incubus deku

Midoriya Izuku.

The name of a boy whose life was filled with misfortune, from being diagnosed Quirkless to being outcasted by his peers and teachers and relentlessly bullied and belittled by his once childhood friend. But despite the constant abuse and suffering he faced, he was still good at heart, fueled solely by his Will and his desire to help others. It was only after his best friend turned tormentor told him to leap from the top of a building, having to endure a villain attempting to kill him and steal his body, and his idol shattering his dreams did fortune began to shine back into his life.

"You can be a Hero"

The words Izuku had wanted to hear his entire life, All Might believing his prior judgement to have been incorrect and even apologizing for his words. Izuku couldn't stop himself from crying in relief and joy, collapsing to his knees as the knots in his chest unwound and the cloak of anxiety fell free.

"I believe you're worthy of inheriting my power!"

The tears stopped falling, the crying teen looking up at the skeletal-looking blond in confusion. The words to articulate his hesitation failed to form and instead came out as a whimper.


After this meeting, All Might took Izuku to the trash beach Dagobah to begin training the boy to inherit his Quirk; One For All, a crystallization of power so potent it would destroy an unprepared User. The Strength, Speed, Endurance and Stamina had gotten All Might his spot at the top of all Heroes. To handle the amount of overwhelming power Izuku would inherit would take Ten Months of Hellish training if he wanted to make it to the top Hero school in the country and possibly the world.

U.A High School.

The Almer Mater of All Might, Endeavor, Best Jeanist and countless others, the best of the best and the hardest to get into. The months of gruelling training passed quickly, since Izuku was labelled Quirkless he had no friends and was unwelcomed practically everywhere so he could focus all his attention on improving himself enough to pass the U.A Entrance Exam.

By the end of his training, Izuku's noodlely body now appeared to have been sculpted by the gods themselves, the once scrapyard-looking beach was now spotless and returned to its natural beauty, and the crystallization of One For All was passed on.

Just in time for the Entrance Exams, so after a quick trip back home to shower and change, Izuku was on his way.

"I made it just in time..." Izuku panted as he came to a halt, staring up at the towering H-shaped building that made up U.A's main building. His body buzzed in anxiety and worry as traitorous thoughts began to race through his head. 'I ate that hair, but did it do anything? I don't feel any different'

Whilst his attention lingered in his mind, a certain blond began approaching Izuku from behind with a dark scowl on his face. "Move aside, Deku!" Bakugo Katsuki demanded, Izuku's past friend and present bully. His hands crackled with sparks and smoke and a stream of steam billowed out of his mouth as he barred his teeth like an animal.

"Kacchan!?" Izuku shrieked, curling in on himself as the expectation to be harmed flooded his body. Despite Katsuki not tormenting him since the time he saved him, the muscle memory whenever in his presence remained.

"Get out of my way or you're dead!" Katsuki yelled.

The greenette jolted to attention and shot out of the blond's way, not willing to test his patience. Words flew out of his mouth in an attempt to placate his bully, but when Katsuki passed by him without incident he stopped talking to sigh in relief. After a few seconds to deem it was safe to continue, Izuku stepped forward with wobbling legs, trying to reassure himself that these next steps would be the ones that would carry him to becoming a Hero.

Unfortunately, his legs gave out in fear and let him fall forward.

Izuku's eyes clamped shut, expecting his face to have an unfortunate one-night stand with the ground. But fortune was on his side, as with a touch to his back he felt his descent stop. Reopening his eyes found him floating parallel to the ground, a pair of shoes connected to thick legs covered in black leggings in his peripheral vision.

The greenette instinctively began waving his limbs to try and grab onto something and prevent himself from falling, despite not actually doing so. As he began to calm down Izuku heard a light giggling, he turned to find the source.

A cute girl with a shoulder-length bob of brown hair and matching chocolate eyes, she wore a brown winter coat, a regular school skirt and a red scarf around her neck that almost hid her rosy cheeks. Her chest was a healthy size, a few cups above average, her hips were a tantalizing size and her thighs were alluringly thick.

"Are you alright?" She asked after giggling, she reached out and corrected Izuku's position before clasping her hands together. "It's my Quirk, sorry for stopping you, but well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall" The Nice Girl grabbed the straps of her backpack and closed her eyes as a little tension left her shoulders. "This sure is nerve-wracking, huh?"

"Oh, uh, Yeah..." Izuku fumbled to reply, slightly reeling at the kindness this random girl was showing him.

"Well, good luck to both of us, see ya!" The brunette called back as she began to walk towards the main building, waving over her shoulder.

"Oh, uh, bye..." Izuku weakly called back, staring in open shock as a blush began to form on his face.

'I talked to a Girl!'

During the practical exam explanation was when Izuku began to feel off.

He started to have trouble paying attention to Present Mic's presentation as his body began to heat up, above and behind his ears began to pulse with a numb pain, and he could feel the same dull pain at his waist like he had bruised his tailbone or something. Despite this he tried to stay focused, his jaw clenched to stop himself from groaning and his hands busy with the handouts, turning over pages to find the corresponding information Present Mic was talking about, trying to keep that information locked in his head.

They'd be fighting robots, three types, each one worth differing amounts of points upon destruction as well as one worth no points that were meant to be just an obstacle. Izuku let out a sigh of relief when he learned Katsuki and himself were in separate sites.

After the explanation came to an end, Izuku staggered his way to the bus that would take him to his testing site, rubbing the side of his head to try and give himself some relief. But to no avail, hopefully, this wouldn't affect his ability to take the test.

Whilst his head rested on the headrest, Izuku's eyelids grew heavy and his body filled with a numb static, the tense small talk that permeated around him petered out as darkness invaded his mind. Feather-light fingers and hands caressed his body, promising him a peaceful rest whilst pillowy lips gently pressed along his chest and face, soft affirmations filled his ears as the ghostly sensations worshipped his body.

It was like a dream.

The face of that cute, nice girl appeared in the darkness, and he took a few moments to admire her. Whilst he wouldn't consider her Hot like Midnight or Mt. Lady, he found her round face, permanent blush and large, round chocolate eyes to be very appealing. Her hands had adorable little pads that reminded him of cat toes, he wanted to run his thumb along the pads to see if their texture was as different.

The girl's visage faded and was replaced by various robots with painted-on numbers, the U.A. exam... He hopes he'll do well on it. He reached a hand out and latched onto the machine's arm, his nails were sharp and black and quickly sank into the metal. Izuku pulled back, tearing the limb from the body, his other hand reaching for the 'head' of the robot and crushing it in his grip.

Izuku let his body move, the visions of multiple robots entering his sight and scrap leaving it. He leapt atop one machine and pried its plating off and stared at the wiring, maybe when this dream is over he could use a strategy like this for his test.

He might have seen the cute girl again at some point, he could vaguely remember waving to her as he crushed a robot like he saw All Might do to a fridge, he could recall in better detail that her face was burning red, her permanent blush hidden beneath the glow of scarlet. He remembered her face close to his own, his hand on her waist and her bust pressed against his chest. Her chocolate eyes glimmered pink for a moment and then he was back to fighting robots, and he was climbing a tower of metal, an... arm?

Then there was an explosion, Izuku briefly hoped this dream wouldn't be ruined by Katsuki but didn't hold that thought for long as his consciousness faded back into darkness.

"Young Midoriya?"

Izuku groaned at the voice beckoning him, he wanted to return to the loving embrace that coated him before but found himself to be uncomfortably cold and alone.

"Young Midoriya"

The voice repeated a little louder, did Izuku know that voice? Everything felt so distant now, he felt so isolated and a deep longing was now carved into his being, for what he couldn't figure out.

"Young Midoriya!"

Izuku's eyes shot open when he realised that what he was hearing was All Might's voice, his body snapping to attention in a sitting position. As soon as his eyes were open he absorbed the room he was in, white walls and floor, multiple white beds separated by white curtains. The only furniture of colour was a brown desk chair at a white desk, a short woman in a Hero uniform and a large syringe leaning beside her.

Standing by Izuku's bed was All Might in his small form, and he wasn't alone, Nezu stood on the railing at the foot of the bed and a man in all black and a white scarf leaned against the far wall.

"Calm down, Young Midoriya" All Might requested calmly, his hands raised placatingly.

"A-All Might? What's happening? Where are we? What about the exam?" Izuku began asking rapidly, crawling backward as he tried to comprehend what was going on.

"Midoriya," Nezu spoke up. "Am I a bear, a dog, or a mouse? It doesn't matter because I am the principal!" Izuku's eyes fell on the animalistic Principal, getting his breathing more under control and his heart rate lowering to a more relaxed state. "Now that you are in a better state of mind, would you mind telling us what you last remember?"

"What I remember?" Izuku repeated. "I-I was on the bus to site B and I th-think I fell asleep?" He tried to recall, the moments before the images in his dreams were hazy and blurring together. Izuku brought his right hand to his head as he tried to sparse the details before he fell asleep, but instead of his fingers finding his green curls they made contact with something... hard... like bone or ivory.

Running his fingers along the protrusion, he found that he had slightly curved horns growing out from above and behind his ears, jutting forward and curving into what vaguely resembled a crown. As he pulled his hands away, he noticed his nails were pitch black and extended into claws just like in his dream. Izuku shifted his gaze back to his mentor and the smartest being on the planet in search of aid but froze as he felt something wriggle around beneath him.

He rigidly turned around and saw a black appendage writhing under him, a tail, he could tell. It was thin and had a spade on the tip, or was it an upside-down heart? Upon closer inspection, he could see the light that reflected off it revealing it to have a very dark green sheen.

Izuku turned back to the other occupants of the room, opened his mouth, and then promptly fainted.

Shota stared at the unconscious boy for a few seconds, a frown forming on his face as he felt mixed feelings towards the potential student before him. The way he acted would initially make Shota dismiss the teen, someone too young and naive to survive the Heroing world, but then again, it looked like this kid only now started to awaken his Quirk.

"Should I go get Midnight? She could help him with his new Quirk" He offered, turning his attention to his boss. All Might's presence was already one mystery and his familiarity with the boy were questions for later, ones he'd worm out of the man when they were alone.

Nezu stared at the greenette for a couple of seconds with fascination and curiosity. "Hmm, yes, do just that" The mammal nodded, not turning from his new intriguing puzzle.

Shota knew better than to intervene in subjects revolving around the rat and quickly took his leave, but not before glancing at All Might and silently demanding his presence. The blond gorilla turned skeleton hesitantly glanced between Shota and Midoriya until he deemed the kid well enough to leave for a few minutes.

As the two entered the hallway and shut the door behind them, Shota took that moment to begin grilling All Might for info. "So, how do you know the kid?"

The sickly man beside him coughed harshly at the question. "Ah, well..." He paused for a handful of questions to think over his answer, or to think of an excuse. "It was a chance encounter, we met a couple of months ago and he reminded me of myself, so I started training him"

The statement didn't sound like an outright lie, so there was probably some truth to it.

"I also recognised signs that he might have had a latent Quirk like I did when I was his age, though I expected it to manifest as mine did, not like... that" All Might continues, real apprehension in his voice.

'Convenient' Shota thinks, the chances of such specific scenarios to occur, but he had no information to counter his claims. "Hmm, nothing during the exam gave me the impression of you" He probed, watching how the man would react.

All Might nodded slightly, his own confusion clear. "Indeed," he agreed. "Through all my time with him, I've never seen him act so..." He paused as the words he searched for eluded him.

Shota huffed in agreement, the greenette was downright predatory whilst he fought the robots, his face riddled with sadistic pleasure as he ripped and tore his way through the opposition. The only points the kid behaved like a Hero were when he came in contact with another participant, especially the brown-haired girl. At no point did he act like the nervous teen they had left behind.

The two continued in silence, both thinking about their own interpretations of Midoriya until they reached the teacher's lounge. Shota didn't bother knocking, instead simply sliding the door open and looking around. Midnight, Cementoss and Ectoplasm were all at their desks as they looked over each student's applications, Present Mic and Snipe were still giving the closing lectures.

"Nemuri, we need you" Shota called out.

Midnight raised her eyes to meet his and a question began forming on her lips, but Shota turned away and started walking before she could speak, it would be a waste of time to explain everything to her right now.

"Mr. Midoriya?" Nezu politely chirped, watching as Recovery Girl thoroughly examined the boy's newly acquired limb and horns. The greenette jumped despite the Principal's voice being quiet, getting a quick smack to the side by the elderly Heroine.

"Ah! Y-Yes, sir?" Midoriya asked with a shaky voice, his body trembling with anxiety.

"Tell me, that girl you spoke with today, where is she currently?" Nezu continued unimpeded by the boy's fears.

"Huh?" Midoriya blinked in confusion before realisation formed in his eyes. "Oh, Th-The nice girl with brown hair?" He asked, receiving a small nod from Nezu. "I... I would think she was going home by now... but..." The boy trailed off as his eyes closed, his nose twitching to indicate he was sniffing the air. "...I think she's talking to one of the teachers, maybe..." He finished, opening his eyes to meet Nezu's gaze. Upon which any confidence in his answer faltered and he began stammering alternate theories.

Nezu meanwhile turned his gaze downward whilst the teen was distracted, spying on his custom portable device to see Miss Uraraka speaking with Present Mic. The Quirked Animal sniffed at the air slightly, finding no trace of any scent the boy may have used to detect the young girl but instead found a hint of Midnight's scent getting closer.

"Thank you for humouring me, Mr Midoriya" Nezu interrupted Midoriya's self-deprecating spiral, giving a small bow to the boy to try and relieve his fears. This seemed to be the wrong choice as the teen got even more nervous and tense, asking that Nezu didn't bow to him.

This child was... unusual.

As it was, Nezu didn't see what caused Yagi to choose this boy as his successor. He wouldn't argue on the topic, as others in the circle may, but it made the intelligent creature curious as to what the Number One Hero saw in this teenager to choose him over everyone else.

The door to the infirmary slid open, Aizawa, All Might, and Midnight entering soon after. Aizawa took his spot at the wall and All Might sat by the bed next to his successor, leaving Midnight standing in front of the bed.

"Oh! It's you!" Nemuri announced in surprise, strutting towards the bed and raising her flirtatious persona in front of the young man.

"M-Midnight!" Midoriya practically shrieked, shooting back in the bed and slamming into the wall. Oddly enough he pulled the covers over himself and hid most of his body, all the while his tail flickered around rapidly.

Despite Midnight's hungry gaze and devious smile, the gleam in her eyes reassured Nezu that she had also caught onto his behaviour. "Oh, what's wrong? Don't tell me a cutie like you is scared of little old me?" She joked to try and calm the boy.

"No!" Midoriya immediately rebutted, slamming his hands onto his lap and uncovering himself. "Y-You're not old! I just... I don't know... something felt weird" He trailed off, sinking in on himself.

"Oh, aren't you a little charmer," Midnight giggled, taking a seat on the bed as she looked over his body and alterations. "Now, what do you mean it felt weird? For me to see you?" She asked gently, Midoriya's face went flush as he shrunk into himself even further.

Midnight paused for a few seconds as she looked over the boy before turning to the others in the room. "Hmm, hey boys? Mind giving me a little privacy with this young man?"

Nezu briefly examined the reactions of the others, Aizawa clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction but still obliged the request, All Might gave Midoriya a reassuring pat on the shoulder and a firm nod before standing and joining his future co-worker in the hallway, and Recovery Girl meandered to the other side of the room to overlook the samples she had procured from the greenette.

"Well, Mr Midoriya is in your care" Nezu chirped happily, turning and jumping off the bed railing and moving to accompany his underlings.

Now that Nemuri was mostly alone with Midoriya, she turned back to face the boy. "Now it's nothing to be ashamed of, it's natural for a boy your age" She comforted, ignoring the impressive outline that had formed in the covers over the boy's pelvis.

Midoriya's pink face darkened as he tried to cover his erection, stammering out apologies and trying to rationalize what was happening. All the while his tail flicked back and forth, it wasn't thick enough to act as another limb and its tip was flat and thin in the shape of a...

'Huh... a heart? Now that I think about it' Nemuri blinked, her eyes drawing away from his attempts to hide his arousal and observing his demonic appearance. It reminded her of... "Midoriya, can you tell me what you're feeling right now?"

Midoriya's eyes meet her own, his hands moving from his waist and wrapping around his body as he writhed uncomfortably. "I... I don't k-know..." His eyes dropped to Nemuri's bust, and his grip on himself tightened. "I want to... I don't... I need" His eyes glowed a low green before immediately darkening, the light in his eyes fluctuating rapidly as he clawed at his body and seemed to literally hold himself back. His lips parted as he gasped for air and his canines looked to have elongated, the tip of his tongue was thinner than a natural human and reached further out of his mouth as he hunched over, his smaller frame shaking in restraint.

When the boys body stilled before tensing was when Nemuri knew exactly what Midoriya was experiencing, she quickly ripped the sleeve of her costume and let her Quirk fill the room. Just in time for Midoriya to lunge at her, grabbing her wrists and pinning her down on the bed. The strength he demonstrated easily overwhelmed Nemuri, leaving her trapped beneath him as her Quirk was left to take effect.

Midoriya stared into her eyes, his own still flickering as he still fought himself. "I... 'orry" he gasped as tears filled his eyes. The light overtook his iris' and the intelligence left his eyes, but before he was able to do anything that he would regret, Midoriya's grip weakened, his eyes fluttered closed and he collapsed atop the R-rated Heroine with his head buried between her breasts.

With a sigh of relief Nemuri pushed herself up whilst cradling the greenette against her chest, both as a way to hopefully sate him once he awakens and as a reward for holding himself back as well as he did. With everything she had seen and witnessed, it was easy to deduce exactly what Midoriya's Quirk was.

The boy was an Incubus.

Chapter 2: Arrangements


The Teacher's of U.A discuss how to handle Izuku, until the boy regains consciousness.

Chapter Text

"A What?" Aizawa blankly asked Kayama, his face expressing he was not in any mood for jokes.

"You heard what I said" Kayama replied, her body splayed on the hospital bed with Young Midoriya resting atop her with his head buried in her cleavage and his tail wrapped around her wrist. Toshinori could see a small smile on his successor's face as he unconsciously basked in the attention.

"I can confirm, if you'd like" Recovery Girl chimed in from her desk, turning around in her chair and pointing to her computer. "The boy's nutritional needs have shifted from conventional diets but I can't get the specifics without proper testing, I also found a unique gland positioned between his stomach and heart, its purpose isn't clear but if he was an Incubus then it's perhaps a way to derive nutrients of something similar from substances related to sexual acts"

Aizawa frowned darkly at that, turning his eyes over to the Number One Hero as he spoke. "He can't be a Hero, he'd be a danger to his teammates and civilians" He rationalized, which got the blond into a violent coughing fit.

"But Young Midoriya has a good heart! Not to mention the amount of effort he put in to attend U.A! He told me himself that his dream is to help people with a smile on his face" Toshinori defended, shuffling over to the bed and placing a hand on the sleeping boy's back. "Even if he is reminiscent of a demon of that nature, I have no doubt that with some time he'll be able to overcome this" He announced with iron in his voice and steel in his eyes, wholeheartedly believing his words.

When Aizawa went to continue his argument was when Kayama stepped in. "Aww, come on, Shota! I could even take him under my wing, he could be the next R-Rated Hero!" She said, hugging Midoriya and shifting him so his face was more visible. "And how can you say no to such a cute face?" She continued, petting the fluffy green curls while she gave Aizawa puppy eyes.

The insomnia-riddled teacher rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to retort, but didn't get the chance to as a certain animal man strolled into the room.

"Tut, tut, tut! I believe you are missing the bigger picture here, Aizawa" Nezu chided, quickly scrambling up the aforementioned man's shirt and onto his shoulder. "You all speak as if he is already attending, and even if he wasn't, it would be best if we kept him on campus for the foreseeable future" Nezu added.

"R-Really, Nezu?" Toshinori sighed in relief, clutching his chest before smiling down at the greenette.

Aizawa also sighed, but instead of relief, it was resignation. "Explain your reasoning," He asked in defeat, burying his face in his capture cloth and closing his eyes.

"It's simple, I assure you," Nezu chuckled, patting his human stead on the head. "I believe that when Midoriya's Quirk awakened it was running on fumes from its awakening, I believe Midoriya was actually mentally present during the exam, but due to the little amount of energy his Quirk had, it began siphoning it out of students within his testing area"

"The behaviour we examined during the test was in actuality the combined subconscious desires of a sexual partner created from the young women around him, things like strength and confidence, he was merely the unwitting conduit of these desires and thus causing his personality to shift so far that he wasn't his true self anymore"

"But once Midoriya was drained of energy to power the desires he was reflecting, his body entered a moment of hysterical strength while trying to find the energy to sustain itself and released everything he could against the Zero Pointer, breaking himself and leading him into unconsciousness, shortly after Young Uraraka approached him and attempted to nurse him to health, giving him enough energy for Shuzenji to heal him with her Quirk"

"He then regained consciousness here, theoretically surrounded by no suitable female with enough energy for him to extract from, until You came in Kayama" Nezu finished, looking at the R-Rated Hero and leaving the rest for them to figure out for themselves.

"So if we can get him enough energy he shouldn't go..." Toshinori began but trailed off when the word to describe his successor eluded him.

Aizawa didn't have that problem and easily filled in the blank with a curt. "Feral"

"Indeed," Nezu nodded. "After that, we'd need to have him use up his energy and train himself to resist his Quirks instinctive desire, until he can safely be reintegrated with the public"

"But still," Aizawa started. "That's just to get him back to civilian level, which could be done at I-Island or somewhere similar, getting him to the point fit of being a Hero would put him miles behind his classmates" Nezu didn't respond, instead his beady eyes turned over to the emaciated blond.

"Actually, Young Midoriya is quite the intelligent young man and his determination is inspiring, I have no doubt that he will surpass your expectations and shoot to the top of the class in record time" Toshinori revealed, his pride in his successor clear as day. His months with the greenette allowed him to see the diamond in the rough that he was.

Whilst Toshinori never saw what was in the boy's notebooks, he'd caught tail-ends to Midoriya's muttering during the numerous lunches they'd shared, and he'd seen how the boy pushed through the pain his regime put him through and still strived to surpass it, how the determination residing in his small frame oozed out and inspired him to help Midoriya achieve his desire to not only stand with his classmates but to be able to stand above them and lower his hand to help raise them up further.

Midoriya Izuku was an ideal Hero, and his capacity for growth continued to climb every time the blond laid his eyes on him.

After a little longer of convincing, Aizawa was willing to give Midoriya the chance to impress him. Nezu finalized the details and prepared the necessary documents to allow Midoriya to take residence on campus. Meanwhile, Midnight chose to find more women to help Midoriya with his Quirk problems.

Toshinori knew that his successor was going to flip when he woke up and learned he'd be living at U.A.

Izuku slowly began to surface into consciousness, the process as sluggish as his body felt, his limbs rooted with lead and only a fickle amount of energy coursing through his nervous system despite the long rest. His hearing was dulled, leaving muffled voices to echo around him. Izuku cracked open his eyes but immediately clamped them shut from the buzzing fluorescent light, the back of his eyes throbbing from the invasive glare.

"Hm! Hm hmming hmp" A voice called, but the words were incomprehensible to the greenette.

"Cmmful, Nejhm, he's probhmly tirhmd" Another voice cautioned the first, it sounded familiar, had he heard it before?

Izuku prepared himself to open his eyes again, groaning as his eyelids split and his vision adapted to the lighting. Izuku blinked rapidly after his gaze was met with messy blobs of colours, blues and whites, purples and blacks. The blue smudge grew closer as his vision sharpened, the edges to the figure becoming more solid and letting him see the hourglass figure the woman had.

It had to be a woman; her bust was big enough that Izuku could see it if he looked at her from behind, and her hips and rear were just as pronounced. Izuku's eyes dragged along the erotic figure up to find a beautifully cute face topped with waist-long, periwinkle hair, large blue eyes staring at him and her lips parted into an excited smile.

Midnight waltzed closer from behind the new girl, gently placing her hand on her shoulder and pulling the bluenette back. "Calm down, Nejire, Midoriya might get a little overwhelmed" She coaxed Nejire to sit still.

As Izuku's thoughts regained clarity he remembered what he'd almost done to Midnight, a spike of fear shooting down his spine and causing him to pull the blankets covering his body over his head. "M-Midnight! Please go away! I don't want to hurt you!" He cried out while clamping his eyes shut and curling in on himself.

There was silence for a couple of moments until the sound of heels clacking moved toward him and a weight sank into the mattress. The inadequate protection of his blankets was easily pulled away and a hand moved to cup his face and turn his head. "Look at me, Midoriya" Midnight requested, her silky smooth voice shivering through Izuku's body as his desire was rekindled.

He couldn't help himself, she wanted him to look at her and that gnawing hunger in his stomach egged him on to fulfil her requests. Izuku opened his eyes to meet Midnight's, getting a close look at her sharp, sensual blue eyes, her clear and beautiful skin and her plump, soft lips that begged him to claim. But he held himself, a feat much easier than before but more manageable with her guiding him.

"Good boy" Midnight smiled kindly, pulling his head between her breasts. Her skintight suit was so thin that he could almost feel her actual skin through it, her bountiful assets soft to the touch and much more comfortable than the pillows he'd been laying on. Izuku couldn't help himself when his hands snaked up and groped the woman's chest, he felt awful for taking advantage of her like this, but something inside him needed this.

The sensation of fondling the Hero's tits caused tingles in his hands, her breasts were heavy in his palm and spilled over in his hand, he could feel her nipples harden under his touch and knowing he caused her even a little arousal scratched an itch in his brain.

"It's okay to touch me, okay?" Midnight whispered to him. "While you try to get used to your Quirk you can ask me to help you with things like this" She continued to explain while rubbing circles on his back. "Nejire, now that you've seen what I need help with, are you sure you want to help?"

Whilst this question wasn't directed to him, Izuku began to piece together the approach Midnight was taking. Until he could function without the risk of sexually assaulting someone, she would help relieve this fixation and desire by letting him indulge solely in her, but she was a Pro Hero and Teacher, so there would be times she couldn't help him.

Izuku tilted his head enough for him to get another look at Nejire, despite the lewd circumstances she didn't appear embarrassed in the slightest and only sported a quizzical look on her face. Izuku's gaze fell on the bluenette's bust, which somehow surpassed Midnight's own, crude thoughts worming into his mind.

'How would they feel in my hand? Would they feel different from Midnight's? What would they look like when he pounded into her?' Izuku tried to shake the thoughts away, but couldn't stop himself from wondering, from imagining the girl beneath him stark naked as he slammed his length inside her.

'NO!' He mentally screamed, shooting away from Midnight and grasping the sides of his head. 'That's not me, that's not me, It can't be, I don't want this!' He soothed himself, Izuku refused this desire, these thoughts were not who he was. The flashes of carnal desire continued to flow, almost insulting him that he could think this wasn't who he was. Izuku started slamming one of his hands against his head, wishing for the usual stream of consciousness and not the perverted train of thought he now was subjected to.

"Midoriya, calm down, Midoriya" Midnight tried to soothe him, but her voice sounded underwater and far away. Even if he could hold onto himself now unlike before, Izuku still felt the desire and want to touch the two women and his mind was stained with other perverse thoughts.

Through tear-filled eyes, Izuku began to beg, curled up to hide the women from his vision and to stop the current of sexual desires. "This isn't me, why is this happening?" He repeated to himself, trying to convince himself that he wasn't terrible for all these disgusting thoughts and that they weren't his own.

Whilst Izuku cradled himself and waited for whatever had possessed him to pass, the two women sat in silence before the sound of footsteps and the door opening and closing echoed. Even with the belief of the two no longer being in the room, Izuku continued to huddle against the mattress, continuing to whimper to himself that he wasn't like this.

Nemuri closed the door letting out a long sigh as Nejire floated from behind her.

"I take it didn't go well" Shota grumbled from his spot leaning against the wall.

Before Nemuri could respond, Nejire answered in her stead. "I think it was going well, he was listening to Midnight and following her directions, but when Midnight asked me if I still wanted to help he started freaking out"

Another sigh filled the hallway, this time coming from All Might. "I was worried about something like this..." The older man cryptically mumbled, scratching at his cheek thoughtfully.

"Want to fill us in?" Shota snarkily asked, not turning to the man and instead looking to the ceiling.

"Young Midoriya is Heroic to a fault, he apologises if he thinks that you are angry at him, he'll cry if you give him praise, and I don't think he's ever carried a side of him this... perverse" All Might began to explain. "Young Midoriya is also a bright boy, he might have realised what you were asking of Young Nejire and is probably ashamed of what he's feeling and disgusted with himself"

"If this kid has as much of a golden heart as you've alluded to, then he'll rather suffer in his hunger than defile someone..." Shota chimed in, pausing to think. "He's a late bloomer, so he would have been seen and treated as if he were Quirkless... meaning he might not trust us teachers to help him, nor other students"

"A late bloomer?" Nejire repeated to herself.

"It's not like we can call in another Hero for this, it's too short notice, hell, getting Nejire here was just a stroke of luck" Nemuri continued the conversation, putting that information away for later. "We could get someone to help eventually, but it has to take some time"

Shota closed his eyes while Nemuri and All Might tried to find a solution until finally, he spoke up. "I'm going to speak with him, alone" He announced, pushing off the wall and moving for the door.

"Are you sure that's for the best?" All Might asked with concern but received nothing more than a death glare from the man before he entered the infirmary.

"We don't have anything else right now" Nemuri offered to the Number One Hero.

As Shota closed the door behind him, he took in the greenette that the Symbol of Peace had chosen to train. But even with the man's certainty that the teen was the perfect material to become a top Hero, all that Shota could see was a scared child.

The insomniac moved across the room and took a seat on the unused space of Midoriya's bed, indicating his presence to the boy who cautiously peaked out from his hiding space. The greenette untensed slightly upon seeing that Shota was a man, but he still huddled himself together.

"I'm sorry" Midoriya apologised, obviously crying from his shaky tone and wet voice.

"You were thought Quirkless when growing up, right?" Shota instead asks, changing the subject and catching the teen off-guard. He sees the greenette's defences rise as he nodded while hiding his face.

"Why do you want to be a Hero?" Shota asks.

"I-It's... It's all I've ever wanted... t-to help people..." Midoriya sobs, Shota could feel the undertones of that sentiment. "Because no one helped me"

Shota lets Midoriya cry for a minute, to let him get it all out of his system. "You're a strong kid, you know that?" He finally breaks the silence, his words making Midoriya freeze. "I've seen a few Quirkless people in my time, most of them on the tops of rooftops or bridges, and they usually resent the world, but you still want to help people, after everything..."

"The world could always use people like you, people that see the worst of everyone around them and still choose to save them, as long as you use your head to know when someone is a lost cause"

"But until you can become a Hero, you'll need to rely on us, so let us help you so you can become the Hero All Might thinks you can become, this Quirk is new to you and Midnight is our Quirk councillor, she knows what's best for something like this"

Shota stands up, sending a soft glance to the teen, his tired eyes catching vulnerable green. He gives the boy a small nod, receiving a hesitant nod from Midoriya. "You'll get through this, kid" Shota adds before parting, hoping his words could restore a little trust in Midoriya.

"How is he?" All Might called out to Shota as he returned to the cluster of teachers, Nejire staying by Midnight's side while watching him with concern.

"Still not in the best condition, but I just hope my words reached him" Shota dismisses the question, slinking back to lean against the wall. "I haven't told him about being kept on campus yet, I thought it'd be best for you to deliver that message" He adds, nodding to the blond.

"Putting us back where we started..." Midnight sighed. "His Mother won't be here for another hour, but we can't just leave him locked up in that room"

"Perhaps I should talk to him n-" All Might began to propose, but was cut off by the sound of the door opening. All of them turned to see Midoriya out of bed and now in the hallway, his head turned down as he hugged his arms around his body.

The boy looked up to meet the gaze of the teachers, his eyes briefly flickering to Midnight and Nejire and pulsating a green glow before he immediately tore his eyes off of them.

Surprise filled Shota's chest as he stared at the boy he'd just seen breaking under the stress and shame brought on by his Quirk, now pick up those pieces and forcible take the reigns of his Quirk to muster up the courage to approach them.

The greenette's emerald eyes almost shone with the amount of willpower compact into his small frame, the desire to go further than anyone else and to conquer the worst of himself for the betterment of others.

The unfamiliar feeling of a smile crossed Shota's face as a thought rang through his head.

'This Kid...!'

Chapter 3: First Experience


Inko arrives on campus, and Izuku shares his first time with Nejire.

Chapter Text

Izuku stood before the Pro Heroes he aspired to follow and learn from, his body trembling with exhaustion whilst he forced himself to be stronger than the Quirk influencing him. These Heroes he'd watched with admiration believed he was capable of overcoming this problem, so he'd try, he'd push himself to meet their expectations.

There was a small gasp before a blur of periwinkle carried by golden sparkles rammed into him. Izuku was quickly wrapped up in a hug, his eyesight mostly taken up by the long hair of the girl Midnight had brought to help him.

His body reflexively tensed, terrified to do something he didn't want to. But when her fingers started to thread through his curls, his muscles were forcibly relaxed, his weight propped up solely by the beautiful girl.

Izuku leaned closer into her embrace as his nerves were soothed over with a kind and affectionate warmth. He could feel her breasts press against him, and he could feel how soft her skin was. But despite that, he didn't want anything other than this, this gentleness that he was so unused to.

Izuku feels his body wracked with cold jolts, each one punctuated with a ghost of Kacchan putting him down, burning him, beating him, humiliating him.

His eyes prickled with tears. Why? Why now? Why was this rushing out of him all at once.

At the sound of his hiccuping sob, the girl, Nejire, quietly hushed him and guided him to the floor. All the while adjusting so his face was pressed into her chest.

Despite the memories, despite the chilling pains, Izuku felt relief. He melted in Nejire's lap at her touch, her petite fingers brushing his wild hair and gently rubbing his cheek.

Izuku was ready to sleep. He felt so so tired, his body ached from his small use of his muscles. He didn't want to think about how it would feel tomorrow.

So he didn't, because she didn't want him to worry.

Izuku thinks he likes Nejire as he falls asleep.

"Where is my son?" Inko adamantly asked once she was face-to-face with the people watching over her son. The fact they were Heroes didn't dissuade her in the slightest, although Present Mic was spared from her protective animosity. Bless that man, trying to calm her nerves as he escorted her to the infirmary.

The 18+ Hero was positioned in front of the door, peering inside, but turned to face Inko nonetheless. A skeletal man with blond hair and blue eyes turned to the man dressed in all black except his white scarf, who huffed as he seemed to be the one elected to speak.

"Your son is just inside this room. He's asleep again and is steadily recovering..." The man informed her, causing Inko to sigh in relief as she moved to enter the room.

However, she was stopped by Midnight pressing a hand against her chest. "Hold on, there's still... something else..." She hesitantly spoke, opening the door a little wider to give Inko a chance to glance inside.

In the infirmary, on one of the beds, was her darling baby boy sitting against the headboard and slumped to the side where he rested his head on a girl with long blue hair. Both of them had their eyes closed and one of their hands intertwined with the others.

But as she looked at her son, she realised that he now had two black horns crowing his forehead, as well as a thin tail that was wrapped around the girls closest forearm.

Inko stared at Izuku for a couple of seconds, struggling to compute the fact that he now had horns, until the realisation struck.

Her baby had a Quirk.

When she realised, she thought she'd feel relief or some form of happiness. But the emotion forming in her heart wasn't either of those things. Instead, it was something bitter...

She knew her son hid things from her, she knew he was mistreated for being Quirkless by others and treated like he was lesser, she saw the way his eyes would track people's hands and how he'd jolt at sudden loud noises.

So now that he had a Quirk... did he go through all of that discrimination for nothing? Why did he have to go through that if he had a Quirk anyway? It felt like some cruel joke someone was pulling on her Izuku.

"We think the Quirk is something like an Incubus or Succubus, if you understand what we mean," Midnight continued, and as Inko turned to look at the woman in confusion, realisation set in.

Maybe it really was a cruel joke.

With a Quirk that carried connotation like that, people would no doubt continue to ostracise him. They might even treat him worse, accusing him of crimes he didn't commit. At least when he was Quirkless no one would assume him of any crimes because of their bigotry, because the Quirkless were 'Too weak to be any threat'.

"Izuku... my poor baby..." She whispered, tears streaking down her cheeks at the hardships he might have to continue enduring.

"Mrs Midoriya, let's continue this in Nezu's office, Nejire will look after your son while we talk on how he wants to move forward regarding Izuku" The emancipated man offered, resting a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

Izuku rose from his restful sleep slowly, an absence of warmth drawing him from his slumber and back to the conscious world. He wearily blinked the sleep from his eyes as he glanced around the room, finding the kind girl, Nejire, glancing out the door.

He let out a small groan as he stretched his limbs a little, drawing the bluenette's attention. "Oh! You're awake!" She gasped excitedly, closing the door fully and-


-turning the lock before floating back towards him. Riding the energy spirals that must be her Quirk and rejoining him on the bed on his right, unplussed by any inappropriate contact and, in fact, almost relishing in the sensation.

"Are you hungry? Recovery Girl has some real tasty yoghurt that we can eat, " Nejire offered, revealing two small tubs of yoghurt on the bedside table.

Izuku hesitantly nodded, Nejire passing one of the tubs to him and taking one for herself. Izuku popped the lid and found a spoon already inside, after watching Nejire happily stick the spoon in her mouth was when he followed her example.

She wasn't wrong, the yoghurt tasted nice, but it was somewhat... bland... like it was missing something. Nejire noticed his hesitation, frowning cutely in thought. "Ah! Here!" She announced, coming to some conclusion.

Nejire scooped up some more of her yoghurt, but instead of eating it herself offered the spoon to Izuku. The greenette stared at the offering for a moment, his mouth reflexively opening before the embarrassment could hit him.

But when the food reached his taste buds, it tasted sweeter than his previous scoop, the blandness being converted into something else.

"Is that better?" Nejire asked sweetly, getting a small nod from the boy. "Good!" She chirped in delight, snatching his tub from his hands and taking a spoonful for herself before offering him another one.

Despite being aware of himself and his burning cheeks, Izuku once again opened his mouth to accept the offering. He hadn't eaten in a while and the taste that sharing a spoon came with was too sweet to ignore.

The two of them sat in relative silence as they shared their small meal, the air only lifted by Nejire's whimsical humming and the slight creaks and groans as her weight shifted on the bed.

By the time they had both eaten their share, Izuku had worked up the nerve to speak. "Why are you helping me...?" His voice was quieter and weaker then he had hoped it would come out.

Nejire lit up at the question, shifting so she was straddling the greenette as she almost vibrated in excitement. "Because a Quirk like yours is so interesting! I wanna know how everything will feel with you! Will it be really good? Will I get addicted? What would you be like when we do naughty stuff? Would you take the lead or me?-"

Izuku was immediately thrown on the backfoot with her tirade of questions, as well as the way her massive breasts shifted and bounced, how her supple rear ground against his crotch, and the lewd desires the woman was projecting were digging into his reservations.

"-I just gotta know! Can we do it? No, wait we don't have protection? Do you wanna kiss? Because that's fine too! What type of kisser are you? Do you like tongue? Or biting the girls' lip?-"

He couldn't stop himself, he lunged forward with his lips capturing Nejire's and completely silencing her, except for an approving hum. Despite the fact Izuku was the one who initiated, he was mortified that he let his control slip, but with each passing second, he felt a reassurance that Nejire had wanted this.

The two pulled back to breath, opening their eyes that they hadn't even realised they'd closed to stare each other in the eyes. The warm, kind eye contact Nejire engaged in with him made his cheeks burn and caused him to shrink a little in on himself.

A tick in his head triggered a sudden rush of endorphins, and with it, Nejire's interest looked to rise. A small smirk on her face as she crawled toward him, sensually swaying her body until she sat atop his lap, brushing all her hair over her shoulder.

"You're so cute," Nejire hummed, leaning forward and kissing Izuku's cheek. The greenette tried to find words to either thank her, compliment her, or ask permission to keep enjoying her, but it came out an anxious, babbled mess.

Another tick came as Nejire giggled, enjoying how overwhelmed he was by her beauty and sexiness, his nervousness with leading, and how she'd drag the bravery and dominance out of him so he'd fuck her senseless.

'H-... How do I know that?" Izuku thought to himself, he could almost... feel... what Nejire wanted from him. Someone who was inexperienced and could learn with her about the pleasure of a sexual relationship.

Nejire gave him a quick peck on the lips to recapture his attention. "Nuh Uh! I want you to focus on me and enjoy this too, okay?" She asked, offering a choice to stop.

Izuku nodded, ignoring the chance.

Nejire grinned happily, pulling away enough to start unbuttoning her shirt. "Alot of boys stare at my boobs, so I hope you like them" She informed excitedly, quickly revealing the grey bra that cupped her huge tits, which were even more accentuated when she reached behind her to unclasp the back.

When the final barrier fell away, Izuku's eyes ate up the image of Nejires hefty, cream breasts, the way they bounced upon freedom, and the pale pink of her nipples.

His hands hesitantly raised towards her chest, he spared a glance from Nejire to request permission to touch.

Nejire blushed and nodded, her eyes excitedly watching his hands. Watching as his fingers made contact and sent a jolt through the two of them, egging Izuku to cup her tits and let his fingers sink into her doughy flesh.

Nejire moaned cutely, sighing contently and pressing herself against his hands. Her hip unconsciously bucked to capture some sensations to match the pleasure-filled tingles that his fingers left on her skin.

He squeezed, rubbed, and played with the two heavy lovebags, making sure to pay attention to what brought the best reaction out of her. He used his thumbs to rub circles on her nipples and would momentarily pause to tweak them between his fingers.

The constant pleasure filled whimpers that Nejire made under his touch encouraged him to lurch forward and catch one of her breasts in his mouth, suckling on her teat while he held it up and occasionally squeezed it, his other hand playing with the other rather roughly.

"Ahn~" Nejire moaned, her hand shooting up to cover her mouth and keep herself quiet.

Izuku stared up at her, a chip of annoyance shooting through his brain. He didn't want her to stay quiet, and he knew she didn't want to either, she wanted the chance to scream and make as much noise for her lover.

Izuku's tail slithered out from behind him and slid between them, running up Nejire's leg, under her skirt, and pressing itself under her panties. The heart-shaped tip rubbed itself against her womanhood, grounding against her folds and teasing her clothes, dragging out a muffled scream of pleasure underneath her hand.

Her shoulders shook as she used her free hand to find purchase on Izuku's own shoulder, weakly lifting herself by her knees to give his tail more access to her pussy.

Izuku let Nejire's tit fall out of his lips with a wet pop as he looked up at the beautiful girl atop of him. "You're beautiful" He said, the words falling from his mouth and plucked from his mind.

Before Nejire could respond Izuku's hand snaked up behind her head and dragged her down to claim her lips, his other briefly leaving her heaving tits to free his engorged cock. His tail shifting to clear a way for penetration.

As soon as he felt the tip of his member prod Nejire's wet hole, Izuku grabbed her hips and slammed her down to the base. The bluenette's entire body tensed up and a pleasure-filled shiver drove over her, her tight pussy clamping down as she came.

Izuku, fueled by lust, rode out her orgasm, but the bluenette's entire body went slack as her orgasm passed. The greenette, guided by Nejire's perverted desires and kinks, rolled them over so the Nejire was face down on the infirmary bed and her face buried in the pillow, while her ass was propped up and her arms limp beneath her.

Izuku kneeled behind her, the two still connected by their sex, soothingly rubbing the older girls waist as he began to slid his cock inside her and building up momentum.

Nejire meanwhile, was at the mercy to the full power of Izuku's Incubus, every nerve in her body's reception to pleasure pushed into overdrive. Her coherent mind melted away as his naval met her plush ass.

Her eyes crossed as he pulled back, rolling back as she was stuffed full. Izuku's massive dick filling every nook and cranny of her and kissing her womb, her pussy buzzing in constant ecstacy.

The pace of their fucking quickly reached it's peak, the two teens flesh filling the room with a cacophony of slaps, and Nejire letting out a constant scream of pleasure.

Fueled by their lust, Izuku raised his hand and delivered a harsh slap to Nejire's juicy ass, watching in perverse pleasure as her full cheeks jiggling from his open-palmed strike, her cream skin leaving a harsh pink hand print on her backside.

"You feel so good, Nejire!" Izuku cried,

"MmHmmHmM!" Nejire replied in a muffled scream, her entire body trembling from an over abundance of orgasms. Her brain so pleasure riddled that tears streaked from her eyes and drool pooled out of her mouth and into the pillow, her most basic instincts driving her to fill her mouth with the pillow in her face and biting down.

Izuku's constant thrusting ran Nejire ragged, her body sleeked in sweat and trembling. Her previous inquiry found itself true, she was getting addicted to the stimulation, if her strength hadn't waned she'd met his thrust but that wasn't in the cards.

After almost an hour of rough, fast-paced pounding, Izuku reached his limit. He knew Nejire wanted to become a Hero, so getting her pregnant would upset her and distance her as a lover, so his body changed to match, his cum, whilst potent, would not impregnate her this time.

Nejire's eyes rolled back as a final scream of ecstacy was torn from her, her pussy and womb filled with a scorching liquid that burned so good. Nejire's entire body trembled in pleasure and overuse, the last dregs of Izuku's strength left him and caused him to collapse atop his prone lover.

Whilst the two were distracted, Nejire from the lingering aftershocks of her numerous orgasms and Izuku from the aftercare of the almost Marathon-esque pounding he had given her, neither noticed the faint light blue emblem that branded itself onto the bluenette.

A heart interwoven with spirals and dotted with sparkles etched itself into Nejire's inner thigh, glowing a gentle blue for a brief moment before fading, leaving the brand almost invisible compared to the woman's cream skin.

Nezu's eyes briefly jumped to his computer whilst Inko was informed of the plans moving forward. Apparently, Izuku and Nejire had finished their bout of passion, meaning he could turn the cameras back on and allow Inko meet her son.

"Cementoss and Power Loader have already started on the dorm building prototype your son can stay in, and yourself if you so wish" Nezu chimed back into the conversation. "The two of them working together should have everything finished and would be installing furniture"

Ms Midoriya stared down at the cup of tea in her hands, gently swirling it in thought. With a shaky sigh she raised her eyes to meet the principal. "Okay, whatever helps Izuku, I'll do it"

Nezu smiled in glee, not just at the love Ms Midoriya held for her son, and the faith she was placing in Nezu, but also the fact that he was now allowed to introduce the dormitories without the HPSC or Board interfering.

What a fun school year this was shaping up to be.

Chapter 4: Home Home


Izuku is taken to his new dorm, where in he discovers some more facets of his new Quirk.


Kept you waiting, huh?

A thousand apologies, I got caught up in mental health problems, moving, and Baldur's Gate 3 and wasn't motivated to write.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

By the time Shota, All Might, Nezu, Izuku, and Inko travelled to the newly built Dormitory the sun was sinking below the horizon and the sky was mostly a dark purple with shades of deep orange.

Izuku had been allowed to change out of his medical scrubs and was wearing his black middle-school uniform, of which Shota could tell had been manually repaired and still carried minor burn marks.

Shota trailed behind All Might, Nezu, and Hizashi as they led the Midoriyas to their new residence. Nemuri stayed behind with Nejire, trying to hide the fact that the two teens had sex from the mother.

The fact Inko was such a mother-hen helped her overlook the fact Nejire could barely stand without her knees wobbling. Though Shota didn't want to think about the sex life of his future student, and he would be his, Erasure being vital while overlooking his stay.

Izuku was fairing quite well after leaving the infirmary, his intimacy with Nejire providing enough energy to fuel his muscles and body. All doubt about his Incubus nature disappearing with his virginity...

'Eugh' Shota shivered at the mental joke, ashamed the thought entered his mind. He forced himself to just ignore it and refocus on the boy.

Izuku was excitedly buzzing with his thin tail flicking back and forth like a puppy beside his mother, who hugged him with one arm as they walked, he had been ever since he was told he'd be living on school grounds.

"Mr. Midoriya's room should be furnished, so he will have a chance to sleep when we arrive if he so desires. " Nezu chirped, riding the insomnia-riddled teacher's shoulder.

Izuku nervously thanked the Rat, bowing as much as he could while walking. Shota got the impression that this was what the boy was like without the effects of Incubus weighing him down.

Energetic and wide-eyed excitement were some traits he could pick up, Shota would usually roll his eyes when meeting someone like that, but considering his Quirkless upbringing, it only raised his opinion of the greenette.

The dormitory Izuku would be staying in came into view quickly as they walked, a crowd of Ectoplasms helping Power Loader and Cementoss move the few remaining furniture items into the building.

The three Heroes welcomed the newcomers and let them know that they'd finish furnishing in a few minutes. Nezu thanked them as Shota passed and headed for the door, though he did notice that Izuku lingered a few seconds behind and looked like he wanted to offer some help, but chose to stay with the group.

"Now, Mr. Midoriya, Aizawa, and I will return in the morning to begin working with your Quirk. There is a layout of the floor plan by the stairs that marks which room is yours," Nezu explained. "Your mother will return tomorrow as well, to bring your belongings and clothing, until then you will be provided with school clothes and comfortable sleeping clothes"

"Th-Thank you so much for this!" Izuku stuttered before bowing as low as he could.

"Thank you for doing all of this for my baby boy," Inko thanked simultaneously, bowing her head in gratitude.

"Think nothing of it!" Nezu animatedly waved off. "It is my pride as an educator to help my students in any way I can and do not deserve thanks for what any teacher should do on principle!"

The two Midoriya's were brought close to tears by the statement, revealing just how badly Izuku had been mistreated by his old school.

"Get some rest, kid, tomorrow we'll see what you're capable of," Shota spoke up, using the statement as a chance to excuse himself and the principal.

"O-Of Course!" Izuku called back, his voice mixed with both apprehension and excitement.

All Might lingered with the Midoriya's while Inko hugged her son and gave him multiple reassurances, offering his presence to the teen to aid him moving forward.

Shota and Nezu, meanwhile, began to discuss a remaining problem.

"Do you recall which school Midoriya attended?" Shota asked, somewhat expecting the answer.

"Aldera Middle School" Nezu quickly chimed back, any warmth in his voice gone as he thought about the failure of the building of education. "I will ensure that they will not be capable of reinforcing such problematic ideologies"

Shota didn't reply, only buried his face into his capture weapon. He didn't need to convey how he felt. His employer knew him well enough to know already.

He was content with knowing that Aldera would burn.

Izuku waved his mother goodbye as All Might escorted her off campus and back home, he took a few seconds to stand in the common room and let the silence wash over him.

It was a little lonely by himself, hopefully he wouldn't have to linger alone for too long.

The greenette let out a little sigh as he made his way to his room, his thoughts moving to everything that had happened today. The exam and how his memory became spotty before the practical, waking up to find out he'd grown horns and a tail, learned he was now an Incubus, and then...

'Nejire...' Izuku thought with a pleasant shiver, blushing at the last interaction they had together.

He hoped she would visit him again soon, this time not in the infirmary. He'd like to know her better and spend more time with her, not just because she was so excited and curious about having sex with him, but that was a nice bonus.

Izuku swallowed thickly at the thought, a small pang of hunger hitting him and a desire swallowing his form that demanded attention.

'M-Maybe a shower could cool me off...'

He quickened his pace to his room, collecting the necessary items for a the task, trying to occupy his mind with other thoughts as he stripped down and stood under the cool water.

He took deep breaths as the water pattered against his horns, soaked into his curls and ran down his back. The colder water doing nothing to quell the hunger now brought to his attention.

He opened his eyes and stared down at his erection, a thought racing through his head. 'Is this what I'll have to deal with from now on?' Self-loathing attempting to creep back into his mind, he didn't want to be reduced to this, to be in a constant state of arousal with his body demanding for more carnal pleasure.

'But what a pleasure it was...' Izuku thought, not just the sexual intimacy, but the comfort and care his Quirk let him sense. When she spoke to him in the hallway, he could feel her sincerity, could tell how much she wanted him to express himself.

Sometimes Izuku felt like he couldn't even express himself to his own Mother, and it was so freeing to know that Nejire wouldn't judge him, that she truely wanted to hear him and comfort him.

'Nejire will make a great Hero...'

As his thoughts began to recentre on the air-headed beauty, his hand lowered to grip his length. Flashes of her body danced across his vision.

Nejire was beautiful,-






-But even though his mind was poisoned with sexual fantasies of this magnificent girl, he would not take advantage of her, of any woman he ends up feeding off of. He would make sure to Love them to his fullest extent, anything less would not do, he would Love them and make Love to them and fill them with his Love and make sure they Loved every moment of it!

"Hah!" Izuku cried as he approached his orgasm.

But then a voice whispered in his ear. "Such big aspirations~ I can't wait to see you achieve them~"

Izuku's eyes shot open as he shrieked in fear, spinning so fast that he slipped on the water and almost crashed to the floor. But fortunately for him, the intruder caught his wrist and held him tightly to prevent him from falling, giggling all the while.

While the greenette tried to gain some footing, he was able to observe his visitor, surprised to see the naked form of Nejire assisting him while trying to stiffle her laughter.

"N-Nejire?! What are you doing here?!"

Nejire smiled seductively at the greenette with half-lidded eyes, leaning closer to him whilst pressing her forearms together to accentuate her bust. "Well you were thinking about me, weren't you?" She asked, looking down at her chest and her hands sliding up to cup them. "You were thinking about my giant tits, about how good they tasted when you suckled on them, about how good and soft they'd feel if you used them to get yourself off~"

The bluenette theatrically squeezed her tits and dropped them to let them bounce for Izuku, her hands trailing down to her crotch. "You were thinking about how tight my little pussy would be when you stuffed me full with your cock, how long it would take until my mind shut down from the constant buzzing pleasure as you fucked me silly~"

Nejire ran her hands to her hips as she turned around, her hair parting down the middle and showing off her sculpted, bubble butt while her hands grabbed handfuls of her cheeks. "Thinking about how my fat ass would bounce ass you pounded me from behind, whether I'd be the type of girl to try anal~"

Izuku stared at Nejire as she listed off his sex-riddled fantasies and questions, the erotic smug look she shot him him over her shoulder made his dick twitch with desire.

Nejire twirled around and sauntered over to Izuku, kneeling down before him as she took his length in her hand and began to stroke him off, her free hand coming up to tug at her lips. "Thinking about how good it would feel to ram your meat down my throat and make me swallow down load after load and get me addicted to your taste"

Upon finishing, Nejire took Izuku's dick into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down and sucking on him so hard he thought she was trying to take his soul, the suction so great he didn't notice something off about her desires. Izuku clamped his eyes shut and let his back press against the shower wall, letting Nejire work her throat on his cock. Simply admiring the sounds she made around his length.

"Ghlk! *Gulp* Hkgh! *Slurp* Hah~♡"

When Izuku felt Nejire pull off his dick to breath, his hands itched to grab her by the back off the head, but she wanted to ask him something.

"But those are things you can find out later, wouldn't a different body be more exciting?" Nejire? asked, her voice changing to another voice that was vaguely familiar to Izuku.

The greenette's eyes shot open at the change, met with a girl with a cute short bob of brown hair, gorgeous chocolate eyes, and blushing pink cheeks taking his cock into her mouth. Izuku recognised her as the nice girl from outside U.A, the one that stopped him from falling.

"Gah! What?! Who?! How?" He screamed, pushing the brunette back, staggering out of the shower and away from her.

The stranger looked mostly unphased, still smiling lustfully at him as she wiped some strands of saliva off her lips, and following after him after turning the shower off. "Oh, come on, I know you find this body attractive, don't you want to explore it? We might not see her again"

"Wha-? Huh-? I don't-!" Izuku stammered, his mind reeling from the abundance of information thrown at him. "W-Who are you?!"

The woman sighed, placing her hand on her cocked hip. "I guess no foreplay..." She sighed, before her form began to shimmer. Her hair grew down to her ankles, began to curl and darken into a dark green, horns twisted out the sides of her head, her eyes shifted from brown to Emerald Green, her rosy cheeks faded and was replaced with diamond-shaped freckles, her bust expanded and her hips widened, and even from the front he could see her rear grow and fill out, a thin heart-tipped tail forming and flickering around behind her.

In the end, Izuku was left with a female reflection of himself, a rather lewd and sexy one, but a reflection of himself regardless.

"...What?..." He asked distantly, stepping backwards in disbelief until his thighs hit his bed.

"I'm the manifestation of your ideal woman" The woman introduced herself, "Which is to say; What you believe most men will be the most attracted to, big tits and ass, flirty and confident, and masterful in all the ways of sex"

Izuku still stared at her in loss, not fully comprehending what she was implying.

The Female Izuku rolled her eyes playfully, seeming to have known he wouldn't fully understand. "I'm a manifestation of your Quirk"

That statement answered more questions for Izuku and let him sift through the information alot easier, able to understand better what was going on. "Oh..."

His realisation must have shown on his face, as the female Izuku smiled at him playfully, and teased. "You're such a Quirk fan boy~"

Izuku got the inclination that he'd hear that more in the future.

"Well, what should I call you?-AH!" Izuku asked, but let out a scream as his female doppelganger dropped to her knees and kissed the tip of his dick.

"'Good Girl', 'Baby', 'Slut', I don't really care, let's just enjoy ourselves" She waved off before swallowing his cock to the base, sending shivers through the boy's legs. Though she quickly pulled off to add, "While you won't get any sustenance from this, it'll feel good and clear your mind", before lodging him back into her throat.

Izuku bit the inside of his cheek as his sexual facsimile deep throated his cock, an odd arousal at seeing his copy so sexually subservient to him.

The tight, warm grip of the Succubus' throat dragged him close to release, stoking the fires of dominance in his mind to capitalise on her submissive service.

He gripped the clones horns and dragged her head forward until his entire dick was held in her throat, pinning her there as she tried to swallow and gulp around it.

She looked up at him with her emerald eyes, pricks of tears welling up in the corners for every second he held her down, begging him to keep using her.

Izuku couldn't help but oblige, holding her head in place as he thrusted full force into her mouth and down her throat, spit and tears quickly began to fall from her face, smears of mascara that hadn't been there running down her cheeks to create a depraved image that tingled parts of Izuku's brain.

After almost ten minutes of hammering his pelvis into his copy's once delicate and pristine face, Izuku drove his cock as far down into her throat as possible as he finally reached his orgasm.

By the time he was done, the Succubus' reddened face was a mess of saliva, tears and semen. Streaks of black clouding her eyes and staining her cheeks. Her massive breasts coated with a mix of spit and cum that cascaded down her mounds like waterfalls of molasses, slowly dripping and falling into her cleavage into a small pool.

The emerald slut swallowed what she could and stuck her tongue out, raising both her hands beside her head into peace signs, rolling her eyes back into a perfect image of an ahegao.

The sight did little about his still hard cock pulsating before her face.

Izuku was still a little greedy, and still wanted more.

"I want Nejire this time" He panted, each breath releasing a thick steam.

The Succubus smiled, body shimmering into a perfect replica of the blue-haired airhead, as well as a slightly glowing brand on her inner thigh.

In Nejire's bedroom, Nejire lay atop her bed in silence, wearing bright cyan pajamas and had her long hair cascading around her as she stared up at the roof that was spattered with glowing stars, ever since she had returned from U.A. she couldn't stop her thoughts from drifting to that cute, green Incubus.

Her hands slipped down to her stomach, to the spot that he made feel so hot, she felt so chilly without him, so empty and alone.

'Izuku...' She thought longingly, wanting nothing more than to cuddle with the small teen and share their warmth with eachother, to make eachother feel that good again.

Unseen to her, the sparkling heart that brands her thigh began to let off a low blue glow, and as it grew brighter came with it warm ghost like sensations that trailed from her hips to her breasts.

Hot kisses spattered along her neck and collarbone, one of the phantom hands trailing back down to her hip, it's fingers digging into her soft flesh eliciting a gasp from Nejire.

She glanced down to where she could feel the pressure from the ghost hands, where she felt her skin get pressed down only to be met with nothing.

She felt the hand pull her waist upwards but she didn't move, a new scorching heat pressing against her womanhood.

"I'm putting it in"

Nejire thought she heard Izuku's voice say, before that burning pressure pressed inside of her, taking her breath as her eyes fluttered and a moan dragged from her throat.

She quickly covered her mouth to silence any future moans as she felt the intruding heat retract, closing her eyes in anticipation for the coming thrust, letting out a quiet squeak as she was filled back up, unconsciously bucking her hips to match the movement.

With every thrust, it got even faster, and Nejire slightly mourned the fact that she could not hear the clapping of flesh to accompany the constant pounding she could feel against her ass.

Nejire rolled over, and buried her face into her pillows, arching her back and letting out a low droning moan.

The blue-haired girl would spend another hour getting her back blown out by an apparent ghost presence, but the fact it oozed the pleasurable aura that Izuku brought her meant she wouldn't fight it, instead enjoying the ride until she was pounded limp and sent in to an ecstacy riddled dream.

Her final coherent thoughts were only about sharing this overwhelming lust with her best friend YuYu.