dekus girls

Izuku Midoriya sighed as he leaned back on the couch in the 3A dorms in Heights Alliance. It had been two years since the defeat of All for One, Tomura Shigaraki, and the Paranormal Liberation Front, and for the past two years, there had been peace throughout Japan.

And Izuku and all his friends had taken advantage of that peace. They used to grow stronger, to relax and have fun, but most importantly, to date. Izuku grinned as he thought back to how Todoroki had proposed to Yaoyoruzu not even a week ago. That had gotten everyone talking.

Those two weren't the only happy couple. Kirishima and Ashido had gotten together after the first fight of the War two years ago, and had been happy ever since. Not only they, but Hagakure and Ojiro had gotten together, and, perhaps most surprisingly, Iida and Hatsume had hooked up.

Izuku, despite clapping and cheering and supporting his friends, had never chosen to settle down himself. It wasn't that he wasn't interested - his internet history told an interesting story - rather, it was because of the two girls he cherished most (minus his mom - nobody topped her in his mind).

The first was no surprise to anyone - Ochako Uraraka. She had been his best friend since his first day at U.A., and had been his most ardent supporter. She had changed the meaning of the name Deku - turning it from something reviled to something he cherished - and had never, ever abandoned him, not even in the bloodiest fight either had been in. She was almost always smiling, always happy to help, and always willing to lend a shoulder if he needed on. She was amazing.

The second girl would come as a major surprise to those who knew Izuku - Katsumi Bakugou. His oldest friend, his old bully, his first love, Kacchan...there were so many ways for Izuku to describe her. Originally, the two hadn't gotten along, despite Izuku's wishes to. Katsumi was prideful, and that pride led her to assume some things. After their Provisional Licensing Exam in first year, the two had managed to clear the air, so to speak, and had worked on rebuilding their relationship. By the time they shipped out to Endeavor's agency a few months later, they were back to being friends.

Of course, there were some rough patches - Katsumi would get these pained looks when she looked at him, which Izuku acquitted to their past and her actions back then. And Izuku would still sometimes flinch when an explosion went off outside of training. But they had worked past that - especially after his brief coma and her near death in the War.

Now, most of those issues were in the past, and with crime at an all-time low, the kids were free to enjoy themselves. Which, of course, meant that issues of a different type popped up.

The biggest one, for Class-1A, was the rather intense rivalry held between Ochako Uraraka and Katsumi Bakugou. The two were constantly at each other throats, sniping at each other, starting fights, competing, the whole nine yards. But, the thing they fought over most was the attention of one Izuku Midoriya.

There was one time when Izuku was downstairs, enjoying a nice conversation with the Dekusquad, with Uraraka sitting rather close to him. Then, as if out of nowhere, Katsumi had popped up and grabbed his arm, dragging him off to the gym for a sparring match. Uraraka had immediately latched onto his other arm and held him down, glaring at Katsumi and coldly stating that he was busy.

The argument had eventually devolved into a catfight, which Kirishima and Izuku had to break up. Izuku was thankful that the two hadn't used their Quirks in any of these fights yet, but he was also confused.

Why were the two fighting? He had analysed the factors that surrounded their fights, and found that the common denominator was...well, himself. He was, weirdly enough, always a part of their fights. And for the life of him he couldn't understand why!

He had asked Iida, who sighed and gripped about how blind his friend was (which Izuku thought was a little funny, as he didn't have to wear glasses like Iida). He had asked his mother, who cried and laughed, before making a comment about how alike Izuku was to his father. He had even gone to talk with All-Might, who had simply laid a hand on his successor's shoulders and said that he was "more than a little dense."

None of it made any sense and Izuku was quickly getting tired of the constant fighting. He could tell that his long, long fuse was quickly being burned down, and it wouldn't be long before he blew up at the two girls. Which he didn't really want to do.

All of that brings us back to the present, where Izuku is sitting on the couch of the 3A dorms, his notebook in his lap, eyes closed in frustration...and Ochako on his left and Katsumi on his right. The two were leaning across from him, their hands dangerously close to his crotch (which wasn't helping his attraction to either girl) and their heads almost pressed together as they glared daggers at each other.

"I'm gonna tell you one more time, Round Face. Back. The Fuck. Off!" Katsumi growled.

"And I'm telling you, again, Bakagou, no way!" Ochako shot back, her hand absentmindedly tightening around Izuku's thigh. The green haired Hero's eye twitched as he had to fight from getting hard, due to both the physical contact and the fact that both girl's breasts were pressing up against each other, only a few inches about his crotch.

Both girl's had matured quite a bit in the past couple years. Katsumi showed that she was her mother's daughter in more ways than just her attitude, having grown massive H-Cup breasts. Her ass was also rather round, and her body was sculpted from her years of hero training, being lithe yet soft, with muscles decorating her body. This temple of sex of on fully display in her thin tank top that barely held her tits and some tight short shorts hugging her thighs and bum.

Ochako, on the other hand, had grown up in different areas. Her breasts had grown into respectable DD-Cups and her upper body, despite seeming slightly chubby, was actually filled with muscle, all enhanced by her tube top. Her lower half however, was thiccc. Her ass had gotten fatter, rounder, and thicker, somehow a perfect blend of muscle and fat that let it jiggle with nearly every movement, despite the confines of her skirt. Following this were her thiccc thighs, currently wrapped up in pure white stockings.

Izuku consistently had dream after dream of being smothered by Katsumi's massive tits while she was riding him, or taking Ochako from behind and watching her fat ass jiggle as her moans echoed. He dreamed of making them dress up in Female Hero Cosplay, in making them debase themselves before him, in taking them in such a way and manner that ruined them for others.

'Fuck!' Izuku mentally groaned as he tried to think about something else, mentally praying that he could stop the blood from rushing to his crotch. Desperately trying to not think about his two friends in compromising positions, Izuku refocused on their current argument.

"Betcha you're a bitch!"

"Betcha you're a cunt!"



The two had moved closer and closer, their foreheads now pressing together, their tits bouncing around. Izuku had to bite his lip to prevent a groan as he saw one of Katsumi's nipples briefly pop out of her top.

"THAT'S IT!" Izuku growled and leapt up, grabbing the two by their necks like mother lioness does its cubs. The two squealed in shock and tried to get free as Izuku held them in the air. Izuku had done some growing too, and had shot up from a small five foot five to a respectable five foot eleven, no longer being one of the smaller boys in his class.

Stomping away, Izuku scowled as he all but dragged the two towards his room.

Back in the living room, Iida sighed as he sipped his tea. "It's about time."


Izuku gently nudged his door open before kicking it closed behind him, before setting the two down on his bed, himself grabbing his desk chair and sitting down. Fixing the pair with a glare, one that had the other two wincing, Izuku observed his friends.

Ochako, at the very least, looked embarrassed. Her face was red and she was looking away, her hands placed in her lap as she sat on her knees and thighs. Izuku also noticed that she was squirming and breathing a little heavily.

Katsumi, on the other hand, was definitely glaring at the ground, not looking at either one of them. Her face had a light dusting of red that Izuku could tell was as close to a blush as she could get. She was sitting criss-cross, with her arms crossed under her chest, heaving her magnificent mammaries up even more. Like Ochako, she was also breathing raggedly.

Sighing, Izuku rubbed the bridge of his nose. "OK girls, I'm only going to ask this once so please try to answer. What. The fuck. Is the PROBLEM!" He growled out, his tone unconsciously slipping into a more dominant one, which caused the two girls to flinch.

Izuku breathed deeply, reigning his temper in. "I'm sorry for that, but holy hell! You two have been at each other throats for almost two years now, and it's getting old! Especially when you're dragging me into the middle of them! Which, and I kid you not, is usually all the damn time!

Ochako flinched and bit her lip, while Katsumi flushed. "Ummm...I'm sorry for dragging you into them Deku." Ochako offered, before she sat back up and glared at Katsumi. "It's just that whenever you and I are enjoying ourselves, Bakagou over here just butts in and tries to steal you! It's not fair!"

Katsumi's head snapped up as she glared at Ochako. "Who the fuck every said I played fair Round Face! Also, I'm not "stealing him" from you, cause he's not yours to begin with!"

"Well he's not yours either!" Ochako shot back as the two began to butt heads again. "Besides, I'm sure Deku would rather spend time with me instead of a cow like you!"

"Hey, watch your fucking words fatass!" Katsumi growled, pressing closer to Ochako, their tits colliding, causing Izuku to let out a low, near silent groan. "You really think he'd want to be around a goody two shoes like you!" Katsumi then smirked. "Hell, why wouldn't he want to be around me? I've known him longer, and I know more about him then you ever-"

"You mean One for All." Ochako interrupted, a smug grin on her face as Katsumi froze. "Yea, I know about it. In fact, I've helped him with Float, and just by being there for him. So nyahh!" Ochako ended with sticking her tongue out at the explosion user.

Katsumi turned, almost robotically, to Izuku. "Deku…" She growled out. "How the FUCK did she learn about that?!"

Izuku winced and sighed, rubbing his side. "It was during our final fight with Toga." Izuku said as the two winced, remembering how bloody that fight had been for Izuku and Ochako, and how it had ended with Izuku cradling a half-dead Ochako over Toga's dead body.

Katsumi breathed out, calming down slightly. Nobody really talked about it, but that fight had been...bad. "Ok, fine. But why didn't you tell me? What, am I not good enough of a confidant for you Deku?" She spat out the very end, her eyes close to tears.

Izuku's eyes widened as he moved and wrapped his childhood friend in a hug. "Kacchan you know it's not like that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it was in the heat of the moment. And after, we were dealing with Shigaraki and All for One."

Katsumi sighed and nestled closer to Izuku, throwing a sly smirk at a fuming Ochako. Her crocodile tears had worked.

Ochako was grasping at straws to come up with a plan to get Deku's attention, but she was blanking. So, she fell back on good old instinct, which had never failed her before.


You could hear a pin drop in the room as everything froze. Katsumi was caught between laughing at the bright red Ochako and glaring at said girl for that. Ochako's face heated up as she realized what she had said. Mentally, there was a chibi Ochako who was crying anime tears and cursing her instincts.

It was Izuku's reaction that caught the two's attention. He had frozen, like a deer in the headlights, his eyes out of focus, yet his mouth was moving a mile per minute. "OhmygodOchakowantstohavesexwithmeholyshitthisisamazingIcan'twaittofuckherbigassandtightpussyandmakehersuckmycockmaybeicanfuckherwhileshe'swearingherskirtandthighhighs-"

The continued rambling was ignored as the two reacted to his dirty words. Ochako reacted with utter glee, happy that he was thinking about her, especially in that way. She was also blushing a tad, caught off guard by Izuku's dirty words.

Katsumi on the other hand, was pissed. 'The fuck is he thinking about that fatass for?! He could have all of this, but he's thinking about that slut!' She mentally growled before clenching her shirt with one hand and letting off a small explosion with the other, getting Izuku's attention.

"Deku, pay attention to THESE!" Katsumi hissed out, tearing her top off her body, releasing her massive tits to bounce too and fro in front of Izuku, whose eyes tracked them like a cat. Katsumi pushed them together and shook her upper body, smirking as Izuku was entranced.

"Oh Deku~" Ochako's voice rang out from behind Katsumi, along with a CLAP~CLAP~ sound of flesh striking flesh. Izuku's eyes darted up and his jaw dropped as he saw Ochako's massive booty twerking back and forth. The girl had slid her panties off, revealing her dripping core to both of them, as the massive mounds of flesh made her skirt bump up and down.

Izuku groaned as he felt himself getting harder than he had ever been, his resistance rapidly dwindling as he watched the squishy flesh shake back and forth, clapping sounds echoing throughout the room.

Katsumi, knowing that Izuku wasn't looking at her anymore and filled with jealousy, sat up and stalked over to Ochako, before pushing the girl over. Ochako yelped and tumbled over, before leaping to her feet, fuming.

"What's your problem, slut!"

"You're my fucking problem, hoe!"

"Oh please, at least I don't have cow tits that are flopping all over the place!"

"Well at least I'm not shaking my fatass to get a man's attention!"

Izuku growled, ignored by the girls, his raging boner not being helped by yet another argument! Shooting to his feet, Izuku activated his Full Cowling technique, the lightning surrounding him quickly silencing the girls.

"What." Izuku started, his domineering tone from earlier slipping back in. "Is the issue now? No bullshit from either of you, tell me why you keep fighting and why you stripped in front of me?"

Both girls swallowed, their cores dampening as their bodies reacted to the sheer dominance that Izuku was emitting. Without really thinking both girls confessed at the same time.

"Deku, I love you!"/ "I'm in love with you,shitty nerd!"

Izuku's eyes widened as he processed what the two said, slumping back down onto his bed. Hesitantly, both girls sat on the end of the bed, neither looking at him.

Breathing deeply, Izuku centered himself for what he thought would be a really uncomfortable talk.

"I...thank you both for telling me that...but I...I don't think I can accept either of your confessions. I'm sorry…"

Ochako's tears began to fall as she shook, while Katsumi's eyes glistened as she glared at him. "Why the fuck not!" She yelled, her voice cracking. "Is there someone else or-"

"Kacchan, there isn't anyone else!" Izuku responded tersely. "It's...ugh...I…" taking a deep breath, Izuku gathered all his courage, mentally laughing a tad as it took more courage to confess than to fight for his life.

"I'm in love with both of you." He said, not looking at either of them. "I think I've always been in love with Kacchan, she was just...always someone I looked up to, even when I knew I shouldn't. And as we worked past our issues, I felt it grow. But I also feel in love with Uraraka. You were my first real friend in a long, long time, someone I trusted with my life. Your drive, like Kacchan's, is something I admire. Both of you are also drop dead gorgeous, and I," Izuku coughed a little bit before continuing "have had...thoughts and dreams about both of you."

Ochako wiped her tears and smiled, joy filling every cell in her body, while Katsumi smiled a genuine smile, her hands unconsciously grasping near her heart.

"But...I can't choose. I'm so, so sorry, but I can't choose between the two of you. Both of you are amazing, beautiful women, but you deserve someone who will love you and only you...I'm sorry, but I can't choose."

Izuku's head had dropped into his hands, so he was unable to see the looks exchanged by both girls and the shaking of their hands. He did, however, feel Ochako taking his gravity away with a touch, before Katsumi centered him on the bed. Flopping onto his back as his gravity was returned, Izuku looked up, ready to question the two, before the words caught in his mouth.

Katsumi had removed her shorts, revealing her bare, shaven pussy to Izuku, before she crawled across his bed to his right side laid across his chest. Ochako, meanwhile, had taken her top off, allowing her generous bust to flop around, while also removing her thigh highs. She had positioned herself over Izuku, straddling his legs in a reverse-cowgirl pose, her dripping pussy and massive ass on full display. The erotic sight caused Izuku's cock to harden like never before. He was just glad he was wearing baggy shorts.

"So here's the deal nerd." Katsumi said as she grabbed his shirt, while Ochako reversed her position and grabbed the hem of his shorts. "Round Face and I agreed to a little competition of sorts, one that erases any chance of you having to choose. We're gonna fuck you, suck you, blow you, the whole nine yards. And whoever makes you cum the fastest wins you."

"Ain't you a lucky boy Deku?" Ochako asked rhetorically. "You get to have sex with two of the hottest girls in U.A." As if they were connected, Katsumi ripped his shirt ( 'my limited edition All-Might shirt' Izuku mentally cried, actually a little mad despite the overwhelming horniness he was feeling) while Ochako leaned in a little and yanked his shorts down.


Katsumi started at the slapping sounds and Ochako's accompanying gasp, turning to look at her rival before gasping as well. "Holy fucking shit Deku." She hissed out. "What the fuck are you feeding that monster?"

Standing tall and proud (and pressed against Ochako's cheek), Izuku's cock was a magnificent specimen of all things men. Rock hard at 10 inches in length, the organ also had substantial girth to it, about 3 inches thick. Both girls felt their mouths water at the sight.

Izuku groaned as his cock was released into the open, his mind still awash with lust. Glancing down, Izuku noticed that Ochako was moving her hair out of the way. "Thank you for the meal Deku~" She said, giving him a little kiss on the tip before engulfing his cock in her mouth.

Izuku leaned his head back and groaned in enjoyment, the wetness of Ochako's mouth washing over his cock, the pleasure that arose engulfing his body. Unconsciously, he moved a hand down and rested it on her head.

Ochako sucked greedily on the few inches she had, lathering them with her spittle. Releasing his cock with a pop, Ochako peered up at Izuku. "Deku, I can't believe I'm actually doing this~ I've dreamed of this for so long, since first year~ I've wanted you for sooo long Deku~"

"Ochako!" Izuku moaned in response, the girl's hand working its way up and down his shaft. "Fuck, Ochako I've dreamed about this too!"

"Mhmm, that's good to know Deku, but do you know what I want?" Shaking his head, Izuku listened closely. "I want you to be dominant, to dominant me, like you did earlier. You shut me and Bakagou up real good like that, and I enjoyed it so fucking much~ I want more, give me more, don't hold back on me...daddy~"

Ochako had no idea if Izuku had a daddy kink or not, but it appeared to work as a switch went off in his mind. Using the hand that was already on her head, Izuku gripped Ochako's hair while smirking down at her.

"Oh, you want me to be dominant? Fine then, get to sucking slut!" Izuku growled out as Ochako moaned before resuming her messy blowjob. Almost immediately, Izuku growled, catching her attention. Trying to move back, Ochako found out that she couldn't - Izuku's hand was blocking the way.

"When I said to suck, I meant suck! Not this weak shit!" Izuku growled at her, her body shuddering. "Guess I'll have to show you what I mean!" With that, Izuku forced Ochako's head down while also thrusting up, forcing his cock into her throat with a loud GLUK!

Noises erupted from Ochako as she tried to breath around the monster in her throat, but Izuku refused to let up, instead forcing her back a bit before shoving it back down, forcing more of his cock down her gullet.

"This is how you suck like a good slut! This is how I want from you, my little slut - choking on my cock like the little whore you are!"

Ochako's body shook as the pleasure from Izuku's actions and words washed over her. With hearts in her eyes she continued to swallow around his rod, breathing through her nose for air. 'Fuck yesyesyes! I'm daddy's little cum slut! I'll take all his cum and then some! I'll be his pretty little fuckdoll for the rest of my life!'

Off to the side, Katsumi was entranced by Izuku's rough handling of Ochako, her hands drifting towards her core, only to be stopped by Izuku, who was glaring at her. "You don't get to pleasure yourself, bitch!" He grabbed one of her nipples and twisted, painfully, causing the girl to gasp and moan. "I blame you for this stupid competiton, so you are gonna sit there and wait your turn like a good bitch! Understood?"

Katsumi nodded quickly, panting like a dog in heat, to which Izuku smirked before turning his attention back to Ochako. With a mighty push, Izuku forced the gravity girl all the way down his shaft, all 10 inches of it lodged in her throat, his massive balls, about the size of oranges, pressed against her chin. Releasing her head, Izuku watched as Ochako slowly dislodged him from her throat, coughing up drool. Izuku's cock was still hard as a steel beam, now shiny with spittle, with the head leaking some pre-cum. Ochako, seeing this, went back down and licked it up, moaning at the taste.

"Ohhh, daddy your yummy cum tastes so good~" She moaned like she was dying of thirst. "Use my throat more daddy! Use it and fuck it to your hearts content! I want you to shoot a fat load in my tummy daddy!"

Not even waiting for Izuku, Ochako opened her mouth and fell straight onto his cock, taking half the monster in one go, catching Izuku off guard. Moaning, Izuku let the girl work her way down until she couldn't go any further.

"Not bad baby girl." Izuku gritted out as he placed both hands on her head. "But you've still got some left. Let me help you with that!" Shoving her head down, Izuku groaned as the last few inches of his cock disappeared into Ochako's mouth, the girl gagging and drooling on the massive tool.

"You want my cum so badly? You wanna take it like a good little slut? Then take it, take it all!" Izuku roared as he furiously forced Ochako's head up and down his shaft, gurgling and choking noises echoing throughout the room. After a few minutes of heavy thrusting, Izuku yanked her head back so that only the tip of his cock was in her mouth.

"Get ready slut, cause that load you wanted is coming! Fuck, OCHAKO!" Izuku roared as he erupted, a deluge of cum shooting into Ochako's mouth. The first load alone caught the girl off guard, the high-pressured load flying down her throat as if Izuku was trying to drown her in his cum. Gurgling and choking, Ochako only managed to get a small amount down before a second blast shot forward, this one filling her cheeks like a chipmunk.

Izuku, noticing that she was having trouble, yanked his cock out and fired the last few blasts on her face and chest, coating her tits in a nice layer of jizz while painting her face white. After 5 loads, Izuku's cock tapered off, though it remained rock hard.

Ochako gasped and guzzled and choked down the two loads in her mouth and throat, gasping for air when she was done, her mind awash with lust and love. Cracking one eye open, as the other was covered in cum, Ochako looked across the room at a full length mirror that showed just what Izuku did to her. Turning back, Ochako saw that cocky smirk still on Izuku's face, along with his rock hard cock and

"Hmph, took me about 15 minutes of using that slutty throat of yours to cum, Ocha." Izuku said, Ochako blushing at the nickname, causing the green haired Hero-in-Training to laugh. "You can't be serious! You just gobbled down my jizz, but a cute nickname makes you blush!"

"I can't help it daddy!" Ochako shot back, gathering the cum from her tits and licking it off her fingers. "I love you so much daddy, I'll do anything for you! But those nicknames are boyfriend and girlfriend stuff!"

Izuku just shook his head, before reaching over and grabbing Katsumi by the throat, causing the girl to gasp. This whole time she watched, entranced by the sight of Izuku cumming down Ochako's throat, unable to pleasure herself as per Izuku's orders. Sitting up, Izuku dragged her to the edge of the bed, before shoving and sending her tumbling off.

Katsumi's pride reared itself and she sat up, ready to yell at him, only to be silenced by a glare. "Good bitch." Izuku grumbled before grabbing the ponytail that Katsumi wore. "Now, lets see if you suck better than your sluttly little rival, hmm."

Not even waiting to see if she was ready, Izuku shoved his cock forward while dragging her down, forcing a fourth of his rod down her throat. Katsumi gargled around the shaft, its immense girth spreading her throat out. Gagging, Katsumi could do nothing but grip Izuku's legs as he fucked her face, spittle flying from her mouth with every thrust.

To the side, Ochako moaned as she gathered up more and more of Izuku's cum and swallowed it, savoring the taste. 'Salty~' She thought-giggled, finally clearing the cum from her eye and cracking it open. Looking towards the noises, Ochako blushed and stammered as she saw tears tracing down Katsumi's throat, though the blonde was enjoying every moment of choking on Izuku's meat.

Saddling up to his side, Ochako traced her hands up and down his muscular chest, finely chiseled from years of exercise and hero work. "Thank you for my meal daddy~" Ochako hoarsely spoke before nibbling on his ear. "Are you gonna fill her up to daddy, gonna make her beg for it like a good little pet?~"

Izuku's eyes lit up. "Damn, that sounds like a good idea baby girl! Hear that Kacchan?" hearing his nickname for her, Katsumi looked up. "I'm gonna feed you real good, like the little pet you are. Cause right now, that's what you are to me, nothing more than a little pet, a good bitch who takes her masters cum."

Katsumi gurgled around Izuku's cock, the only indication of her agreement were the hearts in her eyes as she looked up at Izuku. 'Fuck, Deku is so hot like this! Fuck, give it to me Master! I wanna choke on your cum, wanna be Master's bit tittied slut for the rest of my life.'

Seeing that she was fully on board, Izuku smirked before grabbing Ochako's neck with his other hand. "You did a good job baby girl, and you deserve a reward." Pulling her towards him, Izuku pressed his mouth against hers, forcing it open with his tongue.

Ochako swooned as Izuku's tongue dominated her mouth. 'Uwaaa! Daddy's kissing me! My first kiss is being taken by Daddy Deku!' Izuku continued the kiss, sweeping his tongue around her mouth and swapping spit with his lover.

Katsumi felt his grip on her head lesson and looked up, glaring at Ochako. 'Stupid slut thinks she can have Master all to herself. Hmph!' Removing herself from Izuku's cock, Katsumi brought her massive tits together and clamped them around the monster in front of her, smothering it with her pillows.

Izuku released Ochako's mouth and moaned at feeling the intense softness of Katsumi's boobs wrapped around his dick. Smirking, Katsumi then took the top 3 inches of his cock that poked out through her cleavage into her mouth and sucked like a vacuum, her tongue toying with Izuku's tip.

Hissing in pleasure, Izuku's head lolled back as he caressed Katsumi's hair, his other hand trailing around Ochako's body. Focusing back on his blonde lover, Izuku growled as she sucked harder while moving her tits up and down his cock.

"Fuck, such a good little pet you are, aren't you Kacchan! Sucking my cock like you were born too! Fuck, how does it feel Kacchan!" Izuku growled out, a nefarious gleam in his eyes. "How does it feel, sucking your victim's cock? Knowing that you'll never find anyone better if you lose this shitty game of yours? Hell, how does it feel knowing that your Master will be the No.1 Hero? You'll have to settle for No.2 for the rest of your fucking life, you little bitch! FUCK, TAKE MY LOAD KATSUMI!"

Izuku couldn't contain it anymore - the combination boob and blow job was too good, the pleasure too much. With a primal roar, Izuku exploded, his first load splattering the inside of Katsumi's mouth. Quickly withdrawing, Katsumi angled her Master's cock down with her mouth open, Izuku's first load still in her mouth.

The second load splattered on her face, some of it flying into her mouth, with some spilling onto her tits. The third, fourth and fifth loads splattered on her massive tits, soaking them in Izuku's jizz.

Finally tapering off, Izuku groaned as he stared down at his childhood friend, bully, love interest, and cocksleeve. Katsumi's face was covered in his cum as she swallowed a few cups worth of the stuff, while her tits were drenched, every inch of them covered in semen.

"Mhmmm, so good Master." Katsumi croaked out, no hesitation in her voice. "You cum is so good, I'll eat it for every meal."

"I'll keep that in mind. In addition, check out your time." Izuku remarked, holding up his phone, allowing both Katsumi and Ochako to see the timer.

12 minutes. Katsumi had beaten Ochako's by 3 full minutes. Elation swirled in the explosive girl's mind as she smiled and leaned in to kiss Izuku's cock, before leering up at Ochako's fuming face.

"Guess that's one point for me Round Face. Don't worry, when you lose, I'll ask Master here if I can keep you as a cute little pet. Maybe let you lick his cum off my body once in while." Katsumi taunted the other girl, before Izuku spoke up.

"That's not a bad idea - Ocha, get down there and clean Kacchan's tits off!" Izuku commanded before smacking the gravity girl's ass, enjoying the jiggle of her flesh.

Ochako nodded and slid off the bed towards Katsumi, roughly grabbing the girl's tits as she buried her face in them.

"Hey, watch it!" Katsumi growled. "Those need to be perfect for Master's future babies!"

"Hmph, I doubt Daddy Deku's babies will want cheap whore's milk like yours!" Ochako snarled back as she cleaned every inch of cum off Katsumi's tits.

Izuku, who had momentarily been stuck in a fantasy involving both Ochako and Katsumi knocked up with his kids, glared down at the two and flared One for All, once again getting them to shut up.

Sighing, Izuku stood. "All right, good sluts. That's it for round one,

So who's ready for round two?"


Wow, ok that's chapter one. Chapter two will feature the second part of the "challenge". Now, this:

I'm planning a large one-shot, where the basic premise is Izuku and Mirio in an orgy with 12 other girls, cause they bros in fucking. Here is a list of the girls in question, and before anyone asks, Ochako and Nejire are automatics, meaning that there will be 10 others. Everyone can chose three girls, and the 10 who get the most are in.

1.) Mirko

2.) Midnight

3.) Mt. Lady

4.) Ms. Joke

5.) Bubble Girl

6.) Ryukyu

7.) Ragdoll

8.) Mandalay

9.) Pixie-Bob

10.) Momo Y.

11.) Kyoka J.

12.) Mitsuki B.

13.) Mika J.

14.) Mina A.

15.) Tsuyu A.

16.) Itsuka K.

17.) Yui Kodai

18.) Ibara Shiozaki

19.) Pony T.

20.) Fuyumi T.

Choose 10 of these. Whether you are a guest or have an account, please only vote for three of them. This poll will be open for the next 2 weeks, closing on Weds, February 17th. If a girl that isn't on that list gets a lot of votes, then I'll swap them for someone who doesn't. If you have experience in writing large scale porn, have an interest in this, and want to help, please message, and we'll work something out.

Chapter 2: Round Two? Why not fuck em both?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku smirked down at the panting, cum-stained girls, before patting the bed. "Both of you, get over here, face down ass up."

"Yes Master/Daddy!"

Both girls practically leapt onto the bed, landing right next to each other. Katsumi was on her hands and knees, using one of her hands to finger herself, while Ochako was laying down on her forearms, her face resting against the bed, slowly shaking her bum at him. Smirking, Izuku grasped Katsumi's waist and dragged her closer to him.

The blonde moaned as she felt the tip of her lover's cock press against her snatch, the bulbous head slightly spreading her lower lips. "Hnnnng! Master, please~"

"Please what, slut?" Izuku asked, his voice husky as he spoke into her ear. "What do you want pet? Do you want Master's cock, do you want his load in your tight twat? Tell me what you want!"

Katsumi broke, any resistance that had been in her mind collapsing. "I WANT YOUR BABIES!" She hollered, shocking both Izuku and Ochako with her sudden shouting. "I WANNA HAVE MASTER'S BABIES! I WANNA BE HIS PERSONAL BABY MAKING, VILLAIN BASHING, BIG TITTED SLUT FOR LIFE!!

Izuku smirked, his deepest fantasies coming to the forefront of his mind. "Oh really." He purred out, turning his attention to Ochako. "Hear that baby girl? Katsumi is already offering to be my personal baby making factory. That is such a turn on for me, the idea of breeding this little whore, making her swell with my seed, popping out babies for me. God that is so hot!"

Ochako, unwilling to be left behind, began to shake her ass more, actively making her cheeks clap together. "I'LL DO THAT TOO DADDY! I'LL GIVE YOU SO MANY BABIES, I'LL BE YOUR GOOD LITTLE BABY MAKING FACTORY! I'LL LET YOU BREED ME FOREVER AND EVER DADDY!"

Izuku shuddered as he felt his boner harden even more. 'These sluts…' He thought, a dark smirk decorating his face. "Sounds good to me. I hope you two are ready to get breed, cause I won't be holding back!"

During this time, both girl's pussys had been flowing with their juices, providing an inordinate amount of lubrication for his cock. Slowly pushing the head of his tool into Katsumi, Izuku growled at the tightness, the heat, the wetness...all of it wrapped around his cockhead, stimulating the bundle of nerves.

The head pushing in was also pleasurable for Katsumi, who hadn't experienced anything like this. Not from her XL dildos (she silently thanked Ponytail for making those for her) or when she lost her virginity-

"Oh shit!" Katsumi gasped, partially out of pleasure, but mostly out of fear. "Wait, Deku, wait I AHHHHH!"

Katsumi's protest turned into a scream when Izuku sheathed half his massive schlong inside her cavern, spreading her out more than anything ever had. "Save it slut!" Izuku growled into her ear. "You think I don't know that I'm not your first?"

Katsumi howled as tears poured down her face, a duel sensation of pain and pleasure overwhelming her, as Izuku pulled back slightly before thrusting in even more, sheathing far more of his cock into her, leaving only a fourth of it left.

"Kirishima told me everything!" Izuku said, stopping his actions and flipping the girl over, his eyes softening as he saw her tears. Bringing a hand up, Izuku cupped his lover's face and brought her in for a soft, gentle kiss, which Katsumi reciprocated.

Separating, Izuku touched his forehead to hers. "I know why Katsumi, and I don't care. You were scared, both of you, and I don't hold it against you." Izuku had known that, back in their first year, Katsumi had given her virginity to her best friend, as he was the only one she could trust not to run around telling everyone about it. She had been so scared when she had been kidnapped by the League, as one of their members had threatened her sexually. She didn't want to have her first forcible taken, so she went to the only man she trusted at the time.

Kirishima had graciously accepted, and the two had awkward first time sex. Neither had any feelings for each other - Kirishima liked Ashido, but wasn't confident enough, and Katsumi had complicated feelings for Izuku. And so, each had their first time.

In their second year, Kirishima, seeing Izuku and Katsumi getting closer, had told Izuku one night about what happened. Izuku was shocked, but understood.

That being said, he was a little salty, feelings which he carried to the present.

Smirking, Izuku quickly pulled out, leaving a shocked and slightly pissed Katsumi. "What the fuck Deku?! You just said- AHHHH!" Katsumi's complaint was cut off as Izuku's hand flew down and smacked her ass, sending ripples across the flesh.

"I did say that, didn't I." Izuku mused, smirking down at her. "But, at the same time, I'm a little annoyed that I won't be your such, I don't think it's fair that you be my first?"

Turning slightly, Izuku grasped Ochako's sweet, thicc thighs, and lifted the girl up. Yelping, Ochako giggled slightly as she was gently placed upon Katsumi's back, the bomber girl's limbs shaking.

Stepping back, Izuku admired the tower of nice, fat asses that faced him. Katsumi was able to get her shaking under control, fully holding both her own weight and Ochako's. Said gravity girl was giggling, wrapping her arms around Katsumi's neck.

Taking his massive cockhead, Izuku rubbed against the entrance of Ochako's entrance, enjoying the wetness he felt and the tingles of pleasure that he felt. "Mhmm, Ochako, you're so wet. I can't wait to ravage your tight little pussy baby girl, break it with my...what did you call it?"

"Your Virginia Smash daddy!" Ochako moaned out, her arms tightening around Katsumi, who panted in lust, anger, and frustration.

"Hmph! Good answer!" Izuku said, smacking Ochako's ass and watching the supple flesh jiggle. Lining his cockhead up, Izuku pushed it in, slowly, thinking of Ochako's comfort and his size.

Ochako moaned and winced as Izuku's massive cock stretched her insides to their limits. Further and further his cock went, until it bumped into the entrance to her womb. Ochako shuddered as she came, her orgasm subtle but strong. Taking deep breaths, Ochako turned her head to give her lover a wink.

"I'm ready daddy~Please fuck my naughty little pussy with that fat fucking cock of yours! Fuck it real good daddy, shape it to your cock only!" She called back to him, pouring more fuel into the flames of Izuku's lust.

Pulling back till just the head of his cock was in her, Izuku growled and gripped the supple flesh of her hips, enjoying the feeling of fat and muscle in his lover's body. "God damn Ocha, you're fucking asking for it you little whore!" With that, Izuku thrusted forward, a powerful thrust that drove more than half of his cock into her, the head bursting into her womb, causing both individuals to freeze as the pleasure coursed through their bodies.

Ochako cried out as her juices soaked Izuku's cock and fell onto the shaking Katsumi beneath them. She had never felt such pleasure, not from playing with herself at least."Ohhh fuck~ Daddy, your fat fucking cock is destroying my little womb and pusSY!!!! Ochako went from loudly moaning to suddenly shouting as Izuku's cock burst, filling her womb up with his seed.

Izuku's mind had gone numb from the pleasure of his first time, the tightness of Ochako's pussy, the clenching of her walls as she came, and the feeling of penetrating her womb all proved to be too much for him. His mind awashed with pleasure, Izuku could do nothing to stop himself as he came, flooding Ochako's womb with his jizz.

Ochako groaned and screamed in pleasure as she felt the first of Izuku's prodigious loads filling her womb to max capacity, her stomach inflating slightly, to the amazement of both herself and Katsumi, who could feel it.

'Holy fuck, Round Face is getting bloated by Master's cum! That's...oh fuck!' Katsumi couldn't help it, the mere thought of that much cum being blown into her by her master, the idea that all that fertile splooge would impregnate her made her cum and cum hard, her own juices pittering down onto the bed.

Izuku, barely any rational thought left in his head, watched as Ochako's stomach bloated and Katsumi came just from feeling it. His body twitching, all rational thought left Izuku's mind as the overwhelming desire and urge to dominate, to cum, to mark these two as his girls, as Deku's girls flooded his brain.

One for All flared up to 10% as he gripped Ochako's thighs and lifted, his cock still in her womb, their combined juices dripping down onto the bed, Katsumi, and the floor. Holding the girl in reverse full-nelson, Izuku growled into her ear as he began a series of hyper quick thrusts, each one backed by the power of his Quirk.

Air fled Ochako's lungs as she was held up, Izuku's fat cock - which seemed thicker than usual - pounding in and out of her cunt and womb, sloshing his cum around and sending it flying. His hips collided with her meaty ass, causing ripples as the sound of flesh slapping flesh echoed around the room.

Finally finding her breath Ochako began to speak in a short, broken, and slurred way. "Ohh phuck Daddy Deku!!! You phat phucking cock ish shoo good! Itsh phucking destroying my womb!!"

Izuku merely huffed as he came again, his load somehow even bigger than the last, forcing more and more of his jizz into Ochako's womb. The gravity girl felt her stomach inflate until she couldn't hold anymore. Her throat bulged as cum leaked out of her mouth, before a full torrent erupted, splattering her front, as well as Katsumi.

The bomber girl's eyes widened as she watched. From her perspective, Uraraka was being destroyed by Master's monster cock - the outline of which she could clearly see - her stomach looked like she was several months pregnant, and cum was spewing from her mouth. Reaching up, Katsumi gathered a batch and licked it up, savoring the taste before standing.

Walking over, Katsumi stood on her tiptoes and closed her mouth over Ochako's just as another torrent of cum erupted from her throat. Katsumi moaned as she swallowed as much as she could while kissing Ochako, the duel taste of her Master's cum and Round Face's own saliva creating something heavenly for the blonde girl.

Pulling back, Katsumi watched with glee as Izuku slowed down and stopped his thrusts, pulling himself from Ochako as a small river of cum poured from her pussy. The gravity girl's eyes were rolled back into her head and her tongue was hanging out, her tits and skirt stained with Izuku's cum, her stomach still protruding even as it slowly expelled Izuku's excess jizz.

Izuku's eyes remained narrowed as he dropped Ochako roughly onto the bed - causing the cum to spurt out of her entrance - before he set her up on her knees with her face pressed into the bed. Izuku stopped himself as he heard a whimper from his side.

Katsumi had pressed herself to his side, enjoying the feeling of his raging muscles and the sparks from One for All, basking in the sheer power exuded by her lover. "Master~ Master, please, it's my turn now!" She whined as she wrapped her tits around his arm.

Izuku merely snorted, his mind fully focused on dominating both of his sluts. Withdrawing his arm, Izuku wrapped it around Katsumi's waist and pulled the girl forward, smashing his mouth over hers, his tongue dominating hers without a fight. Pulling back, Izuku cupped the girl's face.

"Listen up pet." He growled out, the power and dominance emanating from his body ensured that Katsumi heard every word he said. "I don't give a damn about this stupid contest. You are both mine now! You are both mine to fuck, mine to use as cocksleeves, as cumdumps, as whatever the fuck I want. In short, you are both my girls!"

Katsumi shuddered and nodded, her mind already too far gone to argue. "Good." Izuku grunted out as he turned back to Ochako, who was slowly coming back to reality. "Now, I need to fully claim this slut before I claim you. So be patient like a good pet and I'll reward you."

Not paying Katsumi any more attention, Izuku knelt down and spread Ochako's glorious asscheeks, getting a good look at her back door. He smiled at seeing how clean it was, figuring she kept it nice and clean for him. "Good slut." He said as he leaned forward.

Ochako was slowly coming back down of her sex induced high, her mind fully broken. 'Ohhhh, daddy deku really gave it to me realllll good. I bet I'm pregnant now~' Ochako couldn't help the smile that crossed her face as she imagined her swelling body, pregnant with Izuku's kids as the man himself cuddled with her in bed. Oddly enough, Katsumi was there too, giving her a foot massage and dressed in what could charitable be called a maid outfit.

Ochako was shaken from her dreams as she felt something long and slimy poke around her asshole. Unable to crane her neck or even lift herself up, Ochako tried to speak but all that came out was an unintelligible garble and a small amount of Izuku's cum. Hearing the sounds, Izuku drew back, slapping her ass with an One for All enhanced palm, the flesh rippling as Ochako yelped in equal parts pain and pleasure.

"I don't think you'll be able to talk for a while Ocha, so just listen." Izuku began, spreading her ass cheeks and letting them go, enjoying the clapping. "I've decided to claim both you and my slutty little pet over there. That way, I'll have my fat ass, thicc thighed baby girl and my busty breeding pet slobbering over me for the rest of my life. Sounds good to you?"

Ochako gargled and moaned, nodding her head as more cum dribbled out of her mouth, her arms shaking as she tried to rise. Izuku grinned as he sat up and gripped his still erect cock before flopping it onto Ochako's asscheeks.

Ochako moaned as she felt the hot rod land on her cheeks, doing her best to wiggle her lower body around. Katsumi, meanwhile, stared at Izuku's cock with wide eyes, engrossed by its new size. Seeing her look, Izuku smirked.

"You can't see it Ocha, but Katsumi is ogling my cock and its little...growth spurt. See, I didn't realize it when I was younger, but using One for All on my body increases my cock size and thickness, as well as my productivity."

'That's an understatement.' Katsumi thought. Before, Izuku's cock had been a massive 10 inches in length and 3 inches in girth. Now, however, his cock had shot up to a massive 13 inches in length and 5 inches in girth. Not to mention his massive balls, each the size of an apple now. 'How the hell can he walk around like that.'

Gripping his massive meat pole, Izuku spread Ochako's cheeks with one hand while lining his cockhead up with her backdoor with the other. Ochako froze as she felt the still wet cockhead press against her asshole, the thought of taking something that big sending a shudder through her body.

"Now, I want to claim all of you Ochako. I'll claim all of Katsumi to, but right now, I'm gonna finish you off...if that's ok with you?" Izuku said, smirking evilly.

'Ok, of course its fucking ok! I want daddy's massive cock to tear my fat ass apart.' Ochako thought, a wanton moan escaping her lips. Smirking, Izuku clapped his hands on her ass again.

"Good to hear slut!" Izuku laughed as he pushed forward, forcing his engorged tip into Ochako's tight hole. Ochako winced and moaned in pain as Izuku hissed at the tightness. "Fucking hell, your ass is tight! Bet you were keeping it nice and snug for me like a good buttslut, weren't you baby girl?!"

Ochako jerked her head forward as tears ran down her face, the mix of pain and pleasure threatening to overwhelm her. "Ugrk Urgk Urgk!" The gravity girl's grunts and moans, strained by the pleasure, the pain, and the intense sex she had already had, echoed around the room.

Izuku gritted his teeth as he pushed through, sinking half of his cock into Ochako's ass, the vice like grip sending spikes of pleasure throughout his body. Stopping, Izuku took a deep breath and centered himself, desperate not to lose himself.

Katsumi, seeing this, narrowed her eyes. 'I've waited long e-fucking-nough for Master's cock! Round Face already got her pussy stuffed, and now she's getting a nice and slow ass fuck?! Fuck that!' Growling, Katsumi crawled to Ochako's front, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders.

"Get ready slut, Master is about to fill you up!" Katsumi giggled with glee as she gave a shove, forcing Ochako back and further onto Izuku's cock, sinking another fourth of it in. Ochako cried out in pleasure as the pain finally went away before sputtering as she felt hot waves of cum slosh into her stomach.

Izuku's eyes had dilated when another fourth of his cock was sheathed in Ochako's ass, the tightness overwhelming, all his self restraint flying out the window. Growling as One for All sparked around him, Izuku hefted Ochako into the air and began to piston in and out, shot after shot of his seed flying into her ass, pushing into her stomach.

Ochako's stomach bloated once again and her throat bulged as cum sprouted out of her mouth, covering Katsumi's breasts and the bedspread beneath them. The blonde giggled as she scooped up handfuls of her Master's seed and gobbled it down.

Izuku shuddered as his orgasm tapered off, 10% of One for All still crackling around him. Pulling out, slowly, of Ochako's ass, Izuku looked down at his girlfriend, who now lay flat on the bed, covered in his seed, cum still leaking out of her mouth, her eyes rolled up and her tongue hanging out.

Izuku's head snapped up at the sound of giggling, his gaze shifting onto Katsumi, who was gathering Izuku's jizz and swallowing it. "Mhmm, my Master's yummy cum is so goood~" She moaned out, a wanton smile on her face. A small part of Izuku's mind was shocked at the change in the normally brash girl, but the larger, monkey part of his brain held control - and it wanted to rut inside Katsumi until her massive mammaries spewed milk.

Katsumi yelped as Izuku grabbed her and threw her, her back colliding with the wall, a crack appearing. Before she could protest, Izuku was there, pinning her and lifting her by her thighs, his mouth on hers. Katsumi couldn't even gasp as she felt Izuku's mighty rod - still coursing with One for All - plunge into her, spreading her pussy to its limits, and damn near breaking her in half.

Izuku didn't bother taking it easy, growling into her mouth as he thrusted again, fully sheathing his cock in her snug muff motel. Katsumi's body shuddered and spazzed as she came, her walls clamping around Izuku's cock.

Izuku himself was so caught up in the pleasure that he decided not to hold back. Pulling his hips back, Izuku rocketed forward, his hips colliding with Katsumi's and sending vibrations reverberating through the wall as more cracks appeared. Izuku huffed as he continued to thrust in and out, Katsumi's garbled screams echoing in his ears as her girl-cum splattered onto his thighs and the floor.

Katsumi's mind went white as she surrendered to the pleasure, her words begging her master to break her, to fuck her, to breed her. Izuku shuddered in response to this and hilted himself inside her, before blasting inside her womb. Katsumi shrieked as her womb was filled in one burst, before another bloated her stomach. Then, like Ochako before her, Katsumi's throat bulged and a torrent of One for All enhanced cum spewed from her mouth, down her front.

Izuku growled at the sight of that and continued to cum, pushing his body to its limit. However, the continuous orgasms, the large loads, and the lack of experience all took their toll on him. Izuku could tell that he was done. Disappointed, but not discouraged, Izuku withdrew his cock. Gathering the cum spewing Katsumi in one arm, before wrapping the other around Ochako, Izuku laid them both on his chest as he laid down on his bed. The two girls were out of it, thoroughly fucked. Izuku smiled at his handiwork as drifted off to sleep.

(Time Skip)

(The Morning After)

Izuku groaned as he felt a tightening sensation surround his cock, rousing him from sleep. Blinking, Izuku looked down and smirked at the slowly bouncing ass that enveloped his cock. Looking up, Izuku noticed two things: (1) Katsumi had decided to insert his cock into her asshole, riding him reverse cowgirl; and (2) She was being as quiet as possible. Narrowing his eyes, Izuku's hand flew and slammed into Katsumi's cheeks, a resounding slap echoing in the room as the girl yelped.

Katsumi turned her head, smiling down at her lover. "Master~ You fell asleep before you could claim my tight little asshole~ So I took the liberty of-"

"Of hopping on my cock like the cock-starved slut that you are." Izuku finished for her. "Hmph, well, at least you're a good little whore. Now get to bouncing slut!"

"Yes Master~" Katsumi said, throwing a sloppy salute before turning back and around and placing her hands on Izuku's thighs. "The No.2 Hero, Dynamite, ready to serve her Master!~"

Katsumi began to bounce up and down at a rapid pace, aided by Izuku's hands on her hips. Obscene words of praise spilled out of Katsumi's mouth, as her still bloated stomach jiggled and her massive tits wavered to and fro.

Izuku smirked cruelly as he activated One for All at 10%. Pulling himself up, Izuku grabbed Katsumi's thighs and moved her around, placing her where he once was, straight on her back. Looming over her, Izuku leaned down and captured her lips in a soul searing kiss.

Separating, a line of saliva connecting them, Izuku smirked down at his lover before beginning to piston in and out of her ass, his massive cock working her ass over. Katsumi's eyes rolled back and her tongue lolled out as strangled gasps and moans came from her throat.

"Oh, what's that pet? I can't hear you?!" Izuku roared, not caring about anyone or anything at that moment.

Ochako's eyes opened, the sounds of slapping flesh and moans and gasps finally waking her up. Turning - ignoring the pain that shot through her body - Ochako's eyes widened as all the sleep left them. Izuku was looming above Katsumi, the muscles in his body moving like a well-oiled machine as sweet began to drip from his form. Moving her form, Ochako crawled towards the two, eventually laying on top of Katsumi, her pussy in the blonde's face.

Izuku, seeing this, smirked even more. Gripping Ochako's chin, Izuku pulled her up to him, mauling her lips with his own, his tongue dominating hers. Pulling back, Izuku smirked as Ochako moaned.

"Oh, is my pet giving you good head baby girl? Guess you two will be happy being my girls from now on, right?"

Ochako threw her head back, surrendering to the pleasure. "Yes Daddy~ We'll be your good little girls from now on! We'll be your girls only! Only Deku's girls!"

"Fuck yea!" Izuku roared as he erupted inside of Katsumi's ass, his superpowered baby batter filling her guts, before the last few shots flew from her mouth, decorating Ochako's ass and pussy.

Carefully withdrawing from Katsumi's ass, Izuku grabbed Ochako and lifted her up, sliding her down so that her face was in Katsumi's muff. "It's Saturday." Izuku started as he inserted his cock into Ochako's pussy, causing the girl to moan into Katsumi's pussy. "Which means we have two days of no school. That's two days of nonstop training for your pussys and asses. So get ready sluts, cause after I'm done with you, you won't be able to sit or walk for weeks."

(Downstairs, the same time)

The remainders of Class 1A sat in the dorm's living room, slumped over, bags under their eyes.

" how the three of them have resolved their issues," Momo Yaoyoruzu gritted out "but can they please keep it down!"