Getting Revenge on my Cold Ex-wife (Part 3) [Fix]



When I was a child, everyone were calling me a genius because of my grades and talents. But I didn't care about their praises, instead, I kept working hard and continued to move forward, in order to support the family and my parents, and to not disgrace the Shin's name.

I studied and trained hard, both mentally and physically. Learning anything I can be good at, and train it to the maximum. With this, I was able to reach the top at a young age. I thought if I keep this up, I would reach the 1st in everything. But everything changed during the High School Tournament.

I meet someone who was just like me, but stronger. He was much smarter than me, and much athletic and stronger than any other boys that I know. He won all the first place, and even beaten me in a one-on-one. That was during the IQ competition where I was facing him for the first time.

Seok-Jin, from the Lin Family. He was able to answer all the questions faster than me. Many people, including me, suspected that he was Cheating some how. But he wasn't. That because he was able to prove it during the match. He asked the Jury and every teachers to try asking him anything that is related to the History subject, since most of the questions were about History. In the end, he answered all of them, but with more pacific details, like the Date, numbers, names, place, time, etc. It was as if he was reading a book. Everyone was surprised, even me.

It was after that loss that I realized that I need to train more, study more, and also get stronger, in order to face him again and beat him.

After my graduation, I went to famous best college in Korea called HTO. It was the only high college in this country, and I was expecting to meet him again here. But to my surprise, he didn't come, or rather he did choose this college or any other famous college. Instead, he went to a very Normal college.

But why? He was alot smarter and has an excellent grades. Why choose a normal college? I sent my men to spy on him and they didn't find any information of why he chose to enter a normal college, not even if he had a girlfriend who might be in the same college. The guy was only doing normal things there. I began to have my doubts.

Is he hiding something or is he using the college as a cover up? I thought that he found a big job or something like that but no, he only goes to college and goes back to his apartment.

One day, my parents told me that they plan to engage me to someone. As usual, I didn't really care who it will be. But when they mentioned it was Seok-Jin, my eyes lighten up.

I was going to be engaged to him? I didn't mind but, I was interested in finding out his secret and his true powers, and his story. The only information I know about him is that he was spoiled by his parents until the age of 14. And at that age he began to work independently. Two years late, he was back to his home from somewhere and he began entering (H) high-school which was the 2nd top high school in rank.

And at school he was the top at grades with full 100 scores in all tests and exams. And many students wanted to follow him and work for him.

"Let see what kind of a person you are."


Our first meeting for introduction was annoying. The guy made me wait for him for two hours! And he never answers when I call him. But when he shows up and explained that I was the one at fault, I was more annoyed and angry. After I checked the text messages in my phone, I was so confused.

I don't remember sending any of these messages. And my previous message and calls where gone. Did I get hacked? or did my mind get distracted because I was thinking alot? Never mind.

So I began to talk with him and started asking him questions and gather some informations from him. I needed to know what he truly was, and what's behind that sweet and Annoying smile of his.

"Is there a problem." I asked as I kept staring at him, try to look through him.

"Your eyes, they look more amazing and beautiful when you stare at me. As if your trying to Read my Mind." He gave me another smile.

"!!" He was able to tell that I was trying reading him? He is so good at catching my intentions.

"Don't worry, I have nothing to hide. You can ask Any questions and I will answer them."

I then began asking him multiple questions and he answered them all. I then found out that he had some training in the Hiel Mountains and had a homeschool teacher who was Mr Yin, one of the top teachers that I knew. But to reach to that level in only two years? I was surprised. He also explained that the reason he enter a normal college because he has a part time job. And that he works online in his apartment.

I didn't believe that, but when he mentioned that he works for the SSS company as a part timer, I was shocked.

"Is it really true?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Of course, why would I lie. I start working there during high-school." He smiled.

I still don't know if he is telling the truth or not. but giving his talent and his high grades and intellect, it might be possible to work there as a part timer. I knew some information about the SSS company. They are a new born company that recruits only the most talented people, and not any normal or rich people can go there. They only have their eyes on those who has potential. They never support any company except if they get some benefit from them. I heard that the Lin family was the first one to support them until now. So, maybe they wanted to recruit Seok-jin after his two years of training and studying.

After our first meeting, I began to understand a little more about Seok-Jin. Unlike any rich boy, he is someone who works independent to get what he wants. The SSS company might be the one who supported him until now. And he is the one who invited many of his friends in his high-school for a future job in the SSS company.

Interesting. Maybe I can use this marriage to get a connection between my Shin family and the SSS company. The SSS company never accepted any support or allies from any family except for the Lin family. But after they became one of the top five company, they are now independent, and they are only a business partner with the Lin family. It also has their own organization in the underworld which explains why the other rival company that tried to destroy the SSS company failed.

The next meeting which was our first date was the worst and the most annoying one for me. Seok-Jin made me wait again and saying that I was too early. He even made me eat in a cheap restaurant and made fun of me multiple times. This guy was doing it on purpose, saying I looked cute every time I show an angry expression. I swear I'm going to kill him if he keeps doing it.

The second date was the same, annoying too. He kept bringing me to many places that I dislike. Club night, cafe, swimming pool, mall, zoo, park, etc. Places that is too crowded and noisy.

The third and the fourth date were also the same as the second. Annoying, and he keeps make fun of me.


The Fifth Date. In a spooky haunted house

"If you're afraid, you can grab my hand." He offered his hand.

"I don't need." I quickly walk fast to reach the exit door. But in the end I went back to walk next to him because I don't like this place alot. And accidentally hugged him when there was a scary ugly fake monster that jump out of nowhere at me.

Why is this place so scary and so real!? I kept encountering many jump-scares one after another. It's as if this place is only targeting me.


Ferris wheel

We tried the ferris wheel, but when we reached top high, the wheel stop moving. The announcement informed us that there was some kind of error problem in the machine and we had to wait until it's fixed. I don't have any fear for heights so I was okay. But the problem is that we kept waiting for Two Hours until the night came! What the heck!? Why is it taking so long? I looked through the glass to look down and realized something. All other cabins were empty.

"It's looks like we are the only one who are riding these thing." I murmured.

"Oh, Is that so~" Seok-Jin smiled wildly. "I don't mind waiting here all night, as long as You are here with me."

I got some goosebumps from his words, my cheeks turn a little red but I was able to hide it by looking to the side. Still, I didn't realize my ears was hot.

"Here." He gave me some water and snacks from his bag. I was wondering what's was inside.

"I always stay prepared for any emergency situation, like this one." He explained as if he read my mind. I wonder if this is all were really an accident or intentional.

Another one hours past, and the wheel finally started moving again. But there was one problem. We both were sweating and our clothes were completely wet from the heat. It was very hot inside, and Somehow, it felt like if we were inside a sauna. How can it be so hot and it's already a Night Time? It makes no sense. Nothing make any sense during this date. Not even the other dates. It's as if I have some bad luck for date or something.

We exited the cabin and I was so embarrassed to let anybody see us in that sweaty state. So I grabbed his arm and pulled him to a cold area inside, to buy a new clothes.


Near by Clothes Shop.

"Welcome" the lady shop owner greeted us, ignoring our mist up clothes.

"Hi there, we would like some new clothes please" Seok-Jin asked the shop owner lady with a sweet smile and she blushed.

"O-of course, this way young sir." She began guiding us to the changing room.

I didn't like that interaction between them just now.

After we changed, I tried to pay for my clothes but Seok-Jin didn't allow me to, and he paid it with his credit card. I stared at him and frowned.

"What are you doing?"

"What? Don't you know that during a date, the gentleman must be the one who pays for the lady."

".... No." Is it really?

"He is right miss. Usually in dates, the man is the one who treats their girlfriend." The shop owner explained to me.

She smiled at Seok-Jin and nodded her head. Seok-Jin replied with a nod too.

I don't understand what that nod meant, but I dislike that smile he is giving to her. Does these two know each other or something?

I quickly drag him by the arm and we left the shop. It was already late at night and I need to go home.

"Hwa-Young, can you wait here for a second." He asked me and I nodded.

He then went to a small toy shop and came back with a stuffy animal, it was a monkey.

"Here you go, a gift from me" He gave me the stuffed monkey.

I stared at the stuffed animal with a deadpan, cold expression and asked him.

"What's the meaning of this?" I know about this kinds of stuff. Giving a stuffy animal as a present to your girlfriend in a date. But why a Monkey? It's usually a teddy bear. I feel really annoyed right now.

"It a gift so you can use it as a punching bag." He explained

"Huh?" I was really confused.

"Tell me, what do you feel when you look at it?"

"Annoying." I gave him a quick answer.

"Yes, annoying! Don't you always feel Annoyed whenever I try teasing you, or flirt with you during our dates?" He gave me a knowing look while smiling.

I didn't answer because it was true. Every time he  teases me and make fun of me, I feel like I want to punch that Stupid Annoying Smile Off his Face.

"You can use that monkey as if it was me. Just imagine that stuffy animal is Seok-Jin, who is so annoying that you can punch it on the face, or in the stomach or any kind of beating you want to do to this stuffy monkey who is like Me. Annoying."

I looked at the stuffy animal and began imagining it as Seok-Jin. Then, its face changed form a smiling monkey to a smiling Seok-Jin. It really worked? just imagining that stupid annoying smile of his makes me want to rip off his head right now.

"Yes, I think you are right. I'll do that when I go back home." I said with a stern expression.

"...Ok." Seok-Jin smiled to my response, but I can see some worries in his expression.

Heh, looks like I'm going to enjoy torturing this little Seok-Jin. I then left, and went back home. And then I began punching the stuffy animal with all my emotions.

*punch* *punch* * punch*

So annoying, frustrating, arrogant, so hateful, I dislike him, I dislike him alot, I dislike that sly annoying sweet smile of his. I Hate It! I Really Really Really Hate him every time he shows That Smile of His. The same Smile I saw during the Tournament when he beat me. The Smile of Mocking. Behind that smile he was mocking me! I know it!


I was exhausted from punching. The stuffy monkey was ripped to two. I asked my maid to sow it so that I can punch it again whenever I get frustrated.

"I wonder how does he looks if he doesn't use that fake smile?" I remember that time when he smiled at the shop owner Lady. His smile was different from the one he always gives me. They were real.


I began imagining him smiling at me gently, not sweet or wide or fake, but a real smile. A true smile.


For some reason my face became hot and I hidden my face under the blanket.

What am I even thinking!
