Ten Years, 1,300 Blue-Patterned Fruit Trees!

There was only a month left before the opening of the Dragon Blood Secret Realm. In the next month, Su Yang needed to go all out to create three kinds of tree spirits.

He would need ten days to make each type, and he would make as many as he could.

Under normal circumstances, he could probably create 1,500 of each type of tree spirit, making a total of 4,500. This number was also enough for him to enter the Tier 5 Mystic Realm alone and occupy the Dragon Blood Fruit Tree.

Of course, this was under the condition that there were no accidents. As for whether it would work and whether there would be any accidents, everything still depended on the scene at that time. After all, the scene at that time could determine these situations.

After making preparations, Su Yang also abandoned all distracting thoughts and concentrated on creating three kinds of tree spirits.

A month was not long. At least for Su Yang, it was only a blink of an eye.