Hado's Secret Account - A Nejire and Izuku Tale 2

Jirou entered the room after him. Her eyes scanned every last bit of All Might memorabilia scattered around the living space. If shame could be personified into a moment in one's life, it would be this. The first time a lone girl enters your room, she is subjected to your otaku hobbies. There are tortures less horrifying.

"So you fucked Nejire huh." Blunt, direct to a fault. She wasted no time in pleasantries or negotiation. Her priorities were clear, and they didn't include casual conversation. She leaned back against the closet door, looking at him sitting down on the bed.

"Y-yeah but….. I…." He struggled to justify his actions. At no point was he forced to partake in anything, everything he'd done was with a clear understanding of the potential repercussions. Anything said at this moment would be a lie.

"I can't believe you two." The petite girl rubbed her eyebrows together, frustrated at the situation she found herself in. She took a deep sigh before continuing. "Do you know how hard this is for me?" Her tone conveyed gravity, with a hint of pity mixed in.

"H-hard?" Izuku struggled to understand what she was referring to. He felt threatened enough that paying attention to another's plight became highly difficult. Confusion shot out in Jirou's direction, befuddlement that she noticed.

"Two U.A. students, one of them my classmate, had relations while on campus. What's more you posted it online." A series of complex feelings flashed through her face. She looked apprehensive, like what she was about to say preemptively hurt. "I…. have to report this to the teachers, I'm sorry Midoriya." She averted her gaze and started for the door.

Maybe this was for the best, he'd been aware of the 'wrong' aspect this entire time. As so, something eventually had to budge, even if it meant harsh consequences. He thought of everything he'd experienced the past few days. Nejire's sweet smile, her eyes as she gazed upon him, her soft body enveloping his very being. Those two mounds which attracted his eyes, Moe's enchanting figure and attitude. The countless viewers subscribed to the girl, reacting and appreciating the content. Finally sex, above all, was the most pleasurable experience he'd had yet. All of that was coming to an end, effective immediately.

No, he couldn't allow that to happen. His new secret lifestyle had brought him too much pleasure, and could be much more than what it was now. Jirou can't leave, she would ruin everything. She would drift him and Nejire apart. Izuku sprung off the bed, instinctively activating full cowling. He reached out and grasped the small girl's hands, pulling her back to the closet wall. He held both of them above her head. Deep breaths escaped him.

"Midoriya… what…?" Her earphone jacks wiggled around, as startled as the girl being held against her will. Other than that, her body stayed astonishingly still. An unparalleled obedience contradicting her earlier words. Her skirt had been lodged upward from the sudden movement, revealing a set of black panties beneath it.

"You can't go." His voice gained a menacing edge. He held Jirou in place, exerting enough force so that getting out would be implausible. His green eyes were glowing in the dark room, looking downright intimidating, like a wolf surveying his prey. The distance between them was close enough that their respirations could be felt by the other. The girl now stared up at him, completely at his mercy. "You'll ruin everything." He firmly pressed her hands against the closet door, increasing the pressure.

"Hmph~" Huh? What was that? She let out a weird sound all of a sudden. Was she… was she enjoying this? Come to think of it, she could've gone to the teachers directly. Instead she came to his room, and confronted him. What's more, she found the video by her lonesome, and watched it until that particular scene popped up. Not accidental, nor was she guided by another person. It was almost like–

"You wanted this to happen." His eyes narrowed, getting in close to gauge her reaction. She squirmed under his gaze. The uncovered part of her legs rubbed together sheepishly. Though hard to see, her panties oozed a bit of wetness. He wouldn't have coined Jirou as a submissive girl, yet here she was with a crimson blush spread across her face.

"I-i-its not just– Aghn!" Her explanation was cut short by hand running along her right thigh. Her own were still being held by his left palm.

Something came over him, aided by the fact that this was the first time he wasn't being pushed around by a girl. His fingers rubbed her leg up and down, feeling around the toned muscles of his classmate. He was used to women with plumpier bodies but this sort of appeal was nice in a different way, like seeing a pinetree on a desert. He felt all around the softness, slowly caressing both the front and backside, his fingers slightly brushing against her ass. She shivered in response. His hand stopped on her hips, resting there for a while. Izuku was purposely teasing her, waiting for another interjection or reaction from the punk rocker. All he got were closed mouth whimpers, and averted eyes. He wanted to get an admission, for her to acknowledge the fact that she yearned for his touch. The drive to pressure her was being fueled by his repressed feelings, and the threat to his life with Nejire. He lowered his hand to her panties, touching the outline of her pussy from outside.

"N-not there…" Jirou bit her own lip, trying to contain the groans escaping from within. Her legs involuntarily closed, entrapping his hand in between. She tried to maintain the 'tough girl' act but her physiological responses betrayed her. "Ah! Wait…" She grinded her teeth together, a concentration of drool accumulated behind them.

Izuku had slipped his hand inside the cloth, fingering the smaller girl's vagina. His index, middle, and ring finger initiated the contact. His thumb landed on her clitoris, it carefully massaged that place as his middle finger did the same inside. He had a basic understanding of anatomy which he applied here. The long finger rubbed her g spot over and over, making screams of ecstasy crash against the back of her molars. His dick got hard, it pressed through his pants onto her muscular belly. Jirou was drenched now, her juices trickled down both thighs as the foreign hand stroked her folds and insides. She commenced a humping motion forward, leaning into the boy's hand. His hand was warm and manly, its rugged edges adding to the soft caressing of her hole. What he was doing felt incredible, better than any masturbation session she ever did. The slow movements from his rough fingers ultimately brought her close. Any moment now, she would climax. Then, he abruptly stopped. He knew exactly how near she was and deliberately stopped to achieve maximum frustration. She tried to rub against his hand but he removed it from the private part, relaxing it on the uncut hairs down there.

"Promise me you won't tell the teachers." His personality shifted. This was not the normal Izuku Midoriya, this was a sex crazed person who was not ready to give that part of his life up. The girl, lost in aroused stupor, nodded, "Say it." He leaned in closer, the tip of his nose touched hers.

"I…. promise…." Jirou looked directly at his green marbles. She was breathing heavy, expectant of the climax to come. However, the first thing she felt were his lips violently crashing against her own. A steamy kiss with an exploring tongue feeling around inside. His hand reintroduced itself right after, plunging deep off the get go. She squirted, rampant amounts of liquids shooting out against the fabric and his fingers. The floor dirtied with her overwhelming ejaculate. This intense feeling and quivering continued for a few seconds. Their saliva exchange was filled with the girl's moans, eventually making Izuku break the connection.

He released Jirou's hands, letting her kneel down and catch her breath. She donned a combined expression of satisfaction and confusion. The whole experience left her both physically and mentally exhausted. It took her almost an entire minute before reincorporating herself, she continued hanging back against the closet door. Her mind now automatically recoils from her peer's stare. Jirou was his now.

Izuku exchanged his contact information with her, then guided the tiny girl out of his room. She left with a smile reminiscent of someone not fully there. Once the door closed, he sat down on his bed. A bit of disbelief in how he acted earlier set in, unknowing of what came over him. Still, he replayed the scene in his head as his boxers stayed tight. He released the phallic mass of flesh and began stroking it up and down. His head wrestled with thoughts of everything that happened that day.


The next day's classes were awkward. He could sense Jirou's eyes on him at all times. The pink blush she sported always seemed to follow her leers. Each time they caught the other, she would put a fist to her mouth and flicker her pupils around. Izuku wasn't anything close to an expert on the topic, but he could swear the girl had fallen in love with him. So much so that she wanted to meet up at lunchtime behind the school building. Huh?

Fidgety, or anxious, she stood there as he approached.

"M-M-Midoriya, uhm…" Her shoes cutely rubbed together. A love confession? No, this must be about yesterday. Despite her fetishes, Jirou isn't the type to profess her love this way. It would be in a more lowkey manner, in someplace that meant a lot to her. "Yesterday wasn't just about the video…" She struggled to maintain eye contact.

Izuku recalled she did try to say something amidst his fondling. He had drowned it out with his obsessiveness, a conversation lost in last night's impulses.

"W-well, uh, I edit for other Hero-Fans accounts." Oh, he wasn't expecting this type of development. Considering her music background and professional aspirations, those editing skills must be quite formidable. "So, I can edit for you and Nejire." She twirled her right ear jack, awaiting an answer. Her finding of the video appears to have been unintentional, but she used it to pitch herself and receive a night of pleasure. A conniving one, this girl.

"Which users?" He walked toward her, closing the distance and starting to intrinsically push her against the wall. His behavior from their previous meeting carried over as he ominously looked down at the smaller girl. Her legs reflexively leaked fluids from betwixt.

"Mhm~ Koi and RavenStarfish." She writhed before him, overcome by feelings of desire. Jirou was entranced by her classmate, she submitted her entire being to him. Ready for anything he'd do.

"Their names, tell me." He reached a hand around and grasped onto one of her ass cheeks. A 'reward' for being so cooperative. Izuku was surprised by how bountiful it was, reveling in the springiness by wiggling it up and down. Jirou had awoken something in him, a part of his psyche once deeply suppressed.

"I-I can't…." Her lower face contorted in a weird way, looking as if she wanted a smooch. Her marbles locked onto his pants that now showed a boner poking through. The convex part of her mouth watered. She wanted him here, yet, judging by how this interaction was going, it wouldn't happen.

"Tell me." Izuku hovered his lips over the girl's. He kept them millimeters away, heavily teasing her with the goal to gather information about those two top ten accounts. However, he'd be lying if he denied enjoying this.

"K-Koi is Kodai from the B class." Jirou looked like she was starving, longing for more touching beyond her backside. She wanted to jump at him, shift forward slightly so that they came into contact, feel him, but he was in control here. "Raven….. I can't say that one." Her gaze shot to the floor after saying the latter. Clearly, this last person held personal significance for her. Notwithstanding his dominance in this situation, he decided not to press her for the second name. There were limits, even in twisted relationships like this one.

"Good girl." He planted a brief peck on the girl, making her quirk jerk around. As he broke the kiss, she looked awestricken, perhaps cumming from the interaction. He gave her rump one last long squeeze before stepping away, purposely leaving her unfulfilled. A smirk appeared on his face, for he'd just hired an editor for free.


Nejire was immediately open to the idea. She was happy to pass on responsibilities if it meant a smoother work line. And to her credit, Jirou worked at an extremely fast pace. The files would be edited and returned in under two hours. What's more, she corrected audio issues, exposure and dead air perfectly. The Burnin' cosplay video came out as one of the account's best produced pieces as a result. She also removed the portion where his scar appeared on the second raw tape. A welcome addition to their operation. The aloof one even came up with a nickname: 'Mane-chan', an adorable abbreviation of 'Manager'. He, of course, kept the specifics of his pre-existing encounters secret.

As for Yui Kodai, Izuku messaged her through the NeneHado account, with Nejire's approval. The responses were initially tepid, monosyllabic messages that left more questions than answers. A stream of 'Uh Uh', 'Yes' and 'Okay' followed a bunch of inquiries of a possible collaboration. After a while, the back and forth became smoother, almost as if a different person was handed the phone. The texts were verbose and properly addressed the finer details of their meetup. She settled on a family owned cottage right outside of the city, a neutral location. The other parameters were nothing more than packing a replica of everyone's hero costumes. Though risky, it seems she wanted an authentic hero x hero sex scene. He ordered a different colored suit, wanting to avoid recognition.

They met up with the quiet girl at the bus stop outside campus on a saturday. She sat there silently, like a flower swaying in the wind. Izuku had laid eyes on the girl before, momentarily through the halls and once at the training camp. However, up until now he'd seen her as a peer. Watching her stern face ooze natural beauty as she aimlessly looked forwards granted him a different perspective. She wore a white ruffle dress spanning until around the middle of her thigh. It was paired with a wide circular hat of the same color. Hanging off her left arm was a beige bag, filled with miscellaneous apparel. Her sandals shared the same hue, with a butterfly-like pattern across the strap. Casual, yet, carrying an elegant aura. Perhaps it was her pitch black hair and blue eyes contrasting the palette. A gorgeous girl he'd overlooked amongst the two classes, how many others had he missed? Upon being close enough to Yui, he noticed a silhouette flanking the woman. A figure he'd recently gotten close to.

"Mane-chan!" Nejire floated toward the other two girls. Jirou awkwardly smiled in response, she stiffened up a bit once Izuku walked closer. He signaled her to loosen up, to which she took a deep breath and acquiesced. They couldn't keep their dynamic under wraps forever, but for now, maintaining the front of 'acquaintances' seemed more appropriate. On the other hand, Yui expressed little to no emotion. No discernable greeting apart from a few sounds leaving her closed mouth. No smile, frown, eye shift, nothing. Working with this cold woman might be harder than what they expected.

The bus arrived before schedule, allowing the gaggle to board without much fuzz. Barren, except for the driver who looked astoundingly sleep deprived. The four took up the entire back seats, with Izuku and Yui sitting on opposite windows. The two portions of sitting spaces were separated by a notable hole in between. Nejire sat next to the silent girl, her face hinted at a want to inquire about the reserved one. He shot her a voiceless good luck stare, before turning over to the glass. He looked outside at the trees, enjoying the serene way they moved below the weather. This moment of peace lasted for a few seconds, broken by his accumulated tiredness. In no time, his head was falling out of his hand. His eyes closed, finally done in by sleep. He gently rested against a soft surface, Jirou's nearby shoulder.

"H-huh?" Startled, she shuddered once the scruffy hair settled on her. Short breaths lifted his hair up and down. She was unable to move now, held in place by the possibility of waking him up. The blue haired girl looked over, discouraged by the lack of reciprocity from Yui, only to chuckle at the sight. The smaller girl nervously smirked back at her, trying to maintain her cool. She couldn't take her eyes off the sleeping boy for the rest of the ride.

The Kodai family's luxurious cottage resembled some mansions. With wide doors taller than any of them, blending into the background of trees. The windows on the entrance's side seemed as though they were plopped in from European architecture. The gate at the bottom led to wooden stairs, which in turn led to the enormous doors. Together with the porch's antique lanterns, it looked like a place dislodged from its time period.

"Wow! Your family must really love western houses!" Nejire hovered around the roof, watching over and to the side of the structure. Barely audible for the trio below, she donned her trademark smile, enjoying surveying the area. She floated back down, waiting for any sort of response from her.

"Mhm." Nothing, again. Yui was a very poor conversationalist, even if she carried some charm. Knowing whether she was doing that on purpose, at this point, was impossible.

They entered the house and moved through the broad living room. The vintage Arabian rugs covered most of the entire floor there. Gigantic pieces of fabric with gorgeous patterns spread across the area, beautiful decor. The dim lighting highlighted the aged furniture, giving it the feel of an old school horror movie. In the midst of everything was an immense fireplace, probably bigger than Izuku's bed at the dorm, which looked abandoned or unused. Behind the living room was the kitchen. A silhouette projected through the glass door into it. How nice of Yui, to have someone make food for the four. Maybe she wasn't so cold after all.

The designated room for the shoot was not a bedroom, it resembled a studio from the nineties. A desk with an old computer set atop it, with a non ergonomic chair. The seat's red cushions were somewhat worn out. In the middle, a patchwork couch made of various colors. Most prominently, a deep beige plastered around the thing. The couch faced a retro CRT television stacked on a fitment. Below it was a dvd player with discs all around. There were also a bunch of books on a singular wooden shelf, placed beside the desk. As per Jirou's explanation (because of Kodai's quietness), this room was to give the session a different 'atmosphere'. What kind of vibe this setting gave off in terms of ambience, well, who knows. Not only was she silent, she was also incredibly cryptic.

"Hey." Yui only said one word, but Nejire somehow understood what she meant. The pair stood up and headed outside with their bags. The aloof one was smirking the whole way out. They left Izuku and the 'manager' alone.

Unbothered, he began changing right in front of Jirou. She partially covered her eyes, leaving cracks so he was visible. He got down to his boxers, white and tight, showing the outline of his penis. Knowing what he was doing, he agonizingly pulled out the dark orange tinted version of his hero fit. As it was sliding on, he readjusted his underwear, flashing his meat for a split second. She couldn't help but gulp, admiring his abs and the momentary dick display. Her own undergarments gained stickiness.

Following that tease, the two girls returned with their costumes on. He first saw a hat, Yui's, before noticing something was off. Were their outfits always this skin tight? Yui's boobs were pushing against the red fabric, her nipples were fully outlined by the front. About the same size as Nejire's, who's own mounds also protruded in much the same manner. Their lower lips were also imprinted on the clothes, the folds inviting his eyes down there. The scene immediately made him hard. With his boner fully observable through the outfit, Jirou started the camera.

"We're not wearing anything below!" Nejire exclaimed as she closed the distance. She hugged his arm with her clothed tits, with Yui following close. The two stood by his sides, pressing their shapely bodies against his.

Izuku didn't react calmly, he cupped the aloof one's ass with one hand and pulled her closer. He grasped onto Yui's back and locked lips with the girl. Still no discernable expression, seriously what was with her? As he kissed the black haired girl, separate hands started massaging his hard on. Nejire began licking and caressing his neck, planting small smooches there. It tickled, but also felt heavenly. The quiet girl's tongue movements were unlike any he'd experienced, it felt alive, submitting his own to a barrage of flicks and twirls. It got to the point where he let her do whatever, allowing her head to bob violently, clashing lips at incredible speeds. He broke the make out session, leaving a strand of saliva connecting them. The blue haired girl noticed, detaching herself from his right arm and cupping the other girl's breasts. She gradually led Yui over to the desk with her fondles, bending her over so that her butt faced him.

Nejire smacked the flesh, making the firmness jiggle like waves. This served doubly as a signal and as an arousing spectacle. Izuku approached, placing his hands on the backside. He knew what he wanted to do, but making it happen meant taking a significant logical leap. He looked toward the floating girl for approval only to be met with a cheeky wink. So he proceeded, ripping the outfit open directly above Yui's pussy. He removed his own clothes, making his piston smack against the rump. He wasted no time inserting it into the expectant hole.

"Hm." That wasn't a moan right? If so, the black haired girl just let out the most nonchalant groan ever. Monotone even, it was hard to tell if she felt anything. The other girl put a hand to her chin, pondering.

"Let's try to break her." Nejire leaned in real close, so that only Izuku would hear her. She had a playful grin on. He was immediately on board, beginning with rapid long strokes, pelvis slapping loudly against her buttocks.

Nejire introduced her hand, gently massaging around Yui's bumhole and lower folds. Though a small ran shiver through the girl bent over, there were still no moans. Her vagina was incredible, warmer than Burnin's and somehow gripping like it was deliberately caressing his cock. He noticed how different each person's felt, perhaps facilitated by concurrent fuckings. The aloof girl puffed up her cheeks, frustrated they were getting nowhere. She knelt down until she could fit below the red bridge created by the other's body. She closed in on the girl's clit, starting to explore with her tongue. Her lips brushed over both of them, hitting Izuku's member each time he thrusted. Yui, although not seen by them, started biting her lip. Nejire kept sucking and planting pecks around there. After a bit, the girl's legs were buckling. Little grunts escaped her, they were getting closer to making her respond loudly. Until a sudden climax escaped Izuku. His cum quickly overflowed Yui's insides. The combination of the quiet woman's fantastic pussy and Nejire's mouth constantly hitting his shaft made for an abrupt finish.

"Agh! So close!" Nejire, below them both, voiced her frustration. She looked defeated, like if she lost in a video game. Her worries would be almost instantly put to rest as the boy grabbed Yui's hips.

"Not yet." Izuku turned the girl. He picked her up with pure strength and placed her back against the shelf. The tip of his phallic flesh was lined up against her hole. Jirou, with a face redder than blood, slid to the side to capture the whole picture. "Full Cowling."

The boy's body bursted with green electricity. At the same time, he rapidly inserted himself into Yui. Her tongue shot out of her mouth in tandem with a muffled scream of pleasure. With her taste organ now hanging from her lips, the minute cries from earlier became full on howls. Each movement, each hump earned an ecstatic moan from the girl. With his quirk active, his cock had begun vibrating, add his increased speed onto that and it makes him a sex machine. Micro orgasms on every thrust, Yui's mind tried hard to not lose itself.

"Ahh… ahh… ah… K-kiss…" The first time he heard anything other than monosyllabic 'uhum' variations coming from her and it was an ask for a kiss. Nonetheless, he obliged, sticking out his own gustatory part to meet hers. They swirled together, with Izuku trying to match her proactive movements.

He pounded harder and faster than before, making some books topple over. Yui locked her legs around him, longing to have him inside forever. She fully climaxed twice, though the major peaks were drowned out by the minor climaxes she was constantly having. Her eyes rolled upward, until her pupils were almost invisible. Finally, the third and final orgasm made her scream. She shook until her legs gave out, and she slowly slid down to the floor. Evidently, she needed quite a while to recover. Izuku walked over to Nejire, his eyes signaled 'You're next'.

"W-wait I-Izuku, g-give me moment to-" She was scared of his quirk. Seeing what he'd done to Yui, this much was natural. This new version of him was menacing, a combination of factors that led up to this made him that much more terrifying. Nejire had turned around, taking a deep breath to prepare herself. "Eh?" She was interrupted by two hands grabbing onto her wrists from behind.

Izuku promptly ripped the clothed portion that was over Nejire's vagina. He bent her over and pulled her arms until he could use them as handlebars. Then, he pushed his cock inside. He clapped her intensely, until all that could be heard was the smacking of flesh. She didn't even moan, all the air was sucked out of her body as he fiercely banged her. Her first orgasm didn't faze him, neither did her second when she squirted. His vibrating dick provided greater pleasure for everyone involved. Her flowing blue hair swayed all over the place as her hole emitted sloshy sounds. This was the best he'd ever been, she felt as much. After her fourth time cumming, he ultimately reached his limit. His cum shot out inside the girl, simultaneously ending quirk usage. Nejire fell onto the couch face first, taking labored breaths as she tried to recover from the session.

Izuku sat down on the desk chair, with his lower half still uncovered. He looked around, watching the girl's he screwed squirm. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a certain camera girl looking directly at his penis. He took the opportunity to do something he'd thought about before. He used the index finger to draw her to him. She assented, coming close and kneeling down before the chair, following his command.

"Clean it up." He pointed at his dick, half erect and full of various sexual fluids. Jirou's eyes widened, reacting like she was given permission to partake in a lifelong dream of hers.

Her small lips felt good, inexperienced and rough but that added to the charm. Her tongue was incredibly reserved, only brushing the tip and shaft every once in a while. What's more, a large part of it was out of her mouth. A blowjob with nothing out of the ordinary, perhaps he was spoiled by every other woman he'd been with. That was until her ear jacks wrapped around the base of his dick. They wrapped with appropriate tightness around it, feeling like an extra pair of hands in the form of string-like flesh. Plus, she started using her actual hand as well, stroking around the tip close to her lips. All this added up to a really good fellatio, one that brought him over the edge. Jirou struggled to swallow his load, coughing and covering her mouth. However, she eventually guzzled down everything, lewdly showing her clean maw. Spicy, and cute as well, she was more than worth it to keep around.


"That power up of yours is sealed during sex! No more!" Nejire chewed his ear off. Although she was pseudo-shouting, there was still a smile hidden somewhere on her face. She was right anyways, Full Cowling + intercourse had left him increasingly drained. So much so that he slept for two hours straight after the fact.

"Izuku. Ahhh" Ever since he'd woken up, Yui had been trying to feed him. She felt more open, like she gained emotions through extreme sex. Now, sitting here at the dinner table, she handed him a piece of her filet mignon. Turns out, the chef appointed to this place was once a Michelin star winner. In his old age, he was hired by her grandmother. Fitting for a place this garish.

"The footage requires many cuts this time around. Scene changes, audio corrections because I was too close. Might take a few days." Jirou played around with Nejire's camera as she spoke. It was more a fidgety action than a conscious one. She opened and closed the lens as well as flicked the zoom switch over and over.

"Today was fun though! Especially afterwards when we explored this place!" Nejire looked around the table. Apparently while he slept, Yui had taken them for a tour around the house. A showing she promised to repeat for Izuku tomorrow. Despite missing out on that, he was happy to see the faces of these three women light up here at the dinner table. A nice timeout after the intensity they shared. "It's a shame about next week though." She placed a singular finger on her chin.

"Next week?" Naturally, he questioned the statement made by the girl. Seemed as if she did that on purpose, did she want someone to ask her about it?

"Mock exams! We can't meet up until next Sunday!" Nejire said it like it was obvious. No meeting up? No content creation for an entire week? Would he be able to hold out until next sunday. "I'm not even going to college and I still have to take them." She pouted, feeling some kind of injustice at play.

"Izuku. Ahh" Yui extended her fork further, forcibly pushing the piece of meat into his mouth. He chewed on the goodness given to him.

No sex for seven days, surely that's doable, right?

To be continued...



So I would've finished this chapter by Wednesday or Thursday but it was really hard to write. Not because of writers block or anything like that. I broke my left hand playing sports so I had to write this with one hand only. Because of that, the next chapter might also take around a week or so (depends on daily life as well).

As for things that happen this chapter, I'm taking lots of liberties. I don't even know if Yui Kodai's parents are even shown, much less if they're rich or not. Still, I thought it appropriate to write that in because of my plans going forward. Also, I went a little overboard with the Jirou stuff even after I said I don't like sexualizing her. Hey, my worries about doing that might've been flawed after all.

Last thing, the 'chan' honorific doesn't exist in the english language but I couldn't make up a convincing nickname without using it. So I'm breaking language rules, which sucks but I blame it on my lack of naming prowess.

Have a great day.

Chapter 4: Two sides of the same coin


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Here, here. Mommy will make it better." Momo's hand tenderly jerked his dick up and down. The soft voice she was putting on soothed him beyond belief. The glasses she chose to wear added to the whole thing. His classmate looked sophisticated, older, like a mother. One of her bigger nipples gave him something to suck on. She had opened the mock work suit, revealing those huge mounds of hers. His head was laid out across the girl's thighs, using them as pillows. The formal skirt that covered her lower half narrowly covered the underwear. They were both atop one of the couches in the Yaoyorozu manor. The camera before them recorded the entire thing. An immaculate play that many would be jealous of. Just one problem, how the hell did things escalate to this?

Rolling back the clock to a few days earlier, Izuku finds himself anxious. The lack of sex after continuously experiencing the pleasure granted by it had him fiending by day four. Furthermore, there were a lot of physical classes this week, so he had little drive to relieve himself. Moreover, the universe seemed to be taunting him.

The first day, he was speaking to Tsuyu at the cafeteria when she tripped and partially fell over in his direction. He reached out to catch her and accidentally felt up her plump boobs. He kicked himself for getting hard off the interaction. The second day, he was visiting Mei Hatsume's workshop for some hero outfit tweaks. An explosion knocked her to the ground, and ripped her pants open. As so, she unintentionally mooned him.

The third day was the worst. First, he saw Yui Kodai at the school entrance. He tried to say hi but was welcomed with a nonchalant kiss to the lips. Afterward, she just walked into campus without even saying goodbye, only a wave . Safe to say, he was immediately erect before the school day even started. Later, he was showering by himself after a practical class. With nobody around, he left the shower curtain open. The door to the changing rooms swung open, in came Pony Tsunotori, fully nude. She walked over to the showers only to spot him, and he saw her. She exclaimed something along the lines of 'Wow! Big dick!' and 'Sorry Japanese sign!' before running out of the place. Once more, he was left with an unattended hard on. Finally, as the day was ending, he packed up his things and left. However, he noticed one of his notebooks missing, so he went back to pick it up. Upon entering the classroom, he saw Mina grabbing and feeling around Hagakure's boobs. They apologized, apparently she was comparing sizes, sensing the invisible girl had grown again. Torture, being shown these things in an abstinence period.

As such, on the fourth day, he was already tweaking. Another tease from the universe was the final nail in the coffin. Jirou, who he'd barely spoken to since Saturday, styled her hair differently. She had a ponytail, a very small one that contained only a bit of hair. Her left bang, which normally extended until the chin, was tucked behind her ear, wrapped in a braid-like manner. A very simple change, nothing crazy or erotic about it. Yet, the hairstyle excited him to no end. It looked so girly and adorable on her, so out of the norm that it carried inherent attractiveness. This led him to make a rash decision during lunchtime.

Jirou was sitting with Momo Yaoyorozu on a table. She spoke candidly with the girl, intercutting laughs and smiles. It looked like a good time. The smaller girl had a cute aura about her, accentuated by her new look. As he went to sit down with his usual group, he was stopped in his tracks by her unusual charm. He made a desperate decision as he beelined directly to her table. He grabbed onto the punk rocker's left wrist, startling her.

"Jirou… uhm… private meeting." With a dire expression on his face, he held back what he wanted to say. Discussing things further with the vice president next to them was a no go. He held onto Jirou with considerable force, earning concern from the taller girl.

"Midoriya, what are you-" Momo began to address him, only to be cut off by soft eyes pleading in her direction. She had partially stood up but recoiled back into the chair, beckoned there by her friend.

"Yaomomo, I'll see you later." Jirou's face reddened as she rose from the seat. She didn't even attempt to remove the hand tightly gripping her wrist, now standing close to the boy. A head over heels smile was shot in his direction. She slid her arm upward so that his hand would intertwine with hers. The pair walked off, leaving Momo equally confused and worried.

Izuku headed her over to the bathroom area, leading them both into the women's section. He pushed the door open, unbothered by his first time stepping foot in the girl's restrooms. The stalls were all empty, a rare lunchtime occurrence. He picked the one furthest from the door, allowing the girl to enter before him.

The inside was just wide enough to host the pair inside, with the toilet talking up most of the space. He went past her, grabbing both hips as he settled on the latrine. She sat down on his legs, feeling the raging boner rest against her ass. Wordless, he communicated his arousal by planting a prodding kiss to the back of her neck, uncovered by the new hairstyle. Jirou moaned, surprised by the sudden stimulation. She felt a set of hands start to explore her body. He caressed her chest through the uniform, groping around the small mounds with fervor. Her groans grew louder as he found the nipples, with pinches being thrown into the mix. His other hand crept up into her skirt, slowly fondling the inner portion of her thighs until he brushed against the panties. He ran his finger along the clothed slit, cautiously teasing the wetness. The girl yelped, shimmering from the pleasurable jolt shot through her spine. His dick was now hard pressed against her bumhole, massaging it through both fabrics. He stopped focusing on her neck as he pulled his pants down. His cock stood strong, pulsating rhythmically behind the girl. He kept the underside against her backside, his attention returning to the skirt standing in the way. He reached within, pulling down her undergarments to reveal her vagina. Tiny purple-ish hairs sprouted from above it, adorning the wet hole.

"Hands against the door." Izuku almost salivated at the sight, growing increasingly aroused by her. He waited until her ass was sticking out toward him. Over her shoulder, reddened cheeks looked back at him, with narrowed marbles. Her disproportionate butt size compared to the rest of her slender body made the spectacle much more attractive. A nearly perfect heart shaped rump faced him. He carefully positioned the tip against her entrance. "Your hair, you changed it for this purpose." He whispered the previous into her ear, before pushing forward.

"Aghhh!" Jirou screamed, surprised by the warm, fleshy object slowly entering her. The statement had left her off guard enough that the He shoved himself into the girl until it was no longer possible. He stayed motionless for a moment, noticeably mute as the interaction happened. "W-what's wrong?" Breathy, she tried to inquire about the abrupt stop.

Tight, narrower than any he experienced beforehand. The punk rocker's folds held his member in a vice grip, his piston barely even fit within her. He bit his own teeth, feeling resistance as he tried to pull out. Perhaps due to the girl's smaller constitution, the incredible snugness granted him an increased sense of pleasure. Still, he tried his best to move, attempting to ignore how taut her insides were. This led to intermittent, long strokes, leisurely scratching deep into the girl. He couldn't even get his entire length in, yet it was enough to make Jirou cover her mouth. Muffled moans clashed against her fingers, as the gigantic foreign object inserted itself in the tiny opening. Her ass rippled in waves, recoiling from the deep thrusts her counterpart was doing. He used her hips to aid his movement, gaining impulse from using them as handlebars. This continued for about a minute straight, when a sound protruded through the stall.

".... so you turned him down?" The disembodied voice of a girl filled the restroom. Someone they didn't know Two pairs of footsteps followed the sudden talk. One of them went over to the sink and opened the faucet. The water ran for a bit, then stopped. Jirou tapped on his nearby elbow, silently pleading him to remain still. He took a second to breathe, feeling her pussy enclose further due to the perilous situation.

"I had to… I mean…. We're on two different paths of life." A second voice, more high pitched and still unrecognizable. Izuku's dick was itching to move, throbbing inside her. He reached forward, putting two fingers to her lips. He used these to plug up the possible whimpers that would follow. He resumed moving, creating a sloshy noise that could most certainly be heard outside. Jirou started trembling, a combination of embarrassment and elation settling in.

"Always thought you liked him." Thankfully, they didn't seem to notice the couple fucking near them. Izuku sped up, reducing the broad pipes to brief humps directly onto her butt. Whereas they were initially doing it in a doggy-like position, now he hugged Jirou closely. She was held in a sitting pose directly above him, with her cheeks rubbing against his pelvis. He could feel about two orgasms out of her, apparently this arrangement granted her greater satisfaction.

"But not like that…. We've known each other for a long time." The girls' conversation became a backdrop, as their love making gained intensity. He turned Jirou's head around just enough so that he could kiss her. They interlocked tongues, serving the double purpose of connecting and silencing their actions. Eventually, his dicking slowed down as he unexpectedly climaxed. His cum filled her, the higher quantity overflowing onto the toilet seat. Amidst the heated moment, they accidentally flushed the water, making the girls outside yelp. He immediately grasped her legs, pulling them above his waist so that they would not be visible from outside.

The two outside scurried out of the bathroom, scared of someone overhearing their discussion. He let Jirou down, allowing her to catch her breath and to clean up his cum dripping down her legs. She showed concealed happiness, focusing more on wiping off the juices trickling down her legs. Izuku put his pants back on, covering up his lower half. He looked at the girl's gorgeous ass, covered in fluids and sweat. Hypnotic, even through all the grim. He stood up and got close to her, embracing her from behind.

"W-what?" Understandably taken aback, she sensed his burly arms wrap around right under her chest. He felt compelled to do so, pushed by how pretty she looked today. He held the embrace for a few moments, then breaking it with a soft kiss to the back of her neck. He went past her and opened the stall, making his way over to the bathroom door.

On the way over, one of the other stalls swung open. He jumped in place, spooked by the rather brusque opening. A hand stuck out of the toilet, stopping him in his tracks. It belonged to Momo Yaoyorozu, who intently leered at him from the space. She breathed heavily, seeming beyond exhausted. Her noticeably large chest huffed up and down through the school uniform. She was about to begin speaking when Jirou appeared from behind him. The two friends looked at each other, petrified by their mutual presence.

"We need to talk." Finally, the taller girl broke the deadlock. With some worrying words, nonetheless.


RavenStarfish aka the Yaoyorozu heiress. In hindsight, the name was obvious. Only through deliberate negligence such as the one he employed would such an evident detail go over his head. Perhaps he expected the girl's top ten placing to be higher, a fact that aided this oversight. Momo is incredibly attractive, so he expected her to be above the fifth place. Although, upon scanning through her profile, the reason as to why became apparent.

She wore a mask on all pictures, hiding her identity that way. Moreover, unflattering angles, low quality images, poor lighting and tame outfits. Atop everything, the page resembled more of a vlog channel. Displays of her daily life, visits to cafes, restaurants, theme parks. Her videos were a step up, with ostensibly better production quality, probably due to Jirou's fantastic editing skills. Non provocative, wholesome posts that tried to convey a normal young girl's life. Regardless, such a harmless showing was enough to carry her to the top spots. Perchance, her ridiculous body proportions attracted the masses. The comments made sure to mention as much. So did the rampant amount of requests. Funny, this reminded him of when he first confronted Nejire.

However, unlike the aloof one, Momo seemed to willingly ignore these. Something about wanting to keep control over her content. As for revenue, loss of the extra income didn't appear to bother her. Which is why she'd chosen the 'mommy' play for their shoot. To Izuku, it came off as an excuse to enact her fetishes. No judgement, after he'd just fucked a girl inside the school bathroom, he was in no position to decide what was 'normal'. Notably, the heiress barred Jirou from accompanying them. Maybe the whole getting caught whilst having sex in a public space created a rift between them. Whatever the case, now back at the present, Momo's outstanding tits entranced his tongue.

When she first uncovered them, he was surprised by their size. Significantly larger than any he'd seen up to that point. Huge melons as big as her entire forearm. Her nipples were cutely caved in, only brought out following his delightful sucking. Her muscles below them didn't make sense, a toned belly with multiple lines highlighting her body tissues. Lastly, the bountiful cheeks capping off her physique which he'd caught a glimpse of as she changed. This girl was like an ancient sculpture, a conglomeration of perfect standards onto one person. In pure beauty, she rivaled even Nejire. Speaking of, he'd borrowed the camera idea from her, suggesting that Yaoyorozu buy it for the shoot.

Her jerking motion eventually brought him over the edge. His white stuff shot out all over her fingers, some of it hitting his own abs. He groaned into the girl's gigantic mounds, still keeping the nip in his mouth. Momo's face curved in a smile, she was entirely in character at this moment. She removed the hand from his member and licked off the cum that remained on it.

"See, all better." She leaned down and planted a smooch on his forehead. She then continued by lovingly brushing his hair. Like a real mother, she was pampering him. It was embarrassing, sure, but the roleplaying also relaxed him. The voice the heiress put on, soft and soothing, granted him peace of mind. Plus, her impressive boobs made the character believable. Shortly, his cock was once again rigid, in no small thanks to her delicious nipples. "Oh my! Do you want help with that~?"

"Y-yes … Mommy." He popped his mouth off the big chest to respond. He decided to play along for the show… yes only for the show, nothing more. A mature smirk shot his way. The girl slowly got up, she laid his head down on the couch pillows. She headed over to the camera, seductively swaying her hips on the way there.

Momo turned the tripod so that it would be facing the nearby bed. She proceeded to walk in front of the lens, lasciviously undressing the rest of her pretend work outfit. She unbuttoned the last two vest buttons, allowing the fabric to slide off her shoulders. Beneath were here impressive abdominals, fully revealed to the camera. She took a few more seconds to remove the formal skirt, enchantingly wiggling out of it. The hip valley was outrageous, still showing the shape of her behind through the front. At the bottom of it was her slit, beautifully untouched and already showing wetness. Her lower lips were adorned with smooth, uncut hairs. These added an air of maturity and an appeal of natural fairness. She exhibited her nude self for a few more moments, showing off her plump rear as she walked over to the mattress. Like the rest of her body, hypnotic and overwhelmingly gorgeous. She sat down on the bunk, holding herself up by the elbows. Her breasts maintained their perfect form in this position, squishing a bit on her belly muscles.

"Mommy's waiting…" She let off the elbows, falling back onto the pillows. Her legs spread open, inviting him to come closer. She was having the time of her life, sporting a grimace of pure elation. This confirmed it, one of her most repressed fetishes was this type of dominant play.

He made his way over, laying eyes on her soaked pussy all the way there. Her excitement started leaking onto the bed. She was considerably taller than him, so when his knees rested next to her, it was unsurprising to see her legs span further down the bed. He leaned downward, so as to be embraced by her. He laid down on the girl, welcomed by her fleshy body like if it were an extra sack. As his head reposed against the upper portion of her bountiful bosom, his cock did much the same against her pubic hairs. He felt the underside rub against her pussy lips, a happening which made the heiress shiver. Right, her character was supposed to be this mature goddess of eroticism but in reality Momo was a total newt in terms of sexual prowess. He would have to take things slow in order for her to not be overwhelmed.

Izuku conscientiously positioned his tip against the opening. Before even inserting his rod, something dawned on him. This was the first time he'd be having sex in the missionary position, or a pose adjacent to it. For someone as experienced as himself, 'normal' lovemaking should've been a given. Yet, this was the first time it would be happening. Weird, it felt like he was finally about to really fuck. He pushed his meat inside of the tall girl.

"Hmmmmph! M-mommy n-needs to adjust to your size…" She managed to slip that line in, carefully staying within the confines of the personality designed for the session. Her pussy was marvelous, it grasped his member like her mouth would. Contracting and expanding on it, with the purpose of milking his dick to the fullest. No other hole would come close to Jirou's tightness, but the massaging motion of Momo's made it highly pleasurable in its own right. In fact, it took all his concentration not to instantly explode.

Perhaps due to the fact that the concept itself aroused him, he was finding it hard to hold on. Hottest girl in class, acting like he was her son, and now having sex with her? Who could blame him for almost imploding? Then, he began thinking of tofu, and other dry foods, so as to hold on for longer. This enabled him to thrust without worrying about stamina. He saw Momo stifling her moans by grinding her teeth together. Her boobs jiggled on each insertion, inviting him to renew his sucking. So he complied, using his mouth to explore the girl's nipples. His upward motion made the heiress match his movement, rhythmically joining him. Like a coordinated dance, where the goal is to excerpt as much pleasure on their partner as they could. Their flesh made no sound, the restricted pistoning the positioning permitted left only rubbing. His strokes were shallow but quick, seeing as his penis was inside most of the time.

"Ah! Your 'thing' is quite lively t-today." Remarkable, she was still keeping the persona up. He could see her eyes roll upward every three strokes. It was weird how composed her voice was amidst all this. One of her arms arose to grab the pillow behind her. Her folds abruptly enclosed his phallus. Wow, she even managed to hide her orgasm. "We'd do best to– oh!" The real Momo slipped out at the end there.

"Agh! Mommy!" Izuku climaxed hard. His dick had become like a blocked faucet that suddenly clears. His scorching hot cum trickled deep inside the heiress. She could feel the liquid swimming down her vagina, desperate to arrive at her cervix. It only festered her thirst for more. She rubbed the area below her belly button as he fell back on the bed. Now soft after finishing twice in short succession, he quickly felt her bodacious thighs sit on his own. Her smile at the moment could be misconstrued as creepy, if only he knew it wasn't driven by lust.

"You've done well so far…" Her dominant tone sent a shiver up his spine, and a jump down his cock. Her hand grabbed his stick at the base. She guided it across her hole, rubbing it together with her privates. Her mounds swayed forward and backward as she did so. An erection returned to him in no time at all. She took his shaft and aligned it with her hole. ".... but Mommy needs a lot more out of you."

She impaled herself down with force, making him whimper in response. Her rump smacked against his legs. She moaned herself but molded it somewhat so that it sounded like a prideful exclamation, like she'd decided to groan at that moment. Momo started excitedly bouncing on him, she arched her back so that her round tits would dangle in front of his eyes. Awestriking, huge beauties drawing his eyesight. Her asshole was grazing his balls every time she lowered herself. He could sense the cheeks undulating after hitting his flesh. She was now open-mouth moaning, simultaneous with her riding. Each up and down went in tandem with a breathy noise leaving the girl. He wanted to thrust upward, feel greater pleasure, but he was scared of climaxing the instant he'd do so. He resigned himself to receiving her advancements. The heiress bent further, enough that her face would be directly above his. She planted a brief kiss on his lips, making her boobs rub against his chest. He was so overjoyed by the gesture that his meat trembled inside the girl. She broke the make out and repositioned back to where she was. Fervently bobbing on him, her eyes lewdly narrowed. Going at breakneck pace, she'd created that same sloshy sound he was already used to. Then, her head shot backward as she suffered an intense orgasm. Her immense knockers swayed uncontrollably as it happened. Her squirt hit him all around on his upper legs and lower abdomen. The sight of this was unbelievable, so much so that it led to him cumming in her once more. Momo slumped down on the bed next to him, a dreamy-like look settling in her eyes.


After they'd taken a bath, separately, they went down to the living room where a flat screen television of at least one hundred inches lay waiting. The day being Friday, the two had no rush to return to the dorms. They sat down together, with the heiress taking the controller. She'd put on a movie about witches and wizards, and they watched together for a while. About halfway through the picture, he noticed the girl's eyes staring through him. Once Izuku looked at her, she basically forced him to come closer. She made a lap pillow, patting on her own legs to invite him. Therefore, they were now affectionately watching a movie together, with one's heads on the other's legs. She caressed his hair fondly, treating him warmly. Were he not at her house for content, this would seem like a proper date night. Amidst this gentle occasion, his phone vibrated. Momo seemed absorbed by the film, so she didn't notice when he pulled it out.

The messages from a certain blue haired girl read as follows:

'Next two days!


Two collabs!'

These were decorated with a bunch of adorable stickers below. As well as having two attached images following suit. The names of two accounts were next to two women. First Bubblin', who he instantly recognized as Kaoruko Awata or Bubble Girl, the woman from Sir Nighteye's agency. Someone he'd gotten to know on a surface level. Secondly, YourBunnyGirl, whose name was a bit more ambiguous. Yet, upon seeing the picture associated with the name, a chill filled his entire being. Incredible abdominal strength, fantastic muscular prowess, and unmistakable ears. It was none other than Rumi Usagiyama, better known as Mirko, the fifth highest ranked hero.

Upon him was a daunting task, one that would haunt him for the rest of his time with Momo. He had to satisfy Mirko, or rather, he would have to fuck a top hero of today's landscape.

Was he excited? Or were his feelings of anxiety consuming him?

To be continued…..