Barbarian's Power

The next day arrived, and everyone felt refreshed after resting. Augustus instantly teleported everyone into the dungeon, even though he only needed Urga for this particular task.

"Hm? We're in the dungeon?" Calista exclaimed, surprised by Augustus's unknown power once again. She quickly recognized the place—it resembled the Goblin Dungeon.

"Yawn... Not even breakfast? Why are we inside the Goblin Dungeon?" Arielle complained, still half-awake, as Augustus teleported them without warning.

"Goblins?" Urga questioned, overhearing Arielle's remark.

"We're here to watch Urga kill the Goblin King. I'm sure she can handle it herself, even though she's just level one," Augustus stated, examining Urga's stats, which were ridiculously high. "This is probably why demons are generally stronger than humans. The Vial has also worked wonders for Urga."

[1-Star, Urga]

Level: 1

Class: Mad Barbarian (Epic Class)