[Urga's Background] Giving Birth

The "Rite of Chieftain Ascendancy" is a solemn and majestic ceremony that marks the selection of a new village chief among the orcs. It takes place in the heart of the village, where a large gathering of orc warriors and elders assembles. The ceremony is conducted by the village shaman, who leads the proceedings with reverence and ancient rituals.

A massive bonfire roars at the center of the ceremony, symbolizing the strength and spirit of the orcish tribe. The flames dance and crackle, casting an enchanting glow over the participants.

As the bonfire blazes, skilled Orcish dancers take the stage. Their powerful movements reflect the ferocity and vitality of orcish culture. Accompanied by rhythmic drumming, their energetic performances resonate throughout the village, stirring up a primal energy that ignites the spirits of all who witness it.