loli bakugo

Hisashi tipped his head in the direction of his son and gave his wife a curious look, "What's got him down, love?"

Izuku was looking a bit like a kicked puppy, morosely scribbling a depiction of a hero carrying a bus full of civilians to safety from what seemed to be an earthquake on a bridge. The man vaguely recalled seeing something like that on the news yesterday morning; his son always loved to draw real heroes and events in all his little notebooks. Though there were plenty of pages dedicated to creations pulled from his active imagination or adorable stories of him and Katsuki as Pros.

Inko sighed, "Poor thing is moping because he can't hang out with his best friend after school later. She's got some extra project to do or something and you know Katsuki, she needs to be the best at everything just like her mother. She'll be focused on that until she gets the best results."

"Right. Izuku's feeling down because they're normally so joined at the hip. I keep expecting them to show up one day with matching rings," Hisashi says, moving over to ruffle his son's hair fondly. "You know you'll be able to see your little girlfriend again. I'm sure she'll be missing you too."

"She's not my girlfriend," Izuku sputters in protest, cheeks pink.

"Fiancee, then," Hisashi jokes and Izuku just pouts. Hisashi bends and presses a little apology kiss to the boy's head when Izuku's face scrunches up. Inko puts a cup of coffee down on the table for her husband before seamlessly trading places with the man as only a married couple can, pulling Izuku into a warm hug from behind that puts his fluffy bedhead in the welcome pillow of her breasts.

"It'll be alright, sweetpea. You and Mama can have a nice day together, just you and me," Inko says and Izuku immediately brightens, wiggling in happiness. Hisashi sips his coffee with a smile, ever-endeared by his family.

"Is Daddy gonna spend the afternoon with us too?" Izuku says and Hisashi hates to disappoint him but he does have a...prior engagement.

"Sorry, baby boy. I have to head into the office in the afternoon and I'll be working a bit late. But you and Mama are gonna have tons of fun and make Daddy all jealous, right?"

"Right!" Inko says. Izuku pouts a bit but he turns to his mother and beckons her closer, leaning up and perching himself precariously on the chair before she lets him settle more against him. The boy whispers something in her ear that makes Inko's mouth open in shock and her face flush, her hand coming to rest low on Izuku's back and squeezing lightly.

"Izuku!" she chides before a tentative smile blooms on her sweet face, growing larger.

Now it's Hisashi's turn to pout, "Heyyy, I wanna know the secret."

"Nope!" Inko says, popping the p and tickling Izuku's sides to make him giggle. "Izuku has a fun idea for us and stinky Daddies who can't take off work aren't allowed to know!" she teases.

Hisashi pretends to be wounded, clutching his heart dramatically and letting out a pained groan. "Stinky Daddy? And here I thought you two loved me!"

Izuku laughs at the theatrics and practically throws himself at his father, who barely catches the ball of energy before Izuku is kissing all over his face. "We still love you Daddy!" he promises, "Even when you're stinky!"

The parents laugh, soaking up the humor and lightheartedness of the morning before Inko reminds them all to finish breakfast and get ready for the day. Izuku still has to be brought to school and Hisashi has a slew of calls to make sure his afternoon plans run smoothly.


Glancing out the window, Hisashi caught the bloom of lush reds and pinks and purples across the sky as the sun began to set. The wheel beneath his hands spun, smooth leather gliding across his palms as he turned into the rear parking lot of the elementary school. Just as he slid into a spot, his phone buzzed.

Hisashi checked the message, a little reminder from Inko to have a good day at work and to not get too jealous about missing out on mommy-son time with her and Izuku. He smiled at his wife's thoughtfulness but in truth, he doubted she'd be having more fun than he would this afternoon. He sent her a quick text in return telling her not to spoil their son too much before he left his vehicle and strode over the building.

The doors were left open, stoppered in place to allow the straggler senseis and lingering students through. Hisashi moved across the linoleum corridor with single-minded purpose, not faltering once on his way to room 2-J, where he knew Katsuki would be waiting for him. The girl was as good an actor as he himself was, perhaps moreso thanks to the veil of innocence placed over all children. He fully expected her to be immersed in her cover story of working on some project.

So he was—admittedly—rather shocked to peek through the narrow window into the room and spot Katsuki propped up on the desk with her skirt flipped up and a man's face buried between her thighs. Her red panties, the cute ones she favored with a little orange flower on the front, were dangling off her left ankle as some stranger licked and sucked creamy cum from the little girl's cunt.

There were several things wrong with the image presented to Hisashi here in this school. The first being, of course, that Katsuki had her head thrown back in ecstasy, spiky blond locks more messy than usual as she rocked into the movements of the clever tongue against her clit. The second was probably that said child's pussy was covered in globs of cum to begin with.

Thick white smears were spread across her lower lips and the inner crease of her pelvis, sticking in thin webs on the meat of her little thighs. Her sensei had matching evidence of Katsuki's own shiny cum lingering on his shaft. Dribbles of precum fell soundlessly to the floor, the man's cock bobbing in time with his filthy swallows of ejaculate.

Every inch of the scene was damning. The location, the positioning of their debauched bodies, the beautiful golden glow of the setting sun painting the sickening sight in rich bright colors that highlighted the heavy cock and the clear signs of multiple orgasms covering them both.

There were several things wrong with the image presented to Hisashi here in this school. But the worst thing about the situation was that it altered Hisashi's plans for the afternoon. Not ruin them, but certainly change them around quite a bit. He stood watch, a silent sentinel planning his next moves, as Katsuki's sensei made a mess on the floor in the same moment that the man cleaned the last of his previous speed from her cunt.

As Katsuki came down from her high, she glanced at the door and did a terrified double-take at seeing Hisashi staring back at her before she schooled her face into something smug and playful. He watched her mouth something to her sensei and cup his face sweetly. He nodded at her rapidly, face awash in devotion. Little whore got herself a servant to worship her at school, hmm? Hisashi felt his possessiveness war with his pride in her development.

Katsuki spread her legs again, holding her legs open with a firm grip around her own calves—her flexibility was one of Hisashi's favorite things about her, the ease and grace in which her small body bent and contorted itself into lovely positions that made his dick throb—and then her pervert of a teacher was pushing his cock back inside with a grin like he'd won the lottery.

His thrusts were rough and quick, slamming against Katsuki's pelvis and producing a slap of skin to skin that could be heard even through the door. The conjoined couple was lucky that no one else was in the corridor but Hisashi. The teacher was growling and grunting, no doubt telling the little girl all sorts of filthy lies about how she was made for him, fit only his cock, was the perfect slut.

The anger settled in then, with Katsuki locking his gaze over her sensei's shoulder, rolling hot in Hisashi's stomach as he watched the sensei sink into his girl over and over. Cracking his neck, Hisashi pushed into the room with a snarl on his face, flames and smoke twisting in the air before him as he advanced forward.

Whether it was the sound of the door closing with a definitive click or Hisashi's own heavy footfalls echoing in the room, the other man's head snapped up, his hands moving to furtively try and cover Katsuki's pussy and his own wet dick as he pulled out abruptly. He starts babbling immediately, struggling to shove himself back in his boxers and tug his pants back up.

"This—ah, she came for help, no, no, no, I'm mistaken, y-you're mistaken! She, fuck!" he stutters, slipping on his discarded belt and nearly bashing his head on his own desk. "She came onto me, first of all, the whore, and—!"

Hisashi fists the man's collar and yanks him close enough to allow his flames to lick at the other's cheeks. "Wipe your fucking dick and leave before I drag your mangled, charred body to the Ten no Akuma Clan and allow our oyabun to choose where to leave your corpse."

The man visibility pales and Hisashi is sure that the sweat on the sensei's brows is from the threat as much as it's are from the heat of his blaze. Still, the shaking teacher takes the time during his hurried escape to pause in front of the door and look back at the form of his lover, who is now reclining with an almost bored look on her face.

She spares a moment to drag her fingers through her wet pussy, lifting her slick fingers as she waves goodbye with a sweet smile and a wink. "See you Monday for some more afterschool lessons, Takashi-sensei! Daddy probably won't be so mad at you by then." Takashi-sensei nods before letting out a squeak when Hisashi takes a step toward him again. He bolts, slamming the door behind him and rushing off to his wife or whatever. Sick bastard.

Hisashi turns to Katsuki still furious and the girl has the gall to pout at him. "He had at least another load or two left for me Daddy, it was rude of you to stop him like that."

"I was rude ? I spend my time setting up the perfect playdate for us, secure a time to show your slutty pussy off to my coworker friends to satiate your desires to always be the center of attention and I'm the rude one for preventing your pervert of a teacher from spreading your legs for what, the third time this afternoon? Fourth?" Hisashi retorts.

Katsuki crosses her arms, "School ended ages ago and you were taking too long, you can't expect me to just wait like a dog—"

Hisashi bears his teeth at her like a wild animal and inky-black smoke leaks out ominously from his mouth. The girl only flutters her lashes in response. Her hands spread her cunt apart as her voice turns simpering, "Maybe if you filled me up properly now, I wouldn't turn to my sensei for comfort."

Her bratty behavior is grating and Hisashi can't stand it any longer. He stalked forward and pointedly flipped her skirt back down, snagging her wrist in a firm grip as he pulled her away. She tries to struggle out of his hold but he clamped down on her like a vice. Her protests were expressed verbally and physically as she punched weakly at his arm.

"S-stop Daddy! It, I was just a—it was just some harmless fun! Don't be mad. At, fuck, at least let me get my panties off the fucking ground, I—"

"Of course," Hisashi replied calmly, his face no longer portraying the rage from before. It was jarring to see his mood change so much. But then again, he was the kind of person who excelled at manipulation and deception. Katsuki eyed him warily as she kneeled in place to collect her discarded underwear. She frowned, shaking the wrist that was still in his grip.

"Are you going to let go so I can put them back on? Y-you'd get in a lot of trouble if someone saw me still leaking on our way out," she said with a voice trembling slightly in false bravado. If she thought that was enough to deter him, she had another thing coming.

Midoriya Hisashi was just as stubborn as this little brat and had the added experience to know when and where to stand his ground. He'd gotten far in life by picking his battles carefully. And he'd spent countless hours studying and training Katsuki to nurture their current relationship. He might have been caught off guard and enraged by her selfish, whorish actions but he knew how to handle this situation.

He nodded at her with a patient smile and held his free hand out. "I'll help."

She raised a brow but after a moment of looking into his eyes, she tentatively dropped the flimsy damp fabric in his open palm. His fingers curled around the material and he rewarded her with a smile, a genuine one for her sliver of obedience. It was enough to make her let her guard down a bit, a soft pink appearing high on her cheekbone as she averted her gaze. That was precisely what he needed. Without hesitation, he bundled up the panties in his fist.

"Open your mouth, princess," he whispered sweetly and though her brow furrowed in confusion, she lifted her head to look up at him, mouth falling open. He promptly filled her hole with the dirtied panties and she reared back in shock, teeth clenching down automatically before she glared and tried to spit the fabric back out.

Hisashi moved quicker though, grasping her chin and his smile turned dangerous. "You're going to keep the evidence of your wrongdoing right there in your mouth, Katsuki. And I'm going to walk you out of here while you try your damnest to keep those naughty legs of yours closed the way they should have been while you waited for Daddy to pick you up."

She huffed harshly through her nose and stomped her feet in obvious fury but he leaned in and spoke directly into her ear, pulling her tiny body firmly against him and letting her feel his thick hard length pressed to her stomach and leg. "Do you know why you're going to do all that for me, sweetheart?" he asks.

Katsuki is fuming, red eyes shimmering in rage and jaw clenched tight. He massages the tension with a tender hand, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "You're going to do this for me because, at the end of the day, you know without a doubt that you're mine. You belong to me and solely me. I'm your Daddy, the only one who can play your body just right and make it sing."

He tapped a finger lightly against the bit of fabric still sticking out of Katsuki's pursed mouth as the girl glared. Still, it wasn't only anger that made her face flush as he slipped his finger down her chin, between the soft subtle mounds of her chest before resting on her stomach. "I'm the only one who fills you up the way you really like, aren't I? The one who pushes in deep and grinds right here just like you need."

Katsuki turns her face from him in embarrassment and he chuckles lightly, pulling the spit and slick-soaked panties from her mouth and wring them out in the air before pushing them into her small hands and stepping back.

"Well then? Aren't you going to put them on? Daddies love their little obedient girls, you know? Daddies reward obedience. And don't you want that? A special reward from Daddy?"

Katsuki wrinkled her nose in disgust at the damp material in her hands but perked up slightly at the idea of being rewarded. "'re still going to treat me? E-even after I—?" her voice broke off, suddenly shy in the aftermath of her own rude behavior. She twists the fabric in her hands and looks every bit the young girl she is in that moment. It's cute, even if Hisashi is far from the type to simply forgive and forget. He isn't done with her, not by a long shot.

"Yes. Daddy made you a promise and unlike some people ," he says pointedly, reveling in her wince for a moment, "I keep my promises. But we have to move quickly. Your little stunt is gonna make us late if you don't move your tight little ass and follow me into the car. So get dressed already."

She ducks her head, clicking her tongue in derision but slipping her panties on with little fuss. Katsuki grimaced at the wet glide along her legs as she pulled them up but admittedly there was something appealing about being degraded like this. Even moreso when Hisashi offered her his hand, no longer tugging her about but simply guiding her with a soft touch like she was a precious gem. A little princess.

It really would have served her to keep her guard up but just as Katsuki was Hisashi's weakness, the man was her own. She let herself relax under his sweet smile and his patient gaze. She trusted that her Daddy really would keep his promise to show her off to all his coworker friends and though a sliver of guilt tugged at her heart, she was mostly feeling pretty pleased with herself.

After all, she'd gotten fucked—as she desired, and admittedly Takashi-sensei was good, if not as good as Daddy—and she'd gotten away with minimal punishment.

And then Katsuki was settled into the passenger seat. Hisashi slid himself behind the wheel and clicked the door lock. Katsuki wriggled in her seat to get comfortable and settled in for a ride. Only the car didn't move. She waited for a moment but Hisashi didn't make any move to leave the parking lot. Cold fear settled in her stomach as the man rapped his fingers on the wheel. He was looking forward, the soft smile on his face from earlier now replaced with a blank look.

"Fuck," Katsuki whispered and Hisashi nodded, still not looking in her direction.

"Fuck indeed," he replied. "You didn't think I'd leave things like that, did you? That I wouldn't punish you for abusing the trust I placed in you? For whoring yourself out without my knowledge, my permission ?"

Katsuki swallowed, "D-Daddy, I, I really am sorry. I just couldn't help myself! I haven't seen you in days and touching myself just isn't enough anymore and—"

"No excuses, Katsuki. Strip," Hisashi ordered.

"Now? Here? You want me to take everything off while we're still on school grounds? If someone leaves and walks by, they'll see me. They'll see everything ," she said incredulously.

"And that's the point," the man said, undoing his belt and pushing his pants down and pulling his cock out of the slit in his boxers. "You wanted to act like a slut and get fucked at school, right? All I'm doing is giving in to your greedy desires. So take off your clothes and sit on Daddy's cock. You wanted to be a whore, I'm gonna treat you like one."

"But Daddy—"

"One," he counted and she scoffed.

"You're not seriously doing the count thing, are you? I'm not a toddler. I'm not about to cry if you get to five or whatever."

"Oh, I'm not counting to some arbitrary number. The longer you make me wait, the larger the number of hits to your ass will be. If you keep mouthing off, I might even use more than just my hand," Hisashi said, pointedly looking towards the belt now bunched up and wedged between his seat and the console.

The blonde let out a soft whine at that, one she didn't seem aware of releasing. Her thighs tightened instinctively, ass clenching as if to stave off phantom pains she hadn't even felt against her supple tender skin yet. Hisashi could read her well, though, and knew that for all the very real fear in her eyes, there was an equal amount of real interest in receiving punishment, in getting spanked and fucked (regardless of the order of those events.)

There had been an interest from the moment he ordered her to strip. She was a fascinating little beast; driven by her carnal desires, nearly burdened by the inescapable need to be taken by her beloved Daddy over and over. He might have twisted her with words and touches and careful planning but she was innately a sex addict. Born to yearn for cock and cum, to become restless when denied either or worse: both. Hisashi was happy to feed his cute little beast, of course, but it had to be on his own terms.

"Two," he intoned, idly stroking himself. Her fingers twitched towards the snap buttons on her school shirt but she clenched her fist. Those brilliant ruby eyes darted to his loins, fixating on the slow measured staccato motion of Hisashi's hand moving over his shaft.

It wasn't ideal, the dry strokes, but it was enough to capture and keep her attention. Enough to help him harden quicker, even if much of that was handled by the sheer arousal of his control over her. Her interest in his body.


"This is stupid," Katsuki said, wrenching her gaze away to search the landscape out of the window. Her eyes flit about wildly, trying to take in everything, trying to ensure no one was moving close to the vehicle, that no stranglers from the school were curious about the couple just sitting there in the lot.

"That sounded a lot like backtalk, Katsuki. Four, five, six—"

"Don't count faster!" she screamed, snapping her head back at him.

He paused to swipe his thumb over his head, smearing the beads of precum there around to make his tip shiny. The girl flushed at the movement, licking her lip lightning-quick.

"Seven, Katsuki."

In response, the child snarled and started pulling her shirt open and over her head, tossing it in the back seat with a string of curses.

"Good girl," he praised, "eight."

"I'm stripping!" she protested.

"You aren't naked yet. Nine."

Hissing profanity like a particularly pissed-off cat, she set about quickly removing her bra and skirt. By the time she was fully undressed, Hisashi had hit twelve. A good number. He was pleased to have reached double digits—her actions warranted nothing less. He moved his seat back, pointedly looking at her and moving his hand away from his cock. Fully hard, it stood up proudly, throbbing with his pulse as the girl shifted to straddle him.

Sinking down on his cock was made significantly easier thanks to her previous activities but she was just as deliciously tight for him as always, clamping down like she hadn't felt a dick in her cunt in years rather than a handful of minutes.

Greedy as always, she started rocking in place immediately though residual worry about being caught stopped her from riding him properly. It certainly didn't stop Hisashi though. Gripping her hips tight, he prevented her from simply grinding on his cock for her own pleasure and instead used her as a fleshlight. Truly, it was her intended purpose.

His abrupt rough treatment and fast fucking made her gasp and cry out. "Fuck! Daddy!"

"What? Am I going too hard? This is what you wanted right? To be used? To be nothing more than a fucktoy for someone? It's why you took your sensei's cock, isn't it? Couldn't just hold out for me like a good girl, no, you had to go and corrupt that fine upstanding man."

He punctuated his words with powerful thrusts, releasing his hold on her for just long enough to pop the backrest down. There was a muffled thump as the headrest smacked against the backseat.

Katsuki's shout rose and fell in parallel with the motion of the seat and Hisashi used the new position to thrust into her even harder. She just barely managed to keep herself from falling over by slamming her hands on her Daddy's chest. The sting just made him want to fuck her even more.

"Daddy, Daddy, oh gods fucking so deep ! I—I'm sorry, Daddy. I, I'm j-just a whore but he wanted it as bad as I did, I swear!"

"Don't fucking lie, slut," he growled, bringing one hand up to squeeze low around her throat in warning. Just enough pressure to make her moan and have her lashes flutter as she pushed herself down, down into his hand, down onto his cock. "You're a filthy whore who gets odd on seducing men more than thrice her age."

She thrashed her head in place, denying his words even as she brought her hands to her own chest and gripped her tits—to stop them from bobbing in place maybe, or just to ground herself as the pleasure rolled through her body.

"S-so what?" she bit out between moans, "nothing wrong with me wanting sex. Wanting to— hhnngshit right there, Daddy—get fucked!"

He tugged her down, holding her tight against his chest as he pounded her little body with wild abandon, not caring to keep a rhythm or specific pace. All that mattered was the slick sound of his cock pushing in and out of his favorite little onahole.

"Yeah? You want to be railed? Treated like the dirty little prostitute you are and have a line of men fucking their fists, waiting to pump into this insatiable cumdump of a pussy you have?"

"YES!" she cried out, digging her nails into his biceps as he thrust up into her like a beast. "Want it, wanna be fucked. Want Daddy to use meeee, wa-want tons of Daddies f-fucking me, shit—fuck! Daddy! "

Clamping down on him, Katsuki shoved her face in the hollow of her Daddy's neck and moaned out long and low. As if answering her sound, Hisashi grunted a rough garble of her name. They came almost in unison, Katsuki's pussy rhythmically working the pumping cock inside of her to pull in every last drop to the girl's womb. She panted, fingers tensing and un-tensing on Hisashi's arms while she tried to slow her heart rate.

Still feeling incensed from the girl's selfish behavior and equally turned on by the thought of sharing her with others properly , Hisashi let adrenaline guide him as he lifted the smaller body off his softening cock to prop back on the passenger seat. He tucked himself away and returned his own seat to its former position before cracking his neck and doing a cursory glance around the parking lot.

There weren't any people close enough to see them but the door to the school building was wide open still and he could see a janitor pushing a mop back and forth across the floor while heading in their direction. Hisashi bundled up Katsuki's rumpled clothing in his fist and tossed it at her, gruffly ordering her to put it on while they drove.

"And don't think I forgot about your punishment. Twelve," he said, tapping his temple to signal that he had the memory firmly locked in his head. He heard her click her tongue in derision as she shoved her arms through her shirt. The angry twist of her face didn't hide the gleam of anticipation in her eyes or the way she stubbornly refused to put her panties back on, pushing her fingers in to smear and play with his cum.

"You came too much," she complained, "I'm filthier than before."

Hisashi scoffed, rolling his eyes and reaching over to open the glove compartment. He pulled out a thick black plug, the base of boasting a stylized pink heart wearing a little golden crown. The man pushed the toy into Katsuki's hands.

"That was the point. For acting up, I'm gonna have you sit with this inside you until I'm ready to show off that slutty messy cunt to my coworkers. Whatever dignity you might have kept before was forfeited when you went behind my back." He started up the engine, letting it idle for a moment as the girl twisted the toy in her hands.

Katsuki flushed, "The, the whole time? I'm wearing it all throughout the car ride?"

"That's what I said. Chop-chop. We're late enough as it is."

Katsuki frowned but slipped the toy inside anyway, lashes fluttering unconsciously as it settled deep within her body. Only then did she deign to put her panties and skirt on properly—though, in truth, they were ruined anyway and wouldn't last much longer. Hisashi had a better outfit planned for her once they made it to the compound to better satisfy himself and his coworkers.

Even though she was full again, Hisashi could tell Katsuki wasn't anywhere near fully satisfied. Her libido and energy level were impressive but as time went on, she was getting bolder and bolder with her misbehavior. This incident wasn't the first of her bratty behavior and it was unlikely to be the last.

Hisashi might have trained her well but even the finest pets can still prove themselves to be nothing more than base animals under the right circumstances. And similarly, her youthful charms could only hold so much appeal for so long. He hated it but realistically, their dalliance wasn't going to be a lifelong thing. He was a happily married man with certain… proclivities towards children and she was a spoiled girl well on her way to becoming a young woman who wouldn't want to be tied down. At least not to him or a man his age.

That wouldn't stop either of them from enjoying themselves and each other along the way to that future, however. Especially today when more than a few fantasies were to become realities for them both. Even with Katsuki's willful delinquency affecting how things were going to play out, there would be plenty of good memories created today for everyone involved.

Hisashi stretched his arm over the console to make sure the toy was in properly. He stole a kiss from Katsuki while their faces were close enough. He delved deep into her mouth, consuming her with heat and possessiveness before pulling away. He bit her lower lip lightly as they parted. He took in the sight of her slightly swollen lips with a smirk before putting the car into gear and finally pulling out of the parking lot.


Katsuki wasn't as foolish nor naive as her age might have belied to strangers; there was a reason she always came home with full marks and none who knew her well could ever mistake her for unintelligent. But the virtue of being bright meant that she could predict others' behaviors for the most part and act accordingly. She knew how to read people—their interests, their potential, their limits.

So it wasn't like she seduced Takashi-sensei on a whim. She had seen the way his eyes lingered on the thighs of all the female students, could hear the unspoken desire in his voice whenever he leaned over her shoulder to examine or praise her work. The heat of his breath on her skin was only matched by the heat of his palms as he stroked up her calves earlier that afternoon like he had paid for it.

And maybe he had paid, in a way. Or would someday in the future when she grew bored, when he turned to some other young girl who didn't have the same level of pride and self-preservation that she had. He was bound to slip up sometime or break under the pressure and guilt. He'd pay with his career, maybe, or his marriage. His life even.

That weakness, his susceptibility to being used and manipulated, that was part of why Katsuki had selected him. She had wanted sex—moments when she didn't were few and far between—and she knew she could get it from him. She also knew that he'd be a reliable fuck, at least until she moved on or graduated.

Furthermore, she knew whatever torrid little affair she had with sensei would serve to piss Daddy off. And frankly? She loved pissing Daddy off. Some of the best sex she ever had resulted from an angry man taking out his frustrations on her ass and pussy. At the beginning of her time with Hisashi, he'd been kind and sweet. Tender even.

It had been nice in his own way. The first few times she could close her eyes and pretend it was Izuku and not his father touching her, holding her, loving her. Not that Daddy really had loved her but it was fun. After a while though, things got dull for Hisashi and Katsuki. She was addicted to sex, to cock, and couldn't stop craving more . More sex, harder, faster, just more, more, always more. And Hisashi did too.

Soft sex had its appeal. But so did filthy sex in the kitchen at 4 am knowing that Auntie might wake up any moment and catch them. There was an appeal in being fucked through five orgasms, in having an ass so red and sensitive that the slightest brush of the softest fabric against her skin made her tremble and leak.

So maybe Katsuki enjoyed pushing Daddy to the edge and a bit past it on certain days. Regardless of what happened or how, the day would end with them both several mind-blowing orgasms ahead. Couldn't really complain. It was all temporary. One day Daddy would find someone else. One day Katsuki would be ready to give herself fully and completely to Deku and only Deku…well, maybe they'd break the exclusivity for birthdays or something. That'd be fun.

Still, living in the moment was the only thing on either Hisashi or Katsuki's mind at this point. Well, that and the orgy that was about to happen.

When Hisashi pulled into the compound, there were already a few other vehicles present. Katsuki hadn't been let in on the precise number of people involved in their special event but she figured there'd be at least half a dozen or so men involved not including her Daddy. She expected to be taken to a large room within the sprawling estate and presented like a prized hog at a fair.

Therefore she was somewhat surprised when Hisashi didn't bustle her immediately into some display room or sex dungeon but instead brought her into a large bedroom, pushing her towards the adjacent bathroom.

"Thought I wasn't supposed to clean up?"

"You aren't," he replied, "You do need to get dressed, however. As much as I enjoy you looking like I picked you up off the street, my friends will want to see you in all your natural glory as a proper little schoolgirl slut. So get changed. No panties. No shoes. Just leave your stuff there, someone will handle it."

Katsuki grumbled at that because newsflash, asshole, she already WAS dressed as a schoolgirl. But upon entering the bathroom she found that there was a much more risque version of a school uniform awaiting her. While her current outfit consisted of a red skirt with a thick black stripe along the hem and a white button-down topped with a red and black neckerchief. The skirt normally rested just above her knees and rode up to about midthigh when she sat down.