Undead Dungeon

Vera charged fearlessly at the skeletons, her blade slashing through their bony frames with ease. But to her shock, the skeletons still twitched with life, even after being cleaved in two.

"Cut them to bits, that'll stop them from moving for good," Augustus urged, noticing Vera's struggles against the relentless undead.

With a nod, Vera took Augustus' advice, slicing the skeletons into dust with her lightning-fast slashes. Augustus watched in awe as Vera's skills surpassed his own. "This girl is on another level," he thought, acknowledging her superior prowess.

Meanwhile, Arielle struggled to defeat the skeletons. Her magic arrows could only shatter the bones after hitting them multiple times due to the skeletons' magic resistance.

She relied on Ellie, whose strength made short work of the remaining skeletons. Though they bit and clawed at her, Ellie's skin proved impenetrable to their feeble attacks.