Arcane Archer

This time it took more than a year for me to utilize the third form, but I'm far from mastering it. Augustus managed to form Qi Veins for my Ice Dragon, allowing basic regeneration when it gets destroyed. However, things are just as Fairy Xue Yan described, the Qi flow is mostly too big, making the regeneration imperfect.

"This is the perfect time to leave for Exonia. 'You do your best to cultivate... I'll be going now, probably be back in a year or so,'" Augustus entrusted Yin Bai with this.

"No worries, I won't cause any trouble, just cultivate," Yin Bai exclaimed.

Augustus trusted him and returned to his original world, leaving Yin Bai's body.

"Oh, you're finally back," the sergeant exclaimed upon seeing Augustus exiting his capsule.

Enough time should have passed this time, and most of the recruits within my group should have returned too so it's normal for Augustus to return.