Forging the Spirit Sword (2)

Fortunately, the world's origin has accumulated enough by now.

"Heavenly path, use the origin to forge ten top-grade spirit mines in the Yuan Ying stage."


With a thought, heavenly path selected ten of the highest-quality spirit mines in the world and began infusing them with the origin to enhance their quality.

After approximately an hour, ten top-grade spirit mines in the Yuan Ying stage appeared before Su Yang.

These spirit mines emitted rich spiritual energy fluctuations with various attributes.

Some were fire attributes, some were thunder attributes, some were wind attributes...

The only commonality was their quality—Yuan Ying top-grade!

Su Yang took the ten pieces of Yuan Ying top-grade spirit mines and instructed the panel to begin crafting.

As Su Yang's thoughts flowed, changes started to occur in the void before him.

The ten spirit mines converged.