- My Lord, please explain to me why you are here. - Professor Flitwick sat at the table, resting his chin on his intertwined fingers and looking at me questioningly.

- Because I was summoned," I shrugged and walked boldly over to the table and sat down in the chair. I threw my leg over my head and smiled into the half goblin's face.

- Summoned? - wondered the professor. - But how could anyone do such a thing? Forgive my lack of faith, Lord, but our people and the people of Housekeeping have been calling upon you for centuries, but to no avail...

- Whoever called upon me had an interesting artefact. Without this apparent trinket, it was useless to call to me, for I am incapable of hearing the call. But I'm not quite here either. Yes, that's more like it.

- Not quite?! - The man you were talking to was astonished.

- Exactly. I am part of something much greater. A fragment. You could call me that.

- I see..." Flitwick sighed.

- But I have a question, why did you call for Dov? I see you've settled in well. The Goblins, as you are now called, manage a vast fortune for wizards and have their own bank, known and used all over the world. And the house wizards also do the housework. I don't understand...

- As you know, Master, our people have lived with you, Dowa, since ancient times.

- I remember. Tu-Sieves. You were once just vermin, until one of the Dov decided to conduct an experiment and make you into something more useful than armoured, stupid, thieving rodents. And he succeeded. From the first transformed Tu Xievs, the first house elf was born. And from the next experiment, you goblins. Both the first and the second lost their armour and turned into upright creatures. They also developed a mind. Housewives are more talented in magic, but they are not warriors by nature, so they serve the Dov as servants and helpers around the house. The Dov's successful experiment pleased him, and the cave became clean, cosy and warm. But out of boredom, a few centuries later, he tried another experiment on primitive rodents. And you were born. Warlike, violent, but incredibly clever financiers. Your passion for killing was matched by your passion for making gold and other valuables. This Dov made you guardians of his treasury. And then he was surprised to find that the amount of his treasure kept growing. We Dovas tend to hoard our gold simply out of instinct. We don't use it, but we experience incredible peace of mind and sleep much better when we have treasure around us. It's best when there's really a lot of it and you can bury yourself in it. Then the dragon sleeps incredibly well and peacefully. But if there is no treasure, we get angrier, sleep badly and worry all the time. It is unclear where these strange instincts come from, but they are there. And your creation was the best way to preserve and accumulate treasure. Unlike us, you used those treasures to get more treasures. Seeing such success, the other dovas began to ask their successful fellow dovas to turn their rodents into you and housekeepers as well. They even paid with some of their own treasure. Soon all the Tu Xievs had been turned into you and the housekeepers.

- You are right, my lord. We've made some progress here. But we are... declining," Flitwick sighed, and I looked up at him in surprise. - Yes, we are degenerating. The dwarves, the goblins. The original Tu-Seves. The goblins lose their powers, we look at the mountains of accumulated treasure and feel... lonely. After all, these treasures were once beds for you, Dowa. We rejoiced when you, our creators, were able to rest in peace on the mountains of gold and gems. As well as satisfaction, we also received magic from you. Yes, that's right," the goblin nodded when he saw my even rounder eyes. - When you slept peacefully, you emitted an incredible amount of magic into your cave. We bathed in that magic and had so much fun that we were able to improve ourselves over time. With that magic we continued our line, and children were born strong and healthy. And what about now? Our children are being born weaker and weaker. So much so that our people began to experiment. We found a mad pureblood sorceress and paid her a mountain of gold to carry and give birth to me. Yes, I'm the son of an experiment. Partially successful. And only one of three. The only survivor. Yes, I have been given a stronger magical component and my aggressiveness has diminished greatly. I can safely be among humans, teach children and not wish them the most painful death possible every minute. My degradation has stopped. But I am no longer a goblin. But the experiment has been deemed a failure, with only one child in a hundred surviving. Alas. Then the elders made a deal with their conscience. Dragons were bought. Many of the most diverse dragons of this world, and even a few from other worlds. They were placed in the deepest caverns of our dimensional bank. Officially, they are needed for security. In reality, they are at least partly responsible for our salvation. They, too, radiate magic. But compared to you, our creators, too few. And so the lifespan of the goblins has dropped from a thousand years to a measly two hundred and fifty. And our magic is thirty times weaker. Therefore, your coming to us is our true salvation and hope. However, we are confused that you are in the form of a man. Especially that you are Harry Potter! And the fact that the artefacts confirm that you are the true Heir Potter. However, when you were in our bank, and especially when you consumed the hearts and bones of the dragons, a veritable wave of that very energy passed through our domain! Many of the elders became younger before their eyes! The dragons roared in unison as they sensed the Elder. Many goblins from all over the world have been summoned to get at least a crumb of your energy. So if you want anything, just ask. The goblin people will do anything to keep you with us. And the Domovye have surely already chosen and assigned their best and strongest representatives to you. They, too, suffer degradation. Even more than us. They haven't had children for two centuries. Not one. And their appearance... is a far cry from what they once were. There are no more fire elves. All that remains are goblin-like creatures, but incredibly dependent on wizards. And soon they will be extinct, if not by your blessing. Even now, there are only two and a half thousand house elves left in the entire world. Of the original twenty thousand who came here.

It took my breath away. Two artificially created but intelligent peoples dying without their creators. I was the only one who could help them survive. An unexpected responsibility fell on my shoulders like a slab of reinforced concrete. But... and these two small races have a lot to give. Especially goblins. So...

- What can you give me to take your peoples under my tutelage? - Despite my words, Flitwick jumped for joy.

- Much, my lord! We have amassed a truly vast amount of treasure. They will be at your disposal for sleeping and some spending. You will also be given many of the artefacts we have found in this world over the centuries. You will also be given an army of goblins at the first command of the Lord. Two hundred wyvern riders, fifty riders of lesser dragons, warg riders, a hundred stone riders, fifty steel riders, and whatever other battle golems there are! And that's not all we have to offer!

- And how will you formalise the transfer of so much gold and artefacts to me?

- Easy," the goblin shrugged and handed me a ring of silver metal in the shape of a dragon coiled around his finger. - This ring was made by our artefactors when we were still in the Old World. It is the ring of the House of Draco Dov. And believe me, all the vaults of this mystical bloodline are filled to the brim with gold. Wear this ring and they will own you. Moreover, the ring's properties will even allow you to transform into your true form, if you were somehow unable to do so before. Draco Dove's clan also owns the Mystic Castle. You will be pleasantly surprised when you visit it.

Hearing all this, I took the ring and began to twist it in my fingers. Earlier, when I first woke up in this body, all I had to do was help Harry Potter out of his personal hell and give him a future and a peaceful life. It wouldn't take me very long. Five years at the most, and I would return the body to the true Harry Potter. I'd give him all the knowledge he needed, everything. And then I would disappear into the interworld ether currents, where I used to be. But now that Harry is gone, this body belongs to me. This means that not only do I have to get rid of all the manipulators and intrigues swirling around me, but I also have to amass a fortune to raise children for both the Potter and Draco Dove families. At least two sons must be left. And also, not to leave them broken, but to give them what I am able to give them. But I won't spoil them. Otherwise, I don't want flimsy and arrogant majors. But that's just for the future. So... I put the ring on under the half goblin's cheerful gaze and he came to life, lifted his head from his tail, let a little light out of his mouth and hugged my finger more comfortably, and then the dragonfly hid its head under its silver wing and froze. And Flitwick fell to his knees.

- Orders, my Lord," I thought, my face taking on a serious expression for perhaps the first time in all my time in this world.

- First, tell the goblins that I will be arriving next weekend to spread magic in your domain. Second, invite as many house elves as you can. They need magic, too," Flitwick nodded, jotting down my orders in a gilt-edged notebook that appeared out of nowhere. - Thirdly, gather all the details of how much has been taken, stolen and transferred from the Potters' vaults, by whom, to whom and for what purpose. Explore the legality of these actions. Including the property. If illegal activity is found, sue. Fourthly, gather all possible information and dirt on Albus Dumbledore. Dig all over England, but I want details of any possible heirs to the Black family.

- Sorry to interrupt, my Lord, but Sirius Black is in Azkaban. Although the Clan has disowned him, Clan magic has not been burned into his blood, and although he himself cannot take the place of Head of the Clan, his children have every right to do so. As long as it's a boy, of course.

- Can you get him out of Azkaban?

- Yes, we can. The question is how to get him out. You could do it legally, but it'd take a long time. It'll take at least three months to prepare for a review. But in four months we promise to get him out and clear his name completely. But if it's illegal, we can get him out in a week. But you know the consequences for him and his descendants. Reputation means a lot these days.

- So work on a legal release plan. I must revive this Kin. Otherwise, I'll have to find or even create an heir for him. Let the godfather do his own work. By the way, consider his character and choose his future mate from purebreds or foundlings. The latter is even better, for it will be easier for him to accept one, and the clan will be cleansed of a heap of curses.

- Yes, my lord," Flitwick bowed, and his notebook disappeared. And I have discovered in the weaving of this notebook a system for transmitting information. So that's it. He was transmitting my instructions to the goblins through that notebook.

- And yes, what about my Potter files and documents?

The next thing I knew, the half goblin and I were sorting through piles of documents and signing new ones. It turned out that he had the qualifications and power of attorney to prescribe documents from Gringotts Bank. So my business was taken care of pretty quickly, over some nice tea and biscuits.

And when the Potters' estates were settled, some of which I invested in a number of companies that matched the successful businesses from several of the ordinary worlds I'd previously lived in. So by the end of the year, many of the companies would be making huge profits because of the technology I had given them. The goblins promised to patent everything and attach it to the documents I had given them earlier.

And then the goblin took a decent-sized book from the special box in which the documents travelled between Gringotts and the professor's office. And after blowing the dust off the book, he opened it carefully and began to tell me what I now possessed, having become head of the Draco Dove clan at such a young age. And there was a lot in there. Well, for a start, there was a whole lot of galleons. Then there was property. This is a shock, comrades... I owned land. A very big chunk of British land! And that land was bringing in huge profits. In addition, as Lord Draco Dove, I was given the title of Earl in the kingdom. I became the official, blood-based heir to a very ancient and influential clan. As I discovered, the goblins had a fairly direct line to Queen Elizabeth II, or whoever. It turned out that they owned a large number of the simpletons' banks. As well as a huge number of private moneylenders around the world. So I'll soon have a complete set of documents and a real peerage in England! That last one almost made me shudder. But Flitwick reassured me that these days it was just a sham. I wouldn't have to do much, because everything would be done by the most capable and reliable goblins in the Gringotts clan. I don't even have to show my face in public. Everyone will be informed that the heir is in the care of a trusted guardian and will not be presented to the public until he comes of age. Although they can provide all the necessary documents and reports on his life and so on at short notice.

Incidentally, my guardian for the simpletons will be Flitwick himself. How, you may ask? Well, as soon as I shared the energy with him, he was able to incarnate into a human. I mean, he didn't become a werewolf or a metamorph, he could just become either a half goblin or an ordinary looking human. I was a bit confused when I did the spell on him and saw him become a normal human. And there he was, running to the mirror himself (naked, how could I do that?!) and twirling in front of it like some sort of fashionista! Tensing his muscles, smoothing the hair on his head. And then:

- I've got to get on with this look of mine. A little potion and magic with a little exercise, and I'll be a worthy guardian of the Overlord! - I turned my back to the wall and chuckled. When I turned around, he was already dressed in a suit and adjusting a scarf around his neck. A little more work on his hair and he'd be a real middle-aged beauty. I, on the other hand, while Flitwick was admiring himself, was sitting in an armchair drinking tea and eating biscuits. And then I almost choked when there was a sudden knock at the door.

With a snap of his fingers, Flitwick instantly became half goblin himself, put all his papers in a box, waved his wand, removed the barrier and opened the door. Behind it stood the head of our faculty, announcing that it was late and time for Potter to go to bed. The professor immediately apologised to me and sent me to bed. And just like that, the hectic day was over.

As we walked to our faculty lounge, the headmaster kept looking at my right hand, where the ring was. And I cursed. I didn't make it invisible!

He averted his gaze, however, and led me calmly into the hall, where he gave me a quick riddle about the statue, and we entered the parlour. And I hurried to my bedroom, where I undressed happily, collapsed into bed and fell asleep. At that moment, Professor Philius Flitwick entered one of the business suit shops in the Mundane World to add to his wardrobe... in human form, of course.