
Summary:Souto, a successful Japanese businessman with underworld connections, kidnaps a 22-year-old American girl to train as his personal slave girl. He breaks her spirit and teaches her on how to be the perfect Japanese woman.

Note there are racist views/overtones and religious views from multiple characters that are necessary to facilitate the plot of this story. This is not intended to promote or support any views expressed by the characters.

Notes:Note there are racist views/overtones and religious views from multiple characters that are necessary to facilitate the plot of this story. This is not intended to promote or support any views expressed by the characters.

Chapter 1: The EncounterChapter TextThe sun beats down relentlessly, making the outdoor mall feel like a scorching oven. At least I'm inside the ice cream shop, soaking in the cool blast of the air conditioning. The line of sweaty, eager customers snakes to the door, each one waiting their turn.

I scoop, swirl, and mix with practiced precision, my hands dancing through the motions. The hum of the shop blends with the chatter of customers and the steady whir of machines. A little girl with pigtails and a frown approaches the counter, her eyes just barely peeking over the top.

"What can I get for you, sweetie?" I ask, leaning forward, hoping to coax a smile out of her.

Her lower lip trembles as she mumbles her order, and my heart softens. I pile her cup high with extra toppings—nuts, sprinkles, mini marshmallows. A generous drizzle of chocolate sauce follows, topped off with a handful of bright red cherries.

"Here you go," I say with a flourish, handing over the creation. Her eyes light up, a smile breaking through like a burst of sunshine. It's moments like this that make the long shifts worth it.

As she skips away, I look up, ready to greet the next customer. But my breath catches in my throat. Standing at the counter is a Japanese man unlike anyone I've ever seen. I can tell he is Japanese from his features, his oval-shaped face, his almond shaped eyes, and his light skin tone. He's tall—at least six feet—with a lean yet muscular build that speaks of discipline and control. His jet-black hair is slicked back, revealing sharp, defined features: high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a high bridged nose that gives him an air of quiet authority.

But it's his eyes that draw me in. Dark and intense, they seem to pierce right through me, carrying a weight that speaks of experiences far beyond my own. There's something almost regal about him, an aura of mystery and power that makes the air around him seem charged.

He doesn't say a word, just looks at me with an intensity that makes my heart race. I feel a strange, magnetic pull toward him, like I'm being drawn into his orbit. His presence is commanding, exuding a quiet confidence that makes me feel small and vulnerable in comparison.

I feel a sudden urge to brush the lock of chestnut brown hair from my face. I swallow hard, trying to find my voice. "Hi there, welcome to The Frozen Scoop," I say, my words coming out softer than I'd intended. "Wh-what can I get for you?"

He holds my gaze for a moment longer, and I feel a flush creep up my neck. Without saying a word, he steps closer, his eyes never leaving mine. The space between us seems to shrink, the noise of the shop fading into the background. It's just him and me, and the electric tension hanging in the air.

Right then, I realize I'd do whatever he wanted. There's something about him that stirs a desire to yield, to satisfy him. A heat blooms from within, an unfamiliar throb between my thighs that sends a shiver along my spine. It's a sensation I can't fully grasp, a blend of arousal and bewilderment churning inside me. It's both thrilling and frightening, leaving me breathless and tingling with expectation.

I stand there, rooted to the spot, unable to look away from his eyes. My heart pounds in my chest, each beat echoing through my body. "One scoop of vanilla," he finally says, his voice smooth and deep, like velvet.

I blink, snapping back to reality. "Just one scoop?" I ask automatically. It's a question we are trained to ask customers, a reflex ingrained through countless repetitions. But a man like him—so composed, so mysterious—ordering just one scoop of vanilla seems out of place. My voice sounds almost too casual, betraying the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirling inside me.

He nods, and I find myself glancing at his hands. No rings. He's single. The thought sneaks into my mind, warming my cheeks.

"Great choice. Would you like any toppings? They're complimentary," I say, gesturing to the colorful selection of nuts, sprinkles, and other toppings. Once more, an automatic reply from habit. But in this moment, the routine feels reassuring as the man's intense stare seems to pierce right through me.

"Just the ice cream," he says, his eyes never leaving mine, their intensity making my heart skip a beat, intensifying that ache at my core. His gaze feels like it's peeling back layers, seeing parts of me I keep hidden.

He watches me as I scoop the vanilla, and his gaze feels heavy. My fingers tremble slightly, the cold metal scoop slipping against the ice cream. I glance up, meeting his eyes again. There's something there, something intense and unsettling. Desire. His eyes roam over me, lingering on my lips, my neck. I can almost feel the weight of his thoughts pressing against my skin.

I swallow hard, trying to focus on the task at hand. The scoop falls into the cup with a soft thud. His eyes follow my every move, and I feel a flush rising from my neck to my cheeks. I've never felt so exposed, so seen.

"Here you are," I manage to say, handing him the cup. Our fingers touch briefly, and a jolt of electricity courses through me, causing my breath to catch. "Enjoy," I say, my voice faltering just a bit.

He takes the cup, his fingers lingering on mine for a moment longer than necessary. The touch sends another wave of warmth coursing through me, pooling in that strange ache between my thighs. I shift on my feet, trying to ease the discomfort, but it only makes it worse.

"Thank you," he says, his eyes never leaving mine. There's a hint of a smile on his lips, as if he knows exactly what effect he's having on me.

I nod, unable to trust my voice. He turns and walks away, leaving me standing there, my body humming with a need I don't know how to satisfy. I watch him go, feeling a pang of loss as the distance between us grows.

The next customer snaps me out of my thoughts, but that encounter lingers, leaving me both curious and unsettled.

* * *

My feet ache as I wipe down the last of the counters, each stroke of the cloth feeling heavier than the last. The shop's clock ticks past closing time, and I stifle a yawn. Exhaustion clings to me, pulling me down after a long day. Mike, my coworker, emerges from the back room with a mop and bucket.

"Almost done, Kayla. You can head out if you want," he says, dunking the mop into the bucket.

"You sure? I don't mind helping finish up," I offer, though part of me is desperate to just go home and collapse into bed.

Mike waves me off. "Nah, I got this. You've been here since this afternoon. Go home and get some rest."

Grateful, I untie my apron and hang it on the hook. My shoulders sag with relief as I grab my purse from the tiny break room and head for the back door. "Thanks, Mike. See you tomorrow."

The heavy metal door creaks as I push it open, and a shiver runs down my spine as I step into the dimly lit alley. This part of the mall always gives me the chills. The flickering security light halfway down the alley doesn't help; it just makes the shadows seem more alive, like they're reaching out for me. I wrap my arms around myself, pulling my light jacket tighter. The day's heat has given way to a chilly night breeze, and I can't shake the uneasy feeling gnawing at my gut.

My footsteps echo off the brick walls as I hurry down the alley, the sound magnified in the quiet. I glance over my shoulder, half-expecting to see something lurking in the shadows. Nothing's there, but the feeling of being watched refuses to leave. My heart beats a little faster, and I fumble in my purse for my keys, gripping them tightly like a lifeline.

As I near the end of the alley, I spot a white van parked to one side. Its presence isn't unusual—delivery trucks often use this area for loading and unloading—but something about it sets off alarm bells in my mind. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I quicken my pace, eyes locked on the parking lot just beyond the alley's mouth. Just a few more steps, and I'll be in the open, under the bright lot lights. My car isn't far now. Almost there.

Then, out of nowhere, something rough wraps around my head, plunging me into darkness. Panic surges through me, and I try to scream, but my voice comes out muffled against the coarse fabric. My mind races, terror flooding every thought. This can't be happening. Not to me.

Strong arms encircle me, lifting me off the ground like I weigh nothing. I kick and struggle, but it's useless. They're too powerful, too determined. I'm pulled into the van, the door sliding shut with a thud that seems to seal my fate.

I scream, the sound muffled by the hood, tears streaming down my cheeks and soaking into the rough cloth. "Please, let me go," I beg, my voice barely audible through the fabric. "Please, what are you doing?"

Multiple hands push me down, pressing me against the cold, metal floor. One hand twists my arm behind my back, and I feel the cold bite of handcuffs snapping onto my wrists. I gasp for air, the hood making it hard to breathe, and my breaths come in rapid, shallow bursts. My head swims with dizziness, and I struggle to stay conscious, fear threatening to overwhelm me.

"Oh, God—please," I cry out against the stifling fabric, my voice breaking. "Please, let me go."

Another set of hands grabs my ankles, snapping cuffs onto them and threading the chain through the handcuffs on my wrists, pulling me into a painful hogtie. I lay there, immobilized and helpless, my body trembling. This isn't real. This can't be real.

My captors say nothing. I can hear their breaths, steady and unyielding, as they finish securing my bonds. Every muscle in my body aches from the awkward position, and my wrists throb against the metal cuffs. I can't stop the questions from racing through my mind. Why is this happening? What do they want with me? The darkness presses in on me, amplifying my terror until it's all I can feel.

My heart pounds so violently it feels like it might tear through my chest. Fear gnaws at my core, each breath becoming more labored under the stifling hood. There's more than one of them. I try to piece together their numbers, remembering the hands—at least two different pairs. My stomach churns. Are they going to hurt me? Kill me? Are they traffickers? My mind spirals into dark, terrifying scenarios, each one worse than the last. Are they going to rape me? The thought hits me like a punch to the gut, leaving me gasping for air. No. Don't think like that. You have to stay strong. But the fear persists, a relentless whisper in my mind. What could they possibly want with me?

A man's voice cuts through the muffled darkness. "Iko."

The van's engine roars to life, and it jerks forward, throwing me against the cold metal floor. I feel tears on my cheeks, tears I didn't even know I had shed. With every passing second, I know my chance of escape, my chance of survival, grows dimmer and dimmer.

The rough fabric of the hood chafes against my skin, making it harder to breathe. Panic claws at my throat. I have to do something. I can't just lie here, waiting for whatever nightmare is coming next.

"Please!" I scream, my voice raw and desperate. "Please, let me go. I won't say anything, I swear."

The only response is the relentless roar of the engine and the hum of tires on asphalt. My pleas disappear into the void, swallowed by the darkness around me. But I can't stop. I have to keep trying.

"If you let me go now, I won't tell anyone. No police, no nothing. Just let me go." My voice cracks, tears streaming down my face. "Please, I'm begging you."

I strain against the cuffs, my wrists burning with each futile attempt to free myself. The van lurches, and I'm thrown sideways, slamming against the cold, unforgiving floor.

"Please," I sob. "I just want to go home. I won't say a word, I promise."

Still, there's no response. The silence of my captors is deafening, their indifference a cold, harsh reality that cuts through my desperation. I can hear my own ragged breathing, feel the sweat mingling with my tears, and the helplessness is overwhelming.

We drive for only a few minutes before the van stops again. I freeze. Panic surges anew. Was I too noisy? Are they coming back to silence me? Are we there already? Am I going to die here? Now?

I feel their rough hands clawing at me, their touch invasive and violating. They're groping me. Oh God, they're going to rape me. My heart pounds so violently it feels like it might explode from my chest. There's a strange ache between my legs, an intense need I've never felt before. It gets worse as they run their hands over every part of me, exploring my body with their probing digits. My voice grows hoarse from screaming, my struggles useless against the tight hogtie. They unstrap my smartwatch and pull it off my wrist. Another set of hands cuts my purse straps and yanks it from my shoulder. After the initial assault, one pair of hands lingers, brushing over my breasts, down past my stomach, across my navel, and stroking my inner thighs.

"Take anything you want. I won't tell anyone. Please, just take it and let me go," I plead again. But they don't respond.

Moments later, the van resumes its journey, and my heart pounds in my chest. Every bump is a new torment, my body aching from the constant jarring. They drive for what feels like an eternity. Time stretches, each second becoming an agonizing eternity, and exhaustion tugs at my senses. I'm trapped, helpless, and completely at their mercy.

During the ride, my captors remain silent. I try to hear their voices amidst the noise of the van, thinking that maybe the hood is muffling their conversations. I hope to glean some information, anything that might help me understand why this is happening. But there's only silence. Panic surges again. They are too professional. What if they've done this before? What if they know how to make sure I'm never found?

I clench my fists, nails digging into my palms, trying to ground myself in the present. Focus. Think. There has to be a way out of this. But the cuffs are unforgiving, the van is moving fast, and I have no idea where they're taking me. Desperation gnaws at me. Would anyone even know I'm missing yet? If I don't show up for work tomorrow, Mike might realize something is wrong. But by then, it would be too late.

The thought of my family flashes through my mind—Mom and Dad, always so careful, so protective. We're not rich, but we live comfortably. Could this be about money? A ransom? The idea seems both ridiculous and terrifying. But then, why else would they take me? My breaths come in short, shallow gasps, the hood over my head suffocating me with every inhale.

I force myself to calm down, trying to slow my racing heart. I need to breathe, to think clearly. If they're after money, maybe they'll keep me alive—maybe even unharmed. The thought offers a tiny sliver of hope, though it does little to ease the cold terror clutching at my chest.

What if they're planning to contact my family soon? Maybe Mom and Dad are already working on a way to get me back. I remember Dad taking me to the Ferris wheel when I was young. I was afraid, but he held my hand. He told me he will always protect me. That he will always be there. I cling to that hope like a lifeline, desperately trying to keep the fear at bay, but it's like trying to hold back a tidal wave with a broken dam.

When the van finally slows down, I tense. The smooth hum of the paved road gives way to the rougher vibrations of an unpaved surface. My heart pounds as the van rolls forward a short distance before coming to a stop. The engine cuts off, and the silence is deafening, filled only by the sound of my own rapid breathing. This is it. The destination they've been driving to. The middle of nowhere. This is where they'll rape me. This is where they'll kill me. This is where my body will lie, undiscovered and forgotten.

A wave of regret washes over me. The things I haven't done weigh heavily on my mind. I regret not falling in love, not experiencing that deep, consuming passion I've always yearned for. I've never made love, never known the intimacy that others speak of with dreamy eyes and wistful smiles. I regret not getting married, not having my Dad walk me down the aisle, surrounded by friends and family, promising to spend my life with someone who truly sees me. I regret not having a family of my own. I want to feel the weight of a newborn in my arms, to watch them grow, to be a part of their lives.

I think of my younger brother, Jake. He's just nineteen, just starting college. I regret not being there for him, not watching him grow up, not guiding him through the rough patches.

I realize how much I've taken for granted. The simple pleasures of life—sunsets on the beach, laughter with friends, the warmth of a hug. I regret every opportunity I've missed, every chance I've let slip by. My life feels unfinished, like a story abruptly cut off before the climax.

I remember when I was a teen, my Dad always warned me about going to the mall. He had warned me about men who were predators, men who would hurt girls. He told me the world is a dangerous place. I should have listened.

The doors slide open with a screech, and the rough hands return. A fleeting sense of relief washes over me as they uncuff my ankles and release me from the hogtie. Despite my exhaustion, I summon every ounce of strength left in me and kick out with all the ferocity of someone fighting for their life. My foot connects with a body, and a man grunts in pain. But before I can strike again, strong hands grip my ankles, forcing them together. The opened cuff snaps back into place, this time separating my ankles and wrists but still leaving me restrained.

The world spins as they drag me headfirst out of the van, my feet scraping against the cold metal floor. I scream when I hit the hard concrete, the shock and pain mingling in my voice as it echoes in the night. My head strikes the ground with a sickening thud, and a flash of white-hot pain sears through my skull. Everything goes black for a moment, and when my vision clears, I can already feel a bruise forming where my head made contact. My entire body aches from the rough handling, every part of me screaming in protest. My arms, still bound behind me, strain painfully against the cuffs, and my legs throb where they hit the ground. I can feel the bruises blooming under my skin, dark and ugly, a physical testament to my helplessness.

I can barely keep my eyes open as I feel their rough hands lifting me off the ground. The cold metal of the cuffs digs into my wrists and ankles, every movement sending fresh waves of pain through my battered body. One man grips my shoulders, the other my feet.

"Please," I gasp through the hood, my voice raw and desperate. "Please, let me go."

They don't respond. Their silence is more terrifying than any words they could have spoken. The sound of their footsteps echoes around me, indicating we're moving through some kind of hallway or corridor. I can feel the cool air shift as we pass through doorways, my body swinging slightly with each step they take.

"Please, I'll do anything," I plead, my voice breaking as sobs rack my body. "Just let me go."

Still, no response. The few tears I have left soak into the hood, making it cling to my face even more. My heart pounds in my chest, the fear and helplessness unrelenting. They carry me down a flight of stairs, each step jarring my already aching body. I whimper in pain, the cuffs digging deeper into my raw, abraded skin.

Without warning, they drop me again. I hit the cold concrete floor hard, pain exploding through my body. My head smacks against the ground, sending a blinding flash of light through my vision. I lie there, gasping for breath, my body trembling uncontrollably.

"Please," I whisper, my voice barely more than a breath. "Please."

A rough hand grabs my upper arm, and I gasp, the sudden contact jarring me from my dazed state. I try to pull away, but another hand holds me in place, fingers digging into my skin like iron clamps. I feel a sharp pinprick, followed by a slow, burning sensation as something is injected into my arm. My heart races with renewed terror. What are they putting into me?

"What are you doing to me?"

My mind races, grasping at any possible explanation. Are they drugging me? Poisoning me? The uncertainty gnaws at me, each second feeling like an eternity as the pain lingers. I try to focus on my breathing, to steady myself.

"Please, tell me what you've done."

They ignore my pleas and flip me onto my stomach, grabbing my ankles and wrists. They uncuff my ankles, and I feel the cold metal loop through the handcuffs before they re-cuff my ankles, putting me back into the excruciating hogtie, but now on my side. The new position relieves some pressure from my wrists, but leaves me equally helpless. The metal bites into my already raw skin, and I cry out in pain, my sobs echoing off the concrete walls.

I can't move, can't escape. The reality of my situation settles over me like a suffocating blanket. They abandon me there, my sobs growing weaker with each passing moment.

"Please," I beg one last time, my voice barely a whisper. "Please."

The darkness presses in, exhaustion pulling me under. My pleas fade into the night as I slip into a fitful sleep, my mind haunted by the terror of what might come next.

* * *

I wake up disoriented, my entire body throbbing with pain. The rough material of the hood scratches my cheeks as I try to move, but the cuffs on my wrists and ankles keep me in place. My head pounds, a dull ache spreading from the bruise on my temple. I shift slightly, feeling the raw skin on my wrists and ankles scream in protest. The concrete floor beneath me is unforgiving, each movement sending sharp jolts of pain through my bruised and battered body.

I call out, my voice hoarse and weak. "Hello? Is anyone there? Please, help me!"

Silence. My voice echoes back, a haunting reminder of how alone I am. I fight back tears, knowing that crying won't help, but the fear and helplessness are overwhelming. I can't stop the sobs that start to rack my body.

As I wake up more, the urge to pee becomes unbearable. My bladder screams for release, and I clench every muscle, desperately trying to hold it in. I squeeze my eyes shut, focusing only on keeping control. My heart races, each beat pounding in my chest like a reminder of how powerless I am.

"Please, no," I whisper to myself, my voice trembling with desperation and shame.

I shift again, trying to find some position that eases the pressure. The cuffs bite into my skin, adding to the agony. My legs tremble, and I can feel my control slipping away, inch by inch.

Humiliation washes over me. How is this happening? Here I am, tied up, helpless, and now my own body is betraying me. I grit my teeth, fighting the tears, but it's no use. Hot tears spill down my face, mixing with the sweat and grime clinging to my skin.

"No, no, no," I mutter through clenched teeth, my voice cracking.

The warm, wet sensation spreads through my jeans, and shame floods me. I've lost control. My body has given up on me. The warmth spreads down my thighs, the wetness seeps into my jeans, clinging to my skin, a constant, humiliating reminder of how helpless I am.

I sob, the sound echoing off the walls around me. Each sob shakes my body, and the cuffs cut deeper into my flesh. I feel exposed, vulnerable, and completely defeated. The fear and pain that have been gnawing at me now mingle with a deep, crushing sense of shame.

The tears won't stop. My mind races, replaying how I got here—the white van, the hood, the rough hands that dragged me into this nightmare. And now this. Losing control over my own body feels like the final blow.

I want to scream, to fight, to do something to regain any sense of dignity. But I'm powerless, bound and broken. All I can do is cry, the sound of my own sobs the only company I have in the darkness.

"I'm sorry," I whisper to no one, my voice barely audible. "I'm so sorry."

I can smell the urine now, the scent sharp and acrid. The cold air makes the wet fabric cling to my skin, adding to the discomfort. My lips are dry and cracked from crying and sweating through the night. I'm both hungry and thirsty, my stomach aching with emptiness. I try to focus on anything other than the misery, but the pain and discomfort are impossible to ignore.

Exhaustion pulls at me, and despite the pain, despite the fear, I feel myself drifting back into sleep. Tears still flow as I slip into unconsciousness, my body and mind too overwhelmed to stay awake any longer.

Chapter 2: The First DayNotes:Note there are racist views/overtones and religious views from multiple characters that are necessary to facilitate the plot of this story. This is not intended to promote or support any views expressed by the characters.

Chapter TextThe sound of a door unlocking jolts me awake, sending a fresh wave of fear coursing through me. My heart races as footsteps echo ominously in the cold, oppressive room. I have no idea how long I've been out—whether it's day or night. Hunger gnaws at my stomach, and my throat feels like sandpaper. At least I don't need to pee again. Small mercies.

"Hello? Who's there?" I whisper, my voice cracked, barely audible.

No answer. The footsteps grow louder, each one making my dread spike until they stop right in front of me. I feel a tug at the hood over my head, then it's yanked off. Blinding light floods my eyes, and I squint, trying to make out the figure looming above me.

It's him. The tall Japanese man from the ice cream shop. He stands there, wearing a white dress shirt, grey slacks, and black wingtip shoes, his presence just as commanding here as it was in the shop—only now, there's no counter between us. The dim light sharpens the angles of his face, highlighting his high cheekbones and strong jawline. His eyes, dark and intense, seem to pierce right through me. I remember those eyes, but now there's something else in them—colder, more calculating.

His jet-black hair is perfectly styled, not a strand out of place. His smooth skin looks almost sculpted, like marble. He's sharp, precise, every bit the same as when I first saw him.

"Please, let me go," I beg, my voice trembling. "I won't tell anyone, I swear. Just let me go."

He says nothing, just stares at me with those cold, unreadable eyes that send a chill through my bones. The concrete beneath me is freezing, and the cuffs dig deeper into my skin with every tiny movement.

"What do you want with me?" My voice shakes. "Are you going to rape me? Kill me?"

Silence. His face gives nothing away. The tension gnaws at me, making my chest tighten.

"Is it ransom?" I ask, more desperate now. "My family doesn't have much money, but we can find a way. Please, just let me go."

Still no response. He just stares, like I'm some kind of specimen under a microscope. Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?

"Why me?" I plead, my voice cracking. "I don't understand. Why did you pick me?"

Tears blur my vision, and I can't hold back anymore. Sobs shake me, filling the unbearable silence.

"Please, let me go," I whisper again, my voice breaking. "I just want to go home."

I search his face for any sign of compassion, but his cold, dark eyes reveal nothing. My whole body trembles, fear and exhaustion crashing over me in waves. The silence drags on, suffocating me as I wait for him to say something—anything.

"You stink of urine," he says, his voice calm, cutting through the air like a knife.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, my face burning with shame. "I didn't mean to... I tried. I was so scared."

The words spill out of me, frantic and raw. I bite my lip, trying to hold back the fresh wave of tears. My skin feels too tight, every muscle tense as I tremble beneath his gaze.

"I—I didn't want to," I stammer, barely able to speak. "It just happened. I couldn't help it."

His expression doesn't change, a stone wall against my desperate apologies. The silence stretches on, amplifying my humiliation. My cheeks burn hotter, the shame searing into me.

"Please," I beg, my voice shaking. "Please understand. I didn't want this. I'm so, so sorry."

I look down at the floor, unable to meet his gaze any longer. The weight of my situation presses on me, the cuffs biting into my skin, the filthy floor cold beneath me. I feel so small, so powerless.

But something inside me snaps. My fear flips into anger, a burning rage that surges through me. I clench my fists, nails digging into my palms as I glare up at him.

"You did this to me," I spit, my voice rising. "You kidnapped me, tied me up, and left me like this. What did you think would happen?"

He remains impassive, like my words are nothing to him. His silence is maddening, a cruel dismissal of everything I've suffered. Tears of rage fill my eyes, blurring my vision as I scream through clenched teeth, "You're a coward. A pathetic, cowardly monster—"

Before I can finish, his hand slaps me hard across the cheek. The sound echoes in the small room, and pain explodes across my face. My head snaps to the side, the sting radiating through my skull.

His eyes narrow slightly, a flicker of something—anger?—in his expression. "Women must respect and obey men," he says, his voice chillingly calm, laced with authority.

Tears well up, but I force myself to meet his gaze, trembling with fear. "Please, I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice small and broken. "I'll do anything, just don't leave me like this."

I hate myself for how desperate I sound, but I need him. As much as I fear him, I can't stand being left alone again, bound and helpless.

He shakes his head slowly, disappointment flickering across his face before he turns and walks away.

"Wait. Please, don't leave me." I scream, my voice cracking, raw with desperation. "Come back. Please, I'm sorry."

But he doesn't. The door closes behind him with a heavy thud, leaving me alone in the dark once again. The sting of his slap burns on my cheek, a cruel reminder of how powerless I am. Sobs wrack my body, filling the room with the sound of my misery. The cold, dark room closes in on me, suffocating me with terror that has no end.

* * *

The agony doesn't stop, a relentless gnawing that burrows deep into my bones. My arm feels dead, numb at my side, and hunger twists my stomach into sharp, gnawing pangs. My lips are cracked and dry, thirst clawing at my throat. Time slips away in the half-darkness, blending into a haze where seconds and hours bleed together.

I drift in and out of consciousness, my mind a blur of scattered thoughts and disjointed dreams. But each time I wake, reality crashes down on me like a tidal wave. The room presses in, its emptiness swallowing me whole. I try to measure the minutes, to find some anchor in the chaos, but it's impossible. I'm being erased by the silence, by the helplessness.

Then, a sound. The door unlocking. Footsteps, slow and deliberate, approach me. Eagerly, I try to lift my head, but my body racks with pain. All I can manage is a slight tilt, enough to see his polished shoes as they come into view.

"Listen carefully." His voice cuts through the silence, cold and commanding. A shiver runs down my spine. "I'm going to take you out of those cuffs. I will clean you and give you food."

Relief washes over me, a fragile flicker of hope, but it's quickly snuffed out by fear. His words are laced with threat, even the promise of food and water feeling like a trap.

"But you must behave." His tone is unyielding, stripping away any sense of safety. "Women must respect and obey men."

I swallow, my throat raw. "I understand," I whisper, barely able to speak. "I'll behave. I'll do whatever you say."

Each word feels like a knife, slicing away at my pride. I hate the desperation in my voice, but I need to get out of these restraints. I need to eat. I need to survive.

His dark eyes linger on me, assessing, before he finally nods.

"Good." His voice softens, but the control never leaves. "We will see if you keep your word."

He kneels beside me, his hands moving efficiently as he undoes the cuffs around my ankles. The sudden freedom is unbearable. My legs are numb, heavy, and as I try to move, pain spikes through me like needles. I bite my lip, forcing myself not to cry out.

He releases the cuffs around my wrists next. I move my arms slowly, sharp aches shooting through my shoulders. My wrists are raw, the skin torn and bleeding. The angry red marks feel like they'll never fade, a permanent reminder of this nightmare.

Pain pulses through my limbs as I try to shift, every muscle screaming in protest. I grit my teeth and slowly push myself up against a column, my body sagging with exhaustion. I wrap my arms around my knees, trying to hold onto some sense of control.

His eyes rake across my body, examining me, evaluating me with an unnerving intensity. I can feel his gaze lingering on every bruise, every raw patch of skin. "Take off your clothes," he commands. "I need to wash you."

The words hang in the air, heavy and invasive, making my skin crawl. I freeze, humiliation surging through me. "No," I manage to say, my voice trembling. "I don't want to—"

His eyes narrow. "Do you want me to leave?"

Panic grips me. The thought of him leaving, of being locked in this room again without food or water, is unbearable. Slowly, I shake my head.

My hands tremble as I reach for the zipper of my vest. Every part of me screams to stop, but I can't. Not if I want to survive. I unzip it, the sound loud in the suffocating silence, and let it fall to the floor.

Next comes my shirt. My hands are shaking so badly I fumble with the buttons, each one feeling like a monumental task. Finally, I pull the shirt off, hugging my arms to my chest, trying to shield myself.

I glance up at him, hoping for a shred of mercy. His face remains impassive.

I unbutton my jeans, my hands trembling. They're sticky with sweat and urine, and it takes effort to peel them off. I sit there, stripped down to my underwear, feeling exposed and small.

"All of it," he orders, his voice tinged with a disturbing enthusiasm that makes my stomach churn.

Tears well up in my eyes. "Please," I whisper. "Not these."

He steps closer, the threat clear in his eyes. "Do you want me to leave?"

I hesitate, desperately wanting to vanish, praying this is just a terrible nightmare. In the end, I give in. What else can I do? Tears stream down my face as I unclasp my bra, letting it fall away. My skin prickles in the cold air.

He observes me with growing curiosity. My modest breasts, topped with pink nipples, are now exposed to his view. I awkwardly drape my arm across my chest, but it does little to protect me from his scrutiny. I avert my eyes, unable to face him any longer. My shame is overwhelming. But the dull ache between my legs returns, stronger than ever, threatening to consume my core. It pulses with an intensity I can't ignore, spreading warmth through my abdomen and making my legs feel weak.

"All of it," his tone demanding.

I close my eyes, unable to delay the inevitable. My heart races as I hook my thumbs under the waistband of my panties and start to peel them off, each motion laden with unbearable disgrace. The fabric slides down my legs, and I shiver, feeling more exposed than ever. I am unshaven there, a tuff of chestnut brown hair covers my mound. Having him see such a private part of me makes me burn with shame. There's an abrupt, sickening urge to apologize to my kidnapper for being unshaven, unkempt. The thought sets that dull ache between my legs on fire, threatening to consume what remains of my sanity. Hugging my knees tightly to my chest, I try to shrink into myself, wishing with all my might to disappear. The cold air prickles against my bare skin, intensifying my sense of exposure.

"Crawl to the toilet," he says.

In that instant, indignation and fury course through my veins. I'm a person. I may be hungry, I may be in pain, and I may be terrified, but I won't be treated like this. "I'm not an animal," I snap, the words spilling out before I can stop them.

His hand strikes me, hard and fast, leaving my cheek stinging. "Only animals lack control and piss themselves," he says, his voice cold.

Humiliation burns through me, making my cheek flush red and my eyes sting with unshed tears. I see the mask of cruelty in his face, twisted with a perverse pleasure that makes my stomach churn. My whole body trembles, a mix of fear and indignation coursing through me. I force down my own rage, swallowing it like a bitter pill, knowing that any further defiance will only make things worse.

Reluctantly, I lower myself to the floor, the concrete scraping against my skin as I begin to crawl toward the shower, every inch a struggle, every movement a reminder of how broken I've become.

Every inch toward the toilet feels like an eternity, the distance stretching in my mind, each painful movement dragging out my humiliation. My arms tremble, legs wobble, and by the time I finally reach my destination, my body feels like it's on fire, muscles shaking with exhaustion.

"Relieve yourself," he says, his tone devoid of emotion.

For a moment, I don't understand what he wants me to do. But as my gaze lands on the toilet, realization hits me like a cold slap. The toilet has no door, no privacy. It is merely a white fixture embedded in the ground. Is he serious? Does he really expect me to use that in front of him?

"I - I don't need to pee any more," I stammer, the words catching in my throat, each syllable a struggle to force out.

"Relieve yourself," he repeats, the same flat, cold tone.

"But-" I begin, the protest dying in my mouth as his meaning becomes painfully clear. Does he want me to do…that…in front of him? I can't remember how long it's been since I last used a toilet, and I do feel the pressing need. But the thought of doing such a private act in front of a man, especially my captor, is unbearable. I would rather suffer. I would rather hold it in. Does he get off from watching me like this? From seeing me reduced to such a vulnerable state? Am I just an animal to him?

I shake my head. I can't even bear to answer him. The embarrassment and shame is too much.

He grasps my chin with a firm grip, forcing me to look directly into his eyes. It's the first time he's touched me since the hood was removed, and the unexpected contact sends a shiver down my spine. The gesture is so dominant, so unsettlingly intimate. I feel my breath hitch and my heart pound in my chest. In his penetrating gaze, I feel small and utterly helpless, as if all my strength has been stripped away, leaving me vulnerable and exposed.

"Do you want me to leave?" he asks.

There it is again, that same threat of leaving me here, leaving me in this terrible place, leaving me without food and water. He reminds me again of how weak I am, how hungry and vulnerable I am, how utterly dependent on him I have become. He knows my answer before I even utter a word, his eyes already reflecting the victory he feels over me. "No," I admit weakly, my voice barely above a whisper. I am weak. To survive, I must obey.

Slowly, I climb onto the cold porcelain bowl, dragging my aching body onto the toilet seat. It's the first time I've been so high in this room, and the vantage point makes everything seem smaller. I close my eyes and turn my head away, unable to look at him, or acknowledge that he is watching me. The humiliation is too much to bear. It isn't long before my bowels begin to betray me, emptying into the bowl with a series of mortifying splashes that echo in the silent room. Each sound feels like a jolt, a reminder of my vulnerability and the dire situation I'm in.

After a few excruciating minutes, once I'm certain that my bowels have been fully emptied, I slowly open my eyes, hoping against hope that he must have left by now. But there he is, his presence unwavering, watching me intently with those cold, unfeeling eyes. Is he really going to watch me wipe? The answer is painfully obvious even without asking. Reluctantly, I gather the toilet paper and try to clean myself as discreetly as possible, keeping my rear close to the seat in a futile attempt to maintain some semblance of dignity. I don't know if it makes any difference, but it's all I can do. He remains silent, his gaze fixed on me, the room heavy with the unspoken tension.

"Crawl to the shower," he says as I flush the toilet.

His command startles me, although it isn't unexpected. I know better than to object. I climb down from the toilet seat, returning to the floor on all fours, and begin crawling towards the shower. My body still aches, each movement sending a dull throb through my limbs, and the floor's rough texture scrapes against my knees and palms. But I must be getting used to these discomforts, since they no longer seem to bother me as much. Either that, or I have become numb to their effects. It's as if I'm becoming numb to the world around me, each sensation dulled by the constant strain.

I enter the shower and crawl across the cold floor tiles until I reach the middle. The cold metal drain presses into my palms as I kneel there, waiting, each breath a battle against the crushing weight of despair.

He stands at the entrance to the shower, his presence looming like a shadow of control. He takes the detachable shower head in his hand. Without warning, icy water blasts over my skin, and I scream from the shock, the sound echoing off the walls. Instinctively, I try to scramble away, but a sharp kick to my stomach sends me sprawling back into the water. Pain explodes in my gut, and I double over, retching from hunger and agony.

A bar of soap lands at my feet with a dull thud. The water stops, and his cold command follows: "Clean yourself."

With trembling hands, I pick up the soap, my fingers slipping over its wet surface as I lather it against my skin. My movements are slow, mechanical. Each stroke is a painful reminder of everything that's been taken from me. The soap stings as it touches the raw wounds at my wrists and ankles, and I suck in a sharp breath, trying not to cry out.

I force myself to look up at him, searching desperately for even a flicker of humanity, but his eyes remain cold and cruel. He watches me with a disturbing interest, and to my horror, I wonder if I am actually arousing him. My chest tightens painfully, and tears blur my vision. I try to blink them away, but they fall anyway, hot and unrelenting, my sobs escaping in ragged gasps I can't control.

"Why?" I choke out between sobs, my voice trembling with desperation. "Why are you doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this?"

He doesn't flinch. Doesn't answer. His silence is louder than any words he could have spoken. It fills the space between us, amplifying the despair gnawing at my soul.

"I'm just a girl," I whisper, tears falling freely. "I have a family... friends... Please, just let me go."

But my words vanish into the void of his silence. He steps forward, closer, holding the showerhead. Before I can brace myself, the icy spray hits me again, this time aimed directly at my face. I gasp, sputtering as the freezing water cuts through me like a blade, mixing with my tears and stealing my breath.

"Stop!" I cry, my voice weak and broken. "Please, stop!" But he ignores me, continuing until every inch of me is rinsed clean, leaving me shivering and stripped of all dignity.

When the water finally ceases, the silence is deafening. I collapse onto the shower floor, my body shaking uncontrollably from the cold and exhaustion. I feel hollow, like a rag doll discarded in the corner, my sobs now quiet and hoarse.

I instinctively curl up on the wet floor, wrapping my arms around myself for any scrap of warmth or comfort. But there's none to be found.

He tosses a towel at my trembling body. For a moment, I just stare at it, unsure if it's real. It seems like such a small thing—a towel. Yet it's a fleeting moment of reprieve.

I reach out with a shaking hand, clutching the rough material to my chest, savoring the brief moment of modesty it provides. I dry my face, arms, and legs. But as soon as I wrap it around myself, he rips it away, leaving me exposed and vulnerable again. Fresh tears well up in my eyes. How can someone be so cruel?

"From now on, you will remain naked," he says, his voice emotionless. "Cover yourself, and you'll be punished."

His words hit me harder than any slap. The horror of what he's saying sinks in slowly, like poison seeping into my veins. Remain naked. My mind reels with the implications, and my breath catches in my throat as the room seems to close in on me.

"I... I don't understand," I stammer, tears blurring my vision. "What do you want from me? Why do you want me naked?" My voice cracks under the weight of my fear.

But he remains silent, his expression difficult to discern.

"I'm a good girl," I say, my voice shaking. "I've never done anything wrong. Please, don't hurt me." The words tumble out, raw and desperate. "Please, don't..." I look up at him, pleading with my eyes, hoping my vulnerability will reach him, that he'll see me as human, not just a prisoner.

"Crawl back to your spot," he says, his voice cold as ever.

A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow hard to keep from breaking down. The thought of crawling back, of submitting to his control again, ignites a deep, burning anger inside me. But fear quickly extinguishes it. The memory of his slap is still fresh, the sting seared into my cheek like a cruel reminder of my powerlessness.

Slowly, I force myself to move, lowering my bruised body onto the cold, hard floor. Each crawl is a battle between my pride and my fear, but in the end, fear wins. Inch by inch, I drag myself back to the center of the basement, to the spot he's designated for me. The concrete presses harshly against my skin, a brutal contrast to the brief warmth of the towel. I curl into myself, seeking comfort in a position that offers none.

I watch as he walks to one of the drawers along the wall, his movements slow and deliberate. When he returns, something metallic glints in his hand. My heart sinks. It's a steel collar, hanging open on a hinge.

Dread washes over me, cold and suffocating. "What is that?" I ask, my voice trembling. "I'm not an animal."

He doesn't respond. He moves closer, the collar nearing my neck. Panic surges, and I pull away, backing up instinctively. "Please, no," I beg, my voice breaking.

"Do you want food and water?" His voice is like a blade, cutting through my pleas with chilling detachment.

The hunger gnaws at my insides, the thirst scorches my throat. My resolve crumbles. With shaking hands, I stay still. He brings the collar to my neck, and with a decisive click, it closes around me. The sound echoes in the room, final and suffocating. Tears stream down my cheeks, each one a silent scream, a surrender I can't stop.

My head hangs low as he attaches a rope to the collar, threading it through a pulley on the ceiling. My world shrinks, my movements now confined to the center of the room. At least I can reach the toilet now, a small mercy in this relentless nightmare.

He turns and starts toward the door. Panic flares inside me.

"You promised me food and water," I scream, my voice trembling with anger and despair. "I did everything you asked. You liar. You bastard."

The words fly from my mouth, jagged and raw, each one a piece of my crumbling spirit. Tears blur my vision, but through them, I see the door close behind him, locking me into the cold, oppressive darkness of my prison.

Minutes later, he returns, carrying two large dog bowls. Relief washes over me. He sets them on the floor, just within reach. One bowl is filled with white rice paste, the other with water.

As I reach for the food, he grabs me by the hair, yanking my head back. His hand comes down hard across my face, the slap reverberating through me like a shockwave. "That's for calling me a liar," he hisses. The pain explodes across my cheek.

Before I can recover, he slaps me again, the sting burning on the opposite side of my face. "That's for calling me a bastard." His voice is cold, devoid of empathy.

"Respect. Obey. Do you understand?" His words press down on me like a suffocating weight.

Swallowing my humiliation, I nod, my voice barely a whisper. "Yes."

Satisfied, he lets go of my hair, and I crumple to the floor, my body weak with exhaustion and shame. The water bowl is within reach, and I crawl toward it, desperate for relief. I plunge my face into the water, drinking greedily, the cool liquid soothing my parched throat.

Next, I turn to the bowl of rice paste, scooping it up with trembling hands. The taste is bland, nearly flavorless, but it doesn't matter. I need it, each bite a small victory in the midst of this hell.

As I eat, I avoid his gaze, the weight of my humiliation too great to bear. The words I spoke echo in my mind, a constant reminder of how much I've been forced to surrender. But for now, the food and water are enough to keep me going, enough to offer a flicker of hope that I might survive.

As he starts to leave, panic surges through me again. I want him to stay, if just to have another soul to keep me company in this suffocating prison. My mind races, desperately searching for something to say, anything to keep him here a little longer.

I call out, my voice raw and trembling. "What—what should I call you?"

He pauses at the door, turning slightly. "Goshujin-sama. It means—"

"Master," I finish, my voice hollow and defeated from the meaning. After years of watching anime, I know the word well. It's the title slaves use to address their owners.

He nods, and the door closes before I can think of something else to say to keep him with me. The door locks behind him, sealing me once again in the cold, unforgiving darkness.