugou hated quiet. It left him alone with his thoughts way longer than he should be.

"Again, comes with the territory. You have to trust someone. Though teams are still for weaklings, working with a hero every now and then to do the right thing is what they have to be. Sucks though. I don't want people getting hurt for me. But it's a decision made by everyone in the profession. Fight and assist those you can. Even if they are kinda brats." Rumi sniggered then proceeded to take her prosthetic hand and ruffling it through Bakugou's hair. He tugged away from her almost instantly, a blush forming on his face.

"Goddamnit." Bakugou looked at her with a frown, only slightly hindered in its intimidation by the red on his face. "Tch. Fucking lame advice." But it was the truth. He was good at spotting when people were being ingenuine, a trait he learned not long after his fight with Deku. Annoying as it was, he was learning from the nerd as best he could on some aspects. He turned to Rumi for a moment, thinking to himself. Then, gathering up his courage he said four words, more demand than request.

"Go out with me."

Seven months later

It had been around a half a year since Katsuki's tryst with Rumi. While it had ups and downs since then, it was mainly a wave of happiness that he had trouble even properly containing. Hell, Kaminari even saw him smile at one point. A new low in terms of his ability to scare others but he just made up the difference with some clever bits of fear mongering. Not a half bad idea on his part to simply figure out where the electric dumbass kept all of his porn. Still, it was hard to explain the sheer rush he got now.

He got it. A pro hero's license. Not the one he had been given but one that allowed quirk use in public. He rocketed upwards with his blasts sending orange flames into the sky. Dynamite was here and was here to stay. He danced among the high buildings rocketing through the sounds of traffic. Katsuki, for one of the first times ever, was freed up from shackles constantly placed on him and the wind on his face, didn't quite capture the anticipation bursting in his chest. Eventually, he got to his destination, a large house situated near Jaku prefecture.

A wide grin came in his eyes as he landed. Katsuki checked his pocket for his license and gift. A rather simple but large slip with a small barcode on it. He smirked. Everything was in place. If he was going to be a boyfriend, might as well be the best goddamned person at it. With a quick ring of the doorbell he toyed with his new license completely laminated. WIth his new skills, he could actually apply for a proper job instead of going through summer break.

The door opened after a couple minutes of him burning in the sun. Rumi, dressed in only shorts and a loose t-shirt yanked him in by the collar, not wanting to be seen out and about. Normally, the amount of secrecy they kept annoyed him but nothing got him down on this day. Katsuki grinned, raising his license shortly before it was snatched out of his hand. Rumi's expression went from shock to pride. "It's about goddamn time you decided to pull your head out of your ass and get the damned thing!" She chortled, throwing him into a big hug. Annoyingly she only got to his chest now, the boy having grown a good 5 inches taller than her.

"As if there was any doubt I'd get one. More importantly, Easter Bunny, I was in a good mood today so I grabbed something for later." Katsuki reached into his pocket for a moment before being grabbed by the collar and yanked down to Rumi's eyes as she gave an almost daring, sinister grin.

"As much as I'd love whatever surprise you got attempting to be romantic for a six month anniversary -" Katsuki almost protested to say he was completely capable of romance, before being cut off completely by Rumi's glare. "- I think I earned a victory lap with you."

"Haaah? I thought I was the one that got the license?" Katsuki said smugly, though his hands were already unbuttoning his shirt. Rumi only surprised him once more matching his pride as she tilted her head cockily, quickly shedding her own clothes.

"Not every hero gets the cream of the crop in UA at their agency," she cooed, smirking. "Definitely none but me are getting the best rookie in the school." Rumi kicked away her shorts as Katsuki groaned. She was going to use him as a public piece for ratings. Something he loathed but also acknowledged would be good for both of them. Even if it meant he needed to attend public meetings. Rumi slammed her lips into his own, hands both prosthetic and real were around his head tugging him deeper into the kiss. Her strength caused Bakugou to stumble forwards before bracing against one of the walls. A growl reverberated through him while Katsuki yanked Rumi's hair back with a slight smirk. He caught himself staring towards her lips as she panted with red dusting her face as she blushed.

"Rude to keep me waiting, don't you think?" Rumi teased letting her finger trace down his chin, then to his muscular chest, before giving a light shove with all five fingers on his chest. As Katsuki moved back slightly, his cock standing at full mast. She smirked for a brief moment before sashaying away letting her plump ass swing side to side as she got down on her firm stomach. Mirko smacked her plump ass showing off her wet core as it jiggled from side to side, turning back with a grin.

"C'mon stud. Remind me why I want - OH FUCK!"

Katsuki didn't hesitate at all, mounting her roughly. He pulled up slightly, his hands on her shapely rear for control. His eyes were hungry for more, all the while bearing down on her with a grin of his own. Katsuki's fiery eyes glowering at her, demanding she submit while he filled her to the brim. She was always a snug fit but when Katsuki speared her Rumi quivered biting down on her finger as he slowly began rocking. Katsuki's hands hungrily played with her ass, kneading it like dough as he stared down at her.

"For someone with such a big mouth.. I think you get tongue tied a tad too often." He growled as he basked in her expression. She had such doughy eyes almost pleading for him to start moving to her accommodating sex. Rumi loved their fucks hard and fast but Katsuki oddly enough enjoyed the game. When he caressed her back, pulling out slightly, she whimpered, almost pushing back to him. Katsuki smirked, biting her ear slightly letting out a possessive moan into her ear.

"Katsuki I swear to - MMPH! "

The moment he had been waiting for, Rumi felt his body rock into her own, sheathing inside of her once more. Katsuki let out a groan of pleasure. He had his finger trail into her mouth running along her tongue. Rumi tasted a subdued king of sweetness almost a brown sugar, on his fingertips. Rumi let out a feverish moan as his other hand pinched her nipple. His body was on her and gentle rocks were giving way to far more heated thrusts.

"Rumi… fu-uuuuck!! "

Rumi twitched slightly as his hand glided away from her breast for a second, the cool air trailing her body where he didn't grip. She didn't expect how much she liked the surrender, but she enjoyed trusting him to a certain extent. Letting Katsuki have his way with her, Rumi always felt excitement pooling at her slit, eager to take him. She didn't have long to ponder it as Katsuki yanked her hair back roughly, throwing her hair back and tugging her head up. He pressed into her roughly, jerking into Rumi more spastically forcing her to part with her hips quivering.

" Rumi, cum for me! NGHH! GRAH!"


Katsuki saw white for a moment, cumming hard inside of Rumi and painting her womb white. She coated his cock immediately after, drenching it in her orgasm before spasming as her muscles finally relaxed. In the haze, Katsuki groaned, pulling his cock out of the rabbit hero. He panted, laying on top of her; kissing her back calmly getting out of his own adrenaline. Rumi smirked, untangling her hair from his hands as she began to turn around to face him letting her arms around him. "You have a weird fascination with my hair you know?"

"Pretty sure I just like everything about you." Katsuki tilted his head completely seriously. He gave a smirk before Rumi smacked his chiseled chest. She snickered, leaning up to kiss it, sending Katsuki into another blush before tilting his head to one side. Rumi grinned widely letting her hands run through his hair before giving a series of open mouth kisses on the underside of his neck. Her face suddenly studied his own as Rumi stared into his eyes.

"Katsuki, you do love me, right?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes before smirking slightly. The blush gave into a bit more confidence. "What kinda question is that? Tch…." When Rumi's eyes got a bit more downcast though, he gripped her hand before raising her palm to his cheek. "Of course. I love you." Rumi gave another smirk.

"Good because I think you'll enjoy this little public event then." Rumi curled his hair letting it run through her fingers.

"WAIT, I DIDN'T GIVE YOUR PRESENT YET!" He panicked looking back to his pants before she tilted her head back to face him.

"In a bit. Until then…" Rumi pulled him underneath her, straddling his cock while she gave a wide grin. "...I want to know how good your carrot tastes."

Katsuki snorted slightly before stifling his amusement at the line. But something told him he wasn't resting on his laurels tonight. He gave a slight snicker. 'Fine by me…' Katsuki thought as Rumi smashed her lips to his for dominance once more.

Mt.Lady Hero Agency Recreation center 6:00pm

Bakugou felt hot and sweaty, wearing his hero uniform under a blazer. Apparently, in the early days of hero work where it was considered more vigilantism, heroes once wore uniforms underneath their traditional clothing only removing it to assist civilians without being in the forefront of attention. A theme in the joint celebration between Miruko and Mt. Ladies agencies. Bakugou snorted. He had to force himself to think differently, using hero names as best he could in public to maintain a heroic image. Though there was nothing heroic on how he appeared now.

"I cannot believe you." Bakugou looked absolutely livid glaring at Miruko with red eyes flaring. His rage caused sparks to let out from his hands. For a public event, he was stuffed well in a tuxedo binding his body tight compared to his normal attire. As much of an asshole as Bakugou was, he could put things aside for the right reasons. His girlfriend? Absolutely some sacrifices could be made. But being dressed in a tuxedo through the afterparty that his secret girlfriend 'forgot' would happen in a karaoke bar in Mt. Lady's recreation wing in the agency was another thing entirely. For the love of all that was holy, he was still in his hero mask.

Miruko on the other hand had her ears to the sky in her own suit dressed professionally in all black with heels. However, much like Bakugou's mask being visible, black formal jacket was unbuttoned, showing off the yellow moon and most of the upper part of her hero leotard. It was… enough for Bakugou to get hot under the collar. Though, not enough to soothe the seething rookie.

He tugged at his collar held tightly against him, loosening it a bit more now that the formal end was over. The public party event was actually interesting for him. While it was mainly to boost popularity, a skill that Bakugou could wipe his shoe with, there was actually good information there. Suggestions to improve his own skills and certain ventures for heroes to improve both combat and rescue skills in Miruko's hometown of Hiroshima. UNFORTUNATELY, the same people he had been listening to for GOOD advice were now all completely drunk. Meaning that now, he was stuck with the two major heroines of both agencies. One he didn't want to talk to because of her dragging him along for this, and one who he was currently having trouble finding through the crowds.

"C'mon they give discounts. Especially for a girl's night out. Besides, you're like eighteen now ain't ya? Live a little." Miruko chuckled under his gaze. Bakugou snorted. Rumi was so damned smug now that she was in her element. The sounds of drinks being clinked and people laughing was causing Bakugou to talk almost through gritted teeth. A hand waved up, catching the duo's attention in a smaller section of the bar. Mt. Lady was currently drinking… three… no four glasses of what smelled like… booze. Her costume was mostly covered but like Miruko it exposed the chest area with her traditional purple outfit and like Bakugou, the purple horns of the mask was on display. Bakugou snorted, something that didn't go past Miruko's notice. He didn't like the taste of booze, so they all smelled like crap to him.

"C'mon, Dynamite! Don't be such a spoilsport! Gotta show guts in here!" Miruko grinned the same smug smile she had on her since they came here. Her attempts to torture him by these outrageous 'girl's nights' was annoying at best. Bakugou scoffed, puffing air through his nose before taking a seat with Miruko as she sat across from Mt. Lady. Bakugou relaxed slightly, his muscles easing their rigidness. She had helped him in the raid, taking out the nomu, even saving him where he nearly was lost to the villains. A respectable hero despite what he thought of her earlier. Perhaps this wasn't going to be a complete bust.

"Hey, Miruko! I gotta admit, I didn't expect Ms. Team-ups-are-for-losers to be grouping with a rookie. But I guess you rule breakers need to stick together, huh?" Mt. Lady thought smugly.

With that statement, it took all of Bakugou's efforts not to leave right there. He caught himself forcing his body into a relaxed position before Miruko piped up.

"Pfft. Team ups. Maybe I just felt responsible enough to help the next generation." Miruko said before bursting into a howling laughter. Mt. Lady did the same, covering her face to prevent the drink she was sipping from coming out of her nose. Even Bakugou nearly cracked a smile. Nearly being an operative term as his lips twitched upwards slightly. "Nah, I just thought Firecracker here could actually keep up with me for a while. Showing him the ropes was kinda fun. Ain't that right Firecracker?"

"Go to hell, Easter Bunny." The blonde boy snapped back, though with some mirth in his eyes.


Bakugou rolled his eyes at that. He turned towards Mount Lady, no,Takeyama. She seemed smiling but it didn't reach her eyes. Bakugou frowned. Normally, he didn't take too much care on what people were thinking, but a voice in his head specifically sounding like All Might rang in his head burying in his skull like a jackhammer made him sigh.

"What's the matter, giant girl? Forced to go clubbing cause Easter Bunny couldn't find anyone else to tolerate her?" He inquired, leaning on the table and propping himself up. That remark prompted a slight jab to his ribs from Miruko. He turned to find her glowering at him.

"Oi! Watch it! I'm plenty tolerable to anybody strong," she scoffed. Bakugou rolled his eyes. Of course she was. His gaze focused on Takeyama currently shifting in her seat downing

"No it's not the clubbing, it's just that… I had a bit of a breakup with Nishiya. Just ah working through that little hiccup. Eh, don't tell anyone. Hero's honor yeah?"

Takeyama tried to play it off well, but she was lying. Bakugou could almost sense how much it took just admitting it. The alcohol probably was because of that. Bakugou's eye twitched slightly. Fuck. He had to ask after now and Takeyama was upset. Miruko sighed. "You really did it now, Firecracker." Bakugou narrowed his gaze to her. Something about this wasn't right, her tone wasn't as reprimanding as it should have been. Normally that earned a kick in the shins. He was being played somehow, someway but all the same, it felt worse leaving it like this.

"Hero's honor." Bakugou said through gritted teeth. As a hero, letting the poor woman who had saved him at one point down felt like an itch he would never scratch. Guilt burned him until he let out another sigh. "Lets go do some fucking karoke. Get everyone out of their own head." Bakugou growled, snatching up a bottle of whisky for them later. This was easily the nicest thing he ever did outright. He turned and saw Rumi giving the same confident grin he would see when she beat a villain. She guessed what he'd do. Bakugou snorted. He'd find out what to do with her later as Takeyama and her followed him to the brightly colored pink room, with the letters, 'Room 4' above it.

This was going to suck. But Bakugou would find a way to blame Rumi somehow.

Karaoke Room 4 Time: 7:30pm

For the first time in a while, Yuu Takeyama, Mt. Lady, was having a good time. It was almost adorable seeing Dynamite trying his absolute damnedest to one up Rumi as best as he could. She relaxed in the pink sofas and grinned as Dynamite got into his next bit of singing. Fortunately for him, Rumi was a rather terrible singer. Hell, 'singer' was putting the term loosely. Both of them were more so shouting the words as they appeared on screen without any sense of tone and pitch. Though they were good heroes, Yuu would hate to see them try to become idols. The thought of it made her giggle for a moment, thinking of the Dynamite going up and demanding to sing for everyone. Though the boy did have a record for attracting trouble it seemed, both during the slime incident and the league of villains.

"Give it up, Miruko. You sound like a rabbit choking on a carrot." Dynamite said after the song hit its instrumental. He grinned like a madman and Rumi met it just as well. Sweat pooled from his forehead and his eyes were wild. Rumi was doing very much the same taking in heaves of air to herself and panting. Both of them, in Yuu's eyes, just didn't pace themselves well. Though, the comment was way too specific.

"How would you even know what that sounds like?" Yuu inquired, a deadpan look on her face.

"Bakugou, don't you dar-" Rumi tried to interject, grabbing at her younger employee but was cut off by Bakugou's howl of laughter as he quickly darted away.

"Number 5 here nearly died to her food, twice. I had to do the heimlich on her or I'd be down an employer!" He chortled while ducking away from her mad attempts to wring his neck. "Shit, the songs on!" They broke up their squabble to make a mad dash for their mics. Rumi got both of them, tossing Dynamite's away as he cursed scrambling for it.

They seemed well equipped to deal with each other, Yuu noted briefly, through her own giggles. "Truly, it would have been a heroic end for the great rabbit. Defeated by her arch nemesis and bringing it down with her." She remarked a mirthful grin on her face.

"Oh buzz off-" Rumi started though the brief pause was enough to get Dynamite back in the game. They battled loosely until the final chord was strung and Dynamite fell back with a sigh.

"Hah. Big bad Firecracker is all tuckered out? My win on loudest vocals then!" Rumi pumped her fist into the air before falling back into her own seat smugly. She took a small baby carrot and tossed it into her mouth. "Gotta admit, for all your companies whining on ceremony, they do get their snacks right." Rumi chuckled.

Yuu rolled her eyes at her friend and simply chuckled. "I thought I was the unspoken party here. If the room wasn't soundproofed you would have just made the entire party deaf with your little scream off. Hell, I'm just wondering why we aren't kicked out despite it all." Yuu chuckled for a moment before smirking. "Anyways I believe it's my go to beat the winner."

"Sure I can go again." Both Dynamite and Rumi said in unison, reaching to get out before whirling around to face each other. Yuu raised her hands placating and interrupted before things resorted to yelling, or straight up violence.

"I'll say let the rookie go first. Miruko can judge." Yuu quickly decided it was best that her friend could act, at the very least, somewhat hospitable. Rumi smirked before reaching over to Dynamight for a moment. He allowed it for a moment and Rumi, to Yuu's shock, decided to undo some of the buttons for him. For a moment they looked very domestic.

"If you're that bound up ya can't go at full force, yeah? You got your hero outfit under so perform in that." Rumi ruffled his head and oddly, Yuu could see a tint of red on his cheeks. "You better win though! I'm treating the winner." Rumi said cheekily. Dynamite simply nodded, eyes razor focused at this point as he got up. Now that Yuu actually had a proper view on his physique, it was clear why he was thought of as a rookie star similar to Shinji back in the day. Dynamite's body was almost all muscle, and with the uniform clinging tightly to the skin alongside the lack of sleeves it defined his shoulders quite nicely.

"I die hard." Dynamite replied with a confident smirk of his own. "Thought you of all people knew that." He rolled his shoulder. "Ready when you are, Mt. Lady."

"How generous." Yuu drawled. Her own eyes narrowed. Be it rookie or pro, a hero couldn't go at anything less than their best. She'd drown her sorrows in sweet victory goddamn it. Her face curled into a wicked smile. Yuu selected Stay with Me by Miki-san. It was always a gem to listen to and she almost knew the lyrics. The music played and she opened her mouth humming along to the tune. Dynamite gave her a roll of his eyes but he was in for it.

As the lyrics came on screen however, things didn't seem as one sided as Yuu initially thought. Dynamite, the bombastic idiot she was almost assured had a blown out eardrum and the tuning of a broken guitar, was SINGING. More importantly, he was doing it well! A thought that suddenly made her flabbergasted, missing a couple notes until she got back in the game. A thought blatantly crossed her mind before she focused on their little match.

Rumi called out around the saxophone solo. "I forgot to mention, Dynamite here is a total band jockey when he was a kid. Good on drums too. Played in his school's little festival twice now." Yuu fumed silently. She had some very choice words for her friend the moment this solo was done! Dynamite snorted for a moment before continuing, his own arrogance displayed on his face in a grin. Yuu blinked for a moment before trying to keep up with the lyrics, but at the point it was at, it was clear who was winning. Dynamite did a small mic drop as the song finished.

"Not bad." He admitted still with his shit eating smile. "I'm just better."

Rumi got up in a grand display of theatrics, raising her hand like a referee announcing a victor before throwing Katsuki's hand up. "Winner is the rookie rising star, Bakugou Katsuki, also Dynamite!" Yuu rolled her eyes at the exaggerated motion brushing her hair back. "Now as promised." Rumi smirked, licking her lips. Yuu suddenly blinked, shocked as Rumi pressed her lips into Dynamites, kissing him. Dynamite closed his eyes, instantly pulling her closer in an embrace but his eyes snapped open soon after, looking at Yuu. He broke their kiss, pushing her aside.

"EH?! Wha… What are you doing Rumi?!" Yuu shrieked. She was beyond confused, and somewhat curious seeing them so easily make out with each other. Yuu realized how close they had been, and Rumi wasn't close to many people. The hotshot rookie for his part, looked something like a deer in headlights. His poor jaw was so low it looked like it would hit the floor. Unbeknownst to her, it was a surprise for Dynamite as well, being so utterly tongue tied, he couldn't figure out how to make his mouth yell.

"Kissing my boyfriend. I did say I wasn't quite looking for a sidekick after all." Rumi remarked with a small wink. She hugged him to the poor boy's absolute look of terror and confusion. Yuu could almost see the cogs frantically trying to pull away from this situation. "In fact, I was wondering if Katsuki here would be ok if both of us rewarded him. I know you've been lonely and wanted to show you a good time. I'm sure Katsuki doesn't want his rescuer to be left out."

She gave wide puppy eyes that were so blatantly manipulative it turned back to being attractive. Dynamite was still in complete shock turning to his girlfriend and now towards Yuu. His face was so red. Yuu could feel heat rising to both her face as well as her core. In the haze, she almost followed the logic. Rumi's proposition was appealing, she had always found the number 5 hero attractive. Dynamite however, was something else entirely. A surprise she never expected and a mystery box that proved promising. In a split-second moment, Yuu eventually made her decision. She walked up to Dynamite tilting his head down to her own as she took a deep breath.

"I'll be in your care Dynamite. Would you like me to…"

"Katsuki Bakugou." The boy said suddenly. His red eyes looked towards Rumi who smirked. He frowned, creases visible through his mask but sighed giving a nod back towards the confused Yuu. "If I am to do this, you're calling me Katsuki. Got it?" He growled slightly putting his hand around her waist. His gaze held fire as he held her close.

Yuu was surprised by the sudden contact. Lust built in her honeypot. "Y-yes. Yuu Takeyama." She smirked before gaining some of her confidence back. "Let's get this show moving then, Rumi. I don't want Katsuki to think I'm a bad host."

When Yuu pushed her lips to Katsuki's she could distinctly hear Rumi's victory laugh faintly in her ears.

Karaoke Room 4 Time: 9:30pm

Katsuki had been in a great many places. Fight the giant crow faced demon with skin of pure blackness? Sure. Fight hand guy who could erase things with a touch? Let him at the bastard. Take a hit for Deku leaving himself injured but fighting tooth and nail against other baddies? Bad day but he could work through it. Get on a couch in a karaoke room with the number twenty two and number five hero trailing their lips against his cock? He was about to melt from the pressure of it all.

Rumi simpered at the entire situation, looking up at him and trailing her tongue on the underside of his cock as her hand toyed with his balls. Yuu on the other hand delicately licked the tip, jerking the base of his length with her gloved hand They had long since removed the lower part of his hero costume, focusing on individual parts of his rod. Bakugou stared down, desperate to keep from moaning.

"Ngghhhh! God above… Yuu… Rumi!"

Very unsuccessful, in his attempt at conversation. Rumi pouted for a moment as she looked smugly at him. "What's wrong? Wasn't this supposed to be a boring public meeting all to me? That I wasn't going to celebrate our little victory?" She caressed his balls, stroking them slightly, urging him to release, as Katsuki tried his damnedest to resist. Yuu, swallowed the tip of his shaft, devouring the slight pre-cum that came from it in a quick motion. Her hand that was on the bottom of his length moved to his thigh tracing circles on it. Their costumes were still on, both their jackets taken off and forgotten about.

"Of course I was going to give you a present for passing, But I also thought Yuu could get in on it. She helped a lot in encouraging me to get you on as an intern you know. Always pestering me to get one. Then I thought I could help her with her own little itch." Rumi let out a slight chuckle as she squeezed his balls demandingly for an answer.

Katsuki nearly came then and there. It was like a losing battle. No matter how hard he was swinging he was getting overwhelmed. He felt himself try and harden for a second but whatever word he said came out as a strangled moan. "Thought, I'd get you really riled when you get here. You always do go a little rougher when you're hot under the collar." Rumi said before letting her lips to his balls, suckling on them greedily. Yuu took his entire length now, her warm and wet mouth eager and welcoming. Her eyes glinted hungrily for something. Katsuki let her have it, sinking his cock into her mouth, thrusting feverishly. His cock tickled her throat as he gripped onto her horns for further support.

"Always trusted you to be up… t-to something… noAAH..." Katsuki grit his teeth, speaking through them as Yuu leaned her head in more to take more of him. "...N-not this!" He continued as Rumi chuckled, releasing her mouth from his balls and kissing up his body. She trailed his chest with open mouth kisses and Katsuki needed to fight to keep from seeing white. "Yuu… I'm going to…" Rumi kissed him on the lips, fighting his tongue for dominance. Yuu took his cock in her mouth all the way to the base, dragging her gloved hand on his thigh hard enough to leave marks. Katsuki came hard in her mouth seeing stars for a brief moment. He broke the kiss, leaving Rumi for a moment sighing. Yuu slowly separated from his cock showing the sizable amount of cum he shot down her gullet. Some clung to her mouth still before she swallowed.

"...I need him in me." Yuu spoke, eyes demanding Rumi for a moment. She looked almost like she was under a spell. The leotard covering Yuu's core was slightly damp as she looked at Katsuki's cock.

"Hmmm… nahhh. I think I'll show you how it's done firs-" Rumi was interrupted by Katsuki's growl of disapproval.

"I think I want to punish you a little for setting this entire thing without us." Katsuki said before looking to Yuu with a small smile. "Let's make it hot. I wanna watch her squirm with her own fingers." Rumi pouted angrily but her snatch got wet with those words. It was almost as though they tickled her there pressing her core. She almost whimpered before nodding towards Yuu.

"Fine I'll make an exception for tonight. Next time, I'll be sure to stake my claim proper." Rumi said, red dusting her cheeks as she swayed her ass side to side before sitting on a sofa to their side. "Now give me a proper showing." Rumi said Yuu looked shocked but smiled as well swiftly removing her black leggings to get to her hero outfit.

Katsuki smirked. If there was one thing he was confident in, it was how to make Rumi squirm.

Karaoke Room 4 Time: 10:10pm

Yuu didn't expect this. She didn't expect that riding the boy she saved so long back like it was her only care in the world. She didn't expect it to be in the recreation rooms of her own agency. Yuu didn't expect that Rumi of all people would set her up with her boyfriend and intern of all things. But apparently, that was just how Rumi decided to play fate, and she was on her strings. As Katsuki, thrust up from under her demandingly on the sofa, Yuu spared a side glance to her friend who had all but shed her business outfit instead fingering herself furiously biting her lip.

Yuu was supposed to be a hero as was Katsuki. But damn if that didn't just hit the right spot with both of them. As noble as Rumi's pursuits were, she went about them without telling them. The slightest revenge they got from her whimpering made the sex hotter. But it was time to remind Katsuki who the pro was. Her legs locked around him as Yuu ground into him, causing Katsuki to fall back from the offensive. Yuu snickered for a moment, preening herself as Katsuki, fell into her breasts. Her hero costume and suit had both been tossed aside leaving only the mask as she sunk herself onto him once again, rocking her hips down on Katsuki until he was forced back. He took large heaving gasps as she squeezed his member for more of it.

"Think… you're, ngghhh… god... tough shit, huh?" Katsuki grunted as his hand followed the curve of her hips to her breast, removing it from the thigh where it had been previous. His thumb traced along her nipple, flicking it slightly before he placed his tongue on her other one. His other hand was firmly on her ass, groping it momentarily. Yuu moaned erotically, her toes curling in ecstasy as she dug her nails into his back, poking some holes into his hero costume. Katsuki hardly minded continuing his pace in a controlled manner. He was continuously impressed with how dominant she was being, forcing him to fight for every inch gained. She wasn't as muscular as Rumi, but she was slightly more voluptuous and just as feisty.

Yuu grit her teeth, tugging on Katsuki's hair before she slammed her lips into him. He moaned through the kiss as she squeezed his cock inside of her. It felt like a vice grip on his length. She rocked at a feverish pace now, desperate to finish not letting him continue. Faintly, Yuu could feel the blood rushing in her ears and Rumi's cries of pleasure. She must have cum hard to be that loud. Katsuki ran a hand through her hair tugging on it slightly. There was no time to consider it however, as she felt Katsuki use her horn to tug her away and break from the kiss. She mewled as he started trailing open mouth kisses on her neck.

"Easy there, Dynamite ." Yuu said Katsuki's hero ame seductively enough to make the boy pause. She smirked as he ground down on it in the moment, pulling his hair back to look into his eyes. Even through the mask she could see how drunk on the pleasure he was as she trailed her fingers in a circle on his back. "As good as you are…" Yuu rocked down on Katsuki cock, her walls squeezing it. "'re still a rookie." Katsuki shot his gaze to the ceiling as she felt him release inside of her with a groan of pleasure. His seed dribbled from her cunt, all the while Yuu reveled in breaking the hero under her first.

"In your dreams… I can do this all day." Katsuki choked out with none of the usual fire in his voice. Yuu rolled her eyes before immediately feeling her face get yanked to kiss Rumi. The rabbit hero had snuck beside them in the haze and she pressed her soft lips against Yuu. Yuu's eyes rolled in her head as Rumi's aggression tipped to a boiling point. The rabbit hero broke the kiss groaning.

"Fuck, I can't let you guys do this without me! I set this thing up! Dynamite we are going until you're fucking dry, hear me?!" Rumi snarled like a lust crazed animal. Yuu barely had gotten off of Katsuki's shaft as Rumi took it in her mouth to get it back to full mast. Yuu chuckled at that before staring at Katsuki with a subtle but smug smile toying on her lips.

"What do you say? Another round?"

The explosive hero's only response was to pull her into a kiss.

Karaoke Room 4 Time: 10:30pm

Katsuki was all but seeing the world through his own personal curtain of lust at this point. A haze was on him as he spread Rumi over Yuu, both showing their voluptuous bodies to him, tempting him to choose one or the other. Rumi had brushed her hero costume to the side displaying her perfect pussy, ears twitching slightly. She laid atop Yuu who was all but stripped bare, save for her mask that she still clung too. Both of them, on the wide desk, meant to provide space for food while they sang their hearts out. Katsuki was about to make them sing a more erotic tune. The scene felt like something almost straight from a teenage boy's dirty comic. Katsuki could do nothing but push forwards, surrendering to his lust. His cock slammed into Rumi's pussy, drawing a muffled moan from the rabbit hero, as Yuu quickly went for her lips, capturing them on her own.

There wasn't much in the way of Katsuki's technique now, simply pure force and lust driving his actions. His balls slapped furiously against Rumi's ass, as he continually buried himself inside her, drawing further moans. Katsuki's hand reached down to her chin, prying her away from the kiss, to face forwards. Katsuki's lips glided across her toned back, peppering it with kisses. Her tongue stuck out as she twitched, her inner walls tightening around his length. Each slam of his cock sent the desk rocking, screeching against the bottom of the floor. The soundproofing clearly had done well to hide them, since nobody quite looked at the door.

"Right there, KATSUKIIII!"

Katsuki never got tired of making Rumi squeal just the right amount. Though, strangely the sight of Yuu basically wet at her core made it even better. Katsuki never took himself for an exhibitionist, but damn did it stroke his ego the right way. Katsuki smirked through his mask. Rumi was coated in sweat, but she looked beautiful squirming to get his cock at the right angle desperately with every furious thrust. Yuu gripped her friend's breast slightly while Rumi came hard, triggering Katsuki's own orgasm. The explosive rookie painted the rabbit heroes womb white before he groaned, collapsing over her with a satisfied purr.

Yuu almost looked disappointed but almost as soon as Katsuki pulled out, he was still hard moments later. His girthy cock stood proud, coated in Rumi's lust and his own seed. She gulped for a moment. She supposed it stood to reason that UA's gifted child would be talented but she had no idea how much. Yuu failed to notice one more thing. Rumi was quick at recovery. With a blur of motion, the rabbit hero pulled Yuu back, spreading her legs out in a full nelson, displaying her delectable body in full. The giantess blushed initially struggling against the hold but Rumi began kissing right behind her ear, as the cry of protest became a slightly erotic moan.

"Easy, you're fine. I do need to reward Katsuki for winning your little duel after all." Rumi hummed devilishly. "Wouldn't that be unheroic of me?"

"Rumi, you damn trai-HAAAHHHH!!"

Another sigh of pleasure came unbidden from Yuu's lips as Katsuki nipped at her collarbone slowly sinking into her. His hands gripped her thick thighs, spreading them wider, allowing his hands to sink into supple flesh. Katsuki growled into her ear. "Tch, I'll admit you got the better of me back then. But I'll say the same thing I said to Rumi when she thought she could play ball with me.

"Ready to be fucked senseless?"

Yuu barely had time to respond as Katsuki placed his teeth to her nipple, tugging on it roughly, before he plunged his length into her honeypot. He smirked as Rumi took the opportunity to mark Yuu as well, placing a love bite on the left side of her neck. When she removed her lips, a hickey, a perfect blemish, sprouted where it had been. Katsuki felt himself get harder, pounding away at a more furious pace grunting with the effort. Yuu's eyes rolled into the back of her head, only making cries of ecstasy as Katsuki hummed slightly.

"What was that babe? Fuck you faster? If you insist." Katsuki stated smugly. His husky voice, the same one he used curled in Yuu's ear. She could only grab Rumi's head and bury it in the crook of her neck in response. Rumi dropped one of her friend's legs, curling her hand around it to massage her own aching cunt furiously. Yuu cried out in ecstacy, in response, and that was all that Katsuki needed.

He abandoned all pretenses of holding back, slamming into her roughly as his shaft sheathed deep into Yuu's core. Katsuki only spoke in animalistic grunts and growls his eyes being taken in the curtain of lust and desire as he punished her aching pussy, the strange angle helping him reach spots he couldn't beforehand. It was all too much for both of them, and this time Yuu spasmed around his cock first, orgasmning hard, before he slowed into deeper thrusts. Eventually, her walls milked Katsuki causing him to shoot off rope after rope of his seed inside of her.

Katsuki fell back into his seat, with a sigh. A bit of exhaustion came on his face before he smirked looking back at the both of them. Rumi looked tired but the smug smile as she stared into Yuu's eyes made her seem a bit too proud for Katsuki's taste. If he had strength left in him, he would have said something in protest. As of now, he could only really collapse into the sofa, drenched in sweat.

Yuu on the other hand looked like she had gone to space and back in the span of seconds. She stumbled next to Katsuki collapsing into the seat, cum dribbling from her womb. Yuu turned to him then Rumi then to Katsuki. "So… what now?"

"That depends on Katsuki. I'm fine if you call him if you get lonely. He promised he loves me, and I trust him not to make those promises lightly. After all, Firecracker is a hero in training. He'd never break a poor lady's heart and couldn't find it in himself to say no to a poor hero in need." Rumi sniggered, pinching Katsuki's nose. She looked too damn sinister as though daring him to refute her. Katsuki turned away, breaking the contact. Though pondering it, he was almost willing to reject the idea on principle alone, but he caught Yuu's eyes hopeful and even a little scared of what was to come. Katsuki grit his teeth before looking down to the floor then to Yuu.

"I want Playboy-Bunny over there to know I'm not doing this because she manipulated me. But, I'll do it for you since you're hot..." He spat the last lie before muttering immediately afterward. "... and because I do care about you."

"What was that softy?" Rumi crowed, victoriously hugging Katsuki. "I love double rainbows and taking dates to see fireworks?" As Katsuki opened his mouth in protest, Rumi planted a swift kiss on his cheek. "It's alright. I like fireworks."

Yuu on the other hand, breathed out a sigh of relief. "I guess I do too, Rumi." She kissed the opposite side of his cheek with a smile. "I do too."