no big deal

No Big DealGreenHerbsSummary:Story centered around Forced Nudity and Humiliation. Be mindful of the warnings and the tags!

A 10 year old American boy moves with his parents to the UK. An AI app he was using to generate inappropriate pictures gets him in a lot of trouble at school and at home. He must face a most unusual punishment when a woman with a dark secret, her daughter, and the girl's friends get their hands on him.

Notes:Hello! Thank you for opening my story.

I must give you a fair warning: I may add a tiny bit of watersports and scat later on, but these should be very skippable scenes that will be clearly marked. If I do end up adding them, these will be added to the overall tags.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! And if you do (and you're feeling generous), please leave a comment! They make a world of difference for my enthusiasm as an author. To be clear, I'll probably finish the story even without engagement, but reading thoughts and feedback, even critical ones, always lifts my spirits :)

Chapter 1: Prologue: The Big MistakeNotes:This is the setup chapter, you should not expect to find many of the tags here, but it is important to understand the setting.

Chapter TextPrologue – The Big Mistake

Ethan sat in his new room, his eyes rebelling against his will and closing themselves. Images of young women in panties were keeping his heart rate up but the jet-lag was too powerful to fight. He closed his browser windows, closed his laptop screen and sighed, as he looked outside at the street with old buildings and big green trees. There was still some sunlight, but he closed the draped and decided it was time to try his new bed.

When he next opened his bright blue eyes, the clock read 4am. He was so glad it was Saturday, as his parents had planned their move well and traveled across the Atlantic on a Friday. Looking around, there were still a whole bunch of unopened boxes and bags in his bare room, nothing like the one he left behind in the United States, which had been decorated with posters and action figures that a typical 10 year old would love. The memory of his old place made his heart ache, and his stomach churn. His parents kept telling him he'd get used to London in no time, and that he'd love his new life even more.

He wasn't so sure. He turned his blond head to look at the school uniform. The crest was a shield shape featuring a pine, probably expected given the school was the 'Pinecroft Academy of Excellence and Innovation'. His hands had gotten sweaty just from looking at it, he had to wipe them on his plain white undershirt, as it was the only thing he was wearing other than his plain briefs.

This was a formal uniform, with a jacket, a shirt, even a tie. He wasn't a fan, Ethan's last school in the States didn't even have a uniform! Now he had to dress all formal, and he kept hearing about the school's strict discipline. He tried to shake off the nervous thoughts and lied back down on his pillow, but he realized he was wide awake.

At that moment he heard the microwave downstairs, as well as some plates moving. After putting on some shorts that were discarded on the floor, the boy left his room. He felt no fear coming out of his room and going down the stairs, perhaps his subconscious mind knew how unlikely it would be for a burglar or a ghost to be using the microwave, so it obviously had to be…

Ethan's father, a man in his 40s with brown and gray hair looked up at the small silhouette coming down the stairs. He smiled and raised his tea mug at his son.

"Trouble sleeping too, hm?" his voice was soft, soothing.

"Yeah, it's so weird, this still doesn't feel like home," Ethan answered, his voice wavered.

His father opened his arm and beckoned him, the boy got closer and let his dad embrace him. "It'll feel that way for a little while, we just got here. But very soon you'll meet new friends and you'll start loving this place just as much, you'll see."

Ethan hugged his dad back, "I'm scared," he stifled a sob.

"Moving is scary, change is scary, but I promise we'll have a better life here, come on, cheer up!" he bent down and kissed his son's head.

His father's affection was soothing enough to keep him from crying. He took a deep breath and looked up while he let go and stepped back. "Mom is still asleep?"

"Mhmm, you know her, she's a deep sleeper and can pretty much sleep at will. I envy her sometimes."

"Dad… I really don't want to go to school on… on Monday."

"I wish we could've come here a week earlier to get our sleep patterns back to normal. Sadly, we all have to go to work, or school, on Monday, and that is final. Besides, that's your chance to make new friends, you should be excited about it!" he tapped his shoulder.

"But the school is so formal and strict and…"

"You'll be fine. You just have to get used to the uniform," the man caressed Ethan's blond locks and took a sip of his tea.

"Alright…" Ethan sighed.

"Do you want some tea yourself? Could help you get back to sleep."

The boy accepted and watched his father commit what in England was considered a sin, heating the water in the microwave along with the tea bag, but in his defense they hadn't bought a tea kettle yet. Father and son kept up the small talk for about a half hour, then each of them went back to their respective rooms to sleep.

The weekend felt like the shortest weekend of his life. He spent most of it unpacking and organizing his things, as well as helping with the same tasks all over his new home. There was a quick walk on a massive nearby park, he didn't even get to explore it fully before he went back to his room and ended Sunday night with solo video games. He watched with some sadness how his few gaming buddies back home weren't online in his evening, as they were probably going about their day before their parents allowed them to settle down and play.

Then, Monday arrived.

"I'm not feeling good, mom," Ethan said while he held his stomach. He was already in full uniform, he had even learned how to tie his own red tie.

"It's normal to be nervous, sweetheart, but don't let that get in the way. You'll do great, you're a great kid, you'll meet some friends today, I'm sure you will," she winked at him and kissed his forehead. Ethan's father was already in the car, in the driver seat, waiting.

Neighbor kids were coming out of their respective homes too, crossing the street towards the park. Some girly squeals and excited greetings were heard in the distance as groups of friends met up and waked to the Pinecroft Academy, located right across the playgrounds, the cycling lanes and the green areas. The trees that were so inviting and beautiful to many, seemed like the entrance to a dark forest for young Ethan.

"You may even meet someone along the way. Now, go on, be brave, just like we walked on Sunday," she cupped his cheek and looked into his fearful eyes. "We're nervous too about going to work, you know. It really is normal and it's something that you'll have to learn to deal with, sweetie. You've got this."

With those encouraging words and a trembling smile from Ethan, his mom got in the car and drove off, putting their trust in him and on the upscale neighborhood to get him to school safely. The boy did think about just turning around and using his keys to shut himself in his room. But all that would do is destroy his parents' trust, get him punished, and make his second day at school even more awkward.

He started walking into the treeline of the park, his mind spinning and his muscles moving on their own. There must have been some look on his face though, or some body gesture that gave away how terrified he was, because in just a couple of minutes a gentle, sweet and boyish voice called out from his right. He was startled, as he hadn't even noticed the black-haired youth greeting him with a smile despite him walking next to him for a little while.

"Oi, mate! Haven't seen you 'round here before. New, are you?" the boy's striking eyes were drilling onto his, but his friendly face and demeanor made him feel at ease.

"Oh, yes, um, hey. I'm Ethan, I'm new," his hands were all sweaty but the other kid was doing a good job at walking close but not too close to intimidate.

"Brilliant! I'm Felix. Where're you from then? Let me have a guess... American?"

"You could tell?" Ethan's jaw nearly dropped. "Oh, uh, hi Felix," he blushed ever so slightly.

"Hello, Ethan," Felix chuckled. "I'm in Year Seven. You look about my age - which year are you in?"

"Oh, let's see… I think… Year 6," Ethan said with visible disappointment.

"Oh, bother. Well, never mind. I spend loads of time in the library and the dining hall. You can find me there between lessons, and I'd be happy to show you around the school," Felix said, giving Ethan a friendly pat on the shoulder.

Ethan stuck by Felix's side like he was some sort of night bug stuck to a lit window. The blond boy didn't even notice when he formally crossed into school property and was led by the slightly older boy towards the general assembly. It was a gigantic auditorium with hundreds, maybe even thousands of chairs.

"Come on Ethan," he guided him through the bustling hall. "You see those students with the black ties? They're prefects, they'll guide you to your section. Alas, this is mine as I'm in Year Seven. Yours should be further along, but ask a prefect, they'll help you."

Ethan took a small step forward and froze, looking back at Felix who was slowly making his way through sitting students towards an empty seat. He gathered his wits and finally moved forward towards a prefect, asking where Year Six students would sit. He was directed to his section, where he sat among the many girls and boys of his age group. He got some curious questions, a few friendly introductions, but nothing as solid as his connection with Felix.

Students were divided into different classrooms, and the rest of the morning was spent watching teachers introduce themselves, handing out course syllabuses, and explaining what their class was all about. By the time the mid-day break happened, Ethan was no longer as anxious, but now he was bored. No one was outright mean to him, but he did get the feeling that no one was eager to talk to him or invite him over to their group of friends.

He went to the dining hall and looked for Felix. He found him, but he was already speaking to two other boys from his age group. One of them was far taller, had short dark hair and wore glasses, the other one had brown hair and it was long, down to his shoulders. Apparently, Pinecroft Academy had a strict dress code, but that did not include personal choices like hair length or accessories. Ethan hesitated, not wanting to interrupt Felix's conversation, but then he noticed him.

"Oi! Ethan! Come join us!" Felix waved at him. Ethan felt a wave of relief wash over him as he made his way to the group.

"Hi," Ethan waved at Felix and the other boys.

"Ethan, this is Jasper," he pointed at the tall boy with green eyes, glasses, and dark hair. "And this is Leo," he pointed to the boy with long brown hair. "And mates, this is Ethan, he's new and he's a yank," Felix smiled.

Jasper and Leo traded curious glances, then nodded at Ethan.

"Hey," said Jasper.

"Hello," said Leo.

Ethan smiled back and nodded.

"Did you want to go get yourself something to eat? We'll save your spot," Felix said.

"No, I'm not very hungry, I'll just eat when I get home," Ethan said, glancing at the bustling dining area.

"You certain? Did you have a big breakfast or something?" Felix asked.

"Just a cereal bar, but really I'm okay," Ethan shrugged. "Maybe tomorrow when I'm more used to all of this."

"Suit yourself," Felix shrugged.

Jasper poked Felix subtly with his elbow, glasses almost glinting with mischief. "So, we were just talking about girls and how… hot, Chloe was," he said as his eyes followed a black-haired girl casually strolling by the table.

Felix's eyes nearly rolled all the way back to his head as he took in a deep breath.

Ethan's own eyes seemed to get a light of their own. "You know, you guys…" he leaned forward and lowered his voice. Finally he had a chance to offer something back to the group! "I have this AI app… it can take any picture and make it seem like the girl is in their underwear."

The boys paused for a second, then Felix broke the sudden silence. "Woah, where'd you get such an app? I can't believe you'd find that in the app store."

"Oh no, it's an unofficial app, I had to activate developer mode and everything. I got it off some friend of mine back in the states," Ethan kept his voice low.

Leo cleared his throat and threw his hair back. "Wow, that technology has advanced so quickly."

Felix tapped on the table, "And what else can the app do? Does it do nudes?"

Ethan blushed and hesitated for a moment, "W-well, I think it can, but… you know… that feels so wrong."

"Oh, sure, totally," Felix winked. "And you'd be willing to snap a picture of Chloe and show it to us?"

"Yeah, I could, but you know… guys… this has to be kept a secret, right? And… underwear is as far as I can go," Ethan swallowed.

"Sure mate, I understand. I just want to see how it works is all," Felix said.

Jasper and Leo seemed to agree with a nod.

"Okay… the girl went… that way…" Ethan turned around and twisted his body until he saw her at a corner table. "I'll be right back!" The blond boy was terrified that he'd be found taking the picture of a female classmate, but his desire to be accepted by his new group of friends was too strong. He walked by Chloe's table, pretending to be reading on his phone by the window, then he snapped a picture of her sitting. No one noticed.

He went back to Felix' table where he showed him the screen and the app in question. With just a few taps and a about 30 seconds of loading… there it was, Chloe's pale face skin was matched by the rest of her artificial body. She had adult breasts and by default seemed to be wearing white lingerie, but those, he showed, were also settings that could be adjusted.

"Woah, brilliant, mate! Brilliant!" Felix gently shook Ethan's shoulder. "Can you send me the picture via whatsapp?"

"Yes, but, please, don't share it to more people… if I'm found out…" Ethan shifted nervously.

"Nah mate, here's my number. I'll keep it a secret, I promise," Felix winked.

Ethan quickly added Felix, glad that he managed to deepen his friendship over this, and sent him the picture.

"Wicked!" Felix said as he stored his phone in his pocket.

Jasper and Leo were rather quiet, but the rest of the break was spent talking about random games and TV series they watched.

There were only two more classes after the break period, which went by extra quickly as they were again spent with introductions. Right when the clock hit the end of the school day, a tall girl with a blue bow tie entered the classroom and whispered something to the teacher, an old blond lady with thick rimmed glasses.

"Ethan Miller?" the teacher said, with the teen girl still by her side.

"Y-yes, miss?" Ethan approached her as the rest of the students were packing up and leaving the classroom.

"Please follow Sophia, there is an issue you must resolve with The Headmistress. She will take you to her office," the teacher told him with a calm voice.

"Oh? Is… is something wrong?" Ethan asked.

"We were just told The Headmistress needed to see you, we don't know the details," Sophia announced as she started to lead the way.

Sophia took Ethan all the way to the end of a long wood-paneled labyrinth, where a dark door with a brass plaque reading 'Susan Elizabeth Pendleton-Clarke'. The girl knocked on the door.

"Come in," said an excessively formal voice.

Sophia opened the door a little bit and motioned Ethan to enter. The boy's hands were shaking, he entered and his face went pale. Among the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, a Victorian globe, and a humongous painting of what appeared to be the school's founder, were six chairs. All of them were occupied except for one. Behind the mahogany desk sat a woman in a black dress and her long brown hair held together by a pin. On the other side, were Felix, Leo, Jasper, and Chloe. Without a single uttered word, Ethan already knew what this was about, and his worst fears were confirmed.

"Please, have a seat, Mr. Miller," Said The Headmistress.

Ethan looked at the boys, hoping to find some speck of hope on their faces, but none of them looked friendly at that moment.

"I'll be direct and blunt," said the woman after the nervous boy sat down. "Mr. Walker here," Ethan turned to follow The Headmistress' hand and saw Felix turn to see him with a deadpan face. "said that you have a very disturbing app on your phone. One that you used to make this obscene image of his older sister, Chloe" she showed him her own phone.

Ethan stopped breathing for several seconds, thinking back to the interaction at the dining hall and realizing how stupid he'd been. His blue eyes became shiny, and he squirmed in his seat. He felt betrayed, even though he was smart enough to know he was the one in the wrong either way.

"Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself?" the woman asked with a raised eyebrow.

Two witnesses and damning evidence in the form of a whatsapp message coming from him. He was not going to lie his way out of this one.

"No, miss, I screwed up," Ethan's shoulders dropped and he looked down at the floor.

"Mind your tone in this office young man," Susan the headmistress said. "You are aware, that this offense is grounds for immediate expulsion and a police report? I want you to fully grasp the seriousness of this situation."

Ethan backed up his chair, making a loud screeching sound of wood rubbing against wood in the otherwise quiet office. "N-no! Please! Miss! Headmistress! I-I was stup… I was… very… unintelligent… I was… incredibly rude and there's no excuse. P-please punish me severely, bu-bu-but please don't expel me, please don't get the police involved… please don't tell my parents please I beg you!" The boy had welling tears in his eyes and his voice was cracking but he hadn't started crying yet.

"Rude is putting it mildly, Mr. Miller," Susan turned to look at Chloe, her eyes were also slightly red and puffy, her face was blushing, but she looked furious. "You've violated the dignity of your peer, AND the dignity of this institution."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I've just arrived from the states! The rules here are so strict! This sort of thing used to be no big deal in my old school! I'm having trouble adapting-" Ethan gasped. "B-but it's still all my fault! It's all my fault and I-I will never-"

"Compose yourself this instant, Mr. Miller," Her voice cut through his terrified stream of consciousness. "You're fortunate that I am understanding and I realize that what you've just blurted out was out of panic, and likely not meant seriously. A less lenient headmistress would've expelled you on the spot just now, when you've so absurdly tried to claim that your behavior was due to cultural differences. Are you aware of how insulting that is to our intelligence? And even if we were to believe you, are you aware of how insulting that is to your own culture and your previous academy?"

Ethan looked down and sniffled, yet somehow he managed to hold back the waterworks. "Yes, headmistress. I'm sorry, I'm terrified. I've made the biggest mistake of my life and I don't know how to make it right. Please have mercy, please give me a chance to stay and show you that I'll be as good as this school expects me to be," with his face pointing at the floor he put trembling his hands in a prayer pose. It took every last ounce of brainpower to come up with a formal plea like this when what he really felt was as if he was about to shatter and cry like a toddler.

"Look at me, Mr. Miller," Susan commanded.

Ethan looked up, his eyes clearly about to shed tears.

"Now look at your victim," she commanded again.

Ethan faced Chloe, who was looking at him with a merciless, murderous glare.

"Apologize to her. IF she forgives you, I shall let this pass with a confiscation of your phone so that our computer system's department ensures the vile app is deleted and all offending images removed. I shall even give you a chance to delete any private pictures you might have in your device, my interest would only be to ensure no other student is victimized, not in looking for more reasons to punish you. And," Susan leaned forward on her desk, looking at Ethan directly in the eyes. "Yes, I will notify your parents of this incident, Mr. Miller, there is no avenue by which you can avoid that from happening. Mind you, this is only if Mrs. Walker, who would be well within her right to request your expulsion and a police report, decides to forgive you."

Ethan immediately got down from his chair and knelt next to Chloe's chair. "Oh pleas-"

Susan, and pretty much everyone else in the room cringed. "Mister Miller!" Susan raised her voice as she looked aside for a second out of exasperation. "In this institution you will conduct yourself with dignity, even if, perhaps especially if, you are facing the consequences of your actions. Go back to your seat immediately and stop groveling."

Ethan obeyed and kept his mouth shut, sniffling again and wiping the bottom of his eyes with his thumb to deal with the accumulating tears on the edge. He looked at Chloe and took a shaky, deep breath through his mouth.

"I am so sorry, Chloe. What I did was extremely offensive and if you forgive me, I'll owe you for the rest of my time at school," Ethan said.

Chloe's gaze had changed, from murderous glare, to now a pitying disdain. "Very well, you're forgiven," she said with a sudden shrug. "Don't expect to have made any friends though, we've made sure the whole school knows what you've done."

Ethan swallowed and looked back at Susan, who subtly shrunk her shoulders.

"The price of your actions is a steep one, even if you did not pay the ultimate price. You are all dismissed," she said while looking at Felix, his friends and his sister. "Not you Mr. Miller. Take a few moments here to go through your phone and delete any pictures that you wouldn't want our IT department seeing, then you will hand over your device. Your parents will be notified shortly thereafter."

Ethan did what he was told, thankfully there wasn't much that he needed to delete, other than some slightly more offensive memes. Mrs. Pendleton-Cralke asked if he was sure there wouldn't be any more incriminating pictures left, Ethan said no. He left his phone behind and the Headmistress allowed him to leave for home.

Right as he left the wood-paneled labyrinth, a very unhappy Felix emerged from the corner to his left.

"No big deal, huh?" He said with his hands made into fists.

"F-Felix, I'm… I'm really sorr…"

"Save it, you twat. Took you all of what, five minutes to start acting like a total pervert? I thought I sensed good vibes from you this morning. Guess I can't always trust my gut," he turned around and was about to leave Ethan to sob, but then he turned around.

"Just so you know, my sis and I, we intend to hold you to your word. You said you'd owe her for the rest of your time here at school. You better believe that you do. If you don't like it... better start thinking about switching schools, yeah?"

Then he really did turn his back and walked away.

Ethan ran to the nearest dark, empty classroom and found a corner to sob in.

It broke his heart again to get home and hear how disappointed, shocked and angry his parents were. Yet through the entire ordeal at home, it was Felix's angry eyes and how they contrasted with the warm and friendly boy from that morning which hurt him the most. He went to bed early while his parents discussed the issue among themselves.

Chapter 2: The Punishment RevealedSummary:Ethan comes face to face with the consequences of his actions.

Chapter TextThe next day he was woken up by his mother, as he didn't have his phone which was usually his alarm clock.

"Good morning," she said as she caressed his hair.

"Oh… hi mom," he said groggily. He tried to instinctively grab his phone but it wasn't in his nightstand. He sighed as reality came back to him.

"Listen, Ethan. Last night we spoke to Chloe and Felix' parents. We agreed that you should go to their house after school and deal with their punishment too, which we've already discussed," she said with a soft yet stern voice.

"Go to their house? But… but mom, what if they like, try to kill me or something?" Ethan, being in the presence of his mom, started crying immediately.

"That doesn't happen here, Ethan. We've spoken, we've looked into them, and we're in one of the most surveilledcities in the world, in one of the safest neighborhoods. Plus you'll be getting your phone back today."

"But mom, please…" Ethan shivered.

"This is final, Ethan. You're lucky they're not involving the authorities or trying to sue," his mom answered and left the room.

Ethan's second day was much worse than the first. At least the previous day people ignored him because he was new. Not they ignored him while giving him sideways glances and whispering behind his back. He had never felt more alone in a full classroom and he had to struggle to keep himself composed all day. At least he did get his phone back at the mid-day break, made it easier to spend his time sitting in some table alone and browsing memes.

When the day was over, once again he was intercepted by Felix, along with Chloe this time.

"You know you're coming with us, right?" Chloe asked him.

"Yes…?" Ethan took a step back.

In that moment a small crowd formed around them, boys and girls alike from different Years, as if they were expecting a fight.

"Then turn around and let's go," Felix said while he took his shoulder and roughly rotated him in place.

The children around him started jeering. "Perv! Perv! Perv! Perv!" as they shook their wrists.

Ethan found it extremely hard not to start crying, but somehow he managed, even though he felt like he was being 'perp walked' out of school, with Felix' hand holding onto his shoulder from the back. The only thing that was missing were the handcuffs, as the walk of shame continued through the park.

Felix and Chloe lived only two blocks north from Ethan's house. If only he hadn't screwed up as badly as he did, he could've had a great friend that lived within a 5 minute walking distance. His house looked extremely similar to his on the outside, white walls, dark brown doors, fancy windows, a small garage and a bit of garden. He had a pine tree on his, that was one difference at least.

As soon as he crossed the door, the brightly lit indoors felt as oppressive as a police interrogation room. A blond, middle-aged woman emerged from the living room. Surprisingly for Ethan, she did not look like she wanted to kill him, nor did she look particularly judgmental. In fact, she almost looked like a happy mother greeting their children's new friend… if he didn't know the reason why he was there, that's how he would've interpreted her demeanor.

"Welcome, you must be Ethan. I'm Jacqueline, I'm Chloe and Felix' mum. Boy you look like you're positively about to crumble, please come, sit down, I'll get you some water," she gestured at the children to follow her into the living room.

"H-hi, miss Jacqueline, I-I'm fine, really-"

"Nonsense, please come and sit," she said while pointing at the 3 piece sofa set surrounding a coffee table and a TV turned onto the BBC news channel. "I'll get you a cool glass of water," she said as she went past and then further towards the dining table and open kitchen space. She opened a cupboard and took out a tall glass, which she then filled with water from her refrigerator.

Ethan had a seat in the armchair, Felix and Chloe sat, glaring daggers at him from one of the larger sofas. Jacqueline came back with the water and set it on the coffee table in front of the blond boy.

"Now, you understand why you're here, yes?" the woman asked as she took a seat on the opposite side.

"Yes miss, it's because I did something terrible to Chloe, and I'm sorry," Ethan said with his eyes staring at the glass, shortly before taking it and sipping from it.

"Not as sorry as you're going to be shortly. You see, Ethan, I spoke to your mum and dad last night. We talked for a long time, and they told me many things about you. For example, how upset you get at the doctor's office whenever you get a physical exam and must strip down to your underpants. I cannot fathom how a child that is as shy as you could think to do such a thing to someone else? Surely you, better than anyone, should've known how it feels to have your privacy and dignity violated in such a way?" Jacqueline was surprisingly calm on the outside.

Ethan's lip trembled, "I don't know, miss. I guess because it's not really hey, you know, her body… I just thought it was…"

"Hm? You just thought it was what? 'No big deal' as you Americans say? Oh yes, I was told every word that you said in that office yesterday," she let her statement sink in. "So you're telling me it would be 'no big deal' if Chloe made fake pictures of you Y-fronts and shared them with her friends? Giggling and picturing your bare body behind your back?"

"N-no miss, I… I wouldn't like that," Ethan said as he spotted for the first time, a professional camera on a tripod right next to the TV.

Jacqueline shrugged and slapped her knees while taking a deep breath. "You know, Ethan. Here in the UK, corporal punishment is legal at home. Not only that, but some… minor expansions were made a little while back, in the fall of 2024, allowing for a few unorthodox methods meant to cause mental distress in cases of severe misbehavior. Schools are banned form using corporal punishment, hence why the academy did not administer it directly… but miss Pendleton-Clarke was very supportive of the idea. As were your parents. We all agreed that we, as a society, need to stop our boys from even thinking about this disgusting behavior before it gets worse... especially since this technology is only going to improve and spread. To that end, you need a very harsh, unforgettable lesson in empathy."

Ethan looked at the camera again, hugging himself as he started to guess what was about to happen. "I-I underst… understand. So… so then you're gonna take pictures of me and use my app on me?"

Chloe and Felix laughed, even Jacqueline snorted.

"Something like that, yes. Please stand on the coffee table," the woman ordered.

"Uh, okay…" Ethan got up and stood in front of the coffee table.

"I said on top of, please pay attention, boy," Jacqueline shook her head.

"Oh, sorry…" Ethan stood on top of it, feeling all eyes on him, making his hands tap around his trousers out of nervousness.

"Now, I want you to understand something. If you try to run away or get physical with us, we will report the incident to the police. We have your whatsapp number sharing the picture, as well as all the forensic evidence gathered by the school when they went through your phone. You may get a more lenient treatment as a minor, and even more so because you're only ten, but I promise it'll still be a major headache and you'd be expelled. You understand what I'm saying to you?"

"Yes, ma'am," Ethan sniffled, but he was somehow still holding himself together.

"Felix, darling, can you go tell our guests they can come in?"

"Sure, mum," he stood up and left for the front door, opening it.

Ethan looked back and saw Sophia and another older girl coming in, both of them appearing to be 15 or 16. As they walked in, Felix stayed behind.

"Hello Ethan," Sophia smiled at him and sat next to Chloe.

"Hey cutie," the other girl said. Her ginger hair was a stark contrast to Chloe and Sophia's dark hair.

"Ethan, you already know Sophia. Her friend is Freya, they're both close to Chloe and they were extremely distressed to find out what you had done," Jacqueline said. "They have agreed to help with your lesson. We didn't want their presence to make you lose your wits and run before you knew the consequences of that, so we had them waiting outside."

"Mum?" Felix interrupted. "I think I'll just be in my room, if that's okay?"

"Of course," the woman nodded.

Felix gave Ethan a final glance, his eyes suddenly not looking murderous, and simply left through the hallway to the second floor.

"Now, poppet, be a dear and hand over your tie to Chloe," she ordered.

"Uhh, alright," Ethan undid his red tie and handed it over to the teen girl, which took it with a smirk on her face. "Does… does it mess up the app?" He asked, still thinking that was the plan, he was flustered to see that the three girls and the woman laughed.

"Poppet, we're not using advanced technology for this," Jacqueline announced. "You need to feel this lesson in your own body, maybe then you'll understand what girls go through when you start ogling them like they're a piece of meat. And right now you're going to put on a show for us. Your blazer comes off next, throw it in the armchair behind you."

Ethan's eyes opened wide, and despite the recent warning, he turned his head over toward the front door. Suddenly he felt Chloe's hand on his shirt, grabbing him by the lower end as he was standing on the marble coffee table.

"Don't even think about it," she said from below. "The moment you get down from that table without our permission, we're calling the police."

"But… but it's not fair! I didn't actually see your underwear! It was all fake!" Ethan was trembling as he voiced his complaints, crossing his arms and slightly hunched over.

Jacqueline leaned forward, "Silence. This is not about fairness, it's about making sure you remember this for the rest of your life. All perfectly legal by the expansion of the corporal punishment laws, which now permit the use of shame, including body shame to curb unwanted behavior. So don't think that we won't involve the authorities if you keep being difficult."

Ethan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. So he had to strip down to his underwear for these girls… that was horrible, Jacqueline was right when she mentioned how he would be upset with physical examinations at the doctor. But perhaps it would be tolerable, perhaps once the worst part of this punishment passed, he would be free the next day. So he steeled himself and threw the blazer back.

"Oh my, his shoulders are really tiny without his jacket on," Freya winked at him.

"Well he's just a little twerp, that's why he has to use apps to fantasize about girls he'll never get to actually see naked," Chloe added.

Sophia giggled and kept quiet otherwise.

"Your shirt now, darling," Jacqueline said with a smile, showing zero concern for stopping the girls' comments.

"Miiisss…" Ethan whined. "I never said anything bad to Chloe…"

"And if you had, you'd be having a much, much worse moment right now. Stop dawdling or I'll go fetch my cane, which I'll have you know your parents gave me permission to use," she answered, the girls all chuckled.

Ethan's trembling hand went over each button, painfully undoing them one by one. His pale, milky chest was slowly revealed with each successful step.

"Wow," Chloe said when he was halfway through. "Felix is a total shut-in and hates sports, but even he has at least some muscle tone under his shirt!"

"And he's not as pale either, for a boy that doesn't like the sun," Freya added.

"Well, he's still just a baby, right?" Sophia said with a smile.

"He's only a year younger than Felix," Chloe scoffed.

"Makes a world of difference in boys' bodies. Felix is starting puberty, he hasn't," Sophia answered.

Ethan's blond hair was starting to look damp from nervous sweat. He winced at each comment, even the nicer ones from Sophia. Girls speaking about his appearance as if he wasn't there to hear them was incredibly degrading. He was done opening his shirt, but he was visibly shaking and he looked over at the adult in the room, as if begging with his eyes for this to stop.

"Shirt on the armchair, now," Jacqueline said while leaning back. She hadn't chimed in with any comment about his body, but she was definitely letting her eyes wander all over him.

Ethan quickly slipped it off, crumpled it, and tossed it on top of the blazer.

"I'll be sure to let miss Pendleton-Clarke know how much you appreciate your uniform," she added. "Now, sit on the table and take care of your shoes and socks, darling."

"Is he malnourished?" Freya giggled. "Those tiny tiny arms… I'm worried they might suddenly snap!"

Ethan looked as if he'd been punched in the gut. His milky smooth chest was fully bared and he felt like he had lost his armor against the onslaught of comments. His heart was beating so fast he felt dizzy, and his breathing became shallow and sharp, easily heard when the room went quiet for a moment. The four pairs of female eyes were scanning every exposed pore on his torso and face, and a deep crimson flush came over his cheeks.

"Cute blush," Chloe said just as he sat down to take off his footwear.

"Miss, please, I-I feel dizzy, even a little nauseated… I don't think I'm fine," he said between rapid breaths.

"In other words you're experiencing embarrassment and anxiety. Yes, Ethan, that is the point. Think about the girls who feel this way, when a group of boys starts talking about them within earshot," she said with little concern. "Keep going, just know that if you throw up in my living room, you're going to clean it up yourself. The bathroom is just down the hall to your left, you can run if you're about to vomit, but ONLY if you're about to vomit."

Ethan grimaced and quietly removed his shoes, then his socks, carelessly letting them fall just beside the armchair. His feet were pristine, despite the sweaty sock smell that briefly wafted around before he peeled off his white socks. He remained seated, because he had a pretty good idea of what was coming next. Most of his mental effort was focused entirely on keeping himself from openly crying, the last thing he wanted was to give the girls the satisfaction of seeing him completely broken.

"He's so dainty, and look at his nipples too, they're bigger than a boy's for sure," Freya said.

"Could he be a trans boy? Hey, Ethan, were you born a boy or a girl?" Chloe asked out loud.

Ethan shook and crossed one arm over his pink nipples, but didn't say a word, a bead of sweat fell down his right temple.

"Poppet, she asked you a question. And stand up, we're not done yet," Jacqueline said.

He wiped his face with his hands, making sure to get the sweat and the pooling tears in his eyes, before he got on his feet.

"B-boy…" he answered while looking out at the garden through the window's sheer curtains.

"Ethan, I expect you to be proper, polite and respectful. When somebody is talking to you, you LOOK into their eyes, and questions are to be answered with a full sentence. Now, try again," the woman said.

Ethan felt the pit in his stomach grow as he directed his shiny blue eyes into Chloe's black orbs. "I was-was born a… boy."

Freya smiled next to her grinning friends too. "Then he's the most feminine boy I've ever seen!"

"I don't think you'll have any girls falling for those girly hands, Ethan," Chloe shook her head.

"Aw, I'm sure he'll find the right girl, or boy, when the times comes," Sophia winked at him.

"Ethan," the woman got his attention. "Did your app make Chloe topless and leave her skirt on?"

"No, miss," Ethan shook his head and looked down at his tiny toes.

"What did I just tell you about answering questions, young man?"

Ethan reluctantly lifted his face and looked at the woman. "No, ma'am, the app made her look like she was in her underwear."

"So then it's only fair that you show the same amount of skin, isn't it? Don't answer that, just do it," she demanded.

Ethan's hands felt like they weighed several thousand kilograms as he moved to unbuckle his belt. He looked around at the girls; it was a terrible mistake. Each pair of teenage female eyes seemed far more voracious and judgmental than the last time he glanced in their direction, even Sophia's. He felt like the piece of chicken that was often dangled in front of hungry alligators in feeding videos. It was as if they were drilling through his creamy skin and staring deep into his soul.

Jacqueline noticed that Ethan had frozen with the belt undone in each of his hands. She looked at her watch and hummed, sending him a clear signal. "Young man, you can still walk out of this with your bottom intact, but every second you dawdle lowers your chances of doing so. Shall I go fetch my cane? Fair warning, once it's in my hands, I WILL be using it."

The boy decided quickly that he couldn't possibly bear being beaten in addition to this degradation, in his mind that would just… kill him, or make him wish he was dead. He undid the button, closed his eyes, heard and felt his pulse on his ears… which were now reddening like his cheeks, and lowered the zipper. He was lucky for his sake that he didn't need to do much else, gravity took care of the rest as he let go and let his dark blue trousers fall down.

He could feel the cold air caressing his sweaty legs, especially around the area of his shiny smooth thighs. His skin was so pale around this area, that under the bright light of the sun and the LED chandelier above him, it almost matched the color of his white briefs. The cool breeze he felt was a cruel reminder, even though he kept his eyes shut of where everyone's gaze was concentrating on. He took a deep, very shaky breath and stepped on each trouser leg to pull his feet out, then he opened his eyes, making sure to keep his sight down, and took his fallen clothes in his hands before throwing them back to the armchair.

"Those… now… those…" Freya gasped, as she was the first one to break the silence.

"Those are girl's legs, right?" Chloe chuckled as she completed her friend's words.

Even Sophia found herself giggling. "He's just in that awkward phase that boys go through, their legs get really long but they still have no body hair." When Ethan glanced in her direction with a confused look, probably trying to make sense of whether she was an friend or foe, she winked at him. "I've grown up with three older brothers who weren't shy at all, I'm more familiar with the stages of boy development than probably even Miss Walker here."

"That is likely true," Jacqueline snorted. "I never had any brothers, I went to an all-girls school and really only mingled with men once I was in college. Felix is my first boy and he's only just starting to hit puberty, so this is all uncharted… skin for me," she said while very deliberately keeping her eyes on Ethan's soft thighs.

"Is he even a boy? There's… it's like there's nothing down there!" Chloe said.

"There's a suuuper tiny bulge, it's almost flat but it isn't," Freya chucled.

Ethan bent over slightly, holding his stomach with one arm as if he had been stabbed, and covering his nipples with the other arm. His white undies never felt so thin and flimsy, the arm on his stomach quickly moved over to cupping his boyhood through the paper-thin cloth.

"Miss? Please? A-are you going to take pictures? Pleeease let's get it done so… so I can get dressed again, please?" he had to take his hand off his nipples and wipe his face again, getting the bit of snot coming out of his nose and the pooling tears before they had a chance to fall on their own. The problem was, he had nothing to wipe his hand with, except for his undies now. As he glanced in the girls' direction and saw their grins in the corner of his vision, his breathing got even more unsteady, his heart felt like it was hammering his chest, and the world seemed to spin while his ears buzzed.

Jacqueline sighed and saw that the poor boy was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack, or fainting, or both. As much as she secretly enjoyed watching him squirm, and even though she was ecstatic at watching her daughter and her friends feel empowered to take down the sexist little boy, if he broke right now she'd have no choice but to stop the punishment anyway. She intended to do worse, far worse, something that would follow this little male for the rest of his life… but it had to be a gradual descent. If he became a shaking, blubbering mess that was incapable of listening to orders or doing anything other than tremble in fetal position, then even her angry daughter might be put off.

She stood up, took the empty water glass that Ethan had left on another small table next to the armchair, and went to the kitchen without saying a word, leaving him with the giggling girls for a moment. She came back with more cool water and she pointed at the armchair.

"You can put your clothes on the floor so you can sit again. Drink," she put the water glass down in front of him as he came down from the marble coffee table.

"Tha-thank you… miss…" Ethan was shaking so much, it was visible as he tried to hold the glass and struggled to tilt it in his lips. The woman saw this and brought over a paper straw for him.

She forced a smile at him. If only he'd been more rebellious or rude, then she could've used that as an excuse to push him past all limits. But instead there he was, sitting, small, and docile.

"The sooner you calm down and stop shaking, the sooner we can start the photo shoot, and the sooner this day will be over, yes?" she announced as she caressed Ethan's right cheek, the heat from his red skin caught her by surprise.

"Yes, miss. Thank you miss," Ethan said as he took some more sips of cold water, hoping to cool down his overheating body. The girls were looking at him with judgmental, condescending views, as if they were looking at a puppy that failed to impress them. Sophia was looking down at her phone, which made him wonder if they hadn't started taking video or pictures already, after all, he had tried so hard to avoid looking in their direction.

He felt so small, like a toddler, being the only one that was clad only in his undies in a room full of clothed older kids and an adult. And yet he still held out hope that this would end after a few clicks from that camera on the tripod.

Chapter 3: The Big Deal DemonstrationSummary:Ethan's punishment continues.

Notes:(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter TextOnce finished with his drink, his hands were clasped onto his lap, trying to provide what little comfort they could against the unwanted attention. His tiny toes kept wiggling against each other, and the silence in the room was only interrupted by his occasional sniffling. The girls had mostly taken to their phones while Jacqueline was messing with the camera's settings. No more than maybe one or two minutes must've passed since he was allowed to sit and 'calm down', but the awkwardness seemed to have slowed down time for him. That was good for his female judges though, because it meant he stopped being so agitated sooner.

The woman was done with her task and turned around to look at Ethan, pointing the camera at him too. His hair was definitely starting to clump together due to the dampness, and his eyes had that subtle redness. There was a darkness within her that had re-awakened. With her son, her feelings were what one would expect from a mother, she had an instinct to protect him from harm and pain. With this kid, her instincts were the opposite of motherly. She enjoyed watching him in discomfort, got a thrill out of it, and not out of anger or hatred either; what he had done was merely an excuse. She wasn't completely sure if her daughter and her friends felt the same way though, so if she wanted him to crack without having the girls' empathy, she needed to fan the flames.

"Ethan, it appears you're calmer now, good. Before we proceed, you must answer me honestly. Bear in mind that your phone was already forensically analyzed and we can easily find out if you're lying. You mentioned getting this horrendous app from a friend in the States, you even thought it was 'no big deal' to use it. So you probably had been using it on other poor unsuspecting girls already. How many, Ethan? How many girls were denuded against their will by your little perverted inclinations?" She looked down at him with a neutral, stern face, even though inside she was feeling nothing but excitement. She could see the girls had left their phones and were glaring at the boy.

"Please miss… I… I'm…"

"Answer the question," she interrupted him.

"I-I don't know…" Ethan lowered his face down to his bare knees, knees which were devoid of any of the usual scars or scabs that an active boy might have after scraping them outdoors.

"You don't know? How is that possible?" Jacqueline raised an eyebrow.

"My friend and I we… uuhh…" Ethan swallowed.

He knew he had deleted them even before coming to the UK, but what if the forensic analysis still found something, despite miss Pendleton-Clarke's assurance that the IT department would only look for current offending pictures and delete the app? He decided it was probably best to be a good boy and just come clean. That was the worst possible mistake.

"My friend and I would go out and take pictures of girls out on the street, sometimes groups of girls. B-but we only used the underwear mode, I swear! And… and we just said it was like… like seeing them in swimsuits, right? We just imagined we were at the beach and the girls we took pictures of were in bikinis, right? Be-because girls d-don't mind being se-seen in bikini so… so what was the difference between… fake underwear and…" he found himself digging his own grave again. The anger from Chloe and Freya was palpable on his skin, felt like heat from a lamp. Sophia looked more disappointed than angry, and Jacqueline had the scariest smile on her face. He squirmed and tried to sink into the armchair, wishing he could disappear.

"I thought you had learned your lesson already, Ethan," the woman said with her hands on her hips. "But here you are, still trying to minimize what you did, or worse, trying to justify it. So, how many girls ended up being virtually stripped against their consent? A dozen? Twenty? Thirty? More?"

Ethan put his red face in his hands, now the shame of his actions adding to the shame of his undressed state. "I-I don't really know… like… uh… fifty? We were messing around with the app for like 3 weeks before I moved here. When we went to the ice cream shop or such… there were some large groups walking together sometimes… bu-but definitely less than a hundred!"

Jacqueline shook her head, but couldn't keep off a slight smirk from her lips. "Groups of girls, going out together to avoid sexual assault or harassment, instead made themselves an easier target for a pair of little perverts. Disgusting."

Ethan grabbed his hair with his fists. "I'm sorry, I didn't think it was that wrong, now I know, please-"

"Do you? Do you know now that it was wrong? You were just caught trying to minimize it again. And by the way…" Jacqueline had him exactly where she wanted. She knew her next move was going to be risky, but she had to try it. "Your confession is being recorded…" she grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. The camera was transmitting an image to the TV with a red dot on a corner of the screen. "And since your words are being recorded, it's on your best interest not to lie…." 

She licked her lips ever so briefly, luckily she was not in the camera's view as she was standing right beside it. "...why did the IT department find deleted pictures that had a 'nude' label attached to them? Did you really only stick to underwear pictures?" She completely made that up, and it was the risky play she was going for, but if it paid off, it would put him exactly in the position she wanted him in.

Ethan flinched and started breathing sharply again. He foolishly glanced over at the girls and now even Sophia seemed angry. "It… it was once… just… just a test… it… I felt really bad and never did it again!"

"So now you're contradicting yourself Ethan. First you're here trying to excuse your behavior by saying you didn't think it was wrong because it was the same as watching girls in swimsuits, as foolish as that excuse may be. But now you admit that you went further, and even that you felt bad about it. You can't possibly tell me that it didn't occur to you, that what you were doing was wrong, when you so brutally stripped girls naked against their consent using your phone, and felt bad about it even!" Jacqueline drove the final nail, now his fate was sealed.

"I was stupid, okay?!" Ethan suddenly burst out with an angry remark. He had to choose, it was either anger or tears. "Stupid stupid stupid! Please! I've learned my lesson! I-I'm never ever ever ever doing this again!"

The woman was not surprised at his outburst, she knew from raising Felix that corner i ng boys sometimes resulted in a powerless little lash-out, and sometimes they crumbled into tears, sometimes both. She looked over at the girls, all of them seemed to have no mercy left for him. 

"Girls, it's time for the photo shoot," she announced.

C hloe and Freya stood up pretty much at the same time, Sophia took a moment longer and her eyes were closed with a frown on her face. The first two girls took each of Ethan's arms and pulled him up. And even though he had been eager to get the shoot done with, being pulled up like some doll or mannequin freaked him out and made him yelp while trying to pull away himself. However, the girls were well into puberty themselves, they were taller, and even stronger since both Freya and Chloe were members of the girls' football team, Ethan had no chance to resist them, still, just get him deeper into trouble, Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Muum! He's being difficult! Should we just call the police?" she complained.

"No!" Ethan screamed. "No! No! I'm sorry… it's just… I can get on the table myself…" he said breathlessly. 

T he girls backed away for a second and Jacqueline gestured at the table. "Then get yourself on the table, lay down on your back, lift your arms up over your head and keep your legs apart with your knees slightly bent. Got that? Or do you want the girls to help you get into position? And by the way, yes, this is still filming, look at how cute you look," she pointed to the TV screen and he saw his mostly nude frame all flustered, red, and shaky. 

"I-I thought this was a photo shoot! Not a video shoot!" Ethan complained as he slowly sat on the table and began to comply with the order.

"It's whatever I choose it to be. This shoots 4k video and you're just too adorable not to capture every second," Jacqueline winked.

She knew she was going to start pushing the limits of the new laws with this, especially with what she was saying and what she was going to let the girls say and do… but Ethan was a 10 year old, as far as he knew everything was legal if she said it was. Even if he started to doubt her, what he had done was recorded in phone messages and the data downloaded off his phone, and what she was doing could be destroyed by sticking the camera's memory card on a blender and then it would be the word of a little perv versus her and the girls'.

E than's lip trembled as he laid on his back and lifted his arms up past his head. He looked at the woman with the white sweater and black velvet trousers, and the girls still in their mostly black formal school uniform. He felt so absolutely exposed and helpless, he was overwhelmed for one moment as he felt everyone's gazes, and the camera focus on that final thin piece of white cloth protecting his most intimate spot. So instead of spreading his legs and lifting his knees, he turned over to his side and tried to get into fetal position. 

Freya was the closest one to his legs and she was having none of that. "Oh no you won't!" she grabbed his lower legs and roughly made him turn over to his back again, while keeping them apart as ordered.

Chloe c ackled , " Methinks little Ethan was feeling all of those nervous little butterflies swarming all over in his cute belly." 

"That has to be the case," Freya smirked. "From this position he looks so girly down there," she said as her body was right in the middle of his legs, holding them open. By looking down she could see the end of his inner thighs, the briefs clinging over his perineum, and the barely visible bump of his boyhood. 

E than lowered his arms and covered his face, disobeying his orders. The woman looked at her daughter and pointed to the red tie she took from him earlier. "Chloe, use his tie to correct this problem, will you?"

The girl moved quickly and grabbed the tie. Sophia moved in and forced his hands out of his reddened face by his wrists, holding them above his head for Chloe to tie them together. Sophia's appeared to be even stronger than the other two girls. Ethan tried his hardest to free his wrists from her, but it was hopeless.

"Sorry love," Sophia said unfazed by his squirming. "I'm part of the rowing team; you're not nearly developed enough to match me. So save your energy, yeah?"

B y the time Ethan accepted she was right, his wrists now felt like a single loop had been tied around them, tight but not enough to cut off blood flow. Chloe had essentially done a regular tie knot on his wrists, and then used the loose end to tie it to one of the table's legs.

"There we go," Jacqueline cooed. "Now, lad, unless you want your ankles tied up with Felix's ties, I suggest you stop moving as much and assume the position I told you."

E than's flat belly and chest were trembling, rising and falling with each sudden breath he took. He physically winced as he kept his legs apart and also bent his knees upward as told. He heard shutter sounds and turned around to see Jacqueline messing with the high-end camera. He could still see his pitiful self moving and being recorded on the TV, yet those were unmistakably the sounds of pictures being taken. Apparently the camera could take video and pictures at the same time.

"Now let's see…" the woman smirked and brought the tripod much closer to the table. "If we are to cause embarrassment, where should we point this… right…" she zoomed in on his flushed face and watery eyes. ""

Ethan looked away, he could not bear to see himself like that or he would break and just start sobbing.

"Our little darling is blushing so much, like a tiny delicate cherry. But isn't there a place we can focus on to make him blush an even deeper shade?" the woman asked playfully.

"Aye, I do think there is, mum," Chloe said, still standing right by the wrists she tied, her face clearly reflecting that she caught on to the game. "I think it's these dainty fingers that ought to embarrass him most!" she said as she forced open his digits and traced a random pattern around his palms, he tried to move his hands away but they were held firmly by the knot on the table leg.

As the camera zoomed in on his hands, Ethan felt Chloe run her thumb over his open palm, as if wiping the moistened surface. "Such sweaty little things. Are you nervous about something, Ethan?"

The girls and even the woman giggled at that remark.

"I think…" Freya was next, she was still standing between his legs, making sure he didn't close them. "He is nervous because he doesn't want us to focus on… his feet!"

Jacqueline took the camera from its tripod, and carefully panned through his entire body, watching the small muscles spasm and get tense as he felt the girls' sights going through. She deliberately did not yet linger on his briefs and continued the play, zooming in on his curling toes and pristine feet.

E than's breath got caught in his throat as if he'd suddenly been immersed in ice water. The camera's unforgiving gaze roamed across his glistening bare skin, leaving no sweaty pore unexplored. His eyes were strangely glued to the TV, watching his privacy violated as if hypnotized by a slowly unfolding disaster. When he registered the girls' snickering though, that's when he had to close his eyes and imagine himself elsewhere, anywhere but there, with that cold and hard marble surface at his back and the burning sensation of his pale child's skin being watched. He tried to picture himself at home, but the girls' mocking comments about his feet kept him anchored there, and an involuntary, visible tremor wave spread across his torso. 

"Cute toes," Freya said. "But this boy needs his nails clipped."

"Boys ARE usually sloppy with these things," Sophia added.

Chloe scoffed, "And to think he believes he has a right to scrutinize others when he shakes this much at having his feet looked at."

Jacqueline leaned over to get a closer look and shook her head as she got an extreme close-up of his nails. "Yes, not terribly bad, but sloppy indeed. Chloe darling, won't you please go fetch my toenail clipper?"

"Of course, mum!" she bolted upstairs.

Ethan tried to get up but the tie on his wrists was a quick reminder that were was no escape, even if he chose to let it all be damned and have them call the police. He drew in several unsteady gasps. "I-I'm s-so scared…" the knot in his throat was audible, but surprisingly, the little soldier still wasn't crying.

"Oh don't make such a fuss, poppet," Jacqueline said. "It's just a little toenail trimming the same way your mummy must've taught you. Clearly you need a proper reminder."

Chloe came back with the trimmer on hand, "Here you go, mum."

Jacqueline refused the clipper and kept focusing the camera on his feet. "You girls have all been taught to properly do this, yeah? Show the young lad what he should've learned from his mum. You can give it a go, Chloe, or let one of your friends."

Sophia took the clipper from Chloe and displaced Freya from between Ethan's legs. She knelt to get a better angle and caressed his right foot with her hand. "I'll take care of this," she smiled gently at the boy, who's foot had tried to jolt upwards with her touch but she kept it in place.

Gingerly, she held his big toe with one hand, and with the other she guided the clipper to the edge. She could see and hear Ethan's shivering breaths, so as she was done with the big toenail she gently tapped on his knee. "Easy, easy, you see? That didn't hurt, did it?"

Ethan, surprisingly, did start to slow down his breaths and closed his eyes in resignation. He truly felt like a baby, but at least she was being nice about it, as opposed to how all of the other people in the room were mocking him for it.

With a mischievous smile, Freya takes advantage of the fact that Ethan has his eyes closed and silently points at his right inner thigh to make Jacqueline zoom in there. She runs the pad of her index finger right at the edge of his briefs and his skin. She even slipped the very tip of her long nail under the thin, damp, white cloth to feel the first few centimeters of hidden, forbidden, intimate skin.

Ethan screeched, both of his legs IMMEDIATELY retracted and flailed as he tried to jump off or push himself off the table, regardless of the wrist restraint. Though he managed to get away from the girl's finger, Chloe immediately jumped in and held him down, along with Sophia. Freya cackled loudly on the side, watching the results of her actions.

"The baby's so sensitive!" Freya laughed and approached Ethan's wide eyes. She made sure to lift her index finger right up to her nose and inhale. "Ugh, boy smell," she made a mock disgust face but she couldn't hide her open grin as she laughed when Ethan's face got even brighter red.

Jacqueline was carefully documenting the entire interaction on camera, and even stifling some laughs herself.

Sophia finally got a hold of Ethan's legs again and focused on his right foot, as she had been doing. "Frey, that's funny and all, but if you make him move like that while I'm cutting his nails I might really hurt him."

"Oooh, so then it's on the cute baby's best interest not to move no matter what, huh?" she said as she squeezed Ethan's cheeks and made his lips.

The boy's eyes flashed with anger as he harshly turned his head aside. "Stop! This isn't fair! I never touched anyone!"

"Tsktsktsk…" Jacqueline put her index finger on the boy's soft lips. "We decide what's fair. Your actions created digital images which could've followed a hundred poor girls for the rest of their lives. They would've had no control over who shares the images, who has them and what they do with them. Just like you don't have a say in what happens to you now." She turned to Freya for a moment, her face not really stern, even smiling, but her voice was serious. "Sophie's right though, you can make him squirm later, just wait until there's not a sharp object under his nails."

"Aye, miss Walker," Sophia said with a mock innocent tone.

Ethan did not like the sound of that. He did not like the sound of any of this, including the clicks from the nail clipper. But especially the part about him 'having no control' and Freya having permission to 'make him squirm later'. "Oh God, please, no, please just let me go. The pictures of the girls were never shared, and I promise I've learned my lesson, I'm more embarrassed than I've ever been already, please let me go."

"Sorry, poppet," the woman put down the camera on the tripod. "As I said, you're not in control. We will decide when you've had enough."

Ethan curled and uncurled his toes, except for the one being carefully held by Sophia. He tried his best not to move his feet but the situation had him just about ready to try jumping on his feet and dragging the table with him outside if he had to.

"Done," Sophia said when she let go of the little toe of his left foot. Ethan looked down and saw her picking up his nails from the table, which made him whimper and feel the heat of his blush again.

Jacqueline and Chloe zoomed in on his feet with the camera. "There," the girl said. "Properly trimmed now, right mum?"

"Excuse me, miss Walker? Where do you normally dispose of toenails? The bin or the toilet?" Sophia asked with one hand holding all of Ethan's trimmings.

The boy was completely overwhelmed. He could not think about consequences, about the police, about anything. He needed to be out of there, to be back home, in his room, to cry in a safe corner. As Jacqueline answered Sophia, telling her to just use the bin in the bathroom, Ethan rolled over on his side and planted both feet on the ground. He managed to run over to the leg where his wrists were tied and pulled a bit.

"HEY!" Freya grabbed a fistful of his blond hair.

Chloe grabbed his shoulders, though her grip was not great because of all the sweat. "This boy is so slippery! Ew!" she complained.

"I've got him Clo, just push him down," Freya assured her, her grip on his hair being painfully solid for him.

"Ow! Ow! My hair! Okay! Okay! I give up! I give up! Please let go!" Ethan wailed.

Jacqueline snapped, "Then get back into position immediately, little lad."

Sophia was looking at him with his toenails still in hand, shaking her head. As soon as he sat on the table and lied on his back again, she left for the bathroom and Freya let go of his hair. The room was silent, the two girls and the woman watching him struggle to hold back his tears. They heard Sophia washing her hands and she came back, her glare was added to the judgmental eyes scanning his body.

Ethan's resilience was surprising Jacqueline, though she wouldn't say it, of course. She expected a young boy like him to have broken down into a tearful mess already. And yet there he was, face alight with shame and lips quivering, breaths sniffling, eyes reddened… but still holding on to his dignity, as much as a boy in sweat-soaked briefs could hold on to it.

The woman cleared her throat, "Very well, where were we? Oh, yes, we were trying to figure out which zone made Ethan the most embarrassed, weren't we?"

"Yes, I bet it was his hands, but I was wrong," Chloe smirked.

"And I was so sure it was his feet, because of how messy his toenails were, but he only ran after Sophie was done with his nails, not before…" Freya tapped her chin with fake bewilderment.

Sophia got close to his chest, "Could it be here?" she placed her hand between his ribs and felt his sharp breaths and his hammering heart. "Right where his little heart lies?" She drew an eight pattern circling his nipples. "Is a good heart hiding here, under all that disgusting behavior?"

The camera moved over to his chest and to Ethan biting his lip, fully focused on keeping his emotions contained. The ticklish sensation of Sophia's finger drawing circles on his chest made his breath shudder even more and his tiny pink nipples harden.

"All good guesses, girls," Jacqueline moved the tripod closer to Ethan's midsection and aimed the camera down. "But I think I've found it…" Ethan gasped and his legs once again flailed as if he was about ready to jump, Freya was quick to grab his ankles and hold them in place. "Yes, thank you darling, you see? This is definitely the place!" she zoomed right into the white damp briefs.

"Ooooh, is it?" Chloe said with an exaggerated gasp as she covered her mouth and watched Ethan's eyes closing hard.

Freya laughed, "Yes, Miss Walker is right yet again! Look at how hard he's trying to fight me!" she mentioned as she effortlessly held his ankles in place, even as the muscles on his long milky limbs contracted and pulled hard, trying to close his hairless legs.

Ethan let out several grunts. "Let go! Stop!"

"Right when we've just found your little weak spot?" Jacqueline laughed. "I don't think so, poppet."

"Briefs are so cute," Freya said. "I like that little flap."

Sophia got joined everyone watching the floundering boy's crotch. "It's called the 'fly', it's meant to be an opening for boys to take their thingy out and pee."

"Oooh," Freya and Chloe said as they leaned even closer.

Chloe grinned, "So his boy bits are right under that little flap?"

Jacqueline snorted, "That's the tiny tiny bulge you can barely see, yes." She zoomed the camera right onto the fly and noticed something. "Oh, look at that, girls. You can barely see it unless you're as zoomed in as the camera is… but white cloth is pretty unforgiving. Do you see the tiny yellowish spot here?" she pointed to the TV.

"Ew, mum , don't tell me that's…" Chloe wrinkled her nose.

"Yes it is," the woman said. "It looks like Ethan used the school's bathroom today and one little drop was taken by his briefs."

"Ethan!" Freya made him open his eyes by raising her voice. "Aren't you ashamed to walk around with dirty undies like this?"

Sophia chuckled. " To be fair, boys really can't help it. There's no toilet paper next to the urinals, and no matter how much they shake their little weenies, they can't get every last drop off."

Ethan could barely believe that they were discussing this, that they were so focused on the last place he wanted their focus. He started to hyperventilate as he did his best to break all eye contact and look at the ceiling, or the windows, or anywhere but the girls and the woman.

Jacqueline made him look at her by cupping his red-hot cheek. "Look at you… you look like you just want to melt into the table and disappear, but you can't. You can't hide, you can't run… I can't imagine how all of these goosebumps must feel all over your skin…" she traced his arms and chest with one finger, feeling the raised bumps. "For someone who was so shy… to be exposed like this. But I'm not done yet, poppet. You just admitted to us that you used your little app to make girls naked."

Ethan's blue eyes opened as wide as possible. "No… no!" he shook his reddened head vigorously.

"Yes… yes…" Jacqueline replied. "Oh how mortified you must be, you're already so red all the way to your ears. I can't even imagine… a young boy like you, about to be completely naked in front of three clothed girls and a woman. That is just the lesson this little perv needs."

"Ohmygosh!" Chloe gasped, clearly the latest revelation was a surprise for her as well. Actually it was a surprise for all of the girls, as they did not think the lesson would go that far, yet their faces showed interest, not just shock.

"Really, mum? We can go that far?" Chloe directly asked.

"He did go that far himself, on completely innocent girls," Jacqueline said, still holding Ethan's panicked face.

"No! No! Please! Help me, I'm dying!" Ethan squirmed harder than ever, fueled by adrenaline. Freya managed to hold him down but now she was actually having to put in some effort. One leg after the other tried with all of his preteen strength to retract, lift his knees and close his thighs, but it was futile.

"No, you may feel like you're dying, you may even wish that you could," Jacqueline said. "But you're not going to. So don't worry, you'll be here to see us taking a proper…" she traced a line down his nose with her fingernail. "...long…" she traced a line across his quivering lips. "...intimate inspection."

"STOP!" Ethan screamed loudly while he shook his head.

Jacqueline took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes. "Scream again and I'll gag you, do you understand?"

Rather than nod, Ethan kept shaking his head. "No no no, miss, please, I'll do anything else, just not this, please."

The woman shook her own head too. "Just imagine if those girls you stripped with your app had felt the way you do. Maybe they would've begged just like you're begging now, but you never gave them a chance."

"Miss Walker? May I please be the one to peel off his adorable little boy-panties off? Please?" she said with her own face flushed.

"Chloe? You're the primary victim here," Jacqueline said. "You can do it yourself or let one of your friends do it."

"Frey can d-do it," she stammered with a dry mouth, the anticipation of something so forbidden was making all of the girls' hearts race almost as fast as Ethan's.

"Okay, I need someone else to hold his ankles, he's really trying hard to free himself," she said as she watched his thigh muscles tensing.

Without saying anything, Sophia moved in and held his feet down, she had a far easier time overpowering the tween boy.

Freya went over to Ethan's face first, letting him see her flushed and sweaty mug too, but hers was obviously light years away from being as intense as his. "I just want you to know, cutie, that I found you adorable yesterday. I was never going to talk to you, and I thought I was only going to see you naked in my imagination. Well, now thanks to you, I get to see everything up close and in person!"

Ethan breathed as if he had just finished running from an angry bee swarm. His redness extending down his neck too by then.

Freya smiled and hooked her fingertips under his waistband. "I wonder just how much more red you can get!" She lowered his undies ever so slowly, revealing only a few centimeters of his hairless pelvis.

Sophia kept on easily keeping the boy's frenzied legs in place, but now his torso also tried to twist and worm towards one side or the other.

Chloe dove closer and pinched his left nipple; the pain made Ethan stop moving. "Stay still! We're going to have a real close look at your weenie and that's that! You don't get a say in it! If you keep moving I'll pinch you again!"

"NO!" Ethan screeched again when he felt the fabric get even lower. This time, the entirety of the hairless expanse across his V-section was revealed… right until the waistband got caught on a little bump.

"Yes!" Freya said as she kept the briefs right on the last possible line before revealing his intimates. "It looks like we've reached something! Shall we find out what it is?"

Ethan's panicked eyes darted around. Chloe was kneeling next to him, her hand close to his chest, and the other hand using a nearby pamphlet to fan some air over her flushed, grinning face. Jacqueline was also flushed and beaming, pointing the camera at his nearly exposed privates. A glance at the TV showed that no hairless goosebump was left unrecorded. Sophia was still holding down his ankles, smiling less intensely than the other girls but still her own eyes were glued to his biggest shame. And then, of course, Freya had the most impish grin, with her face so close to his crotch that he felt her ogling in a physical way, like literal lasers burning his delicate tween hips.

"Oh!" Freya lowered the briefs just a tiny bit more, revealing the very beginning of Ethan's member. "Here comes something! Looks like a little marshmallow!"

"NOOOOO!" Ethan shrieked at a pitch and volume that would be hard to tell apart from a girl's scream. Chloe took off her own school girls' tie and placed it over Ethan's mouth to muffle his screaming. As he felt the last line of dignity falling, Ethan was intoxicated by the sweet smell of Chloe's perfume, forever making him associate girly smells with the feeling of burning shame on his face.

Freya made sure to bring the elastic band down slowly and tight enough against his parts. The reveal went from a little soft lump of skin, to a slightly bigger lump stretching downwards with the fabric, and a pillow of even thinner, softer skin right under it. "I spyyyy a little woooorm!" she said in a singsongy voice and kept pulling the undies down ever so gradually.

Ethan's ears were buzzing, his vision blurred, his face was a mask of pure mortification. By this point his panic has so intense that he no longer had the will or the energy to struggle with Sophia or his bonds. Instead his entire body went rigid, from his fists to his belly, to his curled dainty toes as if his body anticipated a grievous strike.

The ginger haired girl kept moving at a snail's pace, enjoying every moment of deep shame. But then as if finally some small mercy wanted to free Ethan from the unending anticipation, the elastic band got low enough for his flaccid boyhood to suddenly spring and wobble upwards, now lying back against his smooth pelvis. It was tiny, and despite being American, he was uncircumcised. So the ridged little foreskin hood combined with the skin of his shaft and cover ed all of the pitiful inch and a quarter that his undeveloped body had to offer. Despite the tapered end of the prepuce, a diminutive window was left open where any close looking girl could observe his moistened glans and pee hole. The tiny sac, as if realizing it had been exposed, reacted to the cold air and tried to hide itself by becoming wrinkly, storing his little peas within his body. The wrinkled minuscule thing was barely larger than a bottle cap in that state.

T he girls all gasped; their flushed faces, even that of Jacquelines' intensified. Ethan's own face also intensified his blush, as if that were possible. Then came the snorting, after that the giggles, and after that the outright laughter. At that moment Ethan's desperation for cover took hold of his brain again and he tried to close his legs as he had been doing before, but even while laughing, Sophia kept his legs apart.

Freya was the first one who could talk. "It's so tiny! It's less like a worm and more like a little button!"

"Truth! I think it's even smaller than my thumb!" Chloe said as she got her digit close to compare.

Sophia also contained her fit of laughter by then. "He's still a growing boy but he's definitely not as well endowed as any of my brothers. They were this size when they were half his age."

Freya, still grinning, cooperated with Sophia so she would let his legs close just enough to let his undies slide all the way off. Then the ginger girl had an idea to drive another jab in. "Ooof! All that sweating and these damp undies give off a bit of musky boy smell!" fanned the front of her nose with her hand in exaggeration.

And at that moment, right before Jacqueline or anyone else chimed in, Ethan could not be strong anymore. The room was suddenly filled with the sound of him sobbing; his tears spilled out of his eyes and ran down his temples. He would've tried to beg again but he was hit by such a strong wave of shame and despair that he couldn't even speak. All he could do was meekly pull on his wrists' restraint to try and cover his face, but he couldn't even do that.

"Aww, the baby's a little shy," Freya said.

"Not so brave now that you can't strip girls in secret, yeah?" Chloe poked his chest, causing the sob-wracked naked boy to recoil.

"Well done girls," Jacqueline said. "I'm proud of you all."

Ethan started hiccuping, bawling, shutting his eyes… still unable to get a word out. The redness seemed to reach his shoulders.

The woman cupped his cheek again, this time getting her hand wet with his hot tears and snot. "Red like a little stoplight. You were made for this, poppet. The more you blush, cry and plead, the cuter you look. It's a good thing your lesson is only beginning."

Ethan would've trembled with terror, but he was in no shape to interpret words right then. His entire body was shivering already, as if he had been soaked with a bucket of ice water. 

Chloe and Freya got up closer to Ethan's face, tapping his forehead to make him open his eyes, then they both made sure that he was looking as they lowered their gazes all the way to the wiggly little nub.

"Serves you right," Chloe said. "Cry more, little perv."

"Keep at it," Freya said. "Only gets me in a more playful mood," she winked at him.

Then finally, Sophia let go of his legs, for the moment not caring that he immediately got into a semi-fetal position, on his side but his arms still secured above his head. She got close to his head and caressed his golden hair. "You really did bring this upon yourself," she said.

E than was in full frontal nudity, right in the presence of several fully clothed members of the opposite sex. This went beyond any nightmares his 10 year old brain had ever concocted. And he had no idea what was next in store.