
Notes:AN: I know I was going to do an Adventure Time fanfiction, but this idea came to me first. I'll upload the first chapter to that story in a bit.

As for this story, it is obviously rated M for language, sex. I have not read all of Ijiranide Nagatoro-San, but I am going off of Nagatoro's Bimbofication by Annon, so shout out to them. I will be taking more liberty to build up chapters based on the comic and maybe even go beyond it if I get the time to do it. Constructive criticism is welcome, but if you came here to flame, then forget it.



Summary: After a year in art university, Naoto comes across a magical pen in an antique shop capable of changing a person's appearance.

Disclaimer in Bio

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter TextNaoto's Bimbo Harem

'…Aaannnddd now.'


With that loud noise, many people began moving out of chairs and standing up to walk out of the classroom. One of those people was Naoto Hachiouji, a now 20-year old male who was heading towards the building's exit. For as sunny as it was outside, Naoto was introverted and wanted to head back home as soon as he could. With a step out the front doors, summer vacation started, giving the students a whole month to do whatever they wanted before the next school year started in September.

However the only thing Naoto wanted to do was get back home and relax. Being an introvert meant that he didn't have many friends, and those he did have he only kept in touch via phone and hasn't really seen them face to face. It has been over two years since he's seen any of them. When he graduated from Kainan Art Preparation School, he was now ready to attend Tokyo University of the Arts. However, doing so he had to relocate to the nearest town one of the university's campuses resides in. Thanks to video calls, he knew that they didn't look different from what they originally looked like, only all of them growing an inch. He, on the other hand, had grown to around 6 feet tall. While he did talk to them on the phone, he did want to see them again, which is why he had been planning to go back now that he was free for the month.

Smiling at the thought, he picked up his pace to get back home and pack his stuff. However, a glint of light caught his eye, causing him to stop and blink. Turning his head, once he recognized what exactly he was seeing, his eyes widened a bit in surprise, and a hint of recognition. In front of him was the front of an average antique shop titled 'Hakezawa's Antique Shop'.

That wasn't a surprise to him, as he walked by this antique shop countless times on his way home. He never had a need to go inside as there was nothing of interest to him. But this time, there behind the glass display window, was where Naoto laid eyes on the source of the glint. To most people, it was just a pen, and yet, he could tell that something was off about it. Blinking, he rubbed his eyes to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating before staring at the item behind the glass window.

Getting a closer look to the pen without touching the window separating him and it, he could see the object in greater detail. The pen was dark pink in color with a whitish-pink tip, even at first glance, Naoto knew that. However, when getting closer, he noticed the patterns on the pen itself. The most notable pattern was definitely the four bumps, all of which were actual diamonds in a sleek kite shape. Starting from near the nib of the pen and ending at the middle of the casing as if the four polygons were in a straight line. Then, there was the secondary design, which was 2 parallel lines of white grooves in the pen. These lines came from one end and made a pattern of up and down curves, before ending in a spiral at the tip of the pen. On the other end was the push button that was lavender. While it was expertly crafted, something else drew Naoto towards, like his body was compelled to have it for himself.

"Hey kid, are you gonna buy something or are you just going to keep staring?" A raspy voice came from his left, making the young adult jump in panic. Turning to face the source of the sound, he was greeted with the shop's owner, a man clearly in his late 80s. However, he had a vibrant look, as if he had a lot of life left in him. He was looking at Naoto as if he was scolding a child.

"U-uh… w-what?" Naoto stuttered, mentally cursing himself for repeating that old habit.

"I asked if you're going to buy something or if you're just going to keep standing there."

"Oh… Um… Actually I was just looking at the pen on display. It looks like the casing is made of ivory or something like it."

"Ah, so you know of something like that, judging by your uniform, you must go to that art university over there, correct? You must be someone interested in calligraphy." the old man inquired.

"Actually, I want to be an artist. But yeah, I do actually go there. I just stopped by because I happened to notice the pen in the display window. You said the gems were real, then does that mean it was custom made?" Naoto asked with more confidence.

The old shopkeeper began to tell how he acquired said object. "Aye, it is custom made, but I didn't do it. Crazy thing is, a couple days ago, someone came into the store and wanted to sell it to me for only a couple of hundred yen. Kept yammering about how he was given this pen as an inheritance, saying that it was supposed to make your wildest dreams come true, but was always frustrated that nothing happened. Dumb brat must have thought it was literal. So he just wanted it off his hands. So I took it off from him at a low price, it was basically a steal. If he went to a pawn shop, he would have gotten way more."

"Huh… that is weird." Naoto couldn't help but agree. Who in their right mind would think that a pen could actually make dreams happen? It was nonsensical and as much as he likes to draw stories of knights valiantly fighting off evil forces to save the princess, he knew such fantasies could never happen in real life. Nevertheless, he thanked the old man and politely bowed before walking away. However, before he could turn to leave, the old man stopped him.

"Wait." the shopkeeper said, stopping the young adult in the process. Quickly going into the shop, Naoto could only widen his eyes as the shopkeeper took the pen out of the window display, before coming back outside and holding it out. "Here, take it."

"WHAT?!" Naoto could help but shout. To give him such an expensive, ornately designed pen for free was absurd.

"Look kid, I am about to close shop up anyway and retire. Most of this stuff is going to be sold for half price, so what the hell. You're one of the first people to stop by in weeks, and was even willing to listen to me. Besides, I'm not much of an artist or useful in writing. So here, just take it. You'll get a lot more out of it than I would." the old man said with sincerity.

Such a thing moved Naoto to near tears. To give such an expensive item to him for free, he would definitely take care of it. Graciously accepting the gift, he profusely thanked the old shopkeeper, wishing him well on his endeavors before heading back home.

What both men didn't realize though, was the light pink glow began emanating from the pen.

"Finally, I'm home." Naoto said when he saw the building he was residing in. About 20 minutes after he received the pen as a gift, Naoto reached his studio apartment. Getting to the right floor and door number, he used his key to unlock the door. Opening it, he was greeted with the familiar smell of orange citrus. Entering the apartment, closing the door behind him, he saw that everything was just the way as he left it earlier today. The studio apartment was filled with items from his old home such as his manga and video game collection, his drawings and pictures of him, his parents and his friends. He also collected other things throughout the years to add to the collection, such as figurines of main characters from his favorite franchises. Quickly heading towards his bedroom, he went to grab his suitcase and pack it for a trip back home.

However, when he was about to set down the pen he received as a gift, he stared at the object in question and felt a huge compulsion to draw. Shaking that thought out of his head, he went to set the pen down again, but again it was as if his body was on autopilot, refusing to let go of the object.

'I really should get to packing my stuff… but for some reason, I feel really compelled to draw with this…' Naoto thought to himself. Figuring that this feeling wasn't going to go away unless he did draw, he opened a drawer in his desk to pull out his sketch pad. He had multiple sets of them, each one for different classes so as to not get confused, however he reached for the one that was unused throughout the year. This one was only bought in case he needed any paper for his sketches and drawings. Luckily, he didn't have to use it once, so all the sheets of paper were still intact. Pulling out the sketch pad, he opened it to the very first sheet of white paper.

Normally, before one would even begin using a pen with ink, it was a general rule of thumb to use a pencil in order to make the outlines and erase any mistakes. However, since Naoto was used to drawing with ink, he felt more comfortable just using a pen, as if the outlines for the drawing were already there. Placing the pen on the paper, he noticed that the ink that came out had the same shade of pink as the pen itself. A small detail that he waved away in favor of continuing his sketching.

*scribble, scribble, scratch, scritch*

When Naoto finally drew the last line on the paper, he finally set down the pen. Glancing at the alarm clock, it read 5:15 p.m. It seemed he had been drawing for only around 10 minutes. That caused him to double take.

'I was only drawing for 10 minutes?' Looking back down on the paper, he gazed at the creation in awe and shock. 'I usually have to draw for about an hour for my drawing to have this amount of quality to them. And yet somehow, drawing with this pen reduced it to a literal fraction of the time. Although…' He couldn't help but blush as he looked at the drawing again with a clearer mind. He had drawn a woman that showed her from a back angle. She was drawn in a pose that had her turning to face the viewer while showing off her muscular torso side and a gratuitous showing of a sideboob. Her arm that was facing the viewer had parked itself on top of her massive round asscheek, as if to give off an air of confidence and teasing. Sighing to himself and waving off the train of thought, he just got up from his desk to begin packing for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in another town, a certain individual with a tomboyish personality was at home about to do a video call with someone when all of a sudden, it was as if she was shocked by an invisible current of electricity, stunning her in place. This only lasted for a second before she looked at her phone again as an idea forming in their head. Instead of using her phone to call, the person just headed out the door at inhuman speeds while somehow unaware of the changes happening to their clothes or their body, yet somehow managed to get towards their destination undetected.

Just as Naoto finished packing, he was about to make himself something to eat until he heard someone knocking at the front door. Confused, he glanced at the clock to see that it was around 9 p.m.

'A visitor… at this hour?' Naoto had no idea who was at the door at this time, but he hoped that whoever it was, they'd be quick in their visit. However, when he opened the door he was met with an unexpected sight from an unexpected person.

"Hey Senpai! Didn't think I'd come and visit your new place, didya? I bet it's suuuper dorky!" The voice said. Naoto could only stare at the person in shock and blush for two different reasons. The first was that the person who greeted him was none other than his friend from high school and crush, Hayase Nagatoro. Although, that only made a small part of his shock. The second reason, and main reason, for his shock was…

'N-NAGATORO!? Why does she look exactly like my sketch!?' Indeed, the woman in his sketch had actually been the person in front of him. The woman that he fell in love with, but she looked completely different from how he remembered her. Instead, she looked exactly like the sketch he made earlier of her, causing him to blush. Her height was easily the least thing that was changed about her as she was now slightly taller than himself, although that was due to the silver high heel open toe stilletos she was wearing. But that still didn't take away the fact that her legs, which were her most prominent feature, had definitely grown to nearly twice the length of her arms and twice as thick. The rest of her only become more and more different from her original form. Her black back-length hair had now reached all the way down to her thighs, which had grown thicker than her arms, and her hips had become wider than her shoulders, giving her a bottom heavy appearance. Speaking of which, her ass had definitely become bigger and rounder than a pair of bowling balls. Moving upwards, her stomach had gone from being flat and toned to an actual 6-pack of abs, as if she had been doing sit ups most of her life. Now her breasts, while not as big as her ass, had grown from a modest sized B-cups to large D-cups, one of them being hefted up by Nagatoro's perfectly manicured hand, which now had long, sharp fingernails that were black in color. Oddly enough, the nails looked to be natural instead of being fake press-ons.

All of which culminated for Naoto to gaze back into his friend's face, which had a more mature and refined appearance, having silver lipstick and eyeshadow. Her eyelashes had also significantly grown out a few centimeters, but still looked natural with no sign of a fake. The only thing that Nagatoro's appearance wasn't changed by was her skin color, her eyes and the two hair clips and the metallic ear piercing on the right side of her head, although now she had diamond chain earrings that went down to her shoulders. However, what truly made Naoto go red in the face was Nagatoro's choice of clothing, or lack thereof. Simply put, her body was ordained with only a silver worn micro string bikini with a few silver anklets and arm bracelets… and nothing else, leaving nothing to the imagination. Even the small bra cups did nothing to hide her nipples as they were practically see-through. How she got here without anyone noticing it was an absolute mystery to him. In short, the girl who was still a tomboy, had now become an beautiful amazonian woman, with the attire of an exotic belly dancer.

Credit where it's due, Naoto managed to compose himself long enough to allow Nagatoro in before closing the door, making sure no one saw. Afterwards, his mind began racing at the sight before him, wondering how Nagatoro could look exactly like his sketch. His initial thought was that maybe she was pulling a prank hiding a camera in the pen, except that wouldn't make sense as he got this pen from the old man, and he never interacted with the shopkeeper until today. He was certain that something else had to be at play here.

'"Make your wildest dreams come true…" That's what the shopkeeper said when he told me, but even he thought it was a bunch of rubbish. Maybe it was something that had to do with drawing and not writing.' The young man was obviously fretting inside his head. 'Even if this is real, I don't know how this even happened. There has to be some way to test it out. But I don't want to change someone else. Unless this is a prank, which wouldn't be the first time she pulled something like this. But to go even this far, something is definitely off.' As much as he wanted to continue with resolving this internal crisis, he was snapped out of his thoughts when heard fingers snapped in front of his face.

"Oye, Senpai. Have you heard a single thing I said? You're just standing there like a statue." The reason for his internal dilemma said to him, albeit with a look of annoyance at being ignored. Naoto only stared at her before sighing to himself.

'Prank or not, I should still tell her about this. It's only fair, even if I did it by accident.'

With that Naoto resolved himself before taking the initiative by grabbing Nagatoro's hand and taking her to his room. Of course, such actions had caused Nagatoro to be rendered speechless, and slightly blush. As assertive as she was with her Senpai normally, she always found herself nearly smitten by him whenever he took charge. Noticing that they were heading towards the bedroom, her blush intensified.

'N-no way, is he taking me to his bedroom? Is he really going to…?' Nagatoro couldn't finish that thought as the scenario played in her mind. Despite the constant teasing and jokes that she directs towards her Senpai, she was very shy when it came to this type of stuff. However, she wouldn't mind doing it if Senpai was the one she was doing it with. Entering the room, Naoto led both of them towards the desk with the pen and drawing of her.

"I don't know how, but somehow you look exactly like the drawing I made a few hours ago." Naoto hurriedly said. "Seeing you like this, I thought that this might be a prank or something."

Such words only confused the tomboy. Looking at the drawing to see what he was talking about, her confusion only rose.

"So what you're saying is that I changed into how I look in your sketch here? The tomboy said, getting a closer look. "Hm, I don't see anything different about me. Well, aside from you drawing me from behind like this. What sort of perverted thoughts did you have, pervy Senpai." Her face had adopted her signature teasing look while wiggling her rear at him. Naoto could only blush and look away at the sight before him, taking her attitude as a sign that it was some sort of prank.

"E-enough already. Now tell me where you put the camera on that pen and reveal that this is a prank." The male had said indignantly that he was being pranked yet again, or so he believed.

"Hm? Camera? You mean this pen here?" Nagatoro asked smugly, picking up the pen between her fingers. She really didn't know anything about the pen, but couldn't help but tease him whenever she's around him.

However, as soon as her fingers had a firm grasp on the pen, it was as if an electric current ran through her body, causing her to widen her eyes and her pupils to dilate in shock. As if a dam broke, the memory of her previous self came flooding into her mind, and how she was like that just less than an hour ago.

'Huh? What's going ooooohhhh HOLY SHIT! I remember now! Touching the pen made me recall my original self! No way this is real! This has to be a dream!' Nagatoro mentally screamed in her head. This just felt unreal to her, and who could blame her. It's not like the human body can just drastically change in less than a day and having no memory of it happening. Placing her unoccupied hand on her ass and groped, she could definitely feel that it was real muscle and not some fake implant. 'Nope, this dump truck ass feels way too real. Wait a minute, Senpai said it was because of this pen that I'm like this… That means…' "Heh…"

*scribble, scritch, scribble, scratch*

Naoto was still looking away from Nagatoro when he heard the sound of paper being scribbled on. Carefully avoiding the sight of Nagatoro's nearly bare ass, he peaked over her shoulder to see what she was drawing. He only managed to get a glimpse of it, before the Tomboy Bimbo finished.

"Aaaannnnddd done!" she exclaimed with a perverse glee. Looking to see what it was, Naoto could only blink in confusion.

'Huh? Who is that supposed to be!?'

Indeed, looking at the drawing Nagatoro made, it was a crudely drawn stick figure. The stick figure had on glasses like himself, but the hairstyle was completely off, like it was a mohawk rather than his short, curly hair. And that wasn't even mentioning the gigantic cock and balls attached to said stick figure's crotch. While Naoto was one to never disparage Nagatoro's lack of drawing skill ever since she took an interest in his favorite hobby, he would be lying to himself if he didn't see that this would look like something a perverted middle-schooler would draw out of boredom. He didn't have long to think on it as Nagatoro turned around to face him, bent down to stare directly at his crotch, before using her hand to grab at it, groping his genitals to feel for any changes.

"And now to see if it worked." the Tomboy Bimbo said, groping Naoto's crotch without concern for the increasingly flustered male. "How is it Senpai? Do you feel any changes?"

'So the drawing was of me?' "Oh… well… Um, something is happening, but-" He only managed to sputter out before he was interrupted.

"Ah~ this feels nothing like my drawing." Nagatoro said, slightly disappointed that the now erect member behind Naoto's pants didn't feel as big as she would have hoped. Naoto knew the real reason why but still wanted to spare Nagatoro her feelings about it.

"W-well maybe because I'm not that… much of a recognizable person?" He couldn't help but finish the sentence as if he was asking a question rather than telling a statement. Of course, Nagatoro knew exactly what this meant.

"Ah… Of course… It's because I suck at drawing. Mm Hmm. Yeah… that checks out."

"Uh…" Naoto could only stammer nervously as her voice took on a more monotonous tone, something she would only do in times when she was jealous or annoyed, or both. And he did not want the end result to be happening to his manhood, especially not with how her eyes looked. The Tomboy Bimbo then muttered something under her breath, making it hard for the talented artist to hear.

"Pardon?" he couldn't help but say. As if a chain reaction went off, Nagatoro gave him a look of crazed desperation. However, it was what she said and how loud she said that made him nearly jump in shock.


In hindsight, Naoto considered himself lucky that he soundproofed his room so as to not disturb neighbors when he plays a video game or watch a movie late at night, otherwise he probably would have gotten a few complaints that night about indecency. As much as he wanted to counter it, he knew that on the off chance that this wasn't a prank, then on some level he was at fault. Afterall, he didn't expect for this to happen, but it did and now his inner guilt made him feel like he needed to at least be responsible for it. With a small sigh, he relented and took the pen from Nagatoro before going to the sketch pad. Just as he was about to turn the page, however, something strange came over him.

Instead of turning the page and starting over, he took the pen in hand and turned it so that the push button end was facing the paper. The moment the pen hit the paper, the ink that was touching the push button had started disappearing, almost as if the ink was actually pencil lead and the push button was the eraser, almost as if he was using photoshop. Blinking at the strange phenomenon, he began to erase parts of the sketch until he had enough of a base to work with. Then he began actually drawing, adding more ink onto the paper. For him, time seemed to slow down like before when he drew Nagatoro. However, he couldn't help but notice that he was drawing at a significantly faster rate. With the last line being drawn, he glanced at his clock and noticed that instead of 10 minutes going by like last time, it was 5. Naoto could only process that thought for a moment before he felt something shift in himself.

"Ooooohhh~ Something's happening!" Nagatoro happily exclaimed as she saw his crotch expand outward, stretching the fabric confines to its limit. After a couple of seconds, the fabric gave up before tearing up, allowing Naoto's crotch to burst forth. When she got a look at his member, only one thought could spring up to mind.

'THAT'S A HUGE DICK!' Nagatoro mentally screamed in awe at the sight before her. In the span of only a few seconds, Naoto's crotch had significantly grown, from an average of 6 inches (not that she knew) to a colossal 12 inches, and somehow thicker than a soda can. His balls also grew to the size of medium-sized cantaloupes, each one bigger than the palm of her hand. If one looked closely, a pink aura emanated from the pen and the affected area. Reaching out, her hand grasped at the massive member, eyes widening in shock at the sheer girth of such a thing. Her hands were unable to wrap around the whole thing. Granted, she always had smaller than average hands even before her transformation, but this dick was ridiculous. The Tomboy Bimbo felt her groin heat up in lust, her body craving the large flesh spire in front of her. 'Ho-Holy crap, I know my body is craving big, but this is bigger than what I thought. Can I even handle this thing? I can't let Senpai see me hesitate, otherwise he'll stop it. I need to show that I'm in control.'

Naoto on the other hand, had an even bigger blush on his face as he realized he might have overdone it.

"W-Wow Senpai! You're so big now that I can't even fit both my hands around you." Nagatoro said, trying to regain composure. "I bet you've always wanted me to do something like this."

"W-what do yo- NHG!" was all Naoto could manage to get out before grunting at the sensation on his dick. Nagatoro had taken the initiative and started sucking on his cock, putting the first 4 inches in her mouth while her hands held his cock in place like it was a footlong sandwich. She moaned hungrily as she began tasting his length, sucking and licking his massive cock allowing her tongue to run all over it sensually, lubricating it so it can better fit in her throat. Using her hands, she pumped up and down the exposed part of his shaft. The young male could only squirm and grunt in place as the sensations were being relayed into his mind, an arduous ordeal for him as this continued on for several minutes.

'Nnnhhh...he's...too big, it feels like I'm stretching out my jaw just having it in this deep. I probably can't take him all the way inside, but at least I know it's having an effect on Senpai.' She thought with an increased vigor. Various slurping and huffing noises came about, with his member stiffening up even more to the point it literally felt like marble. This was driving Naoto crazy with pleasure, making him having trouble standing up.

"Hmm… Mmm Hmm…~!" Nagatoro moaned as she was now languidly running her tongue along the glistening head of Naoto's length. She then proceeded to lick the rest of his shaft like it was a giant popsicle, using her hands to now massaging his large balls. A dabble of precum started leaking out. It was positively thick, almost like actual sperm. Seeing this, Nagatoro went back to sucking on his length again, using her tongue to lick up the precum, enjoying his taste.

'My mind is going numb. I can't tell if she's incredibly skilled or if I'm super sensitive, but I'm about to-' Was all Naoto could think of until he suddenly felt Nagatoro release her mouth and hands from his dick. Before he could formulate any response though, he felt her hands on his shoulders.

"Oh Senpai~" Nagatoro sang out, before displaying a feat of strength that was only possible thanks to her stronger arms and body. She pushed Naoto down, causing him to fall until his back hit his bed mattress. Wasting no time, the Tomboy Bimbo jumped right as Naoto fell back and landed like a cat that had just pounced on her prey, pinning the young male underneath her on all fours. Such action inadvertently caused Naoto's dick to swing and tap Nagatoro's ass. "Whoosh~ Got you!" She exclaimed with a giggle. At least, that's what she said to him. On the other hand, her internal thoughts went something like, 'Oh fuck me sideways! Senpai is way too huge! And yet I feel too fucking horny to back out now.'

"Ah… Nagatoro? Wh-what are you doing?!" he tried to move out, but Nagatoro had her hands on his arms, effectively trapping them.

"Hehe, you're so easy to hold down now Senpai. And if you're feeling anything like me after that pen's transformation… then we both need this." 'He's gonna destroy me with this.' Having lifted herself up enough, she gently lowered her hips until her crush's erect member was poking at her pussy, her wetness slowly flowing down the fleshy monolith.

"Well, last chance Senpai. I'm even going in raw and won't stop. Maybe if you ask nicely, I'll reconsider. Aren't you going to protest?" 'I'm going to die if that thing gets in me!'

Unfortunately and unbeknownst to her, Naoto at this point was more than willing to let Nagatoro continue on, oblivious to the girl's inner dilemma. If he was going to lose his virginity today, then he was more than happy with him losing it to the woman he fell in love with. Before Naoto could even tell her, Nagatoro beat him to the punch again.

"Time's up Senpai. I'm sliding down~" Nagatoro couldn't help but moan out the last word as she did indeed begin sliding down her Senpai's massive cock, causing him to moan at the feeling. The feeling was indescribable. There was pleasure to be sure, but the pain was felt to an even greater degree as her pussy had to stretch to levels it was never used to in such a quick notice. Hearing Naoto moan from the sensation, she used her signature teasing side to help keep her mind off the pain. "Hehe, you have such cute moans coming out of you, Senpai. Don't you feel embarrased that a man such as you is making such girly noises? Hmph, you better not pass out on me now, ya hear?"

Still keeping a brave face, she started to slowly ride the first half of his cock in a cowgirl position. Unfortunately for her, such an action was easier said than done as she found herself stuck halfway. Try as she might, she wasn't able to go any further, and she sure as hell wasn't going to risk using her full weight to counter this. In short:

'Oh fuck... I'm stuck! Senpai's dick is too big! If I go any further, I'll surely be split in two!' Nagatoro lamented inwardly. For all of her bravado, she was now certainly left with two options. The first was to either swallow the bitter pill and call this off, and the second was to push forward and put herself in unimaginable pain all for the sake of finally having sex with the one she loves. Definitely an unfavorable position to be put in, but she made her bed and now has to make that choice. Unless...

'Oh god, Nagatoro feels so good… She's so warm and tight!' Naoto thought as he saw the Tomboy Bimbo penetrate herself on him. 'And yet, I somehow seem unable to fully enjoy it.'

Sensing something was off, the young male took a glance away from Nagatoro's alluring body to see her face. He could tell that she was struggling, her bravado crumbling as she bit her lip in nervousness trying to accommodate him into her. Her eyes were full of uncertainty as she still tried.

"Come on." he heard her say, albeit with a weak tone. "Go down further… come on." She tried desperately to get more of himself inside her despite the pain, making her unable to do so.

'I may not have any experience when it comes to this sort of thing… but even I can tell that Nagatoro is pushing herself too far just to satisfy me.' He mentally kicked himself in anger for not noticing it sooner. 'She's scared… She's so unfocused that I could just…'

"Ah?!" Nagatoro reacted in shock as Naoto, in a show of quick thinking, moved them in such a way that Nagatoro was now on the bed while Naoto had positioned himself to be kneeling, using his hands to hold her legs open. While Naoto knew that she wasn't exactly light, considering the extra muscles and height, she was at such unease that she was caught off guard when he moved. If she was more adept in positions, she would know that they were in the table lotus position. "S-Senpai, what are yo-" whatever other words she had died in her throat when Naoto then leaned forward until he was face to face with her. Despite his blushing face, she saw the serious look in his eyes, showing that whatever he was about to do, he would be committed to it.

"I'm gonna start moving now… Hayase." Naoto said with the last word being added on with slight hesitation. However, this seemed to have the intended effect he was going for as the blush on Nagatoro's face had spread across to her ears and her heart fluttered in happiness. Such a simple notion had made her feel more at ease. "Will that be alright?"

Completely enraptured by his newfound confidence, Nagatoro dumbly nodded her head, something that Naoto found to be cute. Using his hands, he firmly gripped onto Nagatoro's thighs before slowly pulling out his member. When he was fully out, he grabbed it with his right hand before rubbing the tip against Nagatoro's pussy steadily. He smeared a bit of precum along with her sex, making her shiver pleasantly before grabbing onto her legs again and sliding himself on in, slowly, while feeling her slick spongy insides wrap around his meat.

The Tomboy Bimbo bristled up as she felt her insides becoming hollowed out by the massive dick being pushed into her sex, making her muscular, yet feminine frame quiver and her breath ran dry as she began heaving loudly while biting down on her bottom lip. Then, when he got to a couple of inches, he would gently start pulling out and thrusting his length back in. With each thrust, she was slowly but surely taking more of himself in her. Such a steady rhythm made the Tomboy Bimbo moan in pleasure, gripping the sheets with her hands as her toes curled.

'OH GOD! Senpai is stretching me out, but he's being so gentle about it.' Nagatoro could only think about the pleasure as she continued to moan out, her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes glazed over as the pink blush on her face had turned a full red. 'Aaaaah~! It feels so good now! I don't feel any pain…'

Naoto had taken a few more thrusts into her before thrusting one more time, the head of cock kissing the the entrance to her womb before going through her cervix. It was truly a first for her as she had never felt so full in all her life. She shuddered blissfully as the sensation of his cockhead entering her womb was enough to make her cum right on the spot, writhing in pleasure underneath Naoto's hold. Being unable to hold it in any longer, Nagatoro let out a near orgasmic scream as he felt Naoto pushing himself to the surface of her ass, making sure all 12 inches were inside her pussy. She howled loudly and wound up constricting her cervix around the neck of his cock, making him whimper.

'How is it possible that she somehow became tighter?' Naoto thought as he felt his dick getting squeezed like a vice. After waiting out Nagatoro's orgasm, he resumed his thrusting, albeit still at a slow and steady pace. Soon, the gentle slaps of flesh on flesh followed with Naoto's pelvis meeting with the cleft of the Tomboy Bimbo's taut, massive ass, making her cheeks jiggle constantly as he hollowed out her tightening pussy with his member. The girl could barely hold herself together as she rocked and swayed along her lover's frame, her breasts continued squeezing against his chest as their skin became sweatier with each passing second. Naoto's pelvis continuously smacked against his lover's ass as he thrusted into her with more and more force. Together their sexes collided into each other repeatedly, making a collection of skin-slapping noise coupled with blissful moans repeatedly escaping the Tomboy Bimbo's lips.

Naoto felt satisfied with the way this was playing out. While he would try to deny it a lot, he did have a perverted side, often having a lot of lewd thoughts involving Nagatoro or Sunomiya. However, as much as he could now act out the fantasies he had, he still viewed sex as a means of forming a relationship. So as much as he wanted to thrust in Nagatoro with reckless abandon, he knew doing so would hurt her rather than make her feel good. Seeing the look of euphoria on her face, he couldn't help but lean down to kiss her. An action that was reciprocated as Nagatoro placed her hands on his face. Their tongues clashed against each other, and it wasn't long before Naoto had picked up the pace, much to their shared delight. Naoto moved his hands and placed them on the Tomboy Bimbo's muscular hips to help with his thrusting. Now that her legs were free, Nagatoro wrapped them around his waist.

"Uh… Hayase…" Naoto started to say when he broke the kiss. "I'm about to cum soon and need to pull out."

"P-Please don't… I need it inside me!" Nagatoro desperately pleaded out, her hands now wrapped around his shoulders. Try as he might, he couldn't say no as he looked into her glazed eyes. Sighing to himself, he relented and continued thrusting at the same rate, causing the girl to moan whorishly. Now with her legs and arms wrapped around him, it was easier for him to thrust inward causing more and more of his large dick to go inside her. With this, he could now freely move his hands, which he used to roam her tanned body. First, he got a feel for her stomach, tracing her prominent 6-pack abs with his fingers. Then, he moved further up towards her breasts and began groping them, getting a feel for the various changes. While he knew Nagatoro had always felt that her breasts were small, he considered them to be at a modest size, considering her previous build and stature. Now though, with her new and more athletic body, it was definitely more than a handful. Playing with them, he began rubbing, pinching and squeezing her nipples between his fingers, and if her increased moaning was anything to go by, then she was definitely enjoying it.

"Aahhh…aahhh…ahhh…aaaahh…ooohhh…!~" The Tomboy Bimbo was moaning out with each thrust, making her head recline into the pillow she rested herself on. Her legs shot up into the air with toes curling tightly, feeling Naoto's length bury itself inside of her pussy once again made her feel more sensitive to stimulating pleasure than before. She wound up using her hands to hold onto her lover's head.

'I'm… I'm so happy…' Nagatoro had managed to think before bringing her lover's face towards her own for another kiss. Now completely soaked, she was being penetrated by Naoto's massive dick with little effort, taking it balls deep every time. His thrusts were becoming more and more erratic and his twitching dick was leaking more and more precum. She knew what was going to happen and only increased her grip on him, wanting to feel as much of himself on her as much as possible. Craning her head back again and shouting out to the air in unbridled ecstasy, Nagatoro came ahead of her lover and wound up squeezing everything around Naoto's dick while succumbing to her climax.

"Hhh Aaaagggghhhh! Ooooohhh…yeahhh!~" she hollered out with a blissfully euphoric smile on her face as she gushed constantly all over the man's penis, soaking it in her cum until he also succumbed to his own climax. Try as he might, there was no way for Naoto to hold back from cumming this time from the increased pressure Nagatoro's pussy had on his dick. His balls clenched and his cock fattened as he finally came. Grunting, he let out a gargantuan load, rocking his hips as he fired rope after rope of hot sperm, flooding his lover's womb, with the excess seeping out around the base of his cock forming a small silken-pearl puddle on the sheets. Neither of them cared for it at the moment.

Meanwhile, Nagatoro felt his hot seed paint her womb white, causing her to have another orgasm mid way through her first one. Such sensation was too much for her as she began squirting uncontrollably, covering her and her lover's crotches in her sexual fluids, adding more to the puddle of sexual juices on the sheets, Again, neither of them cared for it at the moment.

After about 30 seconds, both young adults tapped off. After reveling in the ecstasy of their climaxes, they remained exactly as they were for about another minute before Naoto rested on top of Nagatoro. If she was back in her original body, she would have struggled to get him off. Now though, even when she could do it so effortlessly, she instead tightened her embrace, smothering his face into her bosom, her fingers interlocked with his soft hair. Her embrace only tightened more when she felt him giving light kisses to her breasts, causing her to moan softly.

"Well… that sure was something, huh Senpai?"


It was a couple of minutes later that the duo were both sitting on the bed, with their lower halves covered up by the bedsheets. Despite their earlier escapade, they both felt embarrassed after replacing the bedsheet with a spare, causing them to both look away from each other. Nagatoro was now using the sheet to cover up her breasts, her left hand holding the sheet in place while her right hand helped her sit up, her left leg bent upright, making a tent in the sheets. Naoto kept his arms crossed, but it was clear he was just as embarrassed about the whole thing as she was. Not to mention the absolute monster of a cock showing through the sheets, making it seem like Naoto had a third leg, albeit shorter than the other two, just reaching up to his knees. Both were blushing, although Naoto was more noticeable. Seeing this, Nagatoro couldn't help but smirk as the urge to tease him came back up.

"You're still blushing~! Bet you're thinking about who to use the pen on next. Probably my friends… Pervy Senpai~!" she sang with her signature smile.

"H-HUH!? N-NO I WASN'T!" Naoto shrieked out, looking at her with shock and embarrassment. The look on his face was enough to make the Tomboy Bimbo laugh her ass off. Realizing what she did, he could only grumble as his face turned into a new shade of crimson. "Oh hah hah, very funny." The sarcasm in his voice was there but was overshadowed by his embarrassment.

"Oh lighten up. I'm just teasing you Senpai~." she said. "But…" Naoto dreaded the way she sang out that word. "It would be hot though, wouldn't it? Me and my friends taking turns on you, or you having your way with multiple women." She didn't think it was possible, but Naoto's face had even turned redder, with steam cartoonishly coming out of his ears.

"I-I… I mean… um…" was the only thing Naoto could stammer out.

"Hmm… Not denying it, huh? You also agree, huh?"


"I mean, look at me." She gestured towards herself with her free hand. Even covered with a bedsheet, it left little to the imagination. Noticing that Naoto was now indeed watching, she continued. "A body like this feels so good. It would honestly be selfish of us to keep this all to ourselves. Plus, no one would know about it unless they touched the pen right? So why the hesitation?"

Taking a few moments to calm down, Naoto, with a bit of reluctance, decided to respond.

"W-well, putting that aside…" he started, shrugging his hands to his left side.

Yes, yes, putting that aside…" Nagatoro, with a cat-like smile, couldn't help but impishly act as a mirror to his movements, shrugging her hands to her right side, albeit still holding the sheets to her chest.

"W-with you, it was a complete accident. I didn't even know that would happen... which I'm deeply sorry for doing that." He said with utmost sincerity and guilt, his eyes closed as to not want to shed tears. However, before he could lament on his mistakes, he felt something soft and warm on his cheek. Opening his moist eyes, he saw that Nagatoro's face was next to his and that her lips were puckered on his cheek.

Leaning back, the Tomboy Bimbo saw that Naoto's face went back to blushing wildly. But even more surprisingly was that when Naoto saw her face, instead of anger, resentment, or even a teasing face, he saw that Nagatoro had an expression of absolute adoration and love.

"Sen- Naoto…" She said his first name instead of his nickname, causing the young man's heart to skip a beat. "I don't, nor would I ever insinuate that I would hate you for this. If anything I want to thank you even more." She then leaned back. "But first, you were saying something about your reasons…"

Taking another moment to recompose himself, he began again.

"R-Right… Well as I said, it was an accident with you… and doing it to myself is something else. B-But it would be wrong to do it knowingly to someone without their consent." He finished.

As soon as he finished that sentence, Nagatoro pulled out her phone (where she got it from considering she only was wearing an ornamental string bikini, he didn't know) and started calling someone. He was about to ask who she was calling until he heard the voice on the other line.

"Yo Nagatoro, why're you calling this late at night!?"

"Late at night!"

Hearing the gruff, yet feminine voice and high feminine voice on the other line Naoto instantly recognized them as Gamo-Chan and Yoshi. Knowing that Nagatoro wanted to get them involved was something he should have seen coming, and he would be lying to himself if he said he didn't find the thought appealing, as he already had an idea for the both of them. The real question for now was how Nagatoro was going to convince them.

'Maybe she'll hint about it…' Naoto calmly thought.

"Yo Maki and Yoshi, if I told you I found a way to give you a bombshell body like mine, would you do it?" she said with a blunt, yet smug tone.

'SO DIRECT!?' The young man couldn't help but gawk at the sheer brazenness of her statement. Of course, he should have also seen this coming, as it was a typical thing that Nagatoro would do when she got in the mood. The recipients of that message were silent for a second before they started laughing their asses off, something that he also should have seen coming.

"What the hell kind of question is that? Because of course I would do it, you Crazy Bitch!"

"Crazy Bitch!"

As soon as they gave their confirmation, Nagatoro made a gesture for him to get the sketch pad and pen to start, which he did.

"Great! Meet me at this address, and I'll show you how!"

"Okay, but you better be serious about this."

"Better be serious."

Being too focused on the sketches, Naoto didn't pay attention to the rest of the girls' conversation. However, he soon hit a snag in what he should do for the design.

"Hey Nagatoro, what do you think Gamo-Chan and Yoshi like?" the young male said, only to be caught off guard as he saw the girl in question had fallen asleep. Glancing at the clock, he was shocked that it was already past midnight. "Oh man, I didn't realize it was already this late. I'll just make the designs myself, and change anything based on their inputs later." He said as he went back to drawing, taking an extra 10 minutes to finish both portraits. Satisfied with the results of the sketches, he placed the pen down before going to bed. Getting back on his side of the bed, he wrapped his arm around the other occupant of his bed, causing her to nuzzle against his side. With a content smile he finally went to sleep.

Meanwhile, in a room in another town, two roommates were laughing themselves silly for the past 15 minutes or so at what they just heard. Finally calming down they got to having a short talk.

"Man, can you believe what that minx said?" Gamou said between her giggles. "Did she win the lottery or something?"

"Fat Cash!" Yoshi said bluntly.

"Hah, that is completely ridiculous. Though sure, if she would be paying for my implants, then I don't see why not." she tossed her hand in a 'Go Ahead' gesture.

"Silicone!" Yoshi astutely hypothesized.

However, what both girls didn't notice was the changes happening to their bodies. Their nails on their fingers were growing at a significant rate, as well as their breasts slowly swelling in size. Or the fact that a white choker appeared on Gamou's neck and a yellow one appeared on Yoshi's.

Placing her well-manicured hand on her chin, Gamou looked up and pondered, not realizing that her height drastically increased.

"Though she said that we'll have a body like hers? Even though we're bigger than her?" she couldn't help but question.

"Much bigger!" Yoshi brilliantly said.

Once again, both girls were completely ignorant of the fact that their bodies have and were still undergoing significant changes. Their hair had grown significantly longer, and although Yoshi's hair was done in pigtails, the hair ties stayed in the exact same place despite her hair growing longer. Their casual attires had also changed to become more slutty, giving the girls an aura that radiated sex appeal. Their faces also slightly changed to become more attractive, with lipstick magically appearing on their lips that have gained more fullness, and eyeliner and their earrings changing in size, or in Gamou's case, appear out of thin air.

"Tch! The nerve of that bimbo. Let's fuck and mess with her and Paisen first thing in the morning." Gamou declared, groping her enlarged breasts with hands that now had longer than normal nails.

"Ye!" was Yoshi's excited reply.

With that, both girls went to sleep, but not before they had some fun of their own, and first thing in the morning, they did exactly what they planned to do.