izuku green academia

Izuku's House, March

Truthfully Izuku didn't know why he was feeling so nervous. He wasn't usually one to brag but there was no way he hadn't made it into UA, especially with all of the changes going on just for him. 

"Izuku! Himiko! Your letters are here!" Inko called out from behind the connecting door.

"One second!" Izuku stood up, before looking to his pet on the floor. "Stay."

He quickly went to grab the letters from his mother, noticing that His and Himiko's felt quite different from each others, before returning to see that his pet had diligently stayed where she had been acting as his footrest before.

"Good girl," she blushed at the praise, smiling softly, before he continued "now then, come up here so we can see your results. And do try to remember what I said was waiting if I'm not impressed."

"Yes sir." she got up from the ground and sat on the couch next to her master, taking her letter from his hands and opening it to find a metal disc and a small pamphlet. Idly she fiddled with the disc to see what it does before a hologram shot out from the top.

"Greetings Miss Himiko," said the familiar voice of the principal Nezumi "And greetings to you too, Izuku. I've gone ahead and made the assumption that you would have your pet open her letter first, so I will be using this to address the both of you. Himiko Toga, you have passed the written test and managed to accumulate 26 villain points. But that's not all! Please, take a look at this."

The hologram cut away from the principal, instead showing security camera footage of the staff room, with the timestamp showing it to be from after the practical exam. A brown haired girl entered the office and began talking to a blonde heroine "Um, excuse me? Would it be possible to give my points to someone else? This cute blonde girl saved me while everyone else just ran away - but afterwards I heard her saying that she didn't feel like she got enough points and didn't want to disappoint someone."

"Don't you worry little listener, what kind of hero school would we be if we rejected someone who showed so much potential?" The hologram cut out for a moment, before returning to Nezumi.

"Indeed, and that is why you were not just scored based on villainesses defeated! Himiko Toga, 50 rescue points. This puts you at a total of 76 points, and is more than enough for you to be accepted into UA. Congratulations." 

Himiko started quietly celebrating as Nezumi turned and managed to look Izuku in the eyes through the hologram.

"Moving on, Izuku Midoriya. You passed the recommendation exam with flying colors - as promised your reward will be ready for you shortly." Izuku grinned slightly, remembering seeing Momo in such a helpless position, wondering just how her assets would look compared to everyone else. "On to more formal matters, enclosed within your letters is a pamphlet that contains a brief overview of UA's curriculum alongside a QR code. Please scan this to receive the UA application - on which you will find a detailed breakdown of all of our rules and regulations at UA. I wish you two a good day, welcome to your hero academia."

Briefly he felt a wave of relief wash over him, no matter how small it was there was still a voice that remained from his childhood, one that told him he would never be accepted into UA. And now here he was, so close to turning this historic school into his own perverse playground, it was enough to make him laugh to himself.

Whilst he was contemplating all of this, Himiko was immersing herself into the provided app. She knew that Izuku had been busy coming up with and refining the rulebook that UA would work under, but he had never shared any of these with her, preferring instead to have her figure them out with the other girls saying it would be "More fun that way." Knowing the type of rules he had enforced upon her, Mitsuki and Katsumi however, she could confidently say that the comfort and enjoyment of any of the girls was not his top priority - which only served to turn her on more.

She had realized over the last few years that she loved the idea of being treated as an object for Izuku to enjoy, and that she shouldn't have any pleasure without it working to serve her master - it's for that reason he forbade her from masturbating without his permission after all. 

Through her brief glimpse through the rules - specifically the punishments - she could see that her guess was correct. Punishments along the lines of "The female student will be stripped of the offending garment." or "This will result in a physical punishment to the female student, as decided by the overseeing authority." It didn't escape her notice how so many of the rules seemed to specify a 'female student'. Most wouldn't see it as weird, it's like how a restaurants rules would specify a 'waiter' or a 'chef' - but knowing what she knows about the man sat next to her it's unlikely that this is unintentional.

'Oh well, not like it's much use for a mere pet to sit here pondering on her masters scheme's.'

"Hey, pet?"

"Yes Sir?"

"I have to say I'm quite disappointed." Before Himiko could even begin to question what she had done this time he shoved a piece of paper from his own letter in front of her, displayed upon it were the top 10 results from the entrance exam. Instantly, Himiko realized the issue.

'2nd Place - Himiko Toga, 76 pts - 26, 50

1st Place - Katsumi Bakugo, 77 pts - 77, 0'

She had long since learnt that arguing with Izuku when he had decided she was to be punished was a futile effort, and so she quietly stood up and discarded her tiny skirt and flimsy almost transparent shirt, leaving her in just her collar, before she placed herself over his lap.

"At least you remember how to take your punishment," she said, palm hovering over her ass ready to strike "how about you continue reading those rules in the mean time. Out loud now." 

"Yes S- ow, Sir!" she began, her speech being interrupted by his merciless spanks. "The female student dress code says ugh that all outerwear should only be ouch what you are provided by the school. In addition, shirts should be tucked beneath your skirt, and your skirt mu-uh must end between the mid thigh and a girls knee. Aaah-also, a girls underwear - if not supplied by UA - must be of a simple design. It mu-ahhhh-must be either white, black or pi-AHHH, pink. A girls bra must be a single color while her panties may be either a single color or alternating stripes of two approved colors. UA reserves the right to both inspect and change this without wa-AUGH- huff huff - without warning."

"Very good, very good. Say," he began, massaging her brutalized ass, "how about we have a little fun for your punishment? Rather than me just continue to use you for my enjoyment, how about I give you a task?" He effortlessly removed the girl from his lap, shoving her down to the ground, her head directly next to his crotch.

"Whatever you ask for, Sir." she replied, before using her teeth to open his pants, fishing out his cock before he even had to ask. He put his hand in her hair and shoved her down to his balls, his dick falling over one of her eyes.

"I need you to infiltrate all the other girls for me. I want these bitches to be constantly infighting, and I want you to be the main cause. Kacchan's also made it into 1A and will likely take the first chance she can to bad mouth me to the others. Rather than try to defend me, I want you to agree. All Kacchan knows is that you went to the same school as us, just make up a story about me humiliating you - you have plenty of material to work with for that. Once that's done, memorize the rules, find the loopholes, and use them to get yourself and all of the girls punished. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

Rather than respond Izuku put his hand in her hair again before lifting her head and shoving his dick down her throat. She began gagging at the unexpected intrusion as he hooked a ring on the front of her collar onto a hook, forcing her to play one of his old favorite games. Either she would bring him to orgasm using just her throat and she would be released, or she would choke and pass out only to awake to more deep throat training as a punishment.

With his pets desperate gags filling the air Izuku moved his mind onto more important matters, such as how his App had turned out. And turn out wonderfully it had, Nezumi had outdone herself. Idly he grabbed Himiko's phone to examine the differences.

Quickly going through Himiko's app he saw all the base functions - currency, time table, uniform, rules, etc. - were all as they should be. He swapped over to his own to see how his unique features had been added, he had to look for a minute before he noticed that the UA symbol in the background had a different color to it. Clicking on it, he was brought to another menu with all of his specific commands.

First was "Camera's" which provided him a connection to UA's entire security camera network, covering everywhere from the entrance to the girls changing room (not that the students knew those were there) all from his phone to view whenever. Next he moved over to the "Uniform" section - this was much like Himiko's, but where hers only allowed her to view her own currently permitted uniform, his opened a drop down menu of every girl in the school, allowing him to see what the girl was and was not currently allowed to wear, alongside a "Report" button to cause the nearest teacher to conduct a uniform inspection on her at a moments notice.

After that he checked his balance, confirming that unlike Himiko starting with 10,000 his was simply listed as "unlimited", and that he had the option to view every other girls bank details directly. He compared what he saw to Himiko's, noting that the details were the exact same - his showed more even, allowing him a menu showing "Most recent Purchases" which was not available on hers.

Moving on he clicked the tab labeled "Profiles", being met with an unexpected pop-up.

'Greetings, Master! Miss Nezumi has selected two 'Students of Interest' for you to view. Would you like to see them now?' Two buttons appeared bellow the prompt. Deciding there wasn't much reason to say no he clicked onto the 'Accept' button and was met with a familiar girls profile enlarging on his screen.

The profile was that of "Momo Yaoyorozu", the girl whose medical exam he had been brought in to watch before his entrance exam. As if he could have forgotten it that fact was made even more clear as the displayed profile picture was taken directly from it, with her exposing her naked body with a large blush overtaking her face. The angle of the pictured seemed like it was designed solely to enhance her already impressive chest. While he was busy admiring her body, the pop-up appeared once more.

'The first girl is one Momo Yaoyorozu, sole heir to Yaoyorozu Inc. She has been selected and brought to your attention for two reasons. One, her mother is one of UA's main financial backers alongside your father. For this reason she is aware of the reason for the changes made to UA, and wishes to see her daughter undergo these. It is also worth noting that Miss Yaoyorozu has been raised with almost zero exposure to sexual ideas.' Izuku smirked at the idea, a mother who actively got off at the idea of her naive daughter being humiliated, he could certainly see why Nezumi wanted to bring her to his attention.

'The second reason is because 18 years ago, her mother made a deal with your father. As payment for this deal she was made to sell both herself and her newborn daughter to Hisashi's son, you. It was for this reason Momo was raised to be as naive as she is, and has been recently told that you and her are in an arranged marriage. Listed in her profile is her mothers contact information, feel free to meet with her whenever is convenient for you for more details.' Already Izuku was coming up with ideas, of plans on how to best use his newfound fiancée. Content with what he had learnt and making a note to meet with the Yaoyorozu matriarch at a later date, he moved on to the second "Student of Interest".

The first thing to pop out to him was how different her profile picture was. While Momo's had been vaguely professional, with it being taken from her medical exam, this one featured a girl tied up in Shibari bondage, completely suspended above the ground. Only, rather than ropes, the girl was tied up using a number of green vines that seemed to originate from the girls own head. These vines were also covered in thorns which, if Izuku had to guess based on the state of the few pieces of clothing being worn, seemed quite sharp.

'Secondly is Ibara Shiozaki. The reason she has been selected will first need some backstory. Many years ago, before your mother was even born, your father wanted to have some fun and so, noticing the decline in male birthrates, decided to create a cult focused around male domination named Unionism, after his quirk 'All for One'. As years have passed this cult has transformed into a legally recognized religion, although they keep all their practices a secret, preferring to only train their daughters and small numbers of new recruits in their ways.

One of the main families that founded this religion were the Shiozaki's. Historically this family only worshipped your father, but after he stepped away many decades ago they instead dedicated to training themselves to be the perfect slaves for his son. Due to this she has been informed that you shall be attending UA this year, but not what class you will be in. She has not however been informed of any rules we are adding.'

Izuku almost couldn't believe his luck, he had a second slut on the inside alongside Himiko. It could certainly make quite a few of his plans easier to pull off after getting her help.

Deciding he had explored the app long enough and could come back later he set down his phone, turning his gaze downward to confirm his suspicions that Himiko had passed out, unable to complete the challenge. Sure, he had rigged it against her in almost every way, but rules are rules and now she must be punished. Besides, she had best get used to rigged challenges if their time at UA was to go how he wanted - and he was certain it would.

But first, he got to come up with a way to wake her up. he was almost giddy as he wandered off, leaving her limp unconscious form there ready for him to torture upon his return.

UA University, Classroom 1-A

Izuku could feel the whole room go silent as he entered. He had managed the walk through UA without drawing too much attention to himself, but he had doubts he would be so lucky entering the class. He used the silence to survey who he knew in the class.

'There's Himiko, Kacchan, the brunette girl Himiko saved, Momo and Ibara, Endeavors daughter, and Aizawa hiding behind the teachers podium.' He briefly made eye contact with his new homeroom teacher before going back to the rest of the class. Most of the girls had an expression of confusion, no doubt wondering what a man was doing inside UA, with a few exceptions. Katsumi's face quickly morphed from her shock into anger that she was not as free from him as she had first thought.

Ibara's eyes had meanwhile gained a shine to them, no doubt overjoyed that her master had finally shown himself. Todoroki cast a curious glance his way, but kept her calm face on the entire time.

The silence was broken by a girl who seemed to have been arguing with Katsumi moments earlier. She began rapidly chopping the air before asking her question.

"Excuse me, may I ask what you are doing here? This is the UA heroine course, and for a boy like you to just wander in speaks poorly upon UA."

Izuku could just picture how lovely it would feel to replace the stick up this girls ass with his own, but before he could respond the girls comment had made a wave across the classroom. Everyone seemed to be speculating why he was there, with some even assuming he had broken onto the grounds somehow. One pink girl leaned over to her friend and started to whisper about UA providing them stress relief - Izuku almost wanted to laugh at how unknowingly correct she was. Of course, it was her who was acting as his personal relief toy, but the idea was still there.

The robotic girl seemed to realize the commotion that she had inadvertently caused and tried fruitlessly to quieten down her classmates so she could get answers from him. Knowing this would lead nowhere Izuku instead opted to head to his seat, right next to Katsumi. He shot the girl a grin as she stared at him, eyes wide in a mix of rage and horror. Before she could start anything however a woman's voice pierced the class from behind the teachers podium.

"If you must know he is here for the same reason as the rest of you. He passed the exam and earned his spot. He's also the only one out of all twenty of you to even notice me." Everyone's speculation quickly changed target as a disheveled looking woman appeared behind the podium. She glared at the class, paying attention to who was making the most fuss, before they all seemed to get the idea and sat down, ceasing their discussions.

The woman sighed, "It took all of you an unacceptable amount of time to quiet down, frankly you're all lucky Nezumi has disallowed expulsion as punishment this year." The woman took a moment to clear out her throat, before she gained a manic grin. "My name is Shoka Aizawa, welcome to UA. Your first lesson is now, follow me."

She walked out the door, not checking to see if the class was following. Everyone stayed put for a second, before realizing that she was being serious and scrambling to follow her.

'Well now,' Izuku thought to himself, 'this certainly seems like it will be an interesting few years.'Izuku, as he expected, was the first to arrive. Aizawa glanced up at him briefly, nodding, before she stopped one of two stopwatches she was carrying.

"Midoriya, glad to see at least one of my students can get changed in a reasonable time." The woman's face split into a small grin. "Choose a number, three to five."

Izuku, being clued into what this would be used for by the look on his teachers face, didn't hesitate to answer, "Five."

The woman chuckled. "I hoped you would say that." She turned to walk away, before suddenly remembering something. "Nemuri will be waiting outside your changing room to show you how to operate it once we're done here."

With that said the two then waited in silence for the girls to start joining them. Thankfully it did not take too long for the first girl to finish changing, and considering who it was Izuku decided it would be best to finally say hello to her.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Yaoyorozu." He bowed, causing the girl in front of him to blush.

"P-please, just call me Momo. I feel we should at least be that close if we are to be wed." It was incredibly obvious to him that the girls only exposure to romance had been through the lens of a book. Deciding to play into the role she had undoubtably assigned him in her head, he took one of her hands in his.

"In that case, please feel free to call me Izuku." He brought her hand to his lips before placing a gentle kiss upon her knuckles. Momo's blush deepened as she brought her hand to her face, inspecting the place he had kissed.

While she was doing that, Izuku quickly checked out what she was wearing. It was clear from a first glance that the gym uniforms the girls were given were quite a bit different from his own. Compared to the full body tracksuit he was wearing, the girls gym outfit exposed far more - aside from her footwear it consisted of only a pair of shorts that barely covered half of Momo's ass from his view and a white shirt that was strained against the girls impressive chest.

Once the girl had clamed down from her fantasies they continued to talk, eventually exchanging phone numbers so that they could have a proper meeting once the other girls arrived.

Soon enough more girls finished changing and made their way to the field, all wearing the same uniform. Izuku took notice of which of them seemed the most and least embarrassed about wearing it for later reference, with the reactions ranging from a pink skinned girl who didn't seem to care how much she was showing off, to a girl with headphone jack earlobes who was futilely trying to get the shorts to cover more of her ass and shot an annoyed glare his way when she noticed him looking. Eventually the final girls arrived, allowing Aizawa to begin.

"It took 12 minutes for all of you to finish changing. That is a frankly unacceptable length of time to waste and you all will be lowering it or else. Each time you get changed myself or your heroics teacher will be timing both the first and last people to finish, and deciding if you all need some extra motivation to get it done faster."

Everyone quickly agreed with her, getting the sense that she wasn't one to make a threat without plans to act on it. Satisfied with the classes response, Aizawa moved out into the field.

"Right now all other first year classes are going through orientation so that they can get adjusted to how UA operates. I, frankly, see that as nothing but a waste of time. You are here to learn to be heroes, it is not going to be comfortable, so I am not going to pretend it will be and hold your hands. Instead today we will be assessing your potential." The woman reached into a bad set at her feet, pulling out a softball.

"Uh, assessing our potential how, Ma'am?" asked the brunette that Izuku recognized as the girl from Himiko's entrance exam.

"You will all be doing a series of standardized tests, but unlike your high schools that opted to make things fair, today you will be using everything to your advantage. Now is your chance to take your quirks plus ultra."

"Um, excuse me?" asked a blonde girl, raising her arm.

"Yes, Miss Shield?"

"I was informed today would just be orientation, so my approved support gear isn't arriving until tomorrow."

Aizawa considered the girl for a moment before responding. "Then let this be your first lesson, Miss Shield, being unprepared means you will be caught off guard. You could have gotten it here by today, so I see no reason to change my plans to accommodate your failure, nor your lack of a quirk."

The girl, sufficiently cowed by her teachers words, lowered her arm. Another girl came over to try and offer some comfort to the girl.

"It's alright girl, I'm sure you'll do just fine. Besides, it could be worse, you could be..." The girl trailed off, looking over at Izuku, with the implication clear. 'She may be quirkless but at least she's a woman, and not a man like him.'

A few other classmates seemed to share the same sentiments, seeming to make up roughly half of the class. Before another discussion of whether Izuku should even be in UA could begin, Aizawa interrupted them.

"If you are all finished chit chatting," she said, giving it a moment for the murmuring to quieten down, "Bakugo, you scored highest on the public exam, how far could you throw a softball in high school?"

"Sixty-seven meters, give or take."

"Alright, now come over here and try it with your quirk."

The blonde grinned, quickly grabbing the ball and getting inside the circle. With a wrathful shout she threw the ball, propelled by a massive explosion. "Die!"

"Having all of you go all out is the best way for me to measure your potential." Explained Aizawa, holding up her phone to the students showing a reading of '705.2m'.

An excited murmur broke out amongst the class at the girls display of strength, with multiple of her classmates expressing their shock at how far the ball had travelled.

"Seven hundred meters!?"

"So cool!"

"Finally we get to show off!"

"This is going to be so fun!"

"Fun you say," interrupted Aizawa, bringing the excitement to a halt, she chuckled before continuing, "your time in this school will not be all fun and games,and it seems I will have to remind you all of this the hard way. As a deterrent for any of you to hold back, the 5 lowest scoring students will be having their underwear confiscated."

There was a moment of silence as the girls of the class processed the statement before shouts of confusion and anger began to ring out. Aizawa let them continue for only a moment before she shut them all up.

"Enough!" she yelled, "UA allows it's staff to punish students however they may wish, if you feel my choice of punishment is unsuitable feel free to go and take it up with Nezumi. Of course, the punishment will only be escalated if she agrees with me, which she always has. Now, unless you want me to simply apply the punishment to the entire class, we shall begin. Oh and also, I should warn that the punishment will be worse the lower your ranking."

With that the class went silent, not wishing to test their teachers patience. Aizawa brought the students over to the area for the 50 meter dash, before announcing that Izuku and Iida will be going first, having been chosen at random. Some of the girls began whispering again, talking about how it was funny that there would be such a large disparity in the very first test.

Izuku, personally, couldn't wait to show just what the disparity actually was.

The two students went up to the starting line, with Iida looking over at her opponent, giving him a dismissive glance. A gunshot sounded, and the class went silent at what they witnessed as a robotic voice called out the results.

"Izuku Midoriya - 0.86 seconds!"

"Tenka Iida - 3.04 seconds!"

They could not believe their eyes, their entire lives they had known one indisputable fact, that quirks had been granted only to women, yet stood before them was a man who had just cleared 50 meters in less than a second. The common reaction amongst the girls was shock, but there were some others that interested Izuku.

The first he noticed was Katsumi, her face dominated by a look of rage, seemingly having to restrain herself from lashing out. Izuku felt like he could take a decent guess at her current thoughts. 'He's been hiding this from everyone, tried to seem helpless so I'd be punished harsher, that damn Deku! If we weren't at UA you'd be dead!'

The other notable reaction came from Shiozaki Ibara, who look upon him with sheer awe, as if she was looking at a God in human form, who had come from the heavens to allow her to worship him personally. 'Finally, I've found him!' she though to herself, 'the man I am to devote my life to!'

"This should go without saying, but Midoriya's status here is to remain secret for now, being covered by the NDA you all signed before the entrance exam. A fate far worse than a little humiliation awaits if this gets out, understood?"

The students all nodded as some seemed to come to a new conclusion - they had been certain Izuku would come last, but if that display were to be believed it was now certain to be one of them. With new determination to not place in the last 5 the tests continued.

Most of them went the same as the 50 meter dash had, with Izuku utterly destroying everyone else's scores - with the sole exception of the brunette who managed a score of infinity on the ball toss. As the tests went on some of the girls who had been consistently scoring low got more desperate, leading to a few incidents where the girls had begun to sabotage each other. Aizawa either did not notice or elected to ignore the foul play, and so instead it just increased. It was nothing more than a few minor inconveniences for now, but Izuku had ideas for what it could develop into in time.

Another thing Izuku noticed as the tests went on was another property of the girls uniform he hadn't thought about before, the girls shirts were very thin and a pristine white, meaning that as the girls continues to work up a sweat the shirts became more and more transparent, letting the boy get a good look at all of his classmates bra's - or lack thereof for a few of them, who he kept in mind for later. The girls themselves didn't seem too concerned about this, likely being too focused on not coming in the bottom 5 to process much else.

Eventually the quirk assessment test was finally over, and the moment they were all dreading arrived. Aizawa grinned as she displayed the results before them, everyone desperately scanning to find their own name. Izuku didn't have to look far, seeing his own name proudly displayed at number 1, followed by Momo, Todoroki and Katsumi. Of course, eventually everyone looked down to see who the unlucky five would be.

16. Haruka Sero

17. Denka Kaminari

18. Kyoka Jiro

19. Toru Hagakure

20. Melissa Shield

The 5 girls all looked distraught as the realized they had failed. Some of the others looked over with sympathy, but also with a sense of relief that they would not be punished in such a humiliating way.

"Alright, you five stay with me for a moment while the rest of you go get changed back into uniform." With that Aizawa dismissed them, as she began to explain something to the five girls. Izuku debated listening in on the conversation for a moment before remembering that Midnight would be waiting for him. Quickly making his way back he found her waiting outside his changing room, not yet having permission to enter.

"After you." he said, gesturing for her to enter. She shot him a sultry look before entering. As he followed behind she undid a clasp around her neck, allowing her entire outfit to fall to her feet leaving her nude. She walked over to an unused locker next to one of the two room length mirrors, before opening it to reveal a number of buttons.

"This side is connected to the girls changing room," she explained, pressing a button labeled "One-way" allowing the two of them to look in through the mirror. The mirror itself being full length across the wall, allowing the two to see every corner of the girls, all in the process of getting on their uniforms. Izuku also noticed that the girls had different underwear for their school and gym uniforms. "The other side is the same, but instead looks into the staff changing room."

Izuku had a few more questions he wanted to ask, but before he could the girls door opened and the 5 being punished entered. The small chatter that had been present before died down and an awkward silence fell on them.

"What punishment did she give those five to get that kind of reaction?" Asked Midnight, bending over in front of the mirror, spreading her legs for his ease of access.

"5 lowest scorers would be having their underwear confiscated." he explained as he began to use her pussy like a fleshlight, forcibly thrusting in and out at superhuman speed, only caring for his own pleasure and not for that of his toys. He wrapped a hand around her throat before shoving her up to the one way mirror.

"Ah~ I see she wanted - ahh - to get a start on things quick." She commented, panting from the pleasure of being used as a sex toy for her students entertainment. "The headmistress was wondering - oh fuck - where she had taken all of you during orientation. She didn't seem happy that - ugh - that she skipped it in a year with so many changes."

"I see." He slowed for a moment, allowing the woman to catch her breath. They both turned their attention back to the girls as four of the five girls left in the changing room approached the mirror, now dressed in their UA uniforms and holding their underwear - both their normal and gym pairs.

"Miss Aizawa said to put them in here, right?" asked Kaminari, looking down at a chute just bellow the window. It lead to a place that the 4 girls could not see, meaning that once they gave up their underwear, they would not be able to retrieve them.

"Yes." said Melissa dropping them down, wanting to get it done as soon as she could. Due to coming 20th she knew her follow up punishment - whatever Aizawa decided to do for that - would be harsher than the rest of them. Hagakure, the girl who had tried to comfort her before the test, dropped hers down next.

"Hey, Jiro," she said, looking back at the only one of the 5 who was not with them, "are you sure you want to risk it? What if you're just punished harder for trying to lie?"

"Look, there's no way that UA could possibly be allowed to get away with this. I guarantee you, this is just going to end up some stupid joke and you four will be humiliated while I'll be fine like everyone else, so feel free to just throw your panties away and debase yourselves, I'm not joining." With that the punk girl left, throwing up a peace sign. Evidentially her speech was not enough to convince the two remaining girls as they both proceeded to throw down their underwear as well.

The four followed after the punk, all holding down their mid thigh length skirts out of fear of being exposed. Izuku and Midnight watched them go, both enjoying their humiliation at the forced act of exhibitionism.

"Someone's certainly decided she wants to be a bad girl." said Midnight, rocking her hips back to get all of Izuku's dick inside her. She let out a gasp as he expanded it, hitting her cervix, before he began to hammer into her again, almost breaking directly into her womb.

"Tell me how you'd punish her."

"I'd make her strip, showing the class that she had deliberately disobeyed the punishment, before taking her over the desk and spanking her ass red. Next, I'd confiscate all her clothes, leaving her completely naked and exposed to your eyes, sir. She'd be made to stand in the corner, ass facing the class so they can see the results of what happens when they disobey."

"Good, good. Here, take this as a reward." He reared back, using his quirks to enlarge his cock again, before mercilessly thrusting it in, breaking through her cervix and directly into her womb. The woman screamed silently, whether from pain or pleasure she couldn't quite tell, her sense were overwhelmed with both feelings. Izuku meanwhile had finally reached his climax, and began to release his semen directly into the woman's womb - releasing so much that Midnight had a noticeable bulge.

Ash he exited her a rush of cum left with him. Quickly, Midnight placed a hand over her pussy, stopping the flow, before she got down on the floor and began to lick up everything she had spilled, not wanting to waste a drop of her masters precious sperm.

"Thank you, sir." She said, before she went over to the other wall. Before Izuku could ask where she was going he noticed her head into a small one way dog door that lead from his changing room to the staff one.

Turning on the one way mirror he looked in to see that the teacher had pulled out a large dog bowl with "Nemuri" written on the side. The woman squatted over the bowl before she pressed down on her abdomen, causing Izuku's cum to come rushing out of her womb and land into the bowl. Once she had expelled all that she could she brought the bowl over to a box in the corner of the room and placed it inside, as if saving it for later. After that she stood back up and went to her locker to get changed back into her clothes.

Izuku decided that he had wasted enough time and should head back to class, but not before he decided to inform Aizawa of a little detail.

UA Staff Direct Messenger

Master: At least one of the girls refused to go through with the punishment and is still wearing her underwear.

Eraserhead: Thank you for the warning, sir. Rest assured, she shall be dealt with.

Classroom 1-A

As Izuku entered the class all eyes, fell on him. Looking around it seemed clear that the girls had been waiting for his arrival.

"Good, you've made it Midoriya, now we can start."

"Excuse me Ma'am! Why is it that you lecture us at the start of the test but when Midoriya takes so long to show up you say nothing?"

"Because he was busy talking to a teacher, unlike all of you who were gossiping amongst yourselves, now please sit back down Iida, and refrain from further interruptions." Iida and Izuku both sat back down as Aizawa continued on.

"Now then, will the five punished girls please stand at the front?" It was phrased as a question, but everyone could tell it was an order. The girls did as asked, lining up in front of their peers with worried looks on their faces - Jiro having the most fear of them all.

"It has been brought to my attention that some people do not believe I am serious about my punishments, and that they can just get away with ignoring them." Jiro's eyes widened. "So to prove it to you all, girls," she turned to the 5 before continuing, "Open your shirts and lift you skirts so that I may inspect you."

A large outcry emerged from the class at this demand, with the most common sentiment being that of how immoral it was to force them to do that with a man present. Aizawa barely let the outcry last before she silenced it.

"Do you all wish to join them?" she said, voice cold. Everyone froze at the threat, not willing to test it - especially not after what she is about to do. With all arguments defeated Aizawa returned her attention to the 5 girls, who reluctantly, with shaking hands, began to unbutton their tops and lift up their skirts to prove their innocence, while one girl panics over the fate about to befall her.

Hagakure was the first to finish, her shirt open at the chest exposing her breasts to all her peers, and skirt held at the waist giving them all a look at her pussy. Her body shimmered briefly before turning invisible, only to return moments later. The girl let out a gasp of shock as she looked up to see Aizawa erasing her quirk.

"I will give you a pass this time, but I am warning you - and everyone else - that if you use your quirk to circumvent a punishment from now on I will only make it worse for you. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am." the girl replied, forced to stand there exposing her most private areas to all.

Soon all 5 girls were done and it became glaringly obvious who it was that had disregarded the punishment by the sight of Jiro's purple underwear - going against both the assigned punishment and the dress code that states a girls underwear may only consist of the colors white, black and pink.

"Thank you girls. You four may return to your seats now." They did so quickly, buttoning up their shirts and trying to hide from their peers gaze. "As for you. Strip."

"W-What?" asked Jiro, tears in her eyes.

"Strip, everything, or I will remove your clothes for you - and I doubt you'll like how I will do it."

The punk did as asked, and as quick as she could all her clothes had fallen to the ground and she stood before 1A nude as the day she was born, face red with shame as she covered what she could with her arms.

"Now, bend over the desk, hands holding the other side, legs spread apart." the girl complied, dropping her arms and leaning over Aizawa's desk, giving everyone a full view of her ass and pussy. Aizawa walked around her desk, grabbing a paddle before lining it up with the girls backside.

"I will be lenient since this is your first offence, so you will only be getting 5 spanks. I want you to count each one and thank me for being lenient. If you do not count, or if you break position I will start over." The woman gave the girl no warning as she swung the paddle down with no mercy.

"One! Thank you for being so lenient Ma'am!" She swung again, aiming lower this time.

"Two! Thank you for being lenient!" And again, this time only aiming for her left butt check.

"Augh - Three! Thank you for being merciful!" And again, this time for the right.

"Four! Thank you for being lenient!" There was a pause as Aizawa considered her final strike, before she moved the paddle and without warning delivered a fierce hit directly to the young girls pussy causing her to scream in pain.

"Oh Fuck! Five! T-thank you for correcting me!" Despite not being what she was told to say, Aizawa did not seem to mind this alteration, and chose not to restart. Tears fell down the girls face as she was finally allowed to stand, her ass a deep shade of red from the force of her teachers blows. The woman was not yet done with her however.

"Now, Jiro, stand next to my desk, hands on your head, legs shoulder width apart. You decided your modesty was more important than your discipline, so you shall be afforded none." The girl, having had the fight beat out of her, merely did as told and looked out to the sea of faces. Most seemed horrified at what they had just witnessed, some seemed intrigued by how far teacher's could truly go, and others seemed to be enjoying the situation a great deal. "You will be staying there for the rest of the period."

"Next order of business," declared Aizawa, sitting down at the desk, "the second parts of you punishment. This will be when you may receive your confiscated underwear.

First, Sero, you came in 16th and so you may claim your underwear from me at the end of the day.

Kaminari, you came 17th and so may come to me at the end of the day and choose to receive either your bra or panties, and you may get the other from me at the end of tomorrow.

Jiro, you came 18th and so I was going to allow you to claim them both from me tomorrow, however with your little stunt here I will be electing to bump that up to match with 20th.

Hagakure, you came 19th and so you may come to me at the end of tomorrow and claim either your bra or panties, you will not be getting the other back.

Shield, you came in dead last and so your underwear will be confiscated permanently. Jiro will also be joining you with this."

Gasps flew around the room as the last two were announced, the girls shocked that UA would never be giving them back - still there wasn't much they could do but begrudgingly accept it unless they wanted to end up like Jiro. Aizawa was not done though and had one last announcement to make.

"I feel it is important to clarify that when a student has her clothes confiscated she is forbidden from wearing that article for a period of time - for all of you it will be until you get them back, except for Jiro, Shield, and which Hagakure does not select, those clothes will be prohibited for the next week."

With that last announcement, Aizawa went back to the lesson as if all was normal and just as before shut down any outcry with threats of ending up like their classmate just had. Most of the class eventually seemed to accept that this would be their new normal now, and that it would be best to adapt, rather than to challenge the authority that be.

Izuku, meanwhile, had but one thought. 'Now this is one hell of a paradise.'

Classroom 1-A

Surprisingly the rest of the day proceeded as normal. Eventually Aizawa had decided that Jirou's humiliation had been on long enough and allowed her to go back to her seat, but not before telling her that she wouldn't be getting back her clothes until the days end, meaning all their other teachers would be well aware of what had transpired.

Aizawa then explained that each period a new teacher would enter, introduce herself and her subject, and spend the time going over what they would be taught. Izuku decided that as much fun as it would be to watch Jiro's futile attempts to cover herself, he should probably pay attention to this.

The rest of the day proceeded fairly normally, allowing most of the class to put the incident with Aizawa's punishments behind them, hoping the other teachers would be much more lenient with them. 

These hopes were dim however as most teachers, after giving Jiro one look up and down, proceeded to ignore her nudity. Normally she'd be thankful that she wasn't being put under extra scrutiny, but instead this reaction just made her and all the other girls question just how normalized these punishments would be, for their teachers to come in and not question why a student was sat naked with her clothes lying besides the teachers desk.

Their teachers, again, decided not to comment on any of this and instead just introduced themselves as was planned. The subjects they were teaching ranged from the normal, such as Mathematics from Ectoplasm, to those you would expect from a hero school such as UA like a Public Image course taught by Midnight and their Heroics lessons, with a teacher who couldn't make it that day, with the substitute, Present Mic, not informing the class who she was.

Then there were some of the more unexpected classes. Ones like 'Sexual Education', which would have already been fully covered by their high schools - also being taught by Midnight, perhaps sticking too on brand with being the "18+ Heroine" - and "Home Ec." which would be taught by a rotation of their teachers.

As today was only meant as an introduction to the course and their teachers it was only a half day, so by the time lunch had come around the class were  free to leave - but not before Aizawa returned with a new uniform for Jiro, one that was noticeably too small for the girl causing her to leave while holding the edge of her skirt down to barely cover her pussy from view. Meanwhile the woman approached Izuku and informed him that Nezumi wanted to speak with him, before picking up Jiro's old uniform and leaving.

Izuku went to follow her towards Nezumi's office, but stopped quickly as he overheard an interesting conversation occurring.

"Which one of you was it?" Questioned an irate Jiro, staring down the 4 other losers of that mornings quirk assessment test, all still feeling humiliated from the experience.

"I literally warned you that not listening to Aizawa's orders would be bad for you," exclaimed Hagakure who had been using her quirk to remain invisible since the incident "why would I put my own ass on the line just to, what, prove a point? It was one of them, I'm sure about it." She leaned over and began whispering into the punk's ear "I saw Melissa on her phone after we left, maybe she just wanted to force someone else down to her level."

"Hold on!" shouted the accused girl having overheard them "Why are we supposed to believe that it was me? Aizawa said her source didn't even mention who it was, if it were me why wouldn't I say who it was, I don't get off of being Humiliated unlike one of you clearly does."

After a minute of squabbling and a series of insults, eventually the blame lands on Melissa, with the three others determining Hagakure was right in saying that she just didn't want to face the harshest punishment, despite said girls best efforts to claim otherwise.

Thankfully for her, Jiro seemed content to drop the issue for now and was yet to be fully convinced it was her, but not before leaving the group with one last warning.

"If I found out which of you it was then I promise you as sure as hell that I'll find any chance I can to make sure it's your ass up there, not mine." content that her threat should be enough for now the girl stormed away, taking the smallest steps she could to avoid lifting her skirt any higher than she needed to.

'Now, this seems interesting.' he thought to himself as the other girls also quickly dispersed. Tucking away this forming dispute among the girls in his class for later use he left for Nezumi's office. 

Principal's Office, After School

Before he even got a chance to knock the intercom next to the door buzzed as Nezumi's voice came through.

"Midoriya," the woman said, a slight strain in her voice coming through despite best efforts against it, "please, come in, and don't bother knocking in the future."

Upon entering the office, Izuku very quickly noticed what was causing the strain in the woman's voice. The front of Nezumi's desk had been removed, allowing him to clearly see a nude Aizawa bound to the underside of the table. Her eyes were covered by a thick blindfold connected to a nose hook, and her hearing was blocked by a pair of earplugs. Looking down her body he could clearly see a thick double ended metal dildo being shared by the two women, with a pair of wires coming off of it and going into the desk.

He could have enjoyed the view of these two women debasing themselves for him forever, but he was quickly taken from his stupor by Nezumi's voice.

"Please, sir, take a seat." The woman gestured to a chair by the side of the desk. Swinging it around to the front he realized that Aizawa's mouth had been placed just right to serve as an onahole. Not being one to turn down a free blow job he shoved his cock down her throat, causing her to start violently gagging at the unwarned intrusion. Caring little for her reaction Izuku sat down on his chair, resting his balls on Aizawa's nose, forcing her to inhale his musk or suffocate around his cock.

"So then," he began lazily, "why do you need to speak with me?"

"Two reasons, mainly. First I wanted your help in punishing a certain disobedient slut who decided that she could have her class skip orientation, as if I hadn't warned her specifically against such an act." She looked aside a second before mumbling something to herself "Although maybe none of the girls in your class knowing the full extent of the rules could be fun, but it's still not a decision you should have made on your own." Nezumi emphasizes her last point by reaching down and pinching the woman's clit between her fingers, causing Aizawa to let out a pained grunt around his cock.

The principal, feeling like she had complained enough already - including the severe verbal lashing she had given the woman upon her entering the office and being ordered to strip - passed Izuku a small remote. Giving it a once over he saw two controls, a button and a switch.

Pressing down the button he heard a sharp electrical noise pass through the air as the woman in front of him let out a moan of combined pain and masochistic pleasure, while Aizawa's throat tightened around his cock as she gasped for air after the painful shock.

Flicking the switch he heard a hum as the dildo shared between the two women began vibrating causing a jolt of pleasure to go up both of their spines, with Aizawa starting to moan, helping to stimulate his dick even more. The boy decided to leave it on as he looked back up to Nezumi, waiting for her to explain through her moans.

"For the rest of ugh this week Aizawa will be wearing a pair of ele- traah" she was cut off by Izuku pressing on the shock button again, before quickly regaining her composure "hah electrical nipple clamps, mmh, and a vibrator - both connected to that remote so that you- ughhh - can play with her."

Izuku grinned at his teachers new predicament before he shut off the vibrator, stopping both woman's pleasure just barely before either could reach the orgasm they had been climbing towards - a skill that he had grown quite good at from playing with Himiko.

"Secondly," continued Nezumi, after letting out a whine of displeasure at being edged but knowing better than to complain, "the construction of the dorms has been completed, and are ready for you and Miss Toga to move in. The rest of your class will be moving in at their own digression but rest assured that I will do my best to encourage them to move in."

The mammalian girl grinned at the possibilities her mind drew up before she coughed into her hand and returned to the conversation.

"Putting that aside for now, a third year student will be meeting the two of you to show you to the dorms, and give you a small tour of the place. A teacher was supposed to act as your guide but well, lets just say she got a bit tied up. Rest assured however, she has been fully briefed about you - and in fact she was by far the most eager to meet her new master out of any of the girls in the Disciplinary trials."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a bell, signaling the end of the day and the end of their talk.

"Ah well, I suppose that means we should wrap this up. Why don't you finish with Aizawa here and then run along for your tour."

"Gladly." He replied with a grin, before standing up off his chair. He could feel his teachers confusion as he began to exit from her mouth, pausing when only his cock head was still in her, before he wrapped a hand around her neck like a sex toy, re activated the vibrator and slammed his dick back down her throat without mercy or care for anyone's pleasure but his own, hard enough that one of the earplugs depriving Aizawa of her hearing was knocked out, allowing her to hear the sounds of her bosses moans and her own student forcing his dick into her like she was an onahole for him to use.

He thrusted back and forth, his force enhanced with his quirks, sending an electric shock each time he bottomed out, causing the woman's throat to spasm around him. All the while he could hear the sounds of Nezumi's moans in the background as the force of him face fucking Aizawa drove the dildo deeper into her cunt.

With each shock the two masochistic woman felt themselves driven closer and closer to the release they were denied earlier, both of them teetering on the edge until -

"The two of you sluts won't cum before I do if you know what's good for you."

Nezumi and Aizawa hurriedly pulled themselves back from the brink of an orgasm, desperate to not have to endure the denial their master would undoubtably put them though. With each thrust and with each electric shock their bodies got closer and closer to the edge, and the two woman steeled their minds to fulfil their masters order.

This cycle of edging and denial continues until eventually Izuku was satisfied they'd held out long enough and rewarded them with his seed, as it began pouring out of him directly down the teachers throat. Seeing that he had finally came Aizawa and Nezumi both let themselves fall over the edge, with the principal letting out a soundless scream as all the pleasure that had been building up hit her at once.

The erasure hero meanwhile was busy both dealing with her mind shattering orgasm and trying to swallow down the flood of cum forcing itself into her. Eventually the quirk enhanced virility of the man she was serving became too much for her and she began choking on it, causing the tide of semen to start bursting out of her mouth. Due to the angle her bondage had locked her in this also resulted in the semen running down into her nostrils that had been forced open by the nose hook, meaning the woman would be smelling the boys semen for a while longer.

Feeling the end of his orgasm approaching Izuku finally took his dick out of Aizawa, giving the woman some time to breathe, and aimed it higher, firing the rest of his seed onto Nezumi and her desk. The woman very quickly got to work scooping up any that got on her and licking it all clean, savoring it as if it were the best tasting meal of her life - which for someone like her it very well could have been.

One his orgasm had finally subsided Nezumi reluctantly pulled herself off of the double ended dildo, before opening a drawer in her desk and taking out a roll of tape alongside two pairs of panties, ones that he quickly recognized as being the ones that had been confiscated from Kyoka and Melissa earlier.

She got to work, using the underwear as a pair of rags to clean Izuku's cum off of her desk, all the while making sure that the two had roughly equal amounts of semen on them. Once she got around the the other side of the desk and saw Aizawa still coughing up more of the cum that had been poured down her she sighed, before addressing the teacher.

"Really now, Shoka, is this any way to treat your masters gift?" She tutted before leaning down, capturing her in a kiss with Nezumi using her tongue to push back his cum into her. Eventually once Aizawa stopped coughing more back up they separated, lips still connected by a strand of cum that Nezumi quickly licked up.

With her office now sufficiently clean and Aizawa no longer wasting any more semen the principal took one of the cumrags, formerly the panties of Melissa Shield, and placed them in Aizawa's mouth, before taping it up leaving her tasting her own students cum soaked panties. Nezumi looked over to Izuku who had been quietly enjoying the show in the corner before looking back up at the clock.

"It seems we truely have gone far too long," she said with a sigh "it's for the best you don't keep miss Toga or your guide waiting much longer - and do say hello to your new heroics instructor for me."

With that she shoved Kyoka's panties into her own mouth, taping it shut just as she had with Aizawa. She moaned at the taste before she sat back down in her chair, shoving her body back down onto the dildo. Realizing that she wasn't going to explain her last comment Izuku left, but not before turning the vibrators back on for the two of them to squirm on for the rest of the day.

UA City, Campus Outskirts

Izuku had to admit, what UA had accomplished in regards to UA city was impressive. 10 years ago Nezumi announced a plan to transform the campus of UA, along with all of the previously fake city training grounds, and create a place where the families of famous heroines could live without the fear that had plagued early heroics. After that success it began to invite even more people inside, from students and their families to even letting civilians in - of course anyone trying to gain residence in UA city first needs to pass a length background check, and all residences in UA city are subject to full inspections at any time.

He could go on about the city for ages, from the fact that 75% of all Japanese heroines reside within to Nezumi having managed to create her own Justice department, meaning the city itself has different laws to the rest of Japan - that piece of him that adored anything and everything heroic had yet to die out, despite the constant perversion in his life - but before he could a bubbly blue haired girl popped up in front of him, being trailed by a familiar blonde.

"Mou~ Master, you're late!" she exclaimed with a pout, "I was starting to think I would have to go to the principals office and beg you to come with me - though saying that out loud that does sound interesting - how do you feel about begging? Want me to get on my knees and beg you to let me do what Madame asked of me? Midnights a big fan of begging, she always made us debase ourselves to ask for anything, are you going to do the same? Oh oh, are you going to do it to her? That would be really hot, watching the woman who's punished me so much these last 3 years beg for your touch. Oh oh, how about-"

The girl continued on mouth racing a mile a minute asking question after question as Izuku looked over at Himiko, silently asking her about this.

"She's been like this for the past 15 minutes," his pet explained "barely managed to introduce herself to me before she started asking me all sorts of questions about what it's like to live with you, and about how and when I'm expected to satisfy you." She said the last part with a blush on her face, due to the effects of formally his fathers, now his emotional field quirk she still felt embarrassed when following his orders despite the many years it had been.

He cleared his throat, interrupting the girl from her ramblings about a school wide punishment game - of which he decided to put away some of her ideas for later - before she seemingly remembered that she had a job to do.

"Sorry about that," she said, with a very non-apologetic look on her face, "Miss Midnight still has yet to fully get me to stop doing that even after the three years she's been in charge of me. Anyway, we've already lost some time, so it's best we get going if I'm wanting to show you everything before night fall."

With that she turned around and skipped off, her mini skirt fluttering up and down showing off her blue panties to the world. The girl herself either didn't notice or didn't care as he followed behind her enjoying the view especially once Himiko, having seen the look Izuku gave her, ran up and began skipping alongside her, a blush forming on her face both at the exhibitionism and the childish way she and the older girl were moving.

He was more than content to enjoy the view until he was interrupted by a notification from his phone. Upon unlocking it and opening the UA app he was met with a pop up, with a chibi Midnight winking at him next to the text 'Rate Your Tour Guide!' alongside a full survey, asking him questions ranging from the normal to the more perverse, such as asking if she had satisfied him sexually.

At the end of the survey were two checkboxes and a text field, asking him whether Nejire deserves to be rewarded or punished, and then to describe what her reward/punishment should be. Based on the girls demeanor Izuku was fairly certain she was unaware that he would be judging her - she hadn't even introduced herself to him, it was only from this survey (and his constant rewatches of the UA sports festivals) that he knew she was Nejire Hado. Noting that down as her first infraction he looked up to see that the three of them had now reached the dorms.

Quickly Nejire used her quirk to fly up the stairs to the entrance, skirt managing to flutter up even more before she landed in front of the doors with a deep bow, her breast bouncing noticeably even beneath her tight button up.

"Welcome to Heights Alliance dorms!" she excambied happily, before her face suddenly became more thoughtful "Well, the 1-A building of it at least, though 1-A's dorms are the only ones finished yet since Miss Cementoss kept getting called out whenever they planned to build more than this, though it makes sense the ability to create and mold the main substance for modern architecture would be needed across the entire country, and also the designers all seemed like they needed 1-A's dorm in particular done before the year starts despite my classes still not being done, oh oh maybe the Principal has some super deep secret that she wanted to hide here, maybe-"

Seeing that the bubbly girl had once again gone down a question spiral taking no notice that her audience had stopped paying attention Himiko made her way up the stairs and to the entrance, with Izuku following close behind. As he got to the top of the stairs he swung his hand down on Nejire's ass, interrupting her questions and causing her to moan out at the unexpected spank.

"So sorry Sir." she said, meaning it just as much as she had the first time. Izuku meanwhile just kept walking, noting down her lack of attention on the survey before he opened the doors to the dorm. They opened to a sparsely decorated vestibule with another pair of double doors at the end connected to the dorms common rooms.

They were interrupted halfway through by a robotic voice playing out of a speaker in the corner of the room, and the sound of the doors to the common room locking.

"Random Inspection Of. Nejire Hado. Himiko Toga. To Be Performed By. Izuku Midoriya" He and the blonde looked over to Nejire for an explanation. Said girl had a blush overtake her face and looked uncharacteristically shy as she spoke up.

"Ah, that's one of the new security systems for the dorms, it'll declare a girl - or, in this case, girls - entering the dorms selected at random to undergo a full body inspection. Normally it would also send out a call for someone with a higher level of authority to carry out the inspection, though considering you're already here it skipped that step."

Izuku felt like this particular instance was a little less random than average, but he certainly wasn't going to complain about it. As the two girls took up positions - with Nejire telling the younger girl that she should stand straight, feet just wider than shoulder's and arms spread out - the man took a look around the room and found two trays alongside a handheld metal detector.

Looking back at the two girls and seeing they were in position Izuku decided to get started with their inspection.