A Summary And Some Extras

Recap of The Events That Happened So Far...

Fresh off from surviving an assassination attempt by the 'Underworld', Ramika Ray joined as a new student in the Achievers' Academy in the city, Oasis. Though being reminded of the brutal torture she endured when she was kept as a captive before her miraculous escape, her days were actually going fine and peacefully. But the 'Underworld' was actually tracking her whereabouts and after torturing an illegal passport seller, the head of 'Damage Control', Diana Jones finally finds out about her whereabouts.

Ramika was attacked by an assassin that night, and she miraculously survived after a retired assassin arrived to save her. Yohan, a partially blind man, the unexplainable legend with so many mysteries spun around him, takes Ramika under his wing while keeping his reasons for doing so a secret from her.

He uses his lingering connection to the Underworld and proposes a meeting to discuss. But Diana, the princess of the Vampire clan, wanted to exact revenge on Yohan for reasons known best to her. She uses her rival and ex-boyfriend Lance, by hurting his ego and manipulating him to attack Yohan, and she used that opportunity to make Yohan drop his guard and kidnap him and Ramika at the same time.

Now being captured, Yohan met Diana and hears her demands. Yohan was actually the one who was engaged to Diana, an arrangement which was made by her father for unexplainable reasons. Diana hated the idea and hated Yohan for disturbing her romance with Lance. It was implied that she used Lance to get rid of Yohan through unspeakable means, which forced Yohan to accept Diana's rejection and back off from the engagement.

But when an assassination attempt was made on her father, *Edward Jones*, her clan ultimately lost its power and she and her father survived solely because of Yohan, the one guy she absolutely despised until then. He slayed around a thousand men that night, leaving the entire underworld was left shocked as a mere human handling an army of assassins was never heard of before and the reputation of Yohan in the Underworld grew tenfold. Since then, her perceptions towards Yohan changed, and she developed mixed feelings towards him, but when her father passed away, Yohan resigned himself from his position in the 'Underworld', leaving Diana to handle it all on her own.

Now back in Present, Yohan ultimately decided to reject Diana's proposal for rejoining the Underworld to save it from collapsing into the real world. This infuriated her and her ego further. Yohan was let go with a warning that the Underworld will come after him and Ramika, soon.