Asking the Middle Boss to Join My Party [P13]

(3rd POV)

It had been three weeks since Nero and Eilania departed from the Terona Kingdom, and right now, they find themselves in the fifth area of the world map of Forever Land, deep within the forest.





The forest echoed with the sounds of roars, screams, and explosions. The cause was the two high-level adventurers, Nero and Eilania, who were slicing through the monsters with ease.

"Eilan! Watch out to your right!"



"I've got it!" Eilania, a female like-elf with long black hair, smiled as she skillfully swung her scythe.

Beside her, Nero, with his white hair and golden eyes, chuckled as he watched his girlfriend dispatching monsters with a grin.

Ever since Nero confessed his feelings to Eilania and successfully increased her liking rate above 90%, their journey had transformed from a deadly epic quest, to a heartwarming and enjoyable adventure.

"Nero, it's all clear now!" Eilania announced with a smile, surrounded by a pile of monster corpses, her face splattered with their blood, unbeknownst to her.

Chuckling, Nero approached her and retrieved a handkerchief from his inventory, gently wiping the bloodstains from her cheek.

"You really need to be more careful when swinging your scythe, otherwise, you'll end up with even more blood on your face."

As he wiped her face, Nero's hand inadvertently brushed against her cheek, eliciting a smile from Eilania as she leaned into his touch.

"But if I do that, then I wouldn't get to enjoy the feeling of your touch," she teased, her cheeks flushing slightly, causing Nero's face to blush in red.

'She's so cuuuuuute~!' Nero thought to himself, as he was having another heart attack.


As the two couples walked north, they reached the Gonwen city, which was the next part of the main story quest.

The city was large and had large fortress wall around it, but the condition there was bad, because of the miasma pollution, and monsters that keeps attacking the fortress wall every night.

Nero and Eilania were able to help the people there through quests and same side missions, like cleansing the pollution, killing miasma monsters, protecting the fortress, and so on.

But those were all just the outside problems (normal side quests). The main story quest, which was the real main problem was inside the city.

The main story quest was about the evil lord of the city, who likes to kidnap women and children for some dark reasons, and taking them to his huge mansion. He even raised the taxes on the citizen, stealing more money from the people.

While the two were investigating the kidnapping incidents, they were attacked by a female assassin who wears a black tight suit and covers her mouths with a mask. Unfortunately for her, she was quickly subdued by Eilania in a second.



I looked at the female assassin who was now tide up on a chair with Eilania's dark chains. After we removed her mask, it revealed her identity as a dark elf with a beautiful face and a white platinum hair, tied in a ponytail.

This woman was actually the 9th Heroine, also goes by the name Night Reaper, but her real name is Nayla.

(Explanation Time)

In the game, she was hired by the Evil city lord to assassinate the Hero's party who were trying to investigate about the disappearance.

She will then start fighting the Hero's party as a minnie boss alone and loses, but in the end, she was able to escape. The next day after, one of the Hero's companion will get captured by the evil lord's soldiers, and the Hero will be forced to go to the mansion and confront him. And on the way there, they will meet Nayla again, but this time she decided to help the Hero in rescuing his Heroine, and in return, they help her save the people of the city from the City lord.

Btw, if you were playing her story quest in Solo mode (Only Hero, No Heroines) then the next day after you fight Nayla, you will end up getting captured instead, and be locked up inside a dungeon that's under the mansion. At that time, Nayla will come to visit the Hero and make a deal with him to save the people for his freedom.

After that, they storm inside the mansion with Nayla's help, defeating some mobs, rescue those who were kidnapped, and then defeat the Boss.

(Explanation End)

That is basically the full story of the quest... or should I say, that's what supposed to happen. Instead, what really happened is that the moment the Heroine appeared and tried sneak attack on me, Eilan who was next to me, instantly detected her and chained her.

I looked at Nayla who was shaking in fear. Her face was sweating pale as she looked down on the floor.

I then looked at Eilan who was the cause of this. She was staring at Nayla with a full murderous intent. I then placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Eilan, you need to stop. She might faint from your pressure."

"But she, Tried to hurt You" she answered with a cold tone.

I sighed, then leaned closer to her as I gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

"!!!" Instantly, the murderous aura around her disappeared.

Eilan's face blushed as she lowered her head in embarrassed. Small steam was corming out from her head.

"You're okay now?" I asked, and she nodded. Not wanting to look at me.

This was something I found out during our trip as couples, when I was flirting with her. Every time she feels emotional, whether it was anger, sadness, or rage, I would give her a warm hug, a pat on the head, or a small kiss on the cheek.

Unfortunately, no kiss on the lips yet....

(A/N: Because he still feels not ready, the guy is acting like those anime characters who are couples, but feel very shy and embarrassed when they want to do something Exciting).

After calming her down, I looked back at Nayla and casted a healing magic to heal her fatigue.

"So, would you like to have a friendly talk with us, Miss Nayla?" I smiled at the assassin, as her eyes widened in suprise.


After a two hours of waiting and talking, we finally agree to help each other, and taking down the city lord, just like in the game. The only differences is that, I can get half of the city's treasures that was kept hidden secretly inside the mansion.

"It's a deal." Nayla nodded her head.

I told Eilan to release her from her chains, and then I shook hands with her.

"Then, let us all work together in saving the people" I said with a wide smile.

Unbeknown to me, Eilan's face was darkened as she saw my hand was locked with Nayla's.


(3rd POV)

Three hours later, inside the lord's mansion. Nayla's arrived there with Eilania, who was tied by ropes, and was unconscious. She took Eilania to the evil lord's room.

When he heard the news from Nayla that she wasn't able to kill the Hero, but was able to capture his companion, the fat Lord was very happy.

He looked at the unconscious Eilania with a lustful eyes, and told Nayla to put her with the rest of the hostages in the in the dungeon.

As they reach the dungeon, Eilania quickly woke up and tiered off the ropes. A moment ago, when she felt the lord's gaze on her body, she was trying very hard to suppress her urge to kill him on the spot. But she remembered Nero's words to focus on rescuing the hostages first.

"So, where are they?" Eilania asked.

"T-this way. Just follow me" Nayla answered with some fear. Still a little traumatize by Eilania.

They stealthily walked through the dungeon, taking down some guards, until the reached the room were they keep the hostages.

After freeing the woman and children, Eilania sent a magic signal to Nero, informing him that the first part of the plan was cleared.


Nero was walking casually towards the mansion gate, with his sword on his hand. The guards who were guarding the gate pulled all their weapons and pointed at him to stop.

"You there! Stop where you are and drop the weapon! I will not repe-!".


Unfortunately for them, Nero blasted them away with the gate, using one of his wide AOE attacks. He then quickly rushed to the mansion while fighting through multiple soldiers who were trying to stop him.

"Stop- GUAH!" (Got blast by explosion magic).

"Kill Him! ARGH!!" (Got slashed by nova magic).

"It's Just A One Guy-!" (Got cut by the sword).

"M-Monster!!!!grah!" (Got punch away in the stomach).

"You piece of ¥@%$! I'm Going To Kill Y-!!!" (Got kicked between the legs).

Meanwhile, inside the mansion. A butler was running to the Lord's office.

"Sir, the Hero has broken inside the mansion!" The butler said in a panic.

"Tsk! And what are you waiting for!? Order all soldiers to stop him!" The city lord shouted in rage.

Just then, a guard soldier came in from behind with a panic expression.

"S-sir, the dungeon has been breached! Someone have released all the prisoners!" He began explaining the situation in the dungeon was bad, and many soldiers dead there. He even added that Nayla has betrayed them.

"That Bi^#! How dare she betray me!" The lord was more furious.

Just then, they all heard the sound of big explosion from below. In fear, the city lord quickly left the office and headed to his secret tunnel with the butler. He even ordered the soldier to keep the Hero busy and install time for him to escape.


Inside the mansion. Nero was slashing off his way through all the guards as he was heading to the third floor. And on his way, he came across Eilania and Nayla, with hundreds of woman and children behind them.

"Nero!" Eilania quickly jump to his arm and hugged him, feeling happy after they were separated for just four hours. Nero couldn't help but chuckle and patted her head.

"Go help Nayla in getting the hostages out of her" Nero order, and she nodded obediently. While the two girls left with the hostages, Nero continued climbing to the third floor until he reached the Lord's office. But the room was completely empty.

"Heh~ he actually left the office" Nero smirked happily. Because from what he remembers from the game, the Hero will first confront the evil Lord in his office and then fights his minions, before he runs away throw a secret tunnel, which will lead to the final stage of the boss fight. Nero was happy that the evil lord skipped all the stages for the fight, because he doesn't like to waste his time fighting some weak minions.

After he found the secret tunnel easily, he passed through it and reached the hidden hall room where the evil lord was.


In the secret tunnel, the Evil fat lord, along with his butler and personal knight reached the end of it, arriving at a hall room with a wide magic circle on the ground. The Evil lord was planning to escape using the Teleportation magic circle that he kept for emergency. He felt happy as he was about to escape, but then, he heard someone calling from behind.

"Leaving so soon?"

The lord and his servants quickly turned to the dark tunnel that they came through, and saw a dark figure coming out of it with glowing yellow eyes, like a demon predator.

Nero appears out of the tunnel with a wide grin as he unsheathed his sword.

"H-How did you find this place?!" The evil lord shouted in a panic.

"Hm? Why should I tell you?" Nero made a mischievous grin as he walks towards them.

The Boss quickly ordered his knight to take him down and buy him some times, but Nero just blast the knight away with his magic, knocking him down. Getting more panicked, the fat lord pushed his butler, telling him to fight the Hero. But the butler was sweating in fear as he can't fight.

'I am a butler, not a guard!' He shouted in his thoughts. Regretting to still serve this greedy fat lord.

Nero then used a dark magic on the butler, making him fell asleep. Seeing this, the Lord felt more scared and turn to run towards the magic circle. But Nero swung his sword, destroying it with his slash. The Boss fell down on his butt, shaking in plae as Nero pointed his sword in front of his face.

"P-please! I will give you anything! Money, power, anything you want! Just let me live, please!" The Lord cried as he kneels on the ground.

Nero smile widened as he looked at the pleading Lord, crying for his life.

"Anything~?" Nero face was now like a smiling devil.


Hours later.

Eilania and Nayla went back to the mansion to find Nero. But when they reached the lord's office, they saw Nero reading some paper documents, and on the floor was the Evil lord himself, tied in robs with multiple bruises on his face. The lord's figure look miserable as he was laying on the floor crying in pain. Nayla, who was planning to torture the lord for he did to the people felt a little bad for him. The two then went to join Nero at the desk, and Nero gave Nayla all the documents and secrets letter that can be used as a evidence for all the bad things the lord did in this city. He informed her that he have already send a magic message to the Terona kingdom, and the holy knights will be coming here in 3 weeks. So all she needed to do is just wait for them to arrive and give the evidence to them.

Nayla then bowed her head and thanked the Hero for saving the people of the city.

"So, what are we going to do with him" Eilania asked as she pointed at the poor miserable lord.

Nayla said that he should be put in the dungeon prison, but Hero interrupted her, saying he has a better idea.

"Since he did many bad things to the people of this city, I think it's much better to give him to them" Nero said with a mischievous grin as he was thinking on the idea.

Nayla felt a bad feeling on what Nero meant by that, while Eilania had a sparkling eyes, excited to know what kind of torture Nero would give to this fat lord.


20 days later, the holy knights from the Terona kingdom have arrived to the Gonwen city with hundreds knights. Lead by Martha herself, with two more extra Heroine, Ariel the elf princess, and Deya the beast woman adventure. When Rebecca received the magic message from the Hero, she informed her best friend Martha, and she quickly dispatched her knights to the Gonwen city. As to why Ariel and Deya joined her, it's because the knight needed someone to guide them on their way through the forest (the fifth area), so the submitted a commission to the adventure guide. coincidentally, the ones who accept it was the two Rejected Heroines. During their journey, the three Heroines became close friends after listening to each others story about the Hero and his partner.

After they all entered the Gonwen city, they were greeted by the city guards, and one of them lead the 3 Heroine to their new leader. As they reached an office building by the guards, they were disappointed to see that the leader was actually a dark elf, not the Hero's party.

The four Heroine sat down together around a table, and Nayla gave Martha all the evidence and explained the event that happened 20 days ago, and Nero's involvement.

"Is Nero still here?" Martha asked with some hope. But Nayla shook her head.

"What about Miss Eilania?" Deya asked, as she missed her new best friend.

"Sorry, but they both left the city 10 days ago." Nayla said with a sad tone.

The three Heroines felt disappointed that they didn't get to meet the Hero and Eilania again, even Nayla felt sad that she wasn't able to join the Hero's party and got rejected.

(A/C: LOL~)

Nayla felt annoyed that the Hero always gives her a stoic face, but to Eilania, his expression changes a full 360 degree. What she meant was, she was as beautiful as Eilania. Even her looks and body figure CAN reveal Eilania beauty. Nayla remembers all the gaze of those lustful ugly men and the lord when they looked at her. She even tried to get close to the Hero, but she deleted that idea from her thoughts after remember the cold killing stare from Eilania.

One thing Nero forgot to mention to his viewers, is that Nayla's character was the No.1 best Heroine among them. The players have ranked her as the most beautiful Heroine. Right after Eilania of course. But because Nero already have Eilania by his side as a girlfriend, he forgot to mention this information. Or rather, he doesn't care to explain about the Heroine's story anymore now.

Martha then asked Nayla about the Evil lord, so she can arrest him and take him back to her kingdom for trial. Nayla, who heard her widened her eyes as she remembered the lord.

"O, yes.... that.... the lord...." Nayla had a trouble expression as she turned her gaze to the side, feeling hesitated to tell them.

The three Heroines looked at Nayla with a confused look.

"Hm?... is there a problem?" Martha asked.


Minutes later, Nayla took the tree Heroines to where the lord is. She didn't explain much to them, just told them to follow her.

As the four Heroine arrived at the center square of the city. Marth, Deya, and Aerial had a shocked expression as they all looked in front of them in disbelief. In the middle of the square, there was a large pillar standing. And on the pillar, there was a body of a fat man chained to it, half naked. The person was non other than the Evil lord himself, with multiple cuts, bruises on his body. Below him, there was a thousands of small rocks, and a wooden sign that says:

"Free hit to the Evil lord."

"Note: make sure to not use a big stone, so he doesn't die quickly" 😋

The three Heroines looked at the sign in disbelief. Just who would create such a humiliating torture idea like this?

"It was the Hero's idea" Nayla answered as she can tell what they where thinking.

"He told me that the best way to make him pay for what he did to the people, is by making the people get a chance to make him suffer for his sin."

Nayla then explained that in the first day, many people gathered around and were happy to throw rocks on him every day. They even need to heal the lord's wounds after every round, to make sure he doesn't die. That way, the people can keep torturing him without worrying he would die.

Just then, the three Heroines saw a robe mage  comes near the pillar and casting a healing magic on the the lord. After the lord's wounds are heal, the robe mage left after completing his job. Not long after, a little boy came to the square and shouted.

"The Lord Is Healed! The Lord Is Healed!"

Then more kids came running to the square and began picking the small rocks around, throwing them at the miserable lord who finally woke up from his sleep.

"Ao!...s-stop!... e-enough! Please~" the lord cried in pain again.

The three Heroines looked at the disturbing scene with a pale face.


Meanwhile. Somewhere in the fifth area.

Nero was busy slaying monsters with his new weapon. The ninth legendary artifact Claymore. A large sword that can deal 300% extra Damage and crit. It also has the a skill to ignore defense.

Nero rested the Claymore on his shoulder as he look back at the scene he created. All the trees, 100 meters around him is gone, with hundreds of monsters corpses around.

Nero was impressed by the power of the artifact. Behind him, Eilania was clapping her hands with as she walked towards him.

Eilania then took out a piece of cloth and began wiping the monster's bloodstains on his body.

"You complain about me getting dirty. Now look who got more dirty than me" She said with annoying tone, but her face was smiling.

Nero chuckled as he watched her cleaning his hands that was covered in blood. He knew that she can just use her magic to quickly clean him, but he can tell she wanted to do it herself, just like what he did to her.

'Is she uno reversing me now?' Nero thought how cute his girlfriend was acting.

"Then... would you like to get dirty with me" he leaned forward and whispered to her ears, making her face blush red as she hit his face with the cloth, and began wiping the bloodstains on his face.

"S-shut up!" Eilania said with a cute Tsundere face as she covers his eyes with the cloth, while cleaning him.
