Other Universe Cultivators (2)

At this realm, they could no longer advance.

Or rather, the 97th battle area did not have the resources to allow them to advance further.

They could only stay where they were and watch as the other cultivators 'strength continued to increase.

This feeling was painful.

However, they didn't have a better idea.

He could only endure the pain and wait for the next stage to arrive.


Time flew by, and before he knew it, eight months had passed.

During these eight months, Su Yang had been collecting resources in the chaos.

During this period of time, it was very peaceful. Except for the Ominous Beasts of Chaos, he did not encounter any other unexpected situations.

It seemed that the entire Chaos was very monotonous.

Or perhaps he had not been in the chaos for long enough, so nothing had happened.

Perhaps it was because of the second point.