fertility assessment


In an alternate world, a genetic mutation made the natural birth of girls more rare, causing a decline in population. In response, a new Prgram was introduced, The Fertility Assessment Progam. Upon turning 18, all males must undergo a testosterone test, if below a certain threshold, the man will be turned into a woman with enhanced fertility and sex drive. These women will then be legally allowed to be freely used for sexual acts, even in public. These women will be marked for free use breeding by a collar.

This story revolves around Luke, who will deal with his new life after being turned into a woman and collared.


Hello! thanks for reading, one of my first works so be kind and let me know if you didnt like anything! The first chapter is only a prologue and has no smut if you wanna skip to that, which will be in chapter 2!


Chapter 1 - Prologue

I was walking to school very nervously, my mind racing and a thousand thoughts speeding through my mind. Today is my 18th birthday which means it was the day of the assessment. Ever since 100 years ago, the female population has seen a slight but steady decrease, it became a huge problem for the continuation of humanity, and so, 25 years ago a new initiative was set in motion. The Great Fertility Program. It was a huge outrage in society but by heavy police enforcement it was set into motion and has been normalized. Upon reaching the age of 18, every male must undergo a testosterone and fertility assessment, if the levels of testosterone or fertility of the semen are too low, then the male will be induced with a special drug, transforming their body into a female with heightened fertility and sex drive. These females are marked with a special collar to make them identifiable and legally required to not deny any sexual advances from men, even in public, essentially being free use breeding stock. These women, however, do not have to remain like that forever, any male may buy these women for a certain price (determined by body and fertility assessment after the change) and claim them as their own personal property.

I arrived in front of the school as a thousand prayers for my assessment went through my head. I saw some of my friends in front of the school and went to greet them, we were all kind of short and either a bit skinny or fat, a pretty typical nerd group, playing games, watching TV shows and anime/manga and being pretty nerdy about Dungeons and Dragons, which we played every week on Saturday. I myself was below average height, standing at a proud 5'7 with a bit of a feebler frame. Light brown hair and green eyes,

"Hey guys! Good morning!"

I said, faking cheerfulness which only gave me glances of worry from my friends. Derrick, a short dude with glasses and an iron man t-shirt spoke:

"Hey Luke... how you doing? Its your birthday right? Ehm... congratulations"

He says followed by everyone else, the same thought shooting through their heads, that I may become a woman by tomorrow.

"It's all fine guys! Theres nothing to worry about you know I gotta have crazy testo! I mean I always dominate at league right? That must mean something!"

my feeble attempts at trying to convince myself only making my friends smile with worry as we all went into school together. We went to class and immediately got greeted by moans of a woman, stepping into the classroom and seeing a brown haired woman with a collar on bend over her desk, her pants down and ass exposed. Behind her stood a tall muscular man, slicked back hair and pulled up sleeves to reveal some tattoos he got after turning 18 and passing his assessment easily. Jake, a typical jock and bully, was grinning as his arm moved back and forth, his fingers moving in and out of the woman's pussy in a blur while his other hand grabbed her ass cheek, a wet sound being heard with her moans as he fingers her. The sight

made us, and all the other guys in class, quite excited, not being able to hide as we got a bit hard. The girl, formerly called Henry, now Honey, was a moaning mess as he abused her tight womanhood with his hands, not even fucking her but just doing it to make her scream and moan and show her what her place is now. She failed her assessment a month ago, facing something like this almost daily, her fate like a hanging guillotine over my head, just awaiting my assessment in a month of tense waiting. Jake looked to us with a smirk, not stopping his hands and he looked at me and said:

"Hey loser! Heard its your birthday today~ I will look forward to using you tomorrow! There's absolutely no way a small dicked scrawny nerd like you passes that test anyway, so you can already prepare for me to take your virginity tomorrow, at least this way you will get to have sex finally!"

His mocking words making everyone in the room uncomfortable, most of our classmates used to his bullying of my friends, and especially me, but not wanting to get involved so they just look at me with pity whenever I am the target of his ridicule. The only people enjoying his insults towards me are his jock friends, who never fail to jump on the bully train and make our lives hell. For now I try and ignore them, sitting down at the table, my friends scattering to their seats after giving me encouraging words.

After I sat down a girl entered the Room, Jessica, long flowing blonde hair and the cutest face I have ever seen in my life. I had a crush on her for the longest time but was never courageous enough to confess. She comes over to me and gives me a friendly smile.

"hey Luke, I heard its your birthday! Congrats! Don't worry about what everyone is saying, you are gonna ace that assessment I am sure of it!"

she said with a cute blush on her face, the moans still echoing in the room. I stuttered out thanks and saw her walk away with a smile, her words always so sweet and excited towards me. So I decided. After today I will confess to her!

And so the day went by, the teachers telling Jake to stop it with his antics. Just because public nudity and sex was allowed by law when a collared female was involved, it didn't mean it was wanted or tolerated in class. My mind couldn't focus all day, the big assessment on my mind and not leaving it, not a single thing from today stayed in my brain and suddenly I heard the bell. Packing my things and catching a mocking wink from Jake as I leave. It was time to go to the Assessment building.

It was a big medical building, gray concrete block only separated by the men with relieved faces and the occasional collared woman leaving the building. It was, in actual fact, not that common to fail this test and be turned, only about 5% of men fail it. Yet the free use nature of it together with increased fertility results in a great increase in population since the law was made, slowly but steadily rebuilding society which was, quite honestly, at the brink before, too little babies being born and more and more dying, the percentage of females being so low as ever making it really hard for the economy, empty houses, too many jobs not being filled and even getting people from higher populated areas like india or china didn't help much. This new law solved that problem however and we are on our way to recovery! And it only

takes 5% of men to suffer for it. Well its not suffering for all, some enjoy their new lives, some hate it, some volunteer for it! The world is filled with all kinds of people after all. Me personally would absolutely hate it. And always being told by my bullies how little I am and what a wuss I am, it didn't help my fears for whats to come. Of course testosterone doesn't really have that big of an effect, small people can have loads of it and big jacked dudes could have little, but still...

I made my way into the building, got greeted by the receptionist and walked to the comfort room and told to jack off. Doing so nervously but looking up some hentai on my phone got me in the mood quickly and my kinda small cock came pretty fast. I stayed in the room a bit longer, didn't want to exit after 5 minutes already...

I walked with the container holding my cum to the doctor and gave it to him, my blood being drawn and they made me wait a few hours, those I spent walking through the city and nervously trying so bad to distract myself, returning to the doctor when the time was right. I entered the office and my world turned upside down as I saw a pink pill on his desk. I knew what it was. My vision swimming as I felt sick to my stomach and my entire world was unraveling in front of me. The doctor sighs and began to speak to me.

"Welcome back young man. It seems your results in the tests were... not good. Your testosterone is very very low and your sperm shows little signs of fertility. We cant even use it for sperm donation or anything like that. I am sure you know what this means-"

The next 10 minutes were like a nightmare for me, he told me all the details of changes to my body, how my life will be now. I could live my life freely, just as before, get an education and job. But I did have to serve as free use breeding stock. If I ever got pregnant the government funded that time and gave me compensation, the child I could keep or refuse, giving it away to a orphan facility which provides the best treatment. If any man bought me, I would be his property, legally belonging to him but other than that fact I could live my life as a normal woman, unbound by the free use clause.

I nodded along, signing off a paper that I was told everything in detail and given the opportunity to ask questions. I also was given a name, government chosen based on my male one, I could change it later, but this was so the new girls would have one less thing to worry about today. They called me Lexxi. Such a fucking slutty name I wanted to die. The doc told me to get naked an lay down, my mind too occupied to even care about being naked in front of a doctor. He gave me the pill and the go-ahead, strapping something to my wrist to monitor my vitals. I took the pill and swallowed it down, my mouth dry and unwilling. I lay there for at least five minutes before anything happens, the doc making small talk with me to try and ease my nerves. After about 5 minutes I felt my chest burning, a hot sensation slowly spreading through my body as I felt on fire. Groaning out as I began to sweat wildly. My chest swelling and slowly soft mounds of flesh beginning to form, my skin clears up as the sweat washes away all impurities and oils, making my skin soft and silky smooth. My shoulders and waist began to shrink and the fat moved to my hips and thighs. My hair grew out and my face rounded out into a feminine shape. My groans as I felt my spine shift and shrink were slowly turning more and more high pitched as my voice became cute and feminine. After what felt like an eternity of being on fire I slowly recovered. The doctor already had brought in nurses that started to clean me with fresh warm towels, washing away

the sweat and making sure everything was alright. They began to measure me after they were done, getting my sizes and leaving me a piece of paper with them. as I lay there weak and naked. They finished up and moved away, telling me to wait. I looked down and grimaced as I found perfect round and full tits and lewd legs. This sight should make my dick twitch. Yet I see no hard cock between my legs and just emptiness leaving a gap between my thighs. After five minutes another nurse comes in and gives me a plain female underwear, the panties feeling so weird as I put them on, not even looking as I didn't want to get hurt more by the absence of my cock. The bra hugging my chest and the shirt fitting perfectly, I also got a pair of sweatpants that fit excellently, my fat ass still looking very lewd but its better than naked. And then it came, my collar. A kinda small collar made with robust leather and a womb symbol on the front. Chips installed into it to monitor me actually wearing it. The nurse gives me an apologetic look and puts it around my neck, the soft leather feeling good around on my skin but the feeling of wearing it so demeaning and horrible, knowing what this means for me. I left the facility and had my parents already waiting for me in a car. I will never forget the faces of my parents as I exited the doors, they recognized me and a look of shock and disappointment ran across their face. They were supportive though, as I got in they reassured me over and over, telling me how safe I am with them and that I will always be their son...uhm daughter. The warm welcome and understanding being a soothing warmth in my nightmare. It must be hard for them, their only son now being a woman and facing the fate of being reduced to being a breeding bitch.

New life

Chapter Summary

Lexxi goes to school and has her first encounter on the bus!

Chapter 2 - New life

I fell asleep almost immediately after I got home from my visit to the Fertility Assessment Center. My new body so weird and uncomfortable. My height now shorter as I stand at 5"2 feet. My center of gravity having changed after so much fat is now placed on my lower half and tits. Walking around with the things making my back feel weird as this new weight is something I get used to. It is also weird walking around without anything between my legs. I did not muster the courage to look down there yet. It was now morning and I awoke groggy, I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth in darkness, not wanting to see me in the mirror. I went downstairs and ate breakfast silently, my mom wanting to act as if anything is normal but the awkwardness apparent. And then it was time for school. My mind drifting to Jake, oh how fucking horrible this will be, picturing Honey, the my classmate he made moan on the regular filled me with dread and a feeling like my stomach was constricting, a feeling I couldn't quite place but set aside. I got my things and got to school. The collar on my neck so awful and making me aware of every stare I got.

'its a new collared girl! I wonder who this was.' a thought most of the people looking at me got. I used public transport to get to school. I entered the bus and at at the back, making myself as small as possible. But of fucking course my luck couldn't be worse that day. A businessman that rode this bus every day came over and saw my collar, smiling and sitting down next to me.

"Hello there sweet one~ this is the first time I see you here! Are you new? Or just from somewhere else?"

he made small talk but I could clearly see his buldge getting bigger. "oh I am new... my name is... L-Lexxi."

I forced the words out, there was no need to deny my new identity, and I definitely didn't want people to know who I was before. He looked me up and down, still wearing the shirt and pants I got yesterday. They weren't fancy, and not too tight but my body was pretty curvy and even baggier clothes couldn't hide that at all. He stroked his chin as if considering and then after a bit put his hand around my shoulder.

"Now then Lexxi~ how about you be a good one and pull my cock out! Did you just get collared yesterday? I'm so honored to be your first then hehe. Don't worry I wont fuck you, I

don't want any of my kids running around, but I will just make you get the taste for cock for now~

I looked away so embarrassed, hesitant to do anything, least of all take out his disgusting cock.

"you know its a violation to refuse me right? They must have told you, about the sound recording chip in your collar? They will know if you refuse. I just have to report it and they can check your collar and you will be punished with the crime, so come on~ be a good girl and take my cock out already"

He said as his words hit me like a truck, of course I knew all that, but it was still so horrible to hear it again and live it. The word good girl made me halt and my breath stuck in my throat, that word being so embarrassing it makes me sick to my stomach, but somehow... this body liked it. I grimaced and my hand went down to his belt, undoing it and taking his cock out, the big smelly thing springing up. I have seen cock in porn before, but seeing it in front of me, smelling it and feeling its heat were something completely different. He pulled me a bit closer to him, why did I have to be so small... his hand wrapping around my entire shoulder and his chest so big as he made me lean against it. He took my hand and placed it on his cock, the thing already semi hard. I felt its heat, radiating into my hand and the touch making it twitch and slightly stiffen.

"come on baby, I don't have all day, stroke it and make it hard~"

I obeyed, I had to. So I let my hand stroke up and down his cock. I hated this, the smell going into my nose and making me salivate. What? Why did my body react like this? I was told my body would have enhanced fertility but did that also include sex drive... fuck. My hand sped up, stroking his cock and making him groan slowly, his cock twitching and harden. He moved me even closer and wrapped his hand around my breast, making me let out a very soft moan, his touch of my soft mounds and feeling his hand as it presses down on the fabric on my nipple sending jolts through my body, why the hell were my tits so sensitive? It made no sense. But I tried collecting myself and stroked him more and more, wanting this to be over with until he suddenly placed his other hand on my head and pushed me down.

"now you got me nice and rock hard~ come on and suck me off! You will be doing this a lot for guys who don't want kids, so better learn quickly hehe"

my face now right in front of his cock as it was throbbing and leaking precum, the smell stinging my nose and making my brain feel weird things. I did as he told me and opened my mouth, wrapping it around his cock and holding it in my mouth. I had a cock myself but I never imagined the silky smooth texture with the rock hard feeling and pungent aroma would make for such a contrasting and intense feeling. The man pushed my head down a bit till I was about halfway and gagging as he hit the back of my throat.

"fuck... your mouth feels so good~ too bad I don't have the time to teach you how to suck cock properly, my stop is coming up so this will do"

He said and started to hold my head in place while thrusting his hips up and down, my mouth attacked by the taste of it as the precum spreads through my mouth and over my tongue, my

body finding the taste... kinda good. But I had not time to sort that feeling out as I tried not to gag from his cock hitting the back of my throat as he thrust up again and again and again.

"hmmmnnn yes~ come on bitch, don't let me do all the work, at least suck it!"

He said and I obliged, my mouth beginning to suck, making my cheeks suck in and my whole mouth wrap around his thick cock rubbing against my tongue, cheeks and roof. Noises I only recognized from porn escaping me as the noise of lewd sucks and gags filled the back of the bus, multiple people watching but not caring, this was a pretty common sight. He continued for a while before I could feel him twitch and his cock pulse. He pushed it a bit deeper down my mouth almost making me retch and I felt his cock pump out his seed

"aah! Come on bitch and swallow my cum! I know you want it, that's what breeding stock like you are made for!!"

he screamed out while moaning and I tried to swallow it, gulps and gags as he kept cumming, I couldn't take it anymore and with a gag opened my mouth, the rest of the seed flowing out and around the cock.

"fuck! You bitch! What the fuck? You arent even good for a simple blowjob? God damn it!" he cursed and let go of my mouth, I went up again, breathing heavily as some cum was still on my mouth that I didn't know what to do except swallow. I felt an intense heat coming from below my stomach... my womb, I realized. Fuck. This body is horny for cum just swallowing it makes me feel this way, a weird heat rising up between my legs where my cock was, a feeling I recognized as arousal. Getting turned on from swallowing cum made me feel so bad, the nightmare that this body is making me almost cry. The man tries to make the cum not fall on his pants and wipes some away, a lot still on his cock that I look at a little too long.

"goddamnit, I would have you clean this with your mouth but my stop is right there so..." he said and shifted, cleaning his cock on my pants

"h-hey what s-stop!"

I said in outrage but he didn't care, finishing his cock clean as he held me by the shoulder to keep me from standing, when it was clean he got up and left without saying another word, going out his stop.

I sighed and knew my next stop was 10 minutes away. I rode the bus and avoided the gaze of the other passengers, a new collared girl was always something to look at. I tried wiping away the cum off my pants but it didn't come off, the thick substance going into my pants and staining them. Great. For the next ten minutes the encounter played through my mind over and over. I hated how he used me, didn't care for me or how I feel and just used me for his pleasure. What I hated more was the reaction of my body. Made for breeding was taking it lightly, my body was so hot thinking about his cock and how he thrust it inside my mouth. How it tasted and how fucking good his cum was. I hated these thought but couldn't help thinking them, the hormones in my brain running rampart.

And then it was my stop. I got off and saw my school, sighing and walking in, knowing the ride here was just a taste I got for what fate had in store for me


Chapter Summary

Lexxi goes to class and Jake finds out about her new identity

Chapter 3 - Bully

I approach the building, as every morning I see my three friends in front of the doors, they chat and when I approach they grow quiet, their gazes turning to me, a mixture of confusion, pity and silent...Lust. I stood next to them and everyone was silent for a few moments. Thomas, one of my three friends, black hair and a bit of a heavier and round build, spoke.

"oh uhm Luke? Is that you?"

my cheeks flushed and I looked down, nodding. My friends looked at each other and then at me, some looking me up and down, nervous now that their friend is such a cute girl.

"oh uhm yeah well... sorry. This must suck. But ehm... at least you're hot? If that means anything"

I clenched my fists and closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"It's something I guess... and thanks guys ehm I uhm the name I got is Lexxi but... please call me luke okay?"

they all nodded in approval. It didn't escape me how they looked at me, their virgin male gaze not being able to stop gazing down at my boobs and hips. It made me sick. My only solace that their words are friendly and understanding.

We move on to the class, the stares of the students like hot beams burning into the back of my skull and all over my body. I took my time hiding in more empty hallways, waiting until just before the bell rang to enter the classroom. And when I did, the reason for my hesitation and nightmares looked at me with such a wide smirk it made me sick. Jake licked his lips and gave me a wink, the teacher walking in behind me and giving me a nod as he addressed the whole class.

"Alright everyone! As you may just have noticed theres been another change today. The schools already been informed and I would like for all of you to give Lexxi a warm welcome, even if she looks different now she is still your classmate that you knew."

He looked at jake and added:

"And no disruptive acts during class understood? I wont have any of that here or there will be consequences. Now lets begin."

I sat down and had to endure Jake's stares and face reminding me of what he wants to do to me. What he does to every new collared girl at school. Use her and humiliate her, because doing it to us as guys isnt enough, he so desperately needs to dominate everyone and show how superior he is. And collared girls cannot do a thing about it. I cant do anything about it. Except maybe evade him, but he always gets what he wants, and I cant just switch school or be sick all the time. It is truly hopeless. And he is just the start, guys like the one on the bus will be plenty... but I gotta worry about that after school, because now the bell rings, and it is time to go to the next class.

"heyy Lexxi~ such a cute name!"

And before the bell even stops ringing I see him right next to me, his cocky grin next to my face as heputs both hands on my shoulders.

"Why don't we walk to class together eh? I wanna see what kinda assets you've got now hehe. Get up."

He says and pulls me up. Letting me get my things together and wrapping his hand around my shoulder, pulling me closer. His hand and chest were so big and thick with muscles, it made me feel so goddamn small. He started walking and dragged me along with his arm around me, almost as soon as we exited the classroom I felt his hand slide down my back and wrap around my ass, taking a handful of it and giving it a squeeze.


A cute soft moan escaped my lips making him grin so much more and shake my ass a bit. My ass cheek was so full and kinda big, yet it felt so small and perfectly sized for his hand, being grabbed in its entirety in his grasp.

"Wow! What a cute lil sound that was~ cant believe you were such a loser just yesterday and now look at you! *SMACK* Such a hottie!"

He gave my Ass a rough slap, the fat jiggling and a sharp yelp coming out of me as he laughs. Everyone was looking, some laughing, some with pity in their eyes as they already heard about what happened, apparently one of Jake's friends already posted on social media about me, a picture of me sitting in class with the collar visible spreading slowly through the circles of the school.

"you got such nice cheeks little one, lets see what your other assets are like~"

he said and with his other hand he gave my tits a slap, pulling my shirt forward and looking down at my breasts and bra.

"hmm, not bad~ soft and firm, but you need better underwear. These basic ones you get from the government wont do, not sexy at all."

His hand on my ass still groping around and massaging it. He gave my ass a slap and put my chin in his grasp, turning my bright red face to his and giving me a kiss that dominates my mouth, opening my lips with his tongue and roughly sticking it inside to show me my place. He breaks away and licks his lips clean of my saliva. I wipe his spit away with my sleeves and look away again.

"Now now little hoe, this is out stop. I will see you at break, meet me outside the bathroom, second floor. This is an order, so don't even think about running away, got it? Have fun little one!"

He leaves my ass alone after another loud spank that makes me yelp out. I didn't say a single thing as he talked to me. I knew how this goes, I saw it on the other girls. They will plead and beg him to leave them alone, and he will ignore it, be more forceful and work on breaking them even more. Resisting was a mistake. So I did the only thing I knew I could and tried to endure it in the hopes that me not giving him a reaction would make him bored and move on to any of the other girls he could pursue, maybe there is another collared girl soon, there is one usually every couple of months.

He left me and entered the class, his friends snickering as I saw them behind me, apparently they followed us and stayed behind to watch the show if him grabbing my ass. And then a bit further next to them, I saw my friends, flushed faces as they avoided my gaze. It filled me with deep shame, now being this hot girl and knowing my friends have seen our bully enjoy my ass cheeks. I looked down and entered the classroom. This lecture not being very much more illuminating than the last as I didn't have the mind to pay attention.

And then it came, the bell. Marking the end of period and the start of Break. Now the worst part begins, and I walked to the bathroom, I had no other choice, I could not legally refuse commands given by males if it came to sexual acts. Now, I could technically refuse this, not being inherently sexual or anything, and in court wouldn't be counted as breaking the rules. But what after? He will just punish me for it and make my life even more hell. I was planning on letting him have his...fun. And then hopefully leave me alone.

I arrived at the bathroom and already saw him in front of the door with his wide cocky fucking asshole grin sending shivers down my spine.

"S-S-So what do you want jake?"

I say a bit weakly and he just laughed at me, pointing inside. "Last stall, you fucking know what I want and don't pretend"

He waited as I bit the inside of my cheeks and slowly walked inside with my head down, trying to ignore the stares of the people walking by. They all knew what was gonna happen. And I knew it too. And so it was that I found myself in the Male bathroom stall with this huge asshole in front of me.

"Strip. I wanna see your new body. And hurry up."

He made his point with a light slap on my tits. I exhaled and slowly pulled my Shirt over my head, my breasts cupped in the white bra spilling out and the white squishy flesh of my stomach feeling the chill of the air. My cheeks are bright red and I slowly bend down to remove my pants, slowly sliding them down over my thick ass, the fabric falling to the ground and leaving me with an incredibly shy expression in only my underwear, the panties so lewdly wrapping over my pussy and around my ass. I looked up at him towering over me with a pleading expression.

He whistles as he sees me undress, looking me over with the eyes of a predator. I choked down my breath and with quivering hands and tears welling in my eyes I undid my bra. The support for my breasts falling down and leaving my big mounds of soft flesh adorned with cute pink nipples hanging in front of him, my breasts firm and nipples slowly standing from the cold air on them.

"Wow, I love your tits Lexxi~ so lewd and full! I am gonna enjoy them so much"

His hands already on one of them, so roughly grabbing it as his mouth moved to my other breast, his lips all over them and with a flick of a tongue he had me moaning softly. The contrast of the rough dry hand and soft wet tongue and lips on my breasts leaving me gasping and stuttering out whimpers. I could feel my pussy get wet from it, not waning him to see but knowing there was no way around it. I could see his pants and the bulge on it, swallowing some saliva as I glanced at it.

He drew away from my tits, having gotten a taste and both his hands moved down to my ass, his arms pulling me closer and against him. I felt his bulge press against my stomach and his hands kneaded my cheeks eagerly, massaging and spreading them apart.

"Let's get you out of these sweetie, you wont need them anyway"

His hands grabbed my panties and ripped them apart and off me. Making me scream out quietly in surprise. This act of dominance and eager lust made me feel so weird in between my legs, the heat rising up as I felt my pussy get wet and my womb so eager and turned on. He didn't leave me much time to sort these feeling out tho.

"ahhh fuck I hate how short our breaks are. Lets get you broken in and give you a taste of your new purpose!"

He pulled away and undid his belt, his cock springing up as he pulled it out of his boxers. I found myself staring a bit. Why the fuck did he have to be so goddamn huge! He stood at a proud 9 inches, the tip pressing against my stomach leaking precum that makes me salivate. His cock twitches a bit when he sees me stare at his cock. I still remember the taste and shape of the last one I had this morning, how my female body loved it. I wondered how much my eager body would enjoy this.

I didn't have to wonder for long tho. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed my back against the stall door. He leaned down and grabbed my thighs, pushing me off the ground and spreading my legs. My back against the wall, legs spread and cock between my legs as he held me up by my ass. This was probably the most humiliated I was in my life, my entire body so vulnerable and at his absolute mercy.

He slowly rubbed his cock against my stomach before lifting me up and slowly rubbing his cock across my new slit. The simple touch of his precum covered tip shooting a jolt across my body as I moaned. I looked at his cock and I found myself in a scene almost like a dream. His cock against my pussy as my legs were spread, tits hanging down. And yet instead of loving the sight of the female body so lewdly in front of me, I found myself so attracted to his chest and cock, my hips beginning to move on their own as I rubbed it across his tip.

"HAHAHA wow I didn't have such a horny slut in a long time! Lets get you what you want Lexxi my dear~"

And he didn't hesitate to let my body down, his tip slowly pushing my lips aside and beginning to stretch my walls. A loud groaning moan escaping me as I felt my world turn upside down, my pussy wrapping around his cock. I felt my insides get filled inch by inch. God why didn't he stop?

"ah. AH! NGHHA hhnmmmmaa!!! S-Stop you're too hhhhaaaahhh!! BIG~"

I found myself moaning out, his grin even wider as he slid me down more and more, my greedy pussy made to get bred and so I felt my insides stretched and torn apart but so wet. I loved it. Every vein and ridge making my body scream at me as it rubbed against my insides. The slow insertion searing the shape of his bully cock into my brain and body. He knew a womans body, especially the collared ones. He knew excatly how to make me scream and moan and how to break me. Because he has done so before to turned and collared ones.

"ah fuck~ I know you love it! Your tight little hungry cunt wrapping so easily across my cock! You know, normal girls need a bit of training and adjustment to my cock. But you collared bitches are just made to be bred and dominated by chad cock!"

His words entering my ears and I knew it true, I felt his top reach my cervix and push into it, my ass cheeks feeling his heavy balls full of cum. My moans and groaning whimpers so loud. My legs quivering and shaking just like my hips around his cock. He let me rest on it like this for a few moments. His entire throbbing veiny cock inside me and making me feel more fulfilled as I ever was in my life.

"Now lets have some fun!"

And with that he began thrusting up and down into my cunt, first slow and powerful, making me feel every single vein across my walls, but soon enough he thrust inside like a wild animal taking his prize. My tits bouncing up and down as every thrust into me slammed my body against the stall door, my head banging against it. My legs shaking and going up and down as he groans and growls while taking my virginity.

I was told my body would be more sensitive and fertile, but I didn't expect for a female orgasm to feel this intense. My entire body feeling on fire as every thrust send a pulse of lightning bolts across my body. My pussy shaking on his cock and hips quivering as I came and screamed out.

"ah! AH! FUCK! Jake! This?!? NGHAAA!!! HMM HAAAHH!!"

my moans and screams so lewd as if out of a porno, and it drove him wild. Starting to just slam into me with animal like ferocity as he sped up.

"you're... so fucking slutty... and tight! Fuck! Its been awhile since I fucked such a cockslut! Look at you cumming around my cock! HAHAHA! Take *smack* This ! *SMACK* YOU WHORE!!"

His words loud and so degrading as his cock throbbed inside my sensitive and cumming pussy and he unloaded his seed into my hole. The Thick virile seed pumping more and more into my pussy making me cum again, my womb opening up so eagerly as it submits to his dominant cock, his seed coating my entire insides white and claiming my cunt as his.

He stayed inside thrusting as he pumped it all inside of me, splashing our cum across our crotches before he slowed down. Panting into me as my face was a sobbing whining mess. He slid out, letting cum drip out and down on the floor and turned with me in his arms, setting me down on the toilet and let my legs down on the ground.

He slapped me with his cock across my face on one cheek and then dragged it across the other to smear the cum off it and across my face before he put his pants back on.

He took his phone out, snapping a pic of me, my legs shaking and weak, completely naked on the toilet with cum dripping out of my gaping cunt, my face looking so submissive and cum smeared across my cheeks.

"welcome to your new life you whore. I'm gonna make you scream around my cock much much more."


Chapter Summary

Lexxi goes home and tries to sort her feelings out

I heard the bathroom door close, the cold seat of the toilet against my skin. I felt the cum slowly drip down onto the ceramic, my ragged breaths uneven as i look down onto my body. I always thought i would lose my virginity to a nice girl i would meet someday, yet now i look down on my female body, defiled by my bullys cock and left dripping and naked in a stall. A few tears running down my cheek as i try and forget the feeling of his cum in my cunt.

The worst part is how much pleasure this disgusting act gave me, how good his cock felt and how much my body yearned to be put down by him.

I stayed in the stall for a while longer, hearing footsteps from the people going in and out the room and then the bell announcing next period. I didnt find the strength to go back yo class. After 30 minutes of soflty drowning in self pity i collected my things and made my way out of the bathroom and went home. Its a long way but i walked, the encounter like this morning the last thing i want right now. Yet it kept replaying in my mind as i walked home.

I made sure my parents werent home and i entered my room and locked the door, walking into the shower after tossing my clothes into a corner. I couldnt bear to look into the mirror or even down on myself as i sat in the shower and tried to wash the worries of the day away in the hot and steamy shower.

I put on some of my old clothes and covered myself in blankets as i spent the rest of the day watching my favourite comedy show on TV for comfort.

Yet once it was around the time school ended my peace and quiet got disrupted from my phone buzzing. First my friends asking if i was okay, if i wanted to hang out or play games. I smiled as i saw how thoughtful they were and trying to cheer me up. But then a number i didnt recognize texted me. It was Jake.

"Hey bitch, missed you in class all day, sad i didnt see you again but i guess you still need to get used to my cock HAHA. Make sure you come to school tomorrow we have so much more fun stuff to do~"

I closed the message and sighed. I thought about blocking him but i just couldnt, he would know and definitely punish me for it....

After a couple more minutes i got antother notification, my friend sent me a link to a social media post and asked me if thats me. I opened the link and almost dropped my phone. It was Jakes account and he posted the pic of me naked on the toilet with his cum coming out of my red swolen pussy with the caption:

"The loser Luke was too much of a whimp so they made him into a toy for me LOL Meet Lexxi, she is such a tight bitch and her pussy loves cock so much. 10/10 everyone should try her if you guys get a chance!"

I barely managed to look at the pic before dropping my phone down, the lewd image and expression of...me... making me feel so pitiful and weak, the reality of this whole situation sitting in a little bit more.

I couldnt help but look at the comments, so many of them.... everyone saying how hot i am. How much they wanna fuck me. How good my pussy looks. All these demeaning and degradung comments. I should hate it, despise it and look away yet the thought of all these people wanting to fuck me has me feeling so horny and wet. It was bizzare and all i could do was think about the horny gazes of my classmates and how good Jakes cock was. I tried to distract myself but i couldnt keep these thoughts away.

Later in the evening i received another message from Jake.

"In case you have trouble sleeping you can try and jerk off. Hope this helps." And attached was a pic of his rock hard cock.

I tried to ignore it but the itching got too much. So i opened my phone and started to open porn. Watching it and trying to massage my folds, sticking in two fingers and fumbling around while moaning, trying to get off for the first time myself. Yet my fungers where too delicate, and the porn i used to watch just didnt hit the same. I used to imagine myself fucking these girls while watching porn, yet now it was different, feeling so jealous of these women getting dicked down by far cocks. And when my mind drifted to the image of cock, a wave of pleasure surged through me.

I didnt want to admit it, yet afrer a while of fruitless masturbating i had to lean into it and accept that my rewired brain likes cock now, and after a while it got too much and i found myself moaning while looking at Jakes dick pic, wishing it was his cock inside my pussy now. And it didnt take long for me to find my first solo female orgasm while fantasizing about getting bred by my chad bully.


And so I fell asleep, drifting into a lewd dream world with a quivering pussy still hungry for cock. And what the next day would bring i did not know

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