Selling Purple Cloud Spirit Liquid, Great Circle Primal Chaos Realm!

Currently, the Purple Cloud Tree he planted could provide him with 10,000 drops of Purple Cloud Spiritual Liquid in a day.

This was equivalent to providing him with 100 million trillions of golden living beings 'will every day.

This was not a small amount.

In ten days, he would be able to raise his realm to the Perfect Chaotic Realm.

It might even help him break through to Sempiternal realm.

After sorting out his thoughts, Su Yang was very glad that he had chosen the path of a spiritual plant master.

If he were to continue hunting, he would not have to worry about his safety.

He couldn't kill so many Type 3 monsters.

It was equivalent to 100,000 phase 3 genetic monsters.

With his strength, it was impossible to do it in a few years.

But now, with the help of the Purple Cloud Spirit Liquid produced by the Purple Cloud Tree, he did not need to kill monsters himself at all.