Four-Dimensional Power, Indestructible Sword Intent! (2)

He could vaguely feel it, but only by relying on the Four-Dimensional Sword Intention could he faintly sense it, yet he couldn't reach, couldn't probe, and certainly couldn't enter...

"The sword intention at the four-dimensional level... Can't I elevate it by wielding my sword?"

Suyang attempted to communicate with the panel, trying to understand the situation.

Suyang also received a response from the panel.

His current normal sword intention level was not sufficient; it hadn't reached its pinnacle, making it impossible for him to access the four-dimensional power. Currently, he was only using special means to make premature contact with higher-level forces.

These so-called special means were the Four-Dimensional Will of All Beings.

In other words, his sword intention level had not yet reached the limit of this dimension. Once he reached the limit of this level, he could leap to the next dimension.