miruko bullies deku

Izuku clutched his head as his mind was consumed by what Mirko had done to him. He paced around his dorm room with a limp.

 It had taken him nearly an HOUR to get the feeling back in his legs after receiving her not-so tender ministrations. His phone buzzed in his hand, a text from Uraraka.

Izuku smiled warmly at her concern and breathed heavily as he texted back.

As the text went through, Izuku wondered whether he should be honest about what happened to him. If he was even ready to talk about it. Before he could consider inviting Ochako over to tell her, there was a knock at his door.

"Coming!" He got up and the door slid open. Suddenly, Izuku was glued to the floor. He had faced all manner of villains, but she froze him solid like only the worst of the worst could.

Mirko stood in the doorway, chewing on a carrot while she stared at him with a blank expression. "Feeling rejuvenated?"

The room spun around Izuku as he began to hyperventilate. "Why- why are you here?" He asked quietly, breathlessly,

"I did say I would see you again tonight. You telling me you're not ready for me?" She asked, narrowing her eyes and walking into the room.

The door sealed behind her, and with it, Izuku's fate.

His feet found motion as she stalked toward him.

He shuffled backward in fear as he spoke with panicked breaths. "MIRKO!! please just- look, you can't do this!"

"I've already done it once." She spoke casually as she continued her stride.

"I-I'm still sore from earlier, I'd be no use to you! You're one of the top heroes, y-you deserve someone who wants this don't you think?!" He tried to convince her.

"I already have you, dummy!" She smiled with her eyes closed and sharply slapped his face twice, before grabbing his bulge through his pants, making him tense up. "You're gonna say you don't want it? With a carrot this stiff?"

Izuku huffed as his knees quaked and his eyes got misty. "Why won't you just leave me alone?" He whined.

Mirko wasn't smiling anymore as she pressed her body against his and pushed a hand up his shirt to feel his muscled torso. "I can't leave a job unfinished. Your body knows you're mine, but your mind's a little slow on the uptake." She nibbled on his ear as she spoke, "Don't worry, I'm gonna fix you."

Izuku tried desperately to prove her wrong, to fight back! Do somethinganything that would show that he didn't want this, but he couldn't! In a twisted way, it was like the day All Might chose him as a successor.

His body would NOT listen to him!

Mirko sighed as she twirled a finger in his hair.

"Everyone thinks you're this great rising star, the next All Might!" She mocked, grabbing his face with one hand, "But I know what you really are, and I know what you need." 

"Mirk-" Izuku was interrupted as Mirko shoved her lips against his, and pushed her tongue into his throat. The first kiss between the two, but it wasn't a symbol of passion, it was a fight for dominance. One that Izuku was resolutely losing.

Mirko roughly guided Izuku to his bed, tearing his clothes apart as she did so. Izuku patted at her arm rapidly as she pinned him to the bed and stole breaths from him.

Izuku's mind was fading fast, the lack of oxygen from the kiss, worsened with all the blood rushing south- was making everything go blank. He despaired, tears springing from his eyes as he longed for the time he could have fought back, when he could have stopped this before it got so out of control. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't make himself raise a hand against her now.

What if she was right? What if his body needed her so badly that-

Mirko finally popped her lips away from his own, allowing him to breathe. Izuku turned his head to the side and wheezed for precious air. This only left him open as Mirko dived down once more and viciously chewed on his exposed neck, working fast to give him brutal hickies. 

Izuku moaned loudly before Mirko slapped a hand over his mouth. "QUIET, slut! You want your whole year to hear you getting destroyed?!" She grinned fiercely, leaning into his ear,

"Actually, you'd probably love that, huh?!"

 She got back to work, trailing marks down his abdomen while his hands opened and closed at his sides. She gave a sly smile at that, he wouldn't dare push her away, even if he didn't know it yet. He was pitching a tent next to Her, his concealed cock pulsing near her ribs as it fought in its restraints. Mirko ripped the fabric to shreds and let the beast swing free, The monster glaring down at her as though she hadn't already conquered it.

That pissed her off!

Mirko crawled up to give Izuku one more soul-sucking kiss. He twisted his eyes shut in anticipation. This one was much shorter to his relief, drool stretched between the two mouths as Mirko pulled away. He stared into her eyes, his own pupils wavering all the while, before widening as Mirko reached back and firmly grabbed his balls, making his throat close up!

"Full already?! God, you're just a GLUTTON for punishment, aren't you?!" She laughed as Izuku looked away, red in the face. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek. "Oh, baby don't worry! I promised that I'd fix you, remember?! I'm gonna make sure you're empty no matter how many times it takes!" She rose slowly, his cockhead kissing her lower lips as he moaned and his vision swam out of focus-


"Wait!" Izuku's hands shot up to grab Mirko's waist, stopping her from sheathing him in her molten pussy. It was one last chance to stop her, to take back his autonomy! He had overcome so many obstacles, accomplished so much! He couldn't let himself be lost to-

With a SQUELCHing sound and a grunt, Mirko forced herself down and engulfed his head in her swaddling heat, making both of them hiss with pleasure.

Izuku's strength was being sapped with each second he spent inside the rabbit hero. He could only imagine how much worse things would be when he was all the way in. "Mirko! Don't- don't do this! Please!"

She pressed a thumb against his lips, "Don't be scared, we're gonna get through it together." She smiled sweetly as she stared down at him.

"IF YOU DO THIS, I'LL BREAK!! MY MIND, IT WONT-" He shook his head, he couldn't bear the thought! "PLEASE !! YOU'RE A HERO, RIGHT?!"

She smiled fondly at his naivete.


She rolled her eyes and decided to humor him. "Yeah."

"Great!! S-so why don't you just- not uh, insert me… and- and let me walk away?!"

Mirko wasn't actually considering it, of course. He wasn't getting out of this unless she let him out from under her thumb. But nonetheless, she slowly withdrew. Letting him escape for just a little while.

Izuku shook with relief as he slowly sat up, closing the remains of his uniform around himself. Mirko sat next to him on the bed as he awkwardly stared at the floor and muttered out a "thank you". He started to get up toward his closet and change out of what was left of his clothes when Mirko grabbed his arm and briskly pulled him into her lap.

"I-I thought-"

She sighed as she grabbed his cock, pumping it at the base, "You said not to insert you!" She snickered into his ear. "Insert , such a dork!"

"H-hang on!"

"For now, I'm not gonna screw you. I'm just gonna milk you like a fucking animal." She spoke hotly into his ear.

"Mirkooo!" He whimpered as she picked up speed.

"Arrogant little whore!" She hissed as she furiously jerked him off, "You thought your pathetic begging was gonna stop me from doing what want?!" 

Izuku could barely focus on her words as she wrung him without mercy, his cock was too sensitive from earlier! he twisted and writhed in her grip but she refused to let him go.

"Trying to tell me what to do, here's what you're gonna do!" Mirko's hands went up and down his shaft. Izuku tried to stay quiet but her hot breath on his neck was only a precursor. 

Mirko clamped down and bit his neck hard . Her teeth marring his flesh and marking him as her property. Izuku thought she might actually be a vampire! Stealing his energy and infecting him with pleasure!

Izuku cried out as his eyes rolled back in their sockets.

She squeezed his shaft extra hard-


Izuku didn't have to be told, but he listened anyway. at least, his cock did, because try as he might to hold back, Mirko was just an unstoppable force that he wasn't prepared to face off against. Her command bounced around his skull as his balls worked overtime, swelling against his will and churning up the monstrous fruit of his forced orgasm.

His balls clenched against his thighs as Mirko aimed his cock at the walls, painting them in dense cream as he wailed in pleasure and despair at so much of his memorabilia being drenched and defiled by his own uncontrollable spray.

"I hope none of that was important to you!" Mirko sneered as she finally let go of Izuku's cock.

Izuku stumbled out of her lap and limped toward the opposite wall, "You- you're gonna kill me." He said drunkenly. "You're gonna take everything I've got! Until I'm dead!"

"Yep!" She grinned, popping the P. 

"That's the plan!"

"You gotta give me some time to- heal up." He spoke deliriously, STILL trying to make demands!


"Just a few moments."

"Listen, whore!"

"Just so I can-"


That was the first time she said his name, and it worked like a charm for shutting Izuku up.

"Izuku," she began sweetly. "Bring. That cock. To my lips. NOW!" Mirko beckoned him with a finger.

His body moved on its own. What little control he had was inconsequential now, he was starting to understand how wrong he had been the whole time!

Mirko gives him pleasure, so anything that he does for her, MUST lead to pleasure! So he should do whatever she asks!

Mirko smiled at the dazed look in his eyes as he stumbled back to her, she reached up and rubbed his face with a hand, which he surprisingly nuzzled into.

"Good boy!"

Before he could process the compliment, Mirko dove to swallow his cock, normally a show of submission from the giver, to Mirko, this was just another way to remind the boy of his place beneath her, that there was no part of her he would be able to resist if she chose to unleash it against him.

GLUK GLUK SHLUK SCHLORP. Her tongue wrapped around his glans as his legs shook from having to support the boy on the receiving end of Mirko's affections. Izuku wailed Every time she dove down to let her nose smack against his base, she was giving him a small taste of what was coming. Speaking of which-

Mirko looked into the boy's cloudy eyes and gave an unspoken command. He seized up and trembled stronger than last time as he fired down her throat, the rabbit hero drinking it all as it came with no problem. When his giant load finally tapered off, she withdrew to his head before sucking any remaining cum out of his cock, "aaAAAHHHNNNN!!!" And sending the boy into a fit of cross eyed squealing.

Mirko gave a satisfied "Aah" as steam exited her mouth. "Great protein shake, sweetheart!" She licked her lips as she leered at him.

"Now, for the main event!"

Mirko threw the dazed Deku onto the bed once more and clambered on top of him, determined to end this once and for all.


Izuku was back home. All of his hero merch and posters were in his room untouched, and light peered in from the blinds. He collapsed onto his bed in relief, it was all just a nightmare! A wet nightmare, but it still wasn't real! It didn't happen! And Izuku would never have to think about it-

"I don't want your base instincts obeying me." A voice spoke from far away.

"No, I want everything . And you're gonna give it to me."

There was nothing else she could take, his body was hers! His mind was all he had left! there was no way-

"So I need you to wake up, okay?"

"No. NO she can't!" Izuku cried, "Please don't…" He begged, exhausted. But he could already feel his subconscious dragging him back to reality as Mirko slammed her pussy up and down over his cock. She slapped him across the face a few times. 

"Get up! I'm not gonna let you half ass this! You're gonna feel ALL OF IT!!" She roared into his dazed face.

Mirko knew he was properly back when the screaming started. As sore as his throat was, the boy had no other way to express how agonizingly amazing her pussy felt. "Too good, too much, too good too good too much!!" He grasped wildly at his hair, "IT'S JUST TOO MUCH!! I'M DYING, IT'S TOO GOOOOOOD!! YOU'RE RUINING ME!!

Mirko threw her head back and cackled, "Damn straight I am!!" She smiled at him as she wreaked havoc on his body. "You know what I'm gonna have you do next?!" She asked rhetorically, grinning with Wretched intent.

Izuku closed his eyes and tossed his head in one last act of defiance, "I'LL DIE, PLEASE DON'T-"

"Hey. Open your eyes."

Izuku held on.

"Open. Them."

He fought with himself all the while slowly parting his eyelids.

She cupped his face with both hands, her words drenched in honey, as though she wasn't talking about destroying his brain. "Good boy, I wanna see what's going on in there when it breaks!"

Izuku had so many people to save, So many villains that had to be brought to justice! He had to graduate with his friends! The world didn't make sense anymore! Why was this happening to him?!

"Why?" He slurred quietly.

"Hmm?" Mirko slapped her cunt against his base rapidly as she tilted her head.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Mirko twisted her face in thought. "Honestly? I saw you, that's it."

"Saw me?"

Mirko leaned down to whisper into his ear,

"That's right, this is gonna be the most important day of your life! AND I CHOSE YOU ON A WHIM!!" She laughed cruelly in his face.

Izuku shook his head, no one could do something like this for no reason!

He grunted with exertion as Mirko pounded away, his body dripping with sweat while he tried to hold his own against her.

"Please just stop! You- I- I can't, I need to-" Izuku babbled as tears ran down his face.

For the second time that day, Mirko swept her tongue along his face and drank the tears away. "Remember how that worked last time?" She grinned before smiling at him condescendingly.

"When are you gonna realize that this is happening? You shouldn't fight because you'll never win! Maybe someone stronger could, but you were made for me! You're at this school, pretending to be a hero-" Mirko hooked his legs up against his shoulders.


Mirko pulled him into the air, her pussy still gripping his cock. "When really-"


She got next to his ear as she smiled with venom, ready to destroy him. "You're a huge slut, hiding from what you are! You could have fought back, your quirk would've made you more than strong enough to do it. But you know deep down that you need someone to make the hard choice for you! 

She started to pick up speed, Izuku shook his head worriedly all the while

"Well, I've decided. You're my bitch."


"And I'm never letting you go!!"


"Yes." His despair was delicious. Mirko came then and there, but she wasn't content to give the little slut a break. She slammed her crotch against his as the noises of their sex drowned out his pathetic wailing. 

Feeling around his bruised abdomen and pinching at his fresh hickies. While Izuku struggled to hold on, she pressed him harder against the wall as she wrapped her arms around him, content to mark her territory some more while she staked claim over his mind. Then something caught her attention,

"What's this?!" Mirko picked up his phone, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend! You've been holding out on me!"

Izuku shook his head deliriously, "I haven't, I swear, what are you-"

"Inviting her here, of course!"

"Wait, wait you can't-"

Mirko pouted at the green haired boy,

"Still think you can tell me what to do, huh?"

"N-NO, of course not!" Sweat dripped down Izuku's face from fear and from Mirko pushing him past his limits.

"Guess you need to be taught again!"

Izuku dreaded those words more than any others, he screamed for the sake of his last scrap of sanity. 


Mirko somehow made herself tighter, wetter, and hotter as she dragged the orgasm out of Izuku. She pressed her forehead against his as he convulsed with pleasure, having her own orgasm as she stared into his eyes, his shattering psyche. The idea wasn't to just fuck guys like this, it was to fuck them up. So badly that they could never return to what they once were!

Izuku writhed as blood dripped from his nose. Mirko thought she should maybe be concerned until he wrapped his arms around her neck submissively. "I LOVE YOU~" "MIRKO, I LOVE YOU!!" He drawled with drunken devotion.

"Aww, did you enjoy me fucking you stupid?!" 

Izuku nodded vigorously "YEAH, A LOT!"

"Glad I was able to change your perspective! Whaddya say to me fucking you like this every day-"

"YES YES YES, ALWAYS!!" He beamed up at her with pure, mind broken joy.

Mirko chuckled, "That's great! Although …"

Izuku looked up at her with confusion.

"It might be hard to find time what with school-"

"I'LL DROP OUT! THAT WAY WE CAN SEE EACH OTHER MORE!!" He spoke as though he came up with the best idea anyone had in years.

"Holy shit!" Mirko murmured to herself. "Are you sure? Isn't becoming a hero your dream you never shut up about?!"

"For you?! I'd give up anything, Mirko!" He spoke resolutely, confident in his newfound devotion.

Mirko couldn't help the grin that split across her face as she realized just how much she had outdone herself with this one! The thought that she had turned this brat, who was admittedly timid at times, but for the most part had consistently fought off evil, a kid who was undoubtedly on his way to the top when he got older. The notion that she had made him-

Izuku sighed drunkenly as he spoke with trepidation. "M-more? Can we- can you- only if you want?" He looked away while smiling shyly

The thought of it made her hornier than she was before.

The little slut hadn't even stopped shaking from the last time he came. And here he was, demanding more!  

"Are you joking?!" She held him against the wall and glared at him.

He stared back in fear and excitement. "W-what-"

"After all that , you aren't satisfied?!" She growled at him.

"I'm- I'm sorry! I should be more grateful!" He panicked, hiding his face with his arms.

Mirko grabbed his wrists and pulled them away, "Yeah! You should be!" She let his mast fall out of her pussy as he fell onto the floor in front of her. She grabbed his hair in a fist and dragged his face toward her cunt. 

She had to hold him back from diving in. 

"decided when you eat!"

He whimpered as his cock throbbed . He started to lay hands on his shaft-

"Don't even think about it!" She stretched and sat on his bed, legs splayed out wide.

Izuku drooled and panted at the sight.

"If you want it, it's right here." Mirko sang.

Izuku dashed forward, he was an absolute animal and he'd lost all concept of shame.

He buried his face in Mirko's cunt and started to eat her out with wild devotion.

"Nnf. There you go, keep working- fhhuuck!! Maybe I'll reward you if you do a good job!"

Izuku's cock got even redder and he started to tremble with exertion. 

"Good boy- good fuckin' BOY!!" She roared as she crossed her legs and locked his head in between her thighs.

Mirko leaned over Izuku's face as she waterboarded him,

GLLK GLK GURGLE Noises came from below as Izuku reached up and tried to separate her legs. Fighting to breathe!

Mirko moved off the edge of the bed and pushed him onto the floor, grinding away at his face.

"What's the matter, sweetie?! Can't breathe?!" She grinned mockingly at his desperate eyes. "I'll get up when you make me cum, oka-"

His eyes got serious as something shot out of his mouth and lashed away at Mirko's lower walls.

"Shit! Shit shit shitshit-" Mirko gave an uncharacteristic squeak as Izuku made her cum, her eyes blurring as she bucked against his face.

Izuku drank up her girlcum as it rushed out like a man dying of thirst, he just needed more of her, he couldn't seem to get enough!

Mirko finally finished orgasming. And she looked down at Izuku with rageful lust.

"I- I thought you wanted-"

"You're done ." She hissed as she rose up, her eyes glowing red.

"Get on the bed."

Izuku was snapped out of his brainwashed state as fear clouded his mind.

"Mirko wait-"

She picked him up by the throat and pressed him onto the bed.

"Please!!" he grunted out.

"I was going easy before-"

Izuku shook his head as much as he could.

"Now I see I don't have to."


She lowered herself onto his cock, and Izuku went ballistic.  

Shaking his head so hard it became a blur, what was left of Izuku's soul became Mirko's property as she claimed him one last time.

His nose started to bleed again, his body had never been pushed quite this far, despite everything he had been through. 

Mirko was barely moving, but her pussy was so hot, so tight, so extreme. That she didn't need to move to break Izuku.

She chewed his neck once more as his moans came out as tiny things, little squeals and whimpers that he could barely spare the energy to make.

There was a knock at the door.

"Deku, you wanted me to come over?"

Izuku spoke in between his breathless cries. "Mirko, please. Don't-"

She placed her lips over his in a kiss that was outwardly soft, but in reality, it domineered the boy. Let him know that there was no escape. No matter how much he begged, she chose him. And as her prey, his life was in her hands.

Still scrubbing her tongue along the inside of his mouth, Mirko hoisted them up from the bed, holding Izuku against her body while she forced him to stay hard inside her.

She walked to the door and it slid open.

She looked at Ochako as the girl's eyes widened in shock.


Izuku's mouth fell away from Mirko's as he looked at his crush upside down. 

"Ochako, don't look. Don't-"

Mirko hooked a thumb into his mouth As she stared at Ochako with savage eyes. Daring the young hero to interfere.

"Mine. Mine mine mine to do whatever I want with."

Ochako was frozen in fear and shock as she gazed upon the scene.

Mirko pressed a button on the wall and the door slid shut.

The rabbit hero pulled back and thrusted onto Izuku.


She pulled his head up to look her in the eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked expectantly.

"I'm, I-I'm Iz-"

She thrusted again.


"Who. are. you?"

"D-Dek- ohhnn!"


"I'm, I-I don't know. I don't know who I am. I DON'T KNOW MY NAME!!"

As the slut started to get hysterical, Mirko moved his legs up until his toes touched the floor next to his head.

She leaned into his face as she rumbled.

"You're mine."

Izuku nodded dumbly. 

"I'm yours."

Mirko stopped holding back.


Mirko slammed her hips up and down as she held him in a mating press and stared down at him as he screamed. It was just nature at this point. She had chosen her mate and broke him efficiently enough to show him which of them was superior.

Her asscheeks battered against his own while her pussy gripped his defeated cock.

"No more holding out on me. This time, everything."

"M-mirko?" He asked with a dazed innocence.


He froze for a second, his body locking up as it processed her command, what it would do to him, and how he had to complete the task despite that.

Izuku's balls churned audibly as they finished producing for the last time that day. His sack pulled up tight against his cock as the muscles needed to prepare an incredible blast for their real owner.

As Izuku's body betrayed him, it stole away facilities that he needed to think with. Every muscle wound itself up tight, determined to fulfill the last command. Izuku was utterly hopeless.

"oh!" He squeaked as he lost the fight against himself. His eyes glazing over as unwanted pleasure devoured him whole.


He erupted inside Mirko and lost consciousness simultaneously, still feeling every ounce of pleasure even in his dreams.

His body bucked against hers on instinct as his orgasm kept going for a full minute.

Mirko watched him shake and convulse and-

"Fuuuhhck." She growled out as she hit her own sympathetic climax.

She let go of his legs and let them flop down. She vibrated with pleasure as She did so, feeling satisfied with what she'd done.

"Izuku?" She looked down at him.

He was barely breathing, his eyes were open but he wasn't there.

Mirko moved her lips to his own, feeling his shallow breaths against her, and planted a kiss that he reciprocated without knowing.

"You really did need special attention!"

"Mmmirko." He murmured as he slept.

Mirko stirred her hips a little to get his cock to flop out of her. 

She knew it wasn't over yet, she knew that after he healed, the boy would be ready for more discipline. But she had broken him tonight and even if he got scared, his mind, body, and soul would obey her. And she would be there to fuck the fear out of him every time.

She stared at his half-lidded, blank eyes as he slept like a statue. Probably dreaming of her breaking him again.

"You won't have to wait long, sweetie. I'm gonna take care of you all the time, and you're gonna love it." She spoke softly as she caressed his hair.

His head nestled toward her hand, and Mirko let out a pleased sigh.

She'd break him all over again later. For now,

She was content to lie atop the mess she created.

Izuku woke up slowly, he felt his body taking large huffs of air on instinct as something dripped onto his skull. He fought to open his eyes despite that, still feeling exhausted. 

"Was wondering when you'd get up." Mirko spoke from above, water pouring down her toned body as she looked down on Izuku.

He couldn't help the way his heart flipped when she glared at him, or the way his cock stirred below him when she scoffed at the slight fear in his eyes.

He was molded to be under her at this point. Everything he had been was rewritten so he could play his part as Mirko's victim.

In an instant, everything came flooding back to him. He bit his lip as a furious blush started to creep across his face. The things she made him do, the things he said he would do. And the worst part?

He was still ready to do what he promised. 

He had the excuse that Mirko's influence made him say things that he normally wouldn't, but now his thoughts were his own. He was angry at himself for how happy the thought of leaving everything behind to be Mirko's tool made him. 

He spoke with defeat and just a small bit of hope. "W-when are we leaving?"

Mirko continued to glare without changing her expression.

Why wouldn't she say anything? Should he say something? He looked away as she stayed silent. The pressure of the shower only added to the pressure of her smoldering gaze.

Izuku was afraid to move, what if he did something else she didn't like? His breathing quickened while he sat on the shower floor and pushed his knees up to his chest in shame.

Shame of how hard he was getting from receiving something as small as a mean look.

Mirko moved a hand from her side and Izuku's eyes snapped to attention. She raised her open palm and Izuku shut his eyes tight, bracing for the impact-

Of Mirko dropping her hand onto the top of his wet hair. Stroking it like he was a pet. Izuku's eyes opened as he looked down, and they closed again as he tried not to show how good it felt.

What did she do to him? The rational part of his brain was terrified. Mirko forcing herself on him was one thing, so was nature taking its course when she made him feel pleasure against his will, but a head pat leaving him shaking on his knees from bliss?! How could it be so easy for her?! 

Izuku stared at his hands with concern as he continued to huff at the sensation Mirko was gently offering.

"Wow. It doesn't take much, huh?" Mirko questioned with a little surprise.

Izuku let out a sigh of relief seeing that she wasn't angry. And allowed himself to enjoy her affection a little more.

"You dropping out would be more trouble than good." She said while shaking her head. Her hand left his scalp and cupped his trembling jaw as she pushed a thumb into his mouth and smiled with superiority. "But I appreciate the gesture, It was cute."

Izuku burned as he vibrated in her grip. Embarrassed at what he said, and at the effect that her praise was having on him.

"I was offered a job here. I didn't know if I'd accept, until I caught you." Mirko purred as she leaned in close to his face and Izuku's breath hitched.

"It'll be so much more fun!" She grabbed his face with both hands as he melted in her grip. 

"I'll fuck you stupid in between classes, and then you'll have to keep it together while you're ruined! Oh, just keep doing what you've been doing. And when the time comes…" she started, her hand moving to his neck, cupping around his throat lightly as a reminder that she was allowing him to breathe in that moment.

Izuku's rational mind started to shut up as Mirko devoured him without effort, his eyes misting up as he hung on her every word. "Y-yeah?"

Mirko smiled as she stared into his submissive eyes. "You'll be my sidekick. I'll need to keep you close if I'm gonna give you your medicine." She whispered into his ear. 

"Ohkayy!" Izuku agreed with a ditzy expression, reduced to putty in her hands as any inhibitions he had were shattered.

"Good." She grinned darkly. "Now gimme a kiss."

Izuku was beyond ecstatic to oblige her demand. He closed his eyes and leaned in with nervous excitement.

Only to feel Mirko's palm grip the back of his head and shove him forward faster, his mouth and nose covered by her clenching pussylips.

He stared up her torso as she gave him a playful but firm look that told him to get to work. 

Izuku was worried about nothing! He started to lick and slurp at her pussy as he hummed happily, content with his spot beneath her.

It'd be a good school year!


Ochako was having a terrible time as she sat up on the edge of her bed. 

Her chest heaved up and down as she thought of what she saw. Mirko was supposed to be a hero, and she came to U.A. to help teach the hero course! How could she-

Ochako shook her head as that image flashed in her mind.

Why would Deku-

Izuku telling her not to look. 

How could Ochako have let-

Izuku begging with that broken look on his face. 

Ochako sat on her bed with her hands clenched into fists in her lap. As she thought of Deku in such a sorry state, her mouth ran dry. But the space between her thick thighs was far from being the same.

He was her friend. And he was in trouble. But Ochako shouldn't tell anyone what she saw. She wanted to help him on her own.

She just cared so much about him! That's why she couldn't get that face out of her head. She needed to save him from Mirko! 

She growled at the thought of the rabbit hero. 

Mirko made Deku all screwed up! 

Ochako's breath started to pick up again.

"She can't have him!" She said to no one as her face got redder.

"It's all her fault! She made Deku look like that, and… that's why I'm feeling like this!" Ochako tried to convince herself.

"Poor Deku! All helpless and afraid!" Paralyzed by her 'empathy', Ochako could barely move from her spot on the bed as she rubbed her thighs together.

"You were so broken and- *HAH!* S-SO VULNERABLE!!" Ochako moaned as she vigorously rubbed at her pussy. The wet spot growing as her nectar flowed.

"SHE SHOULDN'T BE- *NNF!* MAKING YOU FEEL THAT WAY!!" Ochako complained as she jammed her hands into her pajama pants and fingered herself, a distinct schlik schlik sound coming with each insertion.

Ochako shot backwards and threw herself onto the bed, jerking away with one hand while reaching under her tight t-shirt to grope her massive tits with the other.

"I'LL SAVE YOU, DEKU!! I'LL-" Her teeth gnashed together as she rapidly approached her climax. She kept going, imagining having Deku the way Mirko did, Ochako knew him too well, there was no way he asked Mirko to do that to him! 

Ochako couldn't take it! She HAD to get Izuku to make that face again! It would only be fair! Even if he didn't want to, he had betrayed Ochako by letting Mirko get to him first! She didn't even know that it was possible to have him- to have the strongest guy she knew, looking like-

"HHOOH GOD!!!"  Ochako moaned loudly as she came explosively, squirting a flood into her pants and along her bed as she ground her teeth together, electricity running through her body and making her shake with pleasure, and need. 

Ochako tried to catch her breath as she crawled into bed, exhausted. 

Her climax helped clear her mind, now she knew where to start.

With a little time and patience, she could pull it off.

"I'll fix you, Deku." She promised her ceiling as she fell asleep.


The day after their shower was Mirko's first official day as a U.A. staff member. She christened it by fucking Izuku in private. 

She showed a lot more restraint than usual, Izuku was actually conscious by the end of it! 

She explained that she was really excited about her idea of fucking him in between classes. She told him that he should have a break now because later she wouldn't be able to hold back.

When Izuku asked what she meant by 'be able', she told him to wait until Monday.

At 3 AM on that Monday, Izuku was asleep in his room. As much as he loved Mirko, he had to admit that the weekend he spent without being violated was a nice reprieve. 

Izuku would see her tomorrow, and she would do what she did best. Despite that, he was already starting to miss her.

He tossed in his sleep as his body went through withdrawal. His cock stood up straight and tented his sheets as he sweated with need. 

His face twisted as he slept, dreaming of his 'master'. Wishing desperately that somehow she would find a way to him and-

Izuku snapped up in bed as he heard his door slide closed.

In the darkness of his room, he squinted and was able to make out her familiar ears. 

He started to smile nervously, but then…

He saw her eyes gleam in the darkness.

And heard her labored breathing.

Izuku thought he was having trouble, but as the moonlight peeked from the window and Illuminated Mirko's face, he instantly became worried for her. 

She had never looked so shaken, she was always in control and it concerned him to see her like this.

He crawled out of bed and approached her with a hand out.

"Are you okay?"

Mirko grabbed him by the wrist and got into his space. Her teeth gnashing together as she was overcome with strain.

"IT'S HERE EARLY." She said through clenched teeth while getting closer and closer, holding his wrist tighter.

Her hair stuck to her forehead with sweat. She was burning up and Izuku was worried she might have had a fever.

"What-" Izuku started before Mirko properly leered down at him, holding both his wrists while she stared with pure hunger.

"Can't wait-" She explained,

"It's bad. You're fixing it." She said decidedly while reaching down at his waistband and tearing his sleeping pants to shreds.

Izuku was more than ready for her but he whined, "Do you have to rip-" 

Mirko flat out snarled at Izuku as she pinned him to the bed. His breathing got fast as he squirmed a little, like a bug under a microscope.

She wasn't herself. Mirko had to build up to being like this. Izuku distantly thought he should be scared, but God! He wanted what was about to happen. 

He tried to assure her, even as the thought of it made him giddy with red-faced anticipation.

"I-I'll help you. I can handle it-"

Mirko straddled his waist as she rose up to take his cock into her pussy.

She looked debilitated as she panted down at Izuku. He was so happy he could help her, and somewhere in Mirko's heat-clouded brain, a small part of her felt bad about what she'd do to him.

"No you can't."

Mirko slammed herself down onto Izuku's cock and dug her fingers into his shoulders.

Izuku crooned at the sensation as his eyelids twitched from pleasure. A dopey grin on his face as control was taken from him.

Mirko punched into the bed next to his head as she rode him, used him, and made him wail with pleasure.

He was enjoying himself so much. While Mirko was struggling with the burning heat everywhere on her body.

"I MISSED YOU!!" He squealed as he came, firing rope after rope inside her as his legs kicked out behind her.

He tried to rise and kiss her, but Mirko grabbed him by the neck and forced him back down.

"You- you little fucking slut!" Mirko berated as she held his throat and fucked him harder, not giving him a moment to rest!

Mirko could've slapped him in the face, she could've punched him so hard he saw stars, and Izuku knew he would thank her. He knew he would cum. Everything she did to him, praising and insulting, caressing and abusing, it all felt so good. She just made it all feel amazing! 

Some part of his dignity loved to fight back, just so she could put him in his place! 

"NNHOOO!! D-DON'T SAY THAT!!" He begged, his brain turning to mush with every thrust.

"I'm like this because of youIt's your fault!" She hissed as she pounded away.

"I'M SORRY!!"  

Mirko roared as she punished him,


Izuku wheezed as Mirko grabbed the front of his t-shirt and pulled him into her face.

"Look at you!" Mirko observed as Izuku tried to look elsewhere, the non-stop pounding bringing him to his limit.

He shook his head as his speech slurred, his arms reaching under hers to cling to her strong back.

"Stop picking on me!!" He whined with sensitivity.

Mirko sharply slapped him to get him to face her.


Izuku whimpered and spoke at Mirko's demand. "T-thank you for showing me!"


Izuku looked ashamed. "P-Please don't make me say it- AHHN!" 

"I will fuck you until your heart stops, you little worm. I promise you. Say. It."  She whispered into his face with an expression that dared him to disobey, giving him one chance before she had to make do on her promise.

Tears ran down Izuku's face as he burned with shame.

"YOU SHOWED ME THAT I'M A S-SLUT, A-AND THAT I NEED YOU TO FUCK ME!! SO THANK YOOOUGHH!!"Izuku screeched as she bit into his neck, breaking the skin as she savagely bucked against him.

Izuku's voice trembled while his eyes blurred, Mirko was making him see heaven 

They came together. Mirko grunted like an animal while Izuku whimpered as her prey. His nose dripped blood, the red liquid acting as his body's white flag. Screaming at her that he was done, that he couldn't take anymore.

For once, Mirko relented. Letting him fall back onto the bed unconscious, twitching in his sleep, writhing with pleasure.

Mirko pulled herself off of him and stood over his sleeping form.

She exhaled heavily as she came down from her high, exhausted, but no longer needy. 

"It's- never usually that easy." She said in between breaths. 

She caressed his face and brushed away his nosebleed with a thumb. 

"You're really something else." She said fondly. Before ruffling his hair and limping off, satisfied and ready to recover.


Izuku was wired.  

He walked around the school with a newfound perceptiveness. Everything was stimulating to him. And he was surprised that he felt this way, after his early morning session with Mirko, he felt like he should be drained of all energy. 

He was waiting throughout the day for her to make due on her idea, but class after class passed by and he had no sign of her.

Izuku was starting to get antsy. With every hour he started to sweat more and more from the lack of Mirko. 

He was breathing heavily in class while his face started to burn. His classmates would ask him what was wrong, he had no real explanation so he just told them it was something he ate.

He stifled a whimper as his cock fought in his pants. 

It kept getting harder and harder and he couldn't think of anything to do.

Masturbation was off the table, he was completely averse to it at the moment. He needed Mirko's touch, he needed her to fuck his rebellious body into submission.

His fist clenched in his lap under his desk as he pushed down on his cock.

Where the hell was she?!

It was only getting worse and worse! Every minute, every second, the blush on his face grew with the hardness of his dick. 

He covered his mouth to stifle his whimpers as he counted the seconds until-

With a chime, class was over. Izuku breathed a shaky sigh of relief. All he had to do now was hang back until everyone left and then sneak back to his room.

All of his classmates filed out of the room and Izuku was left alone.

Except for one person.

It had been three days since Ochako saw Izuku and Mirko, and he had forgotten all about her. 

But in his heat-addled mind, he was seeing her in a whole new light. 

Her uniform was stretched tight around her boobs, and her skirt was almost lifted by her shelf of an ass. 

Izuku always tried to avoid looking at her that way, but now he couldn't help it. Her… assets were bigger than Mirko's, and his body reacted to those naturally.

She sauntered over to his desk, he didn't know if she was swinging her hips on purpose, but her movements made his lips part slightly as he stared at her worriedly.

He sat at his desk, shaking despite himself as she stood over him and-

She scowled.

Before Izuku could open his mouth to beg her not to stare at him that way, she spoke.

"How much rejection am I supposed to take, Deku?" She asked with a hint of sadness.

Izuku began impatiently but not without remorse.

"O-Ochako, about what you saw-"

Ochako pouted at him. "You did that, and then you wouldn't talk to me for days?" She leaned over his desk, her boobs squishing onto the table as she got close to his face.

Izuku was starting to pant slightly, he couldn't take Ochako pressuring him. He needed to get back where he belonged.

"I-I have to go!" He said while quickly pushing his chair back from the desk. He wouldn't meet Ochako's eyes as he took a step-

"Sit. Down." Ochako said sternly. And God, that tone! Izuku obeyed near immediately, feeling so completely unable to handle himself that he was willing to give up control to any girl who was cruel enough.

Ochako gave the order, but she was surprised at how fast he listened. She shook it off and started to speak.

"You're gonna do exactly what I tell you, Deku." 

"Okay!" He responded instantly. 

"I-" Ochako's mouth was open in shock as Izuku stared at her with that look of his, so obedient, so submissive-  

She had to focus! 

"If you don't, I'll leak this!" She shoved her phone into his face, displaying a photo of him and Mirko from last week.

Izuku stared in horror. If that got out, Mirko would be in trouble!

He looked up at Ochako in fear. "YOU CAN'T-"

"Quiet!" She whispered with fury. "Just do what I say, and it'll be fine!" 

None of this was helping with Izuku's problem. The added pressure of blackmail made him feel even worse. Sweat clung to his forehead as he gasped out to the frowning girl in front of him.

"I-I'm s-sorry, Ochako-"

"We are so past sorry, Izuku!" She said, getting up into his face. She slammed her hands onto the sides of his chair.

She was so close now! She had a sweet smell that left Izuku intoxicated and abashed, he leaned back in his chair as far as he could until Ochako grabbed his tie and pulled him back.

"Do you even know how long I've wanted you?! How could you be so clueless, Deku?!" 


"How could you let her do that to you?!"


"You never even gave me a chance to-" Ochako paused as she stared at Izuku's face.

All that yelling got to him, his eyes were misty and he fumbled with his hands in his lap as he tried to hide his erection.

"Please stop shouting!" He pleaded, spiraling.

Ochako's eyebrows furrowed and she bit her lip at the sight of him. "What's-" she tilted her head at just what she was seeing. "What's wrong with you?" She asked with realization.

"I- I-" Izuku stuttered while continuing to fail at hiding his bulge.

Ochako kneeled in front of him. Reaching toward his pants and slapping his hands away.

She felt his cock up through the fabric and Izuku wheezed above her. 

Ochako was infatuated by him, at the heat coming from his pants, at the faces he made as she groped him, the noises he let out were like music! 

Ochako massaged his cock in its restraints as she stared up at him in amazement. "T-this is because I was mean to you?"

"Ohhchakhoo!" He slurred desperately.

Ochako's breathing picked up until she was huffing as much as he was. She had to be wrong. No way was it that easy!

"D-Don't you think that's kinda pathetic, Deku?" She asked with a bright smile and a teasing tone.

"NNGH!" Izuku's shoulders hiked as she spoke, a wet spot appearing near his knee.

Her face lit up more as she made him spurt a shot of precum. It was that easy!

She spoke quickly as she worked, unfastening his belt and unbuttoning his pants.

"I mean, w-what kinda pervert gets off on that?!" Ochako interrogated him while wrenching his cock out in the open. His arousal shot to its full height and towered over her head. 

Ochako swallowed as Izuku's dick cast a shadow over her, trepidation grabbing hold before she steeled herself.

She laid her soft hands on his hard cock and Izuku inhaled sharply.

She looked past his dick and into his eyes as she started to jerk him off slowly.

Izuku's lips spoke words that died in his throat as Ochako worked him into collapse.

"You're so big, Deku!"

He crooned at the praise.

"But isn't this too big for you? All it's doing is taking blood from your brain, not to mention how it's not really yours. You've got no control over your own body, Deku!" She said with disappointment.

Izuku whimpered as she preyed on his insecurity.

"Hey!" He moaned with a combative edge.

Ochako squeezed his shaft harder in response, making Izuku yelp and throw his head back.

"See what I mean, Deku? How can you even function with a weak spot like this?!" She asked, fingers digging into his meat and making him writhe.

Izuku groaned in despair. To have Ochako's normally encouraging voice turned against him like this was harrowing. 

"Suh-STOP!" Izuku whimpered, looking at Ochako for mercy.

She unbuttoned her uniform shirt and her huge boobs spilled out into the open. 

Izuku's eyes widened as Ochako shivered a little, her nipples erect when meeting the cool air. Her tits stayed buoyant despite their weight.

"You don't mean that, Deku." She pushed his knees apart and wrapped her melons around his cock, engulfing him with softness and making him wail with sensitivity.

This was too much! Izuku could feel too much! The sensation of Ochako around him was suffocating, she'd make him go crazy if he didn't stop this!

"No!" Izuku tossed his head and shouted as he tried to push her shoulders away. But the heat he felt was sapping his strength, affecting his mind!

Ochako grabbed his hands as they weakly pushed, and made him grope her tits around his cock.

"See! You want this! Don't fight it, Deku." Ochako cooed with a supportive, if demeaning, smile.

Her words danced around his skull. He just needed someone to ruin him, and he had always liked Ochako-

"She won't do this for you. I bet she can't." Ochako said spitefully, making Izuku squeeze her breasts tighter. 

His eyelids fluttered and his pupils rolled up in his skull.

"You have to stay with me, Deku." She rose slightly so she could kiss his cockhead.

"Oh!" Izuku trembled at the contact, and fired a spurt of cum that landed on her back.

Ochako smiled with shock at his reaction.

"You really like this sorta thing, huh?" She looked into his desperate eyes, and she couldn't help it.

"Stay still, Deku." Ochako whispered to him as her face inched forward to meet his. 

Izuku's teeth chattered with need until Ochako pushed her lips against his.

Ochako moaned into his mouth and Izuku reciprocated. She could only think of how long she waited for this.

Izuku was being eaten alive by Ochako. She was so soft and sweet. She was almost the complete opposite of Mirko. 

Mirko was like a tsunami. Unstoppable, she forced him in line, made him bow to her strength.

But Ochako was like quicksand. The more he struggled, the deeper he fell.

She finally pulled away, spit strung messily between their mouths, both left panting, overcome with need for the other.

Ochako took a step back and looked down at Izuku. Without a word, she lifted her skirt over her huge ass, turned around, and plapped into Izuku's lap.

Ochako predicted he would scream, so she quickly put her hand over his mouth, feeling the warm vibration of his wailing into her palm as she bounced up and down in his lap, Hotdogging his cock in between her cheeks.

"You gotta be quiet, Deku! You're gonna get us in trouble!" She chided as she worked herself up and down.

Izuku was barely holding on. He was completely Paralyzed with pleasure, he didn't know what to do, what to say, or even what to think as Ochako milked him with her asscheeks.

Ochako decided for him.

"Hey, don't just sit there! squeeze them around you!" She ordered.


"Now, Deku." She said impatiently.

Ochako was forcing him to hold the keys to his own destruction.

He whimpered as he did as he was told, nearly going blind as the sensation overtook him. The wave-like motion of Ochako's giant ass stimulated Izuku like nothing else!

Her asscheeks rang out with meaty CLAPS against his thighs and themselves. 

Izuku's cock dribbled a steady stream of precum, sticking between Ochako's cheeks as he was finally reaching his limit.

"Ochako! I'm-"

They heard footsteps coming toward the class.

Ochako's eyes darted around in fear as she quickly buttoned her top and wiped off her and Izuku's faces of spit. 

Izuku's cock was out in the open, still pulsing gluts of cum onto her ass. No way was it fitting back in his pants!

The footsteps were right outside and Ochako improvised.

She hopped back, and Izuku's throbbing cock slid into her ass like a train entering a tunnel, lubricated by his cum.

Ochako held in a scream as her eyes blurred and her pussy spasmed and squirted nectar along the floor.

She held herself together enough to order Izuku. "S-Stay still and be quiet!" She whispered as Eraserhead walked in.

"What are you two still doing here?" He asked gruffly. 

Ochako looked down and saw her stomach bulging as Izuku's cock burned inside her.

"D-Deku was just helping me w-with some WORK I was having TROUBLE WITH!!" She explained with a shaky smile.

Aizawa was either oblivious, or he truly didn't care. "You can study in the common room. Now go."

"W-we didn't wanna be disTRACTED!! Just a f-few more minutes please? Promise we won't be LOOOHOONNNGUH!!" She tried as a particularly powerful wave of bliss hit her, leaving her screaming to high heaven.

"Whatever, do not make me have to come back and get you." He said as he walked away.

Ochako couldn't believe she'd done that. She was still doing it! 

She puffed with exertion as her hair clumped to her forehead with sweat.

"That was too close, Deku-" She looked over her shoulder and he was a sight to behold.

His teeth clenched fiercely, his eyes were bloodshot and his nose poured blood.

Ochako was horrified- 

By how much she loved the sight of him in such a broken state!

She was beginning to learn new things about herself. The hero in her was appalled at enjoying seeing someone suffer, 

But when it was Deku?

Ochako slowly turned in Izuku's lap, around his still throbbing dick, to get a better look at him.    

She blushed at the heart racing brutality written on his features. Ochako cupped his face with both hands, wiped off his nose with his red tie, and pushed his mouth down into her cleavage, left exposed by her shoddy job of buttoning up. And she spoke.

"You did good, holding on. I'm so proud of you, Deku." She whispered as she stared into his eyes.

Izuku's eyes softened at the praise, but he didn't respond, she supposed he couldn't. She should fix that.

She looked down at him, half his face still covered by her breasts. "Okay, now no one will hear. Deku-"

His eyes flickered with recognition.

"Go ahead and let it out.

Izuku didn't make a sound, he either misunderstood the order, or he just couldn't spare the energy.

Izuku exploded inside of Ochako with noisy bubbling and gurgle noises, spraying her insides like a firehouse while she groaned above him.

"NNF!! DEKU!"  She screamed into his hair, trying to muffle herself, while Izuku groped at her back, searching for an anchor point to stop his soul from leaving his body. 

Ochako's tummy rounded out a little from Izuku's load, she groaned as he found purchase on her shoulders and started to shoot less and less until he was done.

Ochako shuddered as she slowly rose to get Izuku's dick out of her with a schlorp noise. 


"Why's this keep happening to me?" He asked deliriously to no one with his face still buried between her boobs.

Ochako bit her lip and tilted his head up to look into his eyes. Her heart leapt at what she saw.

They were so submissive!

She had him. She finally had him!

"All mine." She realized aloud, remembering Mirko bitterly.

He was still hard. His cock pulsed between the two of them as Ochako sat on his lap.

"Let's go to my room." Ochako decided.

"O-Okay." Izuku was ready to do anything she asked. His orgasm somehow made the heat worse. 

Ochako smiled at him and lifted his head up higher to get a good look at his helpless face.

"Don't sound so nervous! I'm gonna make your brain all nice and gooey! Would you like that?" She asked while leaning in, talking to him like she would a child. 

Izuku huffed quick, shallow breaths as he nodded with anticipation.


Ochako stood in front of Izuku, Paralyzed by all her options. So much she could do to him, so much she could make him do.

She started to pace around, and Izuku's eyes tracked her every movement. He sat on her bed with a face that just screamed 'fuck me' 

She stopped moving and stared at him. A blush creeping onto her face as she thought of the simplest solution. 

Losing her virginity so she could screw up Deku's mind seemed like a great trade.

"Deku." She called for his attention.

Izuku continued to stare worriedly as she spoke.

"I know what I'm gonna do to you!" She sang while leering down at him. Her smile widening as he whimpered.

"Please-!" He didn't know if he was asking her to stop, or to ruin him.

Ochako leaned down to kiss Izuku, both their eyes shutting as they prepared for what would no doubt be an unforgettable-

Ochako's room door slid open, and a furious Mirko entered. Her eyes locking onto the two as she marched toward them.

The rabbit hero instantly pressed Ochako, getting into her face as the younger hero stood her ground.

"I said he's mine. You weren't listening. If I have to beat that lesson into you, that works for me." Mirko sneered hatefully. 

Ochako stared up at her without fear, 

"He was never yours. Getting him back was so easy. I'll ruin your career if you even think about touching him again!" Ochako shouted back.

"P-please don't fight!" Izuku begged.

"I'll deal with you in a minute!"

"Stay out of it, Deku!"

The combined aggression made him curl in on himself with a whine.

It grabbed Mirko's attention as she stopped focusing on Ochako. 

"C'mere." Mirko grabbed his chin and tilted his head this way and that, inspecting his eyes, and going to feel his neck-

"I SAID DON'T TOUCH HIM!!" Ochako shouted with jealousy and indignation.

Mirko looked her up and down with derision. "You have no clue what's going on here, cow! So just stay out of it!"

"You can't get any dates so you rape teenagers, huh?! You're just angry that Deku chose me after you did everything to try and keep him away. He doesn't want an old hag like you!" Ochako stomped her foot angrily.

Mirko started to walk toward her, fury in her eyes. "Fucking brat-"

"PLEASE DON'T!!" Izuku moved in between them and gave Mirko a begging look.

Mirko grunted. Then she took a deep breath. And smirked at what she thought of.

"Okay! Here's why he doesn't need you." She said spitefully while grabbing the back of Izuku's neck.

"Ah!" he yelped as the sensation made him twitch with pleasure.

She peered at him almost studiously, listing off her observations.

"You're definitely in heat. Somehow it passed on from me to you. I didn't think that was possible, but I'd still be feeling it now if I had it."

Ochako was seething at the sight.

"M-Mirko-" Izuku mewled weakly as she pushed a hand up his shirt and made him groan.

"The air burns, right? Every sensation turned to eleven. That need for release, your body screaming at you to Fuck." She whispered while nipping at his ear.

"But that last part isn't exactly right when it comes to you, is it?" Mirko asked expectantly.

Izuku looked between the two of them while squeezing his legs together, it was all too much!

 "No!" He confirmed with shame.

Mirko locked his head in her arm as she grinned at Ochako combatively. 

"This one is a special kind of slut! Such a huge dick, and all it's good for is getting him punished until he loses it! He needs to be fucked, sweetheart. You can't help him!"

Ochako's fists clenched, her inexperience making Mirko's words ring true in a painful way.

"Yes I can! I- I broke him until his nose bled today!" She defended naively.

Mirko chuckled and slapped Izuku lightly. Drool rolled down his jaw as the bullying left him cross eyed with despair, only compounded on by the heat.

"It's so cute you think that's something! Let me explain how this is gonna go." She finally released Izuku and shoved him toward the bed, turning her attention to intimidating Ochako.

"Whatever little crush you think he has on you is gonna be gone when I fuck him so hard he loses his memory again." She hissed as she leered down at Ochako.

Ochako stepped back, eyes widening at her words.

"That can't possibly be true- you-" She looked between Izuku's bashful face and Mirko's confident one. 

She wasn't lying.

"Yeah." Mirko said spitefully as she recognized the shock on Ochako's face.

"You can't save him from that."

Ochako backed off to the door, thoughts spiraling, breath getting faster and faster as she stuttered.

"I- I- I-"

Mirko smirked, satisfied that the girl knew she had no chance-

Ochako's face got rosy and her thighs squeezed together as nectar trailed down from between them. She bit into her knuckle before she spoke. 

"I bet you can't do it againShe challenged with awe.

Mirko froze as her jaw snapped shut. She turned her head to the still huffing Izuku and back to Ochako. When she saw the girl was serious, Mirko gave a boisterous laugh at Izuku's expense.

"Oh my God!! Really?!" She got into Izuku's face as he tried desperately to focus on the floor when she started bullying him.

"You're like a magnet for it! Are you doing it on purpose?!" She pressed him in disbelief.

"W-what?" Izuku was behind on everything that was going on.

Mirko turned to Ochako, who was still near the door as she spoke.

"And I thought you were just vanilla!" She laughed with a hand on her head. "Appearances can be deceiving I guess!"

Ochako chewed on her lip as she shook with arousal. "S-so, can you?!"

Mirko found a kindred spirit. The situation they all found themselves in spelled disaster for that little green haired slut. 

Mirko sighed dramatically and stroked Izuku's hair, he predictably screwed his eyes shut as she manipulated him.

"With him like this. I actually can't."

Ochako's face fell in disappointment.

"Not alone at least." Mirko said casually.

A pin drop could've been heard in the room. Izuku finally got it. The energy had completely shifted. His eyes snapped open as he felt Mirko and Ochako staring at him.

Pure survival instinct shot him to his feet. Mirko was closest to him, she'd activated his fight or flight before, so he had to be wary of her.

Izuku walked backwards in fear of Mirko. His strained gasps mixed with panicked breaths. He held out a hand,


Mirko blew a bored breath. "You can't go on like this. I know how it feels. The longer you wait, the worse it gets." She warned.

Izuku kept moving back, until he bumped into Ochako's soft chest. She was nowhere near as casual as Mirko.

Ochako was feverish, sweating and blushing as she fumbled with her collar, talking excitedly while she approached Izuku, a dangerous glint In her eyes.

"Y-you should listen to her, Deku! We don't want you to get hurt, right?!" She said, 'concerned'.

Izuku had nowhere to go, he backed away into Mirko, she hooked her arms under his, and kissed at his neck gently.

Izuku gave a trembling cry, his entire body turned into one big erogenous zone. He realized that, 

Ochako was a sadist. 

Mirko was Mirko.

And his body wanted to yield to them.

That didn't stop him from fighting Mirko's grip, his self preservation was going into overdrive. No matter how badly a large part of him wanted to surrender, he would probably die if he was faced with the two of them.

He had to fight!

Izuku flailed wildly while being held tight by Mirko.

"NONONO NO!" Izuku screeched as Mirko dragged him back to the bed. 

"Does he always fight back this hard?!" Ochako worriedly asked with her top off.

"No. Hold his legs." Mirko said clinically.

After some struggling, Mirko straddled his waist while she held down his arms.

"Why do you get to go first?!" Ochako whined.

"Because I'm the reason he's like this. Wait your turn." Mirko was being incredibly detached, it scared Izuku more than he already was.

"Hey! HEY! LISTEN TO ME I-I DON'T WANT THIS!!" Izuku screamed.

Mirko ignored him and Ochako pulled his pants down. 

Izuku closed his eyes as Mirko slipped him inside her. He grunted as she worked quickly, moving up and down his length with her powerful pussy. She stroked at his neck as he was left indignant at the situation.

"Nnngh! Come on! This isn't fair you- YOU JUST WANNA BREAK ME! YOU JUST- AAAGHH!!" He came inside her and tossed his head.

Mirko bit his neck softly. Determined to break him down until he was truly satisfied. Even if he couldn't appreciate it now, she was doing her job as a hero by fucking him.

Izuku clenched his teeth and foamed at the mouth. Why was she being so sweet?! This wasn't right! She always fucked him until she came! It was like she didn't even care about feeling good!

Mirko exhaled and pulled herself off of Izuku, moving behind his head while holding his arms down. she looked at Ochako and nodded.

"Your turn."

Ochako squealed at Izuku's state and prepared herself. 

"Deku this is new for me, okay? But I'll do everything I can to make you feel better!" She promised with a twisted smile. 

"Ochako please don't." Izuku tried to appeal to her.

She just continued to smile as she got on top of him. Her hands planted on his chest.

"C-C'mon, you're my best friend, don't do this to me!" He whined with tears in his eyes.

Ochako pouted and grabbed Izuku's hair, pulling his head up angrily.

She attacked his mouth with her own, sloppily kissing him deep while she held his skull in place. Suffocating him and making him fight back less and less.

Izuku gargled on his and Ochako's saliva. His eyes twisted shut as she relentlessly made out with him. She wouldn't let up! like she had something to prove!

She finally popped her lips off his and glared into his eyes, red in the face. 

"We're about to be so much more than friends , Deku!" Ochako said with a threatening tone.

Mirko whistled at the tension between them. 

Ochako shook off her anger at Izuku and got ready to give him what he deserved.

She shook as she hovered her dripping pussy over Izuku's dick and stared into his eyes. In Ochako's mind, If this didn't do it, nothing would.

Ochako didn't hesitate any further, she dropped onto Izuku's cock in one swift motion.

"FUCK!!" She screamed immediately, her eyes blurred as she squirted all over him, cumming hard from taking his blazing hot cock into her virgin cunt!

Izuku's mouth opened and closed as his eyes strained. He couldn't believe how soft and tight she was, how amazing and torturous it all felt! 


Ochako moaned at the feeling stretching her core. She shook her head as sweat made her hair stick to it. If Deku kept begging like that, she wouldn't be able to handle it either!

Mirko stared down at Izuku and then up at Ochako, the two of them glistening with sweat as they groaned and shivered with pleasure. She huffed a laugh, "You sure you didn't catch it?!"

Ochako giggled drunkenly, high on fucking Izuku, before she held his face in both hands and whispered to him.

"Deku! Deku!! I'm starting to think you are a slut!" She teased with a ditzy laugh.

Izuku whimpered at the insult and the pleasure she was grinding into him.

She moaned joyfully. "You're saying not to fuck you, but- but-" 

Izuku was terrified, Ochako was only getting tighter! His eyes lolled up, and his teeth gnashed together, drool falling from his clenched jaw. And Ochako just kept grinning down at him with that glassy look in her eyes.

She grabbed his head and got nose to nose with him.

"BUT YOU KEEP MAKING THAT FACE!! AND IT MAKES ME WANNA VIOLATE YOU LIKE CRAZY!!" Ochako admitted to him- and herself, with a rapturous cadence, stars in her eyes as she let her true self free.

She lifted herself up and dropped down to his base.



She lifted herself again-



"S-STOP!!" Izuku begged as tears fell from his eyes, desperate for it all to end.

Ochako leaned down into his face, he tried to look away, but she gripped his jaw tight and tilted it toward her.

"We're trying to help you. If you want it to stop, then cum, Deku."

Izuku gave a trembling groan as his mind broke, overcome with bliss. He shook all the same, cumming inside Ochako's pussy with deep SPLUURTS and GURGLES .

Ochako kissed him again as he screamed into her mouth. His body was coated with perspiration, Mirko lost her grip as his wrists slipped from her hands.


He shot up in bed, kissing Ochako back excitedly while hugging her.

"I'VE LOVED YOU SINCE WE FIRST MET!! SINCE YOU SAVED ME FROM FALLING!! I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING, OCHAKO! I DIDN'T THINK THAT YOU-" His eyes got full of regret as he stammered "I-I DIDN'T THINK THAT I-" He babbled wildly, the pleasure making him spill his guts to her frantically 

Ochako had hearts in her eyes as Deku Confessed while clinging to her,


Ochako squeaked as she held Izuku in a bone crushing hug. Bucking against him as she came again.

Mirko rolled her eyes. "He literally always does that when you break him a little."

"think it's cute!!" Ochako squealed as Deku tried to hold onto consciousness.

 Mirko scoffed, "You would!"

Izuku breathed slowly as his arms fell from Ochako, he was finally docile enough to only need a small push in order to fall into an abyss of pleasure.

Ochako and Mirko locked eyes and wordlessly decided to slingshot him into the depths instead.

Izuku's cock was still hard as Ochako lifted herself off of him, cooing at his screwed up face as he fell into Mirko's arms.

"It won't stop…"  Izuku's voice cracked with despair.

Ochako gasped, exhausted. She looked at Mirko, "What now?"

"He's nowhere near done yet, we've gotta keep going." Mirko said while stroking his face.

Ochako sighed wistfully. "Deku, you're really asking for it, y'know."

"I'm sorry!" He cried with his arm covering his eyes.

"This'll take a while." Mirko assessed, moving from behind his head over to his dick while he sat up and weakly shuffled backwards to the headboard.

"You gonna try to run again?" Mirko pressed as fear creeped into his eyes. 

Izuku looked between the two of them as they leered at him.

"N-no." He whimpered, defeated. "B-but-" 

Mirko started to stroke his cock, making him whine in sensitivity, he only got louder as Ochako joined in.


Mirko grinned, Ochako laughed.


"MMMFF!!" Izuku screamed from in between Ochako's massive asscheeks.

"He's about to cum again." Mirko said with a ragged breath, grinding her pussy against his base as she fucked him slowly.

Izuku's hands groped at Ochako's ass tightly, his fingers sinking into her flesh. Even through his exhaustion, he tongued her asshole and licked at her pussy.

Ochako clenched against his face as she rode it. Squealing every time his tongue entered her.

"Did you train him to do this?!" Ochako wondered aloud in bliss.

"I didn't! Being crushed is just in his nature!" Mirko laughed with incredulity. "He just makes it all too easy! He's so- FUCK!!"

Mirko grunted as she came, grabbing Ochako by the shoulders and kissing her deeply, making the younger girl 'eep!' with surprise as she came a second later, spraying Izuku's mouth with her cum.

Last and least was Izuku, he groaned shakily into Ochako's ass as he came inside of Mirko, blacking out.


After what felt like hours, his eyes adjusted again. And he pieced together where he was.

Mirko had him held up against a wall in a mating press. She was glaring down at him with darkness under her eyes. She spoke, but not to him.

"This'll be- all I've got. I'm not holding back. You'll have to finish it if I can't." She said in between gasps.

"W-wait. What- nnf!" He grunted as she pushed forward.

He gasped wildly at the sensation. 

"Please please just- c-can't we just talk about this?!" he begged.

Mirko huffed a laugh and looked into his teary eyes.

"Okay… I'll stop if you can answer."

He nodded his head with hope that the insane pleasure he was feeling could finally -

"What's your name?" 

He froze. His mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping in open air.

"I don't- I- I should remember, why-" He looked between Mirko's grinning face and Ochako's amazed blushing one.

They were the cause of his fractured mind.

He cried as he begged them for an answer.

"What did you do to me?" He asked fearfully.

Mirko's smile got wider and she started to rut him with all the energy she had left.

Ochako's breath got quicker and her blush grew to her ears as she moaned while finger-fucking herself.

His nose bled as Mirko picked up speed. 

"WHAT'D YOU DO T- UUGH!!" Izuku screamed to the ceiling as the dam started to break and he lost more of his mind.

Ochako began to whine with pleasure as she was about to have her own climax just watching him.

Mirko turned her head to the brown-haired girl and barked with exhaustion. 

"Don't waste it! We use everything to take him down!" She yelled while letting Izuku drop to the floor, her own orgasm taking her strength away and making her knees buckle. 

Izuku sat on the floor, almost completely ruined. Mirko shook above him, she held his hair in a fist as she brought her pussy above his face.

"Open your mouth." She hissed down at him.

He obeyed with haste. Even through his confusion, his very bones told him to listen.

Mirko groaned as she showered him with her cum, dousing him from head to toe and making him gargle and flail as he drowned in her arousal.

She finally finished, slowly sitting on the floor next to him as she was overcome with exhaustion.

Izuku parted his drenched hair from his eyes. His cock was harder than ever, pulsing against his chest as he crawled toward the door. 

He couldn't stay here, he'd go crazy! He had to leave-

"Deku! I'm not done with you!!" Ochako sang with a menacing tone.

He stopped from fear and curiosity.

"Deku? I- I'm Deku?" He shook his head and kept crawling. He wanted to stop so badly but it was all just too much!

As he struggled on the ground, Ochako walked over and used her foot to flip him onto his back.

She and Mirko were all he could think of! If he stayed any longer, he didn't know what they'd make him do.

Deku stared up at Ochako as she pressed her foot against his chest. She breathed heavy breaths as she stared at his fragile state.

Izuku was overcome with shame as he put his arms up over his face weakly. 

"W-why won't you stop?! Why can't you- w-why?!" he babbled, desperate for a reason.

Ochako straddled his waist and pulled his arms away.

"Deku, look at me." She commanded while holding his face.

His eyes met hers, and all he could see was pity and excitement. She knew what was about to happen, but she wasn't going to stop.

She smiled a twisted smile. "Doesn't it feel good?"

Izuku burned up as he responded weakly. "T-too good!" He just couldn't find the will to lie.

"You have to stop fighting it, Deku. We just wanna help you." She reprimanded him gently while stroking his neck.

Izuku groaned at the sensation. "I d-don't understand- HIIH !" His eyes flew up as she started to chew lightly.

Ochako pulled herself from his neck with a small trail of spit following. 

"I love you, Deku! Mirko loves you too!"

The rabbit hero grunted with disapproval as she leaned against the wall.

Ochako giggled. "Even if she won't say it, all she thought about was helping you when she found out you weren't feeling good!" She explained passionately as she lifted her ass over his cock.

Izuku was slipping more and more as he gasped below her. 


She slammed down onto his cock and he screamed for mercy. 


"PLEASE!!" He begged with the last of his strength.

Ochako pulled him from the floor and hugged him tight, bouncing up and down rapidly as she moaned in his face and reveled in his defeat.


Izuku's nose gushed blood from both sides as he was broken worse than ever before. He exploded inside of Ochako with huge ropes of seed, coating her insides and making her stomach bulge with the amount!

Ochako came harder than she had in her entire life. Her body trembled as her eyes blurred, she was overcome with bliss as Izuku filled her up. 

She looked into his blank eyes as tears trailed from them, his pupils rolling into his skull as his lips were parted in a guttural moan.

Ochako covered his mouth with her own, letting him groan out the last of his energy as she sat on his conquered dick. She pulled back just to taunt him.

"Taking- everything! Serves you right, Deku. Now I'll never leave you alone." She gasped out while climbing off of him, his cock finally soft enough to slide out of her ass with ease.

She used her quirk and brought him over to Mirko for inspection.

"He's- done." The rabbit hero confirmed with exhaustion after looking him over.

Ochako sighed happily and sat him next to Mirko, releasing her quirk and letting him flop between them in his soggy, broken state.

Mirko swung her view over to Ochako and moved to suck on Izuku's neck.


Mirko glared in between bites. "This doesn't change anything. He's still mine."

Ochako stared back combatively, and chewed on the other side.


"Afraid that he'll prefer me?" Ochako accused with a pout. "I won't let you hog him."

Even as he slept, Izuku groaned through the collective assault.

Mirko stared at Ochako while upping the intensity of her affections.

Ochako matched her without missing a beat.

Izuku whined and tossed his head while they took advantage of his unconscious form.

They both pulled back, panting as fucking Izuku had wiped their energy out. The green haired boy had a purple bruises across both sides of his neck from each of them.

Mirko simmered as she stared at the two and rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms and looked away.

"He'll need reminders of how good am. So… I'll allow you to attempt fucking him." She said begrudgingly.

Ochako rubbed at the bruise she made on Izuku's neck.


She grinned spitefully, "He's too much for you anyhow. I'll try and hold back so he doesn't forget you, but no promises!" She finished before licking his ear.

"I'll have to teach you to be good enough. When he wakes up, you'd better be ready." Mirko repeated the action and poked her tongue inside his ear. 

"I could go now!" Ochako laughed brightly, carefree when it came to how much Izuku could handle.

"He's not ready." She finished as they both jammed those hot, wet, muscles against his brain.

"HNNNGH!!" Izuku was in pleasure hell. He couldn't escape even while he slept! Like they were just pretending to give him a break!

He was having a nightmare. Two succubi were eating him alive and he couldn't move. That's how his brain rationalized the impossibility that was unfolding. People weren't built to feel this good!

As Izuku writhed between his two bullies, he was overcome with despair. At this rate,

He'd always be a victim.