slut toga

28th of January 2243 - Izuku Midoriya:

Has been about two weeks since Izuku started learning martial arts from the former Pro-Hero the Undead Hero, Scorpion. During these two weeks, other than doing the basic exercises, Izuku began to learn how to fight properly, and how to throw a punch properly. Like learning how to stand in the right stance and how to avoid injuries, he had to tuck his thumb over his middle finger to make a proper fist. As if he threw a punch with his four fingers wrapped over his thumb, it was extremely likely that he could break a bone in his thumb. Whilst that seemed easy enough, it was just as easy to wrap his four fingers around his thumb without really thinking about it.

The next thing that he was learning was kick exercises, yeap, kick exercises. Before he could learn martial arts, as some of the kicks can be hard and so doing these exercises was important, so that he could do them without injuries and kick higher. One of the painful exercises he had to do was the splits or as Scorpion calls them, the v stretch. Here Izuku would have to lie on his back with his lower back flat to the floor and his legs raised up toward the ceiling, feet together. Then he had to lower his legs to the sides, this was where the pain began, as he would have to try and part them more and more. He could use his hand to help to support him or to pull his legs apart more if needed.

Scorpion admitted that this was painful, but in time this would allow them to kick higher than normal people. The former hero explained that this was easier for kids than for adults, as adults lose flexibility as they age and doing these exercises to kick higher became much harder and more painful. But for children, it was much easier, painful, yes, but in the long run, it was better.

It was even suggested that Izuku and the other kids should push their limits when doing these exercises as if they did pull their muscles, they should get stronger and make kicks stronger. But at the same time though, if done too often or not allow the muscles to heal fully, it could result in bad injuries in the future.

Then there was some parkour training, rolling, wrists strengthening, different jumps and finally Bear Crawling, all these would help with their martial arts too. With rolling, they'll be thrown about or land from great heights and knowing how to roll would prevent you from getting hurt.

With wrist strengthening, with martial arts, they would be doing a lot of punching, and not having great wrist strength could either hurt you when punching or not have enough power in the punch and so it wouldn't do any harm. And in parkour, they'll be using their hands to jump over things, and if the wrists aren't strong enough, you could either hurt yourself or lose grip. Wrist strengthening also helps with many other things, but it'll be a great help with bear crawling.

Bear Crawling is where they are on their hands and feet, moving around the room on them. This is where wrist strengthening comes in handy, as doing this puts a lot of strain on the wrists and people can get injured if not careful. Because of all the movements that they were doing for parkour and martial arts, they were using Bear Crawling to not only to strengthen the core muscles but to be able to maintain their body in ideal postures.

The last lot of exercises that Scorpion had everyone do was jumping, be it normal jumps or a jump that he calls kong hop, where they would be jumping on their hands and feet. The hands and feet jump exercise was because, in parkour, they can often find themselves jumping with their hands and feet, so it was best to learn it as soon as possible.

The former hero warned them that these were just some of the starting exercises, as there would be more exercises for them to learn and do later on. But these ones were mainly to help them both in parkour and martial arts, the other exercises whilst might help in martial arts, they would be mainly useful in doing parkour. But before they started them, Scorpion wanted them to get the basics down first and have their body more flexible before doing any more. As if their bodies won't fixable enough, there wasn't really any point in him teaching them parkour, as with parkour, there are lots of moments and so want to take it seriously. So he would only teach those who were willing to take this seriously.

Izuku had to admit that it was hard and painful work, he has been going to Scorpion's Dojo, at the weekends for a few hours and then a few hours two times during the week. He wanted to do more, but his mother, who would do anything and allow him to do anything, told him that he couldn't do this. As he had school work to do, he couldn't fall behind if he wanted to go to a top hero school and become a hero. Because of this, Izuku limited his time going to the Dojo, but he would do the exercises every day and add anything new that he learned over the two weeks.

Oh the side note, Scorpion talked to Izuku about his muttering, as he often muttered during class. Scorpion said this was a habit that the young boy had to control, as he could reveal things that he didn't want people to know. As a hero, they had to be careful to safeguard their secrets and take care not to let even a hint of their true personality slip out . As it could be used against them. So to prevent this, Scorpion was going to 'punish' him by doing extra harsh exercises, exercises that he didn't want them to do at home. Scorpion hoped that by doing this, it would keep Izuku's thoughts focused while acting according to the current situation, as not everyone likes it when people mutter to themselves.

Thankfully, this was a recent thing, so Izuku didn't face any 'punishment' just yet, but he suspected it was a matter of time before it happened though.

Either way, that training was different, after doing some exercises and starting with a few beginner martial arts moves, Scorpion asked the kids who wanted to be heroes what was the number one thing that heroes need to be capable of? There were a few answers thrown around, 'being able to beat up the bad guys,' and 'being willing to give up their lives to save others,' were a few of them.

They were all shocked to hear from Scorpion that whilst most of them were good answers, all of them were wrong. The Undead Hero told them that the most important thing is that all heroes need to be capable of looking after themselves. As heroes, their bodies were the most important tool they had, not their Quirks as many believed. As if their body was weak, unhealthy or broken, not only would the hero die from trying to save someone, but that citizen too could die too. Which meant that they failed to be a hero.

This was part of the reason that Scorpion wanted them to do exercises outside of class and have them eat healthily, not only so that they can fight better, but so that their bodies were healthy. This is why he didn't want them to overwork their bodies either. Everything that he suggested to them was to make sure they kept fit and if they do decide to become heroes in the future and able to get into decent hero school, not only were they ready battle wise, but healthy too.

It was also why he was ending that class the way he did today. So that he could talk to them and make them understand how important their bodies, their mental health was. As without them, they could never be a great hero in the future. He knew many former heroes break down because they couldn't cut it, he even knew of those who back out of wanting to be heroes as they didn't realize the toll it takes to become a hero and they won't be capable of it.

There were many of the kids who didn't think about such things and they talked among themselves about it, never realizing that this was such an important thing to know as a hero. Out of habit, Izuku began to mutter about what he learned and how he could understand Scorpion and why he believed it. When Izuku caught on he was muttering, he was surprised that Scorpion didn't punish him for doing so. But, Scorpion said that he could understand why he did so, as he had a lot to think about, even when he learned something big and needed to think it over or when he was young doing tests, would sometimes mutter to help him think. So he wouldn't punish Izuku over something like this.

Now with this in mind, Izuku realized that being a hero was much more than wanting to save people and Quirk, it was also about being fit and healthy and able to fight. Now whilst he still wanted to save people, he now knew that he had to take care of himself too and should think about how to fight. Then there were Scorpion's parting words for the day, whilst they should be looking after themselves, they shouldn't forget that as heroes their main job is to save lives. So if they find someone who needs help, they shouldn't run because it might damage their bodies and prevent them from being saved later on. As heroes, getting hurt and injured was in the job description, but he was teaching them skills to help to limit these problems and hopefully help them to save more lives.

With the class over, Izuku was going home which he couldn't wait for, as his mother found someone to help to test his Quirk and possibly gain a new Quirk. It would seem that his mother found someone with a shapeshifting quirk that allows them to change any part of them. The person that he would be meeting didn't know that he was a kid, but a teen whose Quirk has not long awakened and they were looking for those to test it out, but because of the type of Quirk it was, they didn't want people to know who he was and so the first time, and hopefully the only time, they would meet as if the lady was blindfolded. To make sure that no one could find out about Izuku, no names would be used during the meeting, they would only learn more if they needed to do more testing.

As Izuku was thinking about that day's lesson, and what was waiting for him later on, he was passing an alleyway, where he heard a young girl screaming for help, "Please, help me! Someone help!"

But as he looked around, he saw people looking away, crossing the road not to seem they notice the cries for help, or whispering that they should leave this to the heroes, that they would come and deal with it. Izuku couldn't believe it, he knew that using Quirks were forbidden to use unless you're a hero or you have a permit, but by the sounds of it a young girl was getting attacked and no one was doing anything about it. Instead, they were letting her be attacked and hoping that a hero would come and save her.

Izuku thought that at least one of these people would have a Quirk that would allow them to save the girl, but instead, they were just letting her be. He couldn't believe that these people would be like this, those who give a blind eye to those in need. This just made him more determined to be a hero and person who wouldn't do this. He might not be allowed to use a Quirk, but there's no law saying he couldn't use other means to defend someone, at least he didn't think so. So without thinking, he ran into the alleyway, where at the entrance he saw a lead pipe and so using the copy of his mother's Quirk, he summoned the pipe into his hand and went further into the alleyway.

As he got to the end of the alleyway, he saw a man kicking a young girl, who Izuku guessed was about a year or so older than him, blonde hair pulled up into two buns on her head. She was wearing a stained yellow school outfit, which seemed to be a bit too big for her age.

Seeing the man kicking the young girl, Izuku held the pipe ready to fight and called out braver than he felt, "St, stop kicking her."


28th of January 2243 - Himiko Toga, a few moments before:

Young Himiko Toga found herself getting another beating, the third one this week. You see, the man that was kicking her was doing it because she tried to suck his blood. This was because of her Quirk, which she calls Blood Transformation, which allows her to transform into anyone that she drinks the blood. However, because of her Quirk, she finds herself craving blood, whenever she feeds off it, she feels more full and refreshed than she ever did eating or drinking with normal foods and drink. It wasn't to say she couldn't, but she just finds herself full, refreshed and stronger in doing so. Without drinking blood, she didn't feel as strong as if she did drink blood.

The problem though was that because of her Quirk, she had to run away from home. As the moment her Quirk awakened, she started to gain the craving for blood all the time, which made her mother freak out. She didn't like the fact that her daughter wanted to drink blood all the time, it started off with small animals before ending up with a human or two, but it stopped as her mother punished her all the time. She told her that she should act like a normal child, a child who doesn't want to drink blood all the time.

Her mother also cursed her father, who Himiko never knew, as he left before she was even born for reasons her mother never told her. He had an ability where she sucks blood and gained their power for a time, depending on how much blood he drank. But unlike her, he never had such a craving for blood, or at least that what her mother told her. Either way, her mother cursed him, as if it wasn't for his Quirk and whatever was wrong with her, she wouldn't have a daughter who wanted to drink blood all the time.

Himiko had hoped that her mother would have some pride in her, as like her mother, she could change her looks. As her mother's Quirk allowed her to change her looks, but unlike her, her mother could change whatever she wanted, whilst Himiko could only those that she drank the blood of. But her mother wasn't, she couldn't deal with the fact that her daughter wanted to drink blood all the time, even if Himiko tried to explain that for her, drinking blood was the same as if she was eating and drinking like everyone else.

At first, young Himiko tried to fight her urges for blood, to be normal, but over the years her craving for blood got stronger. So one day last year, she sucked some blood from their family pet dog, it wasn't a human as she would have liked, but her craving for blood was so strong that any blood would have done. The problem was that seeing how long she had been without blood, she accidentally drank too much blood and killed the poor dog.

Because of this, her mother got so angry that she was going to beat her daughter, calling her names and such, afraid of what might happen, Himiko ran from home. That was about a year ago, since then, Himiko lived on the streets, drinking mainly from wild animals that were on the street. Every now and then though, she drank blood from humans to keep her strength up fully and learn about her ability and what she could do fully.

It wasn't much though, all she could do was change her looks, although she did gain a slight change in strength during the change though. If they were weak physically then so would see during this time, but if they were strong, so was she. Sadly though, she has never been able to gain the ability to use any of the Quirks of those she copied. Something she hoped she could do.

Either way though, as soon as she drank from someone, she would have to run to make sure that they didn't beat her up for doing so and calling her names. This happens often as much as she hated to admit it, and so she had to feed off the small animals to heal. Sadly, today was the day she was caught feeding on a human, as she felt weak and wanted to gain some strength for the next few days.

And once again, as she got kicked in, she called for help whilst she was curled up in a ball, "Please, help me! Someone help!"

Once again, no one came, no one at all, she had to wonder why she kept this up, why didn't she just kill them. But she kept going back to the fact she wanted a somewhat normal life, that meant no killing. If nothing happened soon, in a few years time, she might give up everything and kill, to stop this pain.

But as these dark thoughts went through her head though, a ray of hope came to her as someone called out nervously "St, stop kicking her."

Himiko was shocked when she looked up to see a green-haired boy about a year younger than her, he was holding a lead pipe. Whilst he could see some fear in his eyes, she could also see his rightness anger, in fact, there were small items behind him levitating.

The man that was kicking her, stopped and as she looked up, she saw that he was afraid, telling her that he was Quirkless or didn't have a Quirk that would be helpful in a fight. So in that moment of fight or flight, facing someone who showed that they could fight back, the man decided to run. Leaving her and her mysterious hero alone.

Once the man left, the things that were levitating behind him, fell to the ground and he walked up to her and asked softly as he knelt down in front of her, "Hey, are you ok?"


Izuku Midoriya:

"Hey, are you ok?" asked Izuku, worried about the older girl, seeing some blood on her lips and seeing her in pain.

"I'm, I'm fine, thank, thank you." the sobbing young girl told him as she looked up to him, thankful that he saved her. However, he looked thankful and turned to worry as her yellow cat-like eyes then fixated on his neck. Whilst her Quirk didn't speed up the process of healing, but like any injuries, having decent meals and drinks did help with the process to heal. But for the girl in question, thanks to her Quirk, instead of food and drink, she needed blood and the only decent blood around was Izuku's. Because of how injured she was, she was worried about attacking him and drinking too much blood, ending up killing him.

Not wanting to kill her hero, she cried out in pain and worry, as she tried to push him away, "Go away, I don't want to hurt you."

"I can't just leave you like this!" Izuku told her softly, it didn't feel right that he would leave her alone when she had just gotten beaten up, "Please let me help you, I might be able to help you." Here he took some tissue from his pocket and wrapped the girl's mouth, to wrap up the blood.

"M-my quirk makes me need to consume blood or I go crazy and violent until I get some." the young girl explained sobbing, as the urge to feed got stronger, burying her face in her arms again, waiting for his inevitable rejection. "I'm, I'm worried that, I, I might feed off you and kill you."

"If it helps you, I suppose you can have some of mine, as long as you promise to stop when I tell you to." Izuku informed her, rubbing the back of his head. He wanted to help the girl, and if it just meant that he'd lose a little blood that was a small price to pay. "Once done, I'll help you to go home."

At first, Izuku saw that the girl looked shocked that he offered some of his blood to her, but when he mentioned that he would help her home. "Pl… pl… please don't take me home, mum, mum will kill me if I return home." the young girl informed him. There she explained her past, about how her mother didn't love her because of her Quirk, how she called her names and told her that she wished that she didn't have a daughter like her, that if she returned she would more than likely kill her. Then she told him about her last year, about how she feeds off animals to live and then had to feed off humans now and then to keep her full strength, but they would attack her if she wasn't fast enough to run away from them.

Izkuku couldn't believe that a mother would be like this, he believed that they should be understanding and such. But then again, he too was worried about how people reacted to his Quirk, how his mother would react if she wasn't affected by his. So maybe, not all parents would react the way he might hope they would. He was somewhat upset about how this young girl's life was for the last year, it made him want to help her even more.

"Listen, why don't you take some of my blood and we can figure out what to do next." Izuku told the young girl, wanting to help her a bit, even if it was only to feed her some of his blood.

"R-really? You don't think I'm a m-monster?" The girl asked hopefully, giving him a bright smile, where she revealed her 'fangs'.

"Of course not! I can fully understand having a Quirk where you can't control it and have to do things you wouldn't normally do. I even understand wanting to be normal but can't because of the Quirk." Izuku informed her, as he thought about his own Quirk and how that affected his life in ways he didn't want. Thankfully it didn't turn as bad as this girl's life has, "And do you have fangs? Is that part of your quirk to let you draw blood easier?" Izuku asked rapidly, his status of a quirk nerd revealing itself.

"Um, yeah, it's pretty useful to get blood, but you're the first person to offer me blood without me having to take it forcefully." The girl informed him, looking down in shame. She had never meant to hurt anyone, but she couldn't help it when she got too blood starved.

"Well, I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I want to help you." Izuku said with a bright smile.

"Himiko Toga. Thank you so much. Please call me Toga," The now identified Toga told the young boy in front of her, tears coming to her eyes at the kindness of this random stranger.

Izuku simply responded by loosening and unbuttoning his shirt, tilting his head to expose his neck. "Take as much as you need, but I'd prefer if you didn't take so much that I pass out." He informed her, hoping that she didn't take too much from him from her hunger.

Toga looked at the boy with hearts in her yellow eyes. She couldn't believe it, a stranger such as Izuku was willing to help her, even if she was some sort of freak. He didn't hesitate, he offered his blood without a second thought as he wanted to help her. She felt warm and fuzzy inside her, it felt good to her.

'This must be what love feels like.' Toga declared to herself, as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. It felt so right, that she could stay here forever. That's when she deduced that she loved this boy right then and there, that she wanted to stay with him forever. That she would do whatever it took to make it so that no one would ever take him from her from this moment on.

With that in mind, she latched onto the side of his neck, where she began with a long, slow lick up the side of his face with her tongue.

Izuku let out a grunt of surprise as he felt the girl's fangs sinking into his neck as she greedily lapped up the warm liquid that she needed so desperately before he reached up and petted her head, eliciting a moan and a purr from the girl.

Toga pulled off him enough to whisper in his ear, blood still trickling out of his neck.

"C-Can you tell me I'm a good girl as I drink? Please?" Toga asked, her face hot as she made her request.

"S-sure." Izuku stuttered a bit, blushing as she began drinking his blood once again. He was shocked that she would ask him to do such a thing. He reached back up and petted her head again. "Such a good girl. Keep drinking, good girl."

Toga simply hummed in contention as she continued to lap up the sweet liquid, loving how he stroked her hair and assured her that she was a good girl, that she had his permission to do this. Izuku couldn't believe how Toga was acting, and was wondering if his Quirk had anything to do with it. Sure, she wasn't acting like his mother or Mitsuki, but still, he had to wonder. If not his Quirk, was it possible that with how she has been treated all these years and living on the streets give her a mental problem? It was something he would have to look into later on, as he did want to help her in every possible way.

Whatever the case, what didn't help was that at the worst possible moment, his Quirk acted up and made him feel sexual desires for the girl. This was something he didn't want, as Toga needed him to help her, not to molest her. He would fight it, but he was getting aroused with Toga sucking his blood and one of her hands running up and down his chest before the hand went down to his jeans, where the hand disappeared into the jeans. Here she played around with his cock.

As much as Izuku liked this feeling, he pulled her hand away from his cock. Whilst he had no problem with it, she already had a rough life and didn't want to make it worse, so he didn't want to take advantage of her, so fought against his urges. As he thought about it, Izuku realized that Toga most of had a rough life if she did this without a second thought, and living on the streets, she would have to do things to get money for food and drink.

After a bit, Toga gave his neck one last lick before letting go and pulling a red scarf to wrap around his neck and bandaging it before she wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug.

"I-I don't want to lose you." Toga informed Izuku suddenly, blushing as she buried her face in his chest. She suddenly had a feeling of a cold hand gripping her heart when she thought of him going home and leaving her there in the alley. In fact, the thought of killing herself crossed her mind if she couldn't stay with Izuku. All though it was a short time, she had grown attached to the younger boy and she didn't want to be away from him for too long, as if that happened, she didn't think she could live for long without him.

Izuku let out a small sigh, he might be young, but he was smart and thanks to his Quirk was forced to grow up faster than kids his age. So he knew this wasn't normal, but he also knew that she needed help too, so maybe he could help her in some way.

"You said that you have run away from home, so where have you been staying?" Izuku asked, his warm body sharply contrasting her cold one, attempting to bring her body temperature up to its level. His Quirk was building up, wanting him to fuck her more and more.

"I-I have been staying in this alley. It's kinda scary at night, but it's normally relatively safe." She said, enjoying the seemingly endless warmth that his body provided. 'I wish I could never stop holding him like this.' she thought.

"Well, that's not going to work. You can come home with me, I know my mom won't mind." Izuku informed her with a warm smile as she looked up to him, knowing that thanks to his Quirk, his mother would do anything for him. And between his mother's job that she took to help him to become a hero and the checks they get from his father in the mail, they had more than enough to house the poor girl.

Toga, for her part, seemed to get very excited at the thought of going home with this young boy

"So I can be like a pet that you adopted off the street? That sounds awesome!" She said, practically bouncing in excitement.

Izuku blushed really hard, even if he had just given up a good amount of blood to the girl.

"Well, I didn't mean like a pet, I was thinking more like a roommate or something, but I'd have to ask my mum." Izuku explained. Also, he was wondering if she was all there if the streets and her mother had done more harm than good.

Toga visibly deflated that. "So I can't be your cute little pet who greets you at the door when you come home from school?" She asked, disappointed.

"You actually want to be my pet?" Izuku asked incredulously. He couldn't believe that she really wanted this, it just showed him just how bad things were for him. He could honestly say that thanks to his Quirk and experience with submissive women, the idea did send his mind down a few dark paths, many of which involved her with a collar around her neck and a leash in his hand.

"Of course!" Toga admitted with a great smile at the thought of being Izuku's pet, "I can be your cute little pet, a pet that you rescued after finding me on the street, and you can feed me your yummy blood when I'm a good girl!" Toga exclaimed, her smile getting bigger at the thought of this.

Izuku seemed to mull it over in his head for a bit. For one end he wanted to help Toga, not make her more deluded by agreeing to the idea but to get her actual help. But on the other hand, his Quirk was driving him down a dark path, telling him to do it, to allow her to be his pet, treat her as such. He knew that with how things were and how he have been with sex, he wasn't a good hero. But still, this felt wrong somehow, sure she is willing and so he couldn't say he forced things, but still, he felt uneasy.

Thinking about it more, he decided to agree with it for now, but seek help later. If he didn't, he was worried about what would happen to her if he didn't. He had plans to take her to the hospital as soon as he could, as soon as he got home if his mother was home already or do so once she was. He wanted to make sure after living on the streets for a year feeding on humans and animals, she didn't pick up any harmful diseases.

"You want to be a good girl for me, right?" asked Izuku, in which Toga nodded eagerly, wanting to be a good pet for him, "Okay, once we get to my home, depending if mum is home or not, we go to the hospital to make sure you're healthy after living on the streets for so long. If mum isn't home, we go to the hospital once she comes home."

"Thank you." was all Toga was able to say, she couldn't believe how lucky she got, to find such a good person to become her owner. Someone who is willing to make sure she is healthy and stronger. She was figuratively walking on air, as she and Izuku walked back to Izuku's home, excited about the new life change that meant she'd get affection and a place to stay with the boy who saved her from killing someone eventually.

Izuku, meanwhile, was trying to keep up with what was going on. He had basically agreed to let the now formerly homeless girl to be his 'pet.' For her, it was mostly because she wanted to for some reason, for him, he wanted to help her and right now this was the only way he could do so. Well, mostly. He was desperately trying not to think of anything… lewd to do with his new 'pet,' but his Quirk and her comments weren't exactly helping him to think clearly right now.

"Wow, you're going to have to give me a bath when we get home, I'm a dirty little blood-pet." She said, smirking adorably, and leaving Izuku with the image of him bathing her in the tub at home while she just looked at him in that unfairly adorable way.

'She's just saying that she needs me to set her up with a bath!' he thought to himself, trying to get his mind out of the gutter with sheer willpower alone. Although he knew she was right, she would need a bath before going to the hospital. But there were flashes of images of him washing her, touching her in certain places, and such images he was trying hard to push back to the back of his mind.

"You'll also have to pick up some things for me, like a collar that marks me as yours, and a leash to take me on walks with. What do you want me to call you? Shouldn't I call you Master? Am I supposed to be your puppy or your kitten? Probably puppy, because cats don't like to play, and it's harder to train cats." She rambled to the young man, making him wonder if that's how everyone else felt when he rambled, if so, then he knew he had to deal with his muttering so that he didn't do it too them too often. But as he thought about what she just said, the significance of her words hit him.

"T-train?" He sputtered, his face bright red and his mind going to very lewd places. Sure, his mother and Mitsuki were submissive, but Izuku never had to train them to do anything, they just acted in his best interest and that was down to his Quirk. But here this young girl was more or less acting like his mother and Mitsuki and as far as he knew, this had nothing to do with his Quirk. A few images he could have her do before she even saw his cock and his Quirk work on her.

'No, this isn't the right time to think such things. This girl needs my help, not me trying to make her my cock slave.' Izuku shook his head as he thought this, trying to be the best person he wanted. Even if it was getting hard as he grew older. But as a real hero, he knew this is the sort of thing he would face each day, making the hard choices to become a great hero like All Might.

"Yeah! I want to be a good girl for my Master and I can't if Master doesn't give me a little reward if I'm a good girl for him, and I will need to be punished if I'm a naughty girl. Don't you want to help me be a good girl for you, Master?" Toga said, purposely putting an emphasis on certain words, teasing the boy that she had become the pet of.

"I-I suppose so." Izuku said, focusing on not fainting as he approached his apartment. 'I made it.' he thought as he put the key in the lock and went to turn it.

"You're not one of those pet owners that makes their pet wear clothes in the house, are you?" Toga asked with a massive smirk on her face.

Any other time, Izuku might have fainted at the thought, but thanks to his Quirk, he was used to being nude around the house as both his mother and him were always naked unless they have or suspecting guests. So with a smile, he said, "Well unless we have, or expecting guests, my mother and I don't wear clothes around the house. So if you're willing to do the same thing, you don't have to wear clothes around the house, but you'll need to wear clothes when we're out."

"Oh thank you, Master!" Toga thanked her new master as she jumped him to give him a hug, but at the same time, Izuku opened his door and both fell onto the floor.

Upon falling onto the floor, they saw that Izuku's mother and Toga said innocently and with a smile, "Hi! You must be Master's mother! I'm his new little puppy, Himiko Toga! It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you young Himiko, names Inko." Inko greeted the young girl before turning to her son and asked with a smile, "Master? Little puppy?"

"It's not what you think mum." Izuku told his mother, "I'll explain later, but first if you have nothing planned for the day, I would like it if we can take her to the hospital to make sure she is fine after living on the streets for a year."

"Oh, I see." Inko said in surprise as she realized what happened, that her son found a young girl who lived on the streets and felt sorry for her and so brought her home, not only that but there was something wrong with her mentally if she wanted to be her son's pet when she didn't see her son's cock.

"Can you go get me a collar and a leash? I want to be marked by Master and I want him to be able to take me for walks." Toga begged Inko, sitting down at Izuku's feet, as she looked around, not taking any notice of what her master and his mother was talking about.

"I don't mind taking you out for walks, but it has to be without the leash, or if I do use one it has to be hidden." explained Izuku, "My mum and I don't want people to take notice of us, so walking you with a leash would attract unwanted attention. As if we get caught, certain people might take you away from me, and they might take me away from my mother, something I don't want. So if we can't hide the leash, we'll have to go on walks without one."

As much as Toga hated to admit it, her new master was right, using a leash in public would attract unwanted attention, attention that might lead to her being taken away from her master. Something she too didn't want to happen. So she had to do without a leash, at least for now, so with a sigh, she said, "I understand, Master."

"As for the collar and leash I can get them for you at some point, and he can walk you around the apartment. If that's alright with you?" Inko informed the young girl, to which she nodded enthusiastically. As if she couldn't get a walk in public with a leash, the very least she could get is a walk around in his home with a leash. "In that case, what do you want the collar to say?" Inko asked.

"Master's little bloodslut." Izuku muttered, causing both Inko and Toga to turn and look at him.

Inko looked shocked at her son, and Toga smiled brightly. Toga was happy that her new owner could think of such a thing, that he saw her in such a way. Inko was shocked to hear her son say such a thing, not because he couldn't say such a thing as he could, but because he normally left such words for the bedroom or other sexual activities. But never outside of it, so it was quite a shock to hear him say it. But it's not that she minded it, in fact, she was happy to see him being more outgoing and daring, something she and Mitsuki wanted for a while. Although she had to wonder what the blood thing was about, she suspected it was to do with the young girl's Quirk, but she knew that her son would explain about this later.

"D-did I say that out loud?" Izuku stuttered, his face bright red when he realized that they were looking at him knowingly.

"Yeah, you did! That sounds like a great thing to be on my collar! Do you want me to be your little pet bloodslut, Master? Do you want me to be desperately begging for Master's blood? Do you want me to beg right now?" Toga asked, sitting down on his lap facing him.

"No, not right now." a red face Izuku told her, still shocked he said that out loud.

"As for the collar, whilst I can't get that from the pet store, I know a place that'll engrave that on a collar. But it'll take a few days though." Inko informed them, Izuku thanked his mother, glad that she was under his Quirk, he feared what she would say otherwise. He suspected that if she was a normal mother, she would freak out and say no, even tell him off. As for Toga, she just smiled and thanked her. "But I do ask that you wear it only indoors so that no one sees it and ask questions that we don't want answering, but if you want a collar outdoors, you wear one with your name Himiko."

"Thank you Master's mum." Toga said happily, whilst she might not be able to wear the Master's little bloodslut collar in public like she wanted to show who she belongs to, at least she could wear it in his home. And even if she couldn't wear that collar, she had a collar with her name on it. That alone to hear showed that she was owned by someone, even if they don't know by who.

"Please, call me Inko." Inko told the young girl with a smile, they both belonged to her son now, even if Toga didn't know it yet, and it felt strange Toga calling her Master's mum.

"Now, seeing how it would seem like you are going to stay here for a while, are there special foods or drinks that you like?" Inko asked.

"No, I can get all the nutrients I need from Master's blood, but you should get orange juice and any other things to help Master regenerate his blood faster." Toga said, as she stood up and buried her face into Izuku's neck as she inhaled his scent deeply. Hearing this, Inko knew for sure that Toga's was something to do with drinking blood, but what else she has yet to find out.

"Listen, Toga, why don't you take a bath whilst I talk to my mother." Izuku told the young girl, as he pointed out where the bathroom was.

"Will you come and help to bathe me, Master?" Toga asked sweetly, giving him a playful smirk.

"As much as I would like to, not today no, another time I promise." Izuku told her, "I need to talk to mum and then when you are done with your bath, we'll be going to the hospital to make sure you are okay."

"I understand Master." Toka said with the sad puppy dog eyes, hoping that it would change her master's mind and so join her in the bath. But it wasn't the case, as he sent her to the bathroom without him.

Once she was gone, Izuku informed what happened and what he suspected happened to Toka over the last year, which was why she was acting the way she was. Her mind broke and the only way to deal with it was to become his pet as he was the first person to ever treat her nicely.

Inko felt sorry for the young girl once she learned about her past, she could now understand why her son would help her. Like him, she had a Quirk that people would consider a freak and wouldn't accept if they learned about it. So it was no wonder that he wanted to help her. She was glad that her son was going to take Toga to the hospital, as who knows what she could have caught living on the streets and feeding off the animals and unknown people. She was more than willing to help the young girl, just like her son.

Once Toka had a bath, and Inko washed her clothes so that they were clean, she was planning to get some new clothes, later on, the three of them left for the hospital.