Colossal Golem

"Run! It's heading towards us! That monster is not meant to be defeated," Callista exclaimed with an alarmed voice. However, Augustus had a different plan; he didn't intend to run.

"Calm down, Callista," Augustus reassured her. He wasn't worried that it would be insanely strong like the Lich King; it was just a field boss, after all. It should be manageable, like all the field bosses he had encountered before.

Callista felt frustrated that none of her words were getting through to them. It seemed that they didn't need any of her advice so far, which only served to annoy her even more. Since she couldn't do anything against the golem, she decided to simply watch them instead.

Augustus decided to test the waters by materializing another Ice Dragon and sending it toward the Colossal Golem.