loli bakugo 3

For fuck's sake, Katsuki," Hisashi grumbles, side-eyeing the girl in the passenger seat. She had been passed out all throughout the process of the man cleaning her up to be somewhat presentable and hadn't woken up until he'd strapped her in the car. Within moments of opening her eyes, though, she'd shoved her hand down her original school skirt, staring at him while she rubbed at her clit.

"What's the matter, old man? Can't get it up again today?" she goaded. Her Daddy huffed in derision at her antics.

"You're such a fucking whore. A full day of being a cumdump and you're still gagging for cock," he noted, spinning the wheel as he took a left and merged onto the highway. "We'll be at my place in fifteen— you can wait until then. We have to be quick too; I don't want Inko to see your smug little face and then invite you to stay for dinner. I wanted a nice quiet night in with just family, not bratty sluts."

"Wouldn't be such a brat if you fucked me properly earlier," the blonde bit back, dipping her fingers into her pussy as she shifted her body more towards him. The change in position let her flip up her skirt and put her damp panties on display, the bulge of her hand stretching the material obscenely.

Hisashi sighed deeply, resolved to not indulge her further. It didn't stop his body from reacting to the image he kept seeing out the corner of his eyes nor to the smell of pussy juice when Katsuki pulled her damp fingers out and wriggled them in his direction teasingly. Hisashi refused to verbally acknowledge her further throughout the trip except in chastizement. Though he did have to subtly adjust his cock in his pants a few times at her antics, making her grin in self-satisfaction.

…Sure enough within the next fifteen minutes, the duo were pulling up to the Midoriya residence. Katsuki had made a show of sucking her fingers clean of her own slick and darting out of the car with a cackling laugh as the man lunges for her. Hisashi growls, slamming the car door and snatching her up.

He practically tosses her against the front door, pushing her legs apart to pet at her wet pussy through her panties and snarl. "You really think I'm gonna let you tease me like this and get away with it? Should fucking put a chastity belt on you and make you watch me get off. Brats like you don't deserve to cum."

Katsuki scoffs, grinding into his touch. "Don't try to lie to yourself, Daddy , I know you want inside me. Just fuck me already, you damn coward. We can do it in your bedroom before your wife gets home," she purrs.

The man grunts in response and fumbles the door open, entering the building while Katsuki does her best to fuck herself on him, her fingers deftly pulling Hisashi's cock from his pants and pressing it to her wet panties. Hisashi ends up ripping her panties off entirely, the sound of tearing fabric almost as loud as Katsuki's panting and moans, and fucks into her fast and rough as they stumble further into the hallway. They're moving in slow heavy steps and entirely lost in their own world of debauchery when Katsuki tosses her head back to shout for Hisashi to just pound her against the wall when she sees it.

Focused as they were on their own sexual pleasure, neither Katsuki nor Hisashi had registered that they weren't in fact alone in the Midoriya home. Katsuki feels her pussy and heart clench roughly, making Hisashi curse and she digs her fingernails deep into the sides of his head to direct his gaze to what she's looking at.

From their position at the end of the hallway where the home opens up on either side to the living room and dining room, respectfully, they were met with three other individuals neither of them expected to see in the home at this time. Right there in the living room, Inko, Izuku, and Mitsuki were a writhing mass of naked forms.

Inko was laying upside down on the couch, her head hanging off the middle seat's edge with her face obscured by the pulsing hips of her own son. Izuku—face so flushed that his freckles seemed to disappear—fucked his mother's throat with wild, patternless abandon, practically vibrating between her and the other woman behind him as his hands kneaded and rubbed Inko's fat tits.

Katsuki's own mother was oscillating her hips, grinding what appeared to be a thick black strap-on cock into the boy's small hole as she pinched at Izuku's perky nipples. Hot waves of jealousy, betrayal, anger, and sadness rushed through Katsuki's body as she witnessed Izuku being so thoroughly taken apart from both ends by the two older women even as she herself still hung from Hisashi's cock.

Her mouth parted and she released a broken noise, overwhelmed with the desire to be that close to Deku, to bring him that mindless pleasure, to join her body with his. The sound was soft and weak, hardly notable under the din caused by the threesome in the living room, but Izuku's brow furrowed before eyes fluttered open. He turned his head right to Katsuki as if attuned to her on some deeper level and let out a matching weak cry of his own, struggling to pull out of Inko's mouth as shame coursed through him.

Pathetic half-formed syllables masquerading as excuses poured from the boy's lips as his gaze met Katsuki's glistening red eyes but the damage (and subsequently the pleasure) had already grown too great to ignore. He barely managed to tug his dick from between Auntie's plush lips before he started to cum.

Hot creamy white ropes splattered all over his mother's face, making her smile and babble encouraging praise about her "cute little baby boy." She swipes a glob of the warm substance from her cheek to bring it down to her own pussy, massaging her clit with it as her eyes roll back. Inside Katsuki, warmth blooms as Hisashi cums at the same time as his son.

Amidst his post-orgasmic stuttering to try and apologize to Katsuki and notify the women on their audience, Mitsuki takes the opportunity to pull Izuku more firmly onto her own cock, cooing at him as she milks his prostate. "That's perfect, sweetpea, cover your Mommy in cum. She's so pretty like that. Such a beautiful little whore she is. You too, baby. Cumming on Mama's strap like you were made for it."

Hisashi doesn't bother reigning in an answering noise of approval, broken out of the shocked trance he was by the sheer amount of twisted lust palpable within his household. Katsuki can feel where he throbs inside of her as he fully takes in Mitsuki's filthy words and the state of his wife and child. The sound finally registers to the other adults in the living room and they spring away from Izuku in surprise and frenetic energy before calming down at seeing the joined couple hovering at the end of the hall.

Inko flushes deeply as she rights herself on the couch, nervously brushing her thighs as if she was still wearing one of her trademark "sensible" knee-length mom skirts. The action is every bit as cute and awkward as Katsuki expected from her Auntie and she lets out a sharp laugh that sounds a bit hysterical in her own ears.

"We didn't expect you'd be home so soon, dear," Inko says softly, looking at Hisashi as if this sort of thing happens every day, as if she's demurely apologizing for not having dinner prepared rather than for whoring herself and her only son out to her best female friend.

Izuku is teary-eyed now, sniffling softly as he babbles pleas of understanding and weak explanations to Katsuki. Mitsuki tuts lightly at him, patting his cheek and lifting him up off her strap to hold in a warm embrace. More jealousy burns through Katsuki as Mitsuki cards gentle fingers in dark green curls and shushes the boy. Her breasts—while not as soft and heavy as Inko's—are still so much larger than Katsuki's own and the girl hates that the swell of her mother's chest cradles Izuku's head better than her own could.

"Now, now, baby, no tears if they aren't from pleasure, hmm? It's clear that my daughter and your father," the buxom blonde says, pointedly dragging her eyes down to where Daddy's cock is snugly fit inside her daughter, "have been having plenty of…fun…on their own. You have no need to get all upset for enjoying yourself with us."

"B-b-but I m-made Kacchan upset!" he wails, gesturing to Katsuki's burning eyes and heavy glower.

Katsuki turns her nose up, scoffing, "Tch! L-Like I even care about some dumb fucking Deku putting his dick in, in someone else! I don't give a fuck! What, d-did you think I wanted to be your first or something? Stupid! Dumby! I don't care at all, you ugly selfish Deku!" The more she denies it all though, the more her chest aches and her voice grows plaintive and rough with the tears lodged in her throat.

"Lying brat," Mitsuki murmurs under her breath before gently pushing Izuku in the direction of her daughter. Izuku doesn't hesitate to run to the girl and Hisashi sets her down to go greet his wife with a deep, possessive kiss as he leaves the kids to their own devices for the moment.

"I never did it all the way with Mama or Auntie!" Izuku insists, wrapping Katsuki in a vicious hug and looking at her with those big puppy dog eyes of his. She immediately starts to wriggle out of his grip and tries to hit him but the boy just absorbs the tiny (but powerful) blows as he buries his face in her neck and promises he was saving himself for her.

"Never ever! I don't want to be with any other girl but Kacchan that way!" he vows and Katsuki can feel his salty tears on her shoulder, his soft spent cock smooth against her thigh and she grits her teeth before hugging him just as tightly and digging her nails into his skin in a way she knows is painful.

"Fucking better not, Deku!" she warns, voice trembling with something like relief and hope running just under the residual anger. She thinks there might be some element of hypocrisy to her jealousy and rage but…but Deku is hers . Always has been. Always should be. So…so he's not supposed to have sex with other girls! Or women who have experience and stupidly big tits that he might like more than hers and—and he was just supposed to be just for her, that's all!

The boy seems to hear her unspoken words (the same way he's been doing for years) and pulls away to wipe the lingering wetness from her cheeks tenderly even as he totally ignores his own. She wants to hit him again when he kisses her lips, because their faces are both too warm and splotchy and he tastes like salty tears but…well, as long as he isn't giving his first time to someone else, she can forgive him. And the kiss isn't that bad. It's actually kind of…nice. Soft, like she always knew it would be.

Izuku kisses her like she's gonna break or maybe explode and it should make her feel angry but it just makes her stomach swoop and her heartbeat sounds too loud in her ears. When he shifts back, she makes a tiny sound that has him smiling at her, his dark lashes fluttering like butterfly wings against her cheek as he leans in to kiss her again.

They stay like that for a while, trading soft kisses and absently running their fingers down one another's arms and sides. They only break apart when they hear a quiet sob from behind them and turn to see Inko weeping in joy. She's an absolute mess, crying gently and babbling about the two children being so cute and sweet, even while the room fills with the wet sound of her pussy taking Mitsuki's strap with the rhythmic bouncing of the plump woman's hips.

Mitsuki has her long clever fingers spreading Inko's lips apart to display them to the kids, one well-manicured digit rolling over Inko's clit to make the woman in her lap moan. Hisashi has his own lap full of Mitsuki, looking smug with the weight of two sexy women on top of him and his own cock buried in the blonde's ass.

He gives the children an appraising look, "Glad you too have made up and all. Now, why don't you put on a little show for your Mommies and Daddy?" Katsuki is half-tempted to pick up her shoe from the genkan and toss it at his stupid head but Izuku's face is in front of her's again, his dick now hard on her thigh and his hands rubbing these tiny circles on her hips that are slowly driving her crazy.

Deku's got a little pout to his bottom lip from kissing her, from wanting her, and his voice is so soft and sweet when he speaks to her. "C-can we Kacchan? I wanna hold you," he says, all sincere and loving and Katsuki feels her stomach riot with a million butterflies. She has to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from screaming " yesyesplease, I want you so bad, want you to take me, pleasepleaseplease."

It's all she wants. It's all she ever wanted and ever could want but she can't say it. Not now. She just…she can't. She can nod, though, and she can reach down and grab Izuku's cock, feel it jump in excitement in her hand as he gasps and whispers her name. She can use a soft touch and half-lidded eyes to direct Izuku to lay down on the ground directly in front of the couch where their parents can see everything. Can see them, together like they're supposed to be.

Katsuki hovers over Izuku, nearly losing her mind at the look of wonder and awe on her face because it's so much better than the look she saw when they first arrived. He looks up at her like she's a goddess, like she's the answer to every question, like he never wanted to look away. She flips her skirt up and lowers herself until the pink cute mushroom head of his dick is pressed against her pussy.

She knows she's stretched, feels a moment of shyness and guilt over the fact that so many men had taken her already and she's young and tight but is she tight enough for Deku's first time, is this going to be good for him, she knows she's the best but she wants to be the best for Izuku and—

Her spiraling thoughts fade as Izuku wraps his hands around her hips and pulls her down with a soft sigh of her name. Immediately, a sense of rightness settles in her chest as she sinks down all the way. Her body takes Izuku easily, taking him to the hilt like she was born for it. He's snug inside and she feels how perfectly her cunt conforms to the shape of him even with all the cock she's taken today.

Izuku isn't as big nor as thick as some of the men she's had but he feels so damn good that she can't stop herself from moaning and bringing her hands down to rest on either side of his head as she grinds herself on him. One of his hands comes up to snag hers, pulling it into a sweet loose handhold before he pulls it up and kisses her palm.

To motion damn near makes her cry all over again, it's so sweet and careful. She can feel how precious she is to him at that moment and it makes her pussy and heart clench in unison. She's not just being used, not just being fucked. She's being loved and it's filling her with heat and pleasure. Far more than any other sexual experience she's had before.

If it weren't for the low grunt from her former Daddy, she would have continued to lose herself in the feeling of finally being with Izuku. But as it stands, she turns half of her attention back to the couch, just in time to watch Hisashi pump her mother's ass full of cum. Mitsuki licks her lips, eyes fluttering at the sensation, before she picks up the pace, fucking harshly upwards into Auntie Inko.

Inko's hands fly to her own chest, holding her tits in place in a vain attempt to stop the sound of them slapping lewdly as they bounce up and down in time with Mitsuki's thrusts. It both shocks and makes perfect sense to Katsuki that Inko can be so debauched and innocent at once. Though her voice trembles through staccato moans, the woman still whines for more.

"S-sweet babies, come here. Mama—ah, Mitsuuuu , f-faster—Mama wants you closer ," she cooed at the joined couple as she rubs her clit. And Katsuki wants to keep Izuku to herself, he belongs to her, but this whole day has been such a wild ride and she has enough sense to admit that the trio fucking nearby are sexy and attributing to at least some of her arousal.

"Kacchan?" Izuku prompts, looking up at her in deference and respect. He won't do anything without her permission, she knows.

But he IS a people-pleaser and an incorrigible mama's boy. She doesn't need to ask to know that he wants to satisfy his mother, that he probably has some dorky little picture in his head about them all being one big happy fucky family and holding hands while they cum in unison.

And she...she let so many men take her, fill her, mess her up earlier—

"What does Kacchan want?" he asks softly, "I just wanna make you feel good so tell me what you want. I'll listen to Kacchan." That's all he wants? For Katsuki to feel good?

He cherishes her and it makes her heart leap into her mouth. She swallows it back down, slow and painful, giving him a smirk that feels a bit too much like a smile. She wants to make this day the most memorable it can be for him.

He needs to have this emblazoned on his mind for years to come and she wants to make damn sure that whatever taste he gets of Mitsuki or Inko or hell, even Hisashi, all pale in comparison to the way SHE makes him feel. So she'll allow it. Just this once.

It's with great reluctance that she moves herself off Deku's cock but the chill of the cold air on her wet cunt and the sad hollow feeling of being empty is short-lived. She only parts from him long enough to get them closer to the others.

Hisashi pulls his cock out of her mother, surreptitiously wiping the last of his cum off on her thigh before shifting to get a better view of everyone else. It won't take him long to recover, but he wants to savor each stroke as he watches the lust and chaos overwhelm the others.

With more space, Mitsuki can spread out a bit, altering the angle she thrusts into Inko with and it's absolutely perfect to drag against the other woman's g-spot. As Inko's moans rise to a crescendo and she begins to stutter everyone's names, Katsuki situates herself right between her Auntie's plush legs. Izuku follows her down, slipping back inside her and joining their mouths briefly before Hisashi leans in and pulls them apart, directing his son's lips to his wife's soaked pussy.

Under the combined heavy gazes of everyone in the room, Izuku eats his mother out with fervor and wanton delight. All the while his hips slam his cock in and out of Katsuki, making her grow dizzy with the pleasure and the wildness of it all. She's taking Deku's perfect dick as his saliva and his mother's juices rain down from his overactive mouth and trembling chin to splatter her face.

It's filthy and mesmerizing, sick, twisted, lovely, divine. The five of them are forming some impossible beast of pleasure together, constantly connected to one another in some fashion and drunk off the feel, the scent, the warmth of it all.

In a mirrored replica of only moments before, Inko cums all over her child's face, soaking his pretty curls while her hips shake her squirting pussy across his plump abused lips. The act seems to set off a chain reaction as all five of them properly lose themselves to their desires. Hisashi makes a point of pressing his cock to Katsuki's lips before he moves to collect his wife from Mitsuki, slipping inside her with a tender kiss to her brow.

The woman sighed happily, arms wrapping around him as she nuzzled into this shoulder. "You always fill me so well, 'Sashi," she purred as he began fucking her with a gentle slow tenderness that Katsuki found odd compared to his normal brutal fast-pace. But it was sort of sweet. Sweeter still, however, was the way Izuku used his mother's slick to finger himself open. Fuck if he wasn't cute, nose scrunching adorably as focused on stretching his hole and still fucking into Katsuki.

Mitsuki was far from finished herself, despite getting off on dominating her best friend and taking a married man's cock, though. So it wasn't long before Katsuki found her mother's legs clamped on either side of her head as the woman sat her soaked pussy on her daughter's face, the strap on and harness temporarily discarded to the far end of the couch.

Katsuki noted privately that her mother's juices tasted a good deal like her own. Seems she inherited more than just Mitsuki's looks and loud personality, she thought as she pressed her tongue deep into Mitsuki's pussy. Her mother was massaging her own clit, manicured fingers occasionally moving to pet back Katsuki's hair. It would have been annoying any other time but the action was actually rather soothing.

Though to be fair, much of Katsuki's good mood was attributed to the fact that Deku's cock was pumping into her, dragging against her sensitive walls rhythmically as he buried his fingers in his own ass. It was with a pathetic whine that she reluctantly let Izuku pull out of her after he was fully prepared, her jaw and tongue sore from eating out her mother. Mitsuki's cum was smeared all over her mouth and chin. Izuku licked it off with a giggle that Katsuki scowled at (even if it was rather charming) before the boy set about slipping the harness back on Mitsuki.

Despite the curl of jealousy in her stomach, Katsuki had to admit that Izuku did look good sitting on a cock. Katsuki hadn't really entertained the idea of using a harness herself until she saw the way Izuku's lips parted as he sunk onto her mother's strap. Katsuki found herself kneeling in front of the other two, demanding Deku's attention still be focused on her by lapping delicately at his cock like a kitten.

The boy gasped, fingers flying to Katsuki's spiky locks to twist and rub them as he rocked his hips back and forth, pressing his ass down on Mitsuki's dick and then up into the warm slick sensation of Katsuki's tongue and mouth. Though Katsuki revels in the feel of Izuku's cock on her tongue, she can't stop herself from craving the feeling of him inside her again.

With a smirk, she bounces up and settles herself on his lap, swallowing his loud moan in a deep kiss. He jerks his hips quick and eager into her and she praises him. "That's it Deku, fuck me! You love this, don't you? Full on one end and buried inside me on the other. Such a greedy boy, Deku," she teases.

Though she plays with him, her mouth doesn't stop at just sexy teasing, a bit of her insecurity leaking into her next words. "You like me better, huh? F-Fucking, yeah , let me ride you. I'm tight for you, Deku. I'm perfect for you. I can satisfy you way better than anyone else! Right?!" She wants to wince at the lingering desperation in her tone but she's thankfully distracted by Izuku petting her back soothingly as he leans forward to suck her tits.

Between gentle pulls and nibbles and powerful sucks that will surely leave her chest marked for days—something Katsuki finds herself loving and craving—Izuku makes a point to reassure her. "Kacchan feels amazing ! I've n-never felt anything better than her pretty pussy wra-wrapped around my—OH, t-that's good—my cock. Feels so perfect. M-made for me, Kacchan. My Kacchan."

Mitsuki rolls her eyes at the children's antics, particularly her daughter's, and picks up the pace until she hears Izuku cry out and fill Katsuki as his prostate is milked by Mitsuki's strap. She gives the boy an affectionate slap on the ass, making him whimper and bury his face in Katsuki's little breasts as the woman shifts her attention back to the other adults.

Inko welcomes her with open arms, practically ripping the harness to get her mouth on the blonde's pussy and insisting that Hisashi fuck them both roughly into the mattress once they're done in the living room. It's honestly kind of funny seeing Inko being bossy with the other two adults but now that the children are left to their own devices, they only have eyes for each other.

Katsuki keeps riding a whimpering Deku, hearing the filthy wet sounds of his cum fucking in and out of her abused hole, taking advantage of her position on top to make sure he barely even softens before she's milking his cock all over again. Izuku wraps his arms tight around her waist, calling out her name over and over. The broken sound of his voice begging for her makes her desperate to cum with him during this round and she is only slightly surprised to find herself crying.

"D-Deku, I'm sorry," she moans and the boy looks up at her, making a prompting noise. She shakes her head, tears falling, "I sh-should have waited for you. W-wanted our first ti-times to be together and I, I r-ruined it! Y-you're not gonna wanna marry me now cuz I'm a such a wh-whore."

Her heart breaks when Izuku grips her hips and tugs her off of him and she sniffles as she realizes that she's right. Izuku doesn't really want him. Why would he? She ruined everything! She's so stupid!

But just when she thinks she's going to be pushed away entirely, Izuku's face furrows into a look of intense determination and he practically drags her away to his bedroom. His strength surprises her, given that he's a good inch and a half shorter than her and doesn't seem outwardly very strong.

Katsuki's sniffling and sobs start to dwindle as Izuku lifts her onto his bed and settles himself on top of her, eyes bright and serious as he pushes his cock in slow and deep. It takes the breath from her lungs, that look and the feel of him pressing in deep and steady.

"Kacchan is mine," Izuku states matter-of-factly, "I love Kacchan the most and always will." His pace picks up and though he can't stop the moans and pants that leak out of him, his voice stays relatively unwavering as he continues to fuck her harder and speak. "She's perfect the way she is and I'm gonna marry her and be with her forever and ever! Kacchan is perfect for me," he reiterates as he furiously massages her swollen clit with two fingers.

Katsuki's chest feels like it breaks open as she screams his name to the heavens, back arching as she cums so hard she sees bright red and gold fireworks behind her eyelids, pussy squirting arcs of slick all over her and Deku's lower half. Izuku just fucks her through it, even as he cums with her, his hot creamy semen pushing even more of her own and his mixed cum in her tight hole.

Izuku's arms shake in their position on either side of her head for a moment before he collapses on her. The weight knocks the last of the wind out of her but she doesn't complain, not when Izuku presses a soft kiss to her sweaty forehead and shifts to the side, turning so that she's the one resting her full weight on him. It's too warm and everything smells of salty tears and salty sweat and the musk of cum. Izuku's cock is softening inside her but neither of them moves, too comfortable in their embrace.

Katsuki doesn't know who says "I love you" first at that moment or if either of their slurred phrases were even intelligible but she snuggles impossibly closer to him as their chests start to rise and fall in sync. They fall asleep like that, locked together and madly in love.


Katsuki bites back a yawn, eyes fixated on the dark ring of a coffee stain atop the desk she's being fucked on. If she can even call it that. The fucker flopping like a dying seal behind her is her sixth-grade teacher and despite being in his mid-forties with three kids, he can't seem to fuck her hard enough.

"Come on, you shitty bastard! I'm giving you the pussy you've been drooling over for the past two weeks and you can't even make me cum? Fuck me harder, already!" she demands. Her sensei grunts and picks up the pace, gripping her waist brutally tight and pounding her hard enough that he drips sweat down onto her lower back where her seifuku top has ridden up. But it's still not enough.

Deku would be better at this, she thinks. Deku would know how to make her legs shake, how to fuck her so good and so hard that she'd squirt all over the desk and have trouble walking home. Deku would make her remember the feel of his cock in him for days, make her beg for more the whole trip home, and take her right there in the genkan if she asked nicely.

Just the thought of Deku is enough to make her cunt clench down, pulling a deep moan of appreciation from her sensei, but she's still not fully satisfied. She wants Deku. She wishes he was here, a fist in her hair and his balls slapping against her ass. But this year they'd been placed in separate classrooms and Izuku was probably still in a student council meeting, the dumb nerd.

Katsuki rolled her eyes, resting her cheek against the cool surface of the desk with a sigh. Guess she'll just have to wait until her sensei blows his load and see if she could get off on her fingers. Ugh. What a waste. Just as she's settling into a reluctant acceptance of her situation, she hears the soft glide of the sliding door and both she and her sensei look to see Izuku enter the room.

Her sensei is quick to pull out and shove himself away from Katsuki, tripping over his pants as he rushes to explain himself away. Katsuki gets a sense of deja vu, recalling how Hisashi had reacted to seeing her in nearly that exact same situation years ago. She'd more or less called things off with Hisashi after that fated night but relied him occasionally for hookups with some nameless extras when her libido acted up.

Recently, though, every sexual interaction she had that didn't involve Deku was just…not as satisfying. In fact, much like this one, it was dull and bordering on being a chore rather than a fun exercise in lust and debauchery.

"I, I know this looks bad but I swear I didn't know her age or anything!" the man behind her babbled in fear and Katsuki wanted to hit him. Idiot bastard, she's been in his class for half a month and she's wearing the goddamn school uniform. Did he actually think that excuse would work? Much less on her boyfriend, a fellow student who happened to have a brilliantly analytical mind.

The man seemed to register the idiocy of his piss-poor explanation, judging by the wince he gave as Izuku looked at him impassively. Katsuki found herself much more interested in Izuku's response: it was incredibly rare, practically unheard of, for the boy to not show a single emotion on his expressive face but he simply gazed at Katsuki and her teacher with a blank stare and a patient smile.

It was starting to make her uncomfortable and she felt a blush blooming on her cheeks, suddenly embarrassed by her actions. Why did she let this bastard fuck her when she knew Izuku would do it better? So much better. It was like her boyfriend was made to satisfy her and here she was with her panties around her ankles and her skirt rumpled, ass out for some shitty pervert who spent his days staring at her tits through her uniform.

"M-must have been some Quirk or something!" the man continued, floundering for a shred of dignity and drowning in his own incompetence. "Some lust thing or, or, or a reaction or something! I, I mean it was all her anyway! Little whore practically threw herself at me—!" he said before his words were cut off, Deku suddenly in the man's personal space with his smile nowhere to be seen.

Izuku's eyes, previously blank, were now dark and burning with rage as he shook his phone in front of the older male's face. Katsuki's eyes darted to the device, as did her sensei, their breath catching as the screen displayed a still from a recording of the man fucking Katsuki with the girl's face twisted in a grimace of displeasure.

"A single text and this video is sent to every police station and school superintendent within a 1000km radius. Your life will be over in seconds thanks to a simple press of a button," Deku says, voice low and deadly as he speaks the clear threat into the quiet of the room.

"I—I—" Katsuki's sensei stutters and Izuku shuts him up with a raised finger.

"I hear you talking to Kacchan like that again and I'll do more than end your career. Now leave."

The man doesn't hesitate, fleeing the room without even zipping up his pants and racing towards the exit like his soles are on fire. It's pathetic, watching such a big strong man, a pinnacle of authority in the classroom, squeal like a mouse and run away from a middle schooler. Katsuki can't help but laugh, loud and bright. She stands up, the desk starting to bother her where it digs into her belly and turns to her boyfriend.

Her laughter ends when she sees Izuku bend down to the ground, collecting her panties and proceeding to slowly lift them back up her legs. He's silent and focused on his task, making her heart flutter at his tender care even as it twists in self-deprecation for putting him in this situation. His lips, soft like sakura petals, scatter her calves and thighs in kisses as he methodically redresses her.

She can't stop the soft moans at the sensation of his hands and mouth so close to where she needs him most, so soon after being fucked but left unfulfilled. Her legs part as his lips move higher, her fingers carding through his curls while she complains. "That asshole couldn't get me off, Deku. He doesn't take care of me the way you do. Only you can fuck me right, get me off like you're supposed to. You'll do it, won't you? I want you so bad right now after his shitty performance."

Izuku just shakes his head, pulling up and away from her to straighten out her skirt and smooth her uniform blouse down. He even adjusts the bow in the front, making sure it lies flat and is properly secured. He hasn't looked at her in they eyes yet and with his denial of sexual gratification, she's starts to worry before he gently captures her chin in his hand.

He tilts her face away at first, kissing the top of her collarbone before moving onto her neck, then bringing her face closer again to kiss her lips slow and soft and meaningful. His arms wrap around her neck and hers naturally fall to his waist, her fingertips registering the slight tension in his back from him rising to his toes to be tall enough to kiss her properly.

Relief and excitement fill her as he deepens the kiss and she feels his erection prod at her thigh. Katsuki grinds against him and he returns the favor briefly before pulling away. His hand comes up to tuck a bit of hair behind her ear and meet her eyes with a look of unwavering love and affection, possessiveness and devotion.

"No more for now, Kacchan. I want to take you in bed at home like you deserve. Lay you out and fuck you until your voice gets raw from screaming your pleasure. You can be as loud as you want there for me, beautiful."

The blonde blushes, ducking her head slightly, feeling giddy and shy. "Well fuck, Deku. Let's go home quick then. No use dicking around here with that offer on the table."

Linking hands, the couple proceed to gather their things from their lockers and begin the walk home. Katsuki does her best to ignore the eager throb of her cunt as she imagines how Izuku will take her, how well he'll take care of her.

The walk is silent at first, both of them just enjoying each other and the warm glow of the sun setting behind them before Katsuki clears her throat.

"I um…I think I'm done with all the extras, Deku. None of them are good for me. Good to me," she says, the not like you are unspoken and yet still heard.

Izuku rewards her with a beautiful smile and a quick squeeze of her hand. "Whatever you want Kacchan. So long as Kacchan is happy, I'll be happy too. Because I'd do anything for Kacchan. I love Kacchan."

"Tch. Sap," she chides before squeezing his hand back, " you too, nerd."