Calista (1)

The interior of the Slave Market surpassed Augustus' expectations. It exuded an air of decency, resembling a legitimate high-class market with its cleanliness and meticulous maintenance. If it weren't for the conspicuous sign indicating its purpose as a slave market, one could easily mistake it for a reputable establishment. Augustus couldn't help but acknowledge the level of professionalism displayed by the Auction House.

"Morning, are you here to sell slaves?" the manager of the slave market greeted Augustus upon seeing Arielle, assuming that Augustus had come to sell Arielle.

"No, I'm here to buy one," Augustus replied.

"Ah... most of the slaves have been stolen. As you know, that darn Irregular caused a commotion, and we're still trying to restock," the manager explained.

"What about the hybrid demon? Is she still available?" Augustus inquired, expressing his interest in buying Urga from him.