Half-Saint (2)

"Then this matter is settled."

"Next, we'll think of a way to nurture more Saints. Perhaps some of us can step into a higher realm."

"Before the battle situation is reversed, everyone should not fight among yourselves."

"Kindness, I'll pass down the order."

After confirming and settling the matter, the thirteen Sacred Sovereigns took out a wisp of special aura.

If Su Yang was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this was the Immortal Qi.

Just 13 wisps of Immortal Qi and the consciousness of the universe descended here.

The thirteen Sacred Sovereigns released their immortal energy and handed it to the universe's consciousness. At the same time, they also brought their demands over.

The universe consciousness followed this iron law even more. After getting the thirteen wisps of immortal energy, it immediately took action.

[Adding rules…]