Asking the Middle Boss to Join My Party [P2]



Let's start from the very beginning, before my reincarnation.

My real name was Ichika Ayato, and I was a professional gamer and streamer. I played many games and streamed to 50M viewers and subscribers in my channel.

One of the most famous and the most popular games during 2016-2020 was an Action-RPG & simulator game called "Forever Land". The game broke all the other games record in history and lasted for four years as number 1 game.

That is because the fighting system is awesome and perfect, similar like the Dark Souls and Bloodborne games. But what made this game more popular than those two is because there is a simulator system, where you can get a Harem.

Yeah, you heard me right. You can literally get a beautiful Heroine or more, and create a Harem for your MC. And not just that, you can also unlock Multiple Endings, depend on the numbers of Harem that you want to end up with.

Or you can just choose to only have one Heroine in your party, and unlock "The couples Ending" if you are not a fan for Harem. But that will increase the difficulty of the game more.

You see, the rules of the game is that, the more party members (Heroines) in your party are, the easier the journey and the difficulty level. There are total 10 Heroines in the game, and each one of them has their specialties in battle, such as: support, damage dealer, buffer, etc. And some has talents in helping the MC on his adventure and exploration, like: scouting, finding hidden treasure, craft free items and potions, etc.

Ofcourse, there is a down side of having more party members, and that is money. If you have 3 Heroines in your party, for example, then the financial expenses will increase, because you will need to help 3 members + the hero MC in increasing their levels, and this will cost much more money and materials.

You can also just choose to take only one female lead on your journey, and this will only require leveling up two members, the Hero and the Heroine. But this will make the fighting against the monsters, challenging bosses, and conquering dungeon extra hard. The players call this journey, with only one heroine for a Couples Ending route "Hard core mode".

What about if you don't want to have a Heroine, and just want to go solo?

The answer is: Yes You Can.

You can just play the game solo and not choosing any of the 10 Heroines to join your party. Players called this route "Solo Ending" and the difficulty Level is Hell Mode. This mode is the most hardest, painful, and deadliest mode in the history of video games, because one wrong move and you are dead.

Of course, there is the Parrying and the Dodging system like in Dark Souls, but some times it can be useless, and you will need a specific Item to survive a deadly attack (one hit kill). And sometimes you need another specific item in order to get the first specific item, and sometimes the item that you are looking for is in a very high Level area.

That is how hard solo route is. Not many players were able to clear the Solo Ending, and only 12 players videos were able to uploaded on YouTube with clearing the Hell mode. Those videos took more than a 780 hours game play. That is more than one month.

As for me, hehe. I cleared all the game routes and each one of it, from the Harem ending, 2-10 Heroines (about 800 different cutscenes ending with the Hero and the Heroines).

And the Couples Ending (10 cutscenes endings).

And the Solo Ending (1 cutscene ending + 1 extra hidden cutscene).

So yeah, I am the only player who was able to clear the game 100%, with all the endings.

Now, let's move to the topic of how I got reincarnated, or died. I died at the age of 29 on a car accident. How? Well, it was late at night, and I was heading back to my apartment. There were some cars passing by the road and I was waiting for the red light, so that I can cross the road. There was no one else standing but me. I was respectable to the rules and waited patiently. But when the lights turn red and I started to walk across, I saw a truck heading straight towards me, not slowing down. If it was someone else, they may would have stop moving while staring at the truck with a dumbfounded expression, waiting for the truck to hit them and send them to another world (isekai). But I was different. I wasn't just some lazy guy who only plays and streams in his room. I go working out every day you know, and I have a good reflexes. So the moment I saw the truck, my whole body reacted and I jumped to the side, and rolled on the ground to avoid the crash, after all, I don't want to die.

*dodge safely and success*

But then, as I was on the ground and was about to stand up, I saw Another Truck heading towards me. I stared at it with a deadpan face.

"You piece of--"




I swear I am going to curse all the Truck-kun for eternity and Infinity. I made a promise that if I see another transportation Truck in my next life, then I would Erase them from the existence.

Unfortunately or fortunately for them, the world that I got reincarnated wasn't advance as Earth.

When I was reborn, I remembered my past life at the age of two. I had a white hair and a golden eyes. I was living with my grandparents because my real parents died when I was one years old by the monsters rampage.

The name that they gave me was Nero. Coincidentally, it was the same name I used for my avatar in games. At the age of four, I found out that I got reincarnated into an ARPG game world. The same famous game that I played in my previous world, the Forever Land. That is the name of the world when I asked my grandmother. And I was able to confirm it after hearing the Story Tale from my grandfather during bed time story. The story was the same as the game's intro opening.

Before I start Fast Forward in order to catch up with Present Event in the Tower of trial, let me introduce you the History and the Lore game of Forever Land

10,000 years ago in the beginning era of this land, a great calamity appeared from the depth of the Abyss, the End Dragon. Unlike any other monsters that are born in this world from mana, the End Dragon was born in the Abyss, separated from this world. Its coming brought Disaster, Death, Calamity, and Suffering to the people of this world, and about 1/4 of the world's map was taken by the negative energy of the Abyss. But then, six great heroes appeared and faced the Evil Dragon itself. The Dragon was so strong that 3 heroes died by it. But their sacrifices wasn't in vain, and the remaining three were finally able to seal the evil dragon in the north, completely trapping it.

Although they managed to seal and defeat it, but that didn't mean it was the end. One of the surviving heroes, the Fallen Witch, had a prophecy. It tells that after 10,000 later, the seal will break, and the End Dragon will raise again and bring an end to the people of this world. But before that could happen, a new hero will appear, who will receive the title of the Last Hero and will stop the calamity from happening once and for all.

That is the introduction of the story in the game. The protagonist, aka the Last Hero, will go on a journey to get stronger and defeat the evil End Dragon at the end.

And that promising hero is me, Nero. That is the name that I gave to my character in the game. And the same appearance that I used to create my avatar. White hair, yellow eyes that is close to golden and sharp.

After finding out the truth, I quickly started training. Because I didn't have much time to laze down, and needed to get stronger fast.

Pfft, what am I saying. I do have plenty of time. In the Game, the MC's story lore starts at the age of 18. hat is 14 years away. But still, I am not planning on wasting it.

In the game, the MC will unlock his power at the age of 16, and 2 years later, he will be training with his Master who is one of the former heroes. Before that happens, I need to train early and get more experience early, and unlock some useful talents.


12 years passed.

During the 12 years that I spend in my village, alot has happened. I trained hard, did some exercises and work out everyday, helped my grandfather and the village caring heavy stuff, learning how to cook from my uncle who is a chef, learning how to swing a sword (self taught), learning how to use spells and magic from books in the Library (also self taught). Thanks to the game's information from my past life, adding the knowledge that I read and learned from books and the people, I was able to learn how to fight at the age of 10. And I was able to use magic, but only a little, like creating water or a light.

It is also at that age that I started to hunt down monsters in the forest, in secret ofcourse. I even was able to acquire some items and magic items.

Finally, at the age of sixteen of my birthday, my power was finally unlocked. The Hero Blessing.

Surprisingly, I even got a System! Not like those isekai systems were the MC get trolled by the AI system, or can buy through the system's store. It is actually the same gaming system setting in the game, where you can see your character status, store your items and materials in inventory, and upgrade your skills tree and talents.

But what shocked me next is finding out that my status were alot higher than in the game. In the game, you start at level 1, with all your status are at 5 (strength, agility, dexterity, vitality, intelligence).

But my current status were:



Hp: 900 (+16%)

Mp: 90 (+15%)

Sp: 700 (+16%)


STR: 18 (attack, endurance, defense)

AGI: 20 (speed, dodge, reflexes)

DEX: 23 (mastery, technique, exp)

VIT: 16 (health, stamina)

INT: 15 (mana, magic attack)


Exp point:0


Without further thinking, I left the village and said my goodbyes to everyone and my grandparents after I explained to them my reasons for leaving. Both of them understood and agreed that I was old enough to leave.

The first thing I did after leaving the village is hunting down Every last monsters that is near the village, and in the forest. With that, my village will be safe from future threats, that is because in the game, the village will be attacked by a group of monsters, and the MC will use his hero blessings power for the first time to defeat them. Instead of waiting for them, why not just make the first move and killing them all, while harvesting alot of Exp and materials. Hehehe.

After finishing clearing the monsters, I went to the first dungeon in the game, where the player can only enters it after the tutorial (training with the former hero, the Master).

I was able to clear it easily thanks to the game's knowledge that I have, and the battle experience that I had in the past six years. I was also able to get the reward chest of the dungeon. After that, I went to the small mountain in the east. That's the place where the tutorial would begin.

On my way there I met the master, Oz. The great sage wizard, and one of the heroes who fought the End Dragon and sealed it. He was a very old man, just like Gandalf.

"I was waiting for you, the chosen Hero"

".... Who are you?" I asked, acting ignorant.

"I am Oz, the great Sage of the beginning. I am-bla bla bla...."

Huh, I wish there was a skip button. I have listened to his monologues more than a hundred times in game. Let me skip for you guys. He tells me that I was destined to save the world, fight the evil dragon, and he mentioned the old story when the heroes fought the dragon, and what happened after the dragon was sealed, bla bla. Basically, he is talking about what I have already Explained to you guys in my first explanation. So there was no need to hear his 'Wise Old Man' monologue.

"Come with me, and I will train you to become stronger. Stronger enough to face-"

"Okay alright let's go." I quickly cut him off and went straight into the cave inside the mountain to start the tutorial.

".....?" (Old man looked dumbfounded because MC went straight for training.)