
Daxia immortal sect

"Brother Hu, did the Sect Master come up with something new again? Have you seen it?"

"Calm down, calm down. Is it your first day in the sect?" Zhang Hu dismissed it with disdain. Really, couldn't they be as composed as he was?

Shocked to the point of becoming accustomed, shocked to the point of feeling natural, shocked to the point of considering it inevitable?

Huh... he wasn't numb from shock.

"Brother Hu, the Sect Master's methods are too extraordinary."

"Don't worry about it. What we need is to focus on improving our strength. No matter how extraordinary these two functions are, it's all in vain without sect contributions. How many sect contributions do you have?"

"Twelve points..."

In the Tianxia Immortal Sect, their conversation didn't carry the ethereal air of cultivators, no terms like "daoist friends," "senior brothers," or "junior brothers" were used.