Fateful Encounter

While Augustus and the two brothers and sister were heading to the headquarters for registration, a man suddenly approached them, being extremely friendly out of nowhere.

"Are you guys going to the headquarters for registration?" The man called out, but Augustus paid him no mind, as did Li Xin and Li Qiang, thinking that the man wasn't talking to them.

"Let's become friends! I want to become friends with you guys," the man persisted despite being ignored.

"Where are you guys from?"

"What are your names?"

The first person to speak up was Li Xin. Out of anger, she yelled, "Hey! Why are you following us!"

"Friends!" The man extended his hand for a handshake. Li Xin didn't take his hand at all, but instead, Li Qiang intercepted it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Li Qiang," Li Qiang said as he smiled warmly.