Shane's phone suddenly rang, and Charlotte was startled. She immediately pushed him on the shoulder and said, "You, your phone is ringing."
Her voice was trembling. She was so shy that she didn't dare to look at him.
It was not the first time she was so close to him, but she could still be shy and avoided looking at him.
Shane didn't answer his phone. Actually, because he was holding her just now, his phone had fallen to the sofa. it was difficult to find his phone so quickly. He didn't bother looking for it. Besides, he didn't have anything urgent to deal with now.
It didn't matter if he didn't answer the phone.
"Aren't you going to answer the phone?" Charlotte was unable to push him away.
"There's no rush."
"What would make you rush?"
Why did she feel so anxious?
When Shane saw that Charlotte was at a loss, he wanted to tease her instead. He lowered his voice and said, "You look like you're in a rush."