the knave and the archon

Arlecchino was sure she was going to strangle Furina before she left.

"You mean, have I tried them since the last time you asked, some three-minutes and thirty seconds ago?" Arlecchino asked with thinly veiled scorn.

" Gosh, were you keeping track of the time?" Furina tittered behind her hand in a melodic, teasing giggle. "How… pathetic. "

Arlecchino blinked in raw annoyance.

Furina grinned. "But, yes, exactly, since then. "

"...No." Her reply was crisp, curt, and annoyed. "As you would have clearly noticed."

"Then you simply must try another," Furina gushed, her face almost coquettish. She leaned forward even more, her pink lips shining, and it sent an unconscious flush through Arlecchino's body. The younger-looking woman plucked at one of the multicoloured cookies and drew up a pink one: a crisp, fluffy outer shell, and a jam-like interior, soft and smooth. "Here, this is strawberry!"

Arlecchino had half a mind to resist, and nearly did so. After a moment of annoyed hesitation, she plucked it up, drew on it, and lifted it around. "Thank-you."

She hesitated, then took a bite. It was tasty, of course. It had a nice taste against her tongue, it had a wonderful crispness against her teeth, and the texture was great. But, even if she enjoyed it, she wasn't there to chew on cookies at Furina's insistence. She glared at the Archon, who stared back with a smug, coy smile.


Arlecchino sniffed. "It's… good. Thank-you."

Furina giggled and pressed her elbows into the table. She plopped her dainty chin into her small hands and grinned, all smiles and shining eyes. "Yeah, you seem like a strawberry kind of woman."

Arlecchino felt an annoyed shiver pass along her spine. She shifted her body and adjusted her stance, and was aware of the mounting strain of frustration in her lower body. Still, for the moment, she passed it off, and tried to remain composed.

It's a game, she told herself. It's… all a game.

She steepled her hands in front of her as calmly as she could manage. "...As I was saying, as his acting attorney, and in such a capacity, I request that Childe be turned over to Snezhnaya."

"In the capacity… of an attorney, or as a diplomat?" Furina asked gently. She leaned and nuzzled into one of her palms while the other reached out lazily tap her spoon against her cup. Each aggravating little tick made Arlecchino's fingers tighten a bit more.

"Both," Arlecchino replied smoothly.

"Because an attorney can't ask for something like that, you're just an attorney," Furina said with a coy grin. "A diplomat could, I guess, you know, because of diplomatic immunity. And stuff."

Arlecchino frowned and tried to figure out if any of that made sense. As if it was, she sighed and shook her head. "We have a responsibility to cooperate and resolve what has happened to him… together."

Furina grinned. "Nope!"

Arlecchino's eyelids drooped. "No?"

"No!" Furina tapped on the rim of her teacup twice, then set the spoon down. "So, like… comment puis-je le dire… You can only be an attorney, you know, during the trial? And since your friend's trial is over…"

She trailed off meaningfully. There was a coy glimmer to her eyes, and it annoyed the hell out of Arlecchino. This was not some sparring with another master of the game, but the coy teasing of some brat.

Arlecchino smiled thinly. "So you do know who I'm talking about."

Furina simply shrugged. "I'm making a few educated guesses."

This woman, Arlecchino thought scornfully. "Well, if my request doesn't fit with… the rules, allow me to make an amendment."

"Oh?" Furina hummed, her white brow piqued.

"Allow me access to the Fortress of Meropide so I can confirm the condition of my colleague," Arlecchino said smoothly. "A simple request."

Furina scrunched up her nose and hummed. "Hmmmm."

Arlecchino narrowed her eyes. What is it now?

Furina shrugged casually. "You'll have to ask Nuevilette about that sort of thing, I really wouldn't know."

Arlecchino's smile was thin. "You're the Archon."

"Right, right, so I try not to think about dull stuff like that," Furina chirped. "It's not in my repertoire. "

Arlecchino was starting to get very, very annoyed. She expected pushback, but this… wasn't even political underhandedness. This was just vapid brattiness. It made her a bit annoyed, for better or worse, and her normally tight mask was seriously starting to slip.

"I'm not quite sure I know what your repertoire is anymore, Lady Furina," she said with scorn.

"Being an adorable idol for all of Fontaine to look up to," Furina puffed up. She pressed her hand against her chest and flung the other out in a cheerleader-like gesture. "I, Focalors, is someone everyone can take pride in."

Arlecchino worked her jaw. She had really thought getting a one-on-one with Furina was a way to get what she wanted and start off her plan as a Harbinger, but at that point, she was seriously doubting she was going to get out with anything other than a splitting headache.

"Lady Furina, as wonderful as that sounds, I really must insist, " Arlecchino all but hissed. She smiled, though it was cold. "My ally and colleague, Childe, is locked away in a prison, without proper representation on behalf of his nation. The Tsaritsa is not one to take such insults lightly."

"Oh, interesting, interesting," Furina said impassively. She flicked out her fingers to admire them, then brought her hand down. She leaned back against the table, all grins and all shining eyes. "You know, I've never met the Tsaritsa. Is she as handsome as you?"

"I - what?" Arlecchino, for once, felt a frown pass through her. She was almost embarrassed by her slip-up, which annoyed the hell out of her. "Lady - uh. I insist that I see Childe, or the Tsaritsa and I will have serious diplomatic repercussions -"

"Look, Director Arlecchino - I can call you that, right?" Furina hummed. "Or… what is it you prefer to go by? Daddy? "

Arlecchino outright snorted, her confusion at an all-time high. "...It's Father. Those of the House call me Father. "

"Yeaaaahhh… kinda weird. Daddy's better." Furina grinned, flashing all of her teeth. "See, it seems to me that you want something, right? You want to get your buddy-pal out of prison, or something."

Arlecchino glowered. "How astute."

"And it seems to me that what you need to do is get me to find a way to give you a way to do it."

Arlecchino kept on glowering, but tried to school her expression. "That is exactly why I'm here, Furina. There are several things I think we can help each other with, and -"

Furina laughed behind her hand in a rather coquettish - and annoying - fashion. "I don't see much of a fair trade, Daddy. "

Arlecchino clenched her jaw. She felt a flush run through her, and felt a respective tightening in her pants. She certainly did not enjoy that feeling, but something about the absolute brat of a girl in front of her was starting to very much get her annoyed.

"Consider this a diplomatic overture, a gesture of the Tsaritsa's willingness to compromise," Arlecchino said in a gravel-thick voice. "Of course, other measures can be taken. The Fatui can apply more than political pressure to make certain eventualities… realities."

Of course, somewhere through Arlecchino's words, Furina just started munching on her macaroon.

Her eye twitched.

" So, here's the thing," Furina said like some quippy teenager. "I can't help you at all!"

Arlecchino waited for the Archon to elaborate. Instead, she plucked up her teacup and simply took a sip. A long, enthusiastic sip, as if slurping on the tea. Arlecchino felt her frustrations rise just that much more, and the heat of that annoyance built in her lower stomach. Still, she waited for an answer, and still, she got nothing.

"...And why, pray tell, is that?" Arlecchino asked with thinly veiled annoyance.

Furina shrugged casually and plucked up another macaroon. She did not eat it or chew it, but just sort of… stared at it. "The Fortress of Meropide is actually, like… I'm not sure how to say it. Say, it's independent from Fontaine's government. We don't have the authority to send you in there, even if I wanted to."

Arlecchino clenched her jaw. "Is that so?"

"Something like that." Furina shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know. So, as much as I'd like to help you, I really can't. "

Furina stood up from her seat and dusted off her waist. She spun into profile, her body half-twisted away from Arlecchino. Though she was an ostensibly slender and svelte woman who looked younger than her years would immediately indicate for an Archon, she still had considerable curves and swells to her body.

Namely, her lower body. The sweep of her waist was fairly impressive, exceeding Arlecchino's own hip-to-waist ratio. The swell of her ass was even larger, a real, rounded curve that caught the eyes. Locked away in a set of cream-white short-shorts that barely reached the upper thigh of a set of positively thicc thighs, it had Arlecchino's eyes catch and twitch.

She felt blood rush down - and some part of her get harder. She watched with her jawline flexing as the woman stretched her arms above her head in a purely flippant manner, reaching toward the sky - her tunic rising, offering a glimpse of skin, before settling in place again. It infuriated Arlecchino, really. Her fingers curled together and her jaw tensed up, and she suppressed the worst of her aggravation.

"You can't help me," Arlecchino asked in a gravel-thick voice of pure annoyance, "Or you won't?"

"Oh, daddy. " Furina skipped on over right by Arlecchino's side. The Harbinger had something close to no idea whatsoever what the woman was doing. She felt a hand press against her shoulder and the other slide down her arm in what was, ostensibly, an intimate gesture, but really just made Arlecchino's frustration rise even more.

"Definitely the latter, " Furina chirped. "And totally the former."

Arlecchino was just about done. "And why is that?"

"Because it's boring, one, and two, because I don't handle that sort of thing," Furina chirped. She was leaning into Arlecchino's back, almost pressing her face into the crook of her shoulder, and it sent a shockingly intense flush through her body. "But, hey. You could always meet with Neuvillette and see what he says."

"I'm meeting with you and you're telling me to go to someone else?" Arlecchino all but snapped off. Her words came out in a brisk rush, a clear sign of her rising anger. The entire situation was so aggravating and so downright laughable, really.

"Yup!" Furina patted her shoulder and squeezed her arm, then pulled back. "Terribly sorry you wasted your time, but I, Focalors, just… needed a bit of entertainment."

"Entertainment," Arlecchino hissed out. Her eyes burned a ruby-red, glowing like hot coals. "My, my. Who knew the Archon of Fontaine was just a court jester? "

Furina shrugged and grinned, all teasing-like. "I know what the masses like."

Arlecchino clenched her jaw. "I really don't think you do."

Furina skipped away from the table, or so it seemed. She practically sashayed over across the room, past her couches and her chaises, toward one of the windows. She pressed her hands down against the windowsill and leaned forward, almost intentionally pushing her ass out. Even from Arlecchino's angle, it really was big. A large, doughy swell, contained in ill-fitting shorts.

Arlecchino couldn't stop the tightening in her pants, now. Her frustration were too hot, too high, leaving her incensed. Her blood was flowing, and it went right down - down to the pit of her stomach, to her core, hardening out places that shouldn't have been hard. She tried to shift her legs and contain it, but at that point, it really did feel like a losing battle.

"I try not to bore myself with that sort of thing," Furina said coquettishly. She seemed to wriggle her hips as she leaned into her window, looking out at her city of illumination. "Who knows, though? Maybe I can be convinced."

I've been trying to negotiate with you for the last hour, Arlecchino hissed inside of her head. Abruptly, she stood up from her seat and padded her way forward, her gait almost dangerously tight - like it would be when she was out on a combat mission. She tried to resist balling her hands into fists, but the way they clenched and unclenched into claws did not help in the least.

Arlecchino schooled herself as best as she could as she came up beside Furina and similarly looked out at Fontaine. "Somehow, Furina, I don't see how much more convincing I can manage."

"It's Lady Furina, Arlecchino, " Furina hummed coquettishly. She looked up at Arlecchino and fluttered her lashes, as if she wasn't nearly a full head shorter than her. The look, the angle, the sight, it sent an unfortunate flush of arousal through the Harbinger.

"Lady," Arlecchino repeated with a sneer.

Furina winked. "Who knows? Maybe we can work something out sometime. Oh! Perhaps, front-row tickets to your theater? I've heard you put on quite the theatrical performance."

Arlecchino gritted her teeth together.

At this point, she was rapidly coming to a few conclusions:

One, Furina was the furthest thing from an Archon that she could imagine. Arlecchino was there to figure things out and find a lead on her Gnosis, but at that point, she suspected the brat of a woman didn't have anything close to one at all.

Two, she had no intentions on negotiating anything other than her own entertainment. The entire thing was a facade, a show, and not in any way that Arlecchino would consider some sort of fine-edged diplomacy. She had approached it as some chess game between masters, but now it was increasingly clear that she was being taken for a fool by an even bigger fool.

Thirdly, Furina was a fucking brat. She was an absolute cocktease of a girl with an easy smile and a coquettish look in her eyes that drove Arlecchino wild. It was almost as if she was so good with her words that she knew how to press every single one of her buttons, but she rather doubted that Furina had the necessary capacity to do that at all. She was simply the antithesis to Arlecchino's structured, careful mask, and tore it down by simple interaction.

Absolutely, utterly vapid. A total cocktease. At that point, Arlecchino was finding it very difficult to even keep herself in control, let alone keep her mask up.

"I had hoped," Arlecchino growled with scorn, "That we might come to a civil arrangement. Instead, it seems like you're more apt to serve as some sort of... Celebrity, rather than an Archon."

Her words would have been met with derision anywhere else. Arlecchino was sure La Signora had enjoyed the same hospitality with the Raiden Shogun. And yet, Furina simply smirked, shrugged with both hands, and tilted her head as if to say, what can a girl do?

"La vie est drôle," Furina drawled out. She shrugged, arched her spine, and almost shoved herself backward. Arlecchino wasn't sure if it was she was doing it on purpose or not, but Furina was barely a fraction of an inch from her pelvis - so close that, if Arlecchino grabbed her waist, she could shove that fat ass against the absolutely stiffness in her trousers.

She clenched and worked her jaw, struggling to control herself.

"Is that all you have to say?" Arlecchino hissed out. If Furina noticed her rising frustration, she said nothing about it. Nothing at all.

She simply giggled.

"As Archon," said the coquettish girl, "I demand the best seats in your theater. Front-row for the magic show. I've heard those two siblings make some astounding tricks."

Arlecchino felt her jaw shiver. "Oh, is that all, Miss Archon?"

"Hmmm… For now, sure." Furina pressed back against her and stretched her arms above her head again, and it sent a potent, dizzying flush through Arlecchino's body. "Oh, and thank you again for the pastries - they were wonderful. Now!"

She spun around, putting herself relatively front-to-front with the taller, shapelier Arlecchino. She did not appear disturbed in the slightest, but from the look on her face, the glimmer in her eyes, it was almost as if she knew the effect she was having. Or, maybe not - Arlecchino was, at that point, too frustrated to think straight.

"Thanks for the tea party, but it's about time for me to take my bath," Furina quipped. "This was fun, we'll do it again sometime, ok?"

She made every attempt to get around Arlecchino and just walk off, to end their 'negotiation' and 'tea party' on her terms, how she wanted. Arlecchino knew she should have let her walk off, really. That would have been the just, prudent thing to do. She shouldn't have bothered to engage further when it was clear she had just wasted her time with pointless frivolity.

But she couldn't. It was just too much, too frustrating, and she simply snapped.

As Furina stepped past her, Arlecchino lashed out, grabbed the woman by the wrist, and spun her right around. She pressed her up against the wall, one hand pinning her wrist a good foot above that little, dainty tophat, and set the other down right beside Furina's shoulder - her fingers splayed out, showing the long edges of her nails.

"Is that how you think is going to go?" Arlecchino asked in a low, dangerous voice. "You just waste my time for an hour, then walk off?"

Furina blinked. She looked up at the hand binding her wrist, then at the other one by her shoulder, then ran her little tongue over her slender lips and stared up at the taller woman. The differences in their height was stark, and they both knew it. Arlecchino used it well as she possessively hovered over the smaller woman, enjoying the differences between them.

"A-ah…" Furina fluttered her lashes. " Hah. I didn't take you for that kind of woman, Arlecchino. "

"What's that?" Arlecchino sneered. Her other hand rose up to forcefully cup and grab Furina's chin, and she used her strength to lift the woman's head an inch or so. "Your ignorance isn't an excuse, little Furina. In fact, it's just liable to get you into trouble. "

"T-trouble?" The girl squeaked - but it wasn't like she was afraid. She saw all of it, the sudden reversal, and simply bit her lip coquettishly. " Hmmm. Kinda seems like you would be in trouble for pinning an Archon to a wall…"

"You think I care?' Arlecchino snorted. "Oh, that's cute. Maybe, that's the only cute thing about you."

She leaned in forcefully, her eyes glimmering like coals. Furina flashed her lips, seemingly cocky. "I didn't think you'd just take what you want. Are you really that desp- eep! "

Arlecchino pressed her thumb down against the woman's lower lip, cutting off any real attempt at speech. She dug in, her body leaning possessively, the other hand clenching down around her wrist. "Oh, Furina… I'm a woman that takes everything I want."

She pushed down, applying pressure with her hand. Lip and chin were captured, and the girl's head effortlessly hoisted upward. Eventually, the angle caused her hat to hit the wall, wherein Arlecchino simply flicked it off in an undignified heap. She took a vindictive pride in that.

Furina scoffed. "That's my hat -"

Arlecchino shoved her thumb forward, down into Furina's mouth, and pressed against her tongue. The girl squeaked, then pressed down - but Arlecchino shoved against her mouth with her hand, forcing it open. She could see teeth, lips, the fluttering slip of a tongue, against her finger. It made her smirk.

"Now, now, the time for talking is over, " Arlecchino tutted. "I don't want to hear another teasing word out of this damned mouth of yours."

Her anger was at a breaking point - just as much as the stiffness in her pants was. She had snapped, her mask had fallen, and now, there was nothing but a predatory, hungry look in her eyes. She pushed down against Furina's tongue, and enjoyed the way it pitifully wriggled about. She let out a low, husky breath as her eyes raked down, trailing along that slender, yet bottom-heavy, body.

"You really are just a brat, aren't you?" Arlecchino said thickly. "A brat and a cocktease. "

"Youshhareweirsshd, " Furina slurred around the finger in her mouth. Yet, it achieved little, save to make Arlecchino just that little bit hungrier. She could have done a lot of things in that moment. Her goal might not yet be to hurt the Archon, but she could have done plenty - and yet, only one thought really ran through her mind, spurred on purely by her sexual frustrations.

"And thankfully, even if I'm leaving here empty-handed…" Arlecchino ran her own tongue over her teeth, and briefly paused against the sharp edge of her incisors. "I think there's more than one way to correct a brat like you."

She grabbed the top of Furina's head, let go of her mouth, and shoved her down hard. She sent her toppling to the floor in front of her, right on her knees. The Archon landed in an undignified, huffy heap, an annoyed look on her face - an expression that delighted the Harbinger. She smirked with satisfaction as she so roughly grabbed her pants, beginning the easy process of tugging off the elaborate seal of her trousers.

"You know, people kneel to me, " Furina huffed with a petulant expression. "I don't just -"

But as Furina cast her gaze upward, she was met with a new sight: that of Arlecchino's cock, flopping out of the loose seal of her trousers. The Harbinger had been hard for some time, but now that she had snapped, there was nothing to stop her from sending that thick length flopping forward - and even less to stop Furina from getting a grade-A cockslap from her.

The dick simply slapped across her upturned face, thudding against cheek and chin and along the bridge of her nose. Furina gasped as the hard, heavy dick thumped down against her; a second later, her blue eyes went wide, an expression of pure shock fluttering across her features. It wasn't fear, it wasn't trepidation, but the simple look of someone that did not expect something of that size to come her way.

"See, that's an expression I like to see," Arlecchino said in a thick, hungry voice. Her desires were running hot, her need going thick, and she could not quite contain it. Or, perhaps, she simply did not want to contain it. In either case, smacking Furina's face with her dick, and then letting it rest there, filled her breast with enjoyment.

"Oh," Furina squeaked. "That's… big."

Arlecchino smirked. Such words were the understatement of the century if anything. Arlecchino was more than just big: she was huge. At least, some eight-and-something inches of cock of a comfortable girth, about the size of Furina's thick wrist, was enough to inspire fear in the eyes of some. Many. She enjoyed using all of it.

"See, Furina -"

"But not that big," Furina chirped, still cocky, despite the shock in her eyes. "I - I - heh, I bet, uhm, you don't even know how to use it right!"

Arlecchino's eyelids drooped. She sighed through her nose, her frustration rising out to make her cock throb. "You really are just a brat, aren't you?"

"Takes one to know one -"

"That doesn't even make sense, " Arlecchino huffed. She pressed down on the top of Furina's head, shoving her against the underside of that big, beefy cock. The girl made a shaky noise as she was sent sliding and scraping against the hardness, with her godly face serving as a mere, degrading rest for something of such an obscene size. "But I suppose it doesn't matter."

She dragged Furina up, so that the tip of her cock thudded down and pressed insistently against her lips. The Archon stared down at the cock in a way that left her cross-eyed, for it was too much, too big. She gulped trepidatiously, visibly concerned, and that made Arlecchino smirk vindictively.

"Open your mouth, little Archon," Arlecchino ordered in a hot, possessive voice. "And stick out your tongue."

"As if I'd -" Furina started, but when Arlecchino jabbed her dick forward and sent it thudding against the Archon's lips, she couldn't do much more than squeak. Arlecchino's hand tightened against the top of her head while the other hand started to move down, fluttering the backs of her nails along a pale cheek, before moving to the corners of Furina's mouth.

"Open," Arlecchino ordered.

For a moment, Furina hesitated. She sort of rolled her eyes, bit her lip, and huffed. Without much of a choice, she rolled her eyes around, she shifted on her knees, and she started to open her mouth - but Arlecchino was not wasting much time. She used her hand to almost peel the woman's jaw open, spreading her lips artificially.

"Tongue out, " Arlecchino said lowly.

Furina shivered and stuck her tongue out. It was a degrading sort of look, but even then, Furina had an expectant look on her face - almost as if she was trying to make a challenge with her. It did not actually matter, though, not when Arlecchino shoved herself down and sent her cock plapping against the outstretched tongue. The Archon huffed, then whimpered, her eyes dilating in surprise.

"There we go," the lustful Harbinger purred.

Arlecchino let out a low, purring breath as she rolled her hips forward and all but shoved the meat of her cock against Furina's tongue. The woman had no choice but to take it, naturally, yet she offered a particularly bratty sputter as the shaft slid home. The thickness rolled across her tongue and down into her mouth, rubbing past soft lips and sliding up against the smoothness of her cheeks.

The satisfaction was immediate, naturally. The touch of wetness, the softness, the velvety smoothness, all of that combined with the naturally oppressive heat of being inside of a woman's mouth – and it made her purr. She hummed thickly and curled her fingers against the top of Furina's head, digging down into the white-and-blue of her silky locks. Her touch was not gentle, though it was not painful, either: just a firm, unyielding mixture between.

"Now, now," Arlcechino said in allow, husky drawl. "Looks like there's something to this mouth after all."

She shoved herself forward and stabbed the meat of her cock against the outstretched tongue ahead, using it as a landing pad to shove her dick forward. Her cock roughly impaled Furian's mouth, very suddenly, very adeptly stuffing it up. A single gesture, and the thickness of her cock sank down past her lips, along her cheeks and up into the back of her mouth. it only stopped when the bulbous head hit something particularly spongey, and that, in turn, produced a wet sputter.

Furina gagged around her cock. The sound was a hot, wet-sounding sputter that filled the air and Alrecchino's air with its delicious thickness. Her lips curled up as the younger woman flinched back, her head struggling to wrangle itself around and out of the Knave's grip – but her hand was tight, and it was merciless. With one on top of her head and the other moving to cup her jawline, Furina was well and truly stuck.

"No, no, we can't have that, can we?" Arlecchino said in that low, thick voice. She made eye-contact with the squirming brat of a woman and felt her libido curl in her chest. "We all have our parts to play, little Furina."

The Archon offered a hot, wet sputter. Her head still attempted to shift against the cock that so thoroughly filled up her mouth, but there was no space she could have. Arlecchino had control, and she was more than keen to abuse it. her hips rolled, jabbing gently, enjoying the warm cavern ahead. She was not as deep as she could have gone, barely even touching the back of Furina's throat, but the satisfaction she felt from being buried in her mouth was tantalizing, really.

She smirked. Her Hips rolled, adjusting in a momentary beat. She pulled back, letting her cock grind and rub across the expanse of that hot, saliva-strewn mouth. the soft tongue below dragged across her shaft, sending a pleasant rush of stimulation up her spine. It really did feel nice, and she was happy to admit that. brat or not, Archon or otherwise, Furina felt wonderful against her dick – and Arlecchino was just the kind of woman to abuse that sort of thing.

She smirked, though it could have bordered on a sneer. The masks were off, however, and so she didn't care. The feral, almost primal gleam in her eyes was positively vampiric. "I'm going to enjoy your mouth very much."

Her hips rolled around effortlessly. Though she was hardly the most built woman out there, she had all the training a Harbinger of the Fatui would need. Her athleticism was beyond doubt, for her training as an assassin and a rogue would be seriously compromised without a body capable of handling it. It was, therefore, marvelously easy for her to flex the muscles she did have and send her cock rolling forward, plunging it into the warm, soaked mouth ahead.

Her cock plunged down, filling up Furina's salivating motu with ease. The underside of her vascular cock rolled and ground along the softness of her tongue, happily using it to pleasure herself. She made full and lurid contact with it as she worked herself into the mouth beyond, and as she plunged into that welcoming heat, let out a happy, contented groan. Her dick more than appreciated it after all the frustrations it had been made to deal with, that was for certain.

Furina simply sputtered. She made a hot, wet noise as the cock plunged forward, and she rocked her head backward. She tried to get space for herself, but she could not. Arlecchino's hands were not polite in their manhandling, and they kept her face firmly set. Fingers curled and clamped down with merciless intensity, holding fast to her skull and along her jawline. All the Archon could do was sputter as the dick filled up her mouth yet again.

Arlecchino let out a hot, eager breath. Though she was loath to lose control of herself and her faculties, her polite, crisp demeanor tended to be a mere façade for her real, feral attitude. Between that and her naturally possessive, fatherly instincts, she was nothing like the woman she presented herself in public forums. All of that was what Furina had drawn out and found herself subject to, brat that she was.

Her cock plunged forward into the hot mouth ahead and bathed in the sticky wetness she had earned for herself. A tongue undulated pitifully and lips fluttered mesmerizingly, but Furina kept her mouth open nice and wide. At least, far enough for Arlecchino to enjoy herself, and that was precisely what she did. She jabbed, she rolled, and then drew back with sticky-wet intensity, more than happy to abuse the mouth offered up before her.

"That's a good girl," Arlecchino said huskily. Her eyes glittered with an inner red light as she rolled her hips back, working her cock through the softness of the Archon's mouth. "See? Even you can follow orders."

Furina fidgeted on her knees. Her hands scraped at her thighs, still obediently tucked into place, yet with rising anxiety. She coughed and moved away as the dick plunged forward, rolling against her tongue, and fucking itself into the heat of her mouth – but Arlecchino's hands kept her pretty face tightly captured at all times there was nowhere for her go but forward, nothing for her to do but take it – and that was precisely what happened.

Furina gently coughed and sputtered as the dick rolled against her tongue and plunged into her mouth, plugging it up in mere seconds of motion her face tightened, her eyes winced, and her nose twitched upward each time it thrust in far enough, triggering her gag-reflex without really going anywhere. Arlecchino found the sights to be mesmerizing and amusing. A vindictive part of her loved to see it; some part of her wanted to simply ruin the girl.

She wanted to own her. Dominate her. Place her mark and plant her flag, so to speak. There was a hunger in her belly that simple things didn't quite quench, and she felt a certain perverse satisfaction as she sent her cock driving forward, plowing it forward into the heat of Furina's mouth. She plunged past her lips with rising force, stuffing her jaw out with the weight of her raw cock.

Faster did she swing her hips, and harder did she jab her waist. She guided her cock forward with a rising tempo, fucking it across that outstretched tongue and into the mouth beyond with more enthusiastic motions. The sounds she drew out were hotter and thicker with every passing moment, a sort of wet slurping noise that washed out in hot bubbles. She loved to hear it, really, and could not stop the smirk of pride that spread across her face.

"Yes," Alrecchino purred. "These are the only sounds that should be leaving your lips, Furina."

Furia sputtered wetly as the cock thudded in deeper, now hitting the entrance of her throat. She gagged and flinched forward, her eyes tightening and narrowing. Her hands flung up to press against Arlecchino's thighs, as if that would somehow grant her some sort of reprieve. It did not. She had no chance at all of pushing her away, and was entirely stuck in place for the rough facefucking that followed.