Wang Family

I apologize for the confusion. Here's the corrected version with the name changed to Augustus:

"Matt, can you introduce me to your brother?" Augustus approached with a polite smile, his mischievous demeanor from last time replaced with a more courteous tone. Matt was perplexed by the sudden change in Augustus's behavior.

"This is my brother Augustus; he's quite the gamer," Matt explained innocently. Augustus played along, "Yes, your brother is really skilled. Has he ever considered going pro?"

"I just play games for fun," Augustus gave a casual remark. Seeing that Augustus respected me so much, I decided to use this opportunity to befriend him as well. Although Matt had warned me to avoid Augustus as he was dangerous, I believed I could strike a deal with him.

"Matt, do you mind if I talk to Augustus alone?" Matt looked confused but agreed, "Really? Um, sure." Augustus, on the other hand, saw this as a golden opportunity to befriend a powerful ally.

'Is Matt interested in me?' he wondered. As Matt was about to leave, Augustus waved off everyone else, "Did you hear my brother? Leave us alone, go home now."

The victims didn't dare to demand their prize money, as Augustus was the one who carried the game. They were just grateful for being able to leave unscathed. "I'll catch up with you guys later," Augustus hinted to his friends, asking them to leave as well.

As everyone left, Augustus got straight to business, "So, big brother Matt, what can I do for you?" Augustus asked with a hint of curiosity.

"The money," Matt replied bluntly. "Oh, right! Of course, I'll transfer it to your account." Augustus asked eagerly, willing to comply.

"Send it to Augustus's account, do you have it?" Matt confirmed.

"Yes, yes! I'll send it right away. There, done. Anything else?" Augustus inquired. "Also, don't breathe a word about my cultivation," Matt warned, his tone serious.

"Of course, I'll keep it to myself. But may I ask which family you're from?" Augustus probed, unable to contain his curiosity. Matt remained silent, enjoying Augustus's random assumptions.

'Judging by how smart this guy is, he should be able to make speculations on his own.'

"Is it Campbell? Or the Rodriguez family? There are seven prestigious families in this country, and I believe you're affiliated with one of them," Augustus guessed.

Amused by Augustus's misunderstanding, Matt chuckled inwardly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. But may I know why you're involving Augustus? I'm just concerned for my friend's well-being. Perhaps I could be of assistance instead of Augustus. I don't want my friend to get into trouble," Augustus said, his silver tongue on full display.

Observing Augustus's smooth-talking skills, Matt considered enlisting Augustus's help. Perhaps this guy could be more useful than he initially thought.

"Alright, listen up," Matt said, leaning in closer to Augustus with a determined look in his eyes, his voice commanding and authoritative. "In a few weeks, I'll be graduating and enlisting in the military. I need you to procure a top-notch sword that requires at least Foundation Establishment Realm."

Augustus's eyes widened in surprise, his curiosity piqued by Matt's request. "The military? Is this an order from... I mean... never mind me. Yes, money is all I have. I can get you the sword within the given time," Augustus replied, his voice eager and determined.

Matt nodded, then continued with a mischievous grin. "That's not all. I've got a plan to make some serious money, and I want you in on it. I'll give you 30% of the cut, but you have to follow my commands to the letter."

Augustus's interest was immediately piqued, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Brother, do you really have a way to earn a lot of money?" he asked eagerly, his voice filled with excitement.

Matt chuckled, his confidence evident. "I've got some insider information." Augustus nodded eagerly, ready to be part of Matt's scheme.

"Count me in! I'll do whatever it takes," he declared, his voice resolute. Matt nodded in approval, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Good. I'll write up a detailed plan and send it to you later."

"Sh*t, I don't have an Eyephone. Should I just tell him there's no need to, as I already know his ID or something?" Augustus muttered to himself.

[System Upgrade List]

[Latest Eyephone System]

[Cost: 100 Points]

"This is neat. Is there anything the system cannot do?" Augustus wondered, intrigued by the possibilities.

Augustus scanned Matt's ID and exchanged IDs with him, their transaction complete.

"I'll be waiting for your plan, brother. I won't let you down," Matt said with determination.

Augustus couldn't help but be impressed by Matt's enthusiasm, realizing that he wasn't just a dumb brute as rumored.

He was clever and resourceful, just going through a rebellious phase. Augustus thought to himself, 'I'll turn him into a valuable pawn in this life, as long as he follows my lead.'

"I hope you won't disappoint me," Augustus said aloud, his tone serious. Matt straightened up, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Never, brother. I'll give it my all. Sorry to have bothered you earlier," he said apologetically. Augustus waved it off with a smile.

"No worries." He left the internet café, meeting Augustus who was waiting outside.

As they walked, Augustus couldn't contain his curiosity.

"So, what did you talk to Augustus about?" he asked eagerly. Augustus smirked, his mind already focused on his plan.

"Just getting the money from him and asking for favors," he said cryptically, eager to put his plan into action and see Augustus's potential in action.

"Oh, that's why I received the money. Do you want me to transfer it to you?" Augustus asked.

"Nah, it'll be suspicious if my bank account suddenly got $150k. I'll keep it in your bank account for now," Augustus replied.

"Okay, just let me know when you need the money back," Augustus said.

"Mhm, so where are we going now? Do you want to grab something to eat or..." Augustus trailed off.

"Let's go home, I'm quite tired after today." Augustus was glad that nothing bad had happened to them, even though Augustus was supposed to extort them for money, especially considering that they won the game.

"My driver should come at any time now; I'll ask him to drop you off on the way."

"Sure, I'll follow you," Augustus didn't mind going home now either. Shortly after, a car arrived, and they got in.

The drive home was quiet, with Augustus scrolling through TrendTube on his Eyephone and Matt exploring the features of his new Eyephone from the system.

"I'm back," Augustus greeted as soon as he arrived home. "You're just in time, we're about to celebrate with a big feast.

I just got a job as a construction manager for Campbell Group Ltd, and your mother got a secretary job there too!"

Augustus's father was ecstatic to show off to his son and celebrate a huge feast together. "Come and eat, dear," Augustus's mother added.

"What? Already in this life?" Augustus thought to himself. "So that's why they left in a hurry this morning."

Augustus then checked the date on his Eyephone.

[11 Dec XXXXXX].

"Actually, it might be today... I just forgot. I thought it would be much later."

With this turn of events, Augustus's plan to pretend he won the lottery and force his parents to get normal jobs or open a restaurant was no longer feasible.

But he still intended to make more money, as he had plans to use the money for many things in the future. Anna's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"What are you doing, standing there like an idiot?"

'I'll think of another idea later. For now, I'll just celebrate with them.' The feast began, with roasted duck and many side dishes available.

Usually, there would only be one meat dish and two vegetable dishes, but today was special. Everyone ate cheerfully, sharing stories about their day.

After the feast, everyone went to sleep, but Augustus sat on his bed, jotting down important dates and descriptions of what had happened on his Eyephone, just in case he forgot.

"That's all I remember for now," Augustus concluded. After finishing writing down important dates, I shifted my focus to money-earning plans.

I decided to write down the detail of market plan to Matt before I go to cultivate and train.

"From now on, gather as much Venom Weed and Deadly Lotus as you can from every market."

"If there's news of someone buying it for 200%, don't sell it to them. It might sound good, but the price of the herbs will continue to rise as the demand for the herbs is high," I instructed Matt.

This plan came about because a Genius Alchemist from the Wang Family found out that when Venom Weed and Deadly Lotus are combined, they can turn into a harmonious pill.

Both poison herbs mysteriously are polar opposites of each other.

When both herbs are refined into pills, they can form into 3-star pills, which usually cost one middle-grade spirit stone to make.

However, considering how potent Venom Weed and Deadly Lotus are, they can make three pills with just two herbs and a combination of a few other cheap herbs, which in total cost a mere hundred low-grade spirit stones.

Of course, the cost of making the pills will increase when there's low supply of Venom Weed and Deadly Lotus available on Earth anymore.

Most importantly, cultivation pills are scarce as there's not many alchemist that thrives on earth. When the pill is sold, 3-star pills usually contain qi that's worth five middle-grade spirit stones, but due to how efficient it is in increasing cultivation, the wealthy are willing to buy it for more than ten middle-grade spirit stones.

The final price of the pill should be around twenty middle-grade spirit stones, depending on how much Wang Family wants to sell, as they control the market with how scarce the pill exists on Earth. Being able to mass-produce the pill at a low price is what made Wang Family thrive in the next two years.

"After a while, someone from the Wang Family will come to meet you. At that time, you should call me," I continued with my plan. I didn't want to change the future, especially the future of Wang Family and their genius alchemist.

Thus, I planned to propose a deal with them. I would sell them the herbs for 200% as they proposed, and in exchange, they would give us 5% of the pill's profit in spirit stones.

Twenty middle-grade spirit stones are equal to two hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones. If Wang Family sells a hundred pills, we'll get one million spirit stones already.

It's a huge profit for us, and I get to form a relationship with the Wang Family early on. Alright, I have sent the message to Matt. Now I'm going to go train and cultivate.