Shane's smile was appealing which was completely different from his usual visage.
Charlotte liked his smile very much, but he didn't laugh often. It's rare for his lips to curve upwards. She looked at him unblinkingly, not wanting to miss a second of his smile, until it faded.
"What are you laughing at?" Only then did she avert her gaze.
"You went out for a breather without taking your phone and instead of going to your friends, you chose to camp out in a coffee shop?"
"It's not camping if it was in a coffee shop," she argued. As soon as she realized what she said, she broke out in laughter.
Shane bent and kissed her between her brows. "You're not an orphan anymore. You have me."
Now I had him.
Charlotte's heart quavered and she leaned into his arms. She always felt that she would not get over the hurdle in her heart, but she seemed to be able to get over it easily.
It appeared to be in the past.
Rick's residence.