The World's Master

The improvement in physique, aside from this illusion, is indeed a genuine enhancement of the body.

When his physique reached the Initial Exteriorization stage, he felt that every cell in his body contained tremendous energy.

This was a feeling he had never experienced before.

Moreover, he felt that with ease, he could shake the surface of space and penetrate into the depths.

He could even traverse deep space solely with his physical body and vital energy.

In short, he was incredibly powerful!

As for the speed at which he could wield his sword at this level? Su Yang wasn't quite sure and was currently experimenting.

In just about ten minutes, when he got accustomed to the immense strength his body had gained and reached a steady sword-wielding speed, he could calculate this data.

With his current speed... he could wield fifty thousand swords in an hour.

From the data, it seemed like an increase of only twenty thousand swords.