Asking the Middle Boss to Join My Party [P11]

(Note: This chapter was edited using ChatGPT. if you want to read the original chapter, go to the [Male lead] version.)



I observed the cult leader, bleeding on the floor with a pale face. He proved weaker than what I anticipated, despite I haven't used the Infinity gem. His final words, uttered with fear and despair,


His body dissolved into ashes, mirroring the fate of his comrades. Soon after, Nero emerged from the secret pathway.

"I see you've already finished," he remarked, approaching me and patting my head. "You did great," he added with a smile.

A blush crept onto my cheeks as I enjoyed his touch. Since encountering Deya, Nero had begun treating me with increased care, occasionally spoiling me like a child. Initially, I dislike such treatment, but over time, I found myself enjoying it.

Shortly thereafter, the knight woman and her entourage arrived. They were puzzled to find no cult members, only scattered robes. Nero's explanation sufficed to convince them of the truth.

After resolving the End cult incident, Nero and I, accompanied by the Saintess and the princess, received an invitation to the castle. The king sought to reward us for our role in dismantling the cult. Many nobles and dignitaries attended the event, their gazes fixed upon Nero and me. However, it was the lustful stares from certain women that were looking at Nero that irked me the most.

Suppressing the urge to summon my scythe and unleash it upon them, I received Nero's counsel to ignore them.

Following the king's reward ceremony, cheers erupted with the arrival of the Last Hero, fulfilling the prophecy. The king, smiling warmly, offered the hero any reward he desired.

Despite the king's generosity, Nero declined, his focus solely on defeating the End dragon. When the king suggested offering one of his daughters, Martha, my heart shook as my thoughts darkened to blow up the entire castle using the gem.

Nero respectfully declined, citing her duty as the holy knight captain. Though Martha appeared saddened, I found solace in the avoidance of destructive thoughts.


(3rd POV)

In the castle's grand chambers, following the ceremony, King Lancelot extended a gracious invitation to Nero and Eilania. The monarch wished to host a lavish banquet in their honor that very night.

Initially inclined to decline, Nero reconsidered upon stealing a glance at Eilania, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As twilight draped the castle grounds, Nero found himself in his chamber, meticulously attired in a white suit complemented by a dark shirt and a pristine white tie. His thoughts, however, were consumed by the image of Eilania's radiant beauty.

The soft resonance of heels against marble corridors heralded Eilania's arrival, her allure captivating Nero's gaze. Clad in an elegant black ensemble with a French braid adorning her alabaster shoulder, she exuded an enchanting allure.

"...You look... so beautiful," Nero stammered, his cheeks flushed with admiration.

"T-thank you," Eilania murmured, her own cheeks tinged with a delicate blush.

Internally, Nero lamented his inability to capture her beauty in a moment frozen in time.

He wishes that there were a camera in this world, so that he can take many pictures of her at the moment. Nevertheless, he extended his hand, and with a smile, she accepted, their union a beacon of elegance as they made their entrance into the banquet hall.

The contrast of black and white bestowed upon them an aura of unparalleled sophistication, drawing admiring gazes from the assembled guests. Male nobles attempted to engage Eilania in conversation, only to be met with her icy stare, while those daring to approach Nero, who were most of them were ladies, were swiftly deterred by her menacing glare.

As the music commenced, Nero extended his hand to Eilania, inviting her to dance. With a bashful smile, she accepted, and they took to the floor, their movements a mesmerizing display of grace.

Observing her natural aptitude despite her purported lack of experience, Nero's admiration swelled. Perhaps it was her artificial genius or simply her innate allure, but in that moment, he found himself enraptured by her every step.

Their dance, a symphony of elegance, concluded amidst thunderous applause, acknowledging their seamless harmony.

The following day, bidding farewell to the castle, Nero and Eilania were met by the Heroines, Martha and Rebecca, offering prayers for their safe journey. Despite Rebecca's offer of assistance, Nero maintained his customary refusal, his gaze unwavering as they embarked on their next adventure.



[Rebecca Liking Rate: 57%]

After rejecting Rebecca's request to join my party and observing her composed demeanor, I shifted my attention to Martha, who blushed and cast her gaze downward.

[Liking Rate: 61%]

Honestly, I no longer concern myself with the Heroine's liking rates. Whether they reach 60, 70, or even surpass 80%, it matters little to me. As long as they refrain from taking an interest in Eilania, akin to what occurred with Deya.

"I... c-can I... join you on your journey? I believe I can aid you in defeating the End dragon... you know," she stuttered, brushing her hair behind her ear as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

In response, I offered a smile. "Sorry, but I don't require any additional members in my party. Besides, you have your own people to protect, correct?"

Her eyes conveyed sadness as I turned her down. However, her expression soon shifted to one of acceptance.

"You're right. I can't abandon my people."

With that settled, we departed, returning to the inn. There remained one more legendary artifact to acquire and another Heroine to encounter before departing the kingdom.

"Eilan, have you found her?"

"I have."

The eighth Heroine, Ariel, is an Elf and proficient long-range archer. She shares our adventurous spirit but also holds the title of royal princess of the Elf forest.

In the game's lore, the Hero encounters her while battling mobs attempting to abduct women and children for the slave trade. Ariel discloses her role as a spy from the Elf forest, embarked on a clandestine mission to rescue her kin and the (fake) princess from auction. Following their collaboration in liberating her people and apprehending the culprits, the Hero then obtains the legendary artifact [Ring].

Additionally, the opportunity arises to invite Ariel to join the party. Upon her inclusion, a hidden quest unlocks, triggered when her Liking Rate reaches 80%. This quest revolves around "saving her forest kingdom and her people."

I harbor no intention of inviting her to join our party or pursuing her hidden quest. The rewards pale in comparison to those of the main quest, and besides, the Elf forest lies too distant, and I don't have time for that.

Once Eilania pinpointed Ariel's location, we surveilled her movements from afar, awaiting the opportune moment.

Under the cover of night, amidst a city alley, Ariel was engaging against eight kidnappers, utilizing her bow and magic, while protecting a young girl who was frightened in the corner.

I exchanged a nod with Eilania, signaling the commencement of our plan.


(3rd POV)

As Ariel subdued three kidnappers, the remaining five retaliated with magic, only to be intercepted by two shadowy figures descending from the sky.


Coughing amid the settling dust, Ariel discerned the incapacitated kidnappers and two imposing figures looming above them: Nero and Eilania, the latter resembling an elf.

Nero approached the trembling young girl, applying his healing magic, while Ariel, her initial mistrust dissipated by their intervention, prepared to release a warning shot, halted by Eilania's dark chain.

"Relax, we're not your foes," Nero reassured as he administered a sleeping spell to the young girl.

Joining Eilania's side, they fixed their gaze upon the fair-haired elf. Ariel trembled in fear, discerning their formidable strength. Nero's eyes glinted with amusement as he addressed her.

"So... shall we converse, Princess?"

Ariel's eyes widened in astonishment.


After disposing of the kidnappers' bodies and escorting the young girl home, Nero, Eilania, and Ariel adjourned to a nearby bar.

"How did you discern my identity as a princess?" Ariel queried Nero, her skepticism evident as he maintained his affable smile.

"... the spirits informed me," Nero replied with a smile, though Ariel perceived his falsehood.

Nero proceeded to elucidate their purpose: investigating the eviL organization's auction and thwarting their illicit activities. He divulged intelligence regarding the kidnappings and the involvement of Elves, piquing Ariel's interest.

Upon witnessing Eilania's hostility, Nero attempted to placate her.

He extended an offer of collaboration, citing their shared objective. Initially hesitant, Ariel eventually acquiesced to join forces.

"Do you possess a means of locating their hideout?" Ariel inquired.

"Why, yes, indeed," Nero replied with a mischievous grin.

Somewhere within an abandoned building, Nero, Eilania, and Ariel confronted an unconscious man bound to a chair.

"Agh!... W-where... am I... HAH!?" the man exclaimed upon awakening to the sight of Nero and his companions.

"Hello~ We'd like to pose a few questions, if you don't mind," Nero, sporting a menacing grin, said, brandishing a vial of purple potion. The same one he used on the bold general.

(One. Hour. Later.)

Having gleaned the necessary information, Nero turned to the girls.

"Let's go."

Meanwhile, Ariel glanced back at the three incapacitated kidnappers, retching on the ground, her remorse burgeoning.


Beneath the city lies a concealed passageway leading to the underground black market. In its heart stands a grand auction house peddling illicit items, cursed artifacts, drugs, and slaves of various races.

Mr. Tooth Face, proprietor of the auction house and underworld kingpin, beamed as he addressed the attendees.

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I present a special offering that you all have been waiting for—the most exotic of species from Never Land!"

With a flourish, the red curtains parted, unveiling twenty female Elves shackled to the floor. The crowd erupted with excitement, eagerly vying for ownership.

Mr. Tooth Face, sporting a wide grin despite a missing front tooth, observed the fervent bidding. However, before reaching the ten-million mark, the main entrance burst open, revealing a figure clad in a dark suit with snowy white hair. Confusion rippled through the audience as he uttered his next words.

"One billion for each of them!" Nero's declaration stunned the auction attendees, including Mr. Tooth Face.

Nero strode toward the stage, bearing a massive sack brimming with coins. Mr. Tooth Face hastened toward him, jubilant at the sight of the substantial payment. Observing the bulging bag, he inquired,

"May I inquire your name, sir?"

Nero grinned, raising his left hand in a dramatic gesture reminiscent of Jojo.

"I am... BATMAN!"


Explosions reverberated throughout the auction house as the building trembled.



Perched atop a nearby building, I swiftly activated the spell traps hidden within the auction using shadow magic, triggering chaos within.


The cacophony of screams filled the air as people fled in panic. Rising from my concealed vantage point, I summoned my scythe.

"Let's go," I declared, leaving behind the blonde elf, still transfixed by the unfolding destruction.

"Wait up!"

As we penetrated the auction house, maneuvering past the fleeing masses, I witnessed Nero engaged in combat with fifty burly men clad in black suits, the auction's proprietor lurking behind them.

"KILL HIM!" the man bellowed, pointing furiously at Nero.

Yet Nero held his ground, his superior level granting him an advantage.

"Go help your people," I instructed Ariel before hastening to the stage to join Nero.

"Joining the party?" Nero quipped with a smile as I positioned myself beside him.

"Obviously. I can't let you have all the fun," I retorted with a grin.

"Kill that white-haired kid... And also, capture that woman!" the auction's boss ordered, looking at me with a lustful eyes, while licking his lips.

My eyes frown in disgust, but my attention swiftly shifted to Nero, his gaze chillingly intense. In a flash, he vanished from sight, reappearing before the boss with clenched fists.



With a powerful blow, Nero struck the boss, shattering all his teeth and launching him from the stage.

"Try looking at My Partner again with those eyes, and I will blow both of them," Nero threatened in a menacing tone.

I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment at his fierce protectiveness.

'He looks so cool when he's angry.'


(A/N: tell me your thoughts on this chapter's writing style. if you like this style "Light novel" or the original style "beginner")