Chapter 1: HarperChapter TextSarah's eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar world of blurred greens and blues. The scent of saltwater and tropical blooms filled her nostrils. She tried to sit up, but her body felt like it had been dipped in lead.
Her vision slowly cleared, revealing a beach that seemed to stretch forever, the sand sticking to her sweaty skin like glitter on a toddler's fingers. The gentle lapping of the waves washed against her small, bare feet. On the horizon, a fiery sun was dipping into the sea, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink that looked more ominous than inviting.
Staggering, she tried to stand up. Her long, blonde hair cascaded down her back in a wet curtain, framing her delicate fifteen-year-old features. Her light, drenched garments clung to her, revealing the contours of a budding young woman: the slight swell of her chest, where the fabric of her bra hugged the emerging peaks of her breasts, and her slender waist that flowed into the gentle flare of her hips. Her bare feet sank slightly into the cool sand, toes wiggling as if searching for some unseen comfort, while her legs, smooth and unblemished, stretched out before her like two perfect, ivory columns.
And then her gaze darted to the other figures sprawled on the shore. Some were groaning, others lay eerily still. A few had their eyes open, the same confusion mirrored in their wide, unblinking gazes.
"Where are we?" a voice croaked. It was a girl about her age, with short, choppy hair, her eyes red and swollen. In contrast to Sarah's feminine grace, her androgynous look was accentuated by the muscular tone of her arms. Her tight, water-soaked t-shirt clung to her flat chest, revealing the absence of any discernible breasts. Her skin was a warm, sun-kissed brown. She pushed herself up on her elbows, her body shaking with the effort. "What's happening?"
Sarah's heart pounded in her chest. "I... I don't know," she managed to say, her voice a raspy whisper. "The last thing I remember is walking home from school."
A chorus of confused murmurs rose from the other girls. One with long, tangled brunette hair stirred, her eyes fluttering open. Her face was sharp and angular, with a set jaw that suggested a stubborn streak a mile wide. "Someone grabbed me," she said, her voice trembling. "They put a cloth over my mouth and everything went black."
Another, a redheaded girl with a bruise forming on her cheek, sat up with a gasp. With a body that seemed to have blossomed ahead of her years, she had firm and shapely legs that led to the roundness of an ass that gave her burgeoning sexuality an undeniable allure. "I was... I was walking home from cheerleading practice, and then... this." She looked around, her eyes darting from face to face. "What is this place? Some kind of tropical island?"
A black girl a few feet away, probably a couple of years younger than the others, began to cry quietly, her body convulsing with silent sobs. "They... they took me from my bike," she whispered. "I couldn't fight them." She sat huddled in the sand, her legs drawn tightly to her chest. Her youthful beauty was accentuated by the plumpness of her pink, glossy lips, which quivered as she tried to hold back her sobs.
Sarah's stomach lurched as the reality of the situation began to sink in. They had all been taken, dragged into some twisted nightmare without warning. Suddenly, the sand beneath her seemed cool and unyielding. "We need to find out where we are," she said, her voice stronger now. "Someone must have seen us go missing."
The redheaded girl looked around, her eyes wide with fear. "But how are we going to do that?" she asked. "We're all alone here."
Sarah's eyes narrowed as she took in the scene around them. "We can't be," she said firmly. "This is too... organized." She glanced down at her wrist, finding it bare. "They took our phones, watches, everything."
The short-haired girl's eyes grew even wider. "What are we going to do?" she whispered, her voice trembling.
Sarah took a deep breath, trying to keep her own fear at bay. "We need to stay together," she said, her voice firm despite the quake in her chest. "I'm Sarah, by the way."
The short-haired girl nodded, wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand. "I'm Harper," she said, her voice cracking.
The redhead took a deep breath and spoke next. "I'm Jenna."
The brunette with the tangled hair sniffled, "Dolores."
The black girl, curly hair and a scratch on her forehead, spoke up, "I'm Zara." The youngest of them all, she was undeniably adorable, her small frame exuding a vulnerability that tugged at the heartstrings of the other girls.
They exchanged quick glances, their fear palpable. "Okay," Sarah said, "We need to find some kind of shelter. And maybe something to use as a weapon."
Jenna's eyes widened. "A weapon? Why?"
Sarah took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady. "We don't know who did this or what their intentions are, but we can't just sit here and wait for something to happen to us." She scanned the beach for anything that might be useful. "If they went to this much trouble to get us here, it's not just for a picnic."
"Sarah's right," Harper said. "Besides, we're all barefoot. If someone came with bad intentions, I don't think we'd be able to get away quickly. Finding shelter and some weapons is the best thing to do."
They began to search the area, their eyes scanning the sand for any sign of life or civilization. The only sounds were the waves and the distant calls of seabirds. As they moved further inland, they stumbled upon a clearing filled with coconut trees, their tall, leafy heads swaying gently in the breeze.
Sarah's eyes fell on a heavy stick, its surface rough and knobby. She picked it up, feeling its weight in her hand. "This could be useful," she said, turning to the others. "We can use it to defend ourselves if we have to."
The girls nodded, their eyes filling with a newfound determination. They continued their search, collecting rocks and sharpened sticks. Dolores found a piece of coral that had been washed up on the shore, its jagged edges glinting in the fading light.
Zara looked around, her gaze lingering on the horizon. "What if they're watching us?" she murmured. "What if they're waiting for us to... to get tired?"
The thought sent a shiver down their spines. They worked faster, gathering what they could and constructing a makeshift shelter under the palms. As the sun dipped below the horizon, they huddled together, the darkness enveloping them like a thick, suffocating blanket. The silence was only broken by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant sound of an animal.
They embraced in the dark, five frightened and trembling girls. They whispered their fears into the night, sharing stories of their lives before the kidnapping. It was a feeble attempt to find comfort in each other's company. They spoke of their families, friends, and dreams for the future—dreams that now felt cruelly out of reach.
As the stars began to emerge, one by one, they stared up at them, their eyes searching for some kind of guidance, some hint of salvation. They knew they couldn't stay here forever, but for now, the island was all they had. And they would fight to survive it.
The sun rose like a fiery beast over the horizon, its fiery fingers reaching out to the sky and setting it alight. The sound of a conch shell pierced the quiet morning air, echoing through the dense jungle that surrounded the palace. The guests, groomed and dressed in safari attire, gathered in the grand courtyard. The building was a monstrosity of wealth and opulence, a stark contrast to the simplicity of the island's natural beauty.
"Gentlemen," a man announced, his voice carrying across the courtyard, "today is the day you've all been waiting for." He was in his late fifties, finely dressed, and held himself up with an exotically decorated cane. His name was familiar to all present: he was Charles Weishaupt, eccentric millionaire, and his smile was one that could only be described as predatory. "Yesterday, we released our prey onto the island, fresh and ripe for the picking. They're out there now, scared and vulnerable, just waiting for you to claim your prize."
The guests' eyes glinted with excitement as they listened to the man's instructions. They were all friends of his, wealthy and powerful in their own right, and had paid handsomely for this sick twist on a weekend retreat.
"Remember, the rules are simple," Charles continued, his voice smooth as silk. "You have until the sunset to catch as many as you can. And once you do, they will be yours to do with as you please. There are no rules here except those imposed by the strongest. The strong rule. The weak succumb." He paused, savoring the anticipation. "But beware, the island is not without its dangers. The prey is clever and will do anything to evade capture. Only the most cunning and ruthless among you will emerge victorious."
The men roared their approval, their cheers bouncing off the marble walls of the palace. The hunt was about more than just the thrill of the chase; it was about power, about stripping the innocent of their dignity and leaving them trembling in fear. And as the conch shell sounded once more, signaling the start of the game, they fanned out into the jungle, their bloodlust palpable.
"These hunts are the best," one guest boasted to his comrades, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Weishaupt always finds the freshest meat, doesn't he? I hear our quarry is between thirteen and sixteen years old." The others nodded, their grins feral.
"Fuck, they're even younger than my daughters," another guest said, rubbing his hands together. "My dick is already hard as a rock."
"I've heard of these hunts before," whispered a third man, his voice deep and greedy. "Weishaupt is a legend. But I never thought I'd get an invite."
"It's a sign of his esteem," one of his friend said with a sneer. "Only the elite get to play in this sandbox."
The group of hunters trekked through the dense foliage, their eyes scanning the underbrush for any sign of their prey. They talked in hushed tones about past hunts, comparing notes on tactics and sharing their darkest desires. Each man had paid a fortune for this experience, and they were determined to get their money's worth.
"I hope they scream a lot while we enjoy them," commented one of the hunters. "The screams of pretty and scared young cunts make me horny as hell."
"The beauty of it," his friend said, leaning in, "is that it's all so... natural. No pesky laws or moral codes to get in the way."
"Exactly," the first agreed, his hand resting on the grip of his rifle. "Weishaupt is a genius for creating a world where we can be free."
Their conversation was cut short by the sound of a twig snapping in the distance. The men's heads whipped around, their senses heightened. The game had truly begun.
Back at their makeshift camp, the girls had barely slept. They were all too afraid of the dangers that awaited them with the rise of the sun. They had agreed to stay together, to watch each other's backs, and to fight with everything they had if they were found.
Now, with the light growing stronger, they could see the fear etched on each other's faces. They had all heard the conch shell's ominous call, and they could imagine what it meant.
"Someone is coming," Harper whispered, her voice barely audible.
"We need to move," Sarah said urgently. "Find a better hiding place, something more secure."
They quickly set off into the jungle, their hearts racing with every step. The underbrush was thick, making it difficult to move quickly, but they pushed on, driven by the fear of what was to come.
As they stumbled deeper into the foliage, the sounds of the jungle grew louder—birds squawking, insects buzzing, and the occasional rustle of something larger moving through the trees. They tried to stay quiet, but the adrenaline coursing through their veins made it difficult.
Suddenly, Jenna froze. "Do you hear that?" she asked, her eyes wide with terror.
The others stopped, their breaths held. The sound grew louder—voices, male voices, getting closer.
"Run!" Sarah screamed, and the girls took off, their legs pumping as fast as they could, their makeshift weapons clutched tightly in their hands.
And then, a gunshot echoed through the jungle. Sarah watched in horror as Harper's legs buckled beneath her, a crimson bloom spreading rapidly across her thighs. The other girls' cries of terror grew more frantic as they realized the danger was no longer just a looming shadow—it had become a very real, very painful reality.
"No!" Sarah screamed, rushing to Harper's side. The smell of gunpowder hung in the air, mingling with the coppery scent of fresh blood. The short-haired girl's eyes were squeezed shut, her teeth clenched against the pain. "We have to move," Sarah urged, trying to lift her friend, but Harper's legs were limp, useless.
The sound of the hunters grew closer, their heavy footsteps thundering like a herd of beasts. Dolores, her heart racing, turned back, her chest heaving with fear. "Leave her here. We must go!"
"We don't have a choice," Jenna whispered, her own fear stark on her face. "We have to keep going."
Sarah shook her head. As the other girls disappeared into the trees, she bent down and grabbed Harper's arms. "I'll help you," she said. "I'm not leaving you here alone."
Somehow, Sarah managed to hoist her injured friend up. They stumbled through the jungle, Harper's legs dragging behind her, leaving a trail of blood in their wake. The pain was intense, but Harper bit her lip, refusing to make a sound. They had to be quiet, had to stay hidden, had to survive.
The hunters' voices grew louder, their laughter sending chills down the girls' spines. They didn't know what these men wanted, but it certainly had nothing to do with mercy or rescue. It was a twisted game of cat and mouse, and they were the mice, naked and vulnerable, a prize to be claimed.
The two of them staggered through the dense foliage, their hearts pounding in their chests. Sarah knew they had to find a place to hide, somewhere she could patch Harper up and decide their next move.
The hunters' voices grew closer, a cacophony of excitement and depravity that sent shivers down Sarah's spine. Harper's grip tightened around her arm, her teeth gritted in agony. "Please, Sarah," she whispered, her voice trembling with pain. "You have to go. Leave me here. Maybe they'll just take me and leave you and the others alone."
Sarah's heart felt as if it was being torn in two, but she knew her friend was right. If they continued like this, they would both be caught. She helped Harper lean against a thick trunk, her eyes brimming with tears. "I'll come back for you," she promised, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll find a way to get us out of here."
With one final, desperate look, Sarah took off into the forest, her bare feet pounding against the earth. She didn't look back, didn't dare to risk giving away their position. The sounds of the hunters grew fainter as she sprinted deeper into the jungle, the foliage thickening around her. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her chest burning with the effort of running. But she had to keep going. For Harper, for all of them.
Harper's breaths came in short, painful gasps as she leaned heavily against the tree trunk, her body trembling with each beat of her heart. She could feel the warmth of her blood seeping into the sandy soil beneath her. Despite the pain, she forced herself to remain as still as possible, listening intently to the fading footsteps of her friends and the approaching boisterousness of the hunters. Her eyes darted around, searching for any escape or aid, but all she found was the suffocating embrace of the jungle's greenery.
The first hunter to reach her, a burly man with a thick beard and a grin that didn't reach his eyes, looked down at her with a sense of victory. "Well, well, well," he sneered, his breath reeking of whiskey and cigars. "Look what we have here. The first little piggy to be caught." He grabbed her by the hair, yanking her head back, and her eyes widened in pain as she stared up at him. His rough, calloused hand trailed down her body, lingering on her wound, and she couldn't hold back a scream.
The other hunters closed in, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. One of them, a balding man with a cruel twist to his smile, knelt beside her. "You're hurt, little one," he said, his voice sickly sweet. "Let's see what kind of prize we have here." He reached out and touched her thigh, his fingers pressing into the tender flesh around the bullet wound. Harper's whole body jolted with agony, and she screamed, the sound echoing through the jungle like a desperate cry for help that would never come.
There were six of them and they circled her like vultures, their eyes raking over her slender, androgynous form. One of them, his belly hanging over his khaki shorts, sneered. "Look at her, lads. Ain't she a pretty little thing?" He leaned down, his hot breath on her face as he grabbed a fistful of her short hair. "You're more of a boy than a girl, aren't you?"
The others chuckled, their eyes glinting with cruel amusement. "Is that right, sweetheart?" another one drawled, his hand casually playing with the zipper of his pants. "Do you like playing with other girls' toys? But today you're going to learn what it means to have a man inside you."
"No… please, no", Harper said. The fear in the young girl's eyes was unmistakable, and the tears that streaked down her cheeks only seemed to amuse them more, making their blood boil with lust.
The balding man who had touched her wound earlier leaned in, his eyes raking over her flat chest. "You don't need these, do you?" He tugged at the fabric of her shirt, ripping it open. Her small, firm breasts bounced free, the nipples tight with fear.
The hunters laughed, and one of them reached out to pinch her nipple. The pain made Harper's eyes squeeze shut, and she couldn't hold back a sob. The men laughed harder, their faces a twisted mix of arousal and contempt.
"P-please," she whimpered, "please let me go."
But her pleas fell on deaf ears. They were too busy devouring the sight of her, too eager to claim their prize. The thought of her fear only spurred them on, turning them into beasts that had found their prey.
The balding man leaned in closer, his lips curling into a sneer. "You're going to learn to love cock, sweetheart," he said, his voice thick with lust. "You're going to scream for it."
With a sadistic chuckle, the hunters descended upon Harper, tearing the rest of her clothing to shreds and exposing her completely. Her cries of protest were met with guttural laughs as they took in her virgin body, untouched and trembling with terror. They began to paw at her, their hands greedy and rough, touching her in places that had never before felt the weight of a man's desire.
The first one to claim her was the burly man, pushing her onto her back and spreading her legs apart. The others watched with hungry eyes as he plunged into her, the force of his entry causing her to scream in agony. Her untouched pussy clenched around his cock, desperately trying to resist the intrusion, but his brutal thrusts overpowered her.
"Fuck, she was a virgin," the man laughed. Harper felt blood dripping from her pussy down her legs, mixing with the blood from the wound. The pain was excruciating.
"What did you expect?" another man said. "Remember how young she is."
"And that's the beauty of it," the rapist laughed, snorting as he pumped his rigid cock deep into the girl. "These little cunts deserve to be fucked thoroughly as soon as they start to bloom."
Each stroke brought a fresh wave of pain, her wound on her leg pulsing in sync with the savage rhythm of his rape. Despite her physical fitness, her body was no match for his brute strength, and she could do nothing but take it. Her legs, smeared with blood and sand, kicked wildly, but the more she fought, the more they enjoyed her struggle. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the jungle air, punctuated by her cries and the sickening sounds of their pleasure.
Harper's body was wracked with pain as the man's thick member pummeled her unyielding. "Please," she begged through clenched teeth, her voice strained with pain. "Please stop!" Her pleas fell on deaf ears, only fueling the man's depraved lust. His hips bucked harder, driving his cock deeper into her tight, virgin pussy, each movement sending jolts of agony through her body. Tears and snot mingled, creating a wet mask over her face as she squirmed beneath him. "Mercy," she choked out, her eyes wide and desperate. "Please, I'll do anything." The balding man and the others just watched, stroking their own erections, their grins widening as her pain grew more intense.
The burly man grunted, his thrusts growing erratic, and with a final, brutal plunge, he emptied himself inside her. The moment of his release brought a twisted look of triumph to his face. As he pulled out, his semen and her blood dripped from his cock, the evidence of his conquest staining the dirt beneath her. Harper's body convulsed, a silent scream escaping her throat as she felt herself being defiled in the most primal and terrifying way.
The man who had cruelly taken her virginity slapped Harper's tear-stained face, the sound echoing through the jungle like a declaration of victory. "Your turn," he grunted to the others, his eyes gleaming with malice. The balding man stepped forward, his own erection on full display. "Why don't we all go at once?" he suggested, his grin widening. "You know, make it a real party." The hunters' laughter grew louder, the depravity of their intentions clear. "Yeah," another chimed in, "let's see if she can handle a man's cock in each of her tight little holes."
Two of the men pinned her arms and legs apart, while the third knelt between them, his cock already slick with anticipation. Harper's eyes rolled back in her head as the balding man pushed into her mouth, his girth choking her as she gagged. Other two took position at her cunt and asshole, their adult dicks pressing against her vulnerable openings. They didn't bother to prep her, didn't care if she was ready. With a brutal thrust, they invaded her, one cock plunging into her young pussy and the other into her ass, stretching her beyond what she thought possible.
The girl's screams were muffled by the balding man's cock, turning into wet, gurgling sounds as they fucked her in a frenzied rhythm. All the three men groaned and grunted, their excitement growing with every sob she tried to suppress.
The hunter sodomizing Harper slapped her ass with a meaty hand, leaving a crimson handprint on her bruised skin. "Take it, you little slut," he growled, his voice guttural with lust. The balding man pulled her hair, forcing her to take his cock deeper down her throat. The young girl's eyes watered, and she choked around the thick shaft, her gag reflex fighting the intrusion. Each slap and pull on her hair sent waves of agony through her body, amplifying the pain of the triple penetration. Despite her desperate attempts to hold back the tears, they flowed freely down her cheeks, mingling with the sweat and the sticky juices of the men's lust.
The balding man grunted with satisfaction, his cock pulsing as he came in Harper's mouth. He pulled out, leaving her gasping for breath, and stepped aside to let the others continue their vile assault.
The men's laughter was like a symphony of evil to Harper's ears as she lay there, her body ravaged by their brutal lust. The balding man stepped aside, wiping his cock with a disdainful look at the trembling girl. In a small voice, between her increasingly desperate sobs, Harper stammered, "H-have mercy, p-please. I didn't do anything to you."
"Mercy?" the balding man jeered, spitting the word out as if it were a foul taste in his mouth. "You're here for our amusement, not for your comfort." The two others, sweaty and grinning, didn't let up, their dicks hammering away at her abused holes. She could feel her body tearing apart, the pain so intense it was almost numbing. "You're going to take every inch of us, slut," the man in her pussy sneered, his eyes alight with sadistic pleasure. "And you're going to love it, or we'll make it even worse for you."
After what seemed like an eternity of agonizing pleasure for the hunters, the two men finally withdrew their cocks from her abused holes, their seed spilling out of her and mixing with the blood and sweat that already coated her body. Harper's limbs quivered, her eyes glassy with pain and shock. One of the men wiped his cock off on her wounded and bloody leg, eliciting another cry of pain from the desperate girl, before standing, a smug smile playing on his lips.
The two remaining hunters exchanged a malicious look, their cocks still raging with lust. "Let's see how tight she can really get," one of them said, his voice thick with excitement. They approached Harper, who lay broken and violated on the jungle floor, her breaths coming in shallow gasps. One of them grabbed her by the hips, flipping her over onto her stomach with a cruel twist that sent a fresh shock of pain through her body. He positioned himself behind her, his cock hovering over her bloodied and torn asshole. The other man stepped forward, his erection bobbing in anticipation. "Ready to feel twice the fun, little one?" he sneered, slapping her ass.
They didn't wait for a response, instead lubricating their cocks with her blood and juices before pushing into her sphincter in unison. The sensation was unbearable, a fiery agony that made her vision swim and her stomach heave. Poor Harper's asshole stretched to the brink of tearing as the two men began to thrust in sync, their bodies moving like a twisted dance of rape and dominance. The dirt ground into her cheek, her salty tears mixing with the grit as she screamed into the earth, her voice hoarse and broken.
The men's laughter grew louder, their grunts of pleasure echoing through the jungle like the calls of wild beasts. The pain was so intense, it was as if she was being split in two, the brutal stretch of her sphincter sending bolts through her body with every thrust. She could feel their cocks rubbing together inside her, the friction making her wince.
The balding man's eyes gleamed with a twisted amusement as he watched Harper's ordeal, his chuckles growing deeper as he saw her tremble. "Look at that slut," he said, his voice thick with disdain, "Her fifteen-year-old body won't won't recover from taking two cocks in that tight little ass of hers." The burly man grunted in agreement, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Whatever, it doesn't matter if she breaks," he said with a shrug. "Today's her last day on earth anyway."
The words hit Harper like a punch to the gut, stealing the last shred of hope she had been clinging to. Her eyes went wide with horror, and she could feel a cold sweat breaking out over her already-drenched skin.
With a final, brutal thrust, the two men pulled out of the young girl's ravaged asshole, their cocks glistening with her blood and their own seed. The girl collapsed to the ground, her body trembling uncontrollably, unable to find the strength to move. The pain was so intense that it had surpassed agony, leaving her in a state of numb shock. Her eyes were glassy with tears, her face a mask of anguish.
The hunters stepped away from her, their sadistic grins revealing their satisfaction. The burly man picked up his rifle, pointing it directly at Harper's tear-stained face. His eyes gleamed with a malicious excitement that sent a final chill down her spine. "Well, that's it for you, sweetheart," he sneered, his voice dripping with the satisfaction of a predator who had claimed his prize. The barrel of the gun was cold against her forehead, a stark contrast to the feverish heat of her skin. She could feel the throb of her heart in her ears, each beat echoing like a drum of dread. "And soon," he continued, his voice a sadistic whisper, "your friends will be joining you."
With a callousness that matched the brutality of their actions, the man squeezed the trigger. The deafening crack of the gunshot rang through the jungle, a macabre symphony that seemed to silence the very animals around them. Harper's eyes widened in terror for a brief second before the world went dark. Her brain exploded in a burst of red, and her body jerked once before collapsing into a lifeless heap on the unforgiving ground. The two men who had been fucking her moments ago didn't even flinch at the sight of her lifeless body, their cocks still erect and glistening with the evidence of their perversion.
The balding man's gaze remained on the poor girl's corpse, his eyes cold and calculating. "Time to go get the next one," he said.
Chapter 2: Jenna and ZaraChapter TextDeep in the jungle, Sarah's heart raced as she heard the distant echo of a gunshot. Her bare feet stung from the sharp stones and thorns that littered the ground. The sound was like a knife to her soul, and she knew it could only mean one thing: Harper was gone. The reality of their situation hit her like a tidal wave, threatening to drown her in a sea of despair.
But she couldn't let it. The blonde wiped the tears from her eyes, her chest heaving with fear. She took a deep breath, the metallic taste of her own terror filling her mouth. I have to keep moving, she thought to herself. I can't let them catch me.
Sarah pushed through the dense foliage, the leaves whispering against her bare skin as she searched for any sign of the other girls. The jungle was a maze of shadows and sounds, each one potentially leading to her doom. The sun had risen high in the sky, casting dappled light through the canopy above and turning the ground into a mottled tapestry of light and dark. She paused, her ears straining to pick up any hint of where Jenna, Dolores and Zara had fled.
A rustling sound, faint but unmistakable, grew closer. Sarah's heart hammered in her chest, and she ducked behind a thick stand of ferns. The noise grew louder, and she caught a glimpse of movement through the underbrush. Hunters. She recognized the safari hats and the gleam of rifle barrels. They were laughing, their voices a cacophony of sadistic amusement that made her skin crawl. They hadn't noticed her—yet.
"These little sluts are going to scream so sweetly when we fill them up," one of the men said, licking his lips. His voice was a mix of excitement and malice.
"I can't wait to see the fear in their eyes when they realize they're just meat for the taking," another chimed in, his rifle slung over his shoulder with a casual air of entitlement.
Sarah's stomach churned with horror. She had to find the others before it was too late. The thought of her friends suffering the same fate as Harper was unbearable. She waited for the hunters to pass before cautiously moving in the opposite direction. The jungle was dense and dark, making it difficult to discern where her friends might be. The fear of discovery was a constant companion, her heart hammering against her ribs with every snap of a twig.
Her eyes scanned the underbrush, searching for any sign of movement. The air was thick with the scent of decay and the cacophony of tropical wildlife, but she couldn't detect any human presence. Then, faintly, she heard it—a low, desperate voice calling her name.
"S-Sarah", the voice said. "I'm here."
Her eyes darted around, searching for the source of the sound. And then she saw her, Dolores, the brunette with the long, tangled hair that looked like a wild vine clinging to her sweaty, bruised body. She was huddled behind a thick bush, her eyes wide with fear and relief at the sight of her friend. Her cheek was scraped and her tank top torn, but she was alive.
Sarah rushed to her side, pulling her into a tight embrace that was more about reassurance than protection. "Oh, Dolores," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Thank God you're okay."
"Where's Harper?" Dolores's voice was shaky, her eyes searching the jungle frantically.
Sarah's grip on her tightened, her throat closing around the words she didn't want to say. "They got her," she murmured, the truth a lead weight in her mouth.
"And... what did they do to her?" Dolores's voice was a tremulous whisper, her eyes searching Sarah's face for a glimmer of hope that wasn't there.
Sarah's voice was barely audible as she replied, "I heard a gunshot. I think... I think they killed her."
Dolores's eyes filled with tears as she choked out, "I'm sorry I didn't stop to help her. I was just so scared."
Sarah gently stroked her friend's hair and whispered, "Don't think about it. There was nothing we could have done." Despite her own grief, she tried to put on a brave face. "Come on," she urged, "we need to keep moving. We can't let them find us."
Dolores looked at her with haunted eyes, her voice barely audible. "But where do we go? Isn't it safer to just stay here and hide?"
Sarah's eyes searched the jungle, her mind racing. "They're hunting us," she whispered fiercely. "They've got guns and they know this place. We need to find a better shelter and some way to defend ourselves."
Dolores nodded, her eyes swollen from crying, and allowed Sarah to lead her deeper into the jungle. They pushed through the dense foliage, their eyes peeled for any sign of a path or a place to hide. The jungle was unforgiving, but they had to find a way to survive.
Her fiery red hair plastered to her face with sweat, Jenna panted heavily as she sprinted away from the distant sound of the hunters' laughter. Her shapely body was a blur of motion, her breasts bouncing with every step. She didn't dare look back, fearing what she might see. The branches clawed at her skin, leaving angry red lines across her arms and legs, but she didn't stop.
"J-Jenna, wait!" Zara's voice was faint and strained, the younger black girl struggling to keep up. She was smaller than the others, her young body not yet conditioned to handle the rigors of the jungle. "Please, don't leave me!"
Jenna's eyes darted back, her fear turning to panic. She knew they had to stick together, but the hunters were closing in. "Come on, Zara," she called over her shoulder, her voice a mix of desperation and urgency. "You have to run faster! They're almost on us!"
The sound of branches snapping and the heavy footsteps grew louder, a relentless pursuit that sent shivers down their spines. Zara's legs trembled with effort, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she stumbled over roots and rocks. Jenna reached back, grabbing Zara's wrist to pull her along, her own fear palpable. "Don't stop," she panted. "We can't let them catch us."
But fate had other plans. As they sprinted through a clearing, the sun glinting off something sinister, they realized too late what lay before them: a barbed wire fence, a man-made barricade in the heart of the jungle. It was a trap, cleverly hidden by the dense foliage, and they had run right into it.
With a scream, Jenna's forward momentum carried her into the fence. The barbed wire sliced through her skin like a hot knife through butter, her breasts and stomach taking the brunt of the impact. She felt the wire bite into her, tearing her flesh and clothing. Her legs buckled, and she tumbled to the ground, her body tangled in the cruel embrace of the fence. "Aarrghh!" she screamed.
Zara, unable to stop in time, followed suit. Her small frame was no match for the unforgiving steel, and she too was enveloped by the sharp, biting wires. "Aargh! It hurts!", her cries of terror pierced the air as she fell, her tender black skin snagging on the barbs. The pain was immediate and intense, her body contorting in a futile attempt to escape the agony.
Together, the girls writhed on the ground, their cries of pain mingling with the rustling of the jungle. The hunters' laughter grew louder, closing in on their prey like the roar of a waterfall. "Look what we have here," a deep, sinister voice called out.
A dozen men emerged from the shadows, their eyes glinting with malicious glee. They were a motley crew of wealth and depravity, their faces twisted into leering smiles as they took in the sight of the trapped girls. "Two little beauties," another hunter said, licking his lips as he eyed them.
Their laughter was like a cacophony of demons, echoing through the clearing and bouncing off the trees. The girls' sobs grew louder as the hunters approached, their fear palpable. "P-please," Jenna begged, her voice trembling. "Help us." Her skin was a canvas of pain, a mosaic of blood and dirt from the fence's cruel embrace.
The hunters circled them, their eyes ravenous as they took in the sight of the trapped prey. One of them, a man with a thick beard and a cigar clenched between his teeth, leaned in close, his hot breath on Jenna's neck. "You're going to regret asking for help, sweetheart," he sneered, his voice thick with menace. "This is just the beginning of the fun we have planned for you and your little friend here."
A white-haired man with a ponytail stepped forward, his eyes lingering on Zara's trembling form. "Looks like we've got ourselves a real prize," he said, his voice dripping with lust as he took in her young, black body. "A fresh piece of jungle fruit, ripe for the picking." He spat the words out with a twisted smile, his gaze raking over her.
The bearded man's gaze shifted from Jenna to Zara, his eyes lighting up with interest. "You're right, she's pretty good too," he said, his voice a sneer. "Maybe we should give her a taste of the hunt." The other hunters chuckled, their eyes gleaming with excitement at the prospect of degrading the two young girls further.
Without another word, the men descended on the pair, their rough hands grabbing and tearing them from the fence. The barbs ripped through their skin, adding to the symphony of pain that was already overwhelming their senses. Jenna and Zara screamed, their cries of agony resonating through the jungle as the hunters yanked them free, leaving a trail of blood and torn fabric.
The hunters didn't bother to check on their injuries, their lustful gazes too focused on the prize they had captured. They tossed the girls into the center of the clearing like ragdolls, the impact sending more waves of pain through their bruised and lacerated bodies. The bearded man took the lead, a twisted smile playing across his face as he pulled out a roll of duct tape and approached Zara. "Let's keep those legs nice and open," he said, his voice dripping with malice. He wrapped the tape around her ankles and wrists, securing her to the ground in a spread-eagle position, leaving her completely exposed and vulnerable.
A tall, bespectacled man stepped forward. He leaned over the black girl's trembling body, his breath hot and foul as he whispered in her ear, "This is it, little slut. The first and last fuck of your life. But don't worry, we'll make it count." He grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look into his eyes, cold and devoid of any humanity. "You're going to take us all, one after the other, until you can't take anymore."
Jenna's heart was racing as she watched Zara's terrified gaze dart around the circle of hunters. "Leave her alone!" she screamed, her voice hoarse with fear and pain. "She's just a child!" But her protests fell on deaf ears as the bearded man grabbed her by the hair, yanking her to her feet. Her body was a mess of bruises and cuts, but she found the strength to fight back, kicking and clawing at the man's face.
With a grunt of annoyance, he threw her against a nearby tree, her body slumping to the ground. "Shut up, bitch!" he snarled, pulling out a roll of duct tape. He bound her wrists tightly to the tree, the rough bark digging into her skin. "You just stand there, watch and wait your turn," he told her with a sadistic smile.
The bespectacled man stepped closer to Zara, his eyes gleaming with a sick hunger. He took his time unbuckling his belt, his cock springing free, thick and erect. The thirteen-year-old's eyes begged for mercy as she whimpered. "No, please," she sobbed, her voice a broken whisper.
Without a hint of compassion, the man leaned over her, his cock nudging against her bruised and trembling thighs. "You're going to love this, little nigger," he said, his voice a chilling promise. He spread her legs wider, exposing her tiny, untouched pussy to the unforgiving jungle air. She screamed as he positioned himself between her, his hands gripping her hips. "Say goodbye to your virginity," he hissed, his breath hot on her skin.
The tip of his erection probed at her entrance, and she could feel the pressure building, the fear making her muscles tighten. "N-no," she wailed, "please!" But he didn't care. He pushed harder, the head of his cock parting her delicate folds, the pain a searing white-hot agony that seemed to split her in two. Zara's eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth open in a silent scream as he began to force himself inside her, inch by torturous inch.
Jenna watched, her eyes brimming with tears as she struggled against the tape binding her wrists. The sight of Zara's violation was almost too much to bear, but she couldn't look away. Her own fear was a living, breathing monster in her chest, a heavy weight that threatened to crush her. The other hunters, their own cocks in their hands, watched with greedy eyes, urging their comrade on. "Fuck her deep," one called out, his voice a harsh bark. "Show her what a real man feels like!"
The bespectacled man's face contorted with pleasure as he pushed deeper into the young black girl. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he let out a groan that was part triumph, part animalistic need. Zara's screams grew louder, the pain of her lost innocence a stark contrast to the man's depraved enjoyment. Her young body was no match for his, and she felt like she was being torn apart from the inside out. Each thrust was a fresh hell, the feeling of his thick cock stretching her beyond what she thought possible.
Jenna's sobs grew more desperate as she watched her friend's ordeal, her eyes blurry with tears. The black girl's screams pierced the jungle silence, echoing through the trees as the bespectacled man continued his brutal assault. "It hurts," she wailed, her voice a raw, primal sound. "Please, stop!" But he was relentless, his hips pistoning into her, each thrust a new violation, each grunt a declaration of his dominance.
As the man neared his climax, his eyes were squeezed shut, his face a contorted mask of pleasure and effort. And then it came. With a roar, he buried his cock to the hilt in Zara's torn and bleeding pussy, and she felt the hot flood of his semen fill her up. The man's body spasmed, his grip on Zara's hips tightening as he emptied himself into her, his seed mixing with her blood and the jungle's soil.
With a final, triumphant groan, the man pulled out, his cock coated in a mix of Zara's blood and his own lust. He stepped back, panting heavily, and smiled down at her with a twisted sense of accomplishment. "Not bad," he said, wiping his sweaty brow. He nodded to the other hunters, who had been eagerly watching the spectacle. "But you still have eleven cocks to go, honey," he added, a cruel twinkle in his eyes.
The hunters stepped closer, their faces flushed with excitement. One by one, they took their turns enjoying Zara, each man more brutal than the last. Jenna could only watch in horror, her own fear mounting with every grunt and moan of pleasure from the men. She could see the pain etched on the black girl's face, the way her young body tensed and relaxed with each new violation. It was a cycle of agony that seemed never-ending.
When the twelfth and final man had finished with Zara, who lay unconscious on the ground, they turned their attention to Jenna. The bearded man sauntered over, his eyes gleaming with a hunger that made her want to retch. "Alright, sweetheart," he said, "now it's your turn to entertain us." He ripped the duct tape from her wrists, the sound of her skin tearing away from the sticky material making her flinch.
Jenna's legs felt like jelly as the men yanked her to her feet. Her eyes darted to Zara's broken form, a silent plea for help that went unanswered. The white-haired man spoke up, his voice a sneer. "Why don't we give her a taste of what we've got to offer, three at a time?" The other hunters nodded, their eyes lighting up with anticipation.
The bearded man took the lead, his thick cock standing at attention as he approached Jenna. She felt a wave of nausea rise up in her throat as he grabbed her by the neck, his grip tight and unyielding. "P-please," she gasped, her voice a ragged whisper. "I don't want this." But her words fell on deaf ears, the only response a cackle of laughter from the men.
"You're our prey," the bearded man sneered, his breath hot and sour. "You have no say in the matter. We can do whatever we want to you. And fucking you won't be the worst thing we'll do to you either."
With that, he slammed into Jenna's pussy, her scream a high-pitched shriek that seemed to split the very air. The pain was unbearable, a white-hot knife slicing through her tender flesh. Another man stepped up behind her, his cock sliding along her cleft until he found her asshole. Without warning, he pushed inside, his thickness stretching her beyond what she thought she could handle. The dual penetration was agony, a nightmare come to life.
"Aaaarrghhh!" Jenna cried. The redhead felt the two men moving in rhythm, their massive adult cocks invading her young body with a brutal efficiency that left her trembling. The bearded man's breath was hot and rancid against her neck as he whispered, "You're so warm and tight, little slut." The pain was like nothing she had ever felt, a storm of sensation that threatened to drown her in a sea of suffering. Her eyes squeezed shut, she could feel a third man's hands on her breasts, his cruel fingers twisting her nipples until she thought she'd scream again.
"Look at these nice tits," the third hunter said with a leer, his voice a gruff contrast to the grunts and groans of his companions. His calloused hands felt like iron against her tender flesh, his rough thumbs rolling her nipples between them, twisting until she was sure they'd pop off. "So young, so firm," he mused, his eyes devouring the sight of her naked breasts. "Perfect for a bit of rough play."
A fourth man stepped forward, his cock bobbing with anticipation. He was the youngest of the group, with blond hair and a seductive face. He shoved her head down, forcing her to take his cock into her mouth. Jenna's eyes widened in shock and horror, her teeth clenching reflexively around the intrusion. He smacked her cheek with the palm of his hand, his voice a sharp rebuke. "Open up, slut. You're going to take it all."
Her eyes watered as she tried to breathe through her nose, the salty taste of his skin coating her tongue. He began to fuck her mouth with a vicious rhythm, each thrust pushing her closer to gagging. She felt her throat tighten and her eyes bulge as he hit the back of her throat, but she couldn't fight back. The bearded man and the one behind her didn't ease their pace, their thrusts in sync with the blond's assault on her mouth.
The pain was a living, pulsing entity, consuming every inch of her. She felt her body betray her, her pussy and ass clenching around them despite her desperate pleas for mercy. Her legs were shaking, threatening to give out under the onslaught, but she knew if she did, the pain would only intensify. A few feet away, Zara's body still lay unconscious and unable to witness the other girl's brutal rape.
Tears streamed down Jenna's face as she was used by the men, their grunts and curses filling her ears. The bearded man's grip on her neck tightened, his thrusts growing more erratic as he neared his climax. She could feel the blond's cock pulsing in her mouth, the taste of his pre-cum bitter on her tongue. The hunter behind her was relentless as well, his hips driving into her asshole with a force that seemed to shake the very earth beneath her.
With a chorus of bestial grunts, the three men reached their peak simultaneously. The bearded man's hot cum spurted inside her, filling her up, while the blond shot his load into her mouth. She gagged and choked, trying to swallow the thick, salty fluid that filled her throat. The man behind her pulled out with a wet pop, his semen spurting onto her back as he finished.
The hunters stepped away, their faces flushed and triumphant. They laughed and congratulated each other, high-fiving and slapping backs like they had just scored a winning goal. "Fucking amazing," the bearded man panted, zipping up his pants with a smug look. "Best hunt I've ever been on."
The white-haired man leaned down to whisper in Jenna's ear, "I'm next, slut". She couldn't speak, couldn't move, could only lay there, her body trembling with fear and pain. The hunters had taken everything from her, and now they were going to take even more.
One by one, the remaining eight men stepped forward, their eyes glinting with malicious intent. Each took his turn, their cocks stiff and demanding as they plunged into her, filling her in ways she never imagined possible. The pain was a never-ending crescendo, each thrust a new hell, each groan a symphony of her degradation.
The men didn't care about her cries or the way her body jerked with each new violation. They were hunters, and the pretty redhead was their prey, to be used and discarded. Their grunts of pleasure were a twisted soundtrack to the horror unfolding, echoing through the jungle like a war chant. Jenna felt like she was drowning in a sea of pain, her mind desperately trying to escape the reality of her situation.
When finally the last one pulled his cock out of her, the bearded man looked from the still senseless Zara to Jenna and said: "Now how do we finish this two bitches?" His words were a cold, hard slap across the face of reality, jolting Jenna out of her numbed despair. The hunters circled around her, their eyes gleaming with excitement as they discussed their next move.
The white-haired man spoke, his voice cold and calculated. "Weishaupt has a weakness for pretty black girls. Let's take the little nigger to him for his entertainment, I'm sure he'll like her. As for the redhead... why don't we hang her from a tree?"
Jenna's eyes widened with horror as she heard the words, her mind racing. "N-no," she sobbed, her voice raw from screaming. "Please, don't kill me!" Her eyes searched the faces of the men, looking for a shred of humanity, a glimmer of mercy. But all she saw was the cold, hard gleam of victory in their eyes.
They grabbed her again, their hands rough and uncaring as they lifted her naked, bruised body into the air. The rope bit into her skin as they tied it around her neck and slung her over a tree branch. She felt it tighten, cutting off her circulation, her feet dangling just above the ground.
Jenna's eyes bulged as she struggled for breath, her hands frantically clawing at the rope. The men laughed and jeered, their cruel amusement the only sound in the jungle. "You did well, slut," the bespectacled man taunted, his erection still standing tall despite the recent abuse. "You gave us a good fuck, but it's time for you to die."
Her legs kicking wildly, Jenna's vision began to blur, the edges of the world fading to black. She felt the rope tighten, the noose biting into her neck. The pain was unbearable, a vice grip that grew tighter with every desperate gasp she took. Her eyes searched the faces of the hunters, but all she found was a sea of sadistic glee.
The bearded man stepped forward, a cigar clenched between his teeth, his eyes glinting with a twisted satisfaction. "It's a shame, really," he said, stroking her bare thigh. "You were a pretty little thing." His hand trailed up her body, grabbing a handful of her red hair and forcing her to meet his gaze. "But this is the law of the hunt. You had no chance from the start."
Her vision swimming, Jenna could see the cold amusement in their eyes as they watched her die. The hunters' laughter grew louder, a macabre symphony that seemed to resonate with the very air. They slapped her dangling body, their hands smacking against her naked flesh like it was a piece of meat. One of them reached up to grope her breasts, his calloused hand squeezing and twisting.
Her legs kicked wildly for a few moments more before the strength left her. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets, and she felt the last of her consciousness slipping away. The world was going dark, the pain fading to a distant throb. The last thing Jenna heard was the bearded man's gruff chuckle, his voice a sadistic lullaby. "Goodbye, little slut," he murmured. "You were fun."
And then there was silence.
Chapter 3: Dolores and SarahChapter TextSarah's eyes searched the dense foliage for any signs of pursuit, her heart hammering against her ribs. Dolores, still out of breath from running, whispered through her teeth, "We need to find a place to hide." Her eyes darted around the jungle, landing on a dark, yawning entrance to a cave a few feet away. "There," she said, her voice shaky with fear.
Sarah looked over at the cave, her mind racing. It could be their salvation or their tomb. She chewed her bottom lip, weighing the risks. "But if they find us there," she murmured, her voice tight with anxiety, "we'll be trapped." Dolores's gaze met hers, a silent plea for guidance. They had stumbled through the jungle for hours, the hunters' taunts and gunfire never far behind.
Finally, with a sigh of resignation, Sarah nodded. "Okay," she whispered. "But we can't stay for long." They stumbled towards the cave, their bodies bruised and cut from the unforgiving underbrush. The darkness swallowed them whole, the sudden drop in temperature making them shiver despite the tropical heat outside. Dolores fumbled for a moment before finding a dry patch of ground, her eyes adjusting to the gloom.
"I'm so cold," Dolores murmured, her teeth chattering slightly. Sarah, feeling the same, looked around the cave, searching for anything that could offer some warmth. Her gaze fell on her trembling friend, the soft curves of her young body barely hidden by the tattered remains of her clothes. An idea formed in her desperate mind. "Come here," she whispered, reaching out a tentative hand. "We can keep each other warm."
Without hesitation, the brunette stepped closer, her own arms wrapping around Sarah's waist. The two girls pressed their bodies together, their budding breasts mashed against each other's, their nipples erect from the cold and fear. The heat from their bodies mingled, a comforting embrace in the face of the jungle's merciless chill. Sarah's hands slid up Dolores's back, feeling the smooth skin and the gentle curve of her spine. The warmth grew between them, a gentle balm to their shivering forms.
Dolores looked up into Sarah's eyes, her own filled with a mix of fear and hope. "Do you think the others are okay?" she asked, her voice a bare whisper. Sarah's expression grew solemn, the weight of her newfound leadership pressing down on her. "I don't know," she replied honestly. "But we can't give up hope. We have to keep fighting for them."
The brunette's bottom lip quivered, and a single tear tracked down her cheek. "But why are we here?" she sobbed, her voice cracking with emotion. "Why are they doing this to us?" The question hung in the air, a silent echo bouncing off the cave walls. Sarah didn't have an answer, she could only offer her embrace and a soft, "I don't know, Dolores. There are bad people in the world."
Dolores leaned into her, her breathing ragged. "I want to go home," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the jungle's nocturnal symphony. "I want to go back to school. I didn't like it much, but now... now I'd give anything to go back." Sarah's arms tightened around her, feeling the tremors of the girl's small frame.
Exhaustion tugged at their eyelids, a heavy weight that grew with each passing second. The pain of their injuries and the horror of their situation had taken a toll on their young minds and bodies. Despite the cold, despite the fear, sleep began to claim them, a seductive embrace that promised a temporary reprieve from the horrors of the island.
Their peace was shattered by the sudden sound of male voices, distant yet growing closer. The hunters were approaching their refuge. Sarah's eyes snapped open, her heart racing like a caged animal's. She nudged Dolores awake with trembling hands, whispering urgently, "They're here. We have to move."
Dolores's eyes widened in the dim light, her breath hitching in her throat as she scrambled to her feet, the warmth of their shared embrace forgotten in the face of the approaching danger.
"Follow me," Sarah whispered, her voice a taut thread of sound. She led the way, her eyes peeled for any signs of the hunters as they crept from the cave's safety. The air was thick with tension, the jungle's usual symphony of sounds muted by their desperate need for silence. They moved as one, their bare feet padding softly against the damp earth as they ascended the hill, the incline steep and slippery beneath their feet.
The ground grew rockier as they climbed, and the vegetation grew sparse. The sun that was setting on the horizon was their only guide, casting eerie shadows that danced and twisted among the trees. Dolores's breath grew ragged with exertion, but Sarah's determination was unwavering, her eyes fixed on the crest of the hill.
As they neared the top, the landscape suddenly gave way to a jagged ravine, the sight of it stealing the breath from their lungs. The drop was dizzying, a deep gash in the earth that seemed to plunge into an abyss of shadows. They had reached a dead end.
Sarah's eyes searched frantically for a way across, her pulse hammering in her ears. Dolores gripped her hand tightly, her knuckles white with fear. "We can't go down there," she whispered, her voice shaking. "We'll never get out."
But the sound of the hunters grew louder, their voices echoing up from the ravine's depths. "You know the rules. We have to find the last two prey before sunset," one of them called out. "We can't let them ruin the fun."
Sarah's stomach dropped, her heart pounding in her chest. The hunters were so close, their words a grim reminder of the fate that awaited them. Dolores squeezed her hand harder, her eyes wide with fear. "What do we do?" she whispered, her voice a tremulous thread.
"Did you hear that?" the blonde replied. "Looks like we just need to hold out until sunset. Maybe then this hellish game will end." They huddled closer together, their hearts pounding in unison.
But the hunters' laughter grew louder, their torches piercing the twilight. "We're coming for you, little piggies," one of them taunted, the sound of their boots crunching through the underbrush growing nearer.
Panic gripped Dolores's voice as she whispered, "They know where we are."
Sarah's mind raced, searching for a solution. "We need to move," she hissed, her eyes darting to the ravine's edge. "But not down there. We have to go around."
They stumbled back down the hill, the hunters' laughter and the crunch of their boots growing fainter. The ravine stretched like a serpent's jaws, a stark barrier to their escape. As they descended into the valley, the air grew colder, and the shadows grew longer. The jungle's noises grew eerie, each rustle and snap of a branch a potential threat.
Panting, their chests heaving with fear, they finally reached the ravine's bottom. The sight of the hunters' torches flickering on the hilltop was a stark reminder of their pursuers' relentlessness. Sarah's eyes searched for a way across the chasm, her mind racing.
Then, without warning, two hunters burst from the foliage in front of them, their rifles leveled at the trembling girls. "Gotcha!", they said, smiling, as if enjoying a particularly entertaining game show. Dolores's eyes widened in panic, and without a second's hesitation, she spun on her heel and sprinted back up the hill, her bare feet slipping and sliding on the wet leaves.
"No!" Sarah cried, instead throwing herself to the side and diving into the foliage. She didn't look back to see if the hunters were following her, and ran as fast as she could.
Dolores didn't get far before she felt a hand clamp down on her arm, yanking her back. She screamed, her legs kicking out wildly as she struggled against the iron grip. "Let me go!" she shrieked, her voice hoarse from fear and exhaustion.
The hunters' faces leered down at her, their eyes gleaming with a sadistic excitement. One of them, a burly man with a thick mustache, bent down to whisper in her ear, "You think you can outrun us, little slut?" His hot breath made her stomach turn. "You're ours now. You're going to pay for making this so much difficult."
With a surge of strength born of desperation, Dolores twisted her arm free from his grip and stumbled backward. The ground gave way beneath her, and she found herself teetering on the edge of the ravine. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt the emptiness of the abyss at her back. The hunters closed in around her, their eyes hungry for the fear they had wrung from her.
"Look at that," one of them leered, his breath hot on her neck. "Afraid of heights, are we?" His voice was thick with the promise of pain and pleasure, a twisted symphony that made her stomach clench. "Don't worry, young girl, we'll keep you busy enough you won't have time to think about it."
The other hunter chuckled, his eyes raking over her trembling form. "Yeah, you're going to be too busy screaming for mercy to worry about falling." His cock was already hard, straining against his pants as he stepped closer. "And being raped by both of us at the same time will be very painful, believe me."
Dolores's eyes grew wide with terror, and she made a split-second decision. She could imagine what they wanted to do with her, and she couldn't bear the thought of enduring that kind of pain, that kind of degradation. With a cry of despair, she threw herself backward into the void, the ravine's edge disappearing beneath her.
The hunters' faces contorted in shock as she disappeared into the darkness, their laughter dying in their throats. "Fuck, she jumped!" one of them roared, his voice echoing through the ravine. They rushed to the edge, their torches flickering over the jagged rocks below.
Dolores's body lay sprawled on the rocks, a macabre doll twisted by the cruel hand of fate. Her once-beautiful face was a mask of pain and fear, frozen in the moment of impact. Her arms and legs were splayed at unnatural angles, her young breasts exposed and bruised from the fall. The brunette's eyes were open, staring blankly up at the indifferent sky, reflecting the dying embers of the sun.
The hunters' laughter had turned to rage, their prey slipping through their grasp like a snake into the night. One of the men, his face red with fury, spat down at the lifeless form. "Stupid little cunt," he snarled. "You preferred to die rather than be fucked by us, eh?" His voice echoed off the ravine walls, a gruff, furious rumble that seemed to shake the very earth.
The second hunter, his grip still on his cock, stared at her body with a mix of disappointment and anger. "What a waste," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "But it would have made little difference to her. After the rape we would have killed her anyway."
The first man nodded, his eyes glinting in the torchlight. "Let's not get too upset. We've still got the blonde to play with." He turned to his companion, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Let's go back to look for her. It's almost sunset."
Sarah had heard their words, her heart pounding in her chest as she lay hidden in the brush. She knew she had to keep moving, had to stay ahead of them. The thought of Dolores's fate, of her lifeless body lying broken on the rocks below, only fueled her determination. She couldn't let the same happen to her.
The jungle grew denser, the light from the setting sun fading into an ominous twilight. Sarah's bare feet moved swiftly, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she pushed her exhausted body to its limits. The hunters' voices grew distant, the echoes of their taunts fading away. But she knew they wouldn't give up easily.
In the opulent palace at the center of the island, the grand clock chimed, signaling fifteen minutes until sunset. A butler in a crisp black tuxedo approached the large mahogany desk where Charles Weishaupt sat, his decorated cane leaning against its side. The man cleared his throat discretely, drawing the wealthy sadist's attention.
"Mr. Weishaupt," he said, his voice calm and formal. "The hunters have informed me that one quarry remains uncaptured."
Charles's eyes lit up with excitement, his heart pounding in his chest. "One?" He leaned back in his chair, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Which one is it?"
The butler, ever the picture of calm, checked his clipboard. "Miss Sarah Taylor, sir."
"Ah, the blonde one," Charles said, a lecherous smile spreading across his face. His eyes took on a lustful glint, picturing the young girl's body. "And the hunters have returned?"
"Almost all of them, sir," the butler replied, his voice devoid of emotion. "They are preparing to celebrate the end of the hunt. Only a few stragglers remain out, searching for the last survivor."
Charles chuckled, his eyes gleaming with a twisted sense of admiration. "The girl must have hidden well," he murmured, stroking his chin. "She must be good. She's probably hoping she's safe by now." He stood from his chair, the leather squeaking as he shifted his weight. "Well, let's end this game. It's almost sunset. Release the dogs."
"Yes, sir." The butler nodded and retreated to carry out his orders.
Sarah, her body a trembling mess of fear and exhaustion, lay hidden among the leaves, her eyes fixed on the sinking sun. The jungle had gone quiet around her, the usual cacophony of wildlife silenced by the horror that had unfolded. She could feel the tension in the air, the anticipation of the hunters' victory, their predatory eyes searching the shadows for their final prize. But she clung to the belief that with the setting sun, she would be safe.
Her thoughts turned to her friends, to the brutal acts she had witnessed. The images of Harper's, Jenna's and Zara's rape, and of Dolores's shattered corpse at the ravine's bottom haunted her. The memory of their screams, the sound of their bodies being used and discarded, filled her with a rage that mingled with her terror. She had hoped they would escape the island together, but now she was the last one standing.
Sarah's eyes remained on the descending sun, a fiery orb sinking into the horizon, painting the sky with shades of crimson and gold. Would the hunters really stop at sunset? Or was it just another twisted rule in this nightmare? Her heart thundered in her chest as she contemplated the fate that might await her if they found her.
And then, she heard it. The unmistakable sound of male voices, tired and frustrated, drifted through the thick jungle foliage. "She's gotta be close," one of them groused. "But we're out of time. Weishaupt's gonna be pissed." The words hung in the air like a lifeline, a glimmer of hope in the darkness that had engulfed her.
Sarah held her breath, straining to make out the conversation. The hunters were speaking in low tones, but she could just discern the words. "Let's go back," another voice said, defeat etched into every syllable. "We've had our fun. She's probably half dead anyway."
Relief flooded through her, the first real sense of it she had felt since the nightmare began. They were giving up. They were leaving her alone. The sun had won.
The hunters' voices grew distant, swallowed by the jungle's embrace. Sarah waited, her breathing shallow and fast, her heart pounding in her ears. She didn't dare move, not yet. Her eyes remained fixed on the sun, now a mere sliver of fiery gold above the treeline. It had to be true. It had to be over.
But fate had one more cruel twist in store for her.
As the sun kissed the horizon, a distant chorus of snarls and barks pierced the air. Sarah's eyes widened as she realized it was dogs. She knew they'd scented her, that her trail of fear and sweat was like a neon sign to their bloodthirsty muzzles. Panic surged through her veins, adrenaline burning away the last shreds of her exhaustion.
With a gasp, she bolted from the bushes, her legs moving of their own accord. The jungle floor was uneven, roots and rocks jutting out to trip her, but she ran, her eyes fixed on the fading light.
The dogs were closing in, their barks growing louder, closer. The hunters had sent them to finish what their twisted game had started. Her bare feet pounded against the earth, the sound of their pursuit a relentless drumbeat in her ears. She could feel their hot breath on her heels, their teeth snapping at the air just millimeters away from her skin.
Her legs burned with the effort of running, her lungs screaming for air. But she didn't dare slow down. The jungle floor was a blur beneath her, the world reduced to a series of obstacles she had to navigate without thought. And then, it happened. Her foot caught on a root, sending her sprawling forward, her arms shooting out to break her fall.
The impact with the ground was jarring, stealing the breath from her lungs. But she had no time to recover, no time to feel the sting of her scrapes and bruises. The dogs were on her in an instant, their teeth sinking into her flesh like hot knives. She felt the fabric of her shirt tear, the cold metal of the collar tightening around her throat. They had her.
In his palace, Charles Weishaupt stood before his gathered guests, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Gentlemen," he announced, raising a crystal flute filled with amber liquid. "We've had a successful hunt. Four of the five preys have been captured, and we have once again asserted our law. The strong rule. The weak succumb."
The room was filled with the rich aroma of fine cigars and the sound of polished shoes clicking against the marble floor as the men congratulated each other, their eyes gleaming with excitement. They were a veritable who's who of the depraved elite, each one more eager than the last to indulge in the twisted game. Weishaupt's gaze swept over the assembly, his eyes lingering on them.
One of the guests raised a pudgy hand. "And what of the fifth girl, Charles?" he asked, a leer spreading across his face. "The one that eluded us? Will she be released?"
Weishaupt's laugh was a cold, mirthless bark that sent a shiver down the spines of the men present. "Oh, of course not. She'll be well taken care of," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "I've had my dogs trained for just such an occasion." His eyes took on a manic glint as he continued, "You see, they've been taught to hunt down young sluts, rape them and tear them to pieces. It will be even more painful for her than for the others."
The room erupted into raucous laughter, the sound of clinking glasses and boisterous toasts filling the air. Each man took a swig of his drink, their eyes lighting up with excitement and anticipation. The thought of the young girl's fate brought a perverse joy to their twisted souls. They were the embodiment of power and entitlement, reveling in the misery of the weak.
The huge dogs had Sarah pinned to the ground, their teeth tearing into her tender flesh. The young girl's screams were piercing and high-pitched, a desperate sound that only seemed to excite the beasts further. The pain was unbearable, a symphony of agony that threatened to shatter her sanity. Her legs thrashed wildly as she tried to fight them off, but they were too strong, too relentless.
Her clothes were torn to shreds, exposing her bruised and bloodied body. One of the dogs, a massive hound with slavering jaws, had its eyes fixed on her naked pussy. It had a huge erection, its red, engorged tip poking out from its fur. The sight of it was almost as terrifying as the pain she was already enduring. She could feel its hot breath, smell its musky scent as it approached.
With a snarl that sent a fresh wave of fear through her, the dog forced itself into her. The searing agony seemed to split her in two. She could feel her body stretching around the animal's thick cock, tearing and ripping as it claimed her virginity in the most brutal way imaginable. "Aaaarrrrrgggh!", she screamed, a raw, primal sound that seemed to resonate with the very earth beneath her.
The other dogs had not ceased their attack, their teeth digging into her wrists and breasts, holding her in place like a macabre vice. Each bite sent jolts of pain through her young body, the pressure on her breasts unbearable as they fought to escape the vice-like grip. Sarah's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt the hot, sticky blood ooze from the wounds.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as the dog's hips thrust against hers, the thick, wet sounds of his rape echoing through the jungle. The pain was a living, breathing entity, consuming her, making her feel as though she was being torn apart from the inside out. The blonde could feel the creature's coarse fur against her skin, the heat of its body against hers. Her own juices mixed with the blood, a perverse lubricant for the beast's brutal assault.
The pain grew, swelling like a wave that threatened to crest and consume her. She bit her lip so hard she could taste the coppery tang of blood, her eyes squeezed shut, her body trembling with the effort of staying conscious. Each thrust felt like a hammer blow to her soul, each tear that fell a silent scream.
But faint she could not. The teeth that dug into her skin, the hot breath on her neck, the rough fur that abraded her tender flesh; they were all stimuli that kept her alert, even though she could no longer fight. The dogs had become a part of the jungle's fabric, a living embodiment of the horror that surrounded her. Their jaws clamped onto her wrists and ankles, holding her in a grotesque parody of a lover's embrace.
The lead dog's thrusts grew more frantic, its hips slamming into her with the force of a jackhammer. Sarah could feel the pressure building within her, the beast's knot swelling, preparing to tie her to her rapist in a twisted mating dance. And then it came, the hot rush of the creature's semen flooding into her, filling her with its vile essence.
The dog pulled out of her with a wet, sucking sound, leaving her pussy gaping and bruised. Sarah gasped for air, her vision swimming with stars as the pain receded to a dull throb. The dog stepped back, its cock still erect and pulsing, strings of her blood and juices connecting them in a grotesque tapestry.
Her eyes, filled with tears and the detritus of the jungle floor, searched the faces of the beasts who had gathered around her. They were a blur of leering smiles and hungry eyes, their excitement palpable. She could feel the heat of their stares, their anticipation of her suffering. The reality of her situation crashed over her like a tidal wave, the full weight of her despair settling into her bones. She was about to die. The dogs would have torn her apart.
The fifteen-year-old's chest heaved with sobs, her body shaking uncontrollably as she wondered what she had done to deserve this cruel end. The words she had said to Dolores came back to her: "There are bad people in the world." That was it. There was no other reason.
The dogs descended upon her, teeth tearing into her soft flesh, ripping and pulling. The sounds of their snarls and growls filled the air, a cacophony of savagery that drowned out the last vestiges of hope in Sarah's heart. Her screams grew weaker, each breath a ragged gasp for life as she felt her strength ebb away.
As the blood filled her throat, Sarah's screams became a gurgling, wet sound. The beasts' teeth dug deeper into her flesh, ripping and tearing with a savagery that seemed almost methodical. The girl's eyes, once blue and bright, were now clouded with pain and the beginnings of the void, staring up into the darkening sky. And finally the pain overcame her, and the young girl's life ended. Sarah would never celebrate her sixteenth birthday.
Her body turned into a canvas of crimson, the white of her bones showing where the dogs had torn the flesh away. Her arms and legs fell limp and lifeless, the muscles shredded by the relentless assault. Her stomach was a gaping wound, her intestines spilling out like a grisly bouquet of entrails.
The hunt was over. No prey had escaped its fate. Once again the law of the strongest had prevailed.