degenerate hero caught on tape

Kei hated heroes.

Clips of Stain had spread all over the web, and though the authorities had done everything they could to stop his wild, hateful rant from being heard, there was nothing they could do. Even a young boy like Kei could be tainted by his rhetoric. He was twelve years old. A student. Ge had barely even decided what kind of person he wanted to be, but the world had decided that he was destined to be a villain.

His quirk was passive. He could not control it. It prevented Kei from being recorded. If someone tried to take a photo of him, it would be like he was photoshopped out of it. If someone tried to record him, he would show up as a distorted blur, unable to be recognized. If someone tried to draw his face, they would only be able to draw illegible scribbles.

Despite never asking for a quirk like this, his parents and peers had already decided that he was destined to become a criminal. Who wouldn't with a quirk like his, they would think. It was a robber's wet dream.

He hated heroes. Those who had quirks that society deemed useful, deemed 'correct'. He had finally found a way to take them down a peg. To show the world how vile, and disgusting they were.

Kei gripped his backpack tightly as he stood outside the school gates, watching his classmates pass by. His heart thumped in his chest as he thought about what he was about to do. He had been waiting for an opportunity like this forever, and he wasn't going to let it slip by.

He had always kept himself in the background, always remaining out of sight and caring little for his appearance. Often people would see him sulking in a corner, his wavy, medium length hair draping over his face and getting in the way of his face. His smooth, boyish features and perpetually half-lidded eyes always made him seem tired, or moody. Despite this, many of his classmates tried to talk to him. The anti social boy was uncomfortable in his own skin, finding his uniform stifling like many of his young classmates.

That was because he was a bit overdeveloped for his age. Well, more like overdeveloped for a *boy*. The blue, button up uniform fit nicely around his slim chest, but once you went below the belt things got complicated fast. A pair of obscenely wide hips, twice as wide as his narrow shoulders stuck out like a sore thumb, coupled with a pair of fat, jiggly boycheeks that stuffed every last inch of his tiny school shorts. Kei's ass would put many grown *women* to shame, and the same could be said for his boy parts. A constant visible, and very prominent bulge pushed out the front of his shorts, unable to be concealed due to its sheer size.

A young boy of twelve should not look the way he does. Not be as sinfully well-endowed, but that was just the way of things.

"Hey, Kei! There you are! You wanna walk home with me?"

In fact, he wasn't the only one.

One of the classmates that had taken a shine to him was a boy named Sota. A sporty, athletic boy with, spiky, bright red hair who always wore a headband. He was upbeat and liked to tease him. He didn't like Sota very much. Too happy-go-lucky. Too loud. Not to mention, he was even more *blessed* than Kei. Gargantuan cheeks and door-spanning hips dominated his short physique, absolutely devouring his shorts to the point where plentiful, lightly tanned assflesh spilled out of the edges for all to see.

"Okay..." Kei said softly, expression unreadable as he stared back at that overbearing smile. The tan boy adjusted his backpack, which heaved and bounced against the wide, spacious shelf he had swinging behind him, thick, rippling cheeks smacking together with a firm *clap*.

"Hmmph. Where are you going with Kei, Sota?" A girls voice, haughty and uptight, greeted them as the two turned around.

Another was a girl named Suzu. A moody blonde girl with twin pigtails, and a bratty streak. She hung around Kei because he was easy to order around, and tease. Her parents were rich, or something, and they had spoiled her rotten. They must have been putting something in her food, too. After all, no girl her age should have tits the size of exercise balls. Yet her little sailor fuku was stretched to its absolute limits around a pair of cow udders, the buttons struggling to contain those obscene, forbidden milkbags. Her skirt was always lifted slighltly by an immense bulge that she kept tightly wrapped at all times. It must have been taller than her when fully erect, as she often panicked whenever it started acting up. Which was frequent.

"Walking home with Kei." Sota said. "You can take a hike."

Suzu waved a hand around, her chest jostling with even the slightest movement. "You're going to get him in trouble again..." She closed her eyes and sighed. "I have to keep an eye on you two."

"Fine, you can come along." Sota stuck his tongue out.

"C-Can I come, too?"

A young boy with dark blue hair approached from behind. He was even shorter than the rest of them, meek, skinny, always hunched over and shy. His features were more feminine, with long hair that draped over his eyes, covering them, with the boy only barely able to peek out from between them. While he was in a similar situation to the rest of these kids, he was somewhere between Kei and Soto in size. All three of them could smother a grown-up with their overgrown cheeks, but there was a clear hierarchy. But Hinata had the distinct honor of being the most unbelievably hung out of all of them. The shorts the school so generously provided were stretched to their breaking point around such a titanic bulge, one that jutted several feet off of his body, with the outline of his swollen nuts jutting wider than his own hips, and always just shy of the ground. The unwieldyness of his boyhood would certainly explain his general awkwardness.

"Kay." Soto said, resting his arms behind his head.

"Whatever..." Suzu muttered.

Hinata followed along, always keeping to the back of the group. He was a bit of a hanger on. He mostly stuck around because he had no other friends.

Kei kept his expression blank as he lead them along with him, eyes glazed over as he prepared to put his plan in motion.

The four kids took up a whole street on their own. Kei and Soto beside each other were so wide, and so distracting that many adults would have to stop onto the street just to let them pass. At times Soto's hips would swing over and smack against Kei's, sending a powerful ripple vibrating through their unbelievably massive cheeks.

Adults were vile. Gross. Kei had seen plenty of them stare as they passed, giving furtive glances their way, tempted by the forbidden fruit hanging in front of them, tantalized by the taboo that these kids offered. But they would never go that far. They would condemn anyone who thought of doing that. Even if their bodies were obscene to the point of being described as "whorish".

"Hey." Kei tugged on Soto's sleeve as they reached a street corner, lifting his arm up and pointing towards an alleyway. "I found something here the other day. I think you'll like it."

"Down there? Was it trash?" Suzu furrowed her brow and winced a bit. "That place looks shady..."

"Hey, Kei's finally showing us something. Let's hear him out." Soto wrapped an arm around Kei's shoulder, jamming their oversized hams together to the point where they were bulging outward, desperate to find more space to fill.

"I'm right behind you..." Hinata muttered, glancing over his shoulder nervously, before following Kei down the alley. Despite being rather spacious these overly wide kids felt rather cramped here. Kei just calmly lead the way, keeping his eyes pointed forward even while Soto and Suzu seemed to grow more and more suspicious.

Kei found an unmarked door, with a padlock on it. His classmates watched with interest as the young boy grabbed the padlock and began to flick the tumblers at the bottom, rapidly inputting a code, and without even the slightest change in expression, click the padlock open.

"What is this place?" Soto asked.

"Are you breaking in...?" Suzu bit her lip as she looked over her shoulder, standing on her top-toes and leaning against Soto, her chest squishing firmly against his back.

"No. This is where she told me to bring my friends." Kei said matter-of-factly. He pushed open the door, opening up into a dark, and empty room, before gesturing for his friends to enter. He watched them pass one by one, each of them nervous, and curious in equal measure. Once Hinata squeezed himself through, he shut the door behind them, and furtively flicked the lock shut. He scrambled the padlock and set it on the *inside*, watching his friends wander further in.

The room was dimly lit, with a few shelves against the wall, a desk in the corner, and a bed in the middle of the room.

"What is this place?" Soto asked. "Ooh, is this like a secret hideout?!" He looked around excitedly. "Ooh, this could be our clubhouse... I could bring my games... I think a TV could go here..."

"I've got board games at home..." Hinata muttered quietly.

"This place is grody... It needs some serious redecorating..." Suzu huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, and raising her chin haughtily.

"Uhm... Hi! It's nice to meet you!" A soft, sweet voice filled the room, coming from a small hallway at the end. All of the kids turned their heads to meet the source of the voice, and all but Kei were shocked at what they saw.

Ochako Uraraka. Gravity Hero: Uravity. In costume. Standing right there before them. The young girl stepped fully into the light, her wide boots clicking against the ground and a gentle smile brightening up the room from underneath her pink visor. All of the kids were in varying states of awe. Soto was shocked speechless, Suzu was on the verge of squealing in excitement, and Hinata was fidgeting nervously and had trouble making eye-contact.

"Kei's told me all about you kids! I was so excited to meet you!" Uraraka grinned, holding out her arms. "I'm always happy to meet fans!"

"Oh my gosh! Kei?! How do you know her?" Suzu squealed. "How did a loser like you meet a real hero?!"

Kei just smiled softly. "I'dunno."

Soto crossed his arms. "Yeah, I guess that's pretty cool... Heh..."

Hinata twiddled his thumbs. "She's really pretty..."

Kei slipped his backpack off and set it on the ground, crouching down and beginning to unzip. He looked up at Uraraka and made eye-contact with her. She nodded. He nodded.

Uraraka stepped forward, wrapping her arms around the three kids and bringing them in for a tight hug. They were soon all buried within the taller girl's arms, Soto and Hinata nestled into her bosom with poor Suzu stuffed between the two boys. The brown haired girl was much like them in many ways. Gifted. Her hips, thighs, and cheeks being one of her most prominent and talked about features, but few could forget that massive, swollen bulge that her suit completely failed to hide. One so unbelievably heavy and massive that it reached well past her knees from sheer size alone. It was a good thing she was an anti-gravity hero.

It wasn't so good for Suzu, with the poor futa's overactive cock nestled right against the junior hero's bulge, twitching from the contact. None of them realized what was in Uraraka's hands. None of them saw her uncork the two capsules in her grasp, releasing a pinkish gas into the air that was inhaled by all of them, including Uraraka herself.

"You're so cute!" Uraraka said with a little squeak, letting the three of them go and standing up straight, but ensuring that they stayed close. Whenever one of them tried to back away, she would pat them on the back and discourage them from moving. Every second they stood there, the more they took in that pink miasma, breathed it in, ground against the junior hero.

Already Kei could see Soto, Suzu, and Hinata begin to squirm. He watched as they took in that sweet-smelling scent, saw their cheeks begin to darken and their eyes glaze over. The young boy dug into his backpack, rummaging through it for a few moments before retrieving what he needed: a camcorder. None of his friends noticed what he was doing back there, too enraptured in the presence of a hero to care what silent Kei was doing.

The vials in Uraraka's hands dropped to the ground with a clink, just as the kids were starting to squirm. Those chemicals were already working their way through them, making them hot, suppressing their inhibitions, making them want something. She could already see it on their faces. The tanned boy lightly nestling against her expansive thigh, his cheek squishing into the tight, form-fitting material of her suit while a quivering bulge nudged up against her knee. Hinata breathed heavily, his one visible eye half-lidded as he tried and failed to fully wrap his arms around the older girl's thigh, that enormous bulge audibly straining his tight shorts and drawing them further and further up his head-smothering cheeks.

Then there was Suzu. Standing right in front of Uraraka, her oversized bosom squishing right against her slightly pudgy gut, resting atop that protruding bulge that seemed to stir more and more with each passing second. Something hard pushed up the young girl's skirt, fabric straining loudly as a firm, and pulsing tip poked into the tightly-wrapped outline of the junior hero's sack.

"Looks like you're all big fans of mine~" Uraraka cooed, her lips curling into a smile that looked unnatural on her face, like she had been possessed by some malevolent and perverse force. Her hands brushed down the backs of the two boys, drawing tittilated gasps and coos from each of them, before dropping all pretenses and taking two greedy handfuls of boy cheek. Both of them were so fat that she could barely put a dent in them, sinking down to her wrist in assfat and happily kneading it. Both of the young boys arched their backs and ground against her, thick, firm bulges pushing out their shorts and tightening the ever-present wedgies that exposed their bare cheeks. Both of them were tight-lipped, trying to stifle their little moans, but Uraraka simply would not allow it.

Kei smiled a smile that would seem unnatural to any of his friends. Nobody had seen him smile more than the lightest of smirks. But this was genuine joy on his face. Joy that only grew as the brown-haired girl looked him in the eyes and nodded her head, signaling him to begin.

Suzu was the first one to realize that something may be off with her. The first one to feel Uraraka's cock pushing out, lengthening and growing thicker by the moment. But she was already too far gone to do anything about it. Every breath was hot, her skin was tingly, and she felt this unbelievable heat between her legs that she could not deny. "Uraraka-senpai, I feel... Funny..." She muttered, unable to stop herself from grinding her overdeveloped tits against her stomach, shuddering as her thick, puffy nips ground against the fabric. Fabric that was growing more and more stifling.

"That's okay, I'm here to help... Hehehe... First thing we need to do is get all these stupid clothes off..." Uraraka licked her lips as she lifted her hands away from Soto and Hinata's cheeks, only to smack both hands down, watching those jiggly boycheeks ripple and wobble from even that slight blow, adoring how the boys jolted and shivered from her touch.

"That's... W-Weird..." Suzu huffed, but despite her misgivings she couldn't stop her trembling hands from reaching up. Everything felt so hot. Her clothes were grinding into her skin. She needed to get them off.

All of them did. Uraraka reached over and began to tug on Soto's shorts, causing the young boy to wiggle his hips, his fat cheeks spilling out of those woefully underequipped school shorts. Enormous, tan boy booty cascaded out of that fabric, no longer bulging but jiggling free. An ass that outgrew the entire upper half of the boy it belonged to, with delightfully thick thighs that put his own torso to shame twice over. His shorts struggled as they were caught on his bulge, but were quickly freed, revealing a thick, and already mostly erect cock. Two feet of tan boymeat shuddered and bucked, with swollen balls so voluminous and thick that they hung below his knees and rivaled his own head in size.

Uraraka couldn't help but drop to her knees, her huge ass smacking against the floor and her enormous shelf wobbling in excitement as she helped Soto remove his shorts. He stepped out of them, his thick cock bobbing beside her face, which grew increasingly frantic in its eagerness, her eyes focused on that fat ass, that juicy boy cock... Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as Soto looked down at her, panting so heavily that his breath was steaming, sweat pouring down his smooth, hairless body as he unbuttoned his school shirt.

Kei focused on Uraraka with the camera.

"Ahnnnh... You're so cute..." Uraraka nestled close to the young boy, still tall enough to be face-level with him even when on her knees. Her head-sized tits smooshed against his chest as she drew him closer, huffing needily as she quickly glanced at the camera, before diving right in. Mashing her lips against the young, tan boy's mouth, and eagerly wriggling her tongue past his lips. Soto groaned, his eyes growing wide and his whole body shuddering as Uraraka stole his first kiss.

The other kids watched in awe, their bodies reacting to this sight with confusion, and arousal. The command to undress was heeded by Hinata, who struggled to remove his tightly-bound shorts as his gargantuan cock began to swell and lengthen, pushing out against it and only making his job harder.

"This is... Ahnn... We shouldn't be doing this..." Suzu whimpered, unbuttoning her sailor fuku, each button causing more and more of her oversized tits to spill out, until she could finally spread it apart. Tits that dominated her little torso wobbled out into the open, thick, juicy nips that belonged on a broodmare and not a twelve year old girl standing at full mast. She panted softly, eyes glazed over as she let it slip over her smooth shoulders, and began to squirm as her skirt pushed further and further up.

Soto's eyes had rolled up, his attempts at kissing her back utterly dominated by Uraraka's invading tongue. Her lips suckled on his own, drawing his tongue further out so she could twist her own slimy, wet tongue around it. A soft pop filled the room as Uraraka let loose, his mouth hanging open and her tongue grinding around his out in the open, for the camera to see. Her hands brushed through his spiky, red hair, while she looked back at the camera playfully, reveling in the idea that she was being recorded.

"Ahhnn... I love this so much... You've never even thought of kissing like this, heehee... You can barely handle it~" Uraraka cooed softly, letting her hands glide down his smooth shoulders and down to his sides, gliding them down his waist while peppering a few more kisses along his cheek. "Mmhnn... Nnnh..."

"Uravity..." He muttered, panting heavily, his chest heaving as he tried and failed to resist her advances. But everything felt too good. He couldn't help but give in to every touch, letting her feel him, feeling her warmth against his body as she nestled closer and began to glide down. Her hands made their way down his waist until they caught his hips, gingerly spreading further and further just to get an idea of the sheer width of this boy's cheeks. On such a compact body he was almost as wide as he was tall.

Uraraka moaned, her eyes rolling up as she dragged her tongue down from his neck to one of his cute little nips. Her lips closed around it, suckling softly on it while her hands eagerly wrapped around his body, her arms mashing into those fat, squishy thighs while she took firm handfuls of his bare cheeks. She rolled her hands around, eagerly kneading them while flicking her tongue up and down his perky little nipple. Soto bucked his hips, his thick cock bumping against her belly as she indulged herself on camera.

"Oohhmm... He's sho deliciousssshh~" Uraraka groaned, "I just wanna eat him up... I just can't help myself, I'm sorry... I know it's bad, but boys like you just drive me wild~"

Her hands barely put a dent in all of that cheek, bouncing and slapping those massive globes together as she drew herself further and further down, huffing loudly as she brushed her cheek right against his thick cock. Two feet extended along her cheek and over her shoulder while her hands continued to ravenously grope his ass.

"Nnnhhhh... Look how hard he is... Annh... It's making me even harder... Look~" She directed the camera to point down, showing the state she was in. Her suit drew even tighter around her body, revealing a thick, twitching rod that was almost at full mast. A three and a half foot beast, thicker than her arm and attached to a swollen pair of balls that could smother most of their bodies. She rolled onto her side, exposing herself to them. One hand continued to grope Soto's cheek, while the other stroked along that quivering cock, each stroke making her pant harder and harder.

Finally, she just started to tug at her suit. Ripping the material of it without a second thought, freeing more and more of her body. Tears in the front lead to tears in the back, exposing a fat pair of cheeks that could easily smother these kids whole.

Just in time for Suzu to finally lose her clothes. The young girl stood there, legs quivering with a three foot cock twitching between her legs, so tall that it easily went over her head, and thicker than her own waist by a wide margin. She shivered as she approached, only to gasp as Uraraka grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her closer, forcing the young girl to her knees until she was face to face with Uraraka's bare cock and balls.

"Ahhnn... Come on, touch it, touch it... Come on... You'll love it, I promise~" Uraraka cooed, spreading her legs a little further apart and letting that massive cock twitch powerfully before the young girl's eyes.

Suzu obviously hesitated. But her hands trembled. Her lips pursed. "This is... So... Disgusting..." She said to herself, despite reaching forward and resting her little hands against each side of that throbbing girlcock, feeling it pulse and twitch in her grasp as she drew closer. Her thick cock nestled between Uraraka's balls, gliding across those smooth orbs and nudging against the base of her thick shaft. Her breasts wobbled about, nudging against that gigantic cock, while she drew closer and pressed her little lips to the sides. Suzu took in the scent and found her heart racing, groaning as she started to grind eagerly against it, finding it hard to stop herself from letting her tongue flop out into the open and slobber all over the tip.

"Ahhhhnn... There's a little girl touching my cock... Mmnnh... It's almost as big as she is... She's so... Tiny~" Uraraka groaned, keeping a firm grasp on Soto's backside while letting her tongue drag along the underside of his quivering shaft, adoring the little moans he made and the bucks of his hips.

Young Hinata was the last to undress. Unsurprising given the tool he was working with. It was so massive and unwieldy that it caused Uraraka to jolt when it fell upon her backside like a freshly cut redwood log. It was a massively thick, and angry beast, taller than its young owner and twitching with barely controllable arousal, with balls resting heavily on the floor and pulsing needily to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Your cocks are so fat... nnnhhh... I can barely take it... I want them all..." Uraraka directed a powerfully seductive look Soto's way as she cupped one of his swollen balls in hand, letting it spill out of her slender fingers as she drew that thick cocktip past her lips, gingerly slurping it up with the slightest smile on her lips, relishing the taste of an unsullied, virgin cock. Her cheeks puffed out as she drew closer, her soft lips and eager tongue swirling around that thick shaft. Soto's eyes went cross, his hips rolling forward and forcing it deeper.

"Gluck...~" Uraraka's eyes lidded, her cheeks flushed as she nestled closer, a soft gag leaving her throat as she pushed past the six inch mark and felt that thick boycock stuff her throat. The redhead boy's knees buckled, his eyes glazing over and expression similar to melting candle wax. Everything relaxed, giving in to these wonderful feelings. That tight throat squeezing down on his thick cock, that tongue swirling around his thick, tan shaft. All that slimy saliva oozing down Uraraka's happy face as she slurped and suckled on it like a store-bought sucker...

But soon she turned her attention to Suzu, grinding her lips against that swollen cocktip that seemed much too big for her little mouth, her oversized tits smacking together around a thick shaft that they so perfectly enveloped... She wanted more. Her trembling hands left Soto's sack for the time-being, continuing her constant bobbing, eagerly glurking and glucking on that little boy cock while giving both of Soto's pigtails a firm grasp.

The young girl let out a little squeak as she felt a surprisingly strong grip, "W-Wha... What are you doin'...?" She muttered tiredly, too lethargic to put up much of a fight.

Uraraka's eyes gleamed evilly as she pulled the young girl down. Her eyes shot open as that unbelievably thick cock pushed against her little lips, gasps and sputters spraying spittle all over that pulsing girldick. But nothing would stop Uraraka at this point. Nothing. Even as the little girl flailed her little hands and tugged at Uraraka's wrists... she could do little to stop her from shoving her cute face down more than a foot all at once. A loud gag filled the room, a desperate squeak that was filtered through a fat, twitching cock. Her little neck bulged with the outline of Uraraka's massive shaft, every pulse and twitch of it visible through her tight throat.

And it was so tight. So unbelievably tight that Uraraka could not resist using those pigtails for their intended purpose. Suzu was thrown back and forth, gagging and slurping against her will as her pigtails were yanked up and down, her throat continuously spread wide, and filled with that thick cock. As Uraraka explored deeper, pushed more and more inches down her throat, she naturally started to lean forward. Her huge, hanging tits smooshed against the floor as she was forced to her hands and knees, her overactive cock spewing pre between her legs as Uraraka forced her neck to crane upwards and almost immediately caused her little belly to bulge with a loud squelch . Wide, thick thighs smooshed against the sides of her face as all three and a half feet of girlcock were nestled into her tiny little belly, the outline of that monstrous cock pushing out against her stomach so far that it almost touched the floor.

Slimy spittle spewed out the corners of her stuffed cheeks, her eyes rolling upwards as she gagged on that thick meat. But she had little time to get used to it. All sorts of frantic moans and squeals filled the room as Uraraka pounded her face between those pillowly thighs, wrenching out a foot and a half of that ridiculously thick shaft out of her lips with a splatter of bubbling spittle before jamming it back in with a loud squelch and gluurkk from Suzu. Heaving balls comparable to beachballs smacked against her tits, their constant churning and vibrating making her sensitive skin tingle.

Uraraka's desperate and whorish moans were muffled by Soto's cock, her own throat making wonderfully loud, choking noises every time she pushed down to the base. Her eyes rolled up and her lips sputtered as she intentionally gagged and swallowed around it, spittle oozing down her chin as she suckled and slurped on that cock for dear life. Poor Soto was so overwhelmed that he was having trouble standing, grabbing on to Uraraka's head for support, painting, gasping, his eyes watering as the overwhelming pleasure overcame his young mind.

Kei made sure to catch this horribly depraved act on camera. Every detail would be painstakingly shown, but most importantly, he made sure to focus on Uraraka's face. The innocent and sweet junior hero that was already admired by so many reduced to a complete disgrace. A girl who gleefully slobbered on little boy dick while using a pre-teen girl's throat as her personal onahole.

Soto was gritting his teeth, panting rapidly as he quickly lost control of himself. His hips smacked against her face, his hips bucking and his legs shaking. Thick, swollen balls clenched, and his cock pulsed thicker... before finally he dumped it down her throat. GLORPS and SPLURTS filled the air as Soto could do little but squeal and moan in prolonged ecstasy, blasting her stomach with thick, salty cum, which she so eagerly slurped down and milked for all it was worth, even as she messily gagged on his cock, bringing bubbling white gunk pouring out the corners of her lips and splattering all over her suit.

Uraraka pulled back with a loud POP , her left eye shutting as she let Soto's cock flop out into the open, spewing thick, white ropes all over her cheek while she squealed in delight. "Ooohhnn... it tastes so good... so much kiddy cum in my belly... nnnhhh... spray it all over my face, come on, more, more...~" Uraraka kept her mouth wide open, letting those plentiful ropes spray all over her tongue, glazing over it and spilling over in a messy waterfall between loud and joyous splurts.

Before finally she turned her attention to the girl on the floor. Her grip on her pigtails tightened, and her eyes focused in on her. What had been a comparably gentle smack of the gril's face against her crotch turned into a frantic and violent WHAP, WHAP, WHAP, SPLAT, PLAP~ as she hammered the pit of that little girl's stomach like a well-used toy. Uraraka took a few stray shots from Soto's still spewing cock, her tongue flopping out of her lips as she moaned loud and proud.

"Ahhhnhn.. Her throat's so tight, I can feel my cock stretching her belly... ahhhn... ahhhn... I'm breaking her tiny throat... ahhnn... I'm gonna cum... I"m gonna make her drink all of my cum...~" The young girl reached out, trying to grab on to something, gagging and groaning around Uraraka's furious thrusting. Those swollen nuts beat against her tits, both pairs of orbs rippling on contact with each other, and her little hands could hardly stop those wrecking balls from swinging. But she would certainly get to feel them churning, and clenching as they prepared to let loose...

"I don't even know your name little girl, and I don't care... you're just a pussy to me... nnhhhnh... drink up all my cum, okay? All of it... uhhnnn... I'm gonna... use your throat until you pass out...~" Uraraka bit her lip... and shut her eyes tight, her rapid panting finally reaching a crescendo as she slammed it down to the base. The young girl's eyes rolled all the way up, her cheeks puffing out as she tried desperately to breathe... and she felt those gigantic balls clench in her grasp.


A huge load worked its way up Uraraka's engorged cocktube, traveling all the way down Suzu's bulging throat until finally it reached the tip... and exploded out against the walls of her stomach. Within second her stretched out belly violently expanding, rounding out within less than a second while violent streams of cum spewed out the sides of her bulging cheeks. Hot, bubbling cum splurted out of her mouth, thick gunk working its way back up her throat and coating her entire face in its hot, sticky mess... all while the young girl's body was steadily pushed upwards, her swollen belly growing wider, and wider until she was mounted on top of it. The young girl's own cock twitched and spewed all over the floor, painting the dingy floor below her white.. And all of this was caught on camera.

Uraraka's face was pure ecstasy. Nobody could mistake this for doctored footage, or something else. It was Ochako Uraraka using a young girl's throat as an onahole, squealing in delight, enjoying every mind-shattering splurt of salty goodness that flooded her poor, unprepared belly...

Kei smiled a truly evil smile as he watched this happen, feeling his pride swell almost as much as that brat Suzu's belly did. When this footage leaked online, Ochako Uraraka would be utterly ruined.

But he had so much more work to do...

"Time for the next one..." he said, after pausing the recording, causing Ochako to grin with a smile that looked like it didn't belong on her face.

The next time the camera turned on, the room would be in a similar state. Suzu would be laid out in the corner, spewing cum from her lips, looking like she was passed out, and Soto would be laying next to her, looking tired, and lethargic with his still leaking cock oozing in front of him.

But Hinata would be standing up. The young boy shivering in both fear and unwanted arousal.

"L-Like this...?" He asked softly, placing his hands on his knees as he bent forward, presenting an ass that could smother someone's entire head and then some before the camera.

"Just like that, kero..." Tsuyu Asui stepped into frame. Her tight, green bodysuit clinging tightly to an ass so fat that it could smother Hinata in his entirety. Between her legs, a thick, three foot cock hung with balls comparable to basketballs nestled between thighs three times as wide as Hinata's torso.

Kei managed to move to the side, making sure to catch Tsuyu's panting, red face as she dropped to her knees, gripping her cock in one of her large hands while the other smacked down on Hinata's ass. With the way the boy was bent over, his huge slab of cockmeat was laid across the floor, oozing pre-cum, while his oversized balls were resting across the floor, each thrice the size of Tsuyu's head and absolutely brimming with energy.

"I just can't help myself around boys like you... oohnnh... kero..." Tsuyu stroked herself eagerly on camera, pressing into one of Hinata's fat cheeks, watching her fingers disappear in all of that fluff before she began to pull it apart, her eyes trembling and her tongue just lightly parting her lips as she exposed his tight, quivering boyhole to the open air. The camera caught it winking a few times before Tsuyu moved closer, and took a deep breath. "Every time I see a boy out on the street, I just want to... mmhh... bury my face between their cheeks and make them squeal... kero...~"

"Ahhhn... w-what... what are you talking ab--" Hinata squeaked, bouncing on his tip-toes as Tsuyu dove in, causing his shoulders to bunch up and his body to twist and squirm as her lips closed in around his delicate little hole. "T-That's gross... hhnngh... s-stop..."

"Mmnnhhhh...!" Tsuyu furiously jerked herself off, pure ecstasy in her eyes as her long, and slimy tongue circled around that tight hole, making the young boy twitch and squirm as he was exposed to feelings unfamiliar to him. Pleasant, but uncomfortable tingles made him shudder as Tsuyu dove deeper, drilled her tongue against that stubborn little entrance...


Her tongue wriggled its way in, thrashing and thrusting deep, her thick, slimy tongue spreading his insides apart and burying so deep it made Hinata's eyes go cross and his mouth hang agape. "S-Stop... uahnnh... that's... not supposed to go there...!" Loud splurts filled the room as his oversized cock spewed pre-cum all over the floor.

It only got worse for him, as that long, and flexible tongue began to curl in on itself, spreading his insides wider, plunging and thrusting in and out, filing out and massaging every corner she could. It pressed right against his little prostate, engorged and swollen as it was, making him squeal and wirthe against her. As he tried to stumble away, her arms shot out and wrapped around his thighs, keeping him in place while she suckled and slurped on his asshole like it was the tastiest treat on earth. Her hot breaths steamed against his sweaty cheeks as she whipped and thrust her tongue around inside of him mercilessly...

He only received a break after two straight minutes of this, with Tsuyu finally pulling back, sweaty, cross-eyed, and panting. But her tongue was still inside of him, his tight, twitching asshole gripping it firmly. With a little coo she started to wrench her tongue out of his hole, watching it stretch and cling to it as she slowly pulled it out, inch by inch, by inch... Until finally her ridiculously long tongue flopped out into the open and slapped against his balls, flopping wetly out of her mouth.

"Ahhhnnh... it tastes so good... I can't take it, I need it now... boyholes are the best, kero...~"

"Hahhnn... hanhnh..." Hinata groaned, "W-Wait... don't be so... fast... I can't..."

Tsuyu did not care. She pushed him down, and rolled him over on his back. She pulled him up by the ankles until his legs were in the air, and spread wide, nearly behind his own head. His gigantic cock laid across his body and reached past his head, smooshed against his cheek and still oozing pre-cum while his swollen balls rested against the floor. Tsuyu pushed him a little further up, huffing loudly as she briefly let go of his ankle to grab her cock and guide it underneath his balls.

Hinata's legs jolted as he felt it push against his tiny, lubed-up asshole. A thick, three foot girlcock knocking on his backdoor... and it didn't seem like it wanted to be gentle... especially as Tsuyu leaned over and crouched over him, pinning his legs back with her own thick legs and beginning to push.

"Ahhhnn... it won't even let me in... it's so small, and tight... nnannhh... it feels so nice... I want to fill it up...~" She tensed up as she started to push, meeting a lot of resistance as his tight little muscles tried to clench, to stop that oversized cock from plunging into his anus. But those strong legs, and that unbelievably thick cock were unstoppable... Hinata arched his back as she pushed inside, his insides squelching loudly as that immensely girthy cock pushed into him, already bulging his slim little belly after about the eight inch mark... and only bulging it more as she rocked her hips back and forth.

Kei shuffled to the side, angling the camera slightly to the side so he could actually see Hinata. The sheer size of Tsuyu's ass meant that Hinata practically disappeared once she started to push down. But from the side, he could watch every detail. The way Hinata's face contorted in a mixture of pleasure and pain, the sweat beading down his face, that gigantic cock parting his fat cheeks and stuffing itself into his tinyhole, pushing his stretchy gut further and further out.

Huge, rumbling balls bounced and heaved to the rhythm of her frantic thrusting, wobbling about wildly as she wrenched herself free of his tightly-clinging asshole, only to immediately plunge deeper the next time around, drawing a squeal from the boy pinned beneath her, and a long, breathy moan from Tsuyu.

"Deeper, deeper, deeper...~!" Her large hands squeezed down on his shoulders, pinning his face to the ground, while her legs spread further apart, pressing down on his own legs and pinning them underneath hers. She used that as leverage to jam that three foot cock as deep as it could go. Balls that could smother most of the young boy's body smacked against his thighs and cheeks with a violent ripple... But they only remained there for less than a second, rising up into the air and hammering down again with animalistic fury.

That fat, froggy ass rolled and slapped just as furiously as her balls against his cheeks, his belly bulging all the way past his head, his insides merely a sleeve for her cock and nothing else. Hinata panted, and groaned, tongue flopping loosely from his lips as Tsuyu's breasts pushed down on top of his head, forcing him to nuzzle against that bulge grinding underneath him.

"Mmmhhh... I just want to fuck every boy I see... nnhh... boys are just so much better, ughnn... they're the only thing that can make me cum... kero... kero... kero...~!" Her voice grew lighter, airier with each cry, her hips beating against his ass with greater and greater frequency until her body was just a blur, her moans and coos reaching their crescendo as she hammered away with little concern for his well-being...

Before finally, she buried herself balls deep. Her balls rumbled and gurgled loudly, her cock throbbing, bucking against the walls of his stomach... before pumping a thick torrent of hot seed directly into his stomach. Hinata groaned, and gurgled as her cock twitched, and bucked inside of him, loud SPLORTS and GLORPS accompanying the visible swells of her cock, each one causing his ill-prepared belly to inflate by several inches. A geyser of white, bubbling cum spewed out from between him, followed almost immediately by the boy's cheeks puffing up, and for thick, goopy cum to come pouring out of his lips.

The camera caught his belly gurgling, and pumping as Tsuyu kept thrusting, kept moaning, her voice loud, squealing. "Ahhhnhn... I want to cum in more boys... nnhhmnn...~"

Tsuyu was not the only one who would be slandered. Kei wanted more. She wanted more. After all, those words were not some act that she was putting on. She was genuinely a degenerate. A vile being who could only get off by using pre-teens as slim-fit condoms. She was perfect .

Soon, Hinata was discarded, cum spewing from his gaping asshole and his body twitching from the aftershocks of his life-changing assfucking.

And Mina was here.

The camera feed would return to the sight of Soto's panicked face, the young, tan boy's hard cock dangling between his thick thighs, pressed against his comparably tiny torso, with his feet in the air. Tsuyu had been replaced with Mina Ashido holding that enormously fat-assed boy in a full-nelson... With a monstrous, four foot pink missile gliding between his cheeks.

"Ahhhnn... Some days, I just wanna grab a kid in front of their mommy and do this to them... right in front of them... and then I'll fuck mommy too...~" Mina's expression was not her own. She wasn't even trying to be Mina. But she certainly wanted to use that monster cock, that twitching, angry monster thicker than Soto's torso looking to stuff his tiny asshole.

Gargantuan balls were a mere inch off the floor, tended to by a cum drunk, and delirious Suzu, who sat on her knees in her cute striped stockings, most of her tiny body smothered between those delectable nuts. Her little tongue slobbered all over that sack, her hands squeezing and kneading it, mashing it tighter around her body and simply immersing herself in it.

Mina licked her lips. "Thanks for lubing him up, girlie... you just stay down there...~" Her hands pressed against the fat, tan cheeks that could smother most of her torso, parting them as much as she could just so the camera could see Soto's wet, twitching asshole.

"Y-You're... you're not gonna... put that in me, are you...? C-Come on... nnghh... you can just... put it in your mouth again..." Soto moaned, his chest heaving as he looked back at the thoroughly wrecked and half-conscious form of Hinata.

Mina was simply silent, cooing as she lifted him higher, so high that his fat ass was starting to press against the side of her face. High enough that he could climb up her towering shaft until a fat, quivering cockhead wider than his head could threateningly nudge itself against his vulnerable hole.

"Ahhhnn... It's too big..." Soto's toes curled, and his legs tensed as he felt it push, his adorable eyes widening and his body thrashing in Mina's strong grip, which ironically helped shimmy him back and forth over that battering ram of a cockhead.

"That's cute... you think I care...~" Mina giggled, shamelessly flicking her tongue across the bit of cheek in her face, and even giving it a little love bit as she started to push. Her grip on his legs was strong, and gravity was assisting her... Jamming that log of a cock against his ill-suited asshole, causing the boy to grunt, to groan, to moan... to buck his little hips in hope of convincing her that it wouldn't fit.

But he inevitably began to stretch over it, his eyes growing wider, his pupils turning to little pinpricks as she sunk into him. Just the first few inches along was more than enough to bulge his little, tan belly... and make him squeal like a girl. His eyes shuddered shut, and his hips thrust forward, his thick, two foot cock bucking and flopping around, thick ropes of pure white cum spewing forth and splattering against the floor, his bucking and spewing only growing more frantic as she started to push him further and further down. "Ahhhnngh... ahhghnn... please... nnghh...~!"

"That's right, keep moaning... you keep cumming cus you're body knows you want this... nnhh... it knows what you're made for..." Mina huffed, her knees buckling as she watched more and more of her cock sink into his belly, drawing him lower and lower, her lips curling into a satisfied 'O' shape as she dragged that flailing boy down past the two foot mark, " Being my cocksleeve~ "

Her bulge was thicker than most of his body, jutting far from his belly. It was longer than he was tall. It was growing higher and higher, beginning to pass his head and reaching further than that. A thick, tan bulge that overtook his shivering body, his eyes going cross and his arms going limp as she so casually stuffed him full of more than three feet of monstrously thick cock. His insides quivered, clamping down on her, trying to push her out, but also paradoxically clinging to every last inch as she pulled out. Every new inch drained him further, made his poor little cock buck and cum until his balls ached from overexertion.

Then he was a sleeve. All four feet. His hips pressed against hers, his bulge well over his head, and every throb and twitch of that monster cock reverberating through every nerve inside of him. He gasped and shuddered, one eye closed and the other half-closed, twitching and moaning uselessly as she shimmied her hips side to side, squelches filling the room as she so casually ruined his insides...

But that was only the beginning for Soto. With a tight grip, Mina pressed the back of his head against her swollen breasts, smothering him in them, keeping him pinned against her. Then, she started to move. To hammer away at his guts, pulling out more than a foot at a time. Squelches , schlorps , and schlaps filling in the air as his overworked asshole was stretched, gaped, and ruined by a cock that dominated his silhouette. Taller than he was. At some point it was hard to tell where the boy began and the cock ended. It hardly mattered at this point. After all, he was only a cocksleeve...

Mina cooed in utter delight as she hammered away at her boysleeve, her balls heaving and swinging pendulously, grinding and wobbling against Suzu's cute little face, saliva oozing down those gigantic, pink orbs that could quite literally smother the young girl in her entirety. They rumbled and vibrated pleasingly, churning with such delightfully loud vigor that even Kei could catch it from this far.

The churning grew louder and louder... as Mina's moans and Soto's squeals reached their fever pitch, as her uncaring thrusting made his fat ass ripple and bounce with such devastating waves that it looked like a tsunami every time she thrusted... She started to let loose. Those gigantic balls clenched , almost immediately drowning all semblance of brain functions for Soto in gallons upon gallons of cum. All while Suzu slurped and nestled against those churning nuts, feeling them tighten up and pump out that ridiculously thick nut. She watched as that towering, four foot bulge ballooned out, cum depositing itself at the bottom of his belly and rapidly bloating his tiny stomach. Pump after rapid pump causing an immediate and frantic race to the floor, a hanging, tan belly forced to grow larger than its owner just to contain all of that thick, virile nut...

The pure ecstasy in Mina's eyes as she unloaded into a pre-teen boy was delicious. It was perfect on camera. The ruined look in Soto's face, that absolutely corrupted joy in Suzu's eyes as she slurped and slobbered all over those sinful nuts. Oh, this was just the thing he was looking for.

"I think I've got enough..." he finally said, admiring the sight of Soto's belly touching the floor, nearly smothering Suzu, before he was so carelessly deposited on his own gut, his gaping asshole spewing cum in messy torrents as his muscles struggled to clench back to their original tightness.

Kei smiled, brushing his hair back a bit, his feminine features twisted into an evil smile as he closed the camera and peered down to stare at the footage. He would upload this online tonight, make sure it spread everywhere... Make sure nobody could cover this up, and absolutely ruin those girl's reputations...

He was engrossed in the vile footage he had captured until he felt something bump against him. A pair of pale hands pressing against his thighs, tugging on his shorts. He looked down with a raised eyebrow, and balked as he saw a pair of crazed eyes, frazzled blonde hair, and a devilish smile peeking out from behind his sizable bulge.

His accomplice. Toga. She was vile in every way, but useful for his purposes...

"Aren't you forgetting something...~?" She asked softly, her immense breasts pushing up against his legs, smooshed against the floor and practically trapping him between her cleavage.

"No..." Kei muttered, growling. "Get off of me..."

"No~?" Toga licked her lips. "You told me I could fuck every kid until I was dry...~" She breathed heavily, shuddering as her hands wrapped around his thighs and smooshed into his soft cheeks, burying themselves down to the wrist in their fluff. "I'm still horny... and I counted four kids...~"

"Let--" Kei did not get the chance to speak, as Toga used her weight to push him over. His body did not hit the hard ground, but instead bounced against those massive, body-smothering tits of hers. Tits that heaved over him, and pinned his chest down. Vicious hands clawed his shorts off, letting his cock flip into the open, while Toga stared darkly down at him.

"Your turn~" She cooed, wedging a thick cock, easily three times as long, and thick as his meager, eighteen inch boycock.

Kei's heart dropped, and his cock bucked... a little bit of pre-cum oozing out, and leaking against that twitching, throbbing monster.

"You can't do this to me... I was the one... who gave you..." He gasped, his eyes wide as Toga grabbed him by the ankles and forced his legs apart, exposing his tight, quivering asshole to open air. Toga stepped back, having to physically stand up just to line up that beast with him. He felt that monster drag across his body, pin his comparably tiny cock underneath its heaving weight, until he felt it push right against him. He panted, chest heaving rapidly as he tried to kick and thrash, only to squeal as Toga jammed herself forward without a care.


"Ahhhhgnnnghhghhnn...~!" Kei bucked his hips in the air, a violent spurt of cum rising between Toga's deep cleavage as his cock let loose uncontrollably. His whole body felt hot, everything was stretching. It hurt so much but he couldn't stop cumming... Toga loomed over him with that evil look in her eyes, giving him little time to get used to this feeling as she used him. Pounding away, massive balls slapping against his cheeks well before she was even close to being balls deep.

"Ahhhhnn... you're the tightest one... nnhh... and you love it so much, you can barely control yourself... I think I'm gonna keep you all~" Toga cooed, "But I think you're gonna be my favorite... Nnhgh... Squeal, squeal, squeal...~"

Kei did as he was told. His eyes were watering, and his tongue hanging from his lips. Moans and squeals flew freely from his lips as Toga buried him underneath her... pounding away at his tiny body with reckless abandon, just like all the other kids... He would look to the side, and see the camera was still recording... The footage would be useless, as his quirk would prevent his face from being visible.

But still, being a part of his own perverse little film... It caused something to snap inside of him. And all he could do was moan and squeal in delight as Toga turned him into just another sleeve...