stephines naked days in school

I was five years old when I knew there was something different about me. It was during my first day of kindergarten. The teacher wanted us to group ourselves by gender, with boys on one side and girls on the opposite side. I made my way to where the girls were gathering. There was giggling by the girls as they saw me coming towards them.

"Steven," my teacher scolded me. "Get over to the boys' side where you belong."

My parents raised me gender neutral. I was allowed to pick what clothes to wear and the toys with which I could play. This is the first time that I was told that I had to behave in a certain way based on a certain gender. I knew that I was a boy, but I always felt that I was a girl. Being around girls always made me feel more comfortable with myself. Now, I was told that I had to pick a side.

I stood there in shock for a few minutes before I went over to where the boys were gathered. I heard one boy whisper loud enough so that I could hear but not loud enough for the teacher to hear him. "Sissy," he said to me. That was the first time I was called that, and it wouldn't be the last.

I went home that day and told my parents about what happened to me over dinner.

"What is a sissy, mommy?" I asked.

"It is a word that people use to insult boys that act like girls." She answered me. "There is nothing wrong with acting like a girl. Do you want to be a girl, Steven?"

I paused for a few seconds and thought about it. "I am a girl," I finally replied. "But I don't want to be one because the other kids tease me."

My mother and father looked at each other before my father spoke up. "Always be yourself, Steven," he said in a serious voice that was firm but gentle. "Don't let bullies change who you are."

I took my father's advice, but it was hard to not take the teasing personally. I didn't make too many friends. I kept mostly to myself.

When I reached the first grade my teacher suggested that they have me see a psychologist. My parents agreed and set up an appointment with Dr. Hughes. I would be seeing her for years to come on a weekly basis. That first day I saw her I told her that I'm not a boy but a girl. She asked me why I think that I'm a girl.

"I don't know," I said to her. "I just know that I am."

She nodded her head in understanding. "It can be hard to know why we behave the way that we do," she reassured me. "If I was asked that question, I wouldn't be able to describe how I know what gender I am. I notice that you are dressed as a boy. Why don't you dress as a girl?"

"I would like to dress as a girl, but I'm not allowed to unless I'm at home."

"Would you like to dress as a girl all the time?"

I nodded my head. "Yes," I simply said.

"Do I have permission to talk about this with your parents and the school?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess."

The following week I went to school dressed as a girl. I was wearing a pale blue dress that rested just above my knees. It was sleeveless with a v-neckline. It was one of my favorite dresses that I frequently wore at home. This was the first time I have worn it out in public.

At first, there was some snickering and whispering among my classmates. It wasn't long before Marty Felon, my biggest bully, came up to me.

He looked directly into my eyes, "why are you wearing that for? It isn't Halloween."

"Because I want to," I snapped back.

"Are you trying to be a girl or something?"

"I am a girl," I replied trying to stand my ground. "I've always been a girl."

"I knew it," his lips formed somewhere between a smirk and a smile. Without another word, he turned around and headed inside the classroom.

I didn't realize how tense I was until he walked away. I was expecting him to be more hurtful and disapproving. I felt my body slowly start to relax as I followed him into the classroom.

The bell rang starting off our day. The teacher led us to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and our classroom rules. Then we all took our seats.

"Now, children," the teacher said to us standing in front of the class. "You might have noticed something different in class today. We have a new student. Her name is Stephanie. Everyone welcome her and say hello."

"Hello Stephanie," the class said in unison.

My teacher asked if there were any questions. None of my classmates raised their hands. I was relieved that this was going so well, but also concerned at the lack of my classmates wanting to know more about this change. I don't know if this lack of conversation was a good sign or a bad sign.

As the years went by, I came to realize that I had nothing to worry about. My classmates all came to accept me as Stephanie. I was still bullied by Marty, but he never misgendered me or called me by my deadname.

I finally got to take puberty blockers when I was ten years old. With the support of Dr. Hughes, I went to see an endocrinologist. She prescribed me Lupron which my mother helps me inject every month. It is supposed to stop facial hair growth and prevent my voice from changing. It won't cause my breasts to develop. Dr. Bowman, my endocrinologist, said that I wouldn't get the medication to develop them until I got older.

When I was twelve years old and in the seventh grade, my best friend Becky Thompson showed me her newly forming breasts. It was the weekend and I was over at her house playing with Barbie dolls.

"One of these days I'm gonna look just like her," Becky said to me with a Barbie in her hand.

I laughed. "Everyone wants to look and be like her."

"No really. I'm going to have breasts just like her when I grow up. Just like my mom."

"I'm gonna get them too," I replied with confidence.

"I'm already growing," she announced to me. "I'll show you." She quickly took off her shirt. She was wearing a tan colored bra. She slipped out of the straps and turned the bra around so that the hooks were in the front. She unhooked the bra and let it fall off and drop on the floor.

I could see two small mounds on her chest. They were perfect half globes with a puffy nipple sitting on top of them. It looked nothing like mine. I felt a pain of jealousy as she displayed them proudly.

Monday evening I went to see Dr. Hughes as I have done every Monday since I was five years old. I told her about Becky showing me her breasts.

"When am I going to get breasts?" I asked.

"Not until you are older," Dr. Hughes answered.

"How much older? Becky already has them."

"Dr. Bowman will have to determine that. Stephanie," I usually go by Steph. Only my psychologist and my parents call me Stephanie, and usually when they are scolding me or telling me something important. "Everyone's body will develop at different times, including yours. You'll just have to be patient. Do you understand?"

I slowly nodded my head. I didn't fully understand why I couldn't start now, but I didn't want to argue about it.

I brought up the question again on a nearly weekly basis over the course of the next two years. It wasn't until Spring Break my freshman year at Sara Emma Edmunds High School that she gave me a different answer.

"Dr. Bowman and I have been discussing about this recently," Dr. Hughes told me when I asked about getting on hormones for the hundredth time. "She thinks that you will be ready very soon."

My face lit up with excitement. "How soon?"

"Soon," she answered vaguely. "It will be up to you when Dr. Bowman can prescribe the hormones for you."

"I can do it today," I reassured her.

"We still need more time to talk about it," she informed me.

I left my session feeling very happy. At long last I was going to be on hormones. I didn't know what else we had to talk about. Dr. Hughes said something about informed consent. I also needed my parents' permission.

I was begging my parents to let me take them the entire Spring Break. I was doing so much that they got annoyed with me. I was helping out around the house as much as possible in an attempt to get on my parents good side.

I was feeling hopeful about the future. Yet, Monday when school started back up my mood changed.

Chapter 2: Monday Morning at School


Stephanie is chosen for Naked In School program the first day back from Spring Break along with seven other classmates.


This chapter contains scenes of non-consensual spanking, public nudity and public masturbation.

Chapter Text

I got off the school bus and walked up to the student entrance for Sarah Emma Edmonds High School. All the students call our school "The Sea" since the initials are SEEHS and our mascot are the Pirates. I had no idea who was Sara Emma Edmonds. She did something famous during the Civil War or something.

I was wearing a coat today . It was a little chilly even though it was the first week of April. That was typical for central Michigan.

I went to my locker and put away my coat. I took off my backpack to double check that I packed my Chromebook. Thankfully, it was there and hopefully it was fully charged. I slung my backpack over my shoulders and headed to the commons area to hang out with Becky before the start of first period.

"How was spring break?" I asked Becky as I took a seat at our regular table.

"We went up to the UP and stayed all week at our cabin," she replied unenthusiastic.

"We didn't go anywhere," I said to her. "But I got some good news. My therapist said that I'll be able to start taking estrogen soon."

"That's wonderful," her face lit up making me feel happier about it.

"May I have your attention, please," a woman's voice said over the public address system. "The following students are to report to the nurse's office immediately."

I knew what this was about. Everyone knew what it was about. The Program was put on hold over the winter. This was the first day that it was starting back up. We all fell silent hoping that our name would not be called. There were going to be two people from each class, one boy and one girl, that were going to have to be naked for the entire week.

The names for the seniors were announced first, followed by the juniors and sophomores. I held my breath as the two freshmen were chosen. "Freshmen Alejandro Lopez and Stephanie Falcon. You all have five minutes to get to the nurse's office before a dean forces you to comply. Trust me, you don't want to make this any harder on yourself."

I was in a state of shock. I couldn't believe that I heard my name called. I glanced over at Becky. She was looking at me in a sympathetic way. It suddenly started to feel real. I broke down into tears.

"It's okay, Steph," Becky said placing a hand on my shoulder. "It will just be for one week. It'll go by faster than you think." She paused as I began to gather my emotions. "You better get going before the dean comes looking for you."

I slowly nodded my head in agreement as I rose from my seat. Becky got up and gave me a warm hug. Without another word, I made my way to the nurse's office.

There were already three at the office when I arrived. I didn't know their names. I did know that the tall guy was a senior. I think he played on the varsity volleyball team. The other two were juniors that I did not recognize.

Entering in the office behind me was a Black guy. I knew he was a sophomore but didn't know his name. Immediately after him was Wanda Tanaka, a Japanese-American girl who was a sophomore. She was in my biology class. A few minutes later Alejandro Lopez, a Puerto Rican who was in my Spanish class, entered the office.

The nurse glanced at the clock on the wall. "Well, it seems that one of you decided to not report on time." She nodded at the dean who left to find the girl representing the seniors. We all looked at each other nervously. We didn't say a word to each other during the entire five minutes it took to locate the missing student.

I could hear her yelling before they even brought her into the office. "Get your hands off me this instant!" she said as she was dragged into the room with the rest of us. It was Jennifer Sampson, a privileged rich white girl with wavy blonde highlighted hair and blue eyes. Everyone in school knew her.

"Jennifer," the nurse said as she shook her head. "It doesn't surprise me that you would not cooperate."

"I am NOT taking off my clothes," Jennifer protested.

"If you insist," the nurse responded nodding to the dean.

He grabbed the collar of her shirt and ripped it off her. In a few short seconds, the shirt was a pile of rags lying on the floor. She was standing there in just her bra and jeans. "How dare you!" she protested. "That was a Chanel top. Do you know how much that costed?"

"If you don't want those designer jeans to meet the same fate," the dean said to her. "I suggest you take them off yourself." She stared him down but didn't say a word as she took off her shoes.

"That goes for the rest of you," the nurse said to us. "Take off your clothes."

We all began to take off our clothing not wanting to have our clothing destroyed and going home naked. I was so nervous that I was slightly shaking as I removed my shirt. I had a bra on although I didn't have any breasts. I took that off as well. Then I slipped out of my shoes and lowered my pants. Finally, I took off my panties. I stood there with my hands covering my erect penis. Everyone else was also placing their hands over their genitals.

"Okay, you know the rules," the nurse said to all of us. "No trying to cover yourself up." The dean passed out pamphlet about The Program. "You can wear shoes and socks," the nurse continued. "You can also keep your backpacks. You're only allowed three five-minute bathroom breaks a day. You are also to use the bathroom of the opposite gender. Stephanie, you'll be using the boys' bathroom. You are on display for all the students to see and you are to cooperate with letting them examine you. More details can be found in your pamphlets."

We were very familiar with The Program, especially the upper classmen. The very first week that I started school at The Sea was the first time I've seen The Program being enforced. Of course, I knew about it for a long time, hearing about it from high schoolers on the bus when I was in elementary school. Although many students delighted in hearing the stories of what their classmates had to go through, I always felt bad for the students that had to go through it. Now I was going to experience what they went through.

The nurse pulled her chair from the desk to the center of the office in front of us and sat down. "Alright, Jennifer," the nurse directed. "Get over my knee and take your punishment for not showing up."

"You can't be serious," Jennifer replied back in disbelief. Everyone knew that those selected for The Program were spanked when you did anything wrong. Sometimes you don't even have to have done anything wrong for it to happen. Jennifer knew this but thought she was excepted for being from a wealthy family.

"Don't make me get up and force you over here," the nurse warned.

She sighed and slowly walked over to her. With a little coaxing, she was bent over the nurse's knee with her ass in the air.

"I want this to be a lesson for all of you as well. This is what happens if you don't follow the rules." Her hand came down on one of Jennifer's butt cheek then down on the other. The nurse was slapping her ass so rapidly that her hands were a blur. Jennifer was kicking her legs, wailing hysterically and begging her to stop. I was flinching from the sight of it.

It was all over within a few minutes. Her ass was a bright red color. She placed her hands on it and rubbed it gingerly. Tears were running down her cheeks.

The nurse helped her on her feet. "Now off to your classes," the nurse said to us as I stuffed the pamphlet in my backpack. "You can thank Jennifer for being late."

We all started to file out in the hallway. "This is such bullshit," Jennifer loudly exclaimed as she walked out of the office rubbing her backside.

My first class was English. The class started about ten minutes ago. I just realized that the nurse didn't gave me a hall pass. Yet, I was certain that everyone would know why I was late.

I took a deep breath before I opened the door and walked inside the classroom. Immediately all eyes were on me. I could hear some snickering from my classmates. I fought the urge to try to cover myself. I knew that I would get punished if I did. My cheeks grew warm with embarrassment as I went to find my seat.

"We are doing a writing assignment," my teacher, Mr. Wilson informed me as I took out my Chromebook. "We are using the types of persuasive writing of ethos, pathos and logos that we learned last week. You'll be writing about what each of you wants to see you do. We'll vote on the best essay and have you do it on Friday."

I groaned dreading to find out what my classmates would want me to do. I could tell this was going to be a very long week. Yet, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I began to write out my arguments. I had to look at my notes to see which type meant what. Ethos was an ethical appeal, pathos was an emotional appeal, and logos was a logical appeal. We all spent the rest of the class period writing our essays.

The bell went off and we were dismissed from class. "Make sure you have it completed by tomorrow," Mr. Wilson told us as we began to file out of the classroom.

It felt odd walking in the halls of the school naked. I felt very uncomfortable with all my classmates staring at me. It wasn't just embarrassing. It was terrifying.

I entered Ms. Henderson's algebra class. There were still three minutes until the period would start. I took this opportunity to look through the pamphlet about The Program.

It began with a history of The Program. It started in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Education to get high school students to be more confident in themselves. It went on to explain how The Program was a big success by showing graphs.

I skipped over to the part about the rules of the Program. I was to obey all requests by students, teachers and staff within reason. It didn't define what "within reason" meant. Yet it did give some examples of what I might be doing. My face turned red with embarrassment as I read over them.

The bell rang singling the start of the second period. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited over the PA system. Then announcements were made about sport scores, club activities and the beginning of The Program for this semester. "Remember," the student announcer said, "they must do what you say, but don't ask them to do anything to harm themselves or others or to destroy school property. These have been your Sea announcements. Go Pirates!"

Ms. Henderson began to tell us about our assignment for today. Thankfully it was about algebra and not about me. She didn't recognize me the entire period as if nothing was unusual. I could hear some whispering about me from my classmates but nothing more than that.

Soon the bell rang, and I was off to my third period class. I was dreading this class. It was my biology class. I can only imagine what will happen to me there. I was wondering if I should skip the class. I ditched that idea quickly, not wanting to be spanked like Jennifer was.

I got into the classroom about half a minute before the bell went off. Most of my classmates were already in class. I saw Wanda sitting in her seat close to the front of the class. I got in my seat in the back of the class. It wasn't long before the bell rang to start our class.

"Good morning, class," Mr. Mason said as he clasped his hands together. "I've been teaching for ten years and never had the opportunity to have two students in my classroom in The Program at the same time. Wanda and Steph, please come up to the front of the class."

Wanda and I got out of our seats. "Turn around, Wanda," Mr. Mason said as she stood in front of the teacher. "Let everyone get a good look at you. Steph, stand next to her facing the class."

We were both nervously looking at our classmates. "Notice Wanda's body and how it is different from Steph's body. Wanda has what appears to be A cup breasts while Steph's chest is flat. You can see the curve of Wanda's hip where Steph doesn't have. Notice the pubic hair around Wanda's labia. Which is neatly trimmed." This got Wanda to blush and giggles from the other students. "While Steph has no hair around her penis."

"You can also notice that Steph is sexually aroused with her penis being hard and erect." Now was my turn to blush. One student yelled out that he couldn't see it. My penis was only about four inches long.

Mr. Mason ignored the remark. "Steph is on puberty blockers," he continued. "Isn't that right, Steph?" I nodded my head that I was. "You can see that Steph still has the body of a ten or eleven year old. While Wanda clearly shows the onset of puberty."

"Let's see if Wanda is sexually aroused as well." Mr. Mason placed his right hand between her legs and rubbed against her vagina. She let out a soft moan and involuntarily widened her legs. "We can tell by feeling if she is wet and her labia is swollen open, which she is."

"Now, let's watch them both masturbate themselves to an orgasm." He took a step back so that he could watch as well. "Go ahead Wanda and Steph; play with yourselves."

I reached down and grabbed my penis with my right hand and slowly started stroking myself. At first I was looking out at everyone. I was growing deeply embarrassed and shut my eyes trying to imagine myself being alone.

I spat on my hand and started to jerk myself a bit quicker. I could hear Wanda moaning next to me. I put my index finger of my left hand on my asshole and pushed it inside. I could hear some nervous giggles when I did that. I knew I was getting close. Then without warning I shot my cum. It didn't travel very far. It splashed on the floor directly in front of me.

I start to rub my balls as I fingered my ass. I still had my eyes closed when I heard Wanda let out a squeal as she had an orgasm. We eventually both came to a stop.

"Okay you two, go to the lab and clean yourselves off. Steph, make sure you wipe your cum off of the floor." We both made our way to the lab area of the classroom. We got a few paper towels and ran the water to clean ourselves. We didn't look at each other. We were too embarrassed to do so.

After I was done cleaning myself, I took some paper towels and wiped the floor. After tossing it out I went back to my seat. The rest of the class we were talking about hormones and what do to the body.

My next class has U.S. History with Mr. Underwood. The bell rang and we all got into our seats.

"Since this is the start of The Program for this semester and since Steph has been chosen to take part of it, I thought this week we would talk about the contribution that transgender people made to the history of the United States."

I was grateful that he wasn't making me do anything sexual at all. I never knew anything about transgender people in history, so I paid attention more than I would have with any other topic.

"There are newspaper articles going back to the mid-1800s of transgender people. Mostly it was women living their lives as a man. Usually, police reports of people being arrested for dressing as the opposite gender." He went on to talk about how women would enlist in the army during the Civil War posing as men. In fact, he said that Sara Emma Edmonds, the name of our school, was a woman from Michigan who disguised herself as a man during the Civil War. He also stated that she probably wasn't a transgender as we understand it today, as she married and lived as a woman after the war.

The time seemed to fly right by. Before I knew it the bell went off dismissing us from fourth period. The day was halfway over. Besides masturbating in biology, the day has been alright so far.

Chapter 3: Monday Afternoon at School


Stephanie's first day in the Naked In School Program comes to an end.

Chapter Text

The common area was packed full of students for fifth period lunch. Becky had lunch this period with me. I spotted her sitting at our table near the back of the room.

I was dreading this moment. Having to walk the entire room with hundreds of people's eyes on me. Yet, as I took in the scene around me, nearly everyone's eyes were fixed on a table near the front of the room and to my right. I couldn't see what was happening with so many people standing around the table. Whatever was happening I was glad it got everyone's attention away from me.

I managed to make my way towards Becky with only a few people glancing at me. I took a seat next to her with my back to the main attraction.

"What's going on over there?" I asked Becky.

She knew exactly what I was referring to. "I don't know," she replied. "I think that is where Jennifer usually sits, you know that rich girl."

I looked over my shoulder to see if I could see her, but I couldn't. She didn't appear to be standing at all.

"What are they doing with her?" I asked. "Forgot it, I don't want to know." I quickly added as I turned my head looking away from the scene.

"You might not want to know about a video going around school as well," Becky says softly. "But it might be best if you learned it from me."

She takes out her phone and shows me the video. It was me standing next to Wendy while I was jerking off. The video was about a minute and a half long. I shook my head and held out my hand blocking my view of the video. Becky quickly turned it off and put her phone away.

"Someone posted it on PornHub," Becky explained to me. Although technically it was illegal to post videos on PornHub without consent from the person being recorded, if you were on The Program there was a legal loophole to being able to have your images or videos shared online. "My entire class last period was watching it."

"Why is this happening to me?" I asked rhetorically as I lowered my head and placed it in my hands.

"Think of it this way: at least you're not being told to do anything when they are just watching a video," Becky said trying to comfort me.

I lift my head up and look over at her. "They did leave me alone last period," I admitted.

"See?" Becky said, "hopefully it'll last until the end of the day at least."

The monitor for the commons started to shout out the table group numbers to get us to form a line for lunch. Me and Becky grabbed our backpacks to get out our packed lunches. We always brought our own lunch to school instead of getting the cafeteria food.

I unpacked the food my mother packed for me: a sandwich with some mystery meat, a bag of Doritos, some leftover cake, and a bottle of Gatorade. I had taken my sandwich out of the bag when I looked up to see Marty walking towards me.

"Oh no," I mumbled to myself. Marty has been a thorn in my side since early elementary school. I knew this time was going to come sometime today.

"Hey, freak," he said to me as soon as he was in ear shot.

"Leave her alone, Marty!" Becky yelled, trying to defend me before anything happened.

"Fuck off!" Marty shouted back at her. "He's on The Program I can do anything I fucking feel like doing to him."

"HER," Becky crossly corrected him.

"If you say so," Marty said back with a smirk, "but I've seen a video of him stroking his penis. If you got a penis, you're a HE." Over the years I have gotten used to hearing Marty saying that stupid line, but this is the first time he used it when he really has seen my penis. I turned a pale red, more out of embarrassment than anger.

"I want to see just how good you really are," he started to unzip his pants and lower his jeans. I was just watching him in disbelief as he fished his hard cock out of his briefs. "Go on, don't just stare at it," Marty said in a commanding voice. "Jerk me off."

I was wondering what he would do if I refused to do so and if it would be a better choice to jerking off my least favorite person in the world. He hasn't been physically violent with me since elementary school, so I was fairly certain that he was not going to hit me. I guessed he would most likely tell a teacher or a dean that I was refusing to do what he wanted me to do. I recalled what they did to Jennifer at the beginning of the day. I reasoned that giving Marty a hand job was better than getting spanked.

I wrapped my hand around his dick and started to stroke him off. His precum was acting as lube making the palm of my hand glided easily over the shaft of his cock. I closed my eyes as I was doing it, trying to think of something else, but it didn't work. I was masturbating the most hateful person in my life. My stomach started to get upset as if I was going to puke all over him. I could feel a tear running down the left side of my face.

I felt something warm splash on my nose. I knew what it was without having to look, especially with the grunt Marty made before it happened. I could also feel his cock pulsing in my hand. I turned my head away causing him to shoot cum on my right cheek.

"You did a good job, bitch boy," I still had my eyes closed as I released my grip on his cock. "I think you deserve a reward."

I started to raise the back of my right hand to wipe away his seed, but Marty stopped me before I could. "I'll get that for you," he said as he ran his fingers up the side of my face. "Open your mouth," he demanded. I shook my head showing that I was not going to. "If you don't open your fucking mouth," Marty warned me, "I'll pry them open."

I hesitated for a few seconds before I slowly opened my mouth. He quickly jammed two fingers into my mouth. I could taste the bitterness and saltiness of his cum on my tongue. He unceremoniously pulled his fingers out.

"Swallow," he said sharply to me. I did as he instructed. I could feel it as it slide down my throat. He snickered at me. "How does a real guy's cum taste, tranny?"

I didn't bother to answer him. I finally opened my eyes blinking back tears. He grabbed my sandwich and wiped his dick clean on the top of it and set it back down.

"Enjoy your lunch," he said as he walked away.

I grabbed a couple of napkins out of my lunch bag and wiped away the rest of the cum on my face. I could see Becky out of the corner of my eye. She was looking at me with pity. I felt shameful and couldn't stand to turn my head and look at her. I finished cleaning myself and tossed the napkin to the side. I picked the top bread slice from my sandwich and placed it with my soiled napkin. I folded the sandwich in half and took a bite.

"Are you okay?" Becky asked me softly. I didn't turn my head to look at her. I nodded my head as I slowly chewed on my bologna sandwich.

After a minute of awkward silence, I eventually said something to her. "I don't want to talk about what just happened." The rest of the lunch period we talked about Becky's trip to her family's cabin in Grand Marais over Spring break.

My sixth period class was Spanish with Ms. Diaz. I entered the classroom and saw Alejandro already sitting in his seat. He was also in The Program. I wondered what he has been experiencing today as I took my seat not far from him. It wasn't long until the rest of my classmates were finding their seats as the bell went off.

"Okay, class as you know we have two of you who are in The Program," Ms. Diaz said from the front of the classroom. "If you want them to do anything, you're going to need to ask them in Spanish."

" Quiero ver a Steph hacerle una mamada a Alejandro !" Juan shouted out. Both Juan and Alejandro were already fluent in Spanish and undoubtably took this class to get an easy A. I had no idea what he said so I looked to Alejandro to see his reaction. He had a lazy smirk on his face and his dick was hard. Obviously, Juan wanted me to do something to Alejandro. With the video in mind and based on what happened during lunch, I was guessing that I was going to jerk him off as well.

"Very well, Steph and Alejandro come in front of the class," Ms. Diaz directed us. "Stand over there," she added pointing to a corner of the room near the windows. Alejandro had his back in the corner. I faced him and reluctantly wrapped my hand around his cock. I then started to slowly stroke him.

"With the exception of Juan, does anyone know the meaning of una mamada ?" Ms. Diaz asked.

Alejandro answered her, "it means 'a blow job'." I looked at Alejandro with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open in disbelief. I turned my head around to get confirmation from the teacher.

"That's correct," Ms. Diaz said. "Do know what 'a blow job' means, Stephanie?"

I nodded my head as a few of my classmates giggled. "Yes, Miss Diaz."

"Then get on your knees and show us how it is done."

I sighed and got down on my knees with my hand still wrapped around his dick. My face was inches away from his cock. It was a good four and a half inches long and already leaking precum. I've never given anyone a blow job before, but I had a good idea how to do it. In fact, I never had sex with anyone before this very moment. I opened my mouth and closed my eyes as I inserted his hard cock down my throat.

I started to bob my head up and down on it, managing to take about half of his cock down my throat. He placed his hands on the back of my head pushing me to take more of him into my mouth. Thankfully, he stopped pushing when he heard me gagging. The teacher started to lecture my classmates as if two of us having sex in one corner of the classroom was not out of the ordinary. Probably because she has seen the program in action for a long time now. I haven't seen people having sex out in the open since the week before Thanksgiving last semester. I don't know how my classmates were reacting to me sucking off Alejandro, and I didn't care to look over at them to find out.

He started to be a little more aggressive with me. Holding my head right where my gag reflex was triggered before pulling me out, keeping me there a little longer each time. I learned to try to breathe through my nose and getting better at it each time Alejandro forced me down on his cock. I was getting into a rhythm when suddenly he rammed all of his cock to the back of my throat. He kept me there and I could feel his cock twitching before he shot off his cum. I had no choice by to swallow most of it.

After he was done, he pulled his cock out of my mouth with a slurpy pop. His cum and my salvia was running out of my mouth and falling on the floor. I looked down on the pool at Alejandro's feet, too ashamed to look up at him.

"Miss Diaz," I could hear one of my classmates speaking up interrupting the lecture. "Steph finished sucking off Alejandro, and I think she swallowed it." The rest of the class busted out laughing. I could feel my face going flush.

"Not all of it," another classmate shouted out over the laughter. "There is some on the floor."

"Please clean up the mess, Stephanie," Ms. Diaz said to me. I started to get up on my feet. "Clean it with your tongue," she added.

I groaned in complaint as I got back down on my knees. I lowered my head to the floor and began to lap up Alejandro's cum. I could feel the eyes of the entire class on me. I was cleaning it up as slowly as I could to delay having to face the class. After a few minutes of dragging it out, I got up to my feet.

The first thing I noticed was the huge grin on Alejandro's face. It always seems like when the guys get chosen for The Program, they are excited about it, while girls are upset when they get chosen. I never could understand why guys are so comfortable with their bodies and not embarrassed to be walking around school all day naked.

"Okay you two, back to your seats," Ms. Diaz said.

I kept my head down as I walked to my seat as quickly as I could. I sat down and buried my face in my arms on the desk until the bell rang dismissing us from class.

I made my way to the front of the boys' locker room to get ready for gym. I really didn't want to go inside. I've been using the girls' locker room and bathrooms for as long as I can remember. I just stood there until my teacher, Mr. Greene, came up to me.

"Steph," he said to me. He was the only teacher that called me by that name. "You're not going into the gym with those shoes on." I looked down at my feet at my favorite pair of boots. It was the only thing that I was allowed to wear. "Go inside and put on some tennis shoes."

I slowly walked inside the boys' locker room. Right as I made it through the door, I felt a hand resting on the small of my back. I glanced over my shoulder. It was Marty.

"Hey, did anyone fuck your ass yet?" he said as he pushed me forward into the locker room. I gave him an icy stare. I was not going to answer that question.

"I said, did anyone fuck your ass!" he slapped the back of my head.

"No," I responded reluctantly.

"Good," he replied pushing on me harder forcing me into a quick walk. "I want to be the first one to do it."

If I had known that was his reasoning for asking, I would have lied and said that I did. Now my first time getting fucked was going to be by the very last person I wanted to fuck me. I did what anyone would have done in my situation: I tried to run away.

"Where do you think you're going?" Marty asked as he grabbed me by my wrist. "You have to do what I say. That's the rules of The Program."

"I don't have to do everything that you want me to do." I shot back.

"Do you want me to get the teacher so that he can explain to you?" Marty asked me. "You can get in a lot of trouble if you don't give yourself up willingly."

"I don't care, get the teacher," I responded without thinking. I was confident that he was going to be on my side on this. There was no way that he would allow Marty to just rape me.

Marty shouted at a boy heading outside of the locker room. "Get Mr. Greene in here!"

Within a few moments, Mr. Greene came inside the locker room. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked, looking at Marty with his hand still gripping my wrist.

"Steph seems to think that I'm not allowed to fuck his ass," I noticed that Marty misgendered me. I think he does that intentionally because he knows that it pisses me off.

"Steph, you know the rules," Mr. Greene lectured me. "You must do what he wants to do with you."

I groaned in disagreement. Even the teacher was on Marty's side. I could see the shit eating grin that he had on his face.

"I'll give you a choice," Mr. Greene informed me. "You can either get fucked by Marty or you can get fucked by me."

I was shocked when I heard him say this to me. Could a teacher even do sexual things with us in The Program? I haven't seen any other teacher that did anything. I was wondering if he was bluffing, but if he was, he had the best poker face that I've ever seen. I glanced over at Marty. The grin on his face was wider than it was the last time I saw it, if that was possible. I decided not to protest and to just weigh my options and give him an answer. I didn't want either one of them to be the first one that I have anal sex with. Marty because he was the vilest person I know, and Mr. Greene because he was an adult. I couldn't tell how old he was, but he had to be in his thirties, making him over double my age. He also had bigger hands than Marty. I've always heard that if the guy's hands are big, their cock must be big. I came to conclusion that Mr. Greene I would like over Marty for their personality, and I liked Marty over Mr. Greene for being the least painful going up my ass. The choice was now clear to me.

After what seemed like hours but in reality was only a handful of seconds, I gave Mr. Greene my answer, "Marty," I replied.

"Get down on your hands and knees," Marty commanded after dragging me over to where the urinals were at. He let go of my wrist and I got down on the cool tiled floor. "Stick out your ass more," he said as he slapped by backside. I presented my ass out for him. I could hear him unzipping the fly of his jeans. I closed my eyes, dreading what was going to happen to me.

Without any warning, he placed the tip of his cock against my asshole. I could feel his precum as he rubbed the head up and down the crack of my ass. After he did this a few times he rested his cock against my asshole again, applied some pressure, and pushed the tip inside of me. I grinded my teeth as I let out a grunt. Then in one swift motion, he jammed the rest of his dick up my ass, causing me to let out a sharp screech.

"You like this don't you?" Marty asked me when he noticed my cock was hard. I didn't bother to answer him as he started to pull himself out and push himself back in. He soon got a rhythm going. I was looking down at the brown and white tiled floor trying to distract myself from the reality of what was happening to me. Yet, I couldn't do it. All I could feel was his cock stretching my asshole open and the sound it made when he slapped up against my ass.

To my complete surprise, my cock started to twitch. A feeling of total bliss started to flood throughout my body. It built up and collected at the base of my hardened cock. Finally, it all rushed out of me in a burst of hot, sticky cum. It formed a pool on the floor right under my chest. After the pleasurable feeling washed away, I was left with a feeling of shame. I just came from getting my ass fucked by the person I hated most in my life. Before I could fully process this thought, I felt Marty ram his cock deep inside as he came with a grunt.

"Who knew that tranny ass could be this good?" Mary said as he pulled his cock out of my ass. I could feel his cum running down the side of my thigh.

I didn't bother to say anything back to him. I just laid there on my hands and knees not looking at him as he walked away from me. After making sure that he left, I slowly got up and headed into one of the bathroom stalls. I did my best to clean myself off as I tried to devise a plan to keep my dignity.

My final period of the day was study hall. This day had to be the worst day of my life. I wanted it over as quickly as possible, so I decided to skip the last period. There was a bookstore across from the school. They had a large collection of comic books there. I thought I would hang out there until the school bus came to take me home. All I had to do was slip past Ms. Ramon who was watching the front entrance. I knew the best time to do that would be between passing periods.

I raced over there before the crowd started to thin out without drawing any attention to myself. Sure enough, she was distracted by a group of students loitering not far from the entrance. I quickly made my way to the doors and outside of the school.

It was chilly out and I wrapped my arms around myself to try to stay warm. I looked over at the metal box off to the side that I knew had the clothes of everyone in The Program. I went over to it and flipped the lid up to find my clothes. I groaned in disgust as I found there was nothing inside. They must not have put them out here already.

I had to go back inside and go to class. There was no other choice for me now. I pulled on the closest door, but it was locked. I tried the three other doors, but they were locked as well. So much for trying to sneak back inside. I pressed the button that guests would use when they want to get inside. A moment later, Ms. Ramon opened the door for me.

"What are you doing out here?" She said to me sternly. "You should be at your eighth period class."

There was no way that I was going to be able to talk my way out of this, so I didn't bother to try. "Yes, ma'am," I answered her as I started to walk away to go to study hall.

"Young lady," she called out to me, making me stop in my tracks. "You had your chance to go to class. You're to report to the deans' office now."

"No, please," I said after I turned around and looked at her. "I promise that I won't do it again. Just please don't send me to the deans' office."

"I know you won't do it again after the dean gets through with you." I sighed in defeat as she radioed to the deans' office to expect me. "Go on now. Don't just stand there, you know where the deans' office is at."

I entered the door to the deans' office. The secretary directed me to one of the six doors leading to the office of each individual dean. I went inside and was greeted by the dean that dragged Jennifer to the nurse's office at the start of the day. The room was rather small and dominated by a desk. There was a name plate sitting on the front of the desk just off center. It read "Dean Larson". He was tall, muscular and with a hint of a potbelly. His arms were hairy, a stark contrast to the lack of hair on his head.

"Stephanie, what they hell were you thinking of doing?" he asked me in his deep gruff voice.

I shrugged my shoulders in response.

"Talk to me when I'm talking to you," he shouted startling me.

"I don't know," I replied meekly.

"You do know how we discipline those who are on The Program."

I nodded my head, "yes, sir."

He pulled out one of the chairs that was on the back wall facing the desk. As he sat down, his large frame seemed to make the chair look smaller.

"Get over my knee."

Knowing that complaining about it would only make it worse, I lowered myself over his lap. He placed a hand on one of my butt cheeks. His hands were rough against my skin.

"You're going to count these out," he instructed me before he pulled his hand away and slapped my ass. He wasn't using much force. I could feel it, but it didn't hurt.


Again, he raised his hand to bring it down on my other butt cheek. It still wasn't hurting me.


He continued to do this increasing the force with every second blow.





He never did tell me how many he was going to give me. So far it wasn't painful, but I knew that was going to change. His hand came down for the next blow. This one stung my backside. I squirmed around slightly on his lap,

"Seven," I said a little louder than the other counts.


"Nine." This time I gritted my teeth.


He stopped and was getting something off of the desk. His other arm was pinning me down keeping me from getting up to see what he was doing to use next. Whatever it was, he set it up against my ass. It was flat and about an inch in width. It felt a little cool, like plastic. He lifted it off and swung it down on my ass cheek with a loud crack. I let out a scream and kicked my leg in the air."





The next one came down so hard that it formed tears in my eyes. I wanted to cover my ass with my hand, but the dean had both of my hands held behind my back.


"Fuck! Sixteen."

I was crying like a baby by the next stroke.

"Seventeen. Please no more!"

"Eighteen. I'll never do it again," I sobbed.

Yet, my plead was ignored as the next stroke came down.

"Nineteen!" I squealed as my entire body shook and tears came running down my face.

"Twenty!" I was now completely broken. I was too tired to fight it. All of my energy was being used to sob uncontrollably.

"Get up," he said when he released his grip from my arms that were behind my back. I carefully got to my feet. My legs felt like Jello. They were shaking as I stood in front of him. I used my hand to rub my ass that felt like it was on fire.

"Now, I expect not to see you back here again," he said to me as he started to write me a hall pass to get to my class.

"No, sir," I replied as my sobbing turned to sniffs.

He handed me the pass and I quickly made my way to study hall. Not many of my classmates were here, which I was thankful for. That meant less people having to see me and my very sore ass. I gave the pass to the teacher and headed to my desk. I gingerly sat down, laid my head over my arms on the desk, and fell asleep.

I woke up to the bell dismissing us from school. I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. I quickly made my way out. Some of the others in The Program were already putting on their clothes when I got there. I found mine in the box and got dressed as quickly as I could. After I got my shoes on, I ran to where my school bus was parked. I never wanted to go home from school as much as I did today.