Chapter 441 The Same Plan for Someone Else

Charlotte continued to look through her computer for clues. Apart from the diagram, Shane also had a document saved. When she opened it and looked through it, she noticed that there were two different writing styles in it as well. She was familiar with one of them, the other style was more immature and spiteful. It was a style filled with maliciousness.

She could not believe that Shane, a twelve-year-old, would write something like that. His anger was tinged with murderous intent by the looks of it.

When she read the more familiar writing style, she found that the tone it had taken was relatively mild. There was no mention of killing Augustus, or crippling him.

However, if Shane already knew that Augustus was already dead, why did he still continue to write this?

His plan had already succeeded after all, so why didn't he delete the things he wrote when he was twelve?